WAIS For Microsoft Windows

WAIS for Microsoft Windows was developed by Jim Fullton (UNC) and 
Tim Gauslin (USGS).  Jim did the port of the WAIS protocol to Windows.
Tim created the WAIS DLL and the Visual Basic Interface.

WAIS for Windows uses Visual Basic as its visual interface.  You
can develop your own custom client using Visual Basic, without
having to know the first thing about C.  Visual Basic is cheap and
*highly* recommended.

WAIS for Windows requires LAN Workplace for DOS, from Novell.  If
you would like it to work with some other interface, tell me how
to get that particular communications package.  I don't have a budget
for this, so it needs to be free.

Please send suggestions and bug reports to Jim Fullton.


Get the file winwais.zip from ftp.oit.unc.edu.  It is located in
pub/wais/UNC/Windows.  Log on as anonymous and use anything as the

On your PC, create a directory called WAIS.  Put the .zip file in it and
unzip it with PKUNZIP.  Copy both DLL's (vbrun100.dll and wais.dll) to your 
windows\system directory. NOTE:  vbrun100.dll is provided with Visual Basic.
The Microsoft License Agreement allows it to be freely distributed with
Visual Basic applications.  If Visual Basic is already installed on your
system, you do not need vbrun100.dll.

Get into Windows 3.0.  Execute the WAIS.exe program.  Press the
Add Source button.  You will see the directory-of-servers server
entry.  You are now in business.

For more information, send e-mail to Jim Fullton (fullton@samba.oit.unc.edu).

	Jim Fullton
	UNC Office of Information Technology
	Computing Systems Development Group