patch-2.4.13 linux/drivers/i2o/i2o_core.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.12/linux/drivers/i2o/i2o_core.c linux/drivers/i2o/i2o_core.c
@@ -1,3564 +0,0 @@
- * Core I2O structure management 
- * 
- * (C) Copyright 1999   Red Hat Software 
- *
- * Written by Alan Cox, Building Number Three Ltd 
- * 
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 
- * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  
- * 
- * A lot of the I2O message side code from this is taken from the 
- * Red Creek RCPCI45 adapter driver by Red Creek Communications 
- * 
- * Fixes by: 
- *		Philipp Rumpf 
- *		Juha Siev�nen <Juha.Sievanen@cs.Helsinki.FI> 
- *		Auvo H�kkinen <Auvo.Hakkinen@cs.Helsinki.FI> 
- *		Deepak Saxena <> 
- *		Boji T Kannanthanam <>
- * 
- */
-#include <linux/config.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/i2o.h>
-#include <linux/errno.h>
-#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
-#include <linux/bitops.h>
-#include <linux/wait.h>
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <linux/timer.h>
-#include <linux/tqueue.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <asm/semaphore.h>
-#include <linux/completion.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
-#include <linux/reboot.h>
-#include "i2o_lan.h"
-//#define DRIVERDEBUG
-#define dprintk(s, args...) printk(s, ## args)
-#define dprintk(s, args...)
-/* OSM table */
-static struct i2o_handler *i2o_handlers[MAX_I2O_MODULES];
-/* Controller list */
-static struct i2o_controller *i2o_controllers[MAX_I2O_CONTROLLERS];
-struct i2o_controller *i2o_controller_chain;
-int i2o_num_controllers;
-/* Initiator Context for Core message */
-static int core_context;
-/* Initialization && shutdown functions */
-static void i2o_sys_init(void);
-static void i2o_sys_shutdown(void);
-static int i2o_reset_controller(struct i2o_controller *);
-static int i2o_reboot_event(struct notifier_block *, unsigned long , void *);
-static int i2o_online_controller(struct i2o_controller *);
-static int i2o_init_outbound_q(struct i2o_controller *);
-static int i2o_post_outbound_messages(struct i2o_controller *);
-/* Reply handler */
-static void i2o_core_reply(struct i2o_handler *, struct i2o_controller *,
-			   struct i2o_message *);
-/* Various helper functions */
-static int i2o_lct_get(struct i2o_controller *);
-static int i2o_lct_notify(struct i2o_controller *);
-static int i2o_hrt_get(struct i2o_controller *);
-static int i2o_build_sys_table(void);
-static int i2o_systab_send(struct i2o_controller *c);
-/* I2O core event handler */
-static int i2o_core_evt(void *);
-static int evt_pid;
-static int evt_running;
-/* Dynamic LCT update handler */
-static int i2o_dyn_lct(void *);
-void i2o_report_controller_unit(struct i2o_controller *, struct i2o_device *);
- * I2O System Table.  Contains information about
- * all the IOPs in the system.  Used to inform IOPs
- * about each other's existence.
- *
- * sys_tbl_ver is the CurrentChangeIndicator that is
- * used by IOPs to track changes.
- */
-static struct i2o_sys_tbl *sys_tbl;
-static int sys_tbl_ind;
-static int sys_tbl_len;
- * This spin lock is used to keep a device from being
- * added and deleted concurrently across CPUs or interrupts.
- * This can occur when a user creates a device and immediatelly
- * deletes it before the new_dev_notify() handler is called.
- */
-static spinlock_t i2o_dev_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-#ifdef MODULE
- * Function table to send to bus specific layers
- * See <include/linux/i2o.h> for explanation of this
- */
-static struct i2o_core_func_table i2o_core_functions =
-	i2o_install_controller,
-	i2o_activate_controller,
-	i2o_find_controller,
-	i2o_unlock_controller,
-	i2o_run_queue,
-	i2o_delete_controller
-extern int i2o_pci_core_attach(struct i2o_core_func_table *);
-extern void i2o_pci_core_detach(void);
-#endif /* CONFIG_I2O_PCI_MODULE */
-#endif /* MODULE */
- * Structures and definitions for synchronous message posting.
- * See i2o_post_wait() for description.
- */ 
-struct i2o_post_wait_data
-	int *status;		/* Pointer to status block on caller stack */
-	int *complete;		/* Pointer to completion flag on caller stack */
-	u32 id;			/* Unique identifier */
-	wait_queue_head_t *wq;	/* Wake up for caller (NULL for dead) */
-	struct i2o_post_wait_data *next;	/* Chain */
-	void *mem[2];		/* Memory blocks to recover on failure path */
-static struct i2o_post_wait_data *post_wait_queue;
-static u32 post_wait_id;	// Unique ID for each post_wait
-static spinlock_t post_wait_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-static void i2o_post_wait_complete(u32, int);
-/* OSM descriptor handler */ 
-static struct i2o_handler i2o_core_handler =
-	(void *)i2o_core_reply,
-	"I2O core layer",
-	0,
- * Used when queueing a reply to be handled later
- */
-struct reply_info
-	struct i2o_controller *iop;
-	u32 msg[MSG_FRAME_SIZE];
-static struct reply_info evt_reply;
-static struct reply_info events[I2O_EVT_Q_LEN];
-static int evt_in;
-static int evt_out;
-static int evt_q_len;
-#define MODINC(x,y) ((x) = ((x) + 1) % (y))
- * I2O configuration spinlock. This isnt a big deal for contention
- * so we have one only
- */
-static DECLARE_MUTEX(i2o_configuration_lock);
- * Event spinlock.  Used to keep event queue sane and from
- * handling multiple events simultaneously.
- */
-static spinlock_t i2o_evt_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- * Semaphore used to synchronize event handling thread with 
- * interrupt handler.
- */
-static DECLARE_MUTEX(evt_sem);
-static DECLARE_COMPLETION(evt_dead);
-static struct notifier_block i2o_reboot_notifier =
-        i2o_reboot_event,
-        NULL,
-        0
- *	Config options
- */
-static int verbose;
-MODULE_PARM(verbose, "i");
- * I2O Core reply handler
- */
-static void i2o_core_reply(struct i2o_handler *h, struct i2o_controller *c,
-		    struct i2o_message *m)
-	u32 *msg=(u32 *)m;
-	u32 status;
-	u32 context = msg[2];
-	if (msg[0] & MSG_FAIL) // Fail bit is set
-	{
-		u32 *preserved_msg = (u32*)(c->mem_offset + msg[7]);
-		i2o_report_status(KERN_INFO, "i2o_core", msg);
-		i2o_dump_message(preserved_msg);
-		/* If the failed request needs special treatment,
-		 * it should be done here. */
-                /* Release the preserved msg by resubmitting it as a NOP */
-		preserved_msg[0] = THREE_WORD_MSG_SIZE | SGL_OFFSET_0;
-		preserved_msg[1] = I2O_CMD_UTIL_NOP << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | 0;
-		preserved_msg[2] = 0;
-		i2o_post_message(c, msg[7]);
-		/* If reply to i2o_post_wait failed, return causes a timeout */
-		return;
-	}       
-	i2o_report_status(KERN_INFO, "i2o_core", msg);
-	if(msg[2]&0x80000000)	// Post wait message
-	{
-		if (msg[4] >> 24)
-			status = (msg[4] & 0xFFFF);
-		else
-			status = I2O_POST_WAIT_OK;
-		i2o_post_wait_complete(context, status);
-		return;
-	}
-	if(m->function == I2O_CMD_UTIL_EVT_REGISTER)
-	{
-		memcpy(events[evt_in].msg, msg, (msg[0]>>16)<<2);
-		events[evt_in].iop = c;
-		spin_lock(&i2o_evt_lock);
-		MODINC(evt_in, I2O_EVT_Q_LEN);
-		if(evt_q_len == I2O_EVT_Q_LEN)
-			MODINC(evt_out, I2O_EVT_Q_LEN);
-		else
-			evt_q_len++;
-		spin_unlock(&i2o_evt_lock);
-		up(&evt_sem);
-		wake_up_interruptible(&evt_wait);
-		return;
-	}
-	if(m->function == I2O_CMD_LCT_NOTIFY)
-	{
-		up(&c->lct_sem);
-		return;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * If this happens, we want to dump the message to the syslog so
-	 * it can be sent back to the card manufacturer by the end user
-	 * to aid in debugging.
-	 * 
-	 */
-	printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Unsolicited message reply sent to core!"
-			"Message dumped to syslog\n", 
-			c->name);
-	i2o_dump_message(msg);
-	return;
- *	i2o_install_handler - install a message handler
- *	@h: Handler structure
- *
- *	Install an I2O handler - these handle the asynchronous messaging
- *	from the card once it has initialised. If the table of handlers is
- *	full then -ENOSPC is returned. On a success 0 is returned and the
- *	context field is set by the function. The structure is part of the
- *	system from this time onwards. It must not be freed until it has
- *	been uninstalled
- */
-int i2o_install_handler(struct i2o_handler *h)
-	int i;
-	down(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-	for(i=0;i<MAX_I2O_MODULES;i++)
-	{
-		if(i2o_handlers[i]==NULL)
-		{
-			h->context = i;
-			i2o_handlers[i]=h;
-			up(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	up(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-	return -ENOSPC;
- *	i2o_remove_handler - remove an i2o message handler
- *	@h: handler
- *
- *	Remove a message handler previously installed with i2o_install_handler.
- *	After this function returns the handler object can be freed or re-used
- */
-int i2o_remove_handler(struct i2o_handler *h)
-	i2o_handlers[h->context]=NULL;
-	return 0;
- *	Each I2O controller has a chain of devices on it.
- * Each device has a pointer to it's LCT entry to be used
- * for fun purposes.
- */
- *	i2o_install_device	-	attach a device to a controller
- *	@c: controller
- *	@d: device
- * 	
- *	Add a new device to an i2o controller. This can be called from
- *	non interrupt contexts only. It adds the device and marks it as
- *	unclaimed. The device memory becomes part of the kernel and must
- *	be uninstalled before being freed or reused. Zero is returned
- *	on success.
- */
-int i2o_install_device(struct i2o_controller *c, struct i2o_device *d)
-	int i;
-	down(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-	d->controller=c;
-	d->owner=NULL;
-	d->next=c->devices;
-	d->prev=NULL;
-	if (c->devices != NULL)
-		c->devices->prev=d;
-	c->devices=d;
-	*d->dev_name = 0;
-	for(i = 0; i < I2O_MAX_MANAGERS; i++)
-		d->managers[i] = NULL;
-	up(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-	return 0;
-/* we need this version to call out of i2o_delete_controller */
-int __i2o_delete_device(struct i2o_device *d)
-	struct i2o_device **p;
-	int i;
-	p=&(d->controller->devices);
-	/*
-	 *	Hey we have a driver!
-	 * Check to see if the driver wants us to notify it of 
-	 * device deletion. If it doesn't we assume that it
-	 * is unsafe to delete a device with an owner and 
-	 * fail.
-	 */
-	if(d->owner)
-	{
-		if(d->owner->dev_del_notify)
-		{
-			dprintk(KERN_INFO "Device has owner, notifying\n");
-			d->owner->dev_del_notify(d->controller, d);
-			if(d->owner)
-			{
-				printk(KERN_WARNING 
-					"Driver \"%s\" did not release device!\n", d->owner->name);
-				return -EBUSY;
-			}
-		}
-		else
-			return -EBUSY;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Tell any other users who are talking to this device
-	 * that it's going away.  We assume that everything works.
-	 */
-	for(i=0; i < I2O_MAX_MANAGERS; i++)
-	{
-		if(d->managers[i] && d->managers[i]->dev_del_notify)
-			d->managers[i]->dev_del_notify(d->controller, d);
-	}
-	while(*p!=NULL)
-	{
-		if(*p==d)
-		{
-			/*
-			 *	Destroy
-			 */
-			*p=d->next;
-			kfree(d);
-			return 0;
-		}
-		p=&((*p)->next);
-	}
-	printk(KERN_ERR "i2o_delete_device: passed invalid device.\n");
-	return -EINVAL;
- *	i2o_delete_device	-	remove an i2o device
- *	@d: device to remove
- *
- *	This function unhooks a device from a controller. The device
- *	will not be unhooked if it has an owner who does not wish to free
- *	it, or if the owner lacks a dev_del_notify function. In that case
- *	-EBUSY is returned. On success 0 is returned. Other errors cause
- *	negative errno values to be returned
- */
-int i2o_delete_device(struct i2o_device *d)
-	int ret;
-	down(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-	/*
-	 *	Seek, locate
-	 */
-	ret = __i2o_delete_device(d);
-	up(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-	return ret;
- *	i2o_install_controller	-	attach a controller
- *	@c: controller
- * 	
- *	Add a new controller to the i2o layer. This can be called from
- *	non interrupt contexts only. It adds the controller and marks it as
- *	unused with no devices. If the tables are full or memory allocations
- *	fail then a negative errno code is returned. On success zero is
- *	returned and the controller is bound to the system. The structure
- *	must not be freed or reused until being uninstalled.
- */
-int i2o_install_controller(struct i2o_controller *c)
-	int i;
-	down(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-	for(i=0;i<MAX_I2O_CONTROLLERS;i++)
-	{
-		if(i2o_controllers[i]==NULL)
-		{
-			c->dlct = (i2o_lct*)kmalloc(8192, GFP_KERNEL);
-			if(c->dlct==NULL)
-			{
-				up(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-				return -ENOMEM;
-			}
-			i2o_controllers[i]=c;
-			c->devices = NULL;
-			c->next=i2o_controller_chain;
-			i2o_controller_chain=c;
-			c->unit = i;
-			c->page_frame = NULL;
-			c->hrt = NULL;
-			c->lct = NULL;
-			c->status_block = NULL;
-			sprintf(c->name, "i2o/iop%d", i);
-			i2o_num_controllers++;
-			init_MUTEX_LOCKED(&c->lct_sem);
-			up(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	printk(KERN_ERR "No free i2o controller slots.\n");
-	up(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-	return -EBUSY;
- *	i2o_delete_controller	- delete a controller
- *	@c: controller
- *	
- *	Remove an i2o controller from the system. If the controller or its
- *	devices are busy then -EBUSY is returned. On a failure a negative
- *	errno code is returned. On success zero is returned.
- */
-int i2o_delete_controller(struct i2o_controller *c)
-	struct i2o_controller **p;
-	int users;
-	char name[16];
-	int stat;
-	dprintk(KERN_INFO "Deleting controller %s\n", c->name);
-	/*
-	 * Clear event registration as this can cause weird behavior
-	 */
-	if(c->status_block->iop_state == ADAPTER_STATE_OPERATIONAL)
-		i2o_event_register(c, core_context, 0, 0, 0);
-	down(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-	if((users=atomic_read(&c->users)))
-	{
-		dprintk(KERN_INFO "I2O: %d users for controller %s\n", users,
-			c->name);
-		up(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-		return -EBUSY;
-	}
-	while(c->devices)
-	{
-		if(__i2o_delete_device(c->devices)<0)
-		{
-			/* Shouldnt happen */
-			c->bus_disable(c);
-			up(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-			return -EBUSY;
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * If this is shutdown time, the thread's already been killed
-	 */
-	if(c->lct_running) {
-		stat = kill_proc(c->lct_pid, SIGTERM, 1);
-		if(!stat) {
-			int count = 10 * 100;
-			while(c->lct_running && --count) {
-				current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
-				schedule_timeout(1);
-			}
-			if(!count)
-				printk(KERN_ERR 
-					"%s: LCT thread still running!\n", 
-					c->name);
-		}
-	}
-	p=&i2o_controller_chain;
-	while(*p)
-	{
-		if(*p==c)
-		{
- 			/* Ask the IOP to switch to RESET state */
-			i2o_reset_controller(c);
-			/* Release IRQ */
-			c->destructor(c);
-			*p=c->next;
-			up(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-			if(c->page_frame)
-				kfree(c->page_frame);
-			if(c->hrt)
-				kfree(c->hrt);
-			if(c->lct)
-				kfree(c->lct);
-			if(c->status_block)
-				kfree(c->status_block);
-			if(c->dlct)
-				kfree(c->dlct);
-			i2o_controllers[c->unit]=NULL;
-			memcpy(name, c->name, strlen(c->name)+1);
-			kfree(c);
-			dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: Deleted from controller chain.\n", name);
-			i2o_num_controllers--;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		p=&((*p)->next);
-	}
-	up(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-	printk(KERN_ERR "i2o_delete_controller: bad pointer!\n");
-	return -ENOENT;
- *	i2o_unlock_controller	-	unlock a controller
- *	@c: controller to unlock
- *
- *	Take a lock on an i2o controller. This prevents it being deleted.
- *	i2o controllers are not refcounted so a deletion of an in use device
- *	will fail, not take affect on the last dereference.
- */
-void i2o_unlock_controller(struct i2o_controller *c)
-	atomic_dec(&c->users);
- *	i2o_find_controller - return a locked controller
- *	@n: controller number
- *
- *	Returns a pointer to the controller object. The controller is locked
- *	on return. NULL is returned if the controller is not found.
- */
-struct i2o_controller *i2o_find_controller(int n)
-	struct i2o_controller *c;
-	if(n<0 || n>=MAX_I2O_CONTROLLERS)
-		return NULL;
-	down(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-	c=i2o_controllers[n];
-	if(c!=NULL)
-		atomic_inc(&c->users);
-	up(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-	return c;
- *	i2o_issue_claim	- claim or release a device
- *	@cmd: command
- *	@c: controller to claim for
- *	@tid: i2o task id
- *	@type: type of claim
- *
- *	Issue I2O UTIL_CLAIM and UTIL_RELEASE messages. The message to be sent
- *	is set by cmd. The tid is the task id of the object to claim and the
- *	type is the claim type (see the i2o standard)
- *
- *	Zero is returned on success.
- */
-static int i2o_issue_claim(u32 cmd, struct i2o_controller *c, int tid, u32 type)
-	u32 msg[5];
-	msg[1] = cmd << 24 | HOST_TID<<12 | tid;
-	msg[3] = 0;
-	msg[4] = type;
-	return i2o_post_wait(c, msg, sizeof(msg), 60);
- * 	i2o_claim_device - claim a device for use by an OSM
- *	@d: device to claim
- *	@h: handler for this device
- *
- *	Do the leg work to assign a device to a given OSM on Linux. The
- *	kernel updates the internal handler data for the device and then
- *	performs an I2O claim for the device, attempting to claim the
- *	device as primary. If the attempt fails a negative errno code
- *	is returned. On success zero is returned.
- */
-int i2o_claim_device(struct i2o_device *d, struct i2o_handler *h)
-	down(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-	if (d->owner) {
-		printk(KERN_INFO "Device claim called, but dev already owned by %s!",
-		       h->name);
-		up(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-		return -EBUSY;
-	}
-	d->owner=h;
-	if(i2o_issue_claim(I2O_CMD_UTIL_CLAIM ,d->controller,d->lct_data.tid, 
-	{
-		d->owner = NULL;
-		return -EBUSY;
-	}
-	up(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-	return 0;
- *	i2o_release_device - release a device that the OSM is using
- *	@d: device to claim
- *	@h: handler for this device
- *
- *	Drop a claim by an OSM on a given I2O device. The handler is cleared
- *	and 0 is returned on success.
- *
- *	AC - some devices seem to want to refuse an unclaim until they have
- *	finished internal processing. It makes sense since you don't want a
- *	new device to go reconfiguring the entire system until you are done.
- *	Thus we are prepared to wait briefly.
- */
-int i2o_release_device(struct i2o_device *d, struct i2o_handler *h)
-	int err = 0;
-	int tries;
-	down(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-	if (d->owner != h) {
-		printk(KERN_INFO "Claim release called, but not owned by %s!\n",
-		       h->name);
-		up(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-		return -ENOENT;
-	}	
-	for(tries=0;tries<10;tries++)
-	{
-		d->owner = NULL;
-		/*
-		 *	If the controller takes a nonblocking approach to
-		 *	releases we have to sleep/poll for a few times.
-		 */
-		if((err=i2o_issue_claim(I2O_CMD_UTIL_RELEASE, d->controller, d->lct_data.tid, I2O_CLAIM_PRIMARY)) )
-		{
-			err = -ENXIO;
-			current->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE;
-			schedule_timeout(HZ);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			err=0;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	up(&i2o_configuration_lock);
-	return err;
- * 	i2o_device_notify_on	-	Enable deletion notifiers
- *	@d: device for notification
- *	@h: handler to install
- *
- *	Called by OSMs to let the core know that they want to be
- *	notified if the given device is deleted from the system.
- */
-int i2o_device_notify_on(struct i2o_device *d, struct i2o_handler *h)
-	int i;
-	if(d->num_managers == I2O_MAX_MANAGERS)
-		return -ENOSPC;
-	for(i = 0; i < I2O_MAX_MANAGERS; i++)
-	{
-		if(!d->managers[i])
-		{
-			d->managers[i] = h;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	d->num_managers++;
-	return 0;
- * 	i2o_device_notify_off	-	Remove deletion notifiers
- *	@d: device for notification
- *	@h: handler to remove
- *
- * Called by OSMs to let the core know that they no longer
- * are interested in the fate of the given device.
- */
-int i2o_device_notify_off(struct i2o_device *d, struct i2o_handler *h)
-	int i;
-	for(i=0; i < I2O_MAX_MANAGERS; i++)
-	{
-		if(d->managers[i] == h)
-		{
-			d->managers[i] = NULL;
-			d->num_managers--;
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	return -ENOENT;
- *	i2o_event_register	-	register interest in an event
- * 	@c: Controller to register interest with
- *	@tid: I2O task id
- *	@init_context: initiator context to use with this notifier
- *	@tr_context: transaction context to use with this notifier
- *	@evt_mask: mask of events
- *
- *	Create and posts an event registration message to the task. No reply
- *	is waited for, or expected. Errors in posting will be reported.
- */
-int i2o_event_register(struct i2o_controller *c, u32 tid, 
-		u32 init_context, u32 tr_context, u32 evt_mask)
-	u32 msg[5];	// Not performance critical, so we just 
-			// i2o_post_this it instead of building it
-			// in IOP memory
-	msg[1] = I2O_CMD_UTIL_EVT_REGISTER<<24 | HOST_TID<<12 | tid;
-	msg[2] = init_context;
-	msg[3] = tr_context;
-	msg[4] = evt_mask;
-	return i2o_post_this(c, msg, sizeof(msg));
- * 	i2o_event_ack	-	acknowledge an event
- *	@c: controller 
- *	@msg: pointer to the UTIL_EVENT_REGISTER reply we received
- *
- *	We just take a pointer to the original UTIL_EVENT_REGISTER reply
- *	message and change the function code since that's what spec
- *	describes an EventAck message looking like.
- */
-int i2o_event_ack(struct i2o_controller *c, u32 *msg)
-	struct i2o_message *m = (struct i2o_message *)msg;
-	m->function = I2O_CMD_UTIL_EVT_ACK;
-	return i2o_post_wait(c, msg, m->size * 4, 2);
- * Core event handler.  Runs as a separate thread and is woken
- * up whenever there is an Executive class event.
- */
-static int i2o_core_evt(void *reply_data)
-	struct reply_info *reply = (struct reply_info *) reply_data;
-	u32 *msg = reply->msg;
-	struct i2o_controller *c = NULL;
-	unsigned long flags;
-	lock_kernel();
-	daemonize();
-	unlock_kernel();
-	strcpy(current->comm, "i2oevtd");
-	evt_running = 1;
-	while(1)
-	{
-		if(down_interruptible(&evt_sem))
-		{
-			dprintk(KERN_INFO "I2O event thread dead\n");
-			printk("exiting...");
-			evt_running = 0;
-			complete_and_exit(&evt_dead, 0);
-		}
-		/* 
-		 * Copy the data out of the queue so that we don't have to lock
-		 * around the whole function and just around the qlen update
-		 */
-		spin_lock_irqsave(&i2o_evt_lock, flags);
-		memcpy(reply, &events[evt_out], sizeof(struct reply_info));
-		MODINC(evt_out, I2O_EVT_Q_LEN);
-		evt_q_len--;
-		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&i2o_evt_lock, flags);
-		c = reply->iop;
-	 	dprintk(KERN_INFO "I2O IRTOS EVENT: iop%d, event %#10x\n", c->unit, msg[4]);
-		/* 
-		 * We do not attempt to delete/quiesce/etc. the controller if
-		 * some sort of error indidication occurs.  We may want to do
-		 * so in the future, but for now we just let the user deal with 
-		 * it.  One reason for this is that what to do with an error
-		 * or when to send what �rror is not really agreed on, so
-		 * we get errors that may not be fatal but just look like they
-		 * let the user deal with it.
-		 */
-		switch(msg[4])
-		{
-				printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Out of resources\n", c->name);
-				break;
-				printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Power failure\n", c->name);
-				break;
-			{
-				char *fail[] = 
-					{ 
-						"Unknown Error",
-						"Power Lost",
-						"Code Violation",
-						"Parity Error",
-						"Code Execution Exception",
-						"Watchdog Timer Expired" 
-					};
-				if(msg[5] <= 6)
-					printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Hardware Failure: %s\n", 
-						c->name, fail[msg[5]]);
-				else
-					printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Unknown Hardware Failure\n", c->name);
-				break;
-			}
-			/*
-		 	 * New device created
-		 	 * - Create a new i2o_device entry
-		 	 * - Inform all interested drivers about this device's existence
-		 	 */
-			{
-				struct i2o_device *d = (struct i2o_device *)
-					kmalloc(sizeof(struct i2o_device), GFP_KERNEL);
-				int i;
-				if (d == NULL) {
-					printk(KERN_EMERG "i2oevtd: out of memory\n");
-					break;
-				}
-				memcpy(&d->lct_data, &msg[5], sizeof(i2o_lct_entry));
-				d->next = NULL;
-				d->controller = c;
-				d->flags = 0;
-				i2o_report_controller_unit(c, d);
-				i2o_install_device(c,d);
-				for(i = 0; i < MAX_I2O_MODULES; i++)
-				{
-					if(i2o_handlers[i] && 
-						i2o_handlers[i]->new_dev_notify &&
-						(i2o_handlers[i]->class&d->lct_data.class_id))
-						{
-						spin_lock(&i2o_dev_lock);
-						i2o_handlers[i]->new_dev_notify(c,d);
-						spin_unlock(&i2o_dev_lock);
-						}
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-			/*
- 		 	 * LCT entry for a device has been modified, so update it
-		 	 * internally.
-		 	 */
-			{
-				struct i2o_device *d;
-				i2o_lct_entry *new_lct = (i2o_lct_entry *)&msg[5];
-				for(d = c->devices; d; d = d->next)
-				{
-					if(d->lct_data.tid == new_lct->tid)
-					{
-						memcpy(&d->lct_data, new_lct, sizeof(i2o_lct_entry));
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-				printk(KERN_WARNING "%s requires user configuration\n", c->name);
-				break;
-				printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Warning notification received!"
-					"Check configuration for errors!\n", c->name);
-				break;
-				/* Well I guess that was us hey .. */
-				break;
-			default:
-				printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: No handler for event (0x%08x)\n", c->name, msg[4]);
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
- * Dynamic LCT update.  This compares the LCT with the currently
- * installed devices to check for device deletions..this needed b/c there
- * is no DELETED_LCT_ENTRY EventIndicator for the Executive class so
- * we can't just have the event handler do this...annoying
- *
- * This is a hole in the spec that will hopefully be fixed someday.
- */
-static int i2o_dyn_lct(void *foo)
-	struct i2o_controller *c = (struct i2o_controller *)foo;
-	struct i2o_device *d = NULL;
-	struct i2o_device *d1 = NULL;
-	int i = 0;
-	int found = 0;
-	int entries;
-	void *tmp;
-	char name[16];
-	lock_kernel();
-	daemonize();
-	unlock_kernel();
-	sprintf(name, "iop%d_lctd", c->unit);
-	strcpy(current->comm, name);	
-	c->lct_running = 1;
-	while(1)
-	{
-		down_interruptible(&c->lct_sem);
-		if(signal_pending(current))
-		{
-			dprintk(KERN_ERR "%s: LCT thread dead\n", c->name);
-			c->lct_running = 0;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		entries = c->dlct->table_size;
-		entries -= 3;
-		entries /= 9;
-		dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: Dynamic LCT Update\n",c->name);
-		dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: Dynamic LCT contains %d entries\n", c->name, entries);
-		if(!entries)
-		{
-			printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Empty LCT???\n", c->name);
-			continue;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * Loop through all the devices on the IOP looking for their
-		 * LCT data in the LCT.  We assume that TIDs are not repeated.
-		 * as that is the only way to really tell.  It's been confirmed
-		 * by the IRTOS vendor(s?) that TIDs are not reused until they 
-		 * wrap arround(4096), and I doubt a system will up long enough
-		 * to create/delete that many devices.
-		 */
-		for(d = c->devices; d; )
-		{
-			found = 0;
-			d1 = d->next;
-			for(i = 0; i < entries; i++) 
-			{ 
-				if(d->lct_data.tid == c->dlct->lct_entry[i].tid) 
-				{ 
-					found = 1; 
-					break; 
-				} 
-			} 
-			if(!found) 
-			{
-				dprintk(KERN_INFO "i2o_core: Deleted device!\n"); 
-				spin_lock(&i2o_dev_lock);
-				i2o_delete_device(d); 
-				spin_unlock(&i2o_dev_lock);
-			} 
-			d = d1; 
-		}
-		/* 
-		 * Tell LCT to renotify us next time there is a change
-	 	 */
-		i2o_lct_notify(c);
-		/*
-		 * Copy new LCT into public LCT
-		 *
-		 * Possible race if someone is reading LCT while  we are copying 
-		 * over it. If this happens, we'll fix it then. but I doubt that
-		 * the LCT will get updated often enough or will get read by
-		 * a user often enough to worry.
-		 */
-		if(c->lct->table_size < c->dlct->table_size)
-		{
-			tmp = c->lct;
-			c->lct = kmalloc(c->dlct->table_size<<2, GFP_KERNEL);
-			if(!c->lct)
-			{
-				printk(KERN_ERR "%s: No memory for LCT!\n", c->name);
-				c->lct = tmp;
-				continue;
-			}
-			kfree(tmp);
-		}
-		memcpy(c->lct, c->dlct, c->dlct->table_size<<2);
-	}
-	return 0;
- *	i2o_run_queue	-	process pending events on a controller
- *	@c: controller to process
- *
- *	This is called by the bus specific driver layer when an interrupt
- *	or poll of this card interface is desired.
- */
-void i2o_run_queue(struct i2o_controller *c)
-	struct i2o_message *m;
-	u32 mv;
-	u32 *msg;
-	/*
-	 * Old 960 steppings had a bug in the I2O unit that caused
-	 * the queue to appear empty when it wasn't.
-	 */
-	if((mv=I2O_REPLY_READ32(c))==0xFFFFFFFF)
-		mv=I2O_REPLY_READ32(c);
-	while(mv!=0xFFFFFFFF)
-	{
-		struct i2o_handler *i;
-		m=(struct i2o_message *)bus_to_virt(mv);
-		msg=(u32*)m;
-		i=i2o_handlers[m->initiator_context&(MAX_I2O_MODULES-1)];
-		if(i && i->reply)
-			i->reply(i,c,m);
-		else
-		{
-			printk(KERN_WARNING "I2O: Spurious reply to handler %d\n", 
-				m->initiator_context&(MAX_I2O_MODULES-1));
-		}	
-	 	i2o_flush_reply(c,mv);
-		mb();
-		/* That 960 bug again... */	
-		if((mv=I2O_REPLY_READ32(c))==0xFFFFFFFF)
-			mv=I2O_REPLY_READ32(c);
-	}		
- *	i2o_get_class_name - 	do i2o class name lookup
- *	@class: class number
- *
- *	Return a descriptive string for an i2o class
- */
-const char *i2o_get_class_name(int class)
-	int idx = 16;
-	static char *i2o_class_name[] = {
-		"Executive",
-		"Device Driver Module",
-		"Block Device",
-		"Tape Device",
-		"LAN Interface",
-		"WAN Interface",
-		"Fibre Channel Port",
-		"Fibre Channel Device",
-		"SCSI Device",
-		"ATE Port",
-		"ATE Device",
-		"Floppy Controller",
-		"Floppy Device",
-		"Secondary Bus Port",
-		"Peer Transport Agent",
-		"Peer Transport",
-		"Unknown"
-	};
-	switch(class&0xFFF)
-	{
-			idx = 0; break;
-		case I2O_CLASS_DDM:
-			idx = 1; break;
-			idx = 2; break;
-			idx = 3; break;
-		case I2O_CLASS_LAN:
-			idx = 4; break;
-		case I2O_CLASS_WAN:
-			idx = 5; break;
-			idx = 6; break;
-			idx = 7; break;
-			idx = 8; break;
-			idx = 9; break;
-			idx = 10; break;
-			idx = 11; break;
-			idx = 12; break;
-			idx = 13; break;
-			idx = 14; break;
-			idx = 15; break;
-	}
-	return i2o_class_name[idx];
- *	i2o_wait_message	-	obtain an i2o message from the IOP
- *	@c: controller
- *	@why: explanation 
- *
- *	This function waits up to 5 seconds for a message slot to be
- *	available. If no message is available it prints an error message
- *	that is expected to be what the message will be used for (eg
- *	"get_status"). 0xFFFFFFFF is returned on a failure.
- *
- *	On a success the message is returned. This is the physical page
- *	frame offset address from the read port. (See the i2o spec)
- */
-u32 i2o_wait_message(struct i2o_controller *c, char *why)
-	long time=jiffies;
-	u32 m;
-	while((m=I2O_POST_READ32(c))==0xFFFFFFFF)
-	{
-		if((jiffies-time)>=5*HZ)
-		{
-			dprintk(KERN_ERR "%s: Timeout waiting for message frame to send %s.\n", 
-				c->name, why);
-			return 0xFFFFFFFF;
-		}
-		schedule();
-		barrier();
-	}
-	return m;
- *	i2o_report_controller_unit - print information about a tid
- *	@c: controller
- *	@d: device
- *	
- *	Dump an information block associated with a given unit (TID). The
- *	tables are read and a block of text is output to printk that is
- *	formatted intended for the user.
- */
-void i2o_report_controller_unit(struct i2o_controller *c, struct i2o_device *d)
-	char buf[64];
-	char str[22];
-	int ret;
-	int unit = d->lct_data.tid;
-	if(verbose==0)
-		return;
-	printk(KERN_INFO "Target ID %d.\n", unit);
-	if((ret=i2o_query_scalar(c, unit, 0xF100, 3, buf, 16))>=0)
-	{
-		buf[16]=0;
-		printk(KERN_INFO "     Vendor: %s\n", buf);
-	}
-	if((ret=i2o_query_scalar(c, unit, 0xF100, 4, buf, 16))>=0)
-	{
-		buf[16]=0;
-		printk(KERN_INFO "     Device: %s\n", buf);
-	}
-	if(i2o_query_scalar(c, unit, 0xF100, 5, buf, 16)>=0)
-	{
-		buf[16]=0;
-		printk(KERN_INFO "     Description: %s\n", buf);
-	}
-	if((ret=i2o_query_scalar(c, unit, 0xF100, 6, buf, 8))>=0)
-	{
-		buf[8]=0;
-		printk(KERN_INFO "        Rev: %s\n", buf);
-	}
-	printk(KERN_INFO "    Class: ");
-	sprintf(str, "%-21s", i2o_get_class_name(d->lct_data.class_id));
-	printk("%s\n", str);
-	printk(KERN_INFO "  Subclass: 0x%04X\n", d->lct_data.sub_class);
-	printk(KERN_INFO "     Flags: ");
-	if(d->lct_data.device_flags&(1<<0))
-		printk("C");		// ConfigDialog requested
-	if(d->lct_data.device_flags&(1<<1))
-		printk("U");		// Multi-user capable
-	if(!(d->lct_data.device_flags&(1<<4)))
-		printk("P");		// Peer service enabled!
-	if(!(d->lct_data.device_flags&(1<<5)))
-		printk("M");		// Mgmt service enabled!
-	printk("\n");
- *	Parse the hardware resource table. Right now we print it out
- *	and don't do a lot with it. We should collate these and then
- *	interact with the Linux resource allocation block.
- *
- *	Lets prove we can read it first eh ?
- *
- *	This is full of endianisms!
- */
-static int i2o_parse_hrt(struct i2o_controller *c)
-	u32 *rows=(u32*)c->hrt;
-	u8 *p=(u8 *)c->hrt;
-	u8 *d;
-	int count;
-	int length;
-	int i;
-	int state;
-	if(p[3]!=0)
-	{
-		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: HRT table for controller is too new a version.\n",
-			c->name);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	count=p[0]|(p[1]<<8);
-	length = p[2];
-	printk(KERN_INFO "%s: HRT has %d entries of %d bytes each.\n",
-		c->name, count, length<<2);
-	rows+=2;
-	for(i=0;i<count;i++)
-	{
-		printk(KERN_INFO "Adapter %08X: ", rows[0]);
-		p=(u8 *)(rows+1);
-		d=(u8 *)(rows+2);
-		state=p[1]<<8|p[0];
-		printk("TID %04X:[", state&0xFFF);
-		state>>=12;
-		if(state&(1<<0))
-			printk("H");		/* Hidden */
-		if(state&(1<<2))
-		{
-			printk("P");		/* Present */
-			if(state&(1<<1))
-				printk("C");	/* Controlled */
-		}
-		if(state>9)
-			printk("*");		/* Hard */
-		printk("]:");
-		switch(p[3]&0xFFFF)
-		{
-			case 0:
-				/* Adapter private bus - easy */
-				printk("Local bus %d: I/O at 0x%04X Mem 0x%08X", 
-					p[2], d[1]<<8|d[0], *(u32 *)(d+4));
-				break;
-			case 1:
-				/* ISA bus */
-				printk("ISA %d: CSN %d I/O at 0x%04X Mem 0x%08X",
-					p[2], d[2], d[1]<<8|d[0], *(u32 *)(d+4));
-				break;
-			case 2: /* EISA bus */
-				printk("EISA %d: Slot %d I/O at 0x%04X Mem 0x%08X",
-					p[2], d[3], d[1]<<8|d[0], *(u32 *)(d+4));
-				break;
-			case 3: /* MCA bus */
-				printk("MCA %d: Slot %d I/O at 0x%04X Mem 0x%08X",
-					p[2], d[3], d[1]<<8|d[0], *(u32 *)(d+4));
-				break;
-			case 4: /* PCI bus */
-				printk("PCI %d: Bus %d Device %d Function %d",
-					p[2], d[2], d[1], d[0]);
-				break;
-			case 0x80: /* Other */
-			default:
-				printk("Unsupported bus type.");
-				break;
-		}
-		printk("\n");
-		rows+=length;
-	}
-	return 0;
- *	The logical configuration table tells us what we can talk to
- *	on the board. Most of the stuff isn't interesting to us. 
- */
-static int i2o_parse_lct(struct i2o_controller *c)
-	int i;
-	int max;
-	int tid;
-	struct i2o_device *d;
-	i2o_lct *lct = c->lct;
-	if (lct == NULL) {
-		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: LCT is empty???\n", c->name);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	max = lct->table_size;
-	max -= 3;
-	max /= 9;
-	printk(KERN_INFO "%s: LCT has %d entries.\n", c->name, max);
-	if(lct->iop_flags&(1<<0))
-		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Configuration dialog desired.\n", c->name);
-	for(i=0;i<max;i++)
-	{
-		d = (struct i2o_device *)kmalloc(sizeof(struct i2o_device), GFP_KERNEL);
-		if(d==NULL)
-		{
-			printk(KERN_CRIT "i2o_core: Out of memory for I2O device data.\n");
-			return -ENOMEM;
-		}
-		d->controller = c;
-		d->next = NULL;
-		memcpy(&d->lct_data, &lct->lct_entry[i], sizeof(i2o_lct_entry));
-		d->flags = 0;
-		tid = d->lct_data.tid;
-		i2o_report_controller_unit(c, d);
-		i2o_install_device(c, d);
-	}
-	return 0;
- *	i2o_quiesce_controller - quiesce controller
- *	@c: controller 
- *
- *	Quiesce an IOP. Causes IOP to make external operation quiescent
- *	(i2o 'READY' state). Internal operation of the IOP continues normally.
- */
-int i2o_quiesce_controller(struct i2o_controller *c)
-	u32 msg[4];
-	int ret;
-	i2o_status_get(c);
-	/* SysQuiesce discarded if IOP not in READY or OPERATIONAL state */
-	if ((c->status_block->iop_state != ADAPTER_STATE_READY) &&
-		(c->status_block->iop_state != ADAPTER_STATE_OPERATIONAL))
-	{
-		return 0;
-	}
-	msg[3] = 0;
-	/* Long timeout needed for quiesce if lots of devices */
-	if ((ret = i2o_post_wait(c, msg, sizeof(msg), 240)))
-		printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Unable to quiesce (status=%#x).\n",
-			c->name, -ret);
-	else
-		dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: Quiesced.\n", c->name);
-	i2o_status_get(c); // Entered READY state
-	return ret;
- *	i2o_enable_controller - move controller from ready to operational
- *	@c: controller
- *
- *	Enable IOP. This allows the IOP to resume external operations and
- *	reverses the effect of a quiesce. In the event of an error a negative
- *	errno code is returned.
- */
-int i2o_enable_controller(struct i2o_controller *c)
-	u32 msg[4];
-	int ret;
-	i2o_status_get(c);
-	/* Enable only allowed on READY state */	
-	if(c->status_block->iop_state != ADAPTER_STATE_READY)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	/* How long of a timeout do we need? */
-	if ((ret = i2o_post_wait(c, msg, sizeof(msg), 240)))
-		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Could not enable (status=%#x).\n",
-			c->name, -ret);
-	else
-		dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: Enabled.\n", c->name);
-	i2o_status_get(c); // entered OPERATIONAL state
-	return ret;
- *	i2o_clear_controller	-	clear a controller
- *	@c: controller
- *
- *	Clear an IOP to HOLD state, ie. terminate external operations, clear all
- *	input queues and prepare for a system restart. IOP's internal operation
- *	continues normally and the outbound queue is alive.
- *	The IOP is not expected to rebuild its LCT.
- */
-int i2o_clear_controller(struct i2o_controller *c)
-	struct i2o_controller *iop;
-	u32 msg[4];
-	int ret;
-	/* Quiesce all IOPs first */
-	for (iop = i2o_controller_chain; iop; iop = iop->next)
-		i2o_quiesce_controller(iop);
-	msg[3]=0;
-	if ((ret=i2o_post_wait(c, msg, sizeof(msg), 30)))
-		printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Unable to clear (status=%#x).\n",
-			c->name, -ret);
-	else
-		dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: Cleared.\n",c->name);
-	i2o_status_get(c);
-	/* Enable other IOPs */
-	for (iop = i2o_controller_chain; iop; iop = iop->next)
-		if (iop != c)
-			i2o_enable_controller(iop);
-	return ret;
- *	i2o_reset_controller	-	reset an IOP
- *	@c: controller to reset
- *
- *	Reset the IOP into INIT state and wait until IOP gets into RESET state.
- *	Terminate all external operations, clear IOP's inbound and outbound
- *	queues, terminate all DDMs, and reload the IOP's operating environment
- *	and all local DDMs. The IOP rebuilds its LCT.
- */
-static int i2o_reset_controller(struct i2o_controller *c)
-	struct i2o_controller *iop;
-	u32 m;
-	u8 *status;
-	u32 *msg;
-	long time;
-	/* Quiesce all IOPs first */
-	for (iop = i2o_controller_chain; iop; iop = iop->next)
-	{
-		if(iop->type != I2O_TYPE_PCI || !iop->bus.pci.dpt)
-			i2o_quiesce_controller(iop);
-	}
-	m=i2o_wait_message(c, "AdapterReset");
-	if(m==0xFFFFFFFF)	
-		return -ETIMEDOUT;
-	msg=(u32 *)(c->mem_offset+m);
-	status=(void *)kmalloc(4, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if(status==NULL) {
-		printk(KERN_ERR "IOP reset failed - no free memory.\n");
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	memset(status, 0, 4);
-	msg[2]=core_context;
-	msg[3]=0;
-	msg[4]=0;
-	msg[5]=0;
-	msg[6]=virt_to_bus(status);
-	msg[7]=0;	/* 64bit host FIXME */
-	i2o_post_message(c,m);
-	/* Wait for a reply */
-	time=jiffies;
-	while(*status==0)
-	{
-		if((jiffies-time)>=20*HZ)
-		{
-			printk(KERN_ERR "IOP reset timeout.\n");
-			// Better to leak this for safety: kfree(status);
-			return -ETIMEDOUT;
-		}
-		schedule();
-		barrier();
-	}
-	if (*status==I2O_CMD_IN_PROGRESS)
-	{ 
-		/* 
-		 * Once the reset is sent, the IOP goes into the INIT state 
-		 * which is indeterminate.  We need to wait until the IOP 
-		 * has rebooted before we can let the system talk to 
-		 * it. We read the inbound Free_List until a message is 
-		 * available.  If we can't read one in the given ammount of 
-		 * time, we assume the IOP could not reboot properly.  
-		 */ 
-		dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: Reset in progress, waiting for reboot...\n",
-			c->name); 
-		time = jiffies; 
-		m = I2O_POST_READ32(c); 
-		while(m == 0XFFFFFFFF) 
-		{ 
-			if((jiffies-time) >= 30*HZ)
-			{
-				printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Timeout waiting for IOP reset.\n", 
-						c->name); 
-				return -ETIMEDOUT; 
-			} 
-			schedule(); 
-			barrier(); 
-			m = I2O_POST_READ32(c); 
-		}
-		i2o_flush_reply(c,m);
-	}
-	/* If IopReset was rejected or didn't perform reset, try IopClear */
-	i2o_status_get(c);
-	if (status[0] == I2O_CMD_REJECTED || 
-		c->status_block->iop_state != ADAPTER_STATE_RESET)
-	{
-		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Reset rejected, trying to clear\n",c->name);
-		i2o_clear_controller(c);
-	}
-	else
-		dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: Reset completed.\n", c->name);
-	/* Enable other IOPs */
-	for (iop = i2o_controller_chain; iop; iop = iop->next)
-		if (iop != c)
-			i2o_enable_controller(iop);
-	kfree(status);
-	return 0;
- * 	i2o_status_get	-	get the status block for the IOP
- *	@c: controller
- *
- *	Issue a status query on the controller. This updates the
- *	attached status_block. If the controller fails to reply or an
- *	error occurs then a negative errno code is returned. On success
- *	zero is returned and the status_blok is updated.
- */
-int i2o_status_get(struct i2o_controller *c)
-	long time;
-	u32 m;
-	u32 *msg;
-	u8 *status_block;
-	if (c->status_block == NULL) 
-	{
-		c->status_block = (i2o_status_block *)
-			kmalloc(sizeof(i2o_status_block),GFP_KERNEL);
-		if (c->status_block == NULL)
-		{
-			printk(KERN_CRIT "%s: Get Status Block failed; Out of memory.\n",
-				c->name);
-			return -ENOMEM;
-		}
-	}
-	status_block = (u8*)c->status_block;
-	memset(c->status_block,0,sizeof(i2o_status_block));
-	m=i2o_wait_message(c, "StatusGet");
-	if(m==0xFFFFFFFF)
-		return -ETIMEDOUT;	
-	msg=(u32 *)(c->mem_offset+m);
-	msg[2]=core_context;
-	msg[3]=0;
-	msg[4]=0;
-	msg[5]=0;
-	msg[6]=virt_to_bus(c->status_block);
-	msg[7]=0;   /* 64bit host FIXME */
-	msg[8]=sizeof(i2o_status_block); /* always 88 bytes */
-	i2o_post_message(c,m);
-	/* Wait for a reply */
-	time=jiffies;
-	while(status_block[87]!=0xFF)
-	{
-		if((jiffies-time)>=5*HZ)
-		{
-			printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Get status timeout.\n",c->name);
-			return -ETIMEDOUT;
-		}
-		schedule();
-		barrier();
-	}
-	printk(KERN_INFO "%s: State = ", c->name);
-	switch (c->status_block->iop_state) {
-		case 0x01:  
-			printk("INIT\n");
-			break;
-		case 0x02:
-			printk("RESET\n");
-			break;
-		case 0x04:
-			printk("HOLD\n");
-			break;
-		case 0x05:
-			printk("READY\n");
-			break;
-		case 0x08:
-			printk("OPERATIONAL\n");
-			break;
-		case 0x10:
-			printk("FAILED\n");
-			break;
-		case 0x11:
-			printk("FAULTED\n");
-			break;
-		default: 
-			printk("%x (unknown !!)\n",c->status_block->iop_state);
-	return 0;
- * Get the Hardware Resource Table for the device.
- * The HRT contains information about possible hidden devices
- * but is mostly useless to us 
- */
-int i2o_hrt_get(struct i2o_controller *c)
-	u32 msg[6];
-	int ret, size = sizeof(i2o_hrt);
-	/* First read just the header to figure out the real size */
-	do  {
-		if (c->hrt == NULL) {
-			c->hrt=kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
-			if (c->hrt == NULL) {
-				printk(KERN_CRIT "%s: Hrt Get failed; Out of memory.\n", c->name);
-				return -ENOMEM;
-			}
-		}
-		msg[1]= I2O_CMD_HRT_GET<<24 | HOST_TID<<12 | ADAPTER_TID;
-		msg[3]= 0;
-		msg[4]= (0xD0000000 | size);	/* Simple transaction */
-		msg[5]= virt_to_bus(c->hrt);	/* Dump it here */
-		ret = i2o_post_wait_mem(c, msg, sizeof(msg), 20, c->hrt, NULL);
-		if(ret == -ETIMEDOUT)
-		{
-			/* The HRT block we used is in limbo somewhere. When the iop wakes up
-			   we will recover it */
-			c->hrt = NULL;
-			return ret;
-		}
-		if(ret<0)
-		{
-			printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Unable to get HRT (status=%#x)\n",
-				c->name, -ret);	
-			return ret;
-		}
-		if (c->hrt->num_entries * c->hrt->entry_len << 2 > size) {
-			size = c->hrt->num_entries * c->hrt->entry_len << 2;
-			kfree(c->hrt);
-			c->hrt = NULL;
-		}
-	} while (c->hrt == NULL);
-	i2o_parse_hrt(c); // just for debugging
-	return 0;
- * Send the I2O System Table to the specified IOP
- *
- * The system table contains information about all the IOPs in the
- * system.  It is build and then sent to each IOP so that IOPs can
- * establish connections between each other.
- *
- */
-static int i2o_systab_send(struct i2o_controller *iop)
-	u32 msg[12];
-	int ret;
-	u32 *privbuf = kmalloc(16, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if(privbuf == NULL)
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	if(iop->type == I2O_TYPE_PCI)
-	{
-		struct resource *root;
-		if(iop->status_block->current_mem_size < iop->status_block->desired_mem_size)
-		{
-			struct resource *res = &iop->mem_resource;
-			res->name = iop->bus.pci.pdev->bus->name;
-			res->flags = IORESOURCE_MEM;
-			res->start = 0;
-			res->end = 0;
-			printk("%s: requires private memory resources.\n", iop->name);
-			root = pci_find_parent_resource(iop->bus.pci.pdev, res);
-			if(root==NULL)
-				printk("Can't find parent resource!\n");
-			if(root && allocate_resource(root, res, 
-					iop->status_block->desired_mem_size,
-					iop->status_block->desired_mem_size,
-					iop->status_block->desired_mem_size,
-					1<<20,	/* Unspecified, so use 1Mb and play safe */
-					NULL,
-					NULL)>=0)
-			{
-				iop->mem_alloc = 1;
-				iop->status_block->current_mem_size = 1 + res->end - res->start;
-				iop->status_block->current_mem_base = res->start;
-				printk(KERN_INFO "%s: allocated %ld bytes of PCI memory at 0x%08lX.\n", 
-					iop->name, 1+res->end-res->start, res->start);
-			}
-		}
-		if(iop->status_block->current_io_size < iop->status_block->desired_io_size)
-		{
-			struct resource *res = &iop->io_resource;
-			res->name = iop->bus.pci.pdev->bus->name;
-			res->flags = IORESOURCE_IO;
-			res->start = 0;
-			res->end = 0;
-			printk("%s: requires private memory resources.\n", iop->name);
-			root = pci_find_parent_resource(iop->bus.pci.pdev, res);
-			if(root==NULL)
-				printk("Can't find parent resource!\n");
-			if(root &&  allocate_resource(root, res, 
-					iop->status_block->desired_io_size,
-					iop->status_block->desired_io_size,
-					iop->status_block->desired_io_size,
-					1<<20,	/* Unspecified, so use 1Mb and play safe */
-					NULL,
-					NULL)>=0)
-			{
-				iop->io_alloc = 1;
-				iop->status_block->current_io_size = 1 + res->end - res->start;
-				iop->status_block->current_mem_base = res->start;
-				printk(KERN_INFO "%s: allocated %ld bytes of PCI I/O at 0x%08lX.\n", 
-					iop->name, 1+res->end-res->start, res->start);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{	
-		privbuf[0] = iop->status_block->current_mem_base;
-		privbuf[1] = iop->status_block->current_mem_size;
-		privbuf[2] = iop->status_block->current_io_base;
-		privbuf[3] = iop->status_block->current_io_size;
-	}
-	msg[0] = I2O_MESSAGE_SIZE(12) | SGL_OFFSET_6;
-	msg[1] = I2O_CMD_SYS_TAB_SET<<24 | HOST_TID<<12 | ADAPTER_TID;
-	msg[3] = 0;
-	msg[4] = (0<<16) | ((iop->unit+2) << 12); /* Host 0 IOP ID (unit + 2) */
-	msg[5] = 0;                               /* Segment 0 */
-	/* 
- 	 * Provide three SGL-elements:
- 	 * System table (SysTab), Private memory space declaration and 
- 	 * Private i/o space declaration  
- 	 *
- 	 * FIXME: provide these for controllers needing them
- 	 */
-	msg[6] = 0x54000000 | sys_tbl_len;
-	msg[7] = virt_to_bus(sys_tbl);
-	msg[8] = 0x54000000 | 8;
-	msg[9] = virt_to_bus(privbuf);
-	msg[10] = 0xD4000000 | 8;
-	msg[11] = virt_to_bus(privbuf+2);
-	ret=i2o_post_wait_mem(iop, msg, sizeof(msg), 120, privbuf, NULL);
-	if(ret==-ETIMEDOUT)
-	{
-		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: SysTab setup timed out.\n", iop->name);
-	}
-	else if(ret<0)
-	{
-		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Unable to set SysTab (status=%#x).\n", 
-			iop->name, -ret);
-		kfree(privbuf);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: SysTab set.\n", iop->name);
-		kfree(privbuf);
-	}
-	i2o_status_get(iop); // Entered READY state
-	return ret;	
- }
- * Initialize I2O subsystem.
- */
-static void __init i2o_sys_init(void)
-	struct i2o_controller *iop, *niop = NULL;
-	printk(KERN_INFO "Activating I2O controllers...\n");
-	printk(KERN_INFO "This may take a few minutes if there are many devices\n");
-	/* In INIT state, Activate IOPs */
-	for (iop = i2o_controller_chain; iop; iop = niop) {
-		dprintk(KERN_INFO "Calling i2o_activate_controller for %s...\n", 
-			iop->name);
-		niop = iop->next;
-		if (i2o_activate_controller(iop) < 0)
-			i2o_delete_controller(iop);
-	}
-	/* Active IOPs in HOLD state */
-	if (i2o_controller_chain == NULL)
-		return;
-	/*
-	 * If build_sys_table fails, we kill everything and bail
-	 * as we can't init the IOPs w/o a system table
-	 */	
-	dprintk(KERN_INFO "i2o_core: Calling i2o_build_sys_table...\n");
-	if (i2o_build_sys_table() < 0) {
-		i2o_sys_shutdown();
-		return;
-	}
-	/* If IOP don't get online, we need to rebuild the System table */
-	for (iop = i2o_controller_chain; iop; iop = niop) {
-		niop = iop->next;
-		dprintk(KERN_INFO "Calling i2o_online_controller for %s...\n", iop->name);
-		if (i2o_online_controller(iop) < 0) {
-			i2o_delete_controller(iop);	
-			goto rebuild_sys_tab;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Active IOPs now in OPERATIONAL state */
-	/*
-	 * Register for status updates from all IOPs
-	 */
-	for(iop = i2o_controller_chain; iop; iop=iop->next) {
-		/* Create a kernel thread to deal with dynamic LCT updates */
-		iop->lct_pid = kernel_thread(i2o_dyn_lct, iop, CLONE_SIGHAND);
-		/* Update change ind on DLCT */
-		iop->dlct->change_ind = iop->lct->change_ind;
-		/* Start dynamic LCT updates */
-		i2o_lct_notify(iop);
-		/* Register for all events from IRTOS */
-		i2o_event_register(iop, core_context, 0, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF);
-	}
- *	i2o_sys_shutdown - shutdown I2O system
- *
- *	Bring down each i2o controller and then return. Each controller
- *	is taken through an orderly shutdown
- */
-static void i2o_sys_shutdown(void)
-	struct i2o_controller *iop, *niop;
-	/* Delete all IOPs from the controller chain */
-	/* that will reset all IOPs too */
-	for (iop = i2o_controller_chain; iop; iop = niop) {
-		niop = iop->next;
-		i2o_delete_controller(iop);
-	}
- *	i2o_activate_controller	-	bring controller up to HOLD
- *	@iop: controller
- *
- *	This function brings an I2O controller into HOLD state. The adapter
- *	is reset if neccessary and then the queues and resource table
- *	are read. -1 is returned on a failure, 0 on success.
- *	
- */
-int i2o_activate_controller(struct i2o_controller *iop)
-	/* In INIT state, Wait Inbound Q to initialize (in i2o_status_get) */
-	/* In READY state, Get status */
-	if (i2o_status_get(iop) < 0) {
-		printk(KERN_INFO "Unable to obtain status of %s, "
-			"attempting a reset.\n", iop->name);
-		if (i2o_reset_controller(iop) < 0)
-			return -1;
-	}
-	if(iop->status_block->iop_state == ADAPTER_STATE_FAULTED) {
-		printk(KERN_CRIT "%s: hardware fault\n", iop->name);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (iop->status_block->i2o_version > I2OVER15) {
-		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Not running vrs. 1.5. of the I2O Specification.\n",
-			iop->name);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (iop->status_block->iop_state == ADAPTER_STATE_READY ||
-	    iop->status_block->iop_state == ADAPTER_STATE_OPERATIONAL ||
-	    iop->status_block->iop_state == ADAPTER_STATE_HOLD ||
-	    iop->status_block->iop_state == ADAPTER_STATE_FAILED)
-	{
-		dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: Already running, trying to reset...\n",
-			iop->name);
-		if (i2o_reset_controller(iop) < 0)
-			return -1;
-	}
-	if (i2o_init_outbound_q(iop) < 0)
-		return -1;
-	if (i2o_post_outbound_messages(iop)) 
-		return -1;
-	/* In HOLD state */
-	if (i2o_hrt_get(iop) < 0)
-		return -1;
-	return 0;
- *	i2o_init_outbound_queue	- setup the outbound queue
- *	@c: controller
- *
- *	Clear and (re)initialize IOP's outbound queue. Returns 0 on
- *	success or a negative errno code on a failure.
- */
-int i2o_init_outbound_q(struct i2o_controller *c)
-	u8 *status;
-	u32 m;
-	u32 *msg;
-	u32 time;
-	dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: Initializing Outbound Queue...\n", c->name);
-	m=i2o_wait_message(c, "OutboundInit");
-	if(m==0xFFFFFFFF)
-		return -ETIMEDOUT;
-	msg=(u32 *)(c->mem_offset+m);
-	status = kmalloc(4,GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (status==NULL) {
-		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Outbound Queue initialization failed - no free memory.\n",
-			c->name);
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	memset(status, 0, 4);
-	msg[2]= core_context;
-	msg[3]= 0x0106;				/* Transaction context */
-	msg[4]= 4096;				/* Host page frame size */
-	/* Frame size is in words. Pick 128, its what everyone elses uses and
-		other sizes break some adapters. */
-	msg[5]= MSG_FRAME_SIZE<<16|0x80;	/* Outbound msg frame size and Initcode */
-	msg[6]= 0xD0000004;			/* Simple SG LE, EOB */
-	msg[7]= virt_to_bus(status);
-	i2o_post_message(c,m);
-	barrier();
-	time=jiffies;
-	while(status[0] < I2O_CMD_REJECTED)
-	{
-		if((jiffies-time)>=30*HZ)
-		{
-			if(status[0]==0x00)
-				printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Ignored queue initialize request.\n",
-					c->name);
-			else  
-				printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Outbound queue initialize timeout.\n",
-					c->name);
-			kfree(status);
-			return -ETIMEDOUT;
-		}  
-		schedule();
-		barrier();
-	}  
-	if(status[0] != I2O_CMD_COMPLETED)
-	{
-		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: IOP outbound initialise failed.\n", c->name);
-		kfree(status);
-		return -ETIMEDOUT;
-	}
-	return 0;
- *	i2o_post_outbound_messages	-	fill message queue
- *	@c: controller
- *
- *	Allocate a message frame and load the messages into the IOP. The
- *	function returns zero on success or a negative errno code on
- *	failure.
- */
-int i2o_post_outbound_messages(struct i2o_controller *c)
-	int i;
-	u32 m;
-	/* Alloc space for IOP's outbound queue message frames */
-	c->page_frame = kmalloc(MSG_POOL_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if(c->page_frame==NULL) {
-		printk(KERN_CRIT "%s: Outbound Q initialize failed; out of memory.\n",
-			c->name);
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	m=virt_to_bus(c->page_frame);
-	/* Post frames */
-	for(i=0; i< NMBR_MSG_FRAMES; i++) {
-		I2O_REPLY_WRITE32(c,m);
-		mb();
-	}
-	return 0;
- * Get the IOP's Logical Configuration Table
- */
-int i2o_lct_get(struct i2o_controller *c)
-	u32 msg[8];
-	int ret, size = c->status_block->expected_lct_size;
-	do {
-		if (c->lct == NULL) {
-			c->lct = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
-			if(c->lct == NULL) {
-				printk(KERN_CRIT "%s: Lct Get failed. Out of memory.\n",
-					c->name);
-				return -ENOMEM;
-			}
-		}
-		memset(c->lct, 0, size);
-		msg[1] = I2O_CMD_LCT_NOTIFY<<24 | HOST_TID<<12 | ADAPTER_TID;
-		/* msg[2] filled in i2o_post_wait */
-		msg[3] = 0;
-		msg[4] = 0xFFFFFFFF;	/* All devices */
-		msg[5] = 0x00000000;	/* Report now */
-		msg[6] = 0xD0000000|size;
-		msg[7] = virt_to_bus(c->lct);
-		ret=i2o_post_wait_mem(c, msg, sizeof(msg), 120, c->lct, NULL);
-		if(ret == -ETIMEDOUT)
-		{
-			c->lct = NULL;
-			return ret;
-		}
-		if(ret<0)
-		{
-			printk(KERN_ERR "%s: LCT Get failed (status=%#x.\n", 
-				c->name, -ret);	
-			return ret;
-		}
-		if (c->lct->table_size << 2 > size) {
-			size = c->lct->table_size << 2;
-			kfree(c->lct);
-			c->lct = NULL;
-		}
-	} while (c->lct == NULL);
-        if ((ret=i2o_parse_lct(c)) < 0)
-                return ret;
-	return 0;
- * Like above, but used for async notification.  The main
- * difference is that we keep track of the CurrentChangeIndiicator
- * so that we only get updates when it actually changes.
- *
- */
-int i2o_lct_notify(struct i2o_controller *c)
-	u32 msg[8];
-	msg[1] = I2O_CMD_LCT_NOTIFY<<24 | HOST_TID<<12 | ADAPTER_TID;
-	msg[2] = core_context;
-	msg[3] = 0xDEADBEEF;	
-	msg[4] = 0xFFFFFFFF;	/* All devices */
-	msg[5] = c->dlct->change_ind+1;	/* Next change */
-	msg[6] = 0xD0000000|8192;
-	msg[7] = virt_to_bus(c->dlct);
-	return i2o_post_this(c, msg, sizeof(msg));
- *	Bring a controller online into OPERATIONAL state. 
- */
-int i2o_online_controller(struct i2o_controller *iop)
-	u32 v;
-	if (i2o_systab_send(iop) < 0)
-		return -1;
-	/* In READY state */
-	dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: Attempting to enable...\n", iop->name);
-	if (i2o_enable_controller(iop) < 0)
-		return -1;
-	/* In OPERATIONAL state  */
-	dprintk(KERN_INFO "%s: Attempting to get/parse lct...\n", iop->name);
-	if (i2o_lct_get(iop) < 0)
-		return -1;
-	/* Check battery status */
-	iop->battery = 0;
-	if(i2o_query_scalar(iop, ADAPTER_TID, 0x0000, 4, &v, 4)>=0)
-	{
-		if(v&16)
-			iop->battery = 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
- * Build system table
- *
- * The system table contains information about all the IOPs in the
- * system (duh) and is used by the Executives on the IOPs to establish
- * peer2peer connections.  We're not supporting peer2peer at the moment,
- * but this will be needed down the road for things like lan2lan forwarding.
- */
-static int i2o_build_sys_table(void)
-	struct i2o_controller *iop = NULL;
-	struct i2o_controller *niop = NULL;
-	int count = 0;
-	sys_tbl_len = sizeof(struct i2o_sys_tbl) +	// Header + IOPs
-				(i2o_num_controllers) *
-					sizeof(struct i2o_sys_tbl_entry);
-	if(sys_tbl)
-		kfree(sys_tbl);
-	sys_tbl = kmalloc(sys_tbl_len, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if(!sys_tbl) {
-		printk(KERN_CRIT "SysTab Set failed. Out of memory.\n");
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	memset((void*)sys_tbl, 0, sys_tbl_len);
-	sys_tbl->num_entries = i2o_num_controllers;
-	sys_tbl->version = I2OVERSION; /* TODO: Version 2.0 */
-	sys_tbl->change_ind = sys_tbl_ind++;
-	for(iop = i2o_controller_chain; iop; iop = niop)
-	{
-		niop = iop->next;
-		/* 
-		 * Get updated IOP state so we have the latest information
-		 *
-		 * We should delete the controller at this point if it
-		 * doesn't respond since  if it's not on the system table 
-		 * it is techninically not part of the I2O subsy�tem...
-		 */
-		if(i2o_status_get(iop)) {
-			printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Deleting b/c could not get status while"
-				"attempting to build system table\n", iop->name);
-			i2o_delete_controller(iop);		
-			sys_tbl->num_entries--;
-			continue; // try the next one
-		}
-		sys_tbl->iops[count].org_id = iop->status_block->org_id;
-		sys_tbl->iops[count].iop_id = iop->unit + 2;
-		sys_tbl->iops[count].seg_num = 0;
-		sys_tbl->iops[count].i2o_version = 
-				iop->status_block->i2o_version;
-		sys_tbl->iops[count].iop_state = 
-				iop->status_block->iop_state;
-		sys_tbl->iops[count].msg_type = 
-				iop->status_block->msg_type;
-		sys_tbl->iops[count].frame_size = 
-				iop->status_block->inbound_frame_size;
-		sys_tbl->iops[count].last_changed = sys_tbl_ind - 1; // ??
-		sys_tbl->iops[count].iop_capabilities = 
-				iop->status_block->iop_capabilities;
-		sys_tbl->iops[count].inbound_low = 
-				(u32)virt_to_bus(iop->post_port);
-		sys_tbl->iops[count].inbound_high = 0;	// TODO: 64-bit support
-		count++;
-	}
-	u32 *table;
-	table = (u32*)sys_tbl;
-	for(count = 0; count < (sys_tbl_len >>2); count++)
-		printk(KERN_INFO "sys_tbl[%d] = %0#10x\n", count, table[count]);
-	return 0;
- *	Run time support routines
- */
- *	Generic "post and forget" helpers. This is less efficient - we do
- *	a memcpy for example that isnt strictly needed, but for most uses
- *	this is simply not worth optimising
- */
-int i2o_post_this(struct i2o_controller *c, u32 *data, int len)
-	u32 m;
-	u32 *msg;
-	unsigned long t=jiffies;
-	do
-	{
-		mb();
-		m = I2O_POST_READ32(c);
-	}
-	while(m==0xFFFFFFFF && (jiffies-t)<HZ);
-	if(m==0xFFFFFFFF)
-	{
-		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Timeout waiting for message frame!\n",
-		       c->name);
-		return -ETIMEDOUT;
-	}
-	msg = (u32 *)(c->mem_offset + m);
- 	memcpy_toio(msg, data, len);
-	i2o_post_message(c,m);
-	return 0;
- * 	i2o_post_wait_mem	-	I2O query/reply with DMA buffers
- *	@c: controller
- *	@msg: message to send
- *	@len: length of message
- *	@timeout: time in seconds to wait
- *	@mem1: attached memory buffer 1
- *	@mem2: attached memory buffer 2
- *
- * 	This core API allows an OSM to post a message and then be told whether
- *	or not the system received a successful reply. 
- *
- *	If the message times out then the value '-ETIMEDOUT' is returned. This
- *	is a special case. In this situation the message may (should) complete
- *	at an indefinite time in the future. When it completes it will use the
- *	memory buffers attached to the request. If -ETIMEDOUT is returned then
- *	the memory buffers must not be freed. Instead the event completion will
- *	free them for you. In all other cases the buffers are your problem.
- *
- *	Pass NULL for unneeded buffers.
- */
-int i2o_post_wait_mem(struct i2o_controller *c, u32 *msg, int len, int timeout, void *mem1, void *mem2)
-	int complete = 0;
-	int status;
-	unsigned long flags = 0;
-	struct i2o_post_wait_data *wait_data =
-		kmalloc(sizeof(struct i2o_post_wait_data), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if(!wait_data)
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	/*
-	 *	Create a new notification object
-	 */
-	wait_data->status = &status;
-	wait_data->complete = &complete;
-	wait_data->mem[0] = mem1;
-	wait_data->mem[1] = mem2;
-	/* 
-	 *	Queue the event with its unique id
-	 */
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&post_wait_lock, flags);
-	wait_data->next = post_wait_queue;
-	post_wait_queue = wait_data;
-	wait_data->id = (++post_wait_id) & 0x7fff;
-	wait_data->wq = &wq_i2o_post;
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&post_wait_lock, flags);
-	/*
-	 *	Fill in the message id
-	 */
-	msg[2] = 0x80000000|(u32)core_context|((u32)wait_data->id<<16);
-	/*
-	 *	Post the message to the controller. At some point later it 
-	 *	will return. If we time out before it returns then
-	 *	complete will be zero.  From the point post_this returns
-	 *	the wait_data may have been deleted.
-	 */
-	if ((status = i2o_post_this(c, msg, len))==0) {
-		sleep_on_timeout(&wq_i2o_post, HZ * timeout);
-	}  
-	else
-		return -EIO;
-	if(signal_pending(current))
-		status = -EINTR;
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&post_wait_lock, flags);
-	barrier();	/* Be sure we see complete as it is locked */
-	if(!complete)
-	{
-		/* 
-		 *	Mark the entry dead. We cannot remove it. This is important.
-		 *	When it does terminate (which it must do if the controller hasnt
-		 *	died..) then it will otherwise scribble on stuff.
-		 *	!complete lets us safely check if the entry is still
-		 *	allocated and thus we can write into it
-		 */
-		wait_data->wq = NULL;
-		status = -ETIMEDOUT;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		/* Debugging check - remove me soon */
-		if(status == -ETIMEDOUT)
-		{
-			printk("TIMEDOUT BUG!\n");
-			status = -EIO;
-		}
-	}
-	/* And the wait_data is not leaked either! */	 
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&post_wait_lock, flags);
-	return status;
- * 	i2o_post_wait		-	I2O query/reply
- *	@c: controller
- *	@msg: message to send
- *	@len: length of message
- *	@timeout: time in seconds to wait
- *
- * 	This core API allows an OSM to post a message and then be told whether
- *	or not the system received a successful reply. 
- */
-int i2o_post_wait(struct i2o_controller *c, u32 *msg, int len, int timeout)
-	return i2o_post_wait_mem(c, msg, len, timeout, NULL, NULL);
- * i2o_post_wait is completed and we want to wake up the 
- * sleeping proccess. Called by core's reply handler.
- */
-static void i2o_post_wait_complete(u32 context, int status)
-	struct i2o_post_wait_data **p1, *q;
-	unsigned long flags;
-	/* 
-	 * We need to search through the post_wait 
-	 * queue to see if the given message is still
-	 * outstanding.  If not, it means that the IOP 
-	 * took longer to respond to the message than we 
-	 * had allowed and timer has already expired.  
-	 * Not much we can do about that except log
-	 * it for debug purposes, increase timeout, and recompile
-	 *
-	 * Lock needed to keep anyone from moving queue pointers 
-	 * around while we're looking through them.
-	 */
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&post_wait_lock, flags);
-	for(p1 = &post_wait_queue; *p1!=NULL; p1 = &((*p1)->next)) 
-	{
-		q = (*p1);
-		if(q->id == ((context >> 16) & 0x7fff)) {
-			/*
-			 *	Delete it 
-			 */
-			*p1 = q->next;
-			/*
-			 *	Live or dead ?
-			 */
-			if(q->wq)
-			{
-				/* Live entry - wakeup and set status */
-				*q->status = status;
-				*q->complete = 1;
-				wake_up(q->wq);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				/*
-				 *	Free resources. Caller is dead
-				 */
-				if(q->mem[0])
-					kfree(q->mem[0]);
-				if(q->mem[1])
-					kfree(q->mem[1]);
-				printk(KERN_WARNING "i2o_post_wait event completed after timeout.\n");
-			}
-			kfree(q);
-			spin_unlock(&post_wait_lock);
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	spin_unlock(&post_wait_lock);
-	printk(KERN_DEBUG "i2o_post_wait: Bogus reply!\n");
- *
- *	This function can be used for all UtilParamsGet/Set operations.
- *	The OperationList is given in oplist-buffer, 
- *	and results are returned in reslist-buffer.
- *	Note that the minimum sized reslist is 8 bytes and contains
- *	ResultCount, ErrorInfoSize, BlockStatus and BlockSize.
- */
-int i2o_issue_params(int cmd, struct i2o_controller *iop, int tid, 
-                void *oplist, int oplen, void *reslist, int reslen)
-	u32 msg[9]; 
-	u32 *res32 = (u32*)reslist;
-	u32 *restmp = (u32*)reslist;
-	int len = 0;
-	int i = 0;
-	int wait_status;
-	u32 *opmem, *resmem;
-	/* Get DMAable memory */
-	opmem = kmalloc(oplen, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if(opmem == NULL)
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	memcpy(opmem, oplist, oplen);
-	resmem = kmalloc(reslen, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if(resmem == NULL)
-	{
-		kfree(opmem);
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	msg[1] = cmd << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | tid; 
-	msg[3] = 0;
-	msg[4] = 0;
-	msg[5] = 0x54000000 | oplen;	/* OperationList */
-	msg[6] = virt_to_bus(opmem);
-	msg[7] = 0xD0000000 | reslen;	/* ResultList */
-	msg[8] = virt_to_bus(resmem);
-	wait_status = i2o_post_wait_mem(iop, msg, sizeof(msg), 10, opmem, resmem);
-	/*
-	 *	This only looks like a memory leak - don't "fix" it.	
-	 */
-	if(wait_status == -ETIMEDOUT)
-		return wait_status;
-	/* Query failed */
-	if(wait_status != 0)
-	{
-		kfree(resmem);
-		kfree(opmem);
-		return wait_status;
-	}
-	memcpy(reslist, resmem, reslen);
-	/*
-	 * Calculate number of bytes of Result LIST
-	 * We need to loop through each Result BLOCK and grab the length
-	 */
-	restmp = res32 + 1;
-	len = 1;
-	for(i = 0; i < (res32[0]&0X0000FFFF); i++)
-	{
-		if(restmp[0]&0x00FF0000)	/* BlockStatus != SUCCESS */
-		{
-			printk(KERN_WARNING "%s - Error:\n  ErrorInfoSize = 0x%02x, " 
-					"BlockStatus = 0x%02x, BlockSize = 0x%04x\n",
-					: "PARAMS_GET",   
-					res32[1]>>24, (res32[1]>>16)&0xFF, res32[1]&0xFFFF);
-			/*
-			 *	If this is the only request,than we return an error
-			 */
-			if((res32[0]&0x0000FFFF) == 1)
-			{
-				return -((res32[1] >> 16) & 0xFF); /* -BlockStatus */
-			}
-		}
-		len += restmp[0] & 0x0000FFFF;	/* Length of res BLOCK */
-		restmp += restmp[0] & 0x0000FFFF;	/* Skip to next BLOCK */
-	}
-	return (len << 2);  /* bytes used by result list */
- *	 Query one scalar group value or a whole scalar group.
- */                  	
-int i2o_query_scalar(struct i2o_controller *iop, int tid, 
-                     int group, int field, void *buf, int buflen)
-	u16 opblk[] = { 1, 0, I2O_PARAMS_FIELD_GET, group, 1, field };
-	u8  resblk[8+buflen]; /* 8 bytes for header */
-	int size;
-	if (field == -1)  		/* whole group */
-       		opblk[4] = -1;
-	size = i2o_issue_params(I2O_CMD_UTIL_PARAMS_GET, iop, tid, 
-		opblk, sizeof(opblk), resblk, sizeof(resblk));
-	memcpy(buf, resblk+8, buflen);  /* cut off header */
-	if(size>buflen)
-		return buflen;
-	return size;
- *	Set a scalar group value or a whole group.
- */
-int i2o_set_scalar(struct i2o_controller *iop, int tid, 
-		   int group, int field, void *buf, int buflen)
-	u16 *opblk;
-	u8  resblk[8+buflen]; /* 8 bytes for header */
-        int size;
-	opblk = kmalloc(buflen+64, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (opblk == NULL)
-	{
-		printk(KERN_ERR "i2o: no memory for operation buffer.\n");
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	opblk[0] = 1;                        /* operation count */
-	opblk[1] = 0;                        /* pad */
-	opblk[2] = I2O_PARAMS_FIELD_SET;
-	opblk[3] = group;
-	if(field == -1) {               /* whole group */
-		opblk[4] = -1;
-		memcpy(opblk+5, buf, buflen);
-	}
-	else                            /* single field */
-	{
-		opblk[4] = 1;
-		opblk[5] = field;
-		memcpy(opblk+6, buf, buflen);
-	}   
-	size = i2o_issue_params(I2O_CMD_UTIL_PARAMS_SET, iop, tid, 
-				opblk, 12+buflen, resblk, sizeof(resblk));
-	kfree(opblk);
-	if(size>buflen)
-		return buflen;
-	return size;
- * 	if oper == I2O_PARAMS_TABLE_GET, get from all rows 
- * 		if fieldcount == -1 return all fields
- *			ibuf and ibuflen are unused (use NULL, 0)
- * 		else return specific fields
- *  			ibuf contains fieldindexes
- *
- * 	if oper == I2O_PARAMS_LIST_GET, get from specific rows
- * 		if fieldcount == -1 return all fields
- *			ibuf contains rowcount, keyvalues
- * 		else return specific fields
- *			fieldcount is # of fieldindexes
- *  			ibuf contains fieldindexes, rowcount, keyvalues
- *
- *	You could also use directly function i2o_issue_params().
- */
-int i2o_query_table(int oper, struct i2o_controller *iop, int tid, int group,
-		int fieldcount, void *ibuf, int ibuflen,
-		void *resblk, int reslen) 
-	u16 *opblk;
-	int size;
-	opblk = kmalloc(10 + ibuflen, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (opblk == NULL)
-	{
-		printk(KERN_ERR "i2o: no memory for query buffer.\n");
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	opblk[0] = 1;				/* operation count */
-	opblk[1] = 0;				/* pad */
-	opblk[2] = oper;
-	opblk[3] = group;		
-	opblk[4] = fieldcount;
-	memcpy(opblk+5, ibuf, ibuflen);		/* other params */
-	size = i2o_issue_params(I2O_CMD_UTIL_PARAMS_GET,iop, tid, 
-				opblk, 10+ibuflen, resblk, reslen);
-	kfree(opblk);
-	if(size>reslen)
-		return reslen;
-	return size;
- * 	Clear table group, i.e. delete all rows.
- */
-int i2o_clear_table(struct i2o_controller *iop, int tid, int group)
-	u16 opblk[] = { 1, 0, I2O_PARAMS_TABLE_CLEAR, group };
-	u8  resblk[32]; /* min 8 bytes for result header */
-	return i2o_issue_params(I2O_CMD_UTIL_PARAMS_SET, iop, tid, 
-				opblk, sizeof(opblk), resblk, sizeof(resblk));
- * 	Add a new row into a table group.
- *
- * 	if fieldcount==-1 then we add whole rows
- *		buf contains rowcount, keyvalues
- * 	else just specific fields are given, rest use defaults
- *  		buf contains fieldindexes, rowcount, keyvalues
- */	
-int i2o_row_add_table(struct i2o_controller *iop, int tid,
-		    int group, int fieldcount, void *buf, int buflen)
-	u16 *opblk;
-	u8  resblk[32]; /* min 8 bytes for header */
-	int size;
-	opblk = kmalloc(buflen+64, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (opblk == NULL)
-	{
-		printk(KERN_ERR "i2o: no memory for operation buffer.\n");
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	opblk[0] = 1;			/* operation count */
-	opblk[1] = 0;			/* pad */
-	opblk[2] = I2O_PARAMS_ROW_ADD;
-	opblk[3] = group;	
-	opblk[4] = fieldcount;
-	memcpy(opblk+5, buf, buflen);
-	size = i2o_issue_params(I2O_CMD_UTIL_PARAMS_SET, iop, tid, 
-				opblk, 10+buflen, resblk, sizeof(resblk));
-	kfree(opblk);
-	if(size>buflen)
-		return buflen;
-	return size;
- * Used for error reporting/debugging purposes.
- * Following fail status are common to all classes.
- * The preserved message must be handled in the reply handler. 
- */
-void i2o_report_fail_status(u8 req_status, u32* msg)
-	static char *FAIL_STATUS[] = { 
-		"0x80",				/* not used */
-		"SERVICE_SUSPENDED", 		/* 0x81 */
-		"SERVICE_TERMINATED", 		/* 0x82 */
-		"TIME_OUT",
-		"UNKNOWN_FAILURE"		/* 0xFF */
-	};
-		printk("TRANSPORT_UNKNOWN_FAILURE (%0#2x)\n.", req_status);
-	else
-		printk("TRANSPORT_%s.\n", FAIL_STATUS[req_status & 0x0F]);
-	/* Dump some details */
-	printk(KERN_ERR "  InitiatorId = %d, TargetId = %d\n",
-		(msg[1] >> 12) & 0xFFF, msg[1] & 0xFFF); 
-	printk(KERN_ERR "  LowestVersion = 0x%02X, HighestVersion = 0x%02X\n",
-		(msg[4] >> 8) & 0xFF, msg[4] & 0xFF);
-	printk(KERN_ERR "  FailingHostUnit = 0x%04X,  FailingIOP = 0x%03X\n",
-		msg[5] >> 16, msg[5] & 0xFFF);
-	printk(KERN_ERR "  Severity:  0x%02X ", (msg[4] >> 16) & 0xFF); 
-	if (msg[4] & (1<<16))
-		printk("(FormatError), "
-			"this msg can never be delivered/processed.\n");
-	if (msg[4] & (1<<17))
-		printk("(PathError), "
-			"this msg can no longer be delivered/processed.\n");
-	if (msg[4] & (1<<18))
-		printk("(PathState), "
-			"the system state does not allow delivery.\n");
-	if (msg[4] & (1<<19))
-		printk("(Congestion), resources temporarily not available;"
-			"do not retry immediately.\n");
- * Used for error reporting/debugging purposes.
- * Following reply status are common to all classes.
- */
-void i2o_report_common_status(u8 req_status)
-	static char *REPLY_STATUS[] = { 
-		"SUCCESS", 
-	};
-		printk("RequestStatus = %0#2x", req_status);
-	else
-		printk("%s", REPLY_STATUS[req_status]);
- * Used for error reporting/debugging purposes.
- * Following detailed status are valid  for executive class, 
- * utility class, DDM class and for transaction error replies.
- */
-static void i2o_report_common_dsc(u16 detailed_status)
-	static char *COMMON_DSC[] = { 
-		"0x01",				// not used
-		"BAD_KEY",
-		"0x08",				// not used
-	};
-	if (detailed_status > I2O_DSC_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE)
-		printk(" / DetailedStatus = %0#4x.\n", detailed_status);
-	else
-		printk(" / %s.\n", COMMON_DSC[detailed_status]);
- * Used for error reporting/debugging purposes
- */
-static void i2o_report_lan_dsc(u16 detailed_status)
-	static char *LAN_DSC[] = {	// Lan detailed status code strings
-		"TEMP_SUSPENDED_STATE",	// last Lan detailed status code
-		"INVALID_REQUEST"	// general detailed status code
-	};
-	if (detailed_status > I2O_DSC_INVALID_REQUEST)
-		printk(" / %0#4x.\n", detailed_status);
-	else
-		printk(" / %s.\n", LAN_DSC[detailed_status]);
- * Used for error reporting/debugging purposes
- */
-static void i2o_report_util_cmd(u8 cmd)
-	switch (cmd) {
-	case I2O_CMD_UTIL_NOP:
-		printk("UTIL_NOP, ");
-		break;			
-		printk("UTIL_ABORT, ");
-		break;
-		printk("UTIL_CLAIM, ");
-		break;
-		printk("UTIL_CLAIM_RELEASE, ");
-		break;
-		printk("UTIL_CONFIG_DIALOG, ");
-		break;
-		printk("UTIL_DEVICE_RESERVE, ");
-		break;
-		printk("UTIL_DEVICE_RELEASE, ");
-		break;
-		break;
-		printk("UTIL_EVENT_REGISTER, ");
-		break;
-		printk("UTIL_LOCK, ");
-		break;
-		printk("UTIL_LOCK_RELEASE, ");
-		break;
-		printk("UTIL_PARAMS_GET, ");
-		break;
-		printk("UTIL_PARAMS_SET, ");
-		break;
-		break;
-	default:
-		printk("Cmd = %0#2x, ",cmd);	
-	}
- * Used for error reporting/debugging purposes
- */
-static void i2o_report_exec_cmd(u8 cmd)
-	switch (cmd) {
-		printk("EXEC_ADAPTER_ASSIGN, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_ADAPTER_READ, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_ADAPTER_RELEASE, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_BIOS_INFO_SET, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_BOOT_DEVICE_SET, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_CONFIG_VALIDATE, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_CONN_SETUP, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_DDM_DESTROY, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_DDM_ENABLE, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_DDM_QUIESCE, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_DDM_RESET, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_DDM_SUSPEND, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_DEVICE_ASSIGN, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_DEVICE_RELEASE, ");
-		break;
-	case I2O_CMD_HRT_GET:
-		printk("EXEC_HRT_GET, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_IOP_CLEAR, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_IOP_CONNECT, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_IOP_RESET, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_LCT_NOTIFY, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_OUTBOUND_INIT, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_PATH_ENABLE, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_PATH_QUIESCE, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_PATH_RESET, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_STATIC_MF_CREATE, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_STATIC_MF_RELEASE, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_STATUS_GET, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_SW_DOWNLOAD, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_SW_UPLOAD, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_SW_REMOVE, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_SYS_ENABLE, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_SYS_MODIFY, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_SYS_QUIESCE, ");
-		break;
-		printk("EXEC_SYS_TAB_SET, ");
-		break;
-	default:
-		printk("Cmd = %#02x, ",cmd);	
-	}
- * Used for error reporting/debugging purposes
- */
-static void i2o_report_lan_cmd(u8 cmd)
-	switch (cmd) {
-		printk("LAN_PACKET_SEND, "); 
-		break;
-	case LAN_SDU_SEND:
-		printk("LAN_SDU_SEND, ");
-		break;
-		printk("LAN_RECEIVE_POST, ");
-		break;
-	case LAN_RESET:
-		printk("LAN_RESET, ");
-		break;
-		printk("LAN_SUSPEND, ");
-		break;
-	default:
-		printk("Cmd = %0#2x, ",cmd);	
-	}	
- * Used for error reporting/debugging purposes.
- * Report Cmd name, Request status, Detailed Status.
- */
-void i2o_report_status(const char *severity, const char *str, u32 *msg)
-	u8 cmd = (msg[1]>>24)&0xFF;
-	u8 req_status = (msg[4]>>24)&0xFF;
-	u16 detailed_status = msg[4]&0xFFFF;
-	struct i2o_handler *h = i2o_handlers[msg[2] & (MAX_I2O_MODULES-1)];
-	printk("%s%s: ", severity, str);
-	if (cmd < 0x1F) 			// Utility cmd
-		i2o_report_util_cmd(cmd);
-	else if (cmd >= 0xA0 && cmd <= 0xEF) 	// Executive cmd
-		i2o_report_exec_cmd(cmd);
-	else if (h->class == I2O_CLASS_LAN && cmd >= 0x30 && cmd <= 0x3F)
-		i2o_report_lan_cmd(cmd);	// LAN cmd
-	else
-        	printk("Cmd = %0#2x, ", cmd);	// Other cmds
-	if (msg[0] & MSG_FAIL) {
-		i2o_report_fail_status(req_status, msg);
-		return;
-	}
-	i2o_report_common_status(req_status);
-	if (cmd < 0x1F || (cmd >= 0xA0 && cmd <= 0xEF))
-		i2o_report_common_dsc(detailed_status);	
-	else if (h->class == I2O_CLASS_LAN && cmd >= 0x30 && cmd <= 0x3F)
-		i2o_report_lan_dsc(detailed_status);
-	else
-		printk(" / DetailedStatus = %0#4x.\n", detailed_status); 
-/* Used to dump a message to syslog during debugging */
-void i2o_dump_message(u32 *msg)
-	int i;
-	printk(KERN_INFO "Dumping I2O message size %d @ %p\n", 
-		msg[0]>>16&0xffff, msg);
-	for(i = 0; i < ((msg[0]>>16)&0xffff); i++)
-		printk(KERN_INFO "  msg[%d] = %0#10x\n", i, msg[i]);
- * I2O reboot/shutdown notification.
- *
- * - Call each OSM's reboot notifier (if one exists)
- * - Quiesce each IOP in the system
- *
- * Each IOP has to be quiesced before we can ensure that the system
- * can be properly shutdown as a transaction that has already been
- * acknowledged still needs to be placed in permanent store on the IOP.
- * The SysQuiesce causes the IOP to force all HDMs to complete their
- * transactions before returning, so only at that point is it safe
- * 
- */
-static int i2o_reboot_event(struct notifier_block *n, unsigned long code, void
-	int i = 0;
-	struct i2o_controller *c = NULL;
-	if(code != SYS_RESTART && code != SYS_HALT && code != SYS_POWER_OFF)
-		return NOTIFY_DONE;
-	printk(KERN_INFO "Shutting down I2O system.\n");
-	printk(KERN_INFO 
-		"   This could take a few minutes if there are many devices attached\n");
-	for(i = 0; i < MAX_I2O_MODULES; i++)
-	{
-		if(i2o_handlers[i] && i2o_handlers[i]->reboot_notify)
-			i2o_handlers[i]->reboot_notify();
-	}
-	for(c = i2o_controller_chain; c; c = c->next)
-	{
-		if(i2o_quiesce_controller(c))
-		{
-			printk(KERN_WARNING "i2o: Could not quiesce %s."  "
-				Verify setup on next system power up.\n", c->name);
-		}
-	}
-	printk(KERN_INFO "I2O system down.\n");
-	return NOTIFY_DONE;
-#ifdef MODULE
-MODULE_AUTHOR("Red Hat Software");
-int init_module(void)
-	printk(KERN_INFO "I2O Core - (C) Copyright 1999 Red Hat Software\n");
-	if (i2o_install_handler(&i2o_core_handler) < 0)
-	{
-		printk(KERN_ERR 
-			"i2o_core: Unable to install core handler.\nI2O stack not loaded!");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	core_context = i2o_core_handler.context;
-	/*
-	 * Attach core to I2O PCI transport (and others as they are developed)
-	 */
-	if(i2o_pci_core_attach(&i2o_core_functions) < 0)
-		printk(KERN_INFO "i2o: No PCI I2O controllers found\n");
-	/*
-	 * Initialize event handling thread
-	 */	
-	init_MUTEX_LOCKED(&evt_sem);
-	evt_pid = kernel_thread(i2o_core_evt, &evt_reply, CLONE_SIGHAND);
-	if(evt_pid < 0)
-	{
-		printk(KERN_ERR "I2O: Could not create event handler kernel thread\n");
-		i2o_remove_handler(&i2o_core_handler);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	else
-		printk(KERN_INFO "I2O: Event thread created as pid %d\n", evt_pid);
-	if(i2o_num_controllers)
-		i2o_sys_init();
-	register_reboot_notifier(&i2o_reboot_notifier);
-	return 0;
-void cleanup_module(void)
-	int stat;
-	unregister_reboot_notifier(&i2o_reboot_notifier);
-	if(i2o_num_controllers)
-		i2o_sys_shutdown();
-	/*
-	 * If this is shutdown time, the thread has already been killed
-	 */
-	if(evt_running) {
-		printk("Terminating i2o threads...");
-		stat = kill_proc(evt_pid, SIGTERM, 1);
-		if(!stat) {
-			printk("waiting...");
-			wait_for_completion(&evt_dead);
-		}
-		printk("done.\n");
-	}
-	i2o_pci_core_detach();
-	i2o_remove_handler(&i2o_core_handler);
-	unregister_reboot_notifier(&i2o_reboot_notifier);
-extern int i2o_block_init(void);
-extern int i2o_config_init(void);
-extern int i2o_lan_init(void);
-extern int i2o_pci_init(void);
-extern int i2o_proc_init(void);
-extern int i2o_scsi_init(void);
-int __init i2o_init(void)
-	printk(KERN_INFO "Loading I2O Core - (c) Copyright 1999 Red Hat Software\n");
-	if (i2o_install_handler(&i2o_core_handler) < 0)
-	{
-		printk(KERN_ERR 
-			"i2o_core: Unable to install core handler.\nI2O stack not loaded!");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	core_context = i2o_core_handler.context;
-	/*
-	 * Initialize event handling thread
-	 * We may not find any controllers, but still want this as 
-	 * down the road we may have hot pluggable controllers that
-	 * need to be dealt with.
-	 */	
-	init_MUTEX_LOCKED(&evt_sem);
-	if((evt_pid = kernel_thread(i2o_core_evt, &evt_reply, CLONE_SIGHAND)) < 0)
-	{
-		printk(KERN_ERR "I2O: Could not create event handler kernel thread\n");
-		i2o_remove_handler(&i2o_core_handler);
-		return 0;
-	}
-#ifdef CONFIG_I2O_PCI
-	i2o_pci_init();
-	if(i2o_num_controllers)
-		i2o_sys_init();
-	register_reboot_notifier(&i2o_reboot_notifier);
-	i2o_config_init();
-	i2o_block_init();
-#ifdef CONFIG_I2O_LAN
-	i2o_lan_init();
-	i2o_proc_init();
-	return 0;

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: