patch-2.4.26 linux-2.4.26/Documentation/networking/packet_mmap.txt

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diff -urN linux-2.4.25/Documentation/networking/packet_mmap.txt linux-2.4.26/Documentation/networking/packet_mmap.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+If you agree with it I will send two small patches to modify
+kernel's configure help. 
+	Ulisses
+This file documents the CONFIG_PACKET_MMAP option available with the PACKET
+socket interface on 2.4 and 2.6 kernels. This type of sockets is used for 
+capture network traffic with utilities like tcpdump or any other that uses 
+the libpcap library. 
+You can find the latest version of this document at
+Please send me your comments to
+    Ulisses Alonso Camar� <>
++ Why use PACKET_MMAP
+In Linux 2.4/2.6 if PACKET_MMAP is not enabled, the capture process is very
+inefficient. It uses very limited buffers and requires one system call
+to capture each packet, it requires two if you want to get packet's 
+timestamp (like libpcap always does).
+In the other hand PACKET_MMAP is very efficient. PACKET_MMAP provides a size 
+configurable circular buffer mapped in user space. This way reading packets just 
+needs to wait for them, most of the time there is no need to issue a single 
+system call. By using a shared buffer between the kernel and the user 
+also has the benefit of minimizing packet copies.
+It's fine to use PACKET_MMAP to improve the performance of the capture process, 
+but it isn't everything. At least, if you are capturing at high speeds (this 
+is relative to the cpu speed), you should check if the device driver of your 
+network interface card supports some sort of interrupt load mitigation or 
+(even better) if it supports NAPI, also make sure it is enabled.
+From the user standpoint, you should use the higher level libpcap library, wich
+is a de facto standard, portable across nearly all operating systems
+including Win32. 
+Said that, at time of this writing, official libpcap 0.8.1 is out and doesn't include
+support for PACKET_MMAP, and also probably the libpcap included in your distribution. 
+I'm aware of two implementations of PACKET_MMAP in libpcap:
+  (by Simon Patarin, based on libpcap 0.6.2)
+              (by Phil Wood, based on lastest libpcap)
+The rest of this document is intended for people who want to understand
+the low level details or want to improve libpcap by including PACKET_MMAP
++ How to use CONFIG_PACKET_MMAP directly
+From the system calls stand point, the use of PACKET_MMAP involves
+the following process:
+[setup]     socket() -------> creation of the capture socket
+            setsockopt() ---> allocation of the circular buffer (ring)
+            mmap() ---------> maping of the allocated buffer to the
+                              user process
+[capture]   poll() ---------> to wait for incoming packets
+[shutdown]  close() --------> destruction of the capture socket and
+                              deallocation of all associated 
+                              resources.
+socket creation and destruction is straight forward, and is done 
+the same way with or without PACKET_MMAP:
+int fd;
+fd= socket(PF_PACKET, mode, htons(ETH_P_ALL))
+where mode is SOCK_RAW for the raw interface were link level
+information can be captured or SOCK_DGRAM for the cooked
+interface where link level information capture is not 
+supported and a link level pseudo-header is provided 
+by the kernel.
+The destruction of the socket and all associated resources
+is done by a simple call to close(fd).
+Next I will describe PACKET_MMAP settings and it's constraints,
+also the maping of the circular buffer in the user process and 
+the use of this buffer.
++ PACKET_MMAP settings
+To setup PACKET_MMAP from user level code is done with a call like
+     setsockopt(fd, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_RX_RING, (void *) &req, sizeof(req))
+The most significant argument in the previous call is the req parameter, 
+this parameter must to have the following structure:
+    struct tpacket_req
+    {
+        unsigned int    tp_block_size;  /* Minimal size of contiguous block */
+        unsigned int    tp_block_nr;    /* Number of blocks */
+        unsigned int    tp_frame_size;  /* Size of frame */
+        unsigned int    tp_frame_nr;    /* Total number of frames */
+    };
+This structure is defined in /usr/include/linux/if_packet.h and establishes a 
+circular buffer (ring) of unswappable memory mapped in the capture process. 
+Being mapped in the capture process allows reading the captured frames and 
+related meta-information like timestamps without requiring a system call.
+Captured frames are grouped in blocks. Each block is a physically contiguous 
+region of memory and holds tp_block_size/tp_frame_size frames. The total number 
+of blocks is tp_block_nr. Note that tp_frame_nr is a redundant parameter because
+    frames_per_block = tp_block_size/tp_frame_size
+indeed, packet_set_ring checks that the following condition is true
+    frames_per_block * tp_block_nr == tp_frame_nr
+Lets see an example, with the following values:
+     tp_block_size= 4096
+     tp_frame_size= 2048
+     tp_block_nr  = 4
+     tp_frame_nr  = 8
+we will get the following buffer structure:
+        block #1                 block #2         
++---------+---------+    +---------+---------+    
+| frame 1 | frame 2 |    | frame 3 | frame 4 |    
++---------+---------+    +---------+---------+    
+        block #3                 block #4
++---------+---------+    +---------+---------+
+| frame 5 | frame 6 |    | frame 7 | frame 8 |
++---------+---------+    +---------+---------+
+A frame can be of any size with the only condition it can fit in a block. A block
+can only hold an integer number of frames, or in other words, a frame cannot 
+be spawn accross two blocks so there are some datails you have to take into 
+account when choosing the frame_size. See "Maping and use of the circular 
+buffer (ring)".
++ PACKET_MMAP setting constraints
+In kernel versions prior to 2.4.26 (for the 2.4 branch) and 2.6.5 (2.6 branch),
+the PACKET_MMAP buffer could hold only 32768 frames in a 32 bit architecture or
+16384 in a 64 bit architecture. For information on these kernel versions
+ Block size limit
+As stated earlier, each block is a contiguous physical region of memory. These 
+memory regions are allocated with calls to the __get_free_pages() function. As 
+the name indicates, this function allocates pages of memory, and the second
+argument is "order" or a power of two number of pages, that is 
+(for PAGE_SIZE == 4096) order=0 ==> 4096 bytes, order=1 ==> 8192 bytes, 
+order=2 ==> 16384 bytes, etc. The maximum size of a 
+region allocated by __get_free_pages is determined by the MAX_ORDER macro. More 
+precisely the limit can be calculated as:
+   In a i386 architecture PAGE_SIZE is 4096 bytes 
+   In a 2.4/i386 kernel MAX_ORDER is 10
+   In a 2.6/i386 kernel MAX_ORDER is 11
+So get_free_pages can allocate as much as 4MB or 8MB in a 2.4/2.6 kernel 
+respectively, with an i386 architecture.
+User space programs can include /usr/include/sys/user.h and 
+/usr/include/linux/mmzone.h to get PAGE_SIZE MAX_ORDER declarations.
+The pagesize can also be determined dynamically with the getpagesize (2) 
+system call. 
+ Block number limit
+To understand the constraints of PACKET_MMAP, we have to see the structure 
+used to hold the pointers to each block.
+Currently, this structure is a dynamically allocated vector with kmalloc 
+called pg_vec, its size limits the number of blocks that can be allocated.
+    +---+---+---+---+
+    | x | x | x | x |
+    +---+---+---+---+
+      |   |   |   |
+      |   |   |   v
+      |   |   v  block #4
+      |   v  block #3
+      v  block #2
+     block #1
+kmalloc allocates any number of bytes of phisically contiguous memory from 
+a pool of pre-determined sizes. This pool of memory is mantained by the slab 
+allocator wich is at the end the responsible for doing the allocation and 
+hence wich imposes the maximum memory that kmalloc can allocate. 
+In a 2.4/2.6 kernel and the i386 architecture, the limit is 131072 bytes. The 
+predetermined sizes that kmalloc uses can be checked in the "size-<bytes>" 
+entries of /proc/slabinfo
+In a 32 bit architecture, pointers are 4 bytes long, so the total number of 
+pointers to blocks is
+     131072/4 = 32768 blocks
+ PACKET_MMAP buffer size calculator
+<size-max>    : is the maximum size of allocable with kmalloc (see /proc/slabinfo)
+<pointer size>: depends on the architecture -- sizeof(void *)
+<page size>   : depends on the architecture -- PAGE_SIZE or getpagesize (2)
+<max-order>   : is the value defined with MAX_ORDER
+<frame size>  : it's an upper bound of frame's capture size (more on this later)
+from these definitions we will derive 
+	<block number> = <size-max>/<pointer size>
+	<block size> = <pagesize> << <max-order>
+so, the max buffer size is
+	<block number> * <block size>
+and, the number of frames be
+	<block number> * <block size> / <frame size>
+Suposse the following parameters, wich apply for 2.6 kernel and an
+i386 architecture:
+	<size-max> = 131072 bytes
+	<pointer size> = 4 bytes
+	<pagesize> = 4096 bytes
+	<max-order> = 11
+and a value for <frame size> of 2048 byteas. These parameters will yield
+	<block number> = 131072/4 = 32768 blocks
+	<block size> = 4096 << 11 = 8 MiB.
+and hence the buffer will have a 262144 MiB size. So it can hold 
+262144 MiB / 2048 bytes = 134217728 frames
+Actually, this buffer size is not possible with an i386 architecture. 
+Remember that the memory is allocated in kernel space, in the case of 
+an i386 kernel's memory size is limited to 1GiB.
+All memory allocations are not freed until the socket is closed. The memory 
+allocations are done with GFP_KERNEL priority, this basically means that 
+the allocation can wait and swap other process' memory in order to allocate 
+the nececessary memory, so normally limits can be reached.
+ Other constraints
+If you check the source code you will see that what I draw here as a frame
+is not only the link level frame. At the begining of each frame there is a 
+header called struct tpacket_hdr used in PACKET_MMAP to hold link level's frame
+meta information like timestamp. So what we draw here a frame it's really 
+the following (from include/linux/if_packet.h):
+   Frame structure:
+   - Start. Frame must be aligned to TPACKET_ALIGNMENT=16
+   - struct tpacket_hdr
+   - pad to TPACKET_ALIGNMENT=16
+   - struct sockaddr_ll
+   - Gap, chosen so that packet data (Start+tp_net) alignes to 
+   - Start+tp_mac: [ Optional MAC header ]
+   - Start+tp_net: Packet data, aligned to TPACKET_ALIGNMENT=16.
+   - Pad to align to TPACKET_ALIGNMENT=16
+ */
+ The following are conditions that are checked in packet_set_ring
+   tp_block_size must be a multiple of PAGE_SIZE (1)
+   tp_frame_size must be greater than TPACKET_HDRLEN (obvious)
+   tp_frame_size must be a multiple of TPACKET_ALIGNMENT
+   tp_frame_nr   must be exactly frames_per_block*tp_block_nr
+Note that tp_block_size should be choosed to be a power of two or there will
+be a waste of memory.
++ Maping and use of the circular buffer (ring)
+The maping of the buffer in the user process is done with the conventional 
+mmap function. Even the circular buffer is compound of several physically
+discontiguous blocks of memory, they are contiguous to the user space, hence
+just one call to mmap is needed:
+    mmap(0, size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
+If tp_frame_size is a divisor of tp_block_size frames will be 
+contiguosly spaced by tp_frame_size bytes. If not, each 
+tp_block_size/tp_frame_size frames there will be a gap between 
+the frames. This is because a frame cannot be spawn across two
+At the beginning of each frame there is an status field (see 
+struct tpacket_hdr). If this field is 0 means that the frame is ready
+to be used for the kernel, If not, there is a frame the user can read 
+and the following flags apply:
+     from include/linux/if_packet.h
+     #define TP_STATUS_COPY          2 
+     #define TP_STATUS_LOSING        4 
+     #define TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY  8 
+TP_STATUS_COPY        : This flag indicates that the frame (and associated
+                        meta information) has been truncated because it's 
+                        larger than tp_frame_size. This packet can be 
+                        read entirely with recvfrom().
+                        In order to make this work it must to be
+                        enabled previously with setsockopt() and 
+                        the PACKET_COPY_THRESH option. 
+                        The number of frames than can be buffered to 
+                        be read with recvfrom is limited like a normal socket.
+                        See the SO_RCVBUF option in the socket (7) man page.
+TP_STATUS_LOSING      : indicates there were packet drops from last time 
+                        statistics where checked with getsockopt() and
+                        the PACKET_STATISTICS option.
+TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY: currently it's used for outgoing IP packets wich 
+                        it's checksum will be done in hardware. So while 
+                        reading the packet we should not try to check the 
+                        checksum. 
+for convenience there are also the following defines:
+     #define TP_STATUS_KERNEL        0
+     #define TP_STATUS_USER          1
+The kernel initializes all frames to TP_STATUS_KERNEL, when the kernel
+receives a packet it puts in the buffer and updates the status with
+at least the TP_STATUS_USER flag. Then the user can read the packet,
+once the packet is read the user must zero the status field, so the kernel 
+can use again that frame buffer.
+The user can use poll (any other variant should apply too) to check if new
+packets are in the ring:
+    struct pollfd pfd;
+    pfd.fd = fd;
+    pfd.revents = 0;
+    if (status == TP_STATUS_KERNEL)
+        retval = poll(&pfd, 1, timeout);
+It doesn't incur in a race condition to first check the status value and 
+then poll for frames.
+   Jesse Brandeburg, for fixing my grammathical/spelling errors
+>>> EOF
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