patch-2.4.15 linux/Documentation/usb/usb-serial.txt
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- Lines: 337
- Date:
Mon Nov 12 09:50:39 2001
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Tue Jul 3 17:08:18 2001
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.14/linux/Documentation/usb/usb-serial.txt linux/Documentation/usb/usb-serial.txt
@@ -44,28 +44,33 @@
device, including providing a unit to test with. This driver will end up
being fully supported.
-Current status:
- The device's firmware is downloaded on connection, the new firmware
- runs properly and all four ports are successfully recognized and connected.
- Data can be sent and received through the device on all ports.
- Hardware flow control needs to be implemented.
+ Current status:
+ The device's firmware is downloaded on connection, the new firmware
+ runs properly and all four ports are successfully recognized and connected.
+ Data can be sent and received through the device on all ports.
+ Hardware flow control needs to be implemented.
+ For any questions or problems with this driver, please contact Greg
+ Kroah-Hartman at
-HandSpring Visor USB docking station
-Current status:
- Only when the Visor tries to connect to the host, does the docking
- station show up as a valid USB device. When this happens, the device is
+HandSpring Visor, Palm USB, and Cli� USB driver
+ This driver works with all HandSpring USB, Palm USB, and Sony Cli� USB
+ devices.
+ Only when the device tries to connect to the host, will the device show
+ up to the host as a valid USB device. When this happens, the device is
properly enumerated, assigned a port, and then communication _should_ be
possible. The driver cleans up properly when the device is removed, or
- the connection is canceled on the Visor.
+ the connection is canceled on the device.
- This means that in order to talk to the Visor, the sync button must be
- pressed BEFORE trying to get any program to communicate to the Visor.
+ This means that in order to talk to the device, the sync button must be
+ pressed BEFORE trying to get any program to communicate to the device.
This goes against the current documentation for pilot-xfer and other
packages, but is the only way that it will work due to the hardware
- in the Visor.
+ in the device.
When the device is connected, try talking to it on the second port
(this is usually /dev/ttyUSB1 if you do not have any other usb-serial
@@ -73,37 +78,49 @@
the port to use for the HotSync transfer. The "Generic" port can be used
for other device communication, such as a PPP link.
+ For some Sony Cli� devices, /dev/ttyUSB0 must be used to talk to the
+ device. This is true for all OS version 3.5 devices, and most devices
+ that have had a flash upgrade to a newer version of the OS. See the
+ kernel system log for information on which is the correct port to use.
If after pressing the sync button, nothing shows up in the system log,
- try resetting the Visor, first a hot reset, and then a cold reset if
- necessary. Some Visors need this before they can talk to the USB port
+ try resetting the device, first a hot reset, and then a cold reset if
+ necessary. Some devices need this before they can talk to the USB port
- There is a webpage and mailing lists for this portion of the driver at:
+ There is a webpage and mailing lists for this portion of the driver at:
+ For any questions or problems with this driver, please contact Greg
+ Kroah-Hartman at
Keyspan PDA Serial Adapter
Single port DB-9 serial adapter, pushed as a PDA adapter for iMacs (mostly
sold in Macintosh catalogs, comes in a translucent white/green dongle).
Fairly simple device. Firmware is homebrew.
+ This driver also works for the Xircom/Entrgra single port serial adapter.
-Current status:
- Things that work:
- basic input/output (tested with 'cu')
- blocking write when serial line can't keep up
- changing baud rates (up to 115200)
- getting/setting modem control pins (TIOCM{GET,SET,BIS,BIC})
- sending break (although duration looks suspect)
- Things that don't:
- device strings (as logged by kernel) have trailing binary garbage
- device ID isn't right, might collide with other Keyspan products
- changing baud rates ought to flush tx/rx to avoid mangled half characters
- Big Things on the todo list:
- parity, 7 vs 8 bits per char, 1 or 2 stop bits
- HW flow control
- not all of the standard USB descriptors are handled: Get_Status, Set_Feature
- O_NONBLOCK, select()
+ Current status:
+ Things that work:
+ basic input/output (tested with 'cu')
+ blocking write when serial line can't keep up
+ changing baud rates (up to 115200)
+ getting/setting modem control pins (TIOCM{GET,SET,BIS,BIC})
+ sending break (although duration looks suspect)
+ Things that don't:
+ device strings (as logged by kernel) have trailing binary garbage
+ device ID isn't right, might collide with other Keyspan products
+ changing baud rates ought to flush tx/rx to avoid mangled half characters
+ Big Things on the todo list:
+ parity, 7 vs 8 bits per char, 1 or 2 stop bits
+ HW flow control
+ not all of the standard USB descriptors are handled: Get_Status, Set_Feature
+ O_NONBLOCK, select()
+ For any questions or problems with this driver, please contact Brian
+ Warner at
Keyspan USA-series Serial Adapters
@@ -111,19 +128,22 @@
Single, Dual and Quad port adapters - driver uses Keyspan supplied
firmware and is being developed with their support.
-Current status:
- The USA-18X, USA-28X, USA-19, USA-19W and USA-49W are supported and
- have been pretty throughly tested at various baud rates with 8-N-1
- character settings. Other character lengths and parity setups are
- presently untested.
- The USA-28 isn't yet supported though doing so should be pretty
- straightforward. Contact the maintainer if you require this
- functionality.
+ Current status:
+ The USA-18X, USA-28X, USA-19, USA-19W and USA-49W are supported and
+ have been pretty throughly tested at various baud rates with 8-N-1
+ character settings. Other character lengths and parity setups are
+ presently untested.
+ The USA-28 isn't yet supported though doing so should be pretty
+ straightforward. Contact the maintainer if you require this
+ functionality.
More information is available at:
+ For any questions or problems with this driver, please contact Hugh
+ Blemings at
FTDI Single Port Serial Driver
@@ -131,6 +151,9 @@
device and the Linux driver can be found at:
+ For any questions or problems with this driver, please contact Bill Ryder
+ at
ZyXEL lcd plus ISDN TA
@@ -162,65 +185,71 @@
Belkin USB Serial Adapter F5U103
Single port DB-9/PS-2 serial adapter from Belkin with firmware by eTEK Labs.
- The Peracom single port serial adapter also works with this driver.
+ The Peracom single port serial adapter also works with this driver, as
+ well as the GoHubs adapter.
+ Current status:
+ The following have been tested and work:
+ Baud rate 300-230400
+ Data bits 5-8
+ Stop bits 1-2
+ Parity N,E,O,M,S
+ Handshake None, Software (XON/XOFF), Hardware (CTSRTS,CTSDTR)*
+ Break Set and clear
+ Line contrl Input/Output query and control **
+ * Hardware input flow control is only enabled for firmware
+ levels above 2.06. Read source code comments describing Belkin
+ firmware errata. Hardware output flow control is working for all
+ firmware versions.
+ ** Queries of inputs (CTS,DSR,CD,RI) show the last
+ reported state. Queries of outputs (DTR,RTS) show the last
+ requested state and may not reflect current state as set by
+ automatic hardware flow control.
+ TO DO List:
+ -- Add true modem contol line query capability. Currently tracks the
+ states reported by the interrupt and the states requested.
+ -- Add error reporting back to application for UART error conditions.
+ -- Add support for flush ioctls.
+ -- Add everything else that is missing :)
-Current status:
- The following have been tested and work:
- Baud rate 300-230400
- Data bits 5-8
- Stop bits 1-2
- Parity N,E,O,M,S
- Handshake None, Software (XON/XOFF), Hardware (CTSRTS,CTSDTR)*
- Break Set and clear
- Line contrl Input/Output query and control **
- * Hardware input flow control is only enabled for firmware
- levels above 2.06. Read source code comments describing Belkin
- firmware errata. Hardware output flow control is working for all
- firmware versions.
- ** Queries of inputs (CTS,DSR,CD,RI) show the last
- reported state. Queries of outputs (DTR,RTS) show the last
- requested state and may not reflect current state as set by
- automatic hardware flow control.
-TO DO List:
- -- Add true modem contol line query capability. Currently tracks the
- states reported by the interrupt and the states requested.
- -- Add error reporting back to application for UART error conditions.
- -- Add support for flush ioctls.
- -- Add everything else that is missing :)
+ For any questions or problems with this driver, please contact William
+ Greathouse at
-Empeg empeg-car Mark I/II Driver (empeg.c)
+Empeg empeg-car Mark I/II Driver
This is an experimental driver to provide connectivity support for the
client synchronization tools for an Empeg empeg-car mp3 player.
* Don't forget to create the device nodes for ttyUSB{0,1,2,...}
* modprobe empeg (modprobe is your friend)
* emptool --usb /dev/ttyUSB0 (or whatever you named your device node)
- The driver is still pretty new, so some testing 'in the wild' would be
- helpful. :)
+ For any questions or problems with this driver, please contact Gary
+ Brubaker at
MCT USB Single Port Serial Adapter U232
- This driver is for the MCT USB-RS232 Converter (25 pin, Model No.
- U232-P25) from Magic Control Technology Corp. (there is also a 9 pin
- Model No. U232-P9). More information about this device can be found
- at the manufacture's web-site:
- The driver is generally working, though it still needs some more
- testing. It is derived from the Belkin USB Serial Adapter F5U103
- driver and its TODO list is valid for this driver as well.
- This driver has also been found to work for other products, which have
- the same Vendor ID but different Product IDs. Sitecom's U232-P25
- serial converter uses Product ID 0x230 and Vendor ID 0x711 and works with
- this driver. Also, D-Link's DU-H3SP USB BAY also works with this driver.
+ This driver is for the MCT USB-RS232 Converter (25 pin, Model No.
+ U232-P25) from Magic Control Technology Corp. (there is also a 9 pin
+ Model No. U232-P9). More information about this device can be found at
+ the manufacture's web-site:
+ The driver is generally working, though it still needs some more testing.
+ It is derived from the Belkin USB Serial Adapter F5U103 driver and its
+ TODO list is valid for this driver as well.
+ This driver has also been found to work for other products, which have
+ the same Vendor ID but different Product IDs. Sitecom's U232-P25 serial
+ converter uses Product ID 0x230 and Vendor ID 0x711 and works with this
+ driver. Also, D-Link's DU-H3SP USB BAY also works with this driver.
+ For any questions or problems with this driver, please contact Wolfgang
+ Grandegger at
Inside Out Networks Edgeport Driver
@@ -244,17 +273,34 @@
Edgeport/4 DIN
Edgeport/16 Dual
+ For any questions or problems with this driver, please contact Greg
+ Kroah-Hartman at
REINER SCT cyberJack pinpad/e-com USB chipcard reader
Interface to ISO 7816 compatible contactbased chipcards, e.g. GSM SIMs.
-Current status:
- This is the kernel part of the driver for this USB card reader.
- There is also a user part for a CT-API driver available. A site
- for downloading is TBA. For now, you can request it from the
- maintainer (
+ Current status:
+ This is the kernel part of the driver for this USB card reader.
+ There is also a user part for a CT-API driver available. A site
+ for downloading is TBA. For now, you can request it from the
+ maintainer (
+ For any questions or problems with this driver, please contact
+Prolific PL2303 Driver
+ This driver support any device that has the PL2303 chip from Prolific
+ in it. This includes a number of single port USB to serial
+ converters and USB GPS devices. Devices from Aten (the UC-232) and
+ IO-Data work with this driver.
+ For any questions or problems with this driver, please contact Greg
+ Kroah-Hartman at
Generic Serial driver
@@ -275,13 +321,17 @@
development board, providing a way to develop USB firmware without
having to write a custom driver.
+ For any questions or problems with this driver, please contact Greg
+ Kroah-Hartman at
- If anyone has any problems using this driver, with any of the above
- specified products, please contact me, or join the Linux-USB mailing
- list (information on joining the mailing list, as well as a link to its
- searchable archive is at )
+ If anyone has any problems using these drivers, with any of the above
+ specified products, please contact the specific driver's author listed
+ above, or join the Linux-USB mailing list (information on joining the
+ mailing list, as well as a link to its searchable archive is at
+ )
Greg Kroah-Hartman
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: