patch-2.0.34 linux/Documentation/cdrom/ide-cd

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.0.33/linux/Documentation/cdrom/ide-cd linux/Documentation/cdrom/ide-cd
@@ -277,7 +277,16 @@
     there are hardware problems with the interrupt setup; they
     apparently don't use interrupts.
+  - If you own a Pioneer DR-A24X, you _will_ get nasty error messages 
+    on boot such as "irq timeout: status=0x50 { DriveReady SeekComplete }"
+    The Pioneer DR-A24X cdrom drives are fairly popular these days.
+    Unfortunatly, these drives seem to become very confused when we perform
+    the standard Linux ATA disk drive probe. If you own one of these drives,
+    you can bypass the ATA probing which confuses these cdrom drives, by 
+    adding `append="hdX=noprobe hdX=cdrom"' to your lilo.conf file and runing 
+    lilo (again where X is the drive letter corresponding to where your drive 
+    is installed (see section 2))
 c. System hangups.
   - If the system locks up when you try to access the cdrom, the most

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,