From: Erik Niese-Petersen <>
Subject: Re: [Circle] who2html

On Mon, 5 Aug 1996, Cyber Reaper wrote:
> before I make it has anyone made an snippet to port who to a HTML file so
> that people at your web page can see who is on at the moment. if not could I
> get a few pointers. first where would I put it so that it is updated say...
> once every 30 seconds, second, what command is used to write to an ansii
> file? I know the command to read, but not write. thank you.

Here is a fast example.. Not sorted. Show mortals and all immortal
who are not invis..
[NOT tested! So typos and other bugs.. Blame me.. :) But it give you an idea]
Ok.  I made two minor corrections to Erik's code, and tested it under 30bpl11.  
Works like a champ.  I put all this in comm.c, since it seemed easiest.  
Add the following lines where shown, then place the main code (Erik's + changes) 
at the very bottom.  As applied, it will update every 30 seconds.  
void check_idle_passwords(void);
void heartbeat(int pulse);
void make_who2html(void);                         <-- Add

<... skip down a ways ...>

    if (descriptor_list == NULL) {
      log("No connections.  Going to sleep.");
      make_who2html();                               <-- Add

<... skip down a ways...>

  if (!(pulse % PULSE_VIOLENCE))

  if (!(pulse % (30 * PASSES_PER_SEC)))        <-- Add
    make_who2html();                                  <-- Add

<...Now, add this to the end/bottom...>

void make_who2html(void) {
   extern struct descriptor_data *descriptor_list;
   extern char *class_abbrevs[];
   FILE *opf;
   struct descriptor_data *d;
   struct char_data *ch;

   if ((opf = fopen("~/public-html/mud.tmp", "w")) == 0)
     return; /* or log it ? *shrug* */

   fprintf(opf, "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Who is on the Mud?</TITLE></HEAD>\n");
   fprintf(opf, "<BODY><H1>Who is playing right now?</H1><HR>\n");

   for(d = descriptor_list; d; d = d->next)
            ch = d->original;
         else if (!(ch = d->character))
         if(GET_LEVEL(ch) < LVL_IMMORT || (GET_LEVEL(ch)>=LVL_IMMORT &&
             sprintf(buf, "[%2d %s] %s %s\n <BR>", GET_LEVEL(ch), CLASS_ABBR(ch),
                     GET_NAME(ch), GET_TITLE(ch));
             fprintf(opf, buf);
       fprintf(opf,"Apparently, nobody is logged on at the moment...");

   fprintf(opf, "<HR></BODY></HTML>\n");
   system("mv ~/public-html/mud.tmp ~/public-html/mud.html &");