patch-2.2.19 linux/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_pci.c

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diff -u --new-file --recursive --exclude-from /usr/src/exclude v2.2.18/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_pci.c linux/drivers/isdn/hisax/hfc_pci.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $Id: hfc_pci.c,v 1.27 2000/02/26 00:35:12 keil Exp $
+/* $Id: hfc_pci.c,v 2001/02/13 10:33:58 kai Exp $
  * hfc_pci.c     low level driver for CCD�s hfc-pci based cards
@@ -22,114 +22,21 @@
  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- * $Log: hfc_pci.c,v $
- * Revision 1.27  2000/02/26 00:35:12  keil
- * Fix skb freeing in interrupt context
- *
- * Revision 1.26  2000/02/09 20:22:55  werner
- *
- * Updated PCI-ID table
- *
- * Revision 1.25  1999/12/19 13:09:42  keil
- * signal proof delays
- *
- * Revision 1.24  1999/11/17 23:59:55  werner
- *
- * removed unneeded data
- *
- * Revision 1.23  1999/11/07 17:01:55  keil
- * fix for 2.3 pci structs
- *
- * Revision 1.22  1999/10/10 20:14:27  werner
- *
- * Correct B2-chan usage in conjuntion with echo mode. First implementation of NT-leased line mode.
- *
- * Revision 1.21  1999/10/02 17:47:49  werner
- *
- * Changed init order, added correction for page alignment with shared mem
- *
- * Revision 1.20  1999/09/07 06:18:55  werner
- *
- * Added io parameter for HFC-PCI based cards. Needed only with multiple cards
- * when initialisation/selection order needs to be set.
- *
- * Revision 1.19  1999/09/04 06:20:06  keil
- * Changes from kernel set_current_state()
- *
- * Revision 1.18  1999/08/29 17:05:44  werner
- * corrected tx_lo line setup. Datasheet is not correct.
- *
- * Revision 1.17  1999/08/28 21:04:27  werner
- * Implemented full audio support (transparent mode)
- *
- * Revision 1.16  1999/08/25 17:01:27  keil
- * Use new LL->HL auxcmd call
- *
- * Revision 1.15  1999/08/22 20:27:05  calle
- * backported changes from kernel 2.3.14:
- * - several #include "config.h" gone, others come.
- * - "struct device" changed to "struct net_device" in 2.3.14, added a
- *   define in isdn_compat.h for older kernel versions.
- *
- * Revision 1.14  1999/08/12 18:59:45  werner
- * Added further manufacturer and device ids to PCI list
- *
- * Revision 1.13  1999/08/11 21:01:28  keil
- * new PCI codefix
- *
- * Revision 1.12  1999/08/10 16:01:58  calle
- * struct pci_dev changed in 2.3.13. Made the necessary changes.
- *
- * Revision 1.11  1999/08/09 19:13:32  werner
- * moved constant pci ids to pci id table
- *
- * Revision 1.10  1999/08/08 10:17:34  werner
- * added new PCI vendor and card ids for Manufacturer 0x1043
- *
- * Revision 1.9  1999/08/07 21:09:10  werner
- * Fixed another memcpy problem in fifo handling.
- * Thanks for debugging aid by Olaf Kordwittenborg.
- *
- * Revision 1.8  1999/07/23 14:25:15  werner
- * Some smaller bug fixes and prepared support for GCI/IOM bus
- *
- * Revision 1.7  1999/07/14 21:24:20  werner
- * fixed memcpy problem when using E-channel feature
- *
- * Revision 1.6  1999/07/13 21:08:08  werner
- * added echo channel logging feature.
- *
- * Revision 1.5  1999/07/12 21:05:10  keil
- * fix race in IRQ handling
- * added watchdog for lost IRQs
- *
- * Revision 1.4  1999/07/04 21:51:39  werner
- * Changes to solve problems with irq sharing and smp machines
- * Thanks to Karsten Keil and Alex Holden for giving aid with
- * testing and debugging
- *
- * Revision 1.3  1999/07/01 09:43:19  keil
- * removed additional schedules in timeouts
- *
- * Revision 1.2  1999/07/01 08:07:51  keil
- * Initial version
- *
- *
- *
+#include <linux/init.h>
 #include <linux/config.h>
 #define __NO_VERSION__
 #include "hisax.h"
 #include "hfc_pci.h"
 #include "isdnl1.h"
 #include <linux/pci.h>
+#include <linux/isdn_compat.h>
 #include <linux/interrupt.h>
 extern const char *CardType[];
-static const char *hfcpci_revision = "$Revision: 1.27 $";
+static const char *hfcpci_revision = "$Revision: $";
 /* table entry in the PCI devices list */
 typedef struct {
@@ -139,26 +46,32 @@
 	char *card_name;
-#define NT_T1_COUNT 20		/* number of 3.125ms interrupts for G2 timeout */
+#define NT_T1_COUNT	20	/* number of 3.125ms interrupts for G2 timeout */
+#define CLKDEL_TE	0x0e	/* CLKDEL in TE mode */
+#define CLKDEL_NT	0x6c	/* CLKDEL in NT mode */
 static const PCI_ENTRY id_list[] =
-	{0x1397, 0x2BD0, "CCD/Billion/Asuscom", "2BD0"},
-	{0x1397, 0xB000, "Billion", "B000"},
-	{0x1397, 0xB006, "Billion", "B006"},
-	{0x1397, 0xB007, "Billion", "B007"},
-	{0x1397, 0xB008, "Billion", "B008"},
-	{0x1397, 0xB009, "Billion", "B009"},
-	{0x1397, 0xB00A, "Billion", "B00A"},
-	{0x1397, 0xB00B, "Billion", "B00B"},
-	{0x1397, 0xB00C, "Billion", "B00C"},
-	{0x1043, 0x0675, "Asuscom/Askey", "675"},
-	{0x0871, 0xFFA2, "German telekom", "T-Concept"},
-	{0x0871, 0xFFA1, "German telekom", "A1T"},
-	{0x1051, 0x0100, "Motorola MC145575", "MC145575"},
-	{0x1397, 0xB100, "Seyeon", "B100"},
-	{0x15B0, 0x2BD0, "Zoltrix", "2BD0"},
-	{0x114f, 0x71,   "Digi intl.","Digicom"}, 
+	{PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_2BD0, "CCD/Billion/Asuscom", "2BD0"},
+	{PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_B000, "Billion", "B000"},
+	{PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_B006, "Billion", "B006"},
+	{PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_B007, "Billion", "B007"},
+	{PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_B008, "Billion", "B008"},
+	{PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_B009, "Billion", "B009"},
+	{PCI_VENDOR_ID_CCD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_CCD_B100, "Seyeon", "B100"},
+	{PCI_VENDOR_ID_ASUSTEK, PCI_DEVICE_ID_ASUSTEK_0675, "Asuscom/Askey", "675"},
+	{PCI_VENDOR_ID_ANIGMA, PCI_DEVICE_ID_ANIGMA_MC145575, "Motorola MC145575", "MC145575"},
+	{PCI_VENDOR_ID_DIGI, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DIGI_DF_M_IOM2_E,"Digi International", "Digi DataFire Micro V IOM2 (Europe)"},
+	{PCI_VENDOR_ID_DIGI, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DIGI_DF_M_E,"Digi International", "Digi DataFire Micro V (Europe)"},
+	{PCI_VENDOR_ID_DIGI, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DIGI_DF_M_IOM2_A,"Digi International", "Digi DataFire Micro V IOM2 (North America)"},
+	{PCI_VENDOR_ID_DIGI, PCI_DEVICE_ID_DIGI_DF_M_A,"Digi International", "Digi DataFire Micro V (North America)"},
 	{0, 0, NULL, NULL},
@@ -180,7 +93,7 @@
 	Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_CIRM, HFCPCI_RESET);	/* Reset On */
-	current->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE;
+	set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
 	schedule_timeout((30 * HZ) / 1000);	/* Timeout 30ms */
 	Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_CIRM, 0);	/* Reset Off */
@@ -211,10 +124,10 @@
 	pcibios_write_config_word(cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_bus, cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_device_fn, PCI_COMMAND, PCI_ENA_MEMIO + PCI_ENA_MASTER);	/* enable memory ports + busmaster */
 	Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_CIRM, HFCPCI_RESET);	/* Reset On */
-	current->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE;
+	set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
 	schedule_timeout((30 * HZ) / 1000);	/* Timeout 30ms */
 	Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_CIRM, 0);	/* Reset Off */
-	current->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE;
+	set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
 	schedule_timeout((20 * HZ) / 1000);	/* Timeout 20ms */
 	if (Read_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_STATUS) & 2)
 		printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC-PCI init bit busy\n");
@@ -225,7 +138,7 @@
 	cs->hw.hfcpci.trm = 0 + HFCPCI_BTRANS_THRESMASK;	/* no echo connect , threshold */
 	Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_TRM, cs->hw.hfcpci.trm);
-	Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_CLKDEL, 0x0e);	/* ST-Bit delay for TE-Mode */
+	Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_CLKDEL, CLKDEL_TE); /* ST-Bit delay for TE-Mode */
 	cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl_e = HFCPCI_AUTO_AWAKE;
 	Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_SCTRL_E, cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl_e);	/* S/T Auto awake */
 	cs->hw.hfcpci.bswapped = 0;	/* no exchange */
@@ -349,6 +262,9 @@
 	    (*(bdata + (zp->z1 - B_SUB_VAL)))) {
 		if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN)
 			debugl1(cs, "hfcpci_empty_fifo: incoming packet invalid length %d or crc", count);
+		bcs->err_inv++;
 		bz->za[new_f2].z2 = new_z2;
 		bz->f2 = new_f2;	/* next buffer */
 		skb = NULL;
@@ -415,6 +331,9 @@
 		    (df->data[zp->z1])) {
 			if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_WARN)
 				debugl1(cs, "empty_fifo hfcpci paket inv. len %d or crc %d", rcnt, df->data[zp->z1]);
+			cs->err_rx++;
 			df->f2 = ((df->f2 + 1) & MAX_D_FRAMES) | (MAX_D_FRAMES + 1);	/* next buffer */
 			df->za[df->f2 & D_FREG_MASK].z2 = (zp->z2 + rcnt) & (D_FIFO_SIZE - 1);
 		} else if ((skb = dev_alloc_skb(rcnt - 3))) {
@@ -601,6 +520,9 @@
 	if (fcnt > (MAX_D_FRAMES - 1)) {
 		if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC)
 			debugl1(cs, "hfcpci_fill_Dfifo more as 14 frames");
+		cs->err_tx++;
 	/* now determine free bytes in FIFO buffer */
@@ -835,6 +757,7 @@
 	    (!(cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 & (HFCPCI_INTS_B2TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B2REC + HFCPCI_INTS_B1TRANS + HFCPCI_INTS_B1REC)))) {
+		Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_CLKDEL, CLKDEL_NT); /* ST-Bit delay for NT-Mode */
 		Write_hfc(cs, HFCPCI_STATES, HFCPCI_LOAD_STATE | 0);	/* HFC ST G0 */
 		cs->hw.hfcpci.sctrl |= SCTRL_MODE_NT;
@@ -1650,8 +1573,8 @@
 /* called for card init message */
-	   inithfcpci(struct IsdnCardState *cs))
+void __init
+inithfcpci(struct IsdnCardState *cs)
 	cs->setstack_d = setstack_hfcpci;
 	cs->dbusytimer.function = (void *) hfcpci_dbusy_timer;
@@ -1690,7 +1613,7 @@
-			current->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE;
+			set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
 			schedule_timeout((80 * HZ) / 1000);	/* Timeout 80ms */
 			/* now switch timer interrupt off */
 			cs->hw.hfcpci.int_m1 &= ~HFCPCI_INTS_TIMER;
@@ -1711,26 +1634,23 @@
 #endif				/* CONFIG_PCI */
-	   setup_hfcpci(struct IsdnCard *card))
+int __init setup_hfcpci(struct IsdnCard *card)
 	struct IsdnCardState *cs = card->cs;
-	unsigned short cmd;
 	char tmp[64];
 	int i;
 	struct pci_dev *tmp_hfcpci = NULL;
+#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
+#error "not running on big endian machines now"
 	strcpy(tmp, hfcpci_revision);
 	printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: HFC-PCI driver Rev. %s\n", HiSax_getrev(tmp));
+#ifdef CONFIG_PCI
 	cs->hw.hfcpci.int_s1 = 0;
 	cs->dc.hfcpci.ph_state = 0;
 	cs->hw.hfcpci.fifo = 255;
 	if (cs->typ == ISDN_CTYPE_HFC_PCI) {
-		if (!pci_present()) {
-			printk(KERN_ERR "HFC-PCI: no PCI bus present\n");
-			return (0);
-		}
 		i = 0;
 		while (id_list[i].vendor_id) {
 			tmp_hfcpci = pci_find_device(id_list[i].vendor_id,
@@ -1738,6 +1658,8 @@
 			if (tmp_hfcpci) {
+				if (pci_enable_device(tmp_hfcpci))
+					continue;
 				if ((card->para[0]) && (card->para[0] != (tmp_hfcpci->base_address[ 0] & PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_IO_MASK)))
@@ -1761,41 +1683,6 @@
 			printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC-PCI: No PCI card found\n");
 			return (0);
-#ifdef notdef
-		if (((int) cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_io & (PAGE_SIZE - 1))) {
-			printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC-PCI shared mem address will be corrected\n");
-			pcibios_write_config_word(cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_bus,
-					     cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_device_fn,
-						  PCI_COMMAND,
-						  0x0103);	/* set SERR */
-			pcibios_read_config_word(cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_bus,
-					     cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_device_fn,
-						 PCI_COMMAND,
-						 &cmd);
-			pcibios_write_config_word(cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_bus,
-					     cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_device_fn,
-						  PCI_COMMAND,
-						  cmd & ~2);
-			(int) cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_io &= ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1);
-			pcibios_write_config_dword(cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_bus,
-					     cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_device_fn,
-						   PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_1,
-					     (int) cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_io);
-			pcibios_write_config_word(cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_bus,
-					     cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_device_fn,
-						  PCI_COMMAND,
-						  cmd);
-			pcibios_read_config_dword(cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_bus,
-					     cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_device_fn,
-						  PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_1,
-					 (void *) &cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_io);
-			if (((int) cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_io & (PAGE_SIZE - 1))) {
-				printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC-PCI unable to align address %x\n", (unsigned) cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_io);
-				return (0);
-			}
-			dev_hfcpci->base_address[1] = (int) cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_io;
-		}
 		if (!cs->hw.hfcpci.pci_io) {
 			printk(KERN_WARNING "HFC-PCI: No IO-Mem for PCI card found\n");
 			return (0);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: