patch-2.4.10 linux/Documentation/fb/README-sstfb.txt

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.9/linux/Documentation/fb/README-sstfb.txt linux/Documentation/fb/README-sstfb.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+	  This is a frame buffer device driver for 3dfx' Voodoo Graphics 
+	(aka voodoo 1, aka sst1) and Voodoo� (aka Voodoo 2, aka CVG) based 
+	video boards. It's highly experimental code, but is guaranteed to work
+	on my computer, with my "Maxi Gamer 3D" and "Maxi Gamer 3d�" boards,
+	and with me "between chair and keyboard". Some people tested other
+	combinations and it seems that it works.
+	  The main page is located at <>, and if
+	you want the latest version, check out the CVS, as the driver is a work
+	in progress, i feel incomfortable with releasing tarballs of something
+	not completely working...Don't worry, it's still more than useable
+	(I eat my own dog food)
+	  Please read the Bug section, and report any success or failure to me
+	(Ghozlane Toumi <>).
+	  BTW, If you have only one monitor , and you don't feel like playing
+	with the vga passthrou cable, I can only suggest borrowing a screen
+	somewhere... 
+	  This driver (should) work on ix86, with any 2.2.x kernel (tested
+	with x = 19) and "recent" 2.4.x kernel, as a module or compiled in.
+	  You can apply the patches found in sstfb/kernel/*-2.{2|4}.x.patch,
+	and copy sstfb.c to linux/drivers/video/, or apply a single patch, 
+	sstfb/patch-2.{2|4}.x-sstfb-yymmdd to your linux source tree.
+	  Then configure your kernel as usual: choose "m" or "y" to 3Dfx Voodoo
+	Graphics in section "console". Compile, install, have fun... and please
+	drop me a report :)
+Module Usage
+	Warnings.
+	# You should read completely this section before issuing any command.
+	# If you have only one monitor to play with, once you insmod the
+	  module, the 3dfx takes control of the output, so you'll have to
+	  plug the monitor to the "normal" video board in order to issue
+	  the commands, or you can blindly use sst_dbg_vgapass
+          in the tools directory (See Tools). The latest option is pass the
+	  parameter vgapass=1 when insmodding the driver. (See Kernel/Modules
+	  Options)
+	Module insertion:
+	# insmod sstfb.o
+	  you should see some strange output frome the board: 
+	  a big blue square, a green and a red small squares and a vertical
+	  white rectangle. why ? the function's name is self explanatory :
+	  "sstfb_test()"...
+	  (if you don't have a second monitor, you'll have to plug your monitor
+	  directely to the 2D videocard to see what you're typing)
+	# con2fb /dev/fbx /dev/ttyx
+	  bind a tty to the new frame buffer. if you already have a frame
+	  buffer driver, the voodoo fb will likely be /dev/fb1. if not, 
+	  the device will be /dev/fb0. You can check this by doing a 
+	  cat /proc/fb. You can find a copy of con2fb in tools/ directory.
+	  if you don't have another fb device, this step is superfluous,
+	  as the console subsystem automagicaly binds ttys to the fb.
+	# switch to the virtual console you just mapped. "tadaaa" ...
+	Module removal:
+	# con2fb /dev/fbx /dev/ttyx
+	  bind the tty to the old frame buffer so the module can be removed.
+	  (how does it work with vgacon ? short answer : it doesn't work)
+	# rmmod sstfb
+Kernel/Modules Options
+	You can pass some otions to sstfb module, and via the kernel command
+	line when the driver is compiled in :
+	for module : insmod sstfb.o option1=value1 option2=value2 ...
+	in kernel :  video=sstfb:option1,option2:value2,option3 ...
+	sstfb supports the folowing options :
+	module		kernel		description
+	vgapass=1	vgapass		enable or disable VGA passthrou cable
+	vgapass=0	vganopass	when enabled, the monitor will
+					get the signal from the VGA board
+					and not from the voodoo. default nopass
+	mem=x		mem:x		force frame buffer memory in MiB
+					allowed values: 1, 2, 4. default detect
+	inverse=1	inverse		suposed to enable inverse console.
+					doesn't work ...
+	clipping=1	clipping	enable or disable clipping . with
+	clipping=0	noclipping	clipping enabled, all offscreen reads
+					and writes are disgarded. default:
+					enable clipping.
+	gfxclk=x	gfxclk:x	force graphic clock frequency (in MHz)
+					becarefull with this option .
+					default is 50Mhz for voodoo1, 75MHz
+					for voodoo2. Be carefull, this one is
+					dangerous. default=auto
+	slowpci=0	slowpci		enable or disable fast PCI read/writes
+	slowpci=1	fastpci		default : fastpci
+	dev=x		dev:x		attach the driver to device number x
+					0 is the first compatible board (in 
+					lspci order)
+	These tools are mostly for debugging purposes, but you can 
+	find some of these interesting :
+	 - con2fb , maps a tty to a fbramebuffer .
+		con2fb /dev/fb1 /dev/tty5
+	 - sst_dbg_vgapass , changes vga passthrou. You have to recompile the
+	driver with SST_DEBUG and SST_DEBUG_IOCTL set to 1
+		sst_dbg_vgapass /dev/fb1 1 (enables vga cable)
+		sst_dbg_vgapass /dev/fb1 0 (disables vga cable)
+	 - glide_reset , resets the voodoo using glide
+		use this after rmmoding sstfb, if the module refuses to
+		reinsert .
+	- DO NOT use glide while the sstfb module is in, you'll most likely
+	hang your computer.
+	- if you see some artefacts (pixels not cleaning and stuff like that), 
+	try turning off clipping (clipping=0)
+	- the driver don't detect the 4Mb frame buffer voodoos, it seems that
+	the 2 last Mbs wrap around. looking into that .
+	- The driver is 16 bpp only, 24/32 won't work.
+	- The driver is not your_favorite_toy-safe. this includes SMP...
+          [Actually from inspection it seems to be safe - Alan]
+	- when using XFree86 FBdev (X over fbdev) you may see strange color
+	patterns at the border of your windows (the pixels loose the lowest
+	byte -> basicaly the blue component nd some of the green) . I'm unable
+	to reproduce this with XFree86-3.3, but one of the testers has this
+	problem with XFree86-4. I don't know yet if this is the drivers fault
+	or X's (most likely the driver, of course).
+	- I didn't really test changing the palette, so you may find some weird
+	things when playing with that.
+	- Sometimes the driver will not recognise the DAC , and the
+        initialisation will fail. this is specificaly true for
+	voodoo 2 boards , but it should be solved in recent versions. please
+	contact me .
+	- the 24/32 is not likely to work anytime soon , knowing that the
+	hardware does ... unusual thigs in 24/32 bpp
+	- Get rid of the previous paragraph.
+	- Buy more coffee.
+	- test/port to other arch.
+	- try to add panning using tweeks with front and back buffer .
+	- try to implement accel en voodoo2 , this board can actualy do a 
+	  lot in 2D even if it was sold as a 3D only board ...
+Ghozlane Toumi <>
+$Date: 2001/08/29 00:21:11 $

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: