patch-2.1.6 linux/drivers/char/scc.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.5/linux/drivers/char/scc.c linux/drivers/char/scc.c
@@ -1,2791 +0,0 @@
-#define RCS_ID "$Id: scc.c,v 1.41 1995/12/17 22:36:40 jreuter Exp jreuter $"
-#define BANNER "Z8530 SCC driver version 2.01.dl1bke (alpha) by DL1BKE\n"
-   ********************************************************************
-   *   SCC.C - Linux driver for Z8530 based HDLC cards for AX.25      *
-   ********************************************************************
-   ********************************************************************
-	Copyright (c) 1993, 1995 Joerg Reuter DL1BKE
-	portions (c) 1993 Guido ten Dolle PE1NNZ
-   ********************************************************************
-   The driver and the programs in the archive are UNDER CONSTRUCTION.
-   The code is likely to fail, and so your kernel could --- even 
-   a whole network. 
-   This driver is intended for Amateur Radio use. If you are running it
-   for commercial purposes, please drop me a note. I am nosy...
-   ...BUT:
-   ! You  m u s t  recognize the appropriate legislations of your country !
-   ! before you connect a radio to the SCC board and start to transmit or !
-   ! receive. The GPL allows you to use the  d r i v e r,  NOT the RADIO! !
-   For non-Amateur-Radio use please note that you might need a special
-   allowance/licence from the designer of the SCC Board and/or the
-   MODEM. 
-   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
-   it under the terms of the (modified) GNU General Public License 
-   delivered with the Linux kernel source.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should find a copy of the GNU General Public License in 
-   /usr/src/linux/COPYING; 
-   ******************************************************************** 
-   ...If you find any portions of the code that are copyrighted to you,
-   and you don't want to see in here, please send me a private (!) 
-   message to my internet site. I will change it as soon as possible. 
-   Please don't flame to the tcp-group or anywhere else. Thanks!
-   Joerg Reuter	ampr-net:
-		AX-25   : DL1BKE @ DB0ACH.#NRW.DEU.EU
-		Internet:
-   Incomplete history of z8530drv:
-   -------------------------------
-   940913	- started to write the driver, rescued most of my own
-		  code (and Hans Alblas' memory buffer pool concept) from 
-		  an earlier project "sccdrv" which was initiated by 
-		  Guido ten Dolle. Not much of the old driver survived, 
-		  though. The first version I put my hands on was sccdrv1.3
-		  from August 1993. The memory buffer pool concept
-		  appeared in an unauthorized sccdrv version (1.5) from
-		  August 1994.
-   950131	- changed copyright notice to GPL without limitations.
-     .
-     .
-     .
-   950922	- using kernel timer chain
-   951002	- splitting timer routine, adding support for throttle/
-   		  unthrottle calls, removed typo in kiss decoder,
-   		  corrected termios settings.
-   951011	- at last found one (the?) problem which caused the 
-   		  driver to mess up buffers on heavy load pe1ayx was
-   		  complaining about. Quite simple to reproduce:
-   		  set a 9k6 port into audio loopback, add a route
-   		  to on that route and do a 
-   		  ping -f
-   951013	- it still does not survive a flood ping...
-   951107	- axattach w/o "-s" option (or setting an invalid 
-   		  baudrate) does not produce "division by zero" faults 
-   		  anymore.
-   951114	- rewrote memory management, took first steps to allow
-		  compilation as a module. Well, it looks like a whole
-		  new driver now. BTW: It  d o e s  survive the flood
-		  ping at last...
-   951116	- scc_config.h is gone -- the driver will be initialized
-   		  through ioctl-commands. Use sccinit.c for this purpose.
-   951117	- Well --- what should I say: You can compile it as a
-   		  module now. And I solved the problem with slip.c...
-   951120	- most ioctl() routines may be called w/o suser()
-   		  permissions, check if you've set the permissions of
-   		  /dev/scc* right! NOT 0666, you know it's evil ;-)
-   951217	- found silly bug in init_channel(), some bugfixes
-   		  for the "standalone" module
-   Thanks to:
-   ----------
-   PE1CHL Rob	- for a lot of good ideas from his SCC driver for DOS
-   PE1NNZ Guido - for his port of the original driver to Linux
-   KA9Q   Phil  - from whom we stole the mbuf-structure
-   PA3AYX Hans  - for some useful changes
-   DL8MBT Flori - for support
-   DG0FT  Rene  - for the BayCom USCC support
-   PA3AOU Harry - for ESCC testing, information supply and support
-   PE1KOX Rob, DG1RTF Thomas, ON5QK Roland, G4XYW Andy, Linus,
-   EI9GL Paul,
-   and all who sent me bug reports and ideas... 
-   NB -- if you find errors, change something, please let me know
-      	 first before you distribute it... And please don't touch
-   	 the version number. Just replace my callsign in
-   	 "v2.01.dl1bke" with your own. Just to avoid confusion...
-   If you want to add your modification to the linux distribution
-   please (!) contact me first.
-   J�rg Reuter DL1BKE
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#define DEBUG_BUFFERS	/* keep defined unless it is really stable... */
-#undef  SCC_DELAY 	/* perhaps a 486DX2 is a *bit* too fast */
-#undef  SCC_LDELAY 5	/* slow it even a bit more down */
-#undef  DONT_CHECK	/* don't look if the SCCs you specified are available */
-#define MAXSCC          4       /* number of max. supported chips */
-#define RXBUFFERS       8       /* default number of RX buffers */
-#define TXBUFFERS       8       /* default number of TX buffers */
-#define BUFSIZE         384     /* must not exceed 4096-sizeof(mbuf) */
-#define TPS             25      /* scc_tx_timer():  Ticks Per Second */
-#define DEFAULT_CLOCK	4915200 /* default pclock if nothing is specified */
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/errno.h>
-#include <linux/signal.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <linux/timer.h>
-#include <linux/tqueue.h>
-#include <linux/tty.h>
-#include <linux/tty_driver.h>
-#include <linux/tty_flip.h>
-#include <linux/major.h>
-#include <linux/termios.h>
-#include <linux/serial.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/ioport.h>
-#include <linux/string.h>
-#include <linux/fcntl.h>
-#include <linux/ptrace.h>
-#include <linux/malloc.h>
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <linux/scc.h>
-#include <asm/system.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
-#include <asm/segment.h>
-#include <asm/bitops.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#ifdef MODULE
-int init_module(void);
-void cleanup_module(void);
-#ifndef Z8530_MAJOR
-#define Z8530_MAJOR 34
-int scc_init(void);
-static struct mbuf * scc_enqueue_buffer(struct mbuf **queue, struct mbuf * buffer);
-static struct mbuf * scc_dequeue_buffer(struct mbuf **queue);
-static void alloc_buffer_pool(struct scc_channel *scc);
-static void free_buffer_pool(struct scc_channel *scc);
-static struct mbuf * scc_get_buffer(struct scc_channel *scc, char type);
-int scc_open(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *filp);
-static void scc_close(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *filp);
-int scc_write(struct tty_struct *tty, int from_user, const unsigned char *buf, int count);
-static void scc_put_char(struct tty_struct *tty, unsigned char ch);
-static void scc_flush_chars(struct tty_struct *tty);
-static int scc_write_room(struct tty_struct *tty);
-static int scc_chars_in_buffer(struct tty_struct *tty);
-static void scc_flush_buffer(struct tty_struct *tty);
-static int scc_ioctl(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
-static void scc_set_termios(struct tty_struct *tty, struct termios *old_termios);
-static void scc_set_ldisc(struct tty_struct *tty);
-static void scc_throttle(struct tty_struct *tty);
-static void scc_unthrottle(struct tty_struct *tty);
-static void scc_start(struct tty_struct *tty);
-static void scc_stop(struct tty_struct *tty);
-static void z8530_init(void);
-static void scc_change_speed(struct scc_channel *scc);
-static void kiss_encode(struct scc_channel *scc);
-static void init_channel(struct scc_channel *scc);
-static void scc_key_trx (struct scc_channel *scc, char tx);
-static void scc_txint(register struct scc_channel *scc);
-static void scc_exint(register struct scc_channel *scc);
-static void scc_rxint(register struct scc_channel *scc);
-static void scc_spint(register struct scc_channel *scc);
-static void scc_isr(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs);
-static void scc_tx_timer(unsigned long);
-static void scc_rx_timer(unsigned long);
-static void scc_init_timer(struct scc_channel *scc);
-/* from serial.c */
-static int baud_table[] = {
-	0, 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800,
-	9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 0 };
-struct tty_driver scc_driver;
-static int scc_refcount;
-static struct tty_struct *scc_table[2*MAXSCC];
-static struct termios scc_termios[2 * MAXSCC];
-static struct termios scc_termios_locked[2 * MAXSCC];
-struct irqflags { unsigned char used : 1; } Ivec[16];
-struct scc_channel SCC_Info[2 * MAXSCC];         /* information per channel */
-io_port SCC_ctrl[2 * MAXSCC];			 /* Control ports */
-unsigned char Random = 0;		/* random number for p-persist */
-unsigned char Driver_Initialized = 0;
-int Nchips = 0;
-io_port Vector_Latch = 0;
-struct semaphore scc_sem = MUTEX;
-unsigned char scc_wbuf[BUFSIZE];
-static struct termios scc_std_termios;
-/* ******************************************************************** */
-/* *			Port Access Functions			      * */
-/* ******************************************************************** */
-static inline unsigned char
-InReg(register io_port port, register unsigned char reg)
-#ifdef SCC_LDELAY
-	register unsigned char r;
-	Outb(port, reg);
-	udelay(SCC_LDELAY);
-	r=Inb(port);
-	udelay(SCC_LDELAY);
-	return r;
-	Outb(port, reg);
-	return Inb(port);
-static inline void
-OutReg(register io_port port, register unsigned char reg, register unsigned char val)
-#ifdef SCC_LDELAY
-	Outb(port, reg); udelay(SCC_LDELAY);
-	Outb(port, val); udelay(SCC_LDELAY);
-	Outb(port, reg);
-	Outb(port, val);
-static inline void
-wr(register struct scc_channel *scc, register unsigned char reg, register unsigned char val)
-	OutReg(scc->ctrl, reg, (scc->wreg[reg] = val));
-static inline void
-or(register struct scc_channel *scc, register unsigned char reg, register unsigned char val)
-	OutReg(scc->ctrl, reg, (scc->wreg[reg] |= val));
-static inline void
-cl(register struct scc_channel *scc, register unsigned char reg, register unsigned char val)
-	OutReg(scc->ctrl, reg, (scc->wreg[reg] &= ~val));
-/* ******************************************************************** */
-/* * 			Memory Buffer Management			*/
-/* ******************************************************************** */
- * The new buffer scheme uses a ring chain of buffers. This has the
- * advantage to access both, first and last element of the list, very
- * fast. It has the disadvantage to mess things up double if something
- * is wrong.
- *
- * Every scc channel has its own buffer pool now with an adjustable
- * number of buffers for transmit and receive buffers. The buffer
- * size remains the same for each AX.25 frame, but is (as a semi-
- * undocumented feature) adjustable within a range of 512 and 4096
- * to benefit experiments with higher frame lengths. If you need
- * larger frames... Well, you'd better choose a whole new concept
- * for that, like a DMA capable I/O card and a block device driver...
- *
- */
-/* ------ Management of buffer queues ------ */
-/* Insert a buffer at the "end" of the chain */
-static struct mbuf * 
-scc_enqueue_buffer(struct mbuf **queue, struct mbuf * buffer)
-	unsigned long flags;
-	struct mbuf * anchor;
-	save_flags(flags); cli();		/* do not disturb! */
-#ifdef DEBUG_BUFFERS			
-	if (queue == NULLBUFP)			/* called with illegal parameters, notify the user */
-	{
-		printk("z8530drv: Pointer to queue anchor is NULL pointer [enq]\n");
-		restore_flags(flags);
-		return NULLBUF;
-	}
-	if (buffer == NULLBUF)
-	{
-		printk("z8530drv: can't enqueue a NULL pointer\n");
-		restore_flags(flags);
-		return NULLBUF;
-	}
-	anchor = *queue;			/* the anchor is the "start" of the chain */
-	if (anchor == NULLBUF)			/* found an empty list */
-	{
-		*queue = buffer;		/* new anchor */
-		buffer->next = buffer->prev = NULLBUF;
-	} else	
-	if (anchor->prev == NULLBUF)		/* list has one member only */
-	{
-		if (anchor->prev != NULLBUF)	/* oops?! */
-			printk("weird --- anchor->prev is NULL but not anchor->next [enq]\n");
-		anchor->next = anchor->prev = buffer;
-		buffer->next = buffer->prev = anchor;
-	} else
-	if (anchor->next == NULLBUF)		/* this has to be an error. Okay, make the best out of it */
-	{
-		printk("z8530drv: weird --- anchor->next is NULL but not anchor->prev [enq]\n");
-		anchor->next = anchor->prev = buffer;
-		buffer->next = buffer->prev = anchor;
-	} else
-	{					/* every other case */
-		buffer->prev = anchor->prev;	/* self explaining, isn't it? */
-		buffer->next = anchor;
-		anchor->prev->next = buffer;
-		anchor->prev = buffer;
-	}
-	restore_flags(flags);
-	return *queue;				/* return "start" of chain */
-/* Remove a buffer from the "start" of the chain an return it */
-static struct mbuf * 
-scc_dequeue_buffer(struct mbuf **queue)
-	unsigned long flags;
-	struct mbuf *buffer;
-	save_flags(flags); cli();
-#ifdef DEBUG_BUFFERS			
-	if (queue == NULLBUFP)			/* called with illegal parameter */
-	{
-		printk("z8530drv: Pointer to queue anchor is NULL pointer [deq]\n");
-		restore_flags(flags);
-		return NULLBUF;
-	}
-	buffer = *queue;			/* head of the chain */
-	if (buffer != NULLBUF)			/* not an empty list? */
-	{
-		if (buffer->prev != NULLBUF)	/* not last buffer? */
-		{
-			if (buffer->next == NULLBUF)
-			{			/* what?! */
-				printk("z8530drv: weird --- buffer->next is NULL but not buffer->prev [deq]\n");
-			} else
-			if (buffer->prev->next == buffer->prev->prev)
-			{			/* only one buffer remaining... */
-				buffer->next->prev = NULLBUF;
-				buffer->next->next = NULLBUF;
-			} else {		/* the one remaining situation... */
-				buffer->next->prev = buffer->prev;
-				buffer->prev->next = buffer->next;
-			}
-		} 
-		else if (buffer->next != NULLBUF)
-			printk("z8530drv: weird --- buffer->prev is NULL but not buffer->next [deq]\n");
-		*queue = buffer->next;		/* new head of chain */
-		buffer->next = NULLBUF;		/* for security only... */
-		buffer->prev = NULLBUF;
-		buffer->rw_ptr = buffer->data;
-	} 
-	restore_flags(flags);
-	return buffer;				/* give it away... */
-/* ------ buffer pool management ------ */
-/* allocate buffer pool	for a channel */
-static void 
-alloc_buffer_pool(struct scc_channel *scc)
-	int k;
-	struct mbuf * bptr;
-	int  buflen;
-	buflen = sizeof(struct mbuf) + scc->stat.bufsize;
-	if (scc->stat.bufsize <  336) scc->stat.bufsize = 336;
-	if (buflen > 4096)
-	{
-		scc->stat.bufsize = 4096-sizeof(struct mbuf);
-		buflen = 4096;
-	}
-	if (scc->stat.rxbuffers < 4)  scc->stat.rxbuffers = 4;
-	if (scc->stat.txbuffers < 4)  scc->stat.txbuffers = 4;
-	/* allocate receive buffers for this channel */
-	for (k = 0; k < scc->stat.rxbuffers ; k++)
-	{
-		/* allocate memory for the struct and the buffer */
-		bptr = (struct mbuf *) kmalloc(buflen, GFP_ATOMIC);
-		/* should not happen, but who knows? */
-		if (bptr == NULLBUF)
-		{
-			printk("z8530drv: %s: can't allocate memory for rx buffer pool", kdevname(scc->tty->device));
-			break;
-		}
-		/* clear memory */
-		memset(bptr, 0, buflen);
-		/* initialize structure */
-		bptr->rw_ptr = bptr->data;
-		/* and append the buffer to the pool */
-		scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->rx_buffer_pool, bptr);
-	}
-	/* now do the same for the transmit buffers */
-	for (k = 0; k < scc->stat.txbuffers ; k++)
-	{
-		bptr = (struct mbuf *) kmalloc(buflen, GFP_ATOMIC);
-		if (bptr == NULLBUF)
-		{
-			printk("z8530drv: %s: can't allocate memory for tx buffer pool", kdevname(scc->tty->device));
-			break;
-		}
-		memset(bptr, 0, buflen);
-		bptr->rw_ptr = bptr->data;
-		scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->tx_buffer_pool, bptr);
-	}
-/* remove buffer pool */
-static void 
-free_buffer_pool(struct scc_channel *scc)
-	struct mbuf * bptr;
-	unsigned long flags;
-	int cnt;
-	/* this one is a bit tricky and probably dangerous. */
-	save_flags(flags); cli();
-	/* esp. to free the buffers currently in use by ISR */
-	bptr = scc->rx_bp;
-	if (bptr != NULLBUF)
-	{
-		scc->rx_bp = NULLBUF;
-		scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->rx_buffer_pool, bptr);
-	}
-	bptr = scc->tx_bp;	
-	if (bptr != NULLBUF)
-	{
-		scc->tx_bp = NULLBUF;
-		scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->tx_buffer_pool, bptr);
-	}
-	bptr = scc->kiss_decode_bp;
-	if (bptr != NULLBUF)
-	{
-		scc->kiss_decode_bp = NULLBUF;
-		scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->tx_buffer_pool, bptr);
-	}
-	bptr = scc->kiss_encode_bp;
-	if (bptr != NULLBUF)
-	{
-		scc->kiss_encode_bp = NULLBUF;
-		scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->rx_buffer_pool, bptr);
-	}
-	restore_flags(flags);
-	while (scc->rx_queue != NULLBUF)
-	{
-		bptr = scc_dequeue_buffer(&scc->rx_queue);
-		scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->rx_buffer_pool, bptr);
-	}
-	while (scc->tx_queue != NULLBUF)
-	{
-		bptr = scc_dequeue_buffer(&scc->tx_queue);
-		scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->tx_buffer_pool, bptr);
-	}
-	/* you want to know why we move every buffer back to the
-	   buffer pool? Well, good question... ;-) 
-	 */
-	cnt = 0;
-	/* Probably because we just want a central position in the
-	   code were we actually call free()?
-	 */
-	while (scc->rx_buffer_pool != NULLBUF)
-	{
-		bptr = scc_dequeue_buffer(&scc->rx_buffer_pool);
-		if (bptr != NULLBUF)
-		{
-			cnt++;
-			kfree(bptr);
-		}
-	}
-	if (cnt < scc->stat.rxbuffers)		/* hmm... hmm... :-( */
-		printk("z8530drv: oops, deallocated only %d of %d rx buffers\n", cnt, scc->stat.rxbuffers);
-	if (cnt > scc->stat.rxbuffers)		/* WHAT?!! */
-		printk("z8530drv: oops, deallocated %d instead of %d rx buffers. Very strange.\n", cnt, scc->stat.rxbuffers);
-	cnt = 0;
-	while (scc->tx_buffer_pool != NULLBUF)
-	{
-		bptr = scc_dequeue_buffer(&scc->tx_buffer_pool);
-		if (bptr != NULLBUF)
-		{
-			cnt++;
-			kfree(bptr);
-		}
-	}
-	if (cnt < scc->stat.txbuffers)
-		printk("z8530drv: oops, deallocated only %d of %d tx buffers\n", cnt, scc->stat.txbuffers);
-	if (cnt > scc->stat.txbuffers)
-		printk("z8530drv: oops, deallocated %d instead of %d tx buffers. Very strange.\n", cnt, scc->stat.txbuffers);
-/* ------ rx/tx buffer management ------ */
-   get a fresh buffer from the pool if possible; if not: get one from
-   the queue. We will remove the oldest frame from the queue and hope
-   it was a good idea... ;-)
- */
-static struct mbuf * 
-scc_get_buffer(struct scc_channel *scc, char type)
-	struct mbuf * bptr;
-	if (type == BT_TRANSMIT)
-	{
-		bptr = scc_dequeue_buffer(&scc->tx_buffer_pool);
-		/* no free buffers in the pool anymore? */
-		if (bptr == NULLBUF)
-		{
-			printk("z8530drv: scc_get_buffer(%s): tx buffer pool empty\n", kdevname(scc->tty->device));
-			/* use the oldest from the queue instead */
-			bptr = scc_dequeue_buffer(&scc->tx_queue);
-			/* this should never, ever happen... */
-			if (bptr == NULLBUF)
-				printk("z8530drv: scc_get_buffer(): panic - even no buffer found in tx queue\n");
-		}
-	} else {
-		bptr = scc_dequeue_buffer(&scc->rx_buffer_pool);
-		if (bptr == NULLBUF)
-		{
-			printk("z8530drv: scc_get_buffer(%s): rx buffer pool empty\n", kdevname(scc->tty->device));
-			bptr = scc_dequeue_buffer(&scc->rx_queue);
-			if (bptr == NULLBUF)
-				printk("z8530drv: scc_get_buffer(): panic - even no buffer found in rx queue\n");
-		}	
-	}
-	if (bptr != NULLBUF)
-	{
-		bptr->rw_ptr = bptr->data;
-		bptr->cnt = 0;
-	}
-	return bptr;
-/* ******************************************************************** */
-/* *			Interrupt Service Routines		      * */
-/* ******************************************************************** */
-/* ----> interrupt service routine for the 8530 <---- */
-/* it's recommended to keep this function "inline" ;-) */
-static inline void
-scc_isr_dispatch(register struct scc_channel *scc, register int vector)
-	switch (vector & VECTOR_MASK)
-	{
-		case TXINT: scc_txint(scc); break;
-		case EXINT: scc_exint(scc); break;
-		case RXINT: scc_rxint(scc); break;
-		case SPINT: scc_spint(scc); break;
-		default	  : printk("scc_isr(): unknown interrupt status (addr %4.4x, state %2.2x)\n",scc->ctrl,vector);
-	}
-/* If the card has a latch for the interrupt vector (like the PA0HZP card)
-   use it to get the number of the chip that generated the int.
-   If not: poll all defined chips.
- */
-static void
-scc_isr(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
-	register unsigned char vector;	
-	register struct scc_channel *scc;
-	register io_port q;
-	register io_port *p;
-	register int k;
-	cli();
-	if (Vector_Latch)
-	{
-	    	while(1)			   /* forever...? */
-    		{ 
-			Outb(Vector_Latch, 0);      /* Generate INTACK */
-			/* Read the vector */
-			if((vector=Inb(Vector_Latch)) >= 16 * Nchips) break; 
-						/* ...not forever! */
-			/* Extract channel number and status from vector. */
-			/* Isolate channel number */
-			/* Call handler */
-			if (vector & 0x01) break; 
-		        scc=&SCC_Info[(((vector>>1)&0x7c)^0x04) >> 2];
-			if (!scc->tty) break;
-			scc_isr_dispatch(scc, vector);
-			Outb(scc->ctrl,0x38);              /* Reset Highest IUS" opcode to WR0 */
-		}  
-		sti();	
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Find the SCC generating the interrupt by polling all attached SCCs
-	 * reading RR3A (the interrupt pending register)
-	 */
-	k = 0;
-	p = SCC_ctrl;
-	while (k++ < Nchips)
-	{
-		if (!(q=*p++)) break;
-		Outb(q,3);
-		if (Inb(q))
-		{
-			if (!(q=*p++)) break;
-			Outb(q,2);
-			vector=Inb(q);                  /* Read the vector */
-		        /* Extract channel number and status from vector. */
-		        /* Isolate channel number */
-		        /* Call handler */
-			if (vector & 1) break; 
-		        scc = &SCC_Info[(((vector >> 1) & 0x7c) ^ 0x04) >> 2];
-		        if (!scc->tty) break;
-			/* Isolate status info from vector, call handler */
-			scc_isr_dispatch(scc, vector);
-			k = 0;
-			p = SCC_ctrl;
-	     	} else p++;
-	}    
-	sti();
-/* ----> four different interrupt handlers for Tx, Rx, changing of	*/
-/*       DCD/CTS and Rx/Tx errors					*/
-/* Transmitter interrupt handler */
-static void
-scc_txint(register struct scc_channel *scc)
-	register struct mbuf *bp;
-	scc->stat.txints++;
-	bp = scc->tx_bp;
-	if (bp == NULLBUF)
-	{
-		do 
-		{
-			if (bp != NULLBUF)
-				scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->tx_buffer_pool, bp);
-			bp = scc_dequeue_buffer(&scc->tx_queue);
-			if (bp == NULLBUF)
-			{
-				scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_BUSY;
-				scc->t_tail = scc->kiss.tailtime;
-				Outb(scc->ctrl, RES_Tx_P);	/* clear int */
-				return;
-			}
-			if ( scc->kiss.not_slip && (bp->cnt > 0) )
-			{
-				bp->rw_ptr++;
-				bp->cnt--;
-			}
-		} while (bp->cnt < 1);
-		Outb(scc->ctrl, RES_Tx_CRC);	/* reset CRC generator */
-		or(scc,R10,ABUNDER);		/* re-install underrun protection */
-		Outb(scc->data,*bp->rw_ptr);	/* send byte */
-		if (!scc->enhanced)		/* reset EOM latch */
-			Outb(scc->ctrl, RES_EOM_L);
-		scc->tx_bp = bp;
-		scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_ACTIVE; /* next byte... */
-	} else
-	if (bp->cnt <= 0)
-	{
-		if (--scc->stat.tx_queued < 0) scc->stat.tx_queued = 0;
-		Outb(scc->ctrl, RES_Tx_P);	/* reset pending int */
-		cl(scc, R10, ABUNDER);		/* send CRC */
-		scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->tx_buffer_pool, bp);
-		scc->tx_bp = NULLBUF;
-		scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_NEWFRAME; /* next frame... */
-		return;
-	} else {
-		Outb(scc->data,*bp->rw_ptr);		
-	}
-	bp->rw_ptr++;			/* increment pointer */
-	bp->cnt--;                      /* decrease byte count */
-static inline void
-flush_FIFO(register struct scc_channel *scc)
-	register int k;
-	for (k=0; k<3; k++)
-		Inb(scc->data);
-	if(scc->rx_bp != NULLBUF)	/* did we receive something? */
-	{
-		scc->stat.rxerrs++;  /* then count it as an error */
-		scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->rx_buffer_pool, scc->rx_bp);
-		scc->rx_bp = NULLBUF;
-	}
-/* External/Status interrupt handler */
-static void
-scc_exint(register struct scc_channel *scc)
-	register unsigned char status,changes,chg_and_stat;
-	scc->stat.exints++;
-	status = InReg(scc->ctrl,R0);
-	changes = status ^ scc->status;
-	chg_and_stat = changes & status;
-	/* ABORT: generated whenever DCD drops while receiving */
-	if (chg_and_stat & BRK_ABRT)		/* Received an ABORT */
-		flush_FIFO(scc);
-	/* DCD: on = start to receive packet, off = ABORT condition */
-	/* (a successfully received packet generates a special condition int) */
-	if(changes & DCD)                       /* DCD input changed state */
-	{
-		if(status & DCD)                /* DCD is now ON */
-		{
-			if (scc->modem.clocksrc != CLK_EXTERNAL)
-				OutReg(scc->ctrl,R14,SEARCH|scc->wreg[R14]); /* DPLL: enter search mode */
-			or(scc,R3,ENT_HM|RxENABLE); /* enable the receiver, hunt mode */
-		} else {                        /* DCD is now OFF */
-			cl(scc,R3,ENT_HM|RxENABLE); /* disable the receiver */
-			flush_FIFO(scc);
-		}
-	}
-#ifdef notdef
-	/* CTS: use external TxDelay (what's that good for?!) */
-	if (chg_and_stat & CTS)			/* CTS is now ON */
-	{			
-		if (!Running(t_txdel) && scc->kiss.txdelay == 0) /* zero TXDELAY = wait for CTS */
-			scc->t_txdel = 0;	/* kick it! */		
-	}
-	if ( (status & TxEOM) && (scc->stat.tx_state == TXS_ACTIVE) )
-	{
-		scc->stat.tx_under++;	  /* oops, an underrun! count 'em */
-		Outb(scc->ctrl, RES_Tx_P);
-		Outb(scc->ctrl, RES_EXT_INT);	/* reset ext/status interrupts */
-		scc->t_maxk = 1;
-		if (scc->tx_bp != NULLBUF)
-		{
-			scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->tx_buffer_pool, scc->tx_bp);
-			scc->tx_bp = NULLBUF;
-		}
-		if (--scc->stat.tx_queued < 0) scc->stat.tx_queued = 0;
-		or(scc,R10,ABUNDER);
-	}
-	if (status & ZCOUNT)		   /* Oops? */
-	{
-		scc->stat.tx_under = 9999;  /* errr... yes. */
-		Outb(scc->ctrl, RES_Tx_P); /* just to be sure */
-		scc->t_maxk = 1;
-		if (scc->tx_bp != NULLBUF)
-		{
-			scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->tx_buffer_pool, scc->tx_bp);
-			scc->tx_bp = NULLBUF;
-		}
-		if (--scc->stat.tx_queued < 0) scc->stat.tx_queued = 0;
-		scc->kiss.tx_inhibit = 1;	/* don't try it again! */
-	}
-	scc->status = status;
-	Outb(scc->ctrl,RES_EXT_INT);
-/* Receiver interrupt handler */
-static void
-scc_rxint(register struct scc_channel *scc)
-	register struct mbuf *bp;
-	scc->stat.rxints++;
-	if( Running(t_maxk) && !(scc->kiss.fulldup))
-	{
-		Inb(scc->data);		/* discard char */
-		or(scc,R3,ENT_HM);	/* enter hunt mode for next flag */
-		return;
-	}
-	bp = scc->rx_bp;
-	if (bp == NULLBUF)
-	{
-		bp = scc_get_buffer(scc, BT_RECEIVE);
-		if (bp == NULLBUF)
-		{
-			printk("scc_rxint(): panic --- cannot get a buffer\n");
-			Inb(scc->data);
-			or(scc, R3, ENT_HM);
-			scc->stat.nospace++;
-			return;
-		}
-		scc->rx_bp = bp;
-	}
-	if (bp->cnt > scc->stat.bufsize)
-	{
-#ifdef notdef
-		printk("scc_rxint(): oops, received huge frame...\n");
-		scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->rx_buffer_pool, bp);
-		scc->rx_bp = NULLBUF;
-		Inb(scc->data);
-		or(scc, R3, ENT_HM);
-		return;
-	}
-	/* now, we have a buffer. read character and store it */
-	*bp->rw_ptr = Inb(scc->data);
-	bp->rw_ptr++;
-	bp->cnt++;
-/* kick rx_timer (try to send received frame or part of it ASAP) */
-/* of course we could define a "bottom half" routine to do the job,
-   but since its structures are saved in an array instead of a linked
-   list we would get in trouble if it clashes with another driver or
-   when we try to modularize the driver. IMHO we are fast enough
-   with a timer routine called on the next timer-INT... Your opinions?
- */
-static inline void
-kick_rx_timer(register struct scc_channel *scc)
-	if (scc->
-		del_timer(&(scc->rx_t));
-	scc->rx_t.expires = jiffies + 1;
-	scc->rx_t.function = scc_rx_timer;
-	scc-> = (unsigned long) scc;
-	add_timer(&scc->rx_t);
-/* Receive Special Condition interrupt handler */
-static void
-scc_spint(register struct scc_channel *scc)
-	register unsigned char status;
-	register struct mbuf *bp;
-	scc->stat.spints++;
-	status = InReg(scc->ctrl,R1);		/* read receiver status */
-	Inb(scc->data);				/* throw away Rx byte */
-	bp = scc->rx_bp;
-	if(status & Rx_OVR)			/* receiver overrun */
-	{
-		scc->stat.rx_over++;             /* count them */
-		or(scc,R3,ENT_HM);               /* enter hunt mode for next flag */
-		if (bp) scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->rx_buffer_pool, bp);
-		scc->rx_bp = NULLBUF;
-	}
-	if(status & END_FR && bp != NULLBUF)	/* end of frame */
-	{
-		/* CRC okay, frame ends on 8 bit boundary and received something ? */
-		if (!(status & CRC_ERR) && (status & 0xe) == RES8 && bp->cnt)
-		{
-			/* ignore last received byte (first of the CRC bytes) */
-			bp->cnt--;
-			scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->rx_queue, bp);
-			scc->rx_bp = NULLBUF;
-			scc->stat.rxframes++;
-			scc->stat.rx_queued++;
-			kick_rx_timer(scc);
-		} else {				/* a bad frame */
-			scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->rx_buffer_pool, bp);
-			scc->rx_bp = NULLBUF;
-			scc->stat.rxerrs++;
-		}
-	}
-	Outb(scc->ctrl,ERR_RES);
-/* ******************************************************************** */
-/* *			Init Channel					*/
-/* ******************************************************************** */
-/* ----> set SCC channel speed <---- */
-static inline void set_brg(register struct scc_channel *scc, unsigned int tc)
-	unsigned long flags;
- 	save_flags(flags); cli();      	/* 2-step register accesses... */
-	cl(scc,R14,BRENABL);		/* disable baudrate generator */
-	wr(scc,R12,tc & 255);		/* brg rate LOW */
-	wr(scc,R13,tc >> 8);   		/* brg rate HIGH */
-	or(scc,R14,BRENABL);		/* enable baudrate generator */
-	restore_flags(flags);
-static inline void set_speed(register struct scc_channel *scc)
-	if (scc->modem.speed > 0)	/* paranoia... */
-		set_brg(scc, (unsigned) (scc->clock / (scc->modem.speed * 64)) - 2);
-/* ----> initialize a SCC channel <---- */
-static inline void init_brg(register struct scc_channel *scc)
-	wr(scc, R14, BRSRC);				/* BRG source = PCLK */
-	OutReg(scc->ctrl, R14, SSBR|scc->wreg[R14]);	/* DPLL source = BRG */
-	OutReg(scc->ctrl, R14, SNRZI|scc->wreg[R14]);	/* DPLL NRZI mode */
- * Initialization according to the Z8530 manual (SGS-Thomson's version):
- *
- * 1. Modes and constants
- *
- * WR9	11000000	chip reset
- * WR4	XXXXXXXX	Tx/Rx control, async or sync mode
- * WR1	0XX00X00	select W/REQ (optional)
- * WR2	XXXXXXXX	program interrupt vector
- * WR3	XXXXXXX0	select Rx control
- * WR5	XXXX0XXX	select Tx control
- * WR6	XXXXXXXX	sync character
- * WR7	XXXXXXXX	sync character
- * WR9	000X0XXX	select interrupt control
- * WR10	XXXXXXXX	miscellaneous control (optional)
- * WR11	XXXXXXXX	clock control
- * WR12	XXXXXXXX	time constant lower byte (optional)
- * WR13	XXXXXXXX	time constant upper byte (optional)
- * WR14	XXXXXXX0	miscellaneous control
- * WR14	XXXSSSSS	commands (optional)
- *
- * 2. Enables
- *
- * WR14	000SSSS1	baud rate enable
- * WR3	SSSSSSS1	Rx enable
- * WR5	SSSS1SSS	Tx enable
- * WR0	10000000	reset Tx CRG (optional)
- * WR1	XSS00S00	DMA enable (optional)
- *
- * 3. Interrupt status
- *
- * WR15	XXXXXXXX	enable external/status
- * WR0	00010000	reset external status
- * WR0	00010000	reset external status twice
- * WR1	SSSXXSXX	enable Rx, Tx and Ext/status
- * WR9	000SXSSS	enable master interrupt enable
- *
- * 1 = set to one, 0 = reset to zero
- * X = user defined, S = same as previous init
- *
- *
- * Note that the implementation differs in some points from above scheme.
- *
- */
-static void
-init_channel(register struct scc_channel *scc)
-	unsigned long flags;
-	if (scc-> del_timer(&(scc->rx_t));
-	if (scc-> del_timer(&(scc->tx_t));
-	save_flags(flags); cli();
-	wr(scc,R4,X1CLK|SDLC);		/* *1 clock, SDLC mode */
-	wr(scc,R1,0);			/* no W/REQ operation */
-	wr(scc,R3,Rx8|RxCRC_ENAB);	/* RX 8 bits/char, CRC, disabled */	
-	wr(scc,R5,Tx8|DTR|TxCRC_ENAB);	/* TX 8 bits/char, disabled, DTR */
-	wr(scc,R6,0);			/* SDLC address zero (not used) */
-	wr(scc,R7,FLAG);		/* SDLC flag value */
-	wr(scc,R9,VIS);			/* vector includes status */
-	wr(scc,R10,(scc->modem.nrz? NRZ : NRZI)|CRCPS|ABUNDER); /* abort on underrun, preset CRC generator, NRZ(I) */
-	wr(scc,R14, 0);
-/* set clock sources:
-   CLK_DPLL: normal halfduplex operation
-		RxClk: use DPLL
-		TxClk: use DPLL
-		TRxC mode DPLL output
-   CLK_EXTERNAL: external clocking (G3RUH or DF9IC modem)
-  	        BayCom: 		others:
-  	        TxClk = pin RTxC	TxClk = pin TRxC
-  	        RxClk = pin TRxC 	RxClk = pin RTxC
-   		RxClk = use DPLL
-   		TxClk = pin RTxC
-   		BayCom:			others:
-   		pin TRxC = DPLL		pin TRxC = BRG
-   		(RxClk * 1)		(RxClk * 32)
-	switch(scc->modem.clocksrc)
-	{
-		case CLK_DPLL:
-			wr(scc, R11, RCDPLL|TCDPLL|TRxCOI|TRxCDP);
-			init_brg(scc);
-			break;
-		case CLK_DIVIDER:
-			wr(scc, R11, ((scc->brand & BAYCOM)? TRxCDP : TRxCBR) | RCDPLL|TCRTxCP|TRxCOI);
-			init_brg(scc);
-			break;
-			wr(scc, R11, (scc->brand & BAYCOM)? RCTRxCP|TCRTxCP : RCRTxCP|TCTRxCP);
-			OutReg(scc->ctrl, R14, DISDPLL);
-			break;
-	}
-	set_speed(scc);			/* set baudrate */
-	if(scc->enhanced)
-	{
-		or(scc,R15,SHDLCE|FIFOE);	/* enable FIFO, SDLC/HDLC Enhancements (From now R7 is R7') */
-		wr(scc,R7,AUTOEOM);
-	}
-	if((InReg(scc->ctrl,R0)) & DCD)		/* DCD is now ON */
-	{
-		if (scc->modem.clocksrc != CLK_EXTERNAL)
-			or(scc,R14, SEARCH);
-		or(scc,R3,ENT_HM|RxENABLE);	/* enable the receiver, hunt mode */
-	}
-	/* enable CTS (not for Baycom), ABORT & DCD interrupts */
-	wr(scc,R15,((scc->brand & BAYCOM) ? 0 : CTSIE)|BRKIE|DCDIE|TxUIE);
-	Outb(scc->ctrl,RES_EXT_INT);	/* reset ext/status interrupts */
-	Outb(scc->ctrl,RES_EXT_INT);	/* must be done twice */
-	or(scc,R1,INT_ALL_Rx|TxINT_ENAB|EXT_INT_ENAB); /* enable interrupts */
-	scc->status = InReg(scc->ctrl,R0);	/* read initial status */
-	or(scc,R9,MIE);			/* master interrupt enable */
-	scc_init_timer(scc);
-	restore_flags(flags);
-/* ******************************************************************** */
-/* *			SCC timer functions			      * */
-/* ******************************************************************** */
-/* ----> scc_key_trx sets the time constant for the baudrate 
-         generator and keys the transmitter		     <---- */
-static void
-scc_key_trx(struct scc_channel *scc, char tx)
-	unsigned int time_const;
-	if (scc->modem.speed < baud_table[1]) 
-		scc->modem.speed = 1200;
-	if (scc->brand & PRIMUS)
-		Outb(scc->ctrl + 4, scc->option | (tx? 0x80 : 0));
-	time_const = (unsigned) (scc->clock / (scc->modem.speed * (tx? 2:64))) - 2;
-	if (scc->modem.clocksrc == CLK_DPLL)
-	{				/* simplex operation */
-		if (tx)
-		{
-			cl(scc,R3,RxENABLE|ENT_HM);	/* then switch off receiver */
-			set_brg(scc, time_const);	/* reprogram baudrate generator */
-			/* DPLL -> Rx clk, BRG -> Tx CLK, TRxC mode output, TRxC = BRG */
-			wr(scc, R11, RCDPLL|TCBR|TRxCOI|TRxCBR);
-			or(scc,R5,RTS|TxENAB);		/* set the RTS line and enable TX */
-		} else {
-			cl(scc,R5,RTS|TxENAB);
-			set_brg(scc, time_const);	/* reprogram baudrate generator */
-			/* DPLL -> Rx clk, DPLL -> Tx CLK, TRxC mode output, TRxC = DPLL */
-			wr(scc, R11, RCDPLL|TCDPLL|TRxCOI|TRxCDP);
-			or(scc,R3,RxENABLE|ENT_HM);
-		}
-	} else {
-		if (tx)
-			or(scc,R5,RTS|TxENAB);		/* enable tx */
-		else
-			cl(scc,R5,RTS|TxENAB);		/* disable tx */
-	}
-/* ----> SCC timer interrupt handler and friends. Will be called every 1/TPS s <---- */
-static unsigned char Rand = 17;
-static inline int is_grouped(register struct scc_channel *scc)
-	int k;
-	struct scc_channel *scc2;
-	unsigned char grp1, grp2;
-	grp1 = scc->;
-	for (k = 0; k < (Nchips * 2); k++)
-	{
-		scc2 = &SCC_Info[k];
-		grp2 = scc2->;
-		if (scc2 == scc || !(scc2->tty && grp2)) 
-			return 0;
-		if ((grp1 & 0x3f) == (grp2 & 0x3f))
-		{
-			if ( (grp1 & TXGROUP) && (scc2->wreg[R5] & RTS) )
-				return 1;
-			if ( (grp1 & RXGROUP) && (scc2->status & DCD) )
-				return 1;
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
-static inline void dw_slot_timeout(register struct scc_channel *scc)
-	scc->t_dwait = TIMER_STOPPED;
-	scc->t_slot = TIMER_STOPPED;
-	if (!scc->kiss.fulldup)
-	{
-		Rand = Rand * 17 + 31;
-		if ( (scc->kiss.softdcd? !(scc->status & SYNC_HUNT):(scc->status & DCD))  || (scc->kiss.persist) < Rand || (scc-> && is_grouped(scc)) )
-		{
-			if (scc->t_mbusy == TIMER_STOPPED)
-				scc->t_mbusy = TPS * scc->kiss.maxdefer;
-			scc->t_slot = scc->kiss.slottime;
-			return ;
-		}
-	}
-	if ( !(scc->wreg[R5] & RTS) )
-	{
-		scc->t_txdel = scc->kiss.txdelay;
-		scc_key_trx(scc, TX_ON);
-	} else {
-		scc->t_txdel = 0;
-	}
-static inline void txdel_timeout(register struct scc_channel *scc)
-	scc->t_txdel = TIMER_STOPPED;
-	scc->t_maxk = TPS * scc->kiss.maxkeyup;
-	if (scc->tx_bp == NULLBUF)
-		scc_txint(scc);	
-static inline void tail_timeout(register struct scc_channel *scc)
-	scc->t_tail = TIMER_STOPPED;
-	/* when fulldup is 0 or 1, switch off the transmitter.
-	 * when frames are still queued (because of transmit time limit),
-	 * restart the procedure to get the channel after MINTIME.
-	 * when fulldup is 2, the transmitter remains keyed and we
-	 * continue sending after waiting for waittime. IDLETIME is an 
-	 * idle timeout in this case.
-	 */ 
-	 if (scc->kiss.fulldup < 2)
-	 {
-	 	if (scc->tx_bp)		/* we had a timeout? */
-	 	{
-	 		scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_BUSY;
-	 		scc->t_dwait = TPS * scc->kiss.mintime; /* try again */
-	 	}
-	 	scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_IDLE;
-		scc->t_maxk = TIMER_STOPPED;
-	 	scc_key_trx(scc, TX_OFF);
-	 	return;
-	 }
-	 if (scc->tx_bp)			/* maxkeyup expired */ /* ?! */
-	 {
-	 	scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_BUSY;
-	 	scc->t_txdel = TPS * scc->kiss.waittime;
-	 }
-	 else
-	 	scc->t_idle = TPS * scc->kiss.idletime;
-static inline void busy_timeout(register struct scc_channel *scc)
-	register struct mbuf *bp;		/* not tested */
-	while (bp = scc_dequeue_buffer(&scc->tx_queue))
-		scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->tx_buffer_pool, bp);
-	scc->tx_queue = NULLBUF;
-	scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_IDLE;
-	scc->t_txdel = scc->kiss.txdelay;	/* brute force ... */
-	scc->t_mbusy = TIMER_STOPPED;
-static inline void maxk_idle_timeout(register struct scc_channel *scc)
-	scc->t_maxk = TIMER_STOPPED;
-	scc->t_idle = TIMER_STOPPED;
-	scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_BUSY;
-	scc->t_tail = scc->kiss.tailtime;
-static void
-scc_tx_timer(unsigned long channel)
-	register struct scc_channel *scc;
-	unsigned long flags;
-	scc = (struct scc_channel *) channel;
-	if (scc->tty && scc->init)
-	{		
-		save_flags(flags); cli();
-		/* KISS-TNC emulation */
-		if (Expired(t_dwait)) dw_slot_timeout(scc)	; else
-		if (Expired(t_slot))  dw_slot_timeout(scc)	; else
-		if (Expired(t_txdel)) txdel_timeout(scc)   	; else
-		if (Expired(t_tail))  tail_timeout(scc)	   	;
-		/* watchdogs */
-		if (Expired(t_mbusy)) busy_timeout(scc);
-		if (Expired(t_maxk))  maxk_idle_timeout(scc);
-		if (Expired(t_idle))  maxk_idle_timeout(scc);
-		restore_flags(flags);
-	}
-	scc->tx_t.expires = jiffies + HZ/TPS;
-	add_timer(&scc->tx_t);
-static void
-scc_rx_timer(unsigned long channel)
-	register struct scc_channel *scc;
-	scc = (struct scc_channel *) channel;
-	if (scc->rx_queue && scc->throttled)
-	{
-		scc->rx_t.expires = jiffies + HZ/TPS;
-		add_timer(&scc->rx_t);
-		return;
-	}
-	kiss_encode(scc);
-	if (scc->rx_queue && !scc->throttled)
-	{
-		printk("z8530drv: warning: %s should be throttled\n", 
-		       kdevname(scc->tty->device));
-		scc->rx_t.expires = jiffies + HZ/TPS;
-		add_timer(&scc->rx_t);
-	}
-static void
-scc_init_timer(struct scc_channel *scc)
-	unsigned long flags;
-	save_flags(flags); cli();
-	Stop_Timer(t_dwait);
-	Stop_Timer(t_slot);
-	Stop_Timer(t_txdel);
-	Stop_Timer(t_tail);
-	Stop_Timer(t_mbusy);
-	Stop_Timer(t_maxk);
-	Stop_Timer(t_idle);
-	scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_IDLE;
-	if (scc-> 
-		del_timer(&scc->tx_t);
-	scc-> = (unsigned long) scc;
-	scc->tx_t.function = scc_tx_timer;
-	scc->tx_t.expires = jiffies + HZ/TPS;
-	add_timer(&scc->tx_t);
-	scc-> = (unsigned long) scc;
-	scc->rx_t.function = scc_rx_timer;
-	restore_flags(flags);
-/* ******************************************************************** */
-/* *			KISS interpreter			      * */
-/* ******************************************************************** */
- * this will set the "kiss" parameters through kiss itself
- */
-static void
-kiss_set_param(struct scc_channel *scc,char cmd, unsigned int val)
-#define  VAL val=val*TPS/100
-#define SVAL val? val:TIMER_STOPPED
-	switch(cmd){
-		scc->kiss.txdelay = VAL; break;
-		scc->kiss.persist = val; break;
-		scc->kiss.slottime = VAL; break;
-		scc->kiss.tailtime = VAL; break;
-		scc->kiss.fulldup = val; break;
-	case PARAM_WAIT:
-		scc->kiss.waittime = VAL; break;
-		scc->kiss.maxkeyup = SVAL; break;
-	case PARAM_MIN:
-		scc->kiss.mintime = SVAL; break;
-	case PARAM_IDLE:
-		scc->kiss.idletime = val; break;
-		scc->kiss.maxdefer = SVAL; break;
-		scc-> = val;  break;
-	case PARAM_TX:
-		scc->kiss.tx_inhibit = val;
-		scc->kiss.softdcd = val;
-	}
-	return;
-#undef  VAL
-#undef SVAL
-/* interpret frame: strip CRC and decode KISS */
-static void kiss_interpret_frame(struct scc_channel * scc)
-	unsigned char kisscmd;
-	unsigned long flags;
-	struct mbuf *bp;
-	bp = scc->kiss_decode_bp;
-	bp->rw_ptr = bp->data;
-	if (bp == NULLBUF)
-	{
-		printk("kiss_interpret_frame(): weird --- nothing to do.\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	if (bp->cnt < 2)
-	{
-		scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->tx_buffer_pool, bp);
-		scc->kiss_decode_bp = NULLBUF;
-		return;
-	}
-	if (scc->kiss.not_slip)
-	{
-		kisscmd = *bp->rw_ptr;
-		bp->rw_ptr++;
-	} else {
-		kisscmd = 0;
-	}
-	if (kisscmd & 0xa0)
-	{
-		if (bp->cnt > 3) 
-			bp->cnt -= 2;
-		else
-		{
-			scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->tx_buffer_pool, bp);
-			scc->kiss_decode_bp = NULLBUF;
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	kisscmd &= 0x1f;
-	if (kisscmd)
-	{
-		kiss_set_param(scc, kisscmd, *bp->rw_ptr);
-		scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->tx_buffer_pool, bp);
-		scc->kiss_decode_bp = NULLBUF;
-		return;
-	}
-	scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->tx_queue, bp);	/* enqueue frame */
-	scc->stat.txframes++;
-	scc->stat.tx_queued++;
-	scc->kiss_decode_bp = NULLBUF;
-	save_flags(flags); cli();
-	if(scc->stat.tx_state == TXS_IDLE)
-	{      				/* when transmitter is idle */
-		scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_BUSY;
-		scc->t_dwait = (scc->kiss.fulldup? 0:scc->kiss.waittime);
-	}
-	restore_flags(flags);
-static inline void kiss_store_byte(struct scc_channel *scc, unsigned char ch)
-	register struct mbuf *bp = scc->kiss_decode_bp;
-	if (bp != NULLBUF)
-	{
-		if (bp->cnt > scc->stat.bufsize)
-			printk("kiss_decode(): frame too long\n");
-		else
-		{
-			*bp->rw_ptr = ch;
-			bp->rw_ptr++;
-			bp->cnt++;
-		}
-	}
-static inline int kiss_decode(struct scc_channel *scc, unsigned char ch)
-	switch (scc->stat.tx_kiss_state) 
-	{
-		case KISS_IDLE:
-			if (ch == FEND)
-			{
-				scc->kiss_decode_bp = scc_get_buffer(scc, BT_TRANSMIT);
-				if (scc->kiss_decode_bp == NULLBUF)
-					return 1;
-				scc->stat.tx_kiss_state = KISS_DATA;
-			} else scc->stat.txerrs++;
-			break;
-		case KISS_DATA:
-			if (ch == FESC)
-				scc->stat.tx_kiss_state = KISS_ESCAPE;
-			else if (ch == FEND)
-			{
-				kiss_interpret_frame(scc);
-				scc->stat.tx_kiss_state = KISS_IDLE;
-			}
-			else kiss_store_byte(scc, ch);
-			break;
-		case KISS_ESCAPE:
-			if (ch == TFEND)
-			{
-				kiss_store_byte(scc, FEND);
-				scc->stat.tx_kiss_state = KISS_DATA;
-			}
-			else if (ch == TFESC)
-			{
-				kiss_store_byte(scc, FESC);
-				scc->stat.tx_kiss_state = KISS_DATA;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->tx_buffer_pool, scc->kiss_decode_bp);
-				scc->kiss_decode_bp = NULLBUF;
-				scc->stat.txerrs++;
-				scc->stat.tx_kiss_state = KISS_IDLE;
-			}
-			break;
-	} /* switch */
-	return 0;
-/* ----> Encode received data and write it to the flip-buffer  <---- */
-static void
-kiss_encode(register struct scc_channel *scc)
-	struct mbuf *bp;
-	struct tty_struct * tty = scc->tty;
-	unsigned char ch;
-	bp = scc->kiss_encode_bp;
-	/* worst case: FEND 0 FESC TFEND -> 4 bytes */
-	while(tty->flip.count < TTY_FLIPBUF_SIZE-4)
-	{
-		if (bp == NULLBUF)
-		{
-			bp = scc_dequeue_buffer(&scc->rx_queue);
-			scc->kiss_encode_bp = bp;
-			if (bp == NULLBUF)
-			{
-				scc->stat.rx_kiss_state = KISS_IDLE;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		if (bp->cnt <= 0)
-		{
-			if (--scc->stat.rx_queued < 0)
-				scc->stat.rx_queued = 0;
-			if (scc->stat.rx_kiss_state == KISS_RXFRAME)	/* new packet? */
-			{
-				tty_insert_flip_char(tty, FEND, 0);  /* send FEND for old frame */
-				scc->stat.rx_kiss_state = KISS_IDLE; /* generate FEND for new frame */
-			}
-			scc_enqueue_buffer(&scc->rx_buffer_pool, bp);
-			bp = scc->kiss_encode_bp = NULLBUF;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (scc->stat.rx_kiss_state == KISS_IDLE)
-		{
-			tty_insert_flip_char(tty, FEND, 0);
-			if (scc->kiss.not_slip)
-				tty_insert_flip_char(tty, 0, 0);
-			scc->stat.rx_kiss_state = KISS_RXFRAME;
-		}
-		switch(ch = *bp->rw_ptr)
-		{
-			case FEND:
-				tty_insert_flip_char(tty, FESC, 0);
-				tty_insert_flip_char(tty, TFEND, 0);
-				break;
-			case FESC:
-				tty_insert_flip_char(tty, FESC, 0);
-				tty_insert_flip_char(tty, TFESC, 0);
-				break;
-			default:
-				tty_insert_flip_char(tty, ch, 0);
-		}
-		bp->rw_ptr++;
-		bp->cnt--;
-	}
- 	queue_task(&tty->flip.tqueue, &tq_timer); /* kick it... */
-/* ******************************************************************* */
-/* *		Init channel structures, special HW, etc...	     * */
-/* ******************************************************************* */
-static void
-	struct scc_channel *scc;
-	int chip, k;
-	unsigned long flags;
-	char *flag;
-	printk("Init Z8530 driver: %u channels, IRQ", Nchips*2);
-	flag=" ";
-	for (k = 0; k < 16; k++)
-		if (Ivec[k].used) 
-		{
-			printk("%s%d", flag, k);
-			flag=",";
-		}
-	printk("\n");
-	/* reset and pre-init all chips in the system */
-	for (chip = 0; chip < Nchips; chip++)
-	{
-		scc=&SCC_Info[2*chip];
-		if (!scc->ctrl) continue;
-		save_flags(flags); cli();	/* because of 2-step accesses */
-		/* Special SCC cards */
-		if(scc->brand & EAGLE)			/* this is an EAGLE card */
-			Outb(scc->special,0x08);	/* enable interrupt on the board */
-		if(scc->brand & (PC100 | PRIMUS))	/* this is a PC100/EAGLE card */
-			Outb(scc->special,scc->option);	/* set the MODEM mode (0x22) */
-		/* Init SCC */
-		/* some general init we can do now */
-		Outb(scc->ctrl, 0);
-		OutReg(scc->ctrl,R9,FHWRES);		/* force hardware reset */
-		udelay(100);				/* give it 'a bit' more time than required */
-		wr(scc, R2, chip*16);			/* interrupt vector */
-		wr(scc, R9, VIS);			/* vector includes status */
-        	restore_flags(flags);
-        }
-	Driver_Initialized = 1;
-/* ******************************************************************** */
-/* * 	Filesystem Routines: open, close, ioctl, settermios, etc      * */
-/* ******************************************************************** */
-/* scc_paranoia_check(): warn user if something went wrong		*/
-static inline int scc_paranoia_check(struct scc_channel *scc, kdev_t device,
-				     const char *routine)
-static const char *badmagic = 
-	"Warning: bad magic number for Z8530 SCC struct (%s) in %s\n"; 
-static const char *badinfo =  
-	"Warning: Z8530 not found for (%s) in %s\n";
-	if (!scc->init) 
-	{
-       		printk(badinfo, kdevname(device), routine);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	if (scc->magic != SCC_MAGIC)
-	{
-		printk(badmagic, kdevname(device), routine);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-/* ----> this one is called whenever you open the device <---- */
-int scc_open(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file * filp)
-	struct scc_channel *scc;
-	int chan;
-	chan = MINOR(tty->device) - tty->driver.minor_start;
-	if (Driver_Initialized)
-	{
-		if ( (chan < 0) || (chan >= (Nchips * 2)) )
-                	return -ENODEV;
-        } else {
-        	tty->driver_data = &SCC_Info[0];
-        	MOD_INC_USE_COUNT;
-        	return 0;
-        }
- 	scc = &SCC_Info[chan];
-	tty->driver_data = scc;
- 	tty->termios->c_cflag &= ~CBAUD;
-	if (scc->magic != SCC_MAGIC)
-	{
-		printk("ERROR: scc_open(): bad magic number for device (%s)",
-		       kdevname(tty->device));
-		return -ENODEV;
-	}		
-	if(scc->tty != NULL)
-	{
-		scc->tty_opened++;
-		return 0;
-	}
-  	scc->tty = tty;
-	alloc_buffer_pool(scc);
- 	if(!scc->init) return 0;
-	scc->throttled = 0;
-	scc->stat.tx_kiss_state = KISS_IDLE;	/* don't change this... */
-	scc->stat.rx_kiss_state = KISS_IDLE;	/* ...or this */
-	init_channel(scc);
-	return 0;
-/* ----> and this whenever you close the device <---- */
-static void
-scc_close(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file * filp)
-	struct scc_channel *scc = tty->driver_data;
-	unsigned long flags;
-        if (!scc || (scc->magic != SCC_MAGIC))
-                return;
-	if(scc->tty_opened)
-	{
-		scc->tty_opened--;
-		return;
-	}
-	tty->driver_data = NULLBUF;
-	if (!Driver_Initialized)
-		return;
-	save_flags(flags); cli();
-	Outb(scc->ctrl,0);		/* Make sure pointer is written */
-	wr(scc,R1,0);			/* disable interrupts */
-	wr(scc,R3,0);
-	scc->tty = NULL;
-	del_timer(&scc->tx_t);
-	del_timer(&scc->rx_t);
-	free_buffer_pool(scc);
-	restore_flags(flags);
-	scc->throttled = 0;
-	tty->stopped = 0;
- * change scc_speed
- */
-static void
-scc_change_speed(struct scc_channel * scc)
-	long speed;
-	if (scc->tty == NULL)
-		return;
-	speed = baud_table[scc->tty->termios->c_cflag & CBAUD];
-	if (speed > 0) scc->modem.speed = speed;
-	if (scc->stat.tx_state == 0)	/* only switch baudrate on rx... ;-) */
-		set_speed(scc);
-/* ----> ioctl-routine of the driver <---- */
-/* perform ioctl on SCC (sdlc) channel
- * this is used for AX.25 mode, and will set the "kiss" parameters
- */
-/* TIOCMGET 	- get modem status	arg: (unsigned long *) arg
- * TIOCMBIS 	- set PTT		arg: ---
- * TIOCMBIC 	- reset PTT		arg: ---
- * TIOCMBIC 	- set PTT		arg: ---
- * TIOCSCCINI	- initialize driver	arg: ---
- * TIOCCHANINI	- initialize channel	arg: (struct scc_modem *) arg
- * TIOCGKISS	- get level 1 parameter	arg: (struct ioctl_command *) arg
- * TIOCSKISS	- set level 1 parameter arg: (struct ioctl_command *) arg
- * TIOCSCCSTAT  - get driver status	arg: (struct scc_stat *) arg
- */
-static int
-scc_ioctl(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file * file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
-	struct scc_channel * scc = tty->driver_data;
-	unsigned long flags, r;
-	unsigned int result;
-	unsigned int value;
-	struct ioctl_command kiss_cmd;
-	struct scc_mem_config memcfg;
-	struct scc_hw_config hwcfg;
-	int error, chan;
-        if (scc->magic != SCC_MAGIC) 
-        {
-		printk("ERROR: scc_ioctl(): bad magic number for device %s",
-			kdevname(tty->device));
-                return -ENODEV;
-        }
-	if (!Driver_Initialized)
-	{
-		if (cmd == TIOCSCCCFG)
-		{
-			int found = 1;
-			if (!suser()) return -EPERM;
-			if (!arg) return -EFAULT;
-			if (Nchips >= MAXSCC) 
-				return -EINVAL;
-			copy_from_user(&hwcfg, (void *) arg, sizeof(hwcfg));
-			if (hwcfg.irq == 2) hwcfg.irq = 9;
-			if (!Ivec[hwcfg.irq].used && hwcfg.irq)
-			{
-				if (request_irq(hwcfg.irq, scc_isr, SA_INTERRUPT, "AX.25 SCC", NULL))
-					printk("z8530drv: Warning --- could not get IRQ %d\n", hwcfg.irq);
-				else
-					Ivec[hwcfg.irq].used = 1;
-			}
-			if (hwcfg.vector_latch) 
-				Vector_Latch = hwcfg.vector_latch;
-			if (hwcfg.clock == 0)
-				hwcfg.clock = DEFAULT_CLOCK;
-#ifndef DONT_CHECK
-			save_flags(flags); cli();
-			check_region(scc->ctrl, 1);
-			Outb(hwcfg.ctrl_a, 0);
-			udelay(5);
-			OutReg(hwcfg.ctrl_a,R13,0x55);		/* is this chip really there? */
-			udelay(5);
-			if (InReg(hwcfg.ctrl_a,R13) != 0x55 )
-				found = 0;
-			restore_flags(flags);
-			if (found)
-			{
-				SCC_Info[2*Nchips  ].ctrl = hwcfg.ctrl_a;
-				SCC_Info[2*Nchips  ].data = hwcfg.data_a;
-				SCC_Info[2*Nchips+1].ctrl = hwcfg.ctrl_b;
-				SCC_Info[2*Nchips+1].data = hwcfg.data_b;
-				SCC_ctrl[2*Nchips  ] = hwcfg.ctrl_a;
-				SCC_ctrl[2*Nchips+1] = hwcfg.ctrl_b;
-			}
-			for (chan = 0; chan < 2; chan++)
-			{
-				SCC_Info[2*Nchips+chan].special = hwcfg.special;
-				SCC_Info[2*Nchips+chan].clock = hwcfg.clock;
-				SCC_Info[2*Nchips+chan].brand = hwcfg.brand;
-				SCC_Info[2*Nchips+chan].option = hwcfg.option;
-				SCC_Info[2*Nchips+chan].enhanced = hwcfg.escc;
-#ifdef DONT_CHECK
-				printk("%s%i: data port = 0x%3.3x  control port = 0x%3.3x\n",
-, 2*Nchips+chan, 
-					SCC_Info[2*Nchips+chan].data, 
-					SCC_Info[2*Nchips+chan].ctrl);
-				printk("%s%i: data port = 0x%3.3x  control port = 0x%3.3x -- %s\n",
-, 2*Nchips+chan, 
-					chan? hwcfg.data_b : hwcfg.data_a, 
-					chan? hwcfg.ctrl_b : hwcfg.ctrl_a,
-					found? "found" : "missing");
-				if (found)
-				{
-					request_region(SCC_Info[2*Nchips+chan].ctrl, 1, "scc ctrl");
-					request_region(SCC_Info[2*Nchips+chan].data, 1, "scc data");
-				}
-			}
-			if (found) Nchips++;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		if (cmd == TIOCSCCINI)
-		{
-			if (!suser())
-				return -EPERM;
-			if (Nchips == 0)
-				return -EINVAL;
-			z8530_init();
-			scc->tty=tty;
-			alloc_buffer_pool(scc);
-			return 0;
-		}
-		return -EINVAL;	/* confuse the user */
-	}
-	if (!scc->init)
-	{
-		if (cmd == TIOCCHANINI)
-		{
-			if (!arg)
-				return -EFAULT;
-			if (!suser())
-				return -EPERM;
-			copy_from_user(&scc->modem, (void *) arg, sizeof(struct scc_modem));
-			/* default KISS Params */
-			if (scc->modem.speed < 4800)
-			{
-				scc->kiss.txdelay = 36*TPS/100;    /* 360 ms */
-				scc->kiss.persist = 42;            /* 25% persistence */			/* was 25 */
-				scc->kiss.slottime = 16*TPS/100;   /* 160 ms */
-				scc->kiss.tailtime = 4;            /* minimal reasonable value */
-				scc->kiss.fulldup = 0;             /* CSMA */
-				scc->kiss.waittime = 50*TPS/100;   /* 500 ms */
-				scc->kiss.maxkeyup = 10;           /* 10 s */
-				scc->kiss.mintime = 3;             /* 3 s */
-				scc->kiss.idletime = 30;           /* 30 s */
-				scc->kiss.maxdefer = 120;	   /* 2 min */
-				scc->kiss.not_slip = 1;		   /* KISS mode */
-				scc->kiss.softdcd = 0;		   /* hardware dcd */
-			} else {
-				scc->kiss.txdelay = 10*TPS/100;    /* 100 ms */
-				scc->kiss.persist = 64;            /* 25% persistence */			/* was 25 */
-				scc->kiss.slottime = 8*TPS/100;    /* 160 ms */
-				scc->kiss.tailtime = 1;            /* minimal reasonable value */
-				scc->kiss.fulldup = 0;             /* CSMA */
-				scc->kiss.waittime = 50*TPS/100;   /* 500 ms */
-				scc->kiss.maxkeyup = 7;            /* 7 s */
-				scc->kiss.mintime = 3;             /* 3 s */
-				scc->kiss.idletime = 30;           /* 30 s */
-				scc->kiss.maxdefer = 120;	   /* 2 min */
-				scc->kiss.not_slip = 1;		   /* KISS mode */
-				scc->kiss.softdcd = 0;		   /* hardware dcd */
-			}
-			scc->init = 1;			
-			return 0;
-		}
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	switch(cmd){
-	case TCSBRK:
-		return 0;
-	case TIOCMGET:
-		error = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, (void *) arg,sizeof(unsigned int *));
-		if (error)
-			return error;
-		save_flags(flags); cli();
-		result =  ((scc->wreg[R5] & RTS) ? TIOCM_RTS : 0)
-			| ((scc->wreg[R5] & DTR) ? TIOCM_DTR : 0)
-			| ((InReg(scc->ctrl,R0) & DCD)  ? TIOCM_CAR : 0)
-			| ((InReg(scc->ctrl,R0) & CTS)  ? TIOCM_CTS : 0);
-		restore_flags(flags);
-		put_user(result,(unsigned int *) arg);
-		return 0;
-	case TIOCMBIS:
-	case TIOCMBIC:
-	case TIOCMSET:
-		switch (cmd) {
-		case TIOCMBIS:
-			scc->wreg[R5] |= DTR;
-			scc->wreg[R5] |= RTS;
-			break;
-		case TIOCMBIC:
-			scc->wreg[R5] &= ~DTR;
-			scc->wreg[R5] &= ~RTS;
-			break;
-		case TIOCMSET:
-			value = get_user((unsigned int *) arg);
-			if(value & TIOCM_DTR)
-				scc->wreg[R5] |= DTR;
-			else
-				scc->wreg[R5] &= ~DTR;
-			if(value & TIOCM_RTS)
-				scc->wreg[R5] |= RTS;
-			else
-				scc->wreg[R5] &= ~RTS;
-			break;
-		}
-		save_flags(flags); cli();
-		if(scc->stat.tx_state == TXS_IDLE && !Running(t_idle))
-			maxk_idle_timeout(scc);
-		restore_flags(flags);
-		return 0;
-	case TCGETS:
-		error = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, (void *) arg, sizeof(struct termios));
-		if (error)
-			return error;
-		if (!arg) 
-			return -EFAULT;
-		copy_to_user((void *) arg, scc->tty->termios, sizeof(struct termios));
-		return 0;
-	case TCSETS:
-	case TCSETSF:		/* should flush first, but... */
-	case TCSETSW:		/* should wait 'till flush, but... */
-		if (!arg)
-			return -EFAULT;
-		copy_from_user(scc->tty->termios, (void *) arg, sizeof(struct termios));
-		scc_change_speed(scc);
-		return 0;
-		if (!arg)
-			return -EFAULT;
-		copy_from_user(&memcfg, (void *) arg, sizeof(struct scc_mem_config));
-		save_flags(flags); cli();
-		free_buffer_pool(scc);
-		scc->stat.rxbuffers = memcfg.rxbuffers;
-		scc->stat.txbuffers = memcfg.txbuffers;
-		scc->stat.bufsize   = memcfg.bufsize;
-		alloc_buffer_pool(scc);
-		restore_flags(flags);
-		return 0;
-		error = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, (void *) arg,sizeof(struct scc_stat));
-		if (error)
-			return error;
-		if (!arg)
-			return -EFAULT;
-		copy_to_user((void *) arg, &scc->stat, sizeof(struct scc_stat));
-		return 0;
-#define TICKS (100/TPS)
-#define CAST(x) (unsigned long)(x)
-#define  Val	kiss_cmd.param
-#define  VAL	kiss_cmd.param*TPS/100
-#define SVAL	kiss_cmd.param? kiss_cmd.param:TIMER_STOPPED
-		error = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, (void *) arg,sizeof(struct ioctl_command));
-		if (error)
-			return error;
-		if (!arg)
-			return -EFAULT;
-		copy_from_user(&kiss_cmd, (void *) arg, sizeof(struct ioctl_command));
-		switch (kiss_cmd.command)
-		{
-			case PARAM_TXDELAY:	r = CAST(scc->kiss.txdelay*TICKS);	break;
-			case PARAM_PERSIST:	r = CAST(scc->kiss.persist); 		break;
-			case PARAM_SLOTTIME:	r = CAST(scc->kiss.slottime*TICKS);	break;
-			case PARAM_TXTAIL:	r = CAST(scc->kiss.tailtime*TICKS);	break;
-			case PARAM_FULLDUP:	r = CAST(scc->kiss.fulldup); 		break;
-			case PARAM_SOFTDCD:	r = CAST(scc->kiss.softdcd);		break;
-			case PARAM_DTR:		r = CAST((scc->wreg[R5] & DTR)? 1:0); break;
-			case PARAM_RTS:		r = CAST((scc->wreg[R5] & RTS)? 1:0); break;
-			case PARAM_SPEED:	r = CAST(scc->modem.speed);	break;
-			case PARAM_GROUP:	r = CAST(scc->; 		break;
-			case PARAM_IDLE:	r = CAST(scc->kiss.idletime);		break;
-			case PARAM_MIN:		r = CAST(scc->kiss.mintime);		break;
-			case PARAM_MAXKEY:	r = CAST(scc->kiss.maxkeyup);		break;
-			case PARAM_WAIT:	r = CAST(scc->kiss.waittime);		break;
-			case PARAM_MAXDEFER:	r = CAST(scc->kiss.maxdefer);		break;
-			case PARAM_TX:		r = CAST(scc->kiss.tx_inhibit);	break;
-			case PARAM_SLIP:	r = CAST(!scc->kiss.not_slip);		break;
-			default:		r = NO_SUCH_PARAM;
-		}
-		kiss_cmd.param = r;
-		copy_to_user((void *) arg, &kiss_cmd, sizeof(struct ioctl_command));
-		return 0;
-		break;
-		if (!arg)
-			return -EFAULT;
-		copy_from_user(&kiss_cmd, (void *) arg, sizeof(struct ioctl_command));
-		switch (kiss_cmd.command)
-		{
-			case PARAM_TXDELAY:	scc->kiss.txdelay=VAL;		break;
-			case PARAM_PERSIST:	scc->kiss.persist=Val;		break;
-			case PARAM_SLOTTIME:	scc->kiss.slottime=VAL;		break;
-			case PARAM_TXTAIL:	scc->kiss.tailtime=VAL;		break;
-			case PARAM_FULLDUP:	scc->kiss.fulldup=Val;		break;
-			case PARAM_SOFTDCD:	scc->kiss.softdcd=Val;		break;
-			case PARAM_DTR:		break; /* does someone need this? */
-			case PARAM_RTS:		break; /* or this? */
-			case PARAM_SPEED:	scc->modem.speed=Val;		break;
-			case PARAM_GROUP:	scc->;		break;
-			case PARAM_IDLE:	scc->kiss.idletime=Val;		break;
-			case PARAM_MIN:		scc->kiss.mintime=SVAL;		break;
-			case PARAM_MAXKEY:	scc->kiss.maxkeyup=SVAL;	break;
-			case PARAM_WAIT:	scc->kiss.waittime=Val;		break;
-			case PARAM_MAXDEFER:	scc->kiss.maxdefer=SVAL;	break;
-			case PARAM_TX:		scc->kiss.tx_inhibit=Val;	break;
-			case PARAM_SLIP:	scc->kiss.not_slip=!Val;	break;
-			default:		return -ENOIOCTLCMD;
-		}
-		return 0;
-		break;
-#undef TICKS
-#undef CAST
-#undef VAL
-#undef SVAL
-#undef Val
-	default:
-		return -ENOIOCTLCMD;
-    }
-/* ----> tx routine: decode KISS data and scc_enqueue it <---- */
-/* send raw frame to SCC. used for AX.25 */
-int scc_write(struct tty_struct *tty, int from_user, const unsigned char *buf, int count)
-	struct scc_channel * scc = tty->driver_data;
-	unsigned char *p;
-	unsigned long flags;
-	int cnt, cnt2;
-	if (!tty) return count;
-	if (scc_paranoia_check(scc, tty->device, "scc_write"))
-		return 0;
-	if (scc->kiss.tx_inhibit) return count;
-	save_flags(flags); cli();
-	cnt2 = count;
-	while (cnt2)
-	{
-		cnt   = cnt2 > BUFSIZE? BUFSIZE:cnt2;
-		cnt2 -= cnt;
-		if (from_user)
-		{
-			down(&scc_sem);
-			copy_from_user(scc_wbuf, buf, cnt);
-			up(&scc_sem);
-		}
-		else
-			memcpy(scc_wbuf, buf, cnt);
-		/* Strange thing. The timeout of the slip driver is */
-		/* very small, thus we'll wake him up now. 	    */
-		if (cnt2 == 0)
-		{
-			wake_up_interruptible(&tty->write_wait);
-			if ((tty->flags & (1 << TTY_DO_WRITE_WAKEUP)) &&
-			    tty->ldisc.write_wakeup)
-				(tty->ldisc.write_wakeup)(tty);
-		} else 
-			buf += cnt;
-		p=scc_wbuf;
-		while(cnt--) 
-		  if (kiss_decode(scc, *p++))
-		  {
-		  	scc->stat.nospace++;
-		  	restore_flags(flags);
-		  	return 0;
-		  }		  	
-	} /* while cnt2 */
-	restore_flags(flags);
-	return count;
-/* put a single char into the buffer */
-static void scc_put_char(struct tty_struct * tty, unsigned char ch)
-	struct scc_channel *scc = tty->driver_data;
-	unsigned char ch2;
-	if (scc_paranoia_check(scc, tty->device, "scc_put_char"))
-		return;
-	ch2 = ch;
-	scc_write(tty, 0, &ch2, 1);	/* that's all */
-static void scc_flush_chars(struct tty_struct * tty)
-	struct scc_channel *scc = tty->driver_data;
-	scc_paranoia_check(scc, tty->device, "scc_flush_chars"); /* just to annoy the user... */
-	return;	/* no flush needed */
-static int scc_write_room(struct tty_struct *tty)
-	struct scc_channel *scc = tty->driver_data;
-	if (scc_paranoia_check(scc, tty->device, "scc_write_room"))
-		return 0;
-	return BUFSIZE;
-static int scc_chars_in_buffer(struct tty_struct *tty)
-	struct scc_channel *scc = tty->driver_data;
-	if (scc && scc->kiss_decode_bp)
-		return scc->kiss_decode_bp->cnt;
-	else
-		return 0;
-static void scc_flush_buffer(struct tty_struct *tty)
-	struct scc_channel *scc = tty->driver_data;
-	if (scc_paranoia_check(scc, tty->device, "scc_flush_buffer"))
-		return;
-	wake_up_interruptible(&tty->write_wait);
-	if ((tty->flags & (1 << TTY_DO_WRITE_WAKEUP)) &&
-	    tty->ldisc.write_wakeup)
-		(tty->ldisc.write_wakeup)(tty);
-static void scc_throttle(struct tty_struct *tty)
-	struct scc_channel *scc = tty->driver_data;
-	if (scc_paranoia_check(scc, tty->device, "scc_throttle"))
-		return;
-#ifdef DEBUG		
-	printk("scc: scc_throttle() called for device %d\n", MINOR(tty->device));
-	scc->throttled = 1;
-	del_timer(&(scc->rx_t));
-	scc->rx_t.expires = jiffies + HZ/TPS;
-	add_timer(&scc->rx_t);
-static void scc_unthrottle(struct tty_struct *tty)
-	struct scc_channel *scc = tty->driver_data;
-	if (scc_paranoia_check(scc, tty->device, "scc_unthrottle"))
-		return;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	printk("scc: scc_unthrottle() called for device %d\n", MINOR(tty->device));
-	scc->throttled = 0;
-	del_timer(&(scc->rx_t));
-	scc_tx_timer(scc->;
-/* experimental, the easiest way to stop output is a fake scc_throttle */
-static void scc_start(struct tty_struct *tty)
-	struct scc_channel *scc = tty->driver_data;
-	if (scc_paranoia_check(scc, tty->device, "scc_start"))
-		return;
-	scc_unthrottle(tty);
-static void scc_stop(struct tty_struct *tty)
-	struct scc_channel *scc = tty->driver_data;
-	if (scc_paranoia_check(scc, tty->device, "scc_stop"))
-		return;
-	scc_throttle(tty);
-static void
-scc_set_termios(struct tty_struct * tty, struct termios * old_termios)
-	struct scc_channel *scc = tty->driver_data;
-	if (scc_paranoia_check(scc, tty->device, "scc_set_termios"))
-		return;
-	if (old_termios && (tty->termios->c_cflag == old_termios->c_cflag)) 
-		return;
-	scc_change_speed(scc);
-static void
-scc_set_ldisc(struct tty_struct * tty)
-	struct scc_channel *scc = tty->driver_data;
-	if (scc_paranoia_check(scc, tty->device, "scc_set_ldisc"))
-		return;
-	scc_change_speed(scc);
-/* ******************************************************************** */
-/* * 			Init SCC driver 			      * */
-/* ******************************************************************** */
-int  scc_init (void)
-	int chip, chan, k;
-	memset(&scc_std_termios, 0, sizeof(struct termios));
-        memset(&scc_driver, 0, sizeof(struct tty_driver));
-        scc_driver.magic = TTY_DRIVER_MAGIC;
- = "scc";
-        scc_driver.major = Z8530_MAJOR;
-        scc_driver.minor_start = 0;
-        scc_driver.num = MAXSCC*2;
-        scc_driver.type = TTY_DRIVER_TYPE_SERIAL;
-        scc_driver.subtype = 1;			/* not needed */
-        scc_driver.init_termios = scc_std_termios;
-        scc_driver.init_termios.c_cflag = B9600  | CREAD | CS8 | HUPCL | CLOCAL;
-        scc_driver.init_termios.c_iflag = IGNBRK | IGNPAR;
-        scc_driver.flags = TTY_DRIVER_REAL_RAW;
-        scc_driver.refcount = &scc_refcount;
-        scc_driver.table = scc_table;
-        scc_driver.termios = (struct termios **) scc_termios;
-        scc_driver.termios_locked = (struct termios **) scc_termios_locked;
- = scc_open;
-        scc_driver.close = scc_close;
-        scc_driver.write = scc_write;
-        scc_driver.start = scc_start;
-        scc_driver.stop = scc_stop;
-        scc_driver.put_char = scc_put_char;
-        scc_driver.flush_chars = scc_flush_chars;        
-	scc_driver.write_room = scc_write_room;
-	scc_driver.chars_in_buffer = scc_chars_in_buffer;
-	scc_driver.flush_buffer = scc_flush_buffer;
-	scc_driver.throttle = scc_throttle;
-	scc_driver.unthrottle = scc_unthrottle;
-        scc_driver.ioctl = scc_ioctl;
-        scc_driver.set_termios = scc_set_termios;
-        scc_driver.set_ldisc = scc_set_ldisc;
-	printk(BANNER);
-        if (tty_register_driver(&scc_driver))
-        {
-		printk("Failed to register Z8530 SCC driver\n");
-		return -EIO;
-	}
-	/* pre-init channel information */
-	for (chip = 0; chip < MAXSCC; chip++)
-	{
-		memset((char *) &SCC_Info[2*chip  ], 0, sizeof(struct scc_channel));
-		memset((char *) &SCC_Info[2*chip+1], 0, sizeof(struct scc_channel));
-		for (chan = 0; chan < 2; chan++)
-		{
-			SCC_Info[2*chip+chan].magic    = SCC_MAGIC;
-			SCC_Info[2*chip+chan].stat.rxbuffers = RXBUFFERS;
-			SCC_Info[2*chip+chan].stat.txbuffers = TXBUFFERS;
-			SCC_Info[2*chip+chan].stat.bufsize   = BUFSIZE;
-		}
-	}
-	for (k = 0; k < 16; k++) Ivec[k].used = 0;
-	return 0;
-/* ******************************************************************** */
-/* *			    Module support 			      * */
-/* ******************************************************************** */
-#ifdef MODULE
-int init_module(void)
-	int result = 0;
-	result = scc_init();
-	if (result == 0)
-		printk("Copyright 1993,1995 Joerg Reuter DL1BKE (\n");
-	return result;
-void cleanup_module(void)
-	long flags;
-	io_port ctrl;
-	int k, errno;
-	struct scc_channel *scc;
-	save_flags(flags); cli();
-	if ( (errno = tty_unregister_driver(&scc_driver)) )
-	{
-		printk("Failed to unregister Z8530 SCC driver (%d)", -errno);
-		restore_flags(flags);
-		return;
-	}
-	for (k = 0; k < Nchips; k++)
-		if ( (ctrl = SCC_ctrl[k*2]) )
-		{
-			Outb(ctrl, 0);
-			OutReg(ctrl,R9,FHWRES);	/* force hardware reset */
-			udelay(50);
-		}
-	for (k = 0; k < Nchips*2; k++)
-	{
-		scc = &SCC_Info[k];
-		if (scc)
-		{
-			release_region(scc->ctrl, 1);
-			release_region(scc->data, 1);
-		}
-	}
-	for (k=0; k < 16 ; k++)
-		if (Ivec[k].used) free_irq(k, NULL);
-	restore_flags(flags);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,