patch-2.4.6 linux/drivers/isdn/tpam/tpam_queues.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.5/linux/drivers/isdn/tpam/tpam_queues.c linux/drivers/isdn/tpam/tpam_queues.c
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+/* $Id: tpam_queues.c,v 2001/06/05 19:45:37 kai Exp $
+ *
+ * Turbo PAM ISDN driver for Linux. (Kernel Driver)
+ *
+ * Copyright 2001 Stelian Pop <>, Alc�ve
+ *
+ * For all support questions please contact: <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/pci.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/tqueue.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include "tpam.h"
+/* Local function prototype */
+static int tpam_sendpacket(tpam_card *card, tpam_channel *channel);
+ * Queue a message to be send to the card when possible.
+ *
+ * 	card: the board
+ * 	skb: the sk_buff containing the message.
+ */
+void tpam_enqueue(tpam_card *card, struct sk_buff *skb) {
+	dprintk("TurboPAM(tpam_enqueue): card=%d\n", card->id);
+	/* queue the sk_buff on the board's send queue */
+	skb_queue_tail(&card->sendq, skb);
+	/* queue the board's send task struct for immediate treatment */
+	queue_task(&card->send_tq, &tq_immediate);
+	mark_bh(IMMEDIATE_BH);
+ * Queue a data message to be send to the card when possible.
+ *
+ * 	card: the board
+ * 	skb: the sk_buff containing the message and the data. This parameter
+ * 		can be NULL if we want just to trigger the send of queued 
+ * 		messages.
+ */
+void tpam_enqueue_data(tpam_channel *channel, struct sk_buff *skb) {
+	dprintk("TurboPAM(tpam_enqueue_data): card=%d, channel=%d\n", 
+		channel->card->id, channel->num);
+	/* if existant, queue the sk_buff on the channel's send queue */
+	if (skb)
+		skb_queue_tail(&channel->sendq, skb);
+	/* queue the channel's send task struct for immediate treatment */
+	queue_task(&channel->card->send_tq, &tq_immediate);
+	mark_bh(IMMEDIATE_BH);
+ * IRQ handler.
+ *
+ * If a message comes from the board we read it, construct a sk_buff containing
+ * the message and we queue the sk_buff on the board's receive queue, and we
+ * trigger the execution of the board's receive task queue.
+ *
+ * If a message ack comes from the board we can go on and send a new message,
+ * so we trigger the execution of the board's send task queue.
+ *
+ * 	irq: the irq number
+ * 	dev_id: the registered board to the irq
+ * 	regs: not used.
+ */
+void tpam_irq(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs) {
+	tpam_card *card = (tpam_card *)dev_id;
+	u32 ackupload, uploadptr;
+	u32 waiting_too_long;
+	u32 hpic;
+	struct sk_buff *skb;
+	pci_mpb mpb;
+	skb_header *skbh;
+	dprintk("TurboPAM(tpam_irq): IRQ received, card=%d\n", card->id);
+	/* grab the board lock */
+	spin_lock(&card->lock);
+	/* get the message type */
+	ackupload = copy_from_pam_dword(card, (void *)TPAM_ACKUPLOAD_REGISTER);
+	/* acknowledge the interrupt */
+	copy_to_pam_dword(card, (void *)TPAM_INTERRUPTACK_REGISTER, 0);
+	readl(card->bar0 + TPAM_HINTACK_REGISTER);
+	if (!ackupload) {
+		/* it is a new message from the board */
+		dprintk("TurboPAM(tpam_irq): message received, card=%d\n", 
+			card->id);
+		/* get the upload pointer */
+		uploadptr = copy_from_pam_dword(card, 
+					    (void *)TPAM_UPLOADPTR_REGISTER);
+		/* get the beginning of the message (pci_mpb part) */
+		copy_from_pam(card, &mpb, (void *)uploadptr, sizeof(pci_mpb));
+		/* allocate the sk_buff */
+		if (!(skb = alloc_skb(sizeof(skb_header) + sizeof(pci_mpb) + 
+				      mpb.actualBlockTLVSize + 
+				      mpb.actualDataSize, GFP_ATOMIC))) {
+			printk(KERN_ERR "TurboPAM(tpam_irq): "
+			       "alloc_skb failed\n");
+			spin_unlock(&card->lock);
+			return;
+		}
+		/* build the skb_header */
+		skbh = (skb_header *)skb_put(skb, sizeof(skb_header));
+		skbh->size = sizeof(pci_mpb) + mpb.actualBlockTLVSize;
+		skbh->data_size = mpb.actualDataSize;
+		skbh->ack = 0;
+		skbh->ack_size = 0;
+		/* copy the pci_mpb into the sk_buff */
+		memcpy(skb_put(skb, sizeof(pci_mpb)), &mpb, sizeof(pci_mpb));
+		/* copy the TLV block into the sk_buff */
+		copy_from_pam(card, skb_put(skb, mpb.actualBlockTLVSize),
+			      (void *)uploadptr + sizeof(pci_mpb), 
+			      mpb.actualBlockTLVSize);
+		/* if existent, copy the data block into the sk_buff */
+		if (mpb.actualDataSize)
+			copy_from_pam(card, skb_put(skb, mpb.actualDataSize),
+				(void *)uploadptr + sizeof(pci_mpb) + 4096, 
+				mpb.actualDataSize);
+		/* wait for the board to become ready */
+		waiting_too_long = 0;
+		do {
+			hpic = readl(card->bar0 + TPAM_HPIC_REGISTER);
+			if (waiting_too_long++ > 0xfffffff) {
+				spin_unlock(&card->lock);
+				printk(KERN_ERR "TurboPAM(tpam_irq): "
+						"waiting too long...\n");
+				return;
+			}
+		} while (hpic & 0x00000002);
+		/* acknowledge the message */
+        	copy_to_pam_dword(card, (void *)TPAM_ACKDOWNLOAD_REGISTER, 
+				  0xffffffff);
+        	readl(card->bar0 + TPAM_DSPINT_REGISTER);
+		/* release the board lock */
+		spin_unlock(&card->lock);
+		if (mpb.messageID == ID_U3ReadyToReceiveInd) {
+			/* this message needs immediate treatment */
+			tpam_recv_U3ReadyToReceiveInd(card, skb);
+			kfree_skb(skb);
+		}
+		else {
+			/* put the message in the receive queue */
+			skb_queue_tail(&card->recvq, skb);
+			queue_task(&card->recv_tq, &tq_immediate);
+			mark_bh(IMMEDIATE_BH);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	else {
+		/* it is a ack from the board */
+		dprintk("TurboPAM(tpam_irq): message acknowledged, card=%d\n",
+			card->id);
+		/* board is not busy anymore */
+		card->busy = 0;
+		/* release the lock */
+		spin_unlock(&card->lock);
+		/* schedule the send queue for execution */
+		queue_task(&card->send_tq, &tq_immediate);
+		mark_bh(IMMEDIATE_BH);
+		return;
+	}
+	/* not reached */
+ * Run the board's receive task queue, dispatching each message on the queue,
+ * to its treatment function.
+ *
+ * 	card: the board.
+ */
+void tpam_recv_tq(tpam_card *card) {
+	pci_mpb *p;
+	struct sk_buff *skb;
+	/* for each message on the receive queue... */
+        while ((skb = skb_dequeue(&card->recvq))) {
+		/* point to the pci_mpb block */
+		p = (pci_mpb *)(skb->data + sizeof(skb_header));
+		/* dispatch the message */
+		switch (p->messageID) {
+			case ID_ACreateNCOCnf:
+				tpam_recv_ACreateNCOCnf(card, skb);
+				break;
+			case ID_ADestroyNCOCnf:
+				tpam_recv_ADestroyNCOCnf(card, skb);
+				break;
+			case ID_CConnectCnf:
+				tpam_recv_CConnectCnf(card, skb);
+				break;
+			case ID_CConnectInd:
+				tpam_recv_CConnectInd(card, skb);
+				break;
+			case ID_CDisconnectInd:
+				tpam_recv_CDisconnectInd(card, skb);
+				break;
+			case ID_CDisconnectCnf:
+				tpam_recv_CDisconnectCnf(card, skb);
+				break;
+			case ID_U3DataInd:
+				tpam_recv_U3DataInd(card, skb);
+				break;
+			default:
+				dprintk("TurboPAM(tpam_recv_tq): "
+					"unknown messageID %d, card=%d\n", 
+					p->messageID, card->id);
+				break;
+		}
+		/* free the sk_buff */
+		kfree_skb(skb);
+	}
+ * Run the board's send task queue. If there is a message in the board's send
+ * queue, it gets sended. If not, it examines each channel (one at the time,
+ * using a round robin algorithm). For each channel, if there is a message
+ * in the channel's send queue, it gets sended. This function sends only one
+ * message, it does not consume all the queue.
+ */
+void tpam_send_tq(tpam_card *card) {
+	int i;
+	/* first, try to send a packet from the board's send queue */
+	if (tpam_sendpacket(card, NULL))
+		return;
+	/* then, try each channel, in a round-robin manner */
+	for (i=card->roundrobin; i<card->roundrobin+card->channels_used; i++) {
+		if (tpam_sendpacket(card, 
+				    &card->channels[i % card->channels_used])) {
+			card->roundrobin = (i + 1) % card->channels_used;
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+ * Try to send a packet from the board's send queue or from the channel's
+ * send queue.
+ *
+ * 	card: the board.
+ * 	channel: the channel (if NULL, the packet will be taken from the 
+ * 		board's send queue. If not, it will be taken from the 
+ * 		channel's send queue.
+ *
+ * Return: 0 if tpam_send_tq must try another card/channel combination
+ * 	(meaning that no packet has been send), 1 if no more packets
+ * 	can be send at that time (a packet has been send or the card is
+ * 	still busy from a previous send).
+ */
+static int tpam_sendpacket(tpam_card *card, tpam_channel *channel) {
+        struct sk_buff *skb;
+	u32 hpic;
+        u32 downloadptr;
+	skb_header *skbh;
+	u32 waiting_too_long;
+	dprintk("TurboPAM(tpam_sendpacket), card=%d, channel=%d\n", 
+		card->id, channel ? channel->num : -1);
+	if (channel) {
+		/* dequeue a packet from the channel's send queue */
+		if (!(skb = skb_dequeue(&channel->sendq))) {
+			dprintk("TurboPAM(tpam_sendpacket): "
+				"card=%d, channel=%d, no packet\n", 
+				card->id, channel->num);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		/* if the channel is not ready to receive, requeue the packet
+		 * and return 0 to give a chance to another channel */
+		if (!channel->readytoreceive) {
+			dprintk("TurboPAM(tpam_sendpacket): "
+				"card=%d, channel=%d, channel not ready\n",
+				card->id, channel->num);
+			skb_queue_head(&channel->sendq, skb);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		/* grab the board lock */
+		spin_lock_irq(&card->lock);
+		/* if the board is busy, requeue the packet and return 1 since
+		 * there is no need to try another channel */
+		if (card->busy) {
+			dprintk("TurboPAM(tpam_sendpacket): "
+				"card=%d, channel=%d, card busy\n",
+				card->id, channel->num);
+			skb_queue_head(&channel->sendq, skb);
+			spin_unlock_irq(&card->lock);
+			return 1;
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		/* dequeue a packet from the board's send queue */
+		if (!(skb = skb_dequeue(&card->sendq))) {
+			dprintk("TurboPAM(tpam_sendpacket): "
+				"card=%d, no packet\n", card->id);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		/* grab the board lock */
+		spin_lock_irq(&card->lock);
+		/* if the board is busy, requeue the packet and return 1 since
+		 * there is no need to try another channel */
+		if (card->busy) {
+			dprintk("TurboPAM(tpam_sendpacket): "
+				"card=%d, card busy\n", card->id);
+			skb_queue_head(&card->sendq, skb);
+			spin_unlock_irq(&card->lock);
+			return 1;
+		}
+	}
+	/* wait for the board to become ready */
+	waiting_too_long = 0;
+	do {
+		hpic = readl(card->bar0 + TPAM_HPIC_REGISTER);
+		if (waiting_too_long++ > 0xfffffff) {
+			spin_unlock_irq(&card->lock);
+			printk(KERN_ERR "TurboPAM(tpam_sendpacket): "
+					"waiting too long...\n");
+			return 1;
+		}
+	} while (hpic & 0x00000002);
+	skbh = (skb_header *)skb->data;
+	dprintk("TurboPAM(tpam_sendpacket): "
+		"card=%d, card ready, sending %d/%d bytes\n", 
+		card->id, skbh->size, skbh->data_size);
+	/* get the board's download pointer */
+       	downloadptr = copy_from_pam_dword(card, 
+	/* copy the packet to the board at the downloadptr location */
+       	copy_to_pam(card, (void *)downloadptr, skb->data + sizeof(skb_header), 
+		    skbh->size);
+	if (skbh->data_size)
+		/* if there is some data in the packet, copy it too */
+		copy_to_pam(card, (void *)downloadptr + sizeof(pci_mpb) + 4096,
+			    skb->data + sizeof(skb_header) + skbh->size, 
+			    skbh->data_size);
+	/* card will become busy right now */
+	card->busy = 1;
+	/* interrupt the board */
+	copy_to_pam_dword(card, (void *)TPAM_ACKDOWNLOAD_REGISTER, 0);
+	readl(card->bar0 + TPAM_DSPINT_REGISTER);
+	/* release the lock */
+	spin_unlock_irq(&card->lock);
+	/* if a data ack was requested by the ISDN link layer, send it now */
+	if (skbh->ack) {
+		isdn_ctrl ctrl;
+		ctrl.driver = card->id;
+		ctrl.command = ISDN_STAT_BSENT;
+		ctrl.arg = channel->num;
+		ctrl.parm.length = skbh->ack_size;
+		(* card->interface.statcallb)(&ctrl);
+	}
+	/* free the sk_buff */
+	kfree_skb(skb);
+	return 1;

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: