���� � � by Lumpi (IPO Software) � � N THE OTHER SIDE v.15 ���� IF Competition > 1. What's this? On the other side is an strange piece of interactive-fiction. In this game you will be the computer that guides the interactive-fiction player, that is, we will type the descriptions of the locations, the responses to the commands of the player, etc... > 2. OTOS instructions The instructions of OTOS are very simple. OTOS supports the following parameters: OTOS -script filename -> This will create a transcript with all the text that the game prints to screen OTOS -ia filename -> Where 'filename' is a text file with the 'mind' of OTOS (this text file is a script written in the script language of OTOS). By default the 'mind' of OTOS will be the file IA.TXT Inside the game you can type the following: RESET or END -> To finish the game. If you press RETURN when the player types 'l' or 'look', the game repeats the last description (with the objects and exits). > 3. Script language of OTOS The script language of OTOS is very simple. The language is structured in areas with commands that OTOS can 'type'. 1 // the number of commands in this area 20 2 4 5 end 1 1 2 1 get * 20 = turn from which OTOS can start to 'type' the command 2 y 4 = probability for OTOS to 'type' the command, in this example when there is a 2 out of a number between 1 and 4 5 = if the previous conditions don't match, OTOS will jump to area 5 and will select a random command from that area end = command to 'type' To refer to objects we will use the character '*', and for the exits the character '/'. For example, if in the game OTOS encounters the objects disc and paper, and the exists north, south and home: get * -> can generate get paper jump to / -> can generate jump to south If we put '/' like the only command, and OTOS selects randomly a non-movement command (n, s, e, w, down, up, in, out), OTOS will 'type' something like: go home. OTOS detects automatically the number of areas, for example: 1 1 1 1 1 1 end 1 1 1 1 OTOS will detect 2 areas. > 4. Specials Thanks Without doubt, I have to give special thanks to all adventurers that helped me in this project. This is a short list of people who contributed. They are also part of OTOS. :-) * Cl�rigo Urbatain -> The helping hand in the whole project. Without him this will be nothing. * Zak -> The man who has helped with the translation. Many thanks! * JSJ -> The translator of this document. :-) * Sirrus -> Another man who has helped with the translation. * dhan -> He helped me to undestand the IF-Competition rules. * Andr�s Viedma -> The best 'transcripter' of OTOS. * CAAD -> What will be of me without this... My special thanks to all of them. > 5. Contact... My e-mail is: amarq2@hotmail.com I'd like to receive your transcripts or 'minds' for OTOS. All of them will be published in this web: www.xyzzy.gq.nu (in AOL section) For the time, this web is only in Spanish, but in a short time it will be translated :-) Whatch out for the OTOS transcripts contest!. I'll appreciate your suggestions, comments, etc... That's all!.