BITNET Network Working Group                                  P. Olenick
 Request for Comments:  0002                         Princeton University
                                                               April 1989
                   Definition of the BITNETII Protocol
                      A Technical Overview of VMNET
                           Status of this Memo
 This RFC  specifies the protocol  used for  the transmission of  the NJE
 protocols over TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). Applications wishing
 to participate  with BITNETII are expected  to adopt and  implement this
 specification. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
                             I.  Introduction
 This document describes  the technical aspects of  the implementation of
 the IBM  Remote Spooling  Communications Subsystem  (RSCS)  over  TCP/IP
 protocol.    This document  will  provide an  overview  of the  internal
 structure of the VM service machine  known as VMNET.   The external data
 formats  and  protocol  conventions  used by  the  service  machine  are
 detailed.    The  goal  of  this   document  is  to  provide  sufficient
 information to allow  developers to build systems  which can communicate
 with the VMNET service machine.  The reader of this document should have
 a working  knowledge of RSCS,  the  IBM implementation for VM  of TCP/IP
 (5798-FAL), and some experience with IBM's VM system.  The reader should
 also  have access  to  the IBM  manual 'Network  Job  Entry Formats  and
 Protocols for System/370 Program Products', GG22-9373-02.
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                         II.  Functional Overview
 VMNET is the name applied to the collection of programs which execute in
 a VM  service machine  and provide   the encapsulation  of RSCS  virtual
 channel-to-channel  (CTC)  data  into  TCP  buffers.   The  data  blocks
 constructed by  VMNET are passed  to the  TCP/IP VM service  machine via
 standard interface calls.  The TCP/IP service machine will transport the
 data via  the IP network to  the recipient VMNET.   The  recipient VMNET
 will receive  the data buffers from  the TCP/IP service machine  on that
 system.    The  recipient VMNET  will  write  the  data to  the  virtual
 channel-to-channel which  connects the  VMNET service  machine with  the
 RSCS service  machine.   In  this way,  RSCS  can make  use of  a TCP/IP
 network.    TCP/IP  networks  can  be constructed  using  a  variety  of
 transport  media,   including  Ethernet and  serial  data  lines.    The
 configuration of the IP network and its associated hardware is known (in
 part)  to the  TCP/IP service machine.   VMNET uses calls  to the TCP/IP
 service machine and thus is media independent.
 VMNET is a class G, disconnected service machine, running under CMS.  No
 modifications are  required to VM,  CMS,   RSCS,  or the  TCP/IP service
 machine to run VMNET.   VMNET  interfaces  to RSCS's NJE line driver via
 virtual channel-to-channel adapters,  one for each VMNET-connected link.
 VMNET will operate with RSCS Version 1  and RSCS Version 2.   VMNET will
 operate in the currently supported VM/CMS systems (including VM/XA)  and
 can be used with all versions of the IBM TCP/IP system (5798-FAL).   The
 VMNET  machine  consists  of  a  multi-tasking  CMS  supervisor  and  an
 application running under that supervisor.
 The multi-tasking supervisor is based on the public domain code authored
 by  Cheyenne Wills.    Extensions and  modifications were  made to  this
 supervisor to provide specific functions required for the VMNET project.
 The multi-tasker,  known as IUC,  allows  multiple 'tasks' to run in the
 same CMS machine concurrently.   IUC is a cooperative multi-tasker which
 depends on  each task giving control  to the supervisor,  which  in turn
 passes control to another task which is eligible to execute.  The method
 used to  relinquish control is  the CMS  WAITECB routine.   When  IUC is
 loaded, a CMS nucleus extension is installed which receives control when
 a CMS WAITECB is executed.
 One VMNET service machine needs  to  support a number of concurrent RSCS
 connections.    Having one  service machine  per  connection would  have
 caused a number of problems.  The function of VMNET is to transport data
 via CTC I/O operations and TCP interface calls.   A large amount of wait
 time can be expected on a given link.
 The application, known as DPU, provides the function of taking data from
 the RSCS  CTC and building  data blocks which  are passed to  the TCP/IP
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 service machine.   DPU must establish a virtual circuit (TCP connection)
 between the two VMNET systems which are going to transport RSCS data via
 the IP network.   DPU connects to the  local RSCS via a CTC.   The local
 RSCS assumes it is communicating directly with another RSCS via the CTC.
 The 'link driver' component of DPU takes the  data read from the CTC and
 builds data  blocks which are passed  to the TCP/IP service  machine via
 user callable interface routines.  DPU will receive data blocks from the
 TCP/IP service machine and  the link driver will write this  data to the
 CTC.   RSCS will  process this data as  though it had come  from another
 RSCS.  The encapsulation and transport of the data is transparent to the
 RSCS machines.   Each  RSCS simply appears to be connected  to the other
 via the CTC.  The way in which VMNET accomplishes the function of moving
 the data in a transparent manner is  what the remainder of this document
 will address.
                        III.  RSCS Protocol Review
 RSCS uses several different layers of  protocol to transport data.   The
 highest layer is the NJE protocol.   The use of the RSCS NJE line driver
 was dictated by the fact that the NJE protocol is the only supported way
 of connecting an RSCS V1 machine to an  RSCS V2 (or RSCS V2 to RSCS V2).
 The NJE protocol is used to describe  the data.   The NJE protocols were
 developed  by IBM  to allow  data  to be  transported between  different
 operating systems.    VMNET has no knowledge  of the NJE  protocols;  it
 transports the NJE protocol as if it were data.
 The next layer of protocol is the  logical file protocol of RSCS.   This
 protocol is used to insure the integrity of the file being sent from one
 system to another.   RSCS uses the  term 'stream' to mean the collection
 of NJE protocol records  plus the data of a file  to be transported from
 one  RSCS to  another.    The protocol  uses  control  records for  such
 functions as stream  open and stream complete.   An example  of how this
 protocol is used  can be seen by looking  at the steps needed  to send a
 file from one  RSCS to another.   The  sending RSCS will send  a control
 record to the receiving RSCS that is  'request to open a stream',  which
 is a  request for  permission to  send data.    The receiving  RSCS will
 respond  with a  control  record which  is  either  'permission to  send
 granted' or 'request rejected'.   If the response is 'permission to send
 granted' then the  sending RSCS will start the transfer  of data.   When
 all data  has been transferred  by the  sending  RSCS,  it will  send an
 end-of-file (EOF) control record.   Once the receiving RSCS has received
 the EOF and has completed its processing of the file, the receiving RSCS
 will send a 'stream complete' control record to the sending RSCS.   Only
 when  the sending  RSCS  has received  the  'stream  complete' will  the
 sending RSCS purge the file from its queue.
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 Part of this logical  protocol is a count field in  each control or data
 record transmitted.   This field, referred to as the BCB, is a modulo 16
 number and is used to sequence the records.   This enables the receiving
 RSCS to determine if any records were lost in transmission.   VMNET must
 monitor  the   logical  protocol  closely.     VMNET  will   under  some
 circumstances alter the  BCB or sequence of control  records,  but VMNET
 uses the RSCS logical file protocol to insure file integrity.
 The next layer of protocol is the block acknowledgment.  This is used to
 indicate if  a block of data  being transmitted was  received correctly.
 This protocol is  needed when blocks are being transmitted  via a medium
 which  might  be  susceptible  to   data  corruption,   such  as  serial
 teleprocessing  lines.   The  detection  of the  error  is  done by  the
 hardware checking the CRC for the block.
 This same protocol is used when transmitting data via CTC.   The sending
 RSCS writes a block  of data via the CTC and expects to  read a block of
 data or an  ACK record from the  receiving RSCS,  via the  CTC.   If the
 sending RSCS receives a NAK or some other unexpected response,  the last
 block  would be  assumed to  be in  error  and error  recovery would  be
 needed.   It should be noted that RSCS considers all errors of this type
 to be fatal errors when the transport medium is a CTC.
 The  receiving RSCS  can send  one of  its  queued data  buffers as  the
 positive response to the sending RSCS.  In this way, data can be sent in
 each direction.   A good data record read indicates the data written was
 received correctly by the other RSCS.   The receiving RSCS would send an
 ACK (x'1070') if it has no data to send.  RSCS V1 uses the ACK.  RSCS V2
 uses a null record in place of the ACK but will accept an ACK because of
 the need to  allow RSCS V1 to connect  to RSCS V2.   VMNET  makes use of
 this layer  of protocol to force  RSCS to send additional  data.   VMNET
 emulates the sequence of commands used to  drive the CTC by RSCS.   When
 RSCS sends data, VMNET will respond either with data it has received via
 TCP or  an ACK.   The data  received by VMNET  from RSCS is placed  in a
 buffer which holds the VMNET data block which will be sent via TCP.
 The following is a diagram of the  logical and physical protocol flow in
 a  standard RSCS  to RSCS  connection.   This  chart shows  the flow  of
 sending a file from one RSCS to another.
     RSCS sending         RSCS receiving
     request to send--->
                          <---permission to send
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                          <---file complete
 Later in this document,   once the flow of VMNET has  been explained,  a
 similar diagram will show how VMNET alters this flow.
                IV.  Definition of the BITNET II Protocol
 A.  Establishing the TCP Connection
 Before data can be sent from one  RSCS to another via TCP (using VMNET),
 a virtual circuit must be established between the two VMNETs.  A virtual
 circuit is a  path between two  applications over which  TCP packets may
 be sent.  An IP address is assigned to a system.  Each VM TCP/IP service
 machine will have an IP address.   Many applications on a system may use
 the TCP/IP  service machine.   To enable  the TCP/IP service  machine to
 separate incoming packets, the applications use port numbers to indicate
 which packets correspond to which applications.
 TCP allows an application to 'open'  a virtual circuit in either passive
 mode (waiting  for incoming  requests to  open,  also  known as  'server
 mode')  or active mode (sending requests to open,  also known as 'client
 mode').   In  general,  one TCP application  (the server)  will  issue a
 passive open for a port number (known as the 'well known port')  and the
 other TCP  application (the client)  will  issue an active open  for the
 well known  port on the  system (IP  address)  where the  first (server)
 application is  located.   The TCP  connection or virtual  circuit  path
 between the two applications will be completed and data may be exchanged
 over the path.
 VMNET has a passive open outstanding to receive incoming requests.   The
 well known port number used is 175.    When VMNET on machine A wishes to
 establish a virtual circuit with the VMNET on machine B,  an active open
 is issued  by the VMNET on  machine A for  the well known VMNET  port on
 machine B.   The IP address of machine B  is known to machine A by using
 information supplied  in the  VMNET configuration  file (VMNET  DIRECT).
 Once the  open is  completed,  the  VMNET which  issued the  active open
 (assume machine A)  must do a TCP  send of a VMNET control record,  type
 OPEN.  All VMNET TCP sends set the TCP PUSH flag.   The TCP PUSH flag is
 set to force the data to be sent by the TCP/IP service machine.
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 The VMNET  which completed  the passive  open will  only accept  a VMNET
 control record  type OPEN.    Any other  record being  received on  this
 virtual circuit by the VMNET port  handler,  will be considered an error
 and will cause the  TCP connection to be closed by  being aborted.   The
 format of  the VMNET  control record  can be  found in  the data  format
 section of this document.  The VMNET at machine A must set fields in the
 VMNET control record before  the record can be sent to  the port handler
 at machine B.    The VMNET at machine A  must set the type  field in the
 control record to  OPEN.   RHost is the  node name used to  identify the
 RSCS node name on machine A which  is associated with this link.   OHost
 is the node name used to identify the RSCS node name on machine B.   HIP
 and OIP are the  hexadecimal form of the IP addresses  for machine A and
 machine B.
 The VMNET on machine B will use  OHost to verify that the connection has
 been  made to  the correct  site  and will  use  RHost to  search for  a
 definition of a link by that name.  Several checks are made by the VMNET
 on machine B, such as:  is the link attempting an active open, is a link
 by that name defined, and is the link currently connected.  If the state
 of the  link on  machine B will  permit a  connection,  a  VMNET control
 record is sent to the VMNET on  machine A.   This control record type is
 'ACK' with  RHost and  RIP set  to machine B  and OHost  and OIP  set to
 machine A.   Once the  ACK control record is sent,  the  well known port
 handler will pass the information about  the open virtual circuit to the
 link driver.  The well known port handler will issue another TCP passive
 open for the well known port number, which will enable VMNET to accept a
 request to open another connection.
 The module  DPUWPORT is the  port handler for  VMNET and will  issue the
 passive open and receive the VMNET  type OPEN control record.   DPUWPORT
 will process the open request and will respond with either an ACK or NAK
 VMNET control record.   In general,  each VMNET service machine has only
 one port handler task running.   The  processing of open requests by the
 port  handler is  serial.   The  port  handler either  accepts the  open
 request and  pass the information about  the open TCP connection  to the
 associated link drive  task or the port handler returns  a VMNET control
 record type NAK and closes the TCP connection.  In either case, the port
 handler will issue another passive open.
 The module DPUWACOP is  called by the link driver, DPUWLNK2,  to perform
 the active  open and  process the  control record  returned by  the port
 handler.  One link driver task is created for each link activated.  Each
 link driver task may  call DPUWACOP to do an active  TCP open.   A VMNET
 service may  have a number  of TCP active opens  in progress at  any one
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 If the state of the link on machine B will not permit the connection,  a
 control record  with type set to 'NAK' is  sent to machine A.   If a NAK
 control record is sent,   the TCP virtual circuit is closed  by the port
 handler after the record is sent.  After the close is complete, the port
 handler will issue another passive open.
 A NAK  control record has  a 'reason  code' field,  which  indicates the
 reason the open request was rejected.    Reason codes currently used are
 X'01', X'02',  X'03'.   Code X'01' indicates that the port handler could
 not locate a link defined with name supplied in RHost.   A code of X'01'
 may indicate a configuration problem if the error persists for more than
 a few open attempts.   A link may go  into an undefined state when it is
 going through a restart cycle.
 Code X'02' indicates  that the port handler found the  requested link in
 the connected state.   The  port handler will force a restart  of a link
 found in the connected state after  returning a reason code X'02'.   The
 assumption is that VMNET did not detect that the TCP connection had been
 broken.   During a restart of the  link,  the VMNET attempting an active
 open  may receive  a  NAK reason  code  X'01' while  the  restart is  in
 progress.   The reason a  link will be unable to be  located is that all
 link control blocks are released and rebuilt as part of the restart.
 Code X'03' indicates that the port  handler  found the requested link to
 be in the process of doing an active open.  The VMNET receiving a reason
 code X'03' selects  a random (short)  period of  time.   VMNET currently
 uses a value between between 1 and 10 seconds to wait for the short wait
 period.   VMNET  uses the low-order  bits of the  TOD clock as  a random
 number generator.  After the wait period has expired, a check is made to
 see if,  while in this waiting state,  a passive open has been completed
 with this link.  If no passive open has completed, another attempt at an
 active open is tried.   The VMNET issuing the active open will count the
 number of successive active open attempts which fail.  If a preset limit
 (currently set at 10) is reached,  a long wait value (currently set at 1
 minute)  is used  in place of the random wait.    This prevents needless
 attempts to open a TCP connection when the passive end is not reachable,
 for example, when the network or host system is down.
 Another technique used by VMNET is to  have the port handler increment a
 counter for each attempted open of a  given link for which a reason code
 x'03' is returned.   This same counter is  reset to zero by each attempt
 of this link to  do an active open.   If for some  reason an active open
 fails to  complete within a reasonable  number of attempts  (the current
 VMNET value is 5),   the port handler will force a  restart of the link.
 VMNET, especially in the port handler, uses a number of 'deadman' timers
 to  prevent tasks  from becoming  permanently hung.    These timers  are
 typically set to 2 minutes.
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 Once the  open has  completed and  the VMNET  control records  have been
 successfully exchanged and properly acknowledged,   the RSCS systems may
 now exchange their  signon sequences.   Until the  RSCS signon sequences
 (the exchange  of type 'I' and  'J' signon records)  are  complete,  the
 VMNET link driver  task will be in 'lockstep' mode.    In lockstep mode,
 one VMNET link driver  will 'wait' for data to be  TCP received from the
 other VMNET link driver.   Once the TCP data is received, a CTC I/O will
 be done to RSCS and the data read from the CTC will be sent to the other
 VMNET, which is 'waiting' for data from a TCP receive.  Lockstep mode is
 needed because RSCS has its own master/slave relationship and expects to
 exchange the signon sequence in a fixed way,  allowing for no other data
 except  the specific  signon sequence.    To guarantee  that the  signon
 sequence can be exchanged between RSCSs in the required format, lockstep
 mode is used.    Once the signon records have  been exchanged,  lockstep
 mode is no longer used by the link driver task and full duplex operation
 can begin.
 RSCS believes that its connection is via CTC to another RSCS.  In a true
 RSCS to RSCS via CTC,  if both RSCSs attempted to write a signon record,
 one I/O operation would succeed and the other would receive a busy.  The
 way VMNET deals with the problem of getting the RSCSs started is to have
 the VMNET which  completed the active TCP  open do CTC I/O  first.   The
 standard RSCS CTC I/O operation consists of a sense CCW, a write CCW,  a
 control CCW, and a read CCW, chained together.  The data written in this
 first operation is a single byte of  x'00'.   Once the CTC I/O operation
 is complete,  the data  read is sent via  TCP to the other RSCS which is
 waiting for a TCP buffer to be received.   The data received is  written
 over the CTC to RSCS and data is  read from the CTC.   This data is sent
 via TCP to the first  VMNET and so on.   This lockstep way of processing
 is used  until the signon sequence  for both RSCSs is  complete.   VMNET
 examines each  record written to  or read from  the CTC.   For  type 'I'
 signon records, which are exchanged during the startup phase of the RSCS
 connection, the PREPARE flag is reset.  This will cause the RSCSs to use
 the old style handshaking protocol.   The  RSCS systems will send an ACK
 or null  buffer and  then wait 2  seconds when the  link is  idle.   The
 PREPARE protocol used by RSCS V2 handles an idle link differently.  When
 the PREPARE protocol is agreed to by both RSCSs, and the link goes idle,
 no I/O is  left outstanding on the  CTC.   The first RSCS  that wants to
 write will do  I/O and the other  RSCS will be notified  by an attention
 interrupt on the CTC.  PREPARE protocol is a much better way of handling
 the idle link  than setting a timer,   which is what RSCS  V1 uses.   To
 implement PREPARE protocol for VMNET  will require some additional logic
 in the CTC handler  used in VMNET.   VMNET does not  yet support PREPARE
 protocol but will  do so in the  near future.   The lack  of support for
 PREPARE protocol is the  reason the flag in the signon  record is reset.
 Turning off the PREPARE flag indicates  to RSCS that PREPARE protocol is
 not supported by the other system.
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 B.  Summary of VMNET Connection Startup
     VMNET A                       VMNET B
  (active open)                 (passive open)
  Active open--->               Passive open outstanding
              <---Open complete--->
  Send control-Type OPEN--->    TCP receive outstanding
                                Process open request
  TCP receive outstanding   <---Send control-Type ACK
        <---Post link driver open complete--->
  Do CTC I/O to RSCS            Wait for TCP receive
  TCP send data--->             Do CTC I/O with Recv'd. Data
  Wait for TCP receive      <---TCP send data
      <---Continue lockstep until signon complete--->
 C.  RSCS to VMNET Data Flow
 VMNET uses the same CCWs as RSCS to  move data via the CTC.   The string
 of chained  CCWs consists  of the  following commands  chained together:
 sense, write, control, and read.   RSCS uses the same string of commands
 and the  result is  that the sense  and write command  of the  VMNET CCW
 string mates to the control and read  of the RSCS CCW string.   The read
 CCW of VMNET will  read data from RSCS directly into  a data block which
 will be sent via TCP.   The write  CCW of VMNET will write data directly
 from the data block received by VMNET.  The reason for handling the data
 this way is to  avoid having to move the data  within VMNET.   Fields in
 the record header have been left empty in case data compression is added
 to VMNET in the future.   If some  form of data compression was added to
 VMNET, the data might have to be moved as part of the decompression.
 VMNET uses three different buffer sizes.    VMNET extracts from the RSCS
 type 'J'  signon record the  maximum size of  the block RSCS  will write
 over the CTC.    This size will become  the length used in  the CTC read
 command.   VMNET has  a buffer which is  used to build and  receive data
 blocks.   The TCP/IP service machine has a  maximum size for a TCP send.
 For FAL,  the size is 8K bytes,  and 8K is the default size of the VMNET
 data block buffer.   VMNET has parameters  which allow the VMNET and TCP
 buffer sizes to be altered.   VMNET will  segment data to be sent if the
 VMNET buffer is greater than the TCP  size.   For example,  if the VMNET
 data block buffer size is 10K and the TCP size is set at 1K, VMNET would
 construct a 10K data  block of data read from RSCS and  issue ten 1K TCP
 sends to transport the data to the receiving VMNET.
 The buffer size values apply on  a link-by-link basis.   Different links
 in the same VMNET may have different buffer sizes.  The VMNET data block
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 size for a connection  must be the same for each  end of the connection.
 The reason for this  restriction is that if one VMNET  builds a 10K data
 block and  TCP sends it to  another VMNET (in segments),   the receiving
 VMNET needs enough buffer space to re-assemble the entire 10K buffer.
 The other rule  about buffer sizes is  that the VMNET data  block buffer
 size must be larger than the RSCS buffer size.  VMNET will need to add a
 block header,  record header and end-of-file to the data block before it
 is sent via TCP.    RSCS sends a data file to another  RSCS by opening a
 'stream'.   RSCS V1 can open one stream in each direction, thus one file
 can be  sent and  one received  at the  same time.    RSCS commands  and
 messages are sent  in a separate (and somewhat  special)  stream,  which
 does not require an 'open'.   One RSCS (CTC) buffer can contain data for
 only one stream.  RSCS V1 allows for data buffers and message buffers to
 be intermixed over the same connection.   RSCS  V2 allow for up to seven
 data streams to  be open in each direction.   Messages  and commands are
 treated as a separate and special stream, which is not one of the seven.
 It should be  noted that when RSCS V1  is connected to RSCS  V2 only one
 data stream will be allowed in each direction.
 D.  Building the VMNET Buffer to be Sent via TCP
 VMNET sets the length  of its CTC read CCW to  the length extracted from
 the signon  (type J)  record.    The type  J signon record  contains the
 RSCS-negotiated RSCS buffer size.   The RSCS  buffer size is the maximum
 length that  RSCS will use  in a CTC  write command.   The  address into
 which the data will be read is within the VMNET data block buffer.   The
 VMNET data  block starts with a  block header (TTB).   The  block header
 contains a  field which is  the length of  the data block  including the
 length of the header.    Each block read from the CTC  will start with a
 record  header (TTR),   which is  built  by VMNET.    The record  header
 contains a field which is the length of the data read from the CTC.  The
 length does not include the length of the header.   The last record of a
 VMNET data block is a record header  with data length of zero.   This is
 the end-of-block marker.
 The length of the  data block sent via TCP will  be variable.   When the
 CTC read is complete, the actual size of the data read is computed.  The
 VMNET record header is built in the space reserved for the header in the
 data block.   Header  space is reserved by computing  the next available
 data location  in the  data block and  adding the  length of  the record
 header to the address used in the VMNET CTC read CCW.   A calculation is
 performed to see if the space remaining in the VMNET data block can hold
 a maximum length RSCS CTC data  block plus the VMNET end-of-block (EOB).
 If the next CTC  read data will fit,  the read CCW  is updated to accept
 the next CTC read data.  If insufficient space remains for the next RSCS
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 CTC read block,  the VMNET EOB (space  is reserved in the calculation to
 insure that the EOB can always be inserted into the VMNET data block) is
 created and the data block is queued  to the TCP send routine.   The TCP
 PUSH flag  is always set  on whenever VMNET  issues a TCP  send request.
 The integrity of the RSCS data is maintained, even when the BCB count is
 reset,  by the TCP guarantee of  reliable transmission of the VMNET data
 VMNET,  unlike RSCS,  can place different  data streams in the same data
 block, including the command and message stream.   If the data read from
 RSCS over the CTC is an ACK or  null record and data has previously been
 read from RSCS and is buffered in the current VMNET data block, the data
 block is  closed (an  EOB is  created)  and  is queued  to the  TCP send
 routine.  The assumption is that if RSCS has sent an ACK or null record,
 it has no data to write.  VMNET should send data it has buffered at this
 time.   VMNET will  not place ACKs or  null records into the  VMNET data
 block.   These  cause problems  at the receiving  RSCS because  they may
 signal the  receiver to go  into the  idle state,  thereby  causing long
 delays.  Only 'real' data is  placed in the VMNET data block.   If VMNET
 reads an ACK or  null buffer from RSCS over the CTC  and the current TCP
 data block has no  previously read CTC data,  the ACK  or null record is
 ignored and discarded.
 VMNET has to  handle the sequence numbers (BCBs)   contained within null
 records which are discarded.  RSCS uses a modulo 16 count to insure that
 buffers are not lost or duplicated during transmission.   VMNET will set
 the 'reset sequence number' flag (the flag is part of the BCB) to resync
 the BCB count values.  Using the BCB reset flag will cause the receiving
 RSCS to  accept the BCB  count as a new  starting count.   In  this way,
 VMNET can discard sequenced records which should not be transmitted  and
 keep  use of the BCB for the majority of RSCS-to-RSCS communications.
 In  summary,   the data  blocks  built  by  VMNET are  variable  length,
 beginning with  a fixed  length block  header which  contains the  total
 length of the  data block.   Each CTC  block read by VMNET  from RSCS is
 read  into the  VMNET data  block  buffer.   The  VMNET module  DPUWLNK2
 creates a record header which precedes the RSCS CTC data.  When the data
 block is  full or when  an RSCS idle condition  is detected,  an  EOB is
 created following the last data record.   The VMNET data block is queued
 to the TCP send routine for transmission.
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 E.  Processing Data Received by VMNET from TCP
 TCP treats  the data being  sent or received  as a continuous  stream of
 bytes.   RSCS  reads and writes  data as  blocks.   VMNET may  combine a
 number of RSCS CTC blocks into one data block to be sent via TCP.  VMNET
 uses the block header  length to receive the data block  as built by the
 sending VMNET.    VMNET uses the  record header  count to build  the CTC
 write CCW,  which allows RSCS to CTC  read the same record as written by
 the sending RSCS.    To insure the complete block is  received from TCP,
 VMNET issues  a TCP  receive for the  block header,   which is  of fixed
 length.   Once the block header is received, the length of the remaining
 data can be computed.    A TCP receive is then issued  for the length of
 the data block minus the length of the block header.
 Care must be taken to insure all the data sent has  been received.   TCP
 may deliver segments of the data block  which are smaller than the count
 given to TCP receive.   This may be a function of the TCP implementation
 used on the IBM systems.   If the length of the segment received is less
 than the length requested,  a new  receive length is computed,  based on
 the total length  of the data block  from the  header minus  the size of
 the header and any segments received.   Another TCP receive is issued to
 complete the data buffer.  VMNET is prepared to receive as many segments
 as is required to receive the complete  data block,  based on the header
 count.   Once  the complete  data block  has been  received,  it  can be
 deblocked into the individual records and written to RSCS over the CTC.
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 F.  Summary of RSCS to VMNET Data Flow
 The following chart  shows the flow of  data between one RSCS  sending a
 file,   VMNET,  and  the TCP/IP  service machine  and the  corresponding
 TCP/IP, VMNET, and RSCS on the receiving system.
  (send)                                          (recv)
    |-CTC-|   |-VMCF-|   |-IP-|   |-VMCF-|  |-CTC-|
  to open->
          TCP send-->
                    IP send--->
                              IP recv
        <-ACK                          TCP receive
  ACK->                                write->    Request
                                                  to open
        <-ACK                          read     <-Permission
  ACK->                                           granted
                                     <--TCP send
                          <---IP send
                    IP recv
          TCP recv
  Perm. <-write
          TCP send-->
                    IP send--->
                              IP recv
  data->                               TCP receive
        <-ACK                          write->    data
  data(EOF)->                          read       ACK
        <-ACK                          write->    data
  ACK->                                read       ACK
        <-ACK                          write->    data
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          TCP send-->                  read       ACK
                    IP send--->
  ACK->                       IP recv
        <-ACK                          TCP receive
          (ACK delayed                 write->    data
           for idle link)              read       ACK
  ACK->                                write->    EOF
                                       read       ACK
        <-ACK                          write->    ACK
                                       read       file
  ACK->                              <--TCP send
                          <---IP send
                    IP recv
          TCP recv
  file  <-write
  complete (purge file being sent)
        <-ACK  (idle link timer wait)
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 G.  RSCS Buffer Size Considerations
 The current version of VMNET defines  two buffers (data blocks)  for TCP
 receives and one for TCP sends.   These values for the number of receive
 and send buffers  are assembled in and  can be changed if  needed.   One
 send buffer appears to be enough.   The send buffer is transmitted,  via
 interface calls which use VM VMCF, to the TCP/IP service machine.   Thus
 the send buffers are buffered within the TCP/IP service machine.  Should
 this service  machine be  unable to  accept the  data,  little  would be
 gained by building  a second output buffer.   The RSCS  buffer size used
 for writing and reading the CTC is important.   The smallest RSCS buffer
 size (400 bytes) would provide for the fullest data blocks.   The reason
 is that  a data block  is considered full when  the next CTC  read block
 will not fit in the current data block.  Using such a small buffer would
 increase the number of CTC I/O's done by both RSCS and VMNET to fill the
 data block.  However,   using a large RSCS CTC buffer  size (8000 bytes)
 would reduce the number  of CTC I/O's but might not  pack the data block
 as fully.  This failure to fully pack the data block would be because of
 the large  number of  messages and  commands processed  by RSCS.    If a
 message was placed in a data block,   with RSCS using a large CTC buffer
 size,  the next CTC buffer would not  fit in the space remaining and the
 data block  (containing only  the single  message)  would  be considered
 full.  A mid-sized RSCS CTC buffer size allows for a mix of data streams
 and messages.   The sizes chosen for RSCS V1 using only one stream,  and
 for RSCS V2 using several streams, may also be different.  Using a VMNET
 buffer size of 8K bytes,  an RSCS V1 buffer of 3976 is being used.   For
 RSCS V2 using seven streams, a buffer size of 1024 bytes is being used.
 H.  VMNET to TCP Data Flow
 VMNET expects that a TCP receive  operation will complete or will return
 a fatal error.   On a TCP fatal  error,  VMNET will attempt to close the
 current TCP connection  and halt the RSCS connection.    VMNET will then
 attempt to re-establish the TCP connection.
 VMNET on a  TCP send expects to  have the data accepted,   a fatal error
 returned,  or  an indication that the  buffer could not be  accepted for
 transmission at this  time because the TCP/IP service machine  is out of
 buffer space.   A fatal  error will cause a restart of  the TCP and RSCS
 connections.   VMNET is careful in its  handling of the 'wait for buffer
 space' condition.  VMNET continues to do CTC I/O and TCP receives, while
 waiting for TCP  send buffer space to become available.    If VMNET does
 not continue to accept incoming TCP data and write this data to the CTC,
 a  'deadly embrace'  condition may  likely occur.    The deadly  embrace
 occurs when the connection being sent to has filled its TCP buffers with
 data to be sent over the same TCP connection it is receiving on.  If the
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 sending VMNET  will not accept incoming  TCP data,  the  receiving VMNET
 (which is also  sending)  will not have  space to accept the  data being
 sent.   Thus,  each  VMNET will wait for  the other to take  some action
 which will never occur.
 I.  VMNET/RSCS Data Flow Control
 The flow of data to and from RSCS is controlled by the use of the stream
 mask bits, the FCS flags which are part of the RSCS block header.  These
 flags indicate whether or not RSCS will accept data on a given stream or
 any stream.   VMNET appears to RSCS to be another RSCS connected via the
 CTC.   VMNET will use  the FCS flags to control data  flow from RSCS and
 must honor  RSCS's use of  the FCS flags when  writing data to  the CTC.
 VMNET sets the  FCS for data being  written over the CTC  to local RSCS,
 ignoring the FCS which came from the  remote RSCS,  and monitors the FCS
 coming from the local RSCS.
 VMNET will set the FCS to stop RSCS from sending additional data when no
 data block is available  in VMNET to hold data being  read from the CTC.
 VMNET will use a small local buffer assembled in the link driver to hold
 the ACK or  null record RSCS must  use to acknowledge data  written over
 the CTC.   If  VMNET reads other than  an ACK or null  buffer from RSCS,
 this  would be  considered a  fatal error  by VMNET  and the  connection
 restarted.  By setting the FCS, VMNET is able to continue  receiving TCP
 data and  writing that data  over the  CTC,  while preventing  RSCS from
 writing data over the  same CTC.   When the data block  in VMNET becomes
 available, the FCS is altered to allow RSCS to write data.   This is the
 method RSCS  uses to stop another  RSCS from over-running it  with data.
 The FCS can be set to flow control one  or more streams or it may be set
 to prevent all streams including messages.    VMNET sets the FCS only to
 allow all streams or prevent all streams.
 VMNET must monitor the  FCS coming from RSCS.   If RSCS  has altered the
 FCS to prevent any or all streams, VMNET stops sending any data to RSCS.
 VMNET continues to do CTC I/O, monitoring the FCS from RSCS, but sending
 only ACKs or null buffers.   Null buffers  are written if VMNET needs to
 alter the FCS being  sent to RSCS while RSCS is  not accepting any data.
 When the FCS returns to a normal state, allowing all streams, VMNET will
 continue the writing of data received from TCP to RSCS over the CTC.
 VMNET treats  the FCS  as a  switch which  enables the  flow of  data to
 and/or from RSCS.   No attempt is made  by VMNET to deal with individual
 streams by use of the FCS.  The FCS from the remote RSCS has no meaning,
 as it was used to control its connection with its VMNET.  VMNET sets the
 FCS of each block written to RSCS.
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 VMNET was designed to function with RSCS V2 using seven data streams and
 one additional  for messages and  commands.   By  using an RSCS  V2 user
 exit,   a mix  of data  (short files  and long  files)  can  be sent  in
 parallel,  thus making  use of the bandwidth in the  IP networks.   This
 exit allows  the overlap of  the RSCS stream  opens for the  short files
 with the data  transfer of the long  file(s).   The use of  this RSCS V2
 'transmission algorithm'  which allows  for the  mix of  short and  long
 files is not required to use VMNET.   The exit enhances the operation of
 RSCS V2 when used with VMNET.   The exit attempts to prevent all streams
 from  being occupied  with  either short  or  long  files.   VMNET  will
 function with RSCS V1 (or RSCS V1 connected to RSCS V2), which uses only
 a single data  stream,  plus messages and commands,   in each direction.
 Some loss of throughput can be seen  in this mode because the local RSCS
 requires an  acknowledgment from  the remote  RSCS for  stream open  and
 close.   To help when  RSCS V1 is used (or RSCS V1  is connected to RSCS
 V2), an option was added to VMNET known as FASTOPEN which will fake more
 of  the  RSCS open  protocol  and  allow  reduced overhead  while  still
 maintaining file integrity.
 J.  Data Flow with the FASTOPEN Option
 VMNET would normally treat  all of the RSCS records except  for the ACKs
 and null records as data and place them in the outbound TCP buffer to be
 sent.   When the FASTOPEN option is used, VMNET will respond to the RSCS
 'request to open' with  'permission granted'.    This will cause RSCS to
 begin sending  data without waiting for  the receiving RSCS to  send the
 permission granted.   The receiving VMNET will  get an indication of the
 FASTOPEN as a flag in the record  header and will wait for the receiving
 RSCS to issue 'permission granted' in response to the 'request to open'.
 The  'permission  granted'  record  from  the  receiving  RSCS  will  be
 discarded.    If the  response is  'permission rejected',   a timer  (30
 seconds)  is set and the 'request to  open' is retried.   If FASTOPEN is
 used with  RSCS V1 about  one third of the  processing time for  a small
 file can be saved.   In the non-FASTOPEN case with RSCS V1, the 'request
 to open' is sent to the receiving RSCS and nothing can happen except for
 message and command  traffic until the 'permission  granted' is received
 by the sending RSCS.   Although FASTOPEN will  function in an RSCS V2 to
 RSCS V2 using  multiple streams,  its use is not  recommended because it
 can cause a lockout.   The lockout can occur when an RSCS V2 is SHUTDOWN
 or the link using FASTOPEN is DRAINed.  The RSCS link being drained will
 not accept  additional stream  opens once the  DRAIN process  has begun.
 VMNET will not write data to the  CTC until the stream open is accepted.
 Data needed to  drain the remaining streams  will not be written  to the
 CTC.  Thus the RSCS SHUTDOWN or DRAIN will never complete.   FASTOPEN is
 not needed  and should not be  used in the  RSCS V2 case because  of the
 ability to have multi-streams which allow for the overlap of stream open
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 and close.   FASTOPEN can  be used when RSCS V1 is  connected to RSCS V2
 because only one data stream can be used and no lockout will occur.
 K.  VMNET to RSCS Idle Link Considerations
 Data is transferred between  the two RSCSs over the TCP  connection in a
 way which allows VMNET to use the full-duplex capabilities of TCP.   The
 VMNET link driver  always has an outstanding  TCP receive as long  as it
 has a buffer to receive into.   The VMNET link driver sends data as soon
 as the outbound buffer is ready.   Once  data is received from TCP it is
 queued for deblocking when CTC I/O is being done.  The VMNET link driver
 will do CTC I/O  as fast as RSCS will accept  it.   To prevent excessive
 CTC overhead,  the VMNET link driver will  note when it has both written
 and read only  ACKS or null records  from the CTC.   In  this case,  the
 assumption is that the link is idle  and VMNET should delay before doing
 the next CTC I/O.   In an attempt not to delay too quickly,  VMNET waits
 for some  number of  idle I/O's to  be done  in sequence  (currently 10)
 before  delaying for  100  ms.   Each  successive  idle  I/O after  that
 increases the delay  interval by 100 ms.    to a maximum of  one second.
 RSCS will also detect the idle state at  the first idle I/O and wait for
 2 seconds.
 All of this  idle waiting changes in  an RSCS V2 to  RSCS V2 environment
 which uses  a PREPARE   protocol  in  the idle  state.   In  the PREPARE
 protocol  no timers are used and neither side has active I/O on the CTC.
 The PREPARE protocol is not yet supported by VMNET.
 L.  RSCS/VMNET Restart Considerations
 VMNET examines  each record read from  the CTC.   If VMNET  detects that
 RSCS  is sending  the  link startup  sequence,  it  will  cause the  TCP
 connection to  be broken.    This will  cause the  VMNETs to  attempt to
 re-establish  the TCP  connection  between them.    The  RSCSs can  then
 re-establish    the   RSCS-to-RSCS    connection    with   the    proper
 synchronization.   This  is the  situation if one  RSCS DRAINs  the RSCS
 connection.  Once the RSCS connection is started again from either RSCS,
 VMNET detects the startup condition and attempts to re-establish the TCP
 and RSCS paths.
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                            V.  VMNET Summary
 VMNET is  a VM service machine  which establishes a TCP  virtual circuit
 with a copy  of itself running on another system.    VMNET receives data
 from RSCS over a  CTC connection and,  through the use  of TCP interface
 calls,  encapsulates the RSCS data  for transmission over the previously
 established virtual  circuit.   The  VMNET receiving  the TCP  data will
 transform the received data  into the form which is written  to the CTC.
 Thus,   VMNET allows  two  unmodified RSCS  systems to  use  TCP as  the
 transport medium.
 Olenick                 VMNET Technical Overview              April 1989
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                 Appendix A.  Format of VMNET Data Areas
 The following are the data area formats  used by VMNET to build the data
 block header, TTB,  and the data block record header,  TTR.   VMNET data
 blocks  are built  by the  sending VMNET  link driver  and contain  data
 records read from the CTC connected to RSCS.   Data blocks are passed to
 the TCP/IP  service machine via  interface calls.   The  receiving VMNET
 link driver receives the data blocks from the TCP/IP service machine and
 writes the data  records to the CTC  for RSCS to process.    The general
 format of the data block is:
                  TTB TTRdata TTRdata TTRdata ... TTREOB
 Data block header (TTB)
 The TTB is a fixed length header which begins each data block created by
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
     |F|U| LN| UNUSE |
      F - Flags, no current values defined.
      U - Unused space, reserved for future expansion.
      LN - Length of data block, binary 16 bit value.   This value is the
      total length of the data block, including the length of the TTB and
      end-of-buffer TTR.
      UNUSE - Unused space, reserved for future use.
 Data block record header (TTR)
 The TTR is  a fixed length header  built by VMNET,  which  precedes each
 record read from RSCS over the CTC.
      0 1 2 3
     |F|U| LN|
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      F - Flags used to pass information about this record.
          x'80' - FASTOPEN flag indicates  this CTC record is  a 'request
          to  open'  which  was  processed by  the  sending  VMNET  as  a
      U - Unused space, reserved for future expansion.
      LN - Length of data record, binary 16 bit value.  This value is the
      length  of the  record read  from the  CTC.   The  length does  NOT
      include the length of  the TTR header.   If the length  in a TTR is
      zero, this is the end-of-block marker.
 VMNET control record format
 A VMNET control record is sent by  VMNET's active open routine after the
 active open is  completed.   VMNET's port handler responds  with a VMNET
 control  record which  indicates the  status  of the  VMNET link.    The
 exchange  of the  VMNET control  records must  take place  as the  first
 exchange of data on the TCP connection after the TCP open is complete.
      0                   1
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
     |     Type      |     RHost     |
     |  RIP  |     OHost     |  OIP  |
      Type - Type of request in EBCDIC  characters,  left justified,  and
      padded with blanks.  Acceptable values are OPEN, ACK, and NAK.
      RHost - Name of host sending the control record,  the same value as
      RSCS  LOCAL  associated with  this  link.    This field  is  ECBDIC
      characters, left justified, and padded with blanks.
      RIP - Hex  value of  IP  address sending  control  record.   As  an
      example, IP address would have a value of x'80700E01'.
      OHost - Name of host expected to receive the control record.   Same
      format as RHost.
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      OIP - Hex  value of  IP  address expected  to  receive the  control
      record.  Same format as RIP.
      R - Reason code in binary, used to return additional information if
      type is NAK.  Valid values are:
          x'01' - no such link could be found.
          x'02' - link found in active state and will be reset.
          x'03' - link found attempting an active open.
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                Appendix B.  Example of a VMNET Data Block
 The following is an actual data block built by VMNET.  Three streams are
 open and transmitting files.
 0 1 2 3   4 5 6 7   8 9 A B   C D E F
 ========  ========  ========  ========
 00001D94  00000000--->VMNET data block header (TTB)
                     000003AD--->VMNET record header (TTR)
                               1002--->Start of RSCS header
                                   89--->RSCS header (BCB)
                                     8F--->RSCS header (FCS)
 CF--->RSCS header (FCS)
   A9--->RSCS header (RCB)
     80--->RSCS header (SRCB)
       FF--->RSCS header (SCB)
           50F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5--->data
 F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5      .
 F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5      .
 F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5      .
       D1  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5--->SCB,data
 F5F5F5F5  F5--->RSCS data
             00--->RSCS end-of-record
               A980  FF50F6F6  F6F6F6F6--->RCB,SRCB,SCB,data
 F6F6F6F6  F6F6F6F6  F6F6F6F6  F6F6F6F6--->data
 F6F6F6F6  F6F6F6F6  F6F6F6F6  F6F6F6F6      .
 F6F6F6F6  F6F6F6F6  F6F6F6F6  F6F6F6F6      .
 F6F6F6F6  F6F6F6F6                          .
                     D1F6F6F6  F6F6F6F6--->SCB,data
 F6F6F6F6  F6F6F6F6  F6F600--->data,EOR
                           A9  80FF50F7--->RCB,SRCB,SCB,data
 F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7---> data
 F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7      .
 F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7      .
 F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7  F7D1F7F7--->data,SCB,data
 F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7  F7F7F700--->data,EOR
 A980FF50  F8F8F8F8  F8F8F8F8  F8F8F8F8--->RCB,SRCB,SCB,data
 F8F8F8F8  F8F8F8F8  F8F8F8F8  F8F8F8F8--->data
 F8F8F8F8  F8F8F8F8  F8F8F8F8  F8F8F8F8      .
 F8F8F8F8  F8F8F8F8  F8F8F8F8  F8F8F8F8      .
 F8F8D1F8  F8F8F8F8  F8F8F8F8  F8F8F8F8--->data,SCB,data
 F8F8F8F8  00A980FF  50F9F9F9  F9F9F9F9--->the
 F9F9F9F9  F9F9F9F9  F9F9F9F9  F9F9F9F9    pattern
 F9F9F9F9  F9F9F9F9  F9F9F9F9  F9F9F9F9    continues
 F9F9F9F9  F9F9F9F9  F9F9F9F9  F9F9F9F9        .
 F9F9F9F9  F9F9F9D1  F9F9F9F9  F9F9F9F9        .
 Olenick                 VMNET Technical Overview              April 1989
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 F9F9F9F9  F9F9F9F9  F900A980  FF50F0F0        .
 F0F0F0F0  F0F0F0F0  F0F0F0F0  F0F0F0F0        .
 F0F0F0F0  F0F0F0F0  F0F0F0F0  F0F0F0F0        .
 F0F0F0F0  F0F0F0F0  F0F0F0F0  F0F0F0F0        .
 F0F0F0F0  F0F0F0F0  F0F0F0F0  D1F0F0F0        .
 F0F0F0F0  F0F0F0F0  F0F0F0F0  F0F000A9        .
 80FF50F1  F1F1F1F1  F1F1F1F1  F1F1F1F1        .
 F1F1F1F1  F1F1F1F1  F1F1F1F1  F1F1F1F1        .
 F1F1F1F1  F1F1F1F1  F1F1F1F1  F1F1F1F1        .
 F1F1F1F1  F1F1F1F1  F1F1F1F1  F1F1F1F1        .
 F1D1F1F1  F1F1F1F1  F1F1F1F1  F1F1F1F1        .
 F1F1F100  A980FF50  F2F2F2F2  F2F2F2F2        .
 F2F2F2F2  F2F2F2F2  F2F2F2F2  F2F2F2F2        .
 F2F2F2F2  F2F2F2F2  F2F2F2F2  F2F2F2F2        .
 F2F2F2F2  F2F2F2F2  F2F2F2F2  F2F2F2F2        .
 F2F2F2F2  F2F2D1F2  F2F2F2F2  F2F2F2F2        .
 F2F2F2F2  F2F2F2F2  00A980FF  50F3F3F3        .
 F3F3F3F3  F3F3F3F3  F3F3F3F3  F3F3F3F3        .
 F3F3F3F3  F3F3F3F3  F3F3F3F3  F3F3F3F3        .
 F3F3F3F3  F3F3F3F3  F3F3F3F3  F3F3F3F3        .
 F3F3F3F3  F3F3F3F3  F3F3F3D1  F3F3F3F3        .
 F3F3F3F3  F3F3F3F3  F3F3F3F3  F300A980        .
 FF50F4F4  F4F4F4F4  F4F4F4F4  F4F4F4F4        .
 F4F4F4F4  F4F4F4F4  F4F4F4F4  F4F4F4F4        .
 F4F4F4F4  F4F4F4F4  F4F4F4F4  F4F4F4F4        .
 F4F4F4F4  F4F4F4F4  F4F4F4F4  F4F4F4F4        .
 D1F4F4F4  F4F4F4F4  F4F4F4F4  F4F4F4F4        .
 F4F400A9  80FF50F5  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5        .
 F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5        .
 F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5        .
 F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5        .
 F5F5F5F5  F5D1F5F5  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5        .
 F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5
                 00  00--->RSCS end-of-buffer
                       000003  AD10028A--->VMNET (TTR),RSCS
 8FCFB980  FF50F5F5  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5    header,data
 --------  RSCS data deleted   --------
 F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5  F5F5F5F5--->data
 0000--->RSCS eob
     0000  03AD1002  8B8FCF99  80FF50F7--->TTR,RSCS header
 F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7--->data
 --------  RSCS data deleted   --------
 F70000--->data,RSCS eob
       00  0003AD10  028C8FCF  A980FF50--->TTR,RSCS header
 F6F6F6F6  F6F6F6F6  F6F6F6F6  F6F6F6F6--->data
 --------  RSCS data deleted   --------
 F6F6F6F6  F6F6F6F6  F6F60000--->data,EOR
 Olenick                 VMNET Technical Overview              April 1989
 BRFC 0002                       BITNETII                         Page 25
 10028D8F  CFB980FF  50F6F6F6  F6F6F6F6--->RSCS header,data
 --------  RSCS data deleted   --------
 F6F6F6F6  F6F6F6F6  F6F6F600  0000--->data,EOR
 AD10028E  8FCF9980  FF50F8F8  F8F8F8F8--->TTR,RSCS header,
 --------  RSCS data deleted   --------    data
 F8F8D1F8  F8F8F8F8  F8F8F8F8  F8F8F8F8--->data
 F8F8F8F8  0000--->data,EOR
               0000  03AD1002  8F8FCFA9--->TTR,RSCS header
 80FF50F7  F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7--->RSCS header,data
 --------  RSCS data deleted   --------
 F7F7F7F7  F70000--->data,EOR
                 00  0003AD10  02808FCF--->TTR,RSCS header
 B980FF50  F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7  F7F7F7F7--->RSCS header,data
 --------  RSCS data deleted   --------
 F7F7F7F7  F7F70000---data,EOF
                     00000000--->TTR (VMNET end-of-block)
 Olenick                 VMNET Technical Overview              April 1989
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    Address of Author:
       Peter A. Olenick
       Office of Computing and Information Technology
       Princeton University
       87 Prospect Avenue
       Princeton, NJ  08544  USA
       BITNET:    Q0239@PUCC
       Telephone:  (609) 452-6024
 Olenick                 VMNET Technical Overview              April 1989