patch-2.4.4 linux/fs/ntfs/ntfsendian.h
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- Lines: 113
- Date:
Wed Apr 18 11:49:13 2001
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Mon Dec 11 13:26:39 2000
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.3/linux/fs/ntfs/ntfsendian.h linux/fs/ntfs/ntfsendian.h
@@ -1,17 +1,13 @@
- * ntfsendian.h
+/* ntfsendian.h
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Martin von L�wis
* Copyright (C) 1998 Joseph Malicki
* Copyright (C) 1999 Werner Seiler
+ * Copyright (C) 2001 Anton Altaparmakov (AIA)
-#ifdef __linux__
-/* This defines __cpu_to_le16 on Linux 2.1 and higher. */
#include <asm/byteorder.h>
-#ifdef __cpu_to_le16
#define CPU_TO_LE16(a) __cpu_to_le16(a)
#define CPU_TO_LE32(a) __cpu_to_le32(a)
#define CPU_TO_LE64(a) __cpu_to_le64(a)
@@ -20,68 +16,44 @@
#define LE32_TO_CPU(a) __cpu_to_le32(a)
#define LE64_TO_CPU(a) __cpu_to_le64(a)
-#define CPU_TO_LE16(a) (a)
-#define CPU_TO_LE32(a) (a)
-#define CPU_TO_LE64(a) (a)
-#define LE16_TO_CPU(a) (a)
-#define LE32_TO_CPU(a) (a)
-#define LE64_TO_CPU(a) (a)
-/* Routines for big-endian machines */
-#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
-/* We hope its big-endian, not PDP-endian :) */
-#define CPU_TO_LE16(a) ((((a)&0xFF) << 8)|((a) >> 8))
-#define CPU_TO_LE32(a) ((((a) & 0xFF) << 24) | (((a) & 0xFF00) << 8) | \
- (((a) & 0xFF0000) >> 8) | ((a) >> 24))
-#define CPU_TO_LE64(a) ((CPU_TO_LE32(a)<<32)|CPU_TO_LE32((a)>>32)
-#define LE16_TO_CPU(a) CPU_TO_LE16(a)
-#define LE32_TO_CPU(a) CPU_TO_LE32(a)
-#define LE64_TO_CPU(a) CPU_TO_LE64(a)
-#error Please define Endianness - __BIG_ENDIAN or __LITTLE_ENDIAN or add OS-specific macros
-#endif /* __BIG_ENDIAN */
-#endif /* __LITTLE_ENDIAN */
-#endif /* __cpu_to_le16 */
#define NTFS_GETU8(p) (*(ntfs_u8*)(p))
#define NTFS_GETU16(p) ((ntfs_u16)LE16_TO_CPU(*(ntfs_u16*)(p)))
-#define NTFS_GETU24(p) ((ntfs_u32)NTFS_GETU16(p) | ((ntfs_u32)NTFS_GETU8(((char*)(p))+2)<<16))
+#define NTFS_GETU24(p) ((ntfs_u32)NTFS_GETU16(p) | \
+ ((ntfs_u32)NTFS_GETU8(((char*)(p)) + 2) << 16))
#define NTFS_GETU32(p) ((ntfs_u32)LE32_TO_CPU(*(ntfs_u32*)(p)))
-#define NTFS_GETU40(p) ((ntfs_u64)NTFS_GETU32(p)|(((ntfs_u64)NTFS_GETU8(((char*)(p))+4))<<32))
-#define NTFS_GETU48(p) ((ntfs_u64)NTFS_GETU32(p)|(((ntfs_u64)NTFS_GETU16(((char*)(p))+4))<<32))
-#define NTFS_GETU56(p) ((ntfs_u64)NTFS_GETU32(p)|(((ntfs_u64)NTFS_GETU24(((char*)(p))+4))<<32))
+#define NTFS_GETU40(p) ((ntfs_u64)NTFS_GETU32(p) | \
+ (((ntfs_u64)NTFS_GETU8(((char*)(p)) + 4)) << 32))
+#define NTFS_GETU48(p) ((ntfs_u64)NTFS_GETU32(p) | \
+ (((ntfs_u64)NTFS_GETU16(((char*)(p)) + 4)) << 32))
+#define NTFS_GETU56(p) ((ntfs_u64)NTFS_GETU32(p) | \
+ (((ntfs_u64)NTFS_GETU24(((char*)(p)) + 4)) << 32))
#define NTFS_GETU64(p) ((ntfs_u64)LE64_TO_CPU(*(ntfs_u64*)(p)))
/* Macros writing unsigned integers */
-#define NTFS_PUTU8(p,v) ((*(ntfs_u8*)(p))=(v))
-#define NTFS_PUTU16(p,v) ((*(ntfs_u16*)(p))=CPU_TO_LE16(v))
-#define NTFS_PUTU24(p,v) NTFS_PUTU16(p,(v) & 0xFFFF);\
- NTFS_PUTU8(((char*)(p))+2,(v)>>16)
-#define NTFS_PUTU32(p,v) ((*(ntfs_u32*)(p))=CPU_TO_LE32(v))
-#define NTFS_PUTU64(p,v) ((*(ntfs_u64*)(p))=CPU_TO_LE64(v))
+#define NTFS_PUTU8(p,v) ((*(ntfs_u8*)(p)) = (v))
+#define NTFS_PUTU16(p,v) ((*(ntfs_u16*)(p)) = CPU_TO_LE16(v))
+#define NTFS_PUTU24(p,v) NTFS_PUTU16(p, (v) & 0xFFFF);\
+ NTFS_PUTU8(((char*)(p)) + 2, (v) >> 16)
+#define NTFS_PUTU32(p,v) ((*(ntfs_u32*)(p)) = CPU_TO_LE32(v))
+#define NTFS_PUTU64(p,v) ((*(ntfs_u64*)(p)) = CPU_TO_LE64(v))
/* Macros reading signed integers */
#define NTFS_GETS8(p) ((*(ntfs_s8*)(p)))
#define NTFS_GETS16(p) ((ntfs_s16)LE16_TO_CPU(*(short*)(p)))
-#define NTFS_GETS24(p) (NTFS_GETU24(p) < 0x800000 ? (int)NTFS_GETU24(p) : (int)(NTFS_GETU24(p) - 0x1000000))
+#define NTFS_GETS24(p) (NTFS_GETU24(p) < 0x800000 ? \
+ (int)NTFS_GETU24(p) : \
+ (int)(NTFS_GETU24(p) - 0x1000000))
#define NTFS_GETS32(p) ((ntfs_s32)LE32_TO_CPU(*(int*)(p)))
-#define NTFS_GETS40(p) (((ntfs_s64)NTFS_GETU32(p)) | (((ntfs_s64)NTFS_GETS8(((char*)(p))+4)) << 32))
-#define NTFS_GETS48(p) (((ntfs_s64)NTFS_GETU32(p)) | (((ntfs_s64)NTFS_GETS16(((char*)(p))+4)) << 32))
-#define NTFS_GETS56(p) (((ntfs_s64)NTFS_GETU32(p)) | (((ntfs_s64)NTFS_GETS24(((char*)(p))+4)) << 32))
+#define NTFS_GETS40(p) (((ntfs_s64)NTFS_GETU32(p)) | \
+ (((ntfs_s64)NTFS_GETS8(((char*)(p)) + 4)) << 32))
+#define NTFS_GETS48(p) (((ntfs_s64)NTFS_GETU32(p)) | \
+ (((ntfs_s64)NTFS_GETS16(((char*)(p)) + 4)) << 32))
+#define NTFS_GETS56(p) (((ntfs_s64)NTFS_GETU32(p)) | \
+ (((ntfs_s64)NTFS_GETS24(((char*)(p)) + 4)) << 32))
#define NTFS_GETS64(p) ((ntfs_s64)NTFS_GETU64(p))
#define NTFS_PUTS8(p,v) NTFS_PUTU8(p,v)
#define NTFS_PUTS16(p,v) NTFS_PUTU16(p,v)
#define NTFS_PUTS24(p,v) NTFS_PUTU24(p,v)
#define NTFS_PUTS32(p,v) NTFS_PUTU32(p,v)
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: