patch-2.4.4 linux/fs/ntfs/attr.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.3/linux/fs/ntfs/attr.h linux/fs/ntfs/attr.h
@@ -1,24 +1,33 @@
- *  attr.h
- *  Header file for attr.c
+/*  attr.h -  Header file for attr.c
  *  Copyright (C) 1997 R�gis Duchesne
 int ntfs_extend_attr(ntfs_inode *ino, ntfs_attribute *attr, int *len,
-  int flags);
+		     int flags);
 int ntfs_resize_attr(ntfs_inode *ino, ntfs_attribute *attr, int newsize);
 int ntfs_insert_attribute(ntfs_inode *ino, unsigned char* attrdata);
 int ntfs_read_compressed(ntfs_inode *ino, ntfs_attribute *attr, int offset,
-  ntfs_io *dest);
+			 ntfs_io *dest);
 int ntfs_write_compressed(ntfs_inode *ino, ntfs_attribute *attr, int offset,
-  ntfs_io *dest);
+			  ntfs_io *dest);
 int ntfs_create_attr(ntfs_inode *ino, int anum, char *aname, void *data,
-  int dsize, ntfs_attribute **rattr);
-int ntfs_read_zero(ntfs_io *dest,int size);
+		     int dsize, ntfs_attribute **rattr);
+int ntfs_read_zero(ntfs_io *dest, int size);
 int ntfs_make_attr_nonresident(ntfs_inode *ino, ntfs_attribute *attr);
 int ntfs_attr_allnonresident(ntfs_inode *ino);
-int ntfs_new_attr( ntfs_inode *ino, int type, void *name, int namelen,
- int *pos, int *found, int do_search );
-void ntfs_insert_run( ntfs_attribute *attr, int cnum, ntfs_cluster_t cluster,
- int len );
+int ntfs_new_attr(ntfs_inode *ino, int type, void *name, int namelen,
+		  int *pos, int *found, int do_search );
+void ntfs_insert_run(ntfs_attribute *attr, int cnum, ntfs_cluster_t cluster,
+		     int len );

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: