ISOC Nominations Committee Report 4th January 1993 1. Procedures ------------- Six Trustee positions are to be determined in the 1993 elections. Four of these positions are Trustee positions created in 1993, and two positions are the result of the standing down of Trustees Harms and Aiso. Accordingly the Nominations Committee has had as its objective the selection of a minimum of nine and a maximum of twelve selected candidates. The nominations period for selected candidates commenced on 1 November 1992. Two calls for nominations were sent to the ISoc membership list: The first on 1 November, and a second call on November 30. The deadline for nominations was 31 December 1992. In response to an expression of interest each potential candidate was requested to confirm their willingness to stand as a selected candidate and was requested to provide personal details in relation to the published selection criteria (attached) for selected candidates. 2. Selected Candidates ---------------------- The following individuals have been selected by the Nominations Committee as candidates in the 1993 election process. The two letter code indicates the geographic background of the candidate and the third column indicates the generic background of the candidate (R&E: Research and Education, NP: Not for Profit, IND: Industry). Peter Bakonyi HU R&E/NP Xavier Baquero EC IND/NP Scott Bradner US R&E Nevil Brownlee NZ R&E Brian Carpenter EU R&E Susan Estrada US IND Dave Farber US R&E Howard Funk US IND Haruhisa Ishida JP R&E Gary Malkin US R&E Jean Polly US R&E Dave Sincoskie US IND 3. Nominations by Petition -------------------------- This announcement also invites additional nominations by membership petition for candidates for the 1993 Trustee Elections. Additional nominations for candidates in the election may be made by petition, filed with the Chair of the Nominating Committee. Petitions must be filed by 4 March 1993, either by electronic or postal mail. Petitions must include the "signatures" of at least 50 voting members of the Society. An acceptable format of a "signature" is: + the voting member's name, + the Internet Society membership number, and + membership expiration date. The petition message should include the written assent of the individual being nominated through this petition process. Petition candidates can register their intention to gather signatures with the chair of the Nominations Committee. All such candidates will be listed in periodic announcements to ISoc members. There will be three periodic announcements mailed to ISoc members on the 20th January, 1st February and 15th February 1993. Petition candidates can, if they wish, post their position statements to the Nominations Committee, where they will be filed in an anonymous ftp archive for access by Society members. Further details of the petition process are attached to this message. (signed) The Internet Society Nominations Committee: G. Huston (Chair) R. Blokzijl I. Fuchs T. Kalin C. Partridge, H. Tokuda. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTACHMENT A. Nominations Committee Selection Guidelines Candidates for ISOC Trustee should have a demonstrable involvement in the Internet. Such involvement may range from participation as a technology developer, researcher, user, network operator, policy maker (eg in government), sponsor of research and development. ISOC is interested in broadly-based representation on the Board of Trustees and seeks to identify candidates from industry, education and non-profit sectors and from government. The selection criteria will be directed to selecting a broad range of interests, and will include criteria of regional location, current activities, relevant experience and professional background. A minimum of 9 candidates, and up to 12 candidates, will be selected by this committee, using the criteria as outlined above. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTACHMENT B. Summary of the Petition Process - Petitions to include the signatures of a minimum of 50 voting members of the Internet Society - Deadline for filing of petitions 4 March 1993 - Address for filing of petitions by email to: or by fax to: +61 6 249 1369 or by postal mail to: Geoff Huston AARNet GPO Box 1142 Canberra ACT 2601 AUSTRALIA - Petition summary mailed to ISoc members on 20th January, 1st February and 15th February - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTACHMENT C. Petition Summary Posting The following message will be posted to the ISoc membership on the dates noted above, to assist petition candidates to gather the 50 signatures required for Petition candidates: "The ISOC has been notified that petition drives are underway to nominate the following individuals for ISOC Trustees. If you believe that someone on this list should be a candidate for ISOC Trustee, we encourage you to send an e-mail note with your full name, e-mail address and ISOC membership number and membership expiration date to the appropriate e-mail address. This will serve as a signature for the petition. Geoff Huston Chair, ISOC Nominations Committee POTENTIAL PETITION CANDIDATES FOR ISOC TRUSTEE xxxxxx x xxxxx -- candidate's email address <address@domain> -- to access the candidate's statement of position, anonymous ftp to system:directory/file -- to sign the petition, e-mail to <address@domain> xxxxxx x xxxxx -- candidate's email address <address@domain> -- to access the candidate's statement of position, anonymous ftp to system:directory/file -- to sign the petition, e-mail to <address@domain>