Abstracts from files in info-mac/nwt as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### LINK _Application **** #### LINK _Book **** #### LINK _Development **** #### LINK _Game **** #### LINK _Information **** #### LINK _Utility **** #### BINHEX account-info-d07.hqx **** From: mstrittm@stud.ee.ethz.ch Subject: AccountInfo (US):AccountInfo is an extension for the built in Names application (NOS 2.x). You can add account informations to a person or to a company. Please contact me for the english version and for other languages. Freeware! HomePage: http://myweb.vector.ch/dinoware eMail: tilt@dataway.ch (D): AccountInfo erweitert die Kartei des Newtons (NOS 2.x) um die Funktion, Konto Informationen einer Person oder einer Firma anzuf�gen (Bank, Konto, BLZ). Es sind mehrere Eintr�ge m�glich. Freeware! #### DIRECTORY app **** #### BINHEX azerbaijan-for-newton.hqx **** From: Jeff Iverson <j5rson@prairie.lakes.com> Subject: Azerbaijan HTB - Newton Explore Azerbaijan with your Newton Iverson Software Co., is pleased to announce the Azerbaijan HyperTextBook, available immediately for Newton. The latest addition to our large collection of educational reference materials covers many topics related to Azerbaijan including: Aras; Azerbaijan; Baku; Caspian Sea; Caucasia; Caucasus Mountains; Commonwealth of Independent States; Council for Mutual Economic Assistance; Elchibey; European USSR; Iron Curtain; Kasparov; KGB; Kura; New Economic Policy; Rostropovich; Russo-Finnish War; and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Azerbaijan, a republic in the Transcaucasus region of western Asia, is bordered on the north by Russia, on the northwest by Georgia, on the east by the Caspian Sea, on the south by Iran, and on the west by Armenia. Formerly a republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), the republic includes the regions known under the Soviets as the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast and the Nax�ivan (Nakhichevan) Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (ASSR), which is separated from the rest of Azerbaijan by a mountainous strip in Armenia. Baku, a large port city on the Caspian Sea, is the capital and largest city. The product is priced at US$19.00 for a single user license, $49.00 for a classroom/lab license, and $99.00 for a site license. The product is distributed as Shareware, which means that users can try it out before deciding to pay for it. All interested parties can download a copy from our website at http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/business/ebooks.html, or contact us directly at Iverson Software Co., 522 Record St., Mankato MN 56001-2546, 507-625-7355. Jeffrey D. Iverson 507.386.6208 weekdays Iverson Software Co. 507.625.7355 evening/weekend 522 Record St. j5rson@prairie.lakes.com Mankato MN 56001-2546 http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/ #### BINHEX bandwidth-calc.hqx **** From: elwin@bullseye.target.dhc.com Subject: Newton Bandwidth Name: Bandwidth Calculator reqs: Newton NOS 2.0 or higher description The Bandwidth Calculator is just that.. a Bandwidth Calculator.. Please send me an email if you like it, or have any comments. Newton Developers are welcome to the source code as long as they give credit if they use a large chunk of it. Elwin Loomis elwin@dhc.com please email me any comments.. #### BINHEX banzai-reader.hqx **** From: psheldon@utdallas.edu Subject: BanzaiReader - for newton message pads This, my newton freeware package, demonstrating continuous sliding or slider zooming of images from newton press. Install the two enclosed packages. You simply select DemoNp from left diamond (BookPicker) popup menu and 0 or 1 from right diamond (PicturePicker) popup, then drag the image around or use slider in lower-right-hand corner to zoom about last penned point. I've included crosshairs to show you the last pen position where the zoom is about. This helps the eye keep track of where you are in the image of a map or a book page. I recalled once, Next machines had advertised such a finder feature based on its powerful processor. When you dragged your window objects, you didn't merely see an outline but the whole object moving. With pages of a special sort of newton press book comprised only of pictures and the help of Steve Weyer's newt compiler and newton's NTK, I've figured out how to continuously slide and zoom, on the newton (so far tested on mp2000 and mp130 and very fast on both). In particular, I have enclosed a sample file (DemoNP) with a picture of a map page from http://superpages.gte.net on the internet and a typeset page from Los Alamos scientific bulletin board also on the internet. This allows one to feel like the huge page is just under the screen to slide about. Cross hairs at the pen let you see your place marked as you slide it, so you effectively have a huge virtual screen to read from on a pocket computer. The newton can simulate such large virtual screens fast! A whole lot can fit in your pocket! Soon, my newton gps talking-map program will soon will be able to do this. May you live ten thousand years, Newton, and of course Apple! #### BINHEX banzai-slider.hqx **** From: psheldon@utdallas.edu Subject: BanzaiSlider This version has more of the feel of sliding the maps as if they were huge virtual screens that you could zoom in and out of under the newton window (see BanzaiReader). Another new feature, unlimited zoomout with newton press pict books. Compatible with Garmin II and III (set at 4800 baud and with NMEA sentence filter) as well as Scoutmaster GPS (just set Scoutmaster's baudrate at 4800). Rich Drinkard, a beta tester, made some suggestions on activity sounds and map display and so that is improved. He also requested the unlimited zoomout. Evidentally his 28meg flashcard on a mp2100 could hold a very large map to find his way around. I believe we are going to see bigger than 4 meg flashcards officially supported by apple on the mp2100. Rich Drinkard reported me experiments that tripmate does speak NMEA sentences! So, I shall be working on a version for it! I am working on a mp100 Garmin II III and Scoutmaster version with limited features. Notice also the correction in spelling. This is embarrassing and in no way was intended as insulting. But, anyone with Japanese bilingual experience would pronounce Bonzai as "bone sigh" which would hardly get across the feeling of "Live 10,000 years" battle cry or "hip hip hooray". Thanks for avoiding this embarrassment are due Jimmie Jenkins with 20 years experience learning the Japanese language. Also, thanks are due to David Fiedler and Paul S. Hetrick who wished me luck dispite correcting my bad spelling first. I stand a Bonzai, duly pruned and thank my senseis. With Steve Weyer's newt and some helpful correspondence, I have been developing a newton gps navigator program for some years while doing a Ph.D. in theoretical physics with intensive background in differential geometry and carrying on international correspondence. Thanks are due this sensei, too. "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai in the 8th Dimension" movie inspired the name for my newton gps navigator program. I wanted a distinctive name that people would remember and I really loved and recommend that wonderful crazy video. Who can forget his gallant and wonderful remark when the crowd insulted his to be genius girlfriend : "Hey, don't be mean. Remember, no matter where you go, there you are!" I'd like people to think of that uplifting phrase when they use my gps program to go somewhere! The introduction to the movie spoke of his oriental background and capacity to go in many directions at the same time (he was a neural surgeon, rock star and race car driver and perhaps more that I can't remember). Well, if you pay the $15 dollar share ware fee, you will find out how you too can do "like Buckaroo Banzai" did, go in many directions or routes to be found on menus with my menu search engines. You will, with these routes, be able to adjust your speed to get an estimated time of arrival, "to aim your car in time as well". This is useful for actual racers and also for those of us who need to know how few minutes we actually save by driving recklessly! But, hey, something other than my program has to make "contact" and receive "those signals from outer space", the locator signals from our gps satellites. All gps programs need to be connected to such receivers. Garmin has cheap $130 gps receiver with serial and NMEA sentence output for the newton. I use a trimble scoutmaster gps, not so cheap but "way cool". They got me to understanding this stuff years ago, before other people had serial cables. I've got some urls from tidbits and perhaps some of you know of even cheaper gps receivers that will communicate with a newton. If you are thinking of buying tripmate for $125 upgrade price, think again, you might be tempted, in addition, to buy a Hooper for its internal cd. You can't fit a Hooper in your pocket when you leave your car and don't want your car broken into. GPSy (http://www.gpsy.com/) makes cables (I've made my own, but its a bear for me to figure). You will need instructions from me to use my program and instructions are an ongoing pruning process like people do with those Bonzai trees. The more people I help the better I get at instructing. For example, you will be able to use maps put in newton press books. You will learn how to make coordinate systems from Street Atlas USA 3.0 and 4.0 and set them in most recent street map versions from lycos or mapquest. Coordinate systems? Aren't they for people who do general relativity and aspire to go about in the 8th dimension? Hey, your imagination alone limits your usefulness and "Don't be mean...". Coordinate systems here associate latlons with points on the map pictures, it doesn't take a differential geometer or a Ph.D. in theoretical physics to use these things (only my instructions). In the words of Mr. John Bignewteye (thanks to Steve Deyo's wit), "Laugha while you can monkey boy!" And for only $5 more, you will also get automated route parsers that will tell your newton not only in what directions you will get where Buckaroo might have wanted to go, but also predict when you will achieve the milestone of getting there. My parsing experience started with mac programs dealing with pictures and sound going to the newton (free ware I submitted to the infomac archives). Now, with NTK (Newton Inc.'s Newton Tool Kit), I have continued making parsers on the newton. And Banzai will get you there by ------------talking------------- to you. I will put in some, as yet primitive, speech files, so you won't have to stare at the map while you drive. If you don't want to go with the parsers yet, I will merely send instructions on how to build files for Banzai and how to get the newton program slurpee. With slurpee, my free ware mac parsers alone (search my name at our web site for precise and easy spelling of the download links), you will be able to fill those empty menus you see on the current download. These menus that you put in are the places you want to go, the maps you put in, and the routes you have entered for yourself. Newton press is dynamite, don't miss it! mp2100 will have included a greyscale version. Banzai is going to have more advanced versions. For example, my menus of routes, maps, and places to go are getting so long that I have started to put in search engines to find things on the menus. When you get on Buckaroo's winning team, you too will be able to aim your car in time. You will be able to adjust your speed to get an estimated time of arrival. If you don't want to do this, at least rent the video, "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai in the 8th Dimension" and start to get the spirit. ;-) #### DIRECTORY book **** #### BINHEX boom-hauer-sayings.hqx **** From: Patrick Berry, pberry@best.com Subject: Newton book A Newton book that contains numerous saying from Boomhauer, a character on the television show King of the Hill. Complete and utter freeware. Patrick Berry pberry@ecst.csuchico.edu pberry@node8.com #### BINHEX cary-draw-31.hqx **** From: brian_pang@disinfo.com Subject: Cary Draw 3.1 Cary Draw 3.1 - is a simple application not unlike those toys where you put a mustache and a beard on a face with iron filings. However, instead of just a face and iron filings, Cary Draw features my friend Cary's face on your Newton. #### BINHEX carydraw-22.hqx **** From: brian_pang@disinfo.com Subject: Cary Draw Cary Draw 2.2 - is a great way to see how my friend Cary would look in a variety of ways. #### BINHEX clex-201b.hqx **** From: Joseph Chen <joseph@nats.informatik.uni-hamburg.de> Subject: CLex 2.0.1b -- A dictionary engine CLex is a multilingual dictionary/spelling check engine for Macintosh. With CLex you can lookup a word from within any application by pressing Command-ENTER or click at a button of the floating window. The spelling can be checked as you type. That is, you have a single spelling check program no matter you are writing in a word processor or chatting on-line. The floating window is accessible everywhere and lets you turn on/off auto-spelling check and have access to a notebook. You can have more than one spelling dictionaries installed and can arrage the order of them by drag & drop within the list of installed dictionaries. You may also turn on or off a particular dictionary by setting up a spell-check configuration. This is useful if you have to write (or chat) in different language or in different context. A statistical pre-processing can be introduced to 'guess' a most propabable dictionary against which the word should be checked. CLex also supports the basic commands of network dictionary protocal DICT (RFC 2229), so you have access to many freely available dictionaries on the Internet as well. You need Power Mac to use CLex. CLex is a $29 shareware. #### BINHEX clex-20b.hqx **** From: Joseph Chen <joseph@nats.informatik.uni-hamburg.de> Subject: CLex 2.0.0b uploaded to macgifts@info-mac.org. Hi, CLex for Mac is a multilingual dictionary/spelling check engine for Macintosh. With CLex you can lookup a word from within any application by pressing Command-ENTER or click at a button of the floating window. The spelling can be checked as you type. That is, you have a single spelling check program no matter you are writing in a word processor or chatting on-line. The floating window is accessible everywhere and lets you turn on/off auto-spelling check and have access to a notebook. You can have more than one spelling dictionaries installed and can arrage the order of them by drag & drop within the list of installed dictionaries. You may also turn on or off a particular dictionary by setting up a spell-check configuration. This is useful if you have to write (or chat) in different language or in different context. A statistical pre-processing can be introduced to 'guess' a most propabable dictionary against which the word should be checked. CLex also supports the basic commands of network dictionary protocal DICT (RFC 2229), so you have access to many freely available dictionaries on the Internet as well. A Latin-English definition dictionary, several English and a German spelling dictionaries are included in this package. You need Power Mac to use CLex. CLex is a shareware.CLex can be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. #### DIRECTORY dev **** #### BINHEX director.hqx **** From: bpatin@edge.net Subject: Director Director is a Newton MP2000 application that allows the user to store sets of directions to various destinations. When a direction set is recalled, it can then be displayed in 36-point type on the Newton screen, one step at a time; stepping through the directions is accomplished using large finger-sized buttons. Director allows an unlimited number of Destinations, each of which can have any number of Direction Steps. This demo version of Director allows retrieval of 3 Destinations and is shareware from Summit Productions. More information can be found at Summit's web site at <http://edge.edge.net/~bpatin/newton.html>. Bob Patin bpatin@edge.net Web: http://edge.edge.net/~bpatin #### BINHEX downtown-map-10.hqx **** From: amnc@bigfoot.com Subject: Downtown Map 1.0 Downtown Map is a Newton Book made with Newton Press 1.1. It is a detailed map of central city area of Singapore. System Requirements *Newton MessagePad 2000, 2100 or e-Mate *Newton OS 2.0 or later (only tested on 2.1, though) *750kB of Memory Space *4bit (16 grays) display in portrait mode For more information, please read the Read Me file attached or visit my web site: http://home1.pacific.net.sg/~h_takagi/english/original.html. Thank you and Regards, Hiroshi Takagi Asian Mac & Newton Connection http://home1.pacific.net.sg/~h_takagi #### BINHEX drip-calc-10b.hqx **** From: ads5@columbia.edu Subject: DripCalc DripCalc - is a small (11k installed) calculator for figuring IV medication doses for 16 common ICU drugs. Useful for anyone who spends a lot of time with ICU patients. For example, if your patient is on dobutamine at 4 cc/hr mixed as 1gm/250 cc and weighs 80 kg, DripCalc can tell you that represents 3.33 mcg/kg/min. It knows which drugs are measured in 'per kilo', and gives ranges and loading doses. DripCalc has been tested for accuracy but is still in beta form -- read the accompanying file for more information. Comments and bug reports are appreciated. Freeware by Alan Simon (ads5@columbia.edu). #### BINHEX drugs-generic-pkg.hqx **** From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com Subject: Generic Drug Info for Newton May 17, 1997 -- Mankato MN -- For Immediate Release Iverson Software Co., of Mankato, MN, is pleased to announce Release 1 of the NewtonBook of Generic Drugs. The new NewtonBook contains over 300 generic drugs, and lists their manufacturer, tradename, treatment class and indication (reason for usage). It is available as Shareware $10.00 US, and can be found on Iverson Software's website at http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/business/ebooks.html. Jeffrey D. Iverson 507.386.6208 weekdays Iverson Software Co. 507.625.7355 evening/weekend 21 Devonshire Pl. j5rson@prairie.lakes.com Mankato MN 56001-4984 http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/ #### BINHEX ecdict.hqx **** From: joseph@nats.informatik.uni-hamburg.de Subject: Newton English-Chinese Dictionary ECDict is a English-Chinese dictionary module for CLex. You will be needing: A Newton with NOS2.0 or later. At least a set of Chinese font in unicode format. CLex dictionary engine. CLex is a shareware multilingual dictionary engine. Notably it supports Chinese/Japanese and other script systems. There is a built-in memo so that you can put a new word in the memo for your later peruse. You can also look up a word online by selecting the word or simply place the caret under the word you want to look up. A TapBar button is also included so that you can have access to CLex almost everywhere at any time. You can get the engine on my homepage or from Info-Mac. Enjoy! Joseph Chen #### BINHEX far-61.hqx **** From: aps@ieee.org Subject: FAR Part 61 Newton book - FAR61.sea.hqx Enclosed in the file is a book for Apple Newtons, that contains Part 61 (Certification: Pilots, Flight Instructors and Ground Instructors) of the U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR PART 61) and is current through Amendment 61-103 as published in the Federal Register on 7/30/97. There is a rather complete table of contents included. Some expired special FAR's (SFAR) have not been included. The packages uses 340kb on the Newton and can be downloaded from a Mac to a Newton using any of the available package installers. (However, the package file is about 768MB on the Mac!) This Newton book was created using Newton Press 1.0. As such, the book doesn't scale to the larger display sizes of some Newtons (MP2000, etc.); lobby Apple to come out with a newer version that does! This package is freeware, and I disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including those of merchantability and FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. WHEN IN DOUBT, ALWAYS CHECK WITH A CFI. Feel free to send problem reports or comments to aps@ieee.org. Please feel free to include this package (with this note) on any CD-ROM publication. Armando Stettner Simsbury, Connecticut, USA #### BINHEX far-91.hqx **** From: aps@ieee.org Subject: FAR Part 91 Newton book - FAR91.sea.hqx Enclosed in the file is a book for Apple Newtons, that contains Part 91 (General Operating and Flight Rules) of the U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR PART 91) and is current through Amendment 91-254 as published in the Federal Register on 4/9/97. There is a rather complete table of contents included. Some expired special FAR's (SFAR) have not been included. The packages uses 480kb on the Newton and can be downloaded from a Mac to a Newton using any of the available package installers. (However, the package file is about 1MB on the Mac!) This is my first NewtonBook (and first share/freeware submission!), created using Newton Press 1.0. As such, the book doesn't scale to the larger display sizes of some Newtons (MP2000, etc.); lobby Apple to come out with a newer version that does! This package is freeware, and I disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including those of merchantability and FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. WHEN IN DOUBT, ALWAYS CHECK WITH A CFI. Feel free to send problem reports or comments to aps@ieee.org. Please feel free to include this package (with this note) on any CD-ROM publication. Armando Stettner Simsbury, Connecticut, USA #### BINHEX formig-3.hqx **** From: LERomero@cmaster.com Subject: Newton Book Attached you will find an updated Newton Book of the Forward Migration stories found on Maccentral's website. Included are 10 new stories which include a couple of stories from Singapore and detailed Mac software offerings for dental, general medical and chiropractic offices. This Newton Book is specific to the small screen format Newtons. Steven Romero, Editor The Worm's View A publication of Apple Squires of the Ozarks #### BINHEX formig2.hqx **** From: LERomero@cmaster.com Subject: ForMig2.pkg This newton book has all the Forward Migration files from MacCentral's website as of July 6, 1998. Please send any additions or bug reports to leromero@cmaster.com Steven Romero, Editor The Worm's View A publication of Apple Squires of the Ozarks #### DIRECTORY game **** #### BINHEX gun-ct.hqx **** From: aps@ieee.org Subject: Connecticut Firearms laws Newton book - GUN_CT.sea.hqx Enclosed in the file is a book for Apple Newtons, that contains firearms laws for the State of Connecticut, downloaded from the State's web site, September, 1997. There is a rather complete table of contents included. The packages uses 104kb on the Newton and can be downloaded from a Mac to a Newton using any of the available package installers. (However, the package file is about 240kb on the Mac!) This Newton book was created using Newton Press 1.0. As such, the book doesn't scale to the larger display sizes of some Newtons (MP2000, etc.); lobby Apple to come out with a newer version that does! This package is freeware, and I disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including those of merchantability and FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. WHEN IN DOUBT, ALWAYS CHECK WITH A LAWYER OR KNOWLEDGEABLE STATE LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. Feel free to send problem reports or comments to aps@ieee.org. Please feel free to include this package (with this note) on any CD-ROM publication. Armando Stettner Simsbury, Connecticut, USA #### DIRECTORY info **** #### BINHEX jd-dict.hqx **** From: joseph@nats.informatik.uni-hamburg.de Subject: Newton Japanese-German Dictionary JDDict is a Japanese-German dictionary module for CLex. I ported the freely available data to Newton. The dictionary is a Romaji indexed Japanese-German dictionary. You should follow the usual Hepburn transcription to look up Japanese words. The only exception is that the long vowel is retained with corresponding 'a','u', and 'o'. WHAT YOU NEED A Newton with NOS2.0 or later. At least a set of Japanese/Chinese font in unicode format. You can find one on my homepage or on Info-Mac -- Freeware.) CLex dictionary engine. CLex is a shareware multilingual dictionary engine. Notably it supports Chinese/Japanese and other script systems. There is a built-in memo so that you can put a new word in the memo for your later peruse. You can also look up a word online by selecting the word or simply place the caret under the word you want to look up. A TapBar button is also included so that you can have access to CLex almost everywhere at any time. You can get the engine on my homepage or from Info-Mac. Enjoy!! Joseph Chen #### BINHEX jupiters-moons-10.hqx **** From: jluszcz@best.com Subject: Jupiter's Moons 1.0 Jupiter's Moons 1.0 - is a Newton program that allows you to view the configuration of the four largest moons of Jupiter. Jupiters Moons provides you a view as if you were looking through binoculars or a telescope at the planet Jupiter. You are able to input a date and time and Jupiter�s Moons will show you how the moons would look at that time. Jupiters Moons is email-ware. If you download this program and find it useful or interesting, send me some email and tell me. Jupiter�s Moons is for Newton OS 2.0 or higher. #### BINHEX kailunggh.hqx **** From: obrien@leonardo.net Subject: Newton Book of Kai Lung's Golden Hours This is a Newton book of _Kai Lung's Golden Hours_, by Ernest Bramah. The original text was taken from Project Gutenberg and the Project Gutenberg boilerplate text is still present in this book. This is a classic work, first published in the 1920's, and was wildly popular back then, although it is almost entirely forgotten today. It resembles a work of fantasy, as it takes place in a classical China that never was, but is also a work of biting social satire. Best of all, it's funny as a stick. Mike O'Brien #### BINHEX leftheart.hqx **** From: psheldon@utdallas.edu Subject: LeftHeart (newton ap sings newton message pad's lament) For those of you with macintalk on newton who really like to think different : Now your newton sing you its lament. I changed the words of "I left my heart in San Francisco" to a slightly different set of thoughts : "I left my heart in Cupertino, at three meters it beams to me. To be where little message pads, get more think different ads The stock market may well beware I don't care. My love's on hold in Cupertino, above big blue, it aims to be. When engineers come home to Cupertino, new Sun-Java workstations will shine for me." Remember a sense of humor can get you a perspective on what seems the darkest of times. As developers the world wide learn to adapt to new operating systems and languages and learn to think even more differently, sometimes it is nice to hear their computers singing anyway. Maybe I'll even figure out how to make singing asynchronous so you can get your newton to do stuff while it sings. ;-) #### BINHEX metros.hqx **** From: jphriviere@dns.guetali.fr Subject: Logiciels Metro Hello, Here's Update softwares for Newton. Jean-Philippe RIVIERE Tel/Fax : 02 62 44 93 22 (Reunion - FRANCE) web : http://www.guetali.fr Homepage : http://www.guetali.fr/home/jphriviere E-mail : jphriviere@guetali.fr JPh_Riviere@FirstLine.techlink.fr #### BINHEX name-printer-14.hqx **** From: normd@promail.com (Norm D'Allura & Sharon Sensabaugh) Subject: NamePrinter 1.4 NamePrinter is a Newton package that creates an address book listing or address labels from your Names soup. Output can be formatted in 1, 2, or 3 columns using a choice of several fonts and font sizes. Margins are adjustable. NamePrinter can print all names or just the names in a folder. Both US/UK and Continental Europe style postal code formats are supported. Version 1.4 is considerably more robust than previous versions. Newton 2.0 OS only. This upload contains the Register program. #### BINHEX name-printer.hqx **** From: normd@promail.com Subject: NamePrinter 1.4a NamePrinter is a Newton package that creates an address book listing or address labels from your Names soup. Output can be formatted in 1, 2, or 3 columns using a choice of several fonts and font sizes. Margins are adjustable. NamePrinter can print all names or just the names in a folder. Both US/UK and Continental Europe style postal code formats are supported. Newton 2.0 and above OS only. Version 1.4a is a change in the registration procedure and read-me files only; no Newton code has been changed. #### BINHEX names.hqx **** From: kerim.friedman@ibm.net Subject: names - a filemaker pro database for the newton Names is a filemaker pro databse for use with the Newton MessagePad. It is Free. This is a FREEWARE FilemakerPro Database for use with the Newton MessagePad. Specifically, if you have X-Port you can export a complete copy of your NAMES file (including MoreInfo/PowerNames data) to your desktop and then import it into this DB. Please feel free to modify and improve this DB, or do whatever else you like with it. It is my hope that someone will be motivated to improve it enough that there will finally be a decent way to store ALL your Newton Names file data on a desktop computer. Feel free to contact me (although I probably won't be able to answer any technical questions) at: <kerim.friedman@ibm.net>. P. Kerim Friedman 8/2/98 #### BINHEX newt-jared-nos-20.hqx **** From: elwin@bullseye.target.dhc.com Subject: NewtJared for NOS2.0 Attached is a stuffit archive of a Newton Program NewtJared NOS: 2.0 or higher Description NewtJared is a newton version of a macintosh program called Jared from FreeVerse Software. The macintosh version has been on the top of many shareware lists.. If you like Jared for the macintosh you can now carry him with you on the Newton. The Newton Port is by: Elwin Loomis elwin@dhc.com please email me any comments.. You should note that this package is over 300k and has been tested on a Message Pad 120, and a MessagePad 2000 running NOS 2.0 This is a description of Jared for the Macintosh by FreeVerse. (and applies to the Newton port as well) I should also say that Freeverse is in no way responsible (or liable) for the Newton Version. I have mearly ported Jared to the Newton, and I am in no way affiliated with Freeverse. Newton Jared is Freeware.. and if distributed must contain this readme file. #### BINHEX newton-aviator-11-demo.hqx **** From: newtonaviator@pobox.com Subject: Newton Aviator 1.1 Demo Newton Aviator 1.1 Demo - Flight planning for pilots, including weight and balance, great circle routes, density altitude, zulu time, etc. This is a demo version of Newton Aviator 1.1. It has all the features of the Newton Aviator 1.1 product, but it will expire 30 days after installing on your Newton. Newton Aviator is a flight-planning package for general aviation pilots. It includes a database of all U.S. (and many non-U.S.) public-use airports, and calculates great circle routes, wind triangles, weight and balance, density altitude, zulu time, etc. The enclosed user's guide provides complete details. If you like the demo and wish to order the full product version, please see our web site (http://www.pobox.com/~newtonaviator), or contact us directly. #### BINHEX newton-speech-dance-drill.hqx **** From: "Paul M. Sheldon" <psheldon@flash.net> Subject: Newton Dances with SONY? I believe that SONY at one time was worried about Apple computers playing their games. Here is a new speech synthesis instructive dance game that SONY (at least a new sort of "hearing aid") can play with Newton. If you are interested and already have Newton speech synthesis, check out my freeware and its idea. My "Dance" is a newton program that tells dance moves with or without coaching on how to do them. It plays the step list in random sequences so that you can learn to firm up your lead. The strongest most painful way to learn lead is to not have the woman hear what the move is your Newton says to you. She has no way of knowing except through your lead (unless you cheat and tell her what Newton said) what move is coming next. You will make mistakes, it will be embarrassing, with a kind partner you will learn. You may practice a subset of the full steplist and work up to the full steplist challenge. A dance partner might prefer to practice this "silent treatment" in private lest they associate the Newton program with public embarrassment. It can be learned! My partner and I have and we aren't afraid to use the Newton in public together. In the private partnering environment, the woman can more graciously suggest how the man's lead could be made less confusing, so that the man can learn the lead without an impartial arbiter. This is frightening at first outside the normal dance instruction context with the teacher superior and no such discussion allowed as disruptive to the rest of the class. This new context of discussion of dance with a partner is very very interesting to me. So, for best results, practice privately and make a hearing aide arrangement I have made. It is cumbersome and I wish SONY would make a spread spectrum connection to a wireless ear "dancing hearing aide". For my "el cheapo version", you can use a radio shack phone pickup and (use a candle, two mending braces, c clamps) bent piece of lexan to suction pickup onto near Newton speaker and run a earphone wire inside your shirt to your ear. The dance notes might be exceptionally meaningful only to me as I own the project and can constantly revise them. I am not out to teach you dancing, but rather the idea of my Dance package. When you get the idea, you might make it come alive with improvements. Maybe one of you will make a more fascile interface. Maybe someone will invent a forarm Newton holster so all screen buttons are readily accessible and it will be more "quick on the draw". Right now I have a side holster and ready access only to the on/off button. When a dance begins, I must take the newton out and choose the dance type while the nervous dance instructor complains I should get on with dancing. #### BINHEX newtscape-15.hqx **** From: sweyer@bellatlantic.net Subject: Newt's Cape 1.5 (browse web, create books) Newt's Cape 1.5 (21 Jan 98): creates Newton books with text, graphics, hypertext links, tables and embedded forms from HTML (HyperText Markup Language) documents from the web (via NIE) or in your Notepad, Inbox or over a serial connection. Keywords: web browser, books, HTML, forms, NewtonScript. Recent Highlights: - user interface reorganized: Newt's Cape now appears as a 2-line (expandable) floating panel over the book control bar - "scale to fit" option for graphics; other preferences added - customize fonts for FORM objects - animated GIFs; embed custom NewtonScript form objects - tested/fixed for NIE 2.0 - improved compatiblity with other utilities - many bug fixes, improvements in file transfer, status reporting, tag parsing, book display - Japanese, German and Chinese versions available (see newtscape.htm for complete list) Newt's Cape, along with associated documents and tools, is shareware ($35) -- registered users receive additional documentation, examples, tools and support. Steve Weyer: weyer@kagi.com http://members.bellatlantic.net/~sweyer/newton/newtscape.htm #### BINHEX newtscape-books-15.hqx **** From: sweyer@bellatlantic.net Subject: Newt's Cape 1.5 docs as books [newtscape-15-books.sit.hqx] The archive for Newt's Cape 1.5 (newtscape-15.sit.hqx) contains the Newton applications and documentation in HTML format. This file (newtscape-books-15.sit.hqx) contains just the documentation in Newton book format (created by Newt's Cape). Steve Weyer: weyer@kagi.com http://members.bellatlantic.net/~sweyer/newton/newtscape.htm #### BINHEX pict-doubler.hqx **** From: psheldon@utdallas.edu Subject: PictDoubler (pdf files to save the newton) More freeware to "save the newton". This can prepare high res typeset pict files for my BanzaiReader on newton, in particular pdf files. Select Print2Pict in chooser and printout your typeset document. Click on this application and the pictframes of print2pict output pict files will double in size in new files with oldfilename plus ".picdbl" suffix. Then you can drag these new pict files into newton press to rasterize at double resolution. This doubling is a good rule to observe without the jaggies on the newton. I had to do some elaborate stuff with clarisdraw to prepare picts before. Jennifer Deason had inspired this : the main thing I was wondering is if you have given any thought to developing a .PDF viewer? I have contacted adobe about possible Newton projects, and they said they have no current plans to support the Newton. I recieve a lot of .PDF files and skip/browse then because they are troublesome to read on my Mac. But if I could read .PDFs on my Newton I have plenty of time during my morning commute to thoughly read them. Have you contacted Adobe or considered this anvenue of development? #### BINHEX private-access.hqx **** From: bpatin@edge.net Subject: privateaccess Private Access is a Newton MP2000 application that is used for storing sensitive information on the Newton. Users can store any number of entries, each of which is fully encrypted and protected by a passcode; the passcode can be any of over 10 million different numbers. Private Access works in either portrait or landscape mode on the MP 2000 and uses a simple interface. Data encryption is automatic and transparent to the user, and prevents unauthorized persons from viewing data using a soup viewer. This fully functional demo version allows retrieval of 3 data entries and is shareware from Summit Productions. ---------------- Behind every big man is a big behind. --Anonymous ---------------- Bob Patin bpatin@edge.net Web: http://edge.edge.net/~bpatin #### BINHEX protore-size-box.hqx **** From: cft1@pop.pitt.edu Subject: Newton - protoResizeBox ResizeBox ET 1.0 by E. Jeremy Tira-Thompson 663 Mount Hope Rd South Fork, PA 15956 cft1@pop.pitt.edu http://www.pitt.edu/~cft1/Jeremy/Jeremy.html This is a NewtonScript proto that allows programmers an easy way to create views that can be intuitively resized by the user. I have included a sample package which uses several resize boxes in different ways. In this way, you can easily see how the protoResizeBox feels & reacts with different settings, and the different design issues to be considered. (clipping problems in particular - a good scrolling setup would usually be an ideal solution) The demo program is a simple little thing that allows you to add polygons to a main view & then move them around. The views include a protoResizeBox, and some have multiple protoResizeBoxes. This shows how the different justifications of the protoResizeBox change its behavior. [... clip ...] Requirements: Any 2.0 Newton system should be capable of running the demo package, and protoResizeBox may be capable of running on older systems with some modification. I want to move on to other projects. Disclaimer: It's not my fault if anything goes wrong! Tell me about it though, I will try to keep it from happening again. I hereby release this proto as freeware. As long as I get due credit for the proto, I will be happy. Please inform me of inclusion on any CDs or other mass distribution. #### BINHEX restart.hqx **** From: (Brant Sears) searsbe@SLUVCA.SLU.EDU Subject: Restart Restart is a Newton 2.0 only utility. True to its name, it simply puts an icon in the extras drawer that you can tap to restart the newton and attempts to use few resources. It saves you having to open the back cover. It runs on 2.0 only. Restart is freeware, but copyright 1996 by Brant Sears. -- Brant Sears http://www.he.net/~searsbe #### BINHEX romanian-fonts.hqx **** From: case.42@osu.edu Subject: Romanian fonts for Newton Hi Info-Mac. Attached are three Romanian fonts for Newton 2.1 (times, helvetica, courier), converted with permission by the author of Romanian fonts for Mac by Paul Hodor. File scanned with Norton AntiVirus for Mac 5.0.2. Thanks, Beau. Beau David Case, Assistant Professor and Librarian for Europe and Linguistics Ohio State University Libraries 1858 Neil Avenue Mall Columbus, OH 43210 USA tel. 614-292-2594 fax 614-292-1918 http://www.lib.ohio-state.edu/claweb #### BINHEX rtbk-10.hqx **** From: sweyer@bellatlantic.net Subject: Route Book 1.0 (.sit.hqx) Route Book 1.0 (23 Mar 98): a 2.1-only (i.e., MP2K, MP2100, eMate) extension that adds "text routing" capability to help and regular Newton books. The text routing menu may include: Beam, Mail, Speak Text (if Macintalk is installed). Keywords: Newton books, routing, beam, email, Macintalk Route Book is freeware, and may be distributed freely as long as all of the files are included and unmodified. Steve Weyer: weyer@kagi.com AOL/CIS: SteveWeyer http://members.bellatlantic.net/~sweyer/newton/newtscape.htm Steve weyer@kagi.com NewtDevEnv, Newt's Cape, Sloup, Crypto,... http://members.bellatlantic.net/~sweyer/newton/index.htm http://www.kagi.com/authors/weyer/ http://www.gaia.com/ #### BINHEX singapore-map-11.hqx **** From: h_takagi@pacific.net.sg Subject: Singapore Map 1.1 Singapore Map is a Newton Book made with Newton Press 1.1. It is a map of overall Singapore. System Requirements *Newton MessagePad 2000, 2100 or e-Mate *Newton OS 2.0 or later (only tested on 2.1, though) *1.2MB of Memory Space *4bit (16 grays) display in portrait mode For more information, please read the Read Me file attached or visit my web site: http://home1.pacific.net.sg/~h_takagi/english/original.html. Thank you and Regards, Hiroshi Takagi Asian Mac & Newton Connection http://home1.pacific.net.sg/~h_takagi #### BINHEX street-finder-101.hqx **** From: ads5@columbia.edu Subject: StreetFinder 1.01 StreetFinder 1.01 - is a 6K package which implements the Manhattan Address Locator algorithm found in the NYNEX Yellow Pages. Given an avenue name and a building number in Manhattan, StreetFinder will tell you the nearest cross-street. It also does a similar thing for addresses on side-streets: it can tell you (roughly) the nearest avenue. Freeware. by Alan Simon (ads5@columbia.edu). #### BINHEX trainspotting-glossary.hqx **** From: pberry@ecst.csuchico.edu Subject: Trainspotting Glossary Newton Book "If everyone were to conver to Shinto tomorrow, I would start ridiculing that instead. Hope fully that doesn't happen, because there is a wealth of comedy inherent in Christianity." - George Wambaugh #### BINHEX unitaipei-x.hqx **** From: joseph@nats.informatik.uni-hamburg.de Subject: Newton UniTaipei Chinese-Japanese font UniTaipeiX is a port of free X-Window fonts to Newton platform. UniTaipeiX patches Newton's system font so that you can read and write Chinese and Japanese if you have the proper input methods installed. Also included in UniTaipeiX is a set of Cyrillic alphabets. In the Unicode envronment on Newton, you can mix West European languages with Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Bulgarian.... as you wish. Freeware. Enjoy -- Joseph C.H. Chen Computer Science Department, University of Hamburg http://nats-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~joseph/ +49-40-5494-2523 (O) +49-40-2517827-1 (H) PGP Public Key: http://nats-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~joseph/joseph.pgp.asc #### BINHEX unitaipeix-font.hqx **** From: joseph@nats.informatik.uni-hamburg.de Subject: Newton Japanese/Chinese Font UniTaipeiX is a port of freeware X Window fonts to Newton platform. This font include all the Big-5 characters (well, I hope) and all characters in JISX0208.1983 and Cyrillic characters. The fonts are down-sampled to 12 point, so that it can be kept as small as possible. UniTaipeiX patches the system font so that (hopefully) you can also use other languages in the built-in applications. Several bugs were fixed, please replace the old UniTapeiX font. UniTaipeiX is freeware, enjoy! -- Joseph C.H. Chen #### DIRECTORY util **** #### BINHEX white-house-rebuttal.hqx **** From: psheldon@utdallas.edu Subject: Newton's inappropriate relationship "NewtMacarenatalk" Can a Newton say "One True Thing"? Yes, for those of you who have Apple's unreleased macintalk on it (I am not authorized to release it here). ------------ Inform yourselves by hearing your Newton recite a balancing White House statement claiming the ic's abuse of power. ------------ I have downloaded the White House rebuttal of the Kennith Star IC report. Using macintalk on my macintosh, I was able to get through all the legalese while doing morning ablutions, to try to get a fair idea of what is going on rather than just run frightened and hiding with the herd. Using Jon Wind's add/strip, I've taken the White House rebuttal and removed linefeeds within paragraphs to make the soft word wrapped specification of a macintosh paragraph. I indented each paragraph, as well. As far as I know, elsewise it is verbatim. I've translated it to a newton paperback book, an idea invented by David Fedor. My application requires an ad for crypto which I chose to have the paperback run code on it. This is in memory of the director of Hudson (think tank) Institute who wrote in some singles magazine in the 60's that a crucial bullwark of American individuality was ------- privacy. I do this because I would hope that our future leaders would dare to be individuals with not merely a public facade. I've enclosed a newton freeware application I made which will read paperback books. My application will backtrack paragraphs, read paragraphs at a time, and read the whole thing. It also has a button to save your place where last you had it read to you. The button to read a paragraph is very big, so you can listen to it in the dark, perhaps under the stars to put all rants in the cosmic perspective of "One True Thing" ... . #### BINHEX write-ware-catalog-96-book.hqx **** From: dalford@pobox.com (David B. Alford) Subject: WriteWare Catalog 1996 This is a new version of the newton book format WriteWare Catalog. It is hot off the Newton Press Beta, just released by Apple. It runs on a newton, and needs a package downloader or Newton Connection, or Newton Press, to install onto your newton. It runs on all versions of NOS, but I do not have 2.0, to check it out.