Abstracts from files in info-mac/game/brd as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### BINHEX 16-marbles-10.hqx **** From: jkusv93@www.tufvan.hv.se Subject: 16 Marbles v1.0 (FAT) Here's another nice little board game. The object of the game is to remove as many marbles as possible from the board. It's easy to learn but hard to solve. This game is a shareware product. 16 Marbles v1.0 requires a Macintosh with about 1 Megabyte of free RAM and System 7 or better. This game is a FAT binary, so it should work on both PowerMacs and on some older Macs. Do not distribute for profit or on CD-ROM without my permission. (Permission granted for InfoMac CD-ROMs) #### BINHEX abbalone-3d-de.hqx **** From: christen@mpi-sb.mpg.de (Michael Christen) Subject: Abbalone 3D 1.0 (German) Was ist 'Abbalone 3D' Abbalone 3D ist eine Umsetzung des bekannten Brettspiels Abalone. Wie haben bei dieser Umsetzung besonderen Wert auf einfache Bedienung und einen starken Zugenerator gelegt. Lizenz Sie duerfen das Programm 30 Tage unentgeltlich benutzen. Danach ist eine Gebuehr von 25 DM oder 20 US$ an Anomic Software zu entrichten. Es ist ausdruecklich erlaubt, das Programm, solange alle Bestandteile vorhanden sind ('Abbalone 3D', 'Register' und 'lies mich'), auf Servern im Internet zu speichern und zum Herunterladen zur Verfuegung zu stellen. Das Programm darf aber nicht auf Servern des MSN zum Herunterladen bereitgestellt werden. Es ist nicht erlaubt, das Programm ohne unsere Zustimmung kommerziell zu vertreiben. Anomic Software #### BINHEX abbalone-3d.hqx **** From: christen@mpi-sb.mpg.de (Michael Christen) Subject: Abbalone 3D 1.0 What is 'Abbalone 3D' Abbalone 3D is the realisation of the well-known board game 'Abalone' as a computer game. The main task of this realisation is to produce a program with a nice and easy-to-use user interface, but additionally we developed a strong computer opponent. License You are allowed to use 'Abbalone 3D' one month for free. If you contine using 'Abbalone 3D' you must pay a shareware fee of 30 US$. Your are allowed to give away copies of Abbalone 3D as long as you ship it with all parts of the distribution ('Abbalone 3D' application, 'Register' application and Readme), and you are allowed to offer this package on ftp and other internet services, but not on/from server or services from the MSN. You are not allowed to sell this distribution or include it in commercial products. Anomic Software #### BINHEX achi.hqx **** Date: Fri, 12 Jun 92 16:58:26 CDT From: PC0TMYS <PC0TMYS%MUSIC.TCS.TULANE.EDU@VM.TCS.Tulane.EDU> Subject: achi.hqx Enclosed is a Stuffit 1.5.1 archive containing an Achi game program that I wrote. The program is freeware and can be run on any Macintosh computer. It requires 230K of memory and is 32-bit clean. Achi is a board game for two people. You can play against the computer or against another person. It is similar to tic-tac-toe, except that you get to move your pieces after you put them all down. Documentation is available online and as a "read me" file. Bill Hale #### BINHEX assassin-112.hqx **** From: stay@wahoo.com (Steve Taylor) Subject: Assassin 1.1.2 Assassin is an animated strategy assassination game for the Mac, mostly fun over a network. This game requires a 68020 or better and system 7.1 or better. It uses but does not require color. Assassin supports 10 players over an AppleTalk network. This is the second public release, version 1.1.2, shareware. 1.1.2 is a minor update. -- Steve Taylor (stay@wahoo.com) #### BINHEX backgammon.hqx **** Date: 08 Mar 1993 15:21:01 -0500 (EST) From: Aaron Barnett <C2MXBAR@FRE.TOWSON.EDU> Subject: [*] backgammon.hqx This file is to replace one sent a few days ago, whose premature release was not without bugs (like quitting without explaination on non-color macs, it should now run on a non-color mac as well) sorry. Once again, here is backgammon. Please remove the archive �backgammon.hqx� and replace it with this one. thanks. #### BINHEX backstab-10.hqx **** Date: Wed, 30 Sep 92 00:34:29 EDT From: Adam Miller <AMILLER@YaleVM.YCC.Yale.Edu> Subject: Backstab Backstab 1.0 Copyright Adam Miller 1992 This is an excellent implementation of a board game commonly called Ataxx, an interesting game which looks easy but is tricky to master. Backstab has color graphics, animation in black & white and color, digitized sound, well documented help, a large selection of computer opponents (from the very easy to a level that IUve never beaten), a large selection of pre-made boards, option for human vs. human play as well as computer vs. computer, and much more. But what really makes this implementation unique is its flexible expandability. With extreme ease people you can create new boards with Resedit or some such tool, which is fun, but the real challenge is writing your own computer players. This is fun, challenging, and easy to do in your favorite programming language. Just build them as a code resource and copy them into the Backstab file. It will automatically add them to the computer menu, and youUre ready to go. #### BINHEX battleship-202.hqx **** Date: Sun, 14 Aug 94 13:16:39 PDT From: jafl@Alice.Wonderland.Caltech.EDU (John Lindal) Subject: Battleship 2.0.2 Battleship 2.0.2 The classic game of battleship. Play against the computer or your friend. You can choose from 3 different games: one shot per turn, one shot per ship, and shoot until you miss. John Lindal jafl@alice.wonderland.caltech.edu #### BINHEX battuere-10.hqx **** From: jrmorgan@MIT.EDU (Jamie Morgan) Subject: Battuere 1.0 Battuere is a strategy game played on an 8 by 8 square board by one or two players (human vs. human or human vs. computer). A variation of Battuere has appeared in Martin Gardner's Mathematical Recreations column in Scientific American. Battuere, like checkers and chess, is a mixture of offense and defense. The rules are extremely simple, but the game play is challenging and highly enjoyable. Check it out! Battuere features: * raytraced 256 color graphics with rich textures * 3D perspective view of granite gameboard and pawns * fluid animation of game pawns * multichannel music plays in the background * four songs to choose from * multichannel asynchronous sound effects * two play modes: human vs. human and human vs. computer * computer uses variable ply Minimax search engine to determine optimal move * computer can play on any of 3 skill levels * ability to save games in progress and play them later * scoring system with record for top 10 scores * user-adjustable time limit from 1 to 999 seconds per move (with 5 second warning) * L.E.D.-type game clock shows game time and move time * 3 animation modes for Macs of all speeds * miniature overhead view for rapid movement of pawns * ability to retract undesirable moves * complete on-line help and information And more! Requires: * a monitor of at least 640 by 480 resolution * 256 color capability * 1400k of free memory * for music: QuickTimeT 2.0 or greater and (optionally) the "QuickTime Musical Instruments" file (if you don't already have these, Battuere includes instructions on how to get them) Author: Jamie Morgan e-mail: jrmorgan@mit.edu Battuere is $15 shareware. #### BINHEX black-box-hc.hqx **** From: G.Schulze.Icking-Konert@kfa-juelich.de (Georg Icking-Konert) Subject: BlackBox - a small HC game Sent: 15 October 1996 I'd like to submit this simple hypercard game which I wrote. It is called BlackBox and is a kind of puzzle with the aim of finding obstacles in a box via probes. Yours, Georg Icking-Konert Georg Schulze Icking-Konert Forschungszentrum Juelich #### BINHEX blocktoid-10.hqx **** From: cbess@rcsuna.gmr.com (Charlie Bess ) Subject: Blocktoid V1.0 Date: Sat, 8 Jan 94 06:35:20 EST Blocktoid is a multi-player strategy game played on 2-6 Macintosh systems over an Appletalk network. The game can be loosely described as a cross between checkers, Go and life (the bio-simulation). The end user can customize the rules to some extend so the game can be learned quickly, but you may not be able to master all situations without practice. Thanks cebess@aol.com #### BINHEX bo-rad-101.hqx **** Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1992 23:24:40 -0600 From: Eric Strand <strand@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> Bo-Rad! v1.01 by Joe Fleck This is an upgraded version of Bo-Rad with a bug-fix and documentation update on some of the hidden features. Have fun! -Joe Fleck 11/1/92 -------------------------------------------------------------- This is a souped up version of a board game by which the player places colored dots in combinations and receives hints as to the ultimate combination. There are many features to the game such as a great score list and timed events where the puzzle is mixed. Hope you have some fun with it. 32 bit clean, sys 7.0 compatible, color\b/w, etc. You are free to copy and pass along the game as long as the original files remain intact (excluding the great scores list). -Joe Fleck 10/26/92 #### BINHEX bushka-tutor-11.hqx **** From: ed@mindsports.net Subject: Bushka Tutor 1.1, an introduction to the game Bushka Tutor 1.1 For the interested layman, this package contains a nice introduction to Bushka, a two-player board game by Christian Freeling. Apart from the rules, it contains chapters on strategy and tactics, and presents some problems (with their solutions) and recorded actual games (with comment). Bushka is (c) Christian Freeling To learn more about Bushka, visit the MindSports pages on the internet: http://www.mindsports.net/ The Bushka Tutor is written utilizing html and Java applets. This package requires a Java enabled web browser, like Netscape Navigator 3.0 or MS Internet Explorer 3.0. You don't have to be connected to browse this Bushka Tutor. Changes since v1.0: - New site and email addresses (!) - New style (of the enclosing html pages) - No noticable changes in the Java applets Have fun, Ed van Zon MindSports ed@mindsports.net http://www.mindsports.net/ #### BINHEX buzzword-bingo-19.hqx **** From: roweba@cmi.k12.il.us Subject: Buzzword Bingo v 1.9 Buzzword Bingo is a HyperCard stack that generates random Bingo cards from a list of words either typed in by the user or imported from a text file. I suppose this stack could be used to generate legitmate Bingo cards, but it would not be half the fun of generating Buzzword Bingo Cards to be used at staff meetings! Thanks to Dilbert for the inspiration for this stack... I hope you enjoy it and if you find any problems with it or have suggestions, please contact me by email at: roweba@cmi.k12.il.us It should run on HyperCard 2.0 and later. This can be distributed on any InfoMac CD ROM. Others, please contact me for permission. This is version 1.9, which adds the ability to make sure you only use the same term once on a card and fixes a bug in 1.8 which caused printing not to work, which was rather inconvenient.... ;-). barry #### BINHEX carotto-104.hqx **** From macmod Tue Sep 21 08:46:38 1993 Subject: Carotto 1.0.4 ( game ) Date: Tue, 21 Sep 93 11:32:51 +0200 From: debois@pmps14.cern.ch Carotto 1.0.4 Luc De Bois, (c) 1993 Tricky Soft Carotto is a fully interactive board game for up to 5 human and/or mac pla- yers. It simulates a car race : you draw the circuit with the mouse then race on it. You can select the number of players and their skill anytime you want during the race, just clicking on the appropriate buttons. You want to play with a friend ? Select 2 cars then start the game. Your friend ( a beginner ) is far away behind you ? Let him play once again, or select one of the three mac pla- yers skills to automatically play for him. Your friend gives up ? Race against four mac players ( two beginners, one medium and one expert, that's a good deal ! ). You want to play alone to improve your skill and get the best race in one circuit lap ? Well... That's up to you ! Finally, the circuit is too easy for you ? Draw another one ( or play with an old one that has been saved pre- viously ) which figures a few more sharp turns and chicanes. The race principle is simple : a speed vector is associated with your car. At each race step you choose between ( in the most favourable case ) 4 possibili- ties to increase or decrease your speed vector and your car moves to the new position you've chosen : that's all ! You will accelerate in straight lines but be wise to anticipate road bends : whether you slow down in time or not, you'll take the race lead or crash into the circuit frame... You also need to antici- pate your adversaries' movements in order to avoid crashing into them but also, so as to obstruct their way and make them follow the wrong direction... That's how things go in reality ! Carotto should work on every mac with system 7.0 or greater and a 256-colour screen. Carotto is a whatever-you-want-ware ( see Credits inside ) ! Enjoy ! Luc De Bois 53, avenue Pablo-Picasso until end of January '94 : 92000 Nanterre debois@dxcern.cern.ch France #### BINHEX carre-arabe-color-11-hc.hqx **** Date: Tue, 22 Nov 1994 14:54:07 -0200 From: bill@quadra220.humana.univ-nantes.fr (Cyril Moulard) Subject: carre-arabe-color-11-hc.hqx #### BINHEX cartoon-13-gunshy.hqx **** From: kwgst@vms.cis.pitt.edu (Mr. Nobody) Subject: No Subject! Date: Mon, 30 May 1994 15:35:08 -0400 Enclosed is a modified version of GUNSHY using various Disney and Warner Bros. Characters. #### BINHEX cf-chess-systems.hqx **** Date: Sat, 29 Apr 1995 19:28:58 +0200 From: freeling@euronet.nl (Christiaan Freeling) Subject: chr-freeling-chess-systems.hqx; 11 chess variants CHESS SYSTEMS BY CHRISTIAAN FREELING (CONGO � DEMIAN FREELING). Between 1976 and 1984 I was possessed with a spirit that cared a great deal about abstract games of pure strategy. It died eventually, of lack of ambition, and left me with a legacy of some forty games. Ten of these are Chess systems. All of them, Chad in particular, were played extensively at the games club 'Fanatic' at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. All of them, too, appear in David Pritchard's 'The Encyclopedia of Chess Variants' (G&P Publications, P.O. Box 20, Godalming, Surrey GU8 4YP, U.K. ; ISBN 0-9524142-0-1). Grand Chess in particular is also featured in R.�Wayne Schmittberger's 'New Rules for Classic Games' (John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York; ISBN 0-471-53621-0) and in Games Magazine (January 1987). This archive contains descriptions (with full colour diagrams) of eleven Chess systems. They are: Chad HexChad Sjakti Ca�ssa Chakra Congo Loonybird Dragonfly Yari Shogi Rotary Grand Chess The one important game in this compilation is Grand Chess. Anyone who wrote a good Chess program and has half a mind to modify it into a Grand Chess program and put a demo on the Net on a fifty fifty basis regarding the codes, is welcome to contact me at the following address: Christiaan Freeling Pollenbrink 181 7544 AW Enschede The Netherlands +31 53 769075 Net: freeling@euronet.nl All games: � Christiaan Freeling, except Congo: � Demian Freeling. #### BINHEX chess-album-10-hc.hqx **** Date: 13 Nov 92 06:55 EST From: science@oasys.dt.navy.mil (Mark Zimmermann) Subject: chess album stack appended below is a short (6kB or so) compact'd binhex'd Hypercard 2 stack, Chess Album v.1.0 --- it may be useful for recording correspondence chess games --- drag pieces around a board, type moves into a field, etc. Very simple stuff (in HyperCard!).... ^z #### BINHEX chess-fonts-demo.hqx **** From: bobs@saintjoe.edu (Robert Schenk) Subject: Chess Fonts Package (demo) The ChessEdit program allows one to more easily format a chess board. Once one constructs a "key" containing the positions of all the pieces, one need never again worry about where each of the chess pieces is located on the keyboard. Included with it is a simple chess font. Also included is ChesShow which illustrates eleven chess fonts designed by Ingrimayne Type. ChessEdit and ChesShow program are intended to entice you to purchase a collection of eleven chess fonts from Ingrimayne Type. As of the time of this writing, the only place to purchase these eleven chess fonts is at <http://www.unboxed.com/mac.fonts.html>. The price is $29.95. This demo version of the package may be distributed freely provided no alternations, either subtractions or additions, are made to it. In particular, it may not be included with the distribution of other chess fonts. This package should replace any earlier versions of ChessEdit. For more information, contact the author at <bobs@kagi.com> Robert Schenk October 1996 #### BINHEX chess-mate-635.hqx **** From: (Jeff Quade) jquade@bigfoot.com Subject: ChessMate 6.3.5 ChessMate 6.3.5 - Has one player, two player and self-play modes, 255 skill levels, permits players to undo and redo moves from start to finish. Keeps a complete record of moves made during the game in chess notation. A great chess game. Program written by Quade Publishing (Jeff Quade). Shareware $24. #### BINHEX chess-pp.hqx **** From: Lloyd Wood <L.H.Wood@student.lut.ac.uk> Subject: Chess++ - chess for Macintosh Date: Mon, 2 May 94 21:23:52 BST Chess++ is a freeware Mac chess playing program. I am not not the author. Steve Bushell can be contacted as <python@world.std.com> -- L. _____________________________________________________________________________ L.H.Wood@student.lut.ac.uk Email me for a copy of the Mac screensaver FAQ #### BINHEX chess-rating-calc-10.hqx **** From: Edmund Boyd <eddie@kelvindale.freeserve.co.uk> Subject: Chess Rating Calculator 1.0 The Chess Rating Calculator is a Macintosh program which calculates the rating change that follows a single match between two rated chessplayers. That's it. It's a one-trick pony. It won't make you a better player; it'll just confirm how bad a player you really are! ;o) It's a 68K application and should run on any Mac. #### BINHEX chess-set-11-hc.hqx **** Date: Sun, 31 Oct 93 15:35:01 CST From: meb3@cec.wustl.edu (Matthew Eli Blain) Subject: Chess Set! 1.1 Chess Set! A simple chess set stack by Matthew Blain, v1.1 of 10/31/93. This stack is a chess set for your computer. It does not play chess, or even make many restrictions on how you can move the pieces around. Instead it lets you setup and save games, or play with a friend over an AppleTalk network via Apple Events. You can even make your own chess board if you want... The stack is freely modifiable and I will probably allow you to distribute it in any way you want! Matthew Blain. mblain@aol.com. #### BINHEX chessking-100.hqx **** Subject: ChessKing Software Package version 1.00 From: (Craig Shoemaker) craig.shoemaker@his.com About ChessKing� Software Please contact me if you have employment opportunities; keep in mind that ChessKing� software is written in my spare time (for instance, using the Dialog Manager for the board setup dialog saves programming time though the results are not great). See my Musical Set Complete� package for a more professional looking product. ChessKing� Software for the Macintosh line of computers allows two people to play different variations of chess together at one terminal screen. This software is NOT free. It is publicly distributed and costs $45 to be paid by check drawn on a U.S. bank payable to Craig Shoemaker. Thanks, Craig Shoemaker 4014 N. 41st Street Arlington, VA 22207 U.S.A. Phone: (703) 534-5884 Internet Address: craig.shoemaker@his.com Visit http://www.his.com/~esoteric/ and then click on the Esoteric Software or the Chess links. #### BINHEX chessking-all-to-102.hqx **** From: craig.shoemaker@his.com Subject: ChessKing Software Updater Hello all, Here is an updater for the ChessKing� software package. This updater will bring previous version 1.00 and 1.01 up to the current version 1.02. ChessKing� software is usually filed with chess playing game applications; chess is played on a chess board and is a board game. (O.K., but believe me, not everyone has heard of the game of chess). Bye and thanks, and I hope you all have a nice semester, Craig Shoemaker Esoteric Software Arlington, VA 22207 USA http://www.his.com/~esoteric/ Click on the "What's New" link for the latest. #### BINHEX chessworks-301-68k.hqx **** From: Michael <hermit@bigpond.net.au> Subject: Chessworks 3 Submission ChessWorks is a multiplayer chess game that is playable over the internet or a LAN. ChessWorks at this time is strictly multiplayer and does not offer a computer opponent. Meet people to play all over the world by connecting to a tracker. What's New in Version 3: Version 3 is a complete rewrite from previous versions. It offers greater stability, more features, and more platforms. ChessWorks 3 can be played on Mac OS 8 - 9, Mac OS X, and Windows operating systems. Here is a short list of some of the new features in version 3: * Multiple games and trackers can be opened at anytime. * Full PGN compatibility. * Resizable board and piece graphics. * Game clocks are available. * Lots of customizing options. * SOCKS proxy support. * and much more... www.ekimsw.com/chessworks #### BINHEX chessworks-301-ppc.hqx **** From: Michael <hermit@bigpond.net.au> Subject: Chessworks 3 Submission ChessWorks is a multiplayer chess game that is playable over the internet or a LAN. ChessWorks at this time is strictly multiplayer and does not offer a computer opponent. Meet people to play all over the world by connecting to a tracker. What's New in Version 3: Version 3 is a complete rewrite from previous versions. It offers greater stability, more features, and more platforms. ChessWorks 3 can be played on Mac OS 8 - 9, Mac OS X, and Windows operating systems. Here is a short list of some of the new features in version 3: * Multiple games and trackers can be opened at anytime. * Full PGN compatibility. * Resizable board and piece graphics. * Game clocks are available. * Lots of customizing options. * SOCKS proxy support. * and much more... www.ekimsw.com/chessworks #### BINHEX chessworks-301-x.hqx **** From: Michael <hermit@bigpond.net.au> Subject: Chessworks 3 Submission ChessWorks is a multiplayer chess game that is playable over the internet or a LAN. ChessWorks at this time is strictly multiplayer and does not offer a computer opponent. Meet people to play all over the world by connecting to a tracker. What's New in Version 3: Version 3 is a complete rewrite from previous versions. It offers greater stability, more features, and more platforms. ChessWorks 3 can be played on Mac OS 8 - 9, Mac OS X, and Windows operating systems. Here is a short list of some of the new features in version 3: * Multiple games and trackers can be opened at anytime. * Full PGN compatibility. * Resizable board and piece graphics. * Game clocks are available. * Lots of customizing options. * SOCKS proxy support. * and much more... www.ekimsw.com/chessworks #### BINHEX chinese-chess-pro-101.hqx **** Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 14:18:50 -0800 From: zeng@apple.com Subject: Chinese Chess Pro v1.0.1 Hi, The Chinese Chess Pro v1.0.1 is enclosed. Chinese Chess Pro is a shareware Chinese Chess progrram. It needs System 7.0 to run. People can play Chinese Chess over an appletalk network using the program. They can also chat while they are playing. The program strength is pretty good when playing in a fast CPU. There are many other features. Please read the documents in the package to find them out. Tie Zeng #### BINHEX chinese-tiles-111.hqx **** From: Predrag.B.Stanojevic@telia.se Subject: ChineseTilesv111.hqx Chinese Tiles by Predrag Stanojevic, 1995-1997 Chinese Tiles is a single-player game much like memory, you have to match tiles and remove them. You might recognize the tiles from the old chinese game Mah-Jongg. There are many shareware versions of this game for various systems. I've seen a couple of others for the mac as well. When you start a new game 144 tiles are randomly placed. The object of the game is to remove the tiles, one matching pair at the time until all tiles are removed. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 1) System 7 (or greater) 2) 256 Colours (it works with 256 grayscale) #### BINHEX chris-puzzle.hqx **** From: chrisj@MAIL.UTEXAS.EDU (Chris W. Johnson) Subject: Chris' Puzzle 1.0 fat Copyright 1994-95 by Chris W. Johnson, All Rights Reserved. Shareware $12. Chris' Puzzle transforms PICT and JPEG image files into electronic jigsaw puzzles. The puzzles are based on a unique grid pattern, rather than the traditional puzzle structure of square pieces embellished with hook & eye joints. The unusual pieces to which that grid pattern gives rise make the geometry of the puzzles richer, while adding to their overall complexity and challenge. But since challenge is one thing and aggravation is another, a few features of real puzzles have been omitted - pieces are never rotated, flipped upside down, or still stuck together in little clumps when they are dumped out on this virtual table. So all you have to do is find the matching pieces and put 'em together. Features: * Fully functional jigsaw puzzle program. No crippled demo software here. * PICT and JPEG image support. * Internet hypertext puzzle annotation (see included puzzles for examples). * Simple Internet Version Control protocol (SIVC) support. * Adjustable puzzle complexity. * Adjustable work space to puzzle size ratio. * Borders can be added to images to assist in assembly. * Sound effects. * Cheat mode (registered users only). * Convenient shareware fee payment (on-line, even) via Kagi shareware registration service. * Fat binary - runs at full speed on Macintoshes and Power Macintoshes alike. Requirements: * System 7.0 or better. * Apple's Thread Manager extension (built into System 7.5 and all later systems). * 68020 CPU or better. Recommended Items & Capabilities: * Internet Config - makes all Internet-oriented features much happier. * Monitor capable of displaying 256, Thousands or Millions of colors. The more colors, the better. * Espy Sans font (included with System 7.5). Most Obvious Shortcoming: * No "Save" feature yet - better be able to assemble those puzzles in one go. #### BINHEX chriss-tic-tac-toe-10.hqx **** From: ChrisC800@aol.com Date: Sun, 16 Jul 1995 14:55:04 -0400 Subject: Tic-Tac-Toe-v1.0-FAT.sit.hqx Tic-Tac-Toe v1.0 is a brand new Tic-Tac-Toe style game featuring Stereo Sound, 3D Graphics, Background Music, and an unbeatable Computer Player. CPU vs. CPU is not yet implemented, but if there is enough interest, I'll put it in. Tic-Tac-Toe is also FAT, so it will run native on both 68K and PowerPC Macintoshes. Tic-Tac-Toe requires 256 colors to run. However, looks much better in thousands of colors. The included MOD file is After-The-Rain, by an unknown author. The Background Music can be changed with Player Pro (available on AOL in MMS). Tic-Tac-Toe is shareware. If you like it, please send $5 to: Christopher Lee Chin 99 Gail Drive New Rochelle, NY 10805 For $10, I'll send the source code with the latest version of Tic-Tac-Toe. Including the unbeatable computer player algorithm. Send Bugs, Comments, Suggestions etc. to chrisc800@aol.com. #### BINHEX color-mind-10.hqx **** From: augustja@lamar.ColoState.EDU (Jennifer Mallette) Subject: ColorMind 1.0 ColorMind is a classic board game with a modern twist. You must find the correct combination of colors before your chances run out. This game is a FAT binary file and requires a minimum of 3000k of free memomy in order to run. This game also has built-in French menus, multiple backgrounds, and stereo sound effects. Feel free to distribute this shareware and include it on your commercial CD-ROM. Thank you, Patrice Mallette #### BINHEX congo-introduction.hqx **** From: ed@mindsports.net Subject: Congo Introduction, a chess variant Congo Introduction For the interested layman, this package contains a nice introduction to Congo, a two-player chess variant by Demian Freeling, made when he was 7 years old. The package contains the rules and an example game. Congo is (c) Demian Freeling To learn more about Congo, or PLAY it ONLINE, visit the MindSports Arena pages on the internet: http://www.mindsports.net/Arena/ The Congo Introduction is written utilizing html and Java applets. This package requires a Java enabled web browser, like Netscape Navigator 3.0 or MS Internet Explorer 3.0. You don't have to be connected to browse this Congo Introduction. Have fun. Ed van Zon MindSports ed@mindsports.net http://www.mindsports.net/ #### BINHEX connect-4-115.hqx **** From: milesm@csua.berkeley.edu Subject: Connect 4 v.1.1.5 FAT Connect 4 v1.1.5 FAT A emailware Connect 4 game for the Macintosh or Power Macintosh. Requires System 7, 256 color monitor recommended, but it is playable with any monitor. Features: Nice Graphics, smooth animations, a challenging computer opponent for all ages, multiple board sizes and other options to change the classic connect 4 game. Improvements in Version 1.1.5: -- A faster computer opponent, almost twice as fast -- More difficulty Levels -- More Board Sizes -- The Ability to undo moves -- Uses less RAM -- Lots of little bug fixes Best of all, it's free...all I ask is an email message letting me know how you like the program. Miles MIchelson -- milesm@csua.berkeley.edu #### BINHEX crafty-chess-1113.hqx **** X-Sender: exner@shiva.trl.oz.au Mime-Version: 1.0 From: r.exner@trl.oz.au (Rolf Exner) Subject: Crafty 11.13 Crafty is a free chess program written by Bob Hyatt (hyatt@cis.uab.edu) and targeted for Unix and DOS. This release of Crafty for the Mac is by Rolf Exner (r.exner@trl.oz.au) and is based on the 11.13 version of Crafty. It supercedes a port by Lloyd Lim based on Crafty 9.30 which must be used through a text (console) interface. This release includes AppleEvent support and can therefore be used through the graphical interface of programs such as ExaChess Lite. It features faster startup, is less of a CPU hog when other programs are running on the same Mac, and it has some new commands. The release is distributed as a fat binary. Rolf. (r.exner@trl.oz.au) #### BINHEX critical-mass.hqx **** Subject: [*] Critical Mass An interesting strategy game with 3 levels of play against your computer. Take turns placing bombs on a grid, the corner squares holding safely 1 bomb, the edge squares 2, and the inner squares 3. Exceed the "safe" limit and the square reaches critical mass, exploding and capturing all adjacent squares. Color support. Freeware. Part of the April 1993 Home & School Mac collection. StuffIt 3.0 archive. [Archived as /info-mac/game/critical-mass.hqx; 108K] #### BINHEX cruciverbalist-ppc.hqx **** From: pmgroth@hal-pc.org (Frederick Groth) Subject: Cruciverbalist Crossword Program (PPC) Cruciverbalist is a freeware/shareware crossword program for the MacOS. This is the PowerPC version. You can use Cruciverbalist to: o Solve Cruciverbalist crosswords, and crosswords published on the internet by The New York Times, USA Today, and others o Generate custom layouts for puzzles you solve or those you create o Show you possible words from its extensive word list o Add and delete words in your own word lists o Solve traditionally published puzzles and, by viewing possible words from word lists, improve your solving skills o Create newspaper quality crosswords of your own Cruciverbalist requires system 7 and a MacPlus or later CPU. Both 68K and PowerPC native versions are available. Documentation covers solving crosswords with Cruciverbalist, obtaining puzzles from the internet, maintaining and using word lists, creating your own puzzles, customizing, and many other features. The package includes a word list with almost 80,000 words, names, phrases, etc. and several sample puzzles. Cruciverbalist should be tried by every crossword fan that owns a mac. Also see the Cruciverbalist web page at http://members.aol.com/westpolesf/cruciv.html #### BINHEX cruciverbalist.hqx **** From: pmgroth@hal-pc.org (Frederick Groth) Subject: Cruciverbalist Crossword Program (68K) Cruciverbalist is a freeware/shareware crossword program for the MacOS. This is the 68k version. You can use Cruciverbalist to: o Solve Cruciverbalist crosswords, and crosswords published on the internet by The New York Times, USA Today, and others o Generate custom layouts for puzzles you solve or those you create o Show you possible words from its extensive word list o Add and delete words in your own word lists o Solve traditionally published puzzles and, by viewing possible words from word lists, improve your solving skills o Create newspaper quality crosswords of your own Cruciverbalist requires system 7 and a MacPlus or later CPU. Both 68K and PowerPC native versions are available. Documentation covers solving crosswords with Cruciverbalist, obtaining puzzles from the internet, maintaining and using word lists, creating your own puzzles, customizing, and many other features. The package includes a word list with almost 80,000 words, names, phrases, etc. and several sample puzzles. Cruciverbalist should be tried by every crossword fan that owns a mac. Also see the Cruciverbalist web page at http://members.aol.com/westpolesf/cruciv.html #### BINHEX cube-strategy-23.hqx **** From: Steve_Goldberg-ESG001@email.mot.com Subject: Cube Strategy v2.3 The goal of the game is to complete more cubes than your opponent. The game board is made up of a few to hundreds of potential cubes. Players take turns setting surfaces in the vertical, horizontal, and in the third dimension relative to the other two. If a player's surface completes the six sides of a cube, its claimed by the player's mark in the cube. Completing a cube also gives the player another turn. You can play against a human opponent, or the computer. Various adjustments can be made, such as zooming the board in or out, changing the color identifying the player's moves, whether a character, picture or pattern is used to claim a cube, maximum time per move, et cetera. Version 2.3 Corrects memory problem with screens set to more than 256 colors. #### BINHEX davids-backgammon.hqx **** From: WinGammon@aol.com Subject: David's Backgammon game David's Backgammon is a full featured backgammon game for the Macintosh. It requires System 7 and can use both the Speech Manager and Macintalk. It supports both color and B&W monitors. This version does not allow all games to be finished. David #### BINHEX depeche-mode-10-gunshy.hqx **** From: bratmix@netcom.com (Daniel Barassi) Subject: Depeche Mode GunShy Date: Mon, 16 Jan 1995 12:44:44 -0800 (PST) #### BINHEX devil-darts-2-fat.hqx **** From: jkravitz@mindspring.com Subject: DevilDarts 2.0 DevilDarts v2.0 by Jason Kravitz is a dart game with a fiendish twist. You must battle your way through six of the best dart players in damnation. Challenge your unworldly foes to any one of seven different games. Play up to four different human or computer opponents. DevilDarts is a FAT file and will run on any PowerPC or 68040 processor. Required 4 MB RAM, 256 colors and Sound Manager 3.0 or better. Download the full version... if you dare! -- Jason Kravitz jkravitz@mindspring.com #### BINHEX diagonal-22.hqx **** From: guoniu@math.u-strasbg.fr (Han) Subject: diagonal-2.2 Hi, Attached is the newest version of Diagonal, a small game that I played much when I was a little child. The program can be run on any Macintosh computer. You can find more information in the readme file. New for version 2.2: - Added Note-Window. - Remember the last option. - Can show option on the board. - Added speed option. Thanks, Guoniu Han guoniu@math.u-strasbg.fr #### BINHEX diplomacy-aid.hqx **** From: Anselmo Lastra <lastra@cs.unc.edu> Subject: Re: From AOL Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 22:11:09 -0500 > Your file was corrupted -- no description, missing carriage returns, and no > format tags. Sorry. I neglected to change the ^M to ^J before sending. This is a program to help play the board game Diplomacy. It is sent as a self-extracting archive in BinHex format. ================== #### BINHEX dirty-dozen-101.hqx **** From: triantos@netcom.com (Nick B Triantos) Subject: Dirty Dozen 1.0.1 Date: Tue, 4 Jan 1994 23:35:46 -0800 Hello, This is an update to Dirty Dozen 1.0, which I sent to several archive sites in early December. It fixes a few non-critical bugs. The enclosed archive should replace the original archive, which is in mac/game/board at umich. Freeware, Copyright 1993 by Nick Triantos Enjoy, and thanks to all of you wonder archive managers at the various Mac archive sites for making the Internet what it is! -Nick Triantos #### BINHEX dominoes-31.hqx **** From: Mike Perry <trick@allgoodsw.com> Subject: Dominoes v3.1 Allgood Software has released Dominoes v3.1, a significant upgrade to previous versions, offering new games, double-12 support, an "auto-draw" feature, additional domino styles and lots more. Dominoes offers 16 different variations of the popular tile game, starting with the straight forward Block and Draw, going all the way up to the more involved Muggins, and Mexican Train. You can play against up to three computer opponents, with three different skill levels to keep everyone from first time players, to seasoned experts challenged. Many different domino styles are supported, as well as the ability to play with the double-6, double-9, or double-12 tile sets. Dominoes works on Macintoshes running OS X, or also with OS 8.6 and above, if CarbonLib is installed. The software costs $19.95 for a single user license. This is another free upgrade for previously registered Dominoes users. This version is a free upgrade to registered users of Dominoes v2.0 or Dominoes v3.0. For more information, you can email us at: trick@allgoodsw.com or visit us on the web: http://www.allgoodsw.com/dominoes.html #### BINHEX double-11.hqx **** From: double@pcv-soft.com (Daniel Dorval) Subject: Double "Double" was inspired by the old Chinese game called "Mah-jongg". Its purpose is to be educational, Intellectually stimulating and fun for the whole family. The complete version of "Double" offers 21 board designs (tile configurations), 14 standard themes such as: mathematics (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) and Visual assimilation (Shapes, colors). Moreover, and this is one of the important advantages of Double, you can easily create new themes for Double and can exchange them with other players. The demonstration version of Double permits you to play and complete only one theme with only one tile configuration. The other themes and tile configurations can all be used but the player is limited to only ten moves in each case. It is the only imposed limit. All other possibilities and options of the game may be explored at will. Please let us know if you are interested in reviewing the DOUBLE software and fell free to visit our web site at: http://www.pcv-soft.com/double Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Daniel Dorval Sales Manager PCV Enr. <double@pcv-soft.com> #### BINHEX dragon-103.hqx **** Subject: [*] Dragon 1.0.3 An strategy game in the genre of Shanghai*. Remove pairs of matching tiles from a board, trying to leave none remaining. Postcardware. Part of the June 1993 Home & School Mac collection. StuffIt 3.0 archive. [Archived as /info-mac/game/dragon-103.hqx; 89K] [Note: replaces /info-mac/game/dragon-102.hqx] #### BINHEX emergo-tutor-12.hqx **** From: ed@mindsports.net Subject: Emergo Tutor 1.2, an introduction to the game Emergo Tutor 1.2 For the interested layman, this package contains a nice introduction to Emergo, a two-player board game by Christian Freeling. Apart from the rules, it contains chapters on strategy and tactics, and presents some problems (with their solutions) and recorded actual games (with comment). Emergo is (c) Christian Freeling To learn more about Emergo, visit the MindSports pages on the internet: http://www.mindsports.net/ The Emergo Tutor is written utilizing html and Java applets. This package requires a Java enabled web browser, like Netscape Navigator 3.0 or MS Internet Explorer 3.0. You don't have to be connected to browse this Emergo Tutor. Changes since v1.1: - New site and email addresses (!) - New style (of the enclosing html pages) - No noticable changes in the Java applets Have fun, Ed van Zon MindSports ed@mindsports.net http://www.mindsports.net/ #### BINHEX en-prise-101.hqx **** Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 22:39:25 -0400 From: pepper@joy.gsfc.nasa.gov (Jeff Pepper) Subject: enPrise-1.0.1; aChess position (EPD) viewer enPrise is a chess problem viewer. It improves tactical ability by allowing the user to solve random chess problems. enPrise reads Extended Position Description (EPD) files, several of which are available at ftp://caissa.onenet.net/pub/chess/Tests. -- Jeff (jeff.pepper@gsfc.nasa.gov) #### BINHEX enigma-12-it.hqx **** From: (FreeVerse Software) FreeVerse@aol.com Subject: Italia Enigma v1.2 ENIGMA� 1.2 ENIGMA� is a professional code breaking game that will test your problem solving abilities to their fullest. Remember the classic game "mastermind" you played as a kid? Imagine it MYST-ified and with an attitude problem! You'll have to solve a series of codes to unlock the Enigma Briefcase and find out what's inside. All the while you'll have to endure savage taunts from strange little people! (Don't be offended if they call you a "monkey," they do it to everyone). If you like puzzles and have a sense of humor, you'll love ENIGMA with its colorful graphics, talking adversaries and seamless interface. ENIGMA� is guaranteed to give you a mental workout and the buffest cerebral cortex on the beach this summer! Download Right Now! #### BINHEX enigma-13.hqx **** From: (FreeVerse Software) FreeVerse@aol.com Subject: ENIGMA Game 1.3 ENIGMA^� is a professional code breaking game that will test your problem solving abilities to their fullest. Remember the classic game "mastermind" you played as a kid? Imagine it MYST-ified and with an attitude problem! You'll have to solve a series of codes to unlock the Enigma Briefcase and find out what's inside. All the while you'll have to endure savage taunts from strange little people! (Don't be offended if they call you a "monkey," they do it to everyone). If you like puzzles and have a sense of humor, you'll love ENIGMA with its colorful graphics, talking adversaries and seamless interface. ENIGMA^� is guaranteed to give you a mental workout and the buffest cerebral cortex on the beach this summer! Download Right Now! #### BINHEX ergo-10.hqx **** From: pleco@macconnect.com (Michael Love) Subject: Ergo (an abstract action game) Ergo is a game which combines strategy, memory, and plain old guesswork to create an interesting mental challenge. It takes place on a square board covered with tiles (4x4, 6x6, or 8x8). When you start a game these tiles are randomly scattered in several different colors. Your goal is to make all of these tiles the same color by clicking on them to change their color. This sounds easy, but there's a twist: when you click on a tile to change its color, other tiles also change. A game of Ergo can take anywhere from a minute to several hours to complete, depending on the difficulty level. Ergo also uses other features such as "skips" to change tiles without flipping others, and the ability to save boards by setting the random seed for board generation. Ergo is a shareware game. This means that you are allowed to try it out as long as you like in its "crippled" version, but if you decide to keep it you are expected to pay for it and register. Registering costs just $15 (handled by Kagi), and entitles you to this version of Ergo and all future releases. When you register, you recieve a license code that disables the annoying message you see when starting Ergo, and enables the more advanced difficulty levels. For more information on Ergo visit the Ergo web site at http://www.macconnect.com/~pleco/ergo.spml (SPML is an HTML-like format that any browser should be able to read without trouble). System requirements: Any Mac, preferably a 68030 or better (PowerPC is fine, not native because the extra speed isn't needed but runs fine emulated), with a 256-color display at 512x384 or more. Also needs system 6.0.5 or later (7.0 preferred but not required). With any questions, comments or bug reports on Ergo please contact Michael Love (the author) at pleco@kagi.com. Michael Love <:-)= pleco@kagi.com pleco@macconnect.com #### BINHEX eternity-102.hqx **** From: Support <support@divinitysw.com> Subject: FTP Eternity 1.0.2 eternity102.hqx Eternity: the battle of the elements As the first rays of sun are cast across the horizon, the world wakes. Few are aware of the magnificent battle that is to commence. For all Eternity the battle for control of the world has raged on. Fire, air, earth and water. The four elements wage war every day in a never-ending quest to rule the world. Every morning each elements tokens appear in an empty region of space called the "void," bereft of any life but full of potential glory. Each pawns mission? Recover and return an elemental token to its base. A simple task? Hardly. A mission that only the bravest and strongest pawns can possibly carry out. A mission that will likely result in humiliating and painful defeat before glory and power. Should a pawn recover a token, its adventure has only begun. The return to base is wrought with peril, as the other elements will do anything in their power to end its mission prematurely. If, against all odds, an element recovers all of its tokens, it will rule for the day. Free to carry out its will on the world, the other elements will be powerless. Of course, tomorrow's battle and a chance at revenge are only a day away... Eternity is a unique board game in which one to four players can play as either fire, air, earth, or water and battle for control of the world. Play against any of three computer skill levels, or against other human players. Eternity is distributed as shareware with a $15 registration fee. #### BINHEX etoile-20.hqx **** Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 15:30:24 -0600 From: utobia@popmail.mcs.com (Toby Braun) Subject: [*] Etoile 2.0; Color Chinese Checkers Game --========================_19202272==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" I have been asked by the author to upload this file to Info-Mac. Please address any questions about this program to: tohruo@glocom.ac.jp The following is from the file's read me doc: This is a game "Chinese checkers"; the second version of "Etoile v1.04". Basically there is no difference on the way of playing, but "Etoile v2.0" can be played with two or three persons on the network. I hope you enjoy it. * "Etoile" requires system software version 7.0 or later. * Prepare a 13 inch monitor at least which can display in 16 colors or more (gray-scale is also available). It may be possible to use a 12 inch monitor. * For further information, please select "Open Read Me" from Apple menu. 1994.4.14. Michiko Osakabe --========================_19202272==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Etoile_v2.0_=.sit.hqx" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Etoile_v2.0_=.sit.hqx" #### BINHEX exa-chess-lite-21.hqx **** From: "Richard A. Fowell" <rafowell@mediaone.net> Subject: ExaChess Lite 2.1 - free chess database, PGN viewer Stuffed and BinHexed file, with abstract, attached. - Richard ExaChess 2.1 Lite is a freeware version of ExaChess, a full-featured chess database for the Macintosh. You can save, organize, and replay chess games downloaded from the Internet in "PGN" format, such as the week's grandmaster games at <http://www.chesscenter.com/twic/twic.html> and many other sites. You can use it to organize, analyze, and annotate your own games, or use it to play against, or watch matches between, many plug-in chess engines (Crafty, MacChess, Sigma Chess, Screamer, etc). These free plug-ins can be downloaded at <http://www.exachess.com>. Version 2.1 adds over 120 features to version 1.2. These are detailed in the "What's New 2.1" file. They include: automatic annotation of games by chess engines, colorized text to distinguish main lines from variations, and the ability to set up multigame matches between engines. The features of ExaChess include: - Direct support (without conversion) of ChessBase, NICBase, and PGN databases, as well as ExaChess's own database formats. - Search across all databases or just a single database file by player name, event, year, result, ECO code, opening name, position, partial position, material, special game features, or any combination of these. - Shows ECO code and opening name for each game and statistics for all matching games. - Finds and allows easy removal of duplicate games from any database. - Resizable, customizable 2-D color board with smooth animation. - Flexible game parser that handles free-form text input, both algebraic and descriptive, including move and position evaluations, variations and text comments. - Records full tree of moves. Switch to variation or return to main line. - Shows opening tree (next moves for any opening position) with stats from the database. Quickly find matching games for any opening position. - Supports play against the database or against external 'chess engines' via Apple Events, including ZZZZZZ (supplied), Crafty, MacChess, Sigma Chess, Screamer, and GnuChess (download from www.exachess.com ) ExaChess Lite omits a few features of ExaChess and is restricted to showing the first 256 or 128 games only of larger databases. Permission is granted for ExaChess Lite to be included on the Info-mac CD. Richard Fowell for Rolf Exner (email@exachess.co #### BINHEX exachess-lite-12.hqx **** From: r.exner@trl.oz.au Subject: exachess-lite-12.sit ExaChess Lite is a freeware version of ExaChess, a full-featured chess database for the Macintosh. ExaChess Lite provides most of the features of ExaChess in a version suitable for maintaining a personal games collection, and is free. This release, version 1.2, adds several new features and fixes a number of bugs. The new features include a Copy Position command to copy the current board position as a picture, and a facility to search a database for games between players over a particular Elo rating. See the Release Notes for full details. ExaChess now has its own web page! For the latest information about ExaChess visit <http://www.exachess.com>. The features of ExaChess include: - Direct support (without conversion) of ChessBase, NICBase, and PGN databases, as well as ExaChess's own database formats. - Search across all databases or just a single database file by player name, event, year, result, ECO code, opening name, position, partial position, material, special game features, or any combination of these. - Shows ECO code and opening name for each game and statistics for all matching games. - Finds and allows easy removal of duplicate games from any database. - Resizable, customizable 2-D color board with smooth animation. - Flexible game parser that handles free-form text input, both algebraic and descriptive, including move and position evaluations, variations and text comments. - Records full tree of moves. Switch to variation or return to main line. - Shows opening tree (next moves for any opening position) with stats from the database. Quickly find matching games for any opening position. - Supports play against the database or against external 'chess engines' via Apple Events, including ZZZZZZ (supplied), Crafty, GnuChess, and MacChess (available at Mac and chess Internet archive sites). ExaChess Lite omits a few features of ExaChess and is restricted to showing the first 256 or 128 games only of larger databases. Permission is granted for ExaChess Lite to be included on the Info-mac CD. Rolf. (r.exner@trl.oz.au) #### BINHEX fanorona.hqx **** From: eppstein@euclid.ics.uci.edu Subject: Fanorona board game (freeware) This is Fanorona, an ancient board game from Madagascar. It requires MRJ 2.0 (the Mac Release of Java, part of MacOS 8.1), but it is a standalone Macintosh application, not a Java applet. Fanorona is freeware, and may be included on CD-ROMs. -- David Eppstein UC Irvine Dept. of Information & Computer Science eppstein@ics.uci.edu http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/ #### BINHEX fischer-spassky-chess-1992-ii.hqx **** Date: Fri, 6 Nov 1992 16:18 PDT From: DEICHMAN@cisco.nosc.mil Subject: 1992-Fischer-Spassky Chess Tourney, Pt. 2 Attached are the final 19 games from the Fischer-Spassky Chess Tournament in Belgrade, Serbia. Fischer defeated Spassky for the 10th time in Game 30 to clinch the $3.35 million prize, winning 10 - 5. Games 1 - 11 are posted to Sumex-aim.stanford.edu as: /info-mac/game/1992-fischer-spassky-chess.hqx The games have been entered via Sargon III, but I understand that Sargon IV will open the games without difficulty. They have been compressed with Compact Pro and converted to text with BinHex 4.0. I have also included an information (text) file and an excerpt from a Robert Byrne "Chess" column in the folder. -shane "deichman@nosc.mil" -----------CUT HERE-------------- #### BINHEX fischer-spassky-sargon-iv.hqx **** Date: 7 Nov 92 10:14:21 U From: "Frank Easterbrook" <frank_easterbrook@law.uchicago.edu> Subject: Chess Match Chess Match 11/7/92 10:10 AM All 30 games of the 1992 match between Fischer and Spassky, in Sargon IV format. This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0. #### BINHEX five-stones-24.hqx **** Date: Fri, 03 Feb 1995 23:51:37 -0500 (EST) From: xux@ucunix.san.uc.EDU (Xin Xu) Subject: FiveStones2.4(fat)-a board game FiveStones plays the board game "Go-Moku" (also called Connect-Five, ...) at various difficuly levels. Version 2.4 is now "fat". i.e. it runs in the native mode on both the PowerMacs and 68k Macs. A $10 shareware. Free for the registered users of previous versions. Please replace the archive "game/board/fivestones2.32.sit.hqx" with this one. Also would be nice to put it in the powermac archives. Xin Xu #### BINHEX flippant-10.hqx **** Date: Thu, 8 Jul 93 17:23:19 PDT From: max@apple.com (Mark Q. Maxham) Subject: flippant.1.0.cpt.hqx Flippant is yet another board game in which your movements turn your opponent(s)' pieces to your color. Moving to an adjacent square (distance of one) duplicates your piece and converts all adjacent pieces. Moving two squares has the same effect, without duplicating the moved piece. Flippant is wildly affordable shareware ($5), cheaper than lunch. Please support shareware! See the README file for details. The binary is virus-free and may be encluded on the CD-ROM of the archives. #### BINHEX flipper.hqx **** Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1993 12:59 EDT From: "Joe Strout .. Miami University, Oxford OH" Subject: FLIPPER.HQX (v1.2) FLIPPER : A Strategy Game for One or Two Players ------------------------------------------------ Flipper is a strategy board game. The rules are similar to games found both in the arcade and in home entertainment systems. Flipper features a resizable board (from 3-11 squares in each dimension, sized independently) and optional random barriers. Two levels of computer opponent are available, and both play very well (able to be the author, at least!). Freeware. Version 1.2. #### BINHEX freeling-bushka.hqx **** From: (Christiaan Freeling) freeling@worldonline.nl Subject: Strategy games by Christiaan Freeling Abstract games by Christiaan Freeling is a book in seven parts, thematically ordered in Chess variants, Elimination games, Territorial games, Connection games and Bead capturing games. Each part can be downloaded seperately as a self displaying archive: you don't need any program to read it. The majority of the games has been published previously in "The Encyclopedia of Chess Variants" by David Pritchard and "New Rules for Classic Games" by R.Wayne Schmittberger. To get an impression of the book's contents, take a cyberspace-rickshaw to the Solar Software Website by downloading <freeling-preview.hqx>! #### BINHEX freeling-emergo.hqx **** From: (Christiaan Freeling) freeling@worldonline.nl Subject: Strategy games by Christiaan Freeling Abstract games by Christiaan Freeling is a book in seven parts, thematically ordered in Chess variants, Elimination games, Territorial games, Connection games and Bead capturing games. Each part can be downloaded seperately as a self displaying archive: you don't need any program to read it. The majority of the games has been published previously in "The Encyclopedia of Chess Variants" by David Pritchard and "New Rules for Classic Games" by R.Wayne Schmittberger. To get an impression of the book's contents, take a cyberspace-rickshaw to the Solar Software Website by downloading <freeling-preview.hqx>! #### BINHEX freeling-games-preview.hqx **** Subject: Freeling Games Preview From: (Ed van Zon) edvanzon@euronet.nl Not sure if the Freeling games are worth the download? Then download this preview and take a look. Requires Netscape. Ed van Zon #### BINHEX freeling-glassbeadgame.hqx **** From: (Christiaan Freeling) freeling@worldonline.nl Subject: Strategy games by Christiaan Freeling Abstract games by Christiaan Freeling is a book in seven parts, thematically ordered in Chess variants, Elimination games, Territorial games, Connection games and Bead capturing games. Each part can be downloaded seperately as a self displaying archive: you don't need any program to read it. The majority of the games has been published previously in "The Encyclopedia of Chess Variants" by David Pritchard and "New Rules for Classic Games" by R.Wayne Schmittberger. To get an impression of the book's contents, take a cyberspace-rickshaw to the Solar Software Website by downloading <freeling-preview.hqx>! #### BINHEX freeling-grandchess.hqx **** From: (Christiaan Freeling) freeling@worldonline.nl Subject: Strategy games by Christiaan Freeling Abstract games by Christiaan Freeling is a book in seven parts, thematically ordered in Chess variants, Elimination games, Territorial games, Connection games and Bead capturing games. Each part can be downloaded seperately as a self displaying archive: you don't need any program to read it. The majority of the games has been published previously in "The Encyclopedia of Chess Variants" by David Pritchard and "New Rules for Classic Games" by R.Wayne Schmittberger. To get an impression of the book's contents, take a cyberspace-rickshaw to the Solar Software Website by downloading <freeling-preview.hqx>! #### BINHEX freeling-havannah.hqx **** From: (Christiaan Freeling) freeling@worldonline.nl Subject: Strategy games by Christiaan Freeling Abstract games by Christiaan Freeling is a book in seven parts, thematically ordered in Chess variants, Elimination games, Territorial games, Connection games and Bead capturing games. Each part can be downloaded seperately as a self displaying archive: you don't need any program to read it. The majority of the games has been published previously in "The Encyclopedia of Chess Variants" by David Pritchard and "New Rules for Classic Games" by R.Wayne Schmittberger. To get an impression of the book's contents, take a cyberspace-rickshaw to the Solar Software Website by downloading <freeling-preview.hqx>! #### BINHEX freeling-hexdame.hqx **** From: (Christiaan Freeling) freeling@worldonline.nl Subject: Strategy games by Christiaan Freeling Abstract games by Christiaan Freeling is a book in seven parts, thematically ordered in Chess variants, Elimination games, Territorial games, Connection games and Bead capturing games. Each part can be downloaded seperately as a self displaying archive: you don't need any program to read it. The majority of the games has been published previously in "The Encyclopedia of Chess Variants" by David Pritchard and "New Rules for Classic Games" by R.Wayne Schmittberger. To get an impression of the book's contents, take a cyberspace-rickshaw to the Solar Software Website by downloading <freeling-preview.hqx>! #### BINHEX freeling-medusa.hqx **** From: (Christiaan Freeling) freeling@worldonline.nl Subject: Strategy games by Christiaan Freeling Abstract games by Christiaan Freeling is a book in seven parts, thematically ordered in Chess variants, Elimination games, Territorial games, Connection games and Bead capturing games. Each part can be downloaded seperately as a self displaying archive: you don't need any program to read it. The majority of the games has been published previously in "The Encyclopedia of Chess Variants" by David Pritchard and "New Rules for Classic Games" by R.Wayne Schmittberger. To get an impression of the book's contents, take a cyberspace-rickshaw to the Solar Software Website by downloading <freeling-preview.hqx>! #### BINHEX fungus-20.hqx **** From: Ryan Richard Koopmans <koops@owlnet.rice.edu> Subject: Fungus 2.0 Date: Sun, 25 Sep 1994 13:44:32 -0500 (CDT) This is an update of the freeware game Fungus. It's in color and has new sounds. You can now play Fungus against the CPU, or watch up to four CPU players battle for fungal domination. Direct all inquiries, bug reports, ideas, etc. to koops@rice.edu #### BINHEX game-master-isolation.hqx **** From: gurhs@uniwa.uwa.edu.au (Rhys Hollow) Subject: game/GMIsolation.hqx Date: Wed, 13 May 92 21:44:59 WST The Moderators, Here is a GameMaster rulebook called Isolation. It is a simple two player board game for use with the networking game server GameMaster. It can be played over two macs or on the same mac, but it needs two players. The source to this rulebook, in Think Pascal 4.0 should be available elsewhere on this archive, else mail me at my address below and I'll see what I can do. Rhys. -- Rhys Hollow (gurhs@uniwa.uwa.oz.au) "ee'er by gum he's a bad'un!" -DangerMouse. #### BINHEX game-of-kalah.hqx **** Date: Fri, 24 Jul 92 22:36:24 +0200 From: mercier@poly.polytechnique.fr (MERCIER Damien) Subject: Game-of-Kalah.cpt.hqx Game of Kalah ------------- A famous African game, a variation on Awele. The CompactPro archive includes a small documentation (...) You should try it before saying that you don't like games ! This program is shareware A French version and the sources (Pascal) are available for 10$ PS: Don't be sad or angry if you loose ! I made level 1 easy for that reason (for beginners like me who like to win...) Have fun ----------------------- #### BINHEX game-of-the-winds-20-de.hqx **** From: cordsmeier.pad@sni.de Subject: Game of the Winds 2.0 (german) Game of the Winds ist ein leicht zu erlernendes Brettspiel fuer einen Spieler. Fuer Erwachsene ist es ein fesselndes und herausforderndes Spiel, das viel Spass macht und hohe Konzentration erfordert. Aufgrund seiner einfachen Regeln ist es aber auch sehr gut fuer Kinder geeignet. Game of the Winds ist ebenfalls unter dem Namen Mahjongg bekannt, da es die Motive der Spielsteine des chinesischen Mahjongg Brettspiels benutzt. Zu Beginn eines neuen Spiels werden 144 Steine auf dem Brett in mehreren Ebenen angeordnet. Jeder der Steine ist mit einem farbigen Symbol gekenn- zeichnet, wobei jeweils 4 Steine mit dem gleichen Symbol gekennzeichnet sind. Ziel des Spiels ist es, alle Steine vom Brett zu entfernen. Steine koennen vom Brett entfernt werden, indem zwei Steine mit identischen Symbolen nacheinander mit der Maus angeklickt werden. Der Spielaufbau von Game of the Winds kann aus 20 verschiedenen Spielbrettern ausgewaehlt werden. Weitere Spielbretter koennen mit dem integrierten Spielbretteditor erstellt werden. Die Symbole der Spielsteine koennen aus 3 mitgelieferten Motiven ausgewaehlt werden. Shareware Game of the Winds ist Shareware, DM 10.- bzw. US $10. Weitere Informationen koennen der "Lies mich" Datei entnommen werden. Systemvoraussetzungen Game of the Winds erfordert ein Apple Macintosh mit mindestens System 7. Es laeuft auf jedem Macintosh mit 68K oder PowerPC Prozessor. Game of the Winds wurde mit dem Anti-Viren Programm Disinfectant 3.7.1 ueberprueft. Es wurden keine Viren gefunden. Verfuegbarkeit Game of the Winds verfuegbar in deutscher und englischer Sprache. Es kann von der Game of the Winds Homepage heruntergeladen werden: <http://members.aol.com/cordsmeier> Copyright � 1997 Martin Cordsmeier cordsmeier@kagi.de #### BINHEX game-of-the-winds-20.hqx **** From: cordsmeier.pad@sni.de Subject: Game of the Winds 2.0 (english) Game of the Winds is an easy to learn solitaire board game. It is a fascinating and challenging game which makes a lot of fun. The game is also well suited for children since the rules are simple. Game of the Winds is also known as Mahjongg because the tileset of the traditional Chinese Mahjongg board game is used. When you start Game of the Winds, 144 tiles are arranged on the board in several layers. Each tile is marked with a colored icon. There are always 4 tiles which are marked with the same icon. The aim of the game is to remove all tiles from the board. Tiles can be removed from the board by selecting two matching tiles. Two tiles match if they are marked with the same icon. Game of the Winds comes with 20 different board layout files. The level of difficulty varies from one board layout to the other. You can construct additional board layouts by using the integrated board layout editor. The icons of the tiles can be chosen from 3 different tilesets. Shareware Game of the Winds is shareware. The shareware fee is US $10. System Requirements Game of the Winds requires System 7.0 or later. It runs on a Macintosh equipped with any 68K or PowerPC processor. Availability Game of the Winds is available in german and english language. It can be downloaded from the Game of the Winds homepage at: <http://members.aol.com/cordsmeier> Copyright � 1997 Martin Cordsmeier cordsmeier@kagi.de #### BINHEX genius-14.hqx **** From: jeremyv@viperware.com (Jeremy Vineyard) Subject: Genius 1.4 Genius is a Macintosh rendition of the popular game where you try to remove all the pegs from a triangular board by jumping pegs. The object of the game is to get rid of all of the pegs on the board except one by jumping over adjacent pegs to remove them. To jump a peg, simply click on any peg on the board and drag it to its destination hole. If it can go into that hole, the peg that it will remove will be over-shadowed. | Jeremy Vineyard | http://www.viperware.com | | Viperware(tm) | | | jeremyv@viperware.com | | #### BINHEX glass-bead-game-tutor.hqx **** From: ed@mindsports.net Subject: Glass Beas Game Tutor, an introduction to the game Glass Bead Game Tutor For the interested layman, this package contains a nice introduction to the Glass Bead Game, a two-player board game by Christian Freeling. Apart from the rules, it contains chapters on strategy and tactics, and presents some problems (with their solutions) and recorded actual games (with comment). Glass Bead Game is (c) Christian Freeling To learn more about Glass Bead Game, visit the MindSports pages on the internet: http://www.mindsports.net/ The Glass Bead Game Tutor is written utilizing html and Java applets. This package requires a Java enabled web browser, like Netscape Navigator 3.0 or MS Internet Explorer 3.0. You don't have to be connected to browse this Glass Bead Game Tutor. Have fun. Ed van Zon MindSports ed@mindsports.net http://www.mindsports.net/ #### BINHEX gnu-chess-40b5.hqx **** Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 09:44:07 MST From: oetting@gldfs.cr.usgs.gov (Dan Oetting) Subject: GnuChessMac40b5 -- Gnu Chess for the Mac GNU Chess Mac 4.0 is a free chess game for the Macintosh derived from GNU Chess 4.0 available on other platforms. It is distributed under a GNU Public License and may be given away, but not sold. Version 4.0b5 adds the ability to save and restore games and the often requested "Undo" for people that make mistakes. -- Dan Oetting <oetting@gldfs.cr.usgs.gov> #### BINHEX gnu-chess-gaeilge.hqx **** Date: Sun, 28 Aug 94 09:27:13 +0100 (WET) From: Michael Everson <EVERSON%IRLEARN.UCD.IE@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Subject: GNU Chess GE/-3.0.2 (Leagan Gaeilge!) Is e/ seo an che/ad leagan Gaeilge de chluiche Fichille GNU le haghaidh an Mhacintosh. Ba cheart e/ a sto/ra/il sa chartlann mar gnu-chess-gaeilge.sea.hqx no/ mar sin de. Everson Gunn Teoranta a chuir Gaeilge ar an gcluiche seo. This is the first Irish Gaelic version of GNU Chess for the Macintosh. It should be stored in the archive as gnu-chess-gaeilge.sea.hqx or something similar. Localization by Everson Gunn Teoranta. ========== #### BINHEX gnu-chess-mac-40.hqx **** From: r.exner@trl.oz.au Subject: GnuChessMac 4.0 GnuChessMac 4.0 is a free chess game for the Macintosh derived from GNU Chess 4.0 available on other platforms. It is distributed under a GNU Public License. Version 4.0 was ported by Dan Oetting (oetting@gldfs.cr.usgs.gov) assisted by Tom Gerardy (tomg@whacked.com) and Erich Oetting (erich_oetting@stortek.com). Dan started with GNU Chess 4.0 but made many changes to the search routines, openings and transposition table. The Mac interface is based on the version 3.0 Mac port done by Airy Andre. The version released by Dan Oetting was identified as 4.0b5. This release (4.0) is by Rolf Exner (r.exner@trl.oz.au) and adds Apple Event support, move output in standard algebraic notation, and minor tweaks to the window sizes and positions and the command keys. The Apple Event support allows GnuChessMac to be used as a chess engine by programs such as ExaChess and ExaChess Lite. Rolf. (r.exner@trl.oz.au) #### BINHEX gnu-go-05.hqx **** From: IceFlowr@concentric.net Subject: GnuGo Mac Pack 0.5 The GnuGo Mac Pack offers two ways of playing the game of Go (also known as Igo, Baduk, and WeiQi) on any Macintosh (68k or greater, system 7 or greater): The GnuGo way, which is an _anymac_ compile of version 2.6 of the GnuGo program developed by the Free Software Foundation (see www.gnu.org/software/gnugo/ for more information), or the Mac way, which offers a GUI interface to play go against your Mac using the GnuGo engine. MacGnuGo 0.5 (the Mac way) offers 10 levels to the GnuGo engine, fancy board patterns and stones, and atari, capture, pass, and stone click sounds. You can watch moyo and your dragon status change in real time, as you move. You can play against GnuGo, yourself, watch GnuGo play itself, get hints, and get your current score . MacGnuGo 0.5 is freeware, and is free code. The source code is included. GnuGo 2.6, the engine, is free code as well. See www.gnu.org/software/gnugo/ or the README file for more info. Requirements: At least 16 Megs available (I know, it's huge. I'll fix this somehow.) System 7 or greater A Mac! MacGnuGo 0.5 is far from finished yet, but very playable. I wanted people out there to know that there's to be a front end to GnuGo for the Mac. So Enjoy! #### BINHEX gnu-shogi-11e.hqx **** From: stoutepf@chemsci1.es.dupont.com (Pieter Stouten) Subject: GNU Shogi 1.1E Date: Tue, 25 Jan 1994 12:16:41 -0500 --========================_13302290==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Please, find attached GNU Shogi 1.1E for the Macintosh (based on UNIX version 1.1 patch level 02). GNU Shogi plays Shogi, the Japanese equivalent of Chess. The main differences between Shogi and Chess are: 1) captured pieces can be dropped again by the captor, and 2) almost all pieces can promote. This makes for a very aggressive game, which (contrary to western chess) gets more interesting and complicated towards the end. Requirements: Macintosh with 68020 or better. System 6.0.7 or later. 600 KB disk space. GNU Shogi itself needs 1.2 MB RAM. The program comes with a rules document, a set of openings, etc. GNU SHOGI is written by Matthias Mutz. Kazuhiko Seki added a Mac graphical user interface. Enjoy ! Pieter Stouten <stoutepf@chemsci1.es.dupont.com> --========================_13302290==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="GNU_Shogi_1.1E.sea" #### BINHEX gnu-shogi-us-11e-patch.hqx **** From: San Andreas Barnert <barnert@scf.usc.edu> Subject: GNU Shogi gaijin patch for 1.1--Mac 1.10E Date: Sun, 20 Feb 1994 18:25:55 -0800 (PST) GNU Shogi gaijin patch This patch was designed to make it easier for English-speaking beginners to learn how to play Shogi (a.k.a. "Japanese chess"). It contains a new set of pieces that are marked with their English names, so you can learn the strategy of Shogi instead of learning to recognize the pieces. When you un-binhex and un-stuff this archive, you will find one file. This file is both a brief "ReadMe" text file and a resource file containing the resources for the patch. Just open the file and (a copy of) the Gnu Shogi application in ResEdit and copy over all resources. If anyone wants to make a simpler patch out of this (like an application that you can just double-click and go, instead of having to use ResEdit), please do so. Andrew Barnert barnert@usc.edu ---------------------------------- #### BINHEX grand-chess-intro-11.hqx **** From: ed@mindsports.net Subject: gcintr11.zip - a Grand Chess Introduction Grand Chess Introduction This package contains a nice introduction to Grand Chess, a 10x10 chess variant by Christiaan Freeling. Apart from the rules (as far they differ from traditional chess), it presents some problems (with their solutions) and recorded actual games. Grand Chess is (c) Christian Freeling To learn more about Grand Chess, visit the MindSports pages on the web: http://www.mindsports.net/Arena/ The Grand Chess Intro is written utilizing html and Java applets. This package requires a Java enabled web browser, like Netscape Navigator 3.0 or MS Internet Explorer 3.0. You don't have to be connected to browse this Grand Chess Intro. Have fun. Ed van Zon MindSports ed@mindsports.net http://www.mindsports.net/ #### BINHEX grand-chess-yerevan-96-jv.hqx **** From: edvanzon@euronet.nl (Ed van Zon) Subject: Grand Chess - Yerevan 96, a compilation of games A compilation of Grand Chess games played at the 32nd Chess Olympiad in Yerevan, Armenia. 25 Chess masters, ranging from approximately 2250 to 2350 in ELO rating, enjoyed themselves at the time, discovering Grand Chess, by Christiaan Freeling. All their games were recorded and are presented here, written in html and Java applets. To learn more about Grand Chess, visit the Solar Software Home page on the internet: http://www.worldonline.nl/~freeling/ This package requires a Java enabled web browser, like Netscape Navigator 3.0 or MS Internet Explorer 3.0. You don't have to be connected to browse these Grand Chess Yerevan Games. Have fun. Ed van Zon Solar Software edvanzon@euronet.nl http://www.worldonline.nl/~freeling/ If you like you may include the package on the Info-Mac CD-Rom. #### BINHEX halma-12.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com Subject: Halma 1.2 Date: Fri, 15 Jul 1994 01:21:52 -0400 (EDT) Halma 1.2 is a solitare board game in which you must move nine tiles from one corner of the board to the other in the minimum number of moves. 21 unique boards in all. This version fixes several technical bugs and revamps the help section interface. C source code also available; check ftp sites or e-mail f8dy@netaxs.com. Finger f8dy@netaxs.com for complete program list. Copyright (C) 1994, Mark Pilgrim. Please read enclosed file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. 420K memory, 112K disk, B/W or color monitors, system 4.1 or later. Sounds require system 6.0.7 or later. #### BINHEX havannah-tutor-11.hqx **** From: ed@mindsports.net Subject: Havannah Tutor 1.1, an introduction to the game Havannah Tutor 1.1 For the interested layman, this package contains a nice introduction to Havannah, a two-player board game by Christian Freeling. Apart from the rules, it contains chapters on strategy and tactics, and presents some problems (with their solutions) and recorded actual games (with comment). Havannah is (c) Christian Freeling To learn more about Havannah, or PLAY it ONLINE, visit the MindSports Arena pages on the internet: http://www.mindsports.net/Arena/ The Havannah Tutor is written utilizing html and Java applets. This package requires a Java enabled web browser, like Netscape Navigator 3.0 or MS Internet Explorer 3.0. You don't have to be connected to browse this Havannah Tutor. Changes since v1.0 - new board display Have fun. Ed van Zon MindSports ed@mindsports.net http://www.mindsports.net/ #### BINHEX hero-quest-designer-221.hqx **** From: rgriffin@mail.erols.com Subject: Hero Quest Designer v2.2 If you are board with the Quests that came with the Hero Quest game by Milton Bradley and you don't want to go out and spend 10 dollars on a new quest pack then you have come to the right place. Hero Quest Designer is made especially for the people who don't want to spend a lot of money or are sick of playing old quests. With Hero Quest Designer you can create your own quests quick and easy. With the full version you will be able to design, save, and print out your own quests. If you get board with the ones you make then you can go and make more. You will need HyperCard 2.x to run this. Check out Prisim's web page at: www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/6187 #### BINHEX hexdame-tutor.hqx **** From: ed@mindsports.net Subject: HexDame Tutor, an introduction to the game HexDame Tutor For the interested layman, this package contains a nice introduction to HexDame, a two-player board game by Christian Freeling. Apart from the rules, it contains chapters on strategy and tactics, and presents some problems (with their solutions) and recorded actual games (with comment). HexDame is (c) Christian Freeling To learn more about HexDame, or PLAY it ONLINE, visit the MindSports Arena pages on the internet: http://www.mindsports.net/Arena/ The HexDame Tutor is written utilizing html and Java applets. This package requires a Java enabled web browser, like Netscape Navigator 3.0 or MS Internet Explorer 3.0. You don't have to be connected to browse this HexDame Tutor. Have fun. Ed van Zon MindSports ed@mindsports.net http://www.mindsports.net/ #### BINHEX hexomania-11.hqx **** From: jkienzle@lglsun11.epfl.ch Subject: Hexomania_1.1.sit.hqx Hexomania is a strategic board game for two players (or one against the computer). Each player must try to build a path from one end of the board to the other one: the green player from the top left side to the bottom right one, the red player from the top right side to the bottom left one. The players are allowed to set on any field that is still free. Although the rules are simple, the game is not easy to play. One wrong move and you'll lose. Requirements A Macintosh (or Power Macintosh) with 4MB of memory A color display (256 colors or grays et least for acceptable display, although it runs on 16 color gray) 1.5MB of hard disk space System 7.5 or better (System 8 works fine...) Optional: Speech Manager (for speech), Open Transport (for net play) #### BINHEX hexx-12.hqx **** From: phil@maya.com (Phil Stroffolino) Subject: Hexx! 1.2 "Hexx!" is a delightful action-puzzle game requiring both strategy and skill to win. Colorful graphics, special effects, and a rousing classical score round out the title. "Hexx!" is suitable for all ages. Phil Stroffolino phil@maya.com http://www.maya.com/Local/phil/hexx/ #### BINHEX hexx-ii.hqx **** From: phil@maya.com Subject: hexxII.cpt.hqx HexxII is a colorful, action-puzzle game in the spirit of Bust-a-Move/Puzzle Bobble. It's great fun, and a must have for fans of Tetris variants. Requires System 7.0, and at least 256 colors. It looks best in thousands of colors. Enjoy! phil@maya.com Use BinHex 4.0 to convert it back to original file) :#'KPH(JZBh"d!&""3e4$8%08!*!$#*DF!*!%emF"!BSP!!L4BB"&9C!%CfCPCQ9 fH)GhGTGlQC!![-!+!+!(PQLEc)X,#CL'9iLUZVZJc*GiL+!!UkX'L'H)PkPjGiY hGjQCN!!,#TL,c,ZVV-UlUkblUULmZlX!c!!!#UZ`X!#3!``!#J!!S!V!!*!$J,! ,!!S,!!c+X!#`!!$!!!ZX!!!,bJ!!b`FJ!!)L0&HAUEUV#UR!bmX!$!!!#`c!!*! ($!!-c$mM4&999PCQCRGQH(ChL*!$Q*KiQTUUUEQDUjZkLCZTU3c*UlX+Z`QVX!! !#`UmKkUVb`S,#jX+bJ`!X+#l`!b%)J#Ghkd)G`!NI*Fqh$cHHQ6`DpqATaabpr( ,*`Drc34qh#&cYHAbmI$ZHjbk02lNF)iHAj12jRZr"`r-LKeHQ(iJI2i%[0jm(qR k2pRp@Yb!+RqIrP#%S#CS[KUa4Ef,lmhXfIIMkAq9Mj[2,4i+B6r",#ESfS6q$D! 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Ij%Ar-Ll(kb,l##r6)[XS,kj&qqJ[r4&r!4Br+J,q&"I3)[iN&q`4IaS,68Ip#,X TZVY),mXLrkS,kK&pY"IF)[j%&rm)[j5,YF8LrQ3AVNA[),l+rl)HBFirmqc[(+0 Vld,&$RIj6q*[E1)"0X!!!)"%C89948C8CAGiH'HS!*!!S(#+UCQJU!#J!!J!UJ# 3!!S+UkZDN!#!UTQ3!*UBLUQDS!!!"iHRH)HCH(K`H)H)Kj!!!!Z)HkN+UJ#3!kU J!,#iS!!)#B!!!!N+S+S!#J!+N!#E!!#`QU!!#J#+!!#JN!-!N!1J!*!%U`#3"JQ `!*!!"ad!!L)d9TQ*#DS!N!3+!*!1#N!N4%999@9QGQCRGiGRGiHBH)L*L!Q*Q*Q CUSZEUEZUQTH,QkQlUJ#`#kX!#k!!N!-,!,!!N!5`S!#3"C!!#i3L!6dIPK$d!#3 ra6p82&bcXpVSD*FI2c5r"cj@GESI8!epQ%*qTYGhCrhhZlbFQD'D($lfrdZchYc T4KcHD(K+%[p&2&bkhl[fDH!"&hd[k`K)"0XHrKV4qhVI$EpARI$Qihr*IiZ@9rY #### BINHEX hiarcs-chess-10-demo.hqx **** From: fowell@netcom.com (Richard A. Fowell) Subject: HIARCS1DemoChess Demo version of the HIARCS 1.0 Mac chess program. HIARCS on DOS has won several world championships. Demo still plays chess and reads games/positions (120 games included) but strength is severely reduced and many features (save, etc.) disabled. #### BINHEX hip-hop.hqx **** From: Tim* <games@galatoire.com> Subject: HipHop 1.0 homepage: www.galatoire.com/software email: games@galatoire.com Description: HipHop is a simple board game. System requirements: OS 8.1 PPC May be inclued in CD ROMS. Location proposal: Game/Board #### BINHEX hotel-2002.hqx **** From: Fbaronnet@aol.com Subject: Hotel02US Hotel '02 is my first real video game, written with RealBasic, in around 3 weeks. It's a board game which takes back Monopoly's and other games' concept. You have to earn money by building Hotels, selling Antiquity... Hotel '02 is freeware. Characteristics: �board game in 2D �colored graphics �no sound (not yet) �2 to 4 players �2 to 4 CPU players �you can save and resume your game Configuration: Macintosh, 5 mo de RAM, 5 mo of disk space, systeme 8x 9x Classic. ------------------ For more informations http://www.mandysia.fr.fm (web site in english !) fbaronnet@aol.com #### BINHEX hyper-tic-tac-toe-10b2.hqx **** From: Brian Nenninger <bwn@mail.vt.edu> Subject: Hyper Tic-tac-toe 1.0b2 #### BINHEX indovina-10.hqx **** From: Dario Accornero <dappsoft@mix.it> Subject: Indovina 1.0 Filename: Indovina_1.0_Installer.hqx Size: 2.7MB Type: shareware Category: games Subcategory: board/table Indovina is inspired by the famous board game called Guess Who?(tm). You will be prompted with 24 faces among which your Mac will randomly select one for itself and one for you. The aim of the game is to guess the opponent's face before it guesses yours. You can play either versus your Mac or versus a friend on an AppleTalk network (currently, on the same zone only). Indovina contains wonderful sound effects, astounding graphics and art, and four free music modules. Indovina runs on any MacOS-compatible machine equipped with a 020 or a PPC. It needs at least System 7.0, Sound Manager 3.0, a 13" (640x480) or higher monitor in 256 colours mode, a 4.5MB to 5MB RAM partition (depending upon screen size and number of music files), and about 4MB disk space. Permission is granted to the InfoMac staff to include this program on their CDROM. Any other shareware publisher should contact us to get our approval. The DAPPSoft Team <mailto:info@dappsoft.dreamhost.com> <http://dappsoft.dreamhost.com> DAPPSoft ANNO MMDCCLII AB VRBE CONDITA AEDIFICAVIT #### BINHEX io-folders-chess-11.hqx **** From: dwayne@origami.ornet.med.umich.edu (Dwayne Petrey) Subject: io.folders.chess 1.1 - folders which double as desktop chess sets Custom folders and desktop patterns which double as functional chess sets. Chess pieces move freely on the desktop, hold captured pieces, are set up automatically with scripts, and accept Label colors. One of the chess sets contains fire breathing dragons and a queen with billowing scarf. One set contains more traditional pieces that take on a neon look when modified with Label colors. This version of io.folders.chess is being distributed 11/7/1996 and adds several, new, 256-color chessboards and the Traditional/Neon Chess Collection to the 1.0 version of io-folders-chess. Will Io is a pseudonym of Dwayne Petrey. Registration information: Shareware ($10) #### BINHEX joy-of-hex-130.hqx **** From: cthulhu@kagi.com Subject: Joy Of Hex 1.3.0 APPLICATION NAME AND VERSION: Joy Of Hex 1.3.0 DOWNLOAD SIZE: 2.9 Meg REQUIREMENTS: MacOS 7.0 or greater. 256 colours. 10MB of RAM. 68K or PowerMac. WEB SITE: http://homepages.tig.com.au/~cthulhu DOWNLOAD LINK: http://homepages.tig.com.au/~cthulhu/apps/joyofhex/joyofhex1.2.0.sit EMAIL: cthulhu@kagi.com SHAREWARE PRICE: $39.00 DESCRIPTION: The Joy Of Hex is a strategy board game based on hexes representing regions about one kilometer square. The game uses a planning-execution engine, where the basic unit size is of a battalion, but where company sized units can also be used. There are three possible opponents: a local human, a human via email, and the computer. Included is detailed documentation, a scenario editor and 50 complete scenarios. #### BINHEX kalaha-10.hqx **** From: kulla@pudas.rydnet.lysator.liu.se (Joachim Kulla) Subject: Kalaha v1.0 Kalaha v1.0 is a board game based on a 7000 years old game from Egypt. It's easy to learn and very addictive. This game is $10 shareware. Requirements: This game requires a Macintosh with about 800 free Kbytes of RAM and System 7 or better. This game is a FAT binary so it should work on both PowerMacs and on some older Macs. This binary may be included on the commercially available CD-ROM of the archives. #### BINHEX kazs-checkers-10.hqx **** From: gatrav@magna.com.au (Andrew Kisliakov) Subject: Kaz's Checkers "Kaz's Checkers" allows you to play a game of checkers against a friend or a computer player. Features include the ability to save and load games, view game histories and a hall of fame storing the ten best players. #### BINHEX knight-edit-152.hqx **** Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1992 16:47:58 -0600 From: elpeters@lamar.ColoState.EDU (Eric Peters) Subject: [*] KnightEdit 1.5.2 Hello, All: Here is the newest version (1.5.2) of KnightEdit, a chess-notation editing program. Some have called KnightEdit a game recorder. It reads and writes long algebraic chess notation to and from text files. It animates the moves from a text file onto a graphic chess board. After the chess move is made, post the text file either on a communication network or on an office environment network, or simply print out a text file and mail it to a friend. Note that KnightEdit IS NOT a computer chess game. -------------------------------------------- Shareware: Try the program for 15 days. If you continue using it, pay the shareware fee; otherwise, destroy your copy or give it to a friend for a 15 day trial. Mail a $10.00 registration fee to: Carpenter Software KnightEdit v1.5.2 PO Box 80743 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87198-0743 Commercial distribution of KnightEdit v1.5 or higher requires a license from author and a registration fee. KnightEdit program is a property of Jesse Carpenter. -------------------------------------------- � Special features include: -------------------------------------------- � KnightEdit writes and reads long algebraic chess notation to and from text files. � You can move the chess pieces on the chess board with the mouse. At the bottom of the chess board when selected or active, the next turn number with the appropriate chess piece is shown followed by the board coordinate of the position of the mouse hand. � The smart chess board or (AI) allows only a one move turn and only to the the appropriate space. The smart chess board allows castling, in passing, pawn exchanging, and error checking when reading text. Also smart chess determines a check. If there is a checkmate or stalemate, the king cannot move. � Animate under the Chess Moves Menu allows KnightEdit to animate the moves that are listed on the text file. If it is desired for any reason to discontinue animation, simply hold down the mouse button until the animation stops. � Select Study under the Chess Moves Menu to review all chess moves without altering any text moves. It has a forward and reverse button, and a set and last move button. A quick way to study a game. � Select Write under the Chess Moves Menu to Re-Write chess moves onto the text file. This option is good to use for rewriting incoming text file from others sources so chess notation is rewritten for KnightEdit compatibility. Also can write short algebraic chess notation by selecting the option in the preference dialog. � Preference under the Option Menu allows you to save choice of chess piece, orientation of board, and other options to a preference file. Thus upon starting KnightEdit program, these option are set to New Files and to Text files. Also if NOT using for Text Only in preference, options are saved to the text-style file. The text-style file will set options upon opening, it has precedence over the preference file. � There is a print capability. If the text edit window is active while selecting print under the File menu, it will print WYSIWYG. ALSO if the chess board window is active, it will print the chess board. � Braces {} and carets ^^ are used to manipulate how KnightEdit will read the move list. KnightEdit will ignore any moves in a set of braces. But if there is a caret on the immediate right of a left brace, KnightEdit will read the contents within the braces. If it has two carets, this will indicate to KnightEdit to continue reading on the the next set of braces that has a caret. The second caret of the first set is only needed to set the continuation flag and no others are needed. Also if a caret is placed any where other than on the right of a left brace, KnightEdit will exit the reading except when placed within braces without a caret on the right of a left brace. This is great if you are playing more than one game to a correspondent; it allows KnightEdit to read one game at a time with out getting a read error. This should replace the version currently in the archives. Please note that I am NOT the author of this program. Direct bug reports to Jesse Carpenter (who IS the author) at: JesseJr@aol.com Anyone interested in a game can contact me at the address below. Enjoy! Eric Peters elpeters@lamar.colostate.edu ****************************** #### BINHEX labrisca.hqx **** From: 306858@vetez.unizar.es Subject: "La brisca.sit" La Brisca is a Card game, please put it in /Games/Board This is the complete version. Required at least 68020, system 7.0 and 640x480 monitor Writed in Spanish. Spanish _________________________________ LaBrisca es un juego de naipes. Es la version definitiva. Requiere como minimo micro 68020, sistema 7 y monitor de 640x480. Idioma: espanyol. You can contact the autor ( Valeriano Setien ) in the adress: 331657@cienz.unizar.es Zaragoza Spain Kalisto no Baka! #### BINHEX land-slide.hqx **** From: kenh@vgi.com Subject: [*] LandSlide Date: Mon, 21 Feb 94 10:53:03 -0500 LandSlide by Maxum Development Corp. - This strategy board game involves 2 players (human vs. human or human vs. computer) placing pieces on a 16 x 16 grid with the goal of connecting both sides of the board with a line of adjacent pieces of their own color. Color support. Shareware: $10.00 Part of the October 1993 Home & School Mac Collection. StuffIt 3.0 Archive. #### BINHEX le-satellitaire-hc.hqx **** From: claudevo@hotmail.com (Claude Vanolst) Subject: Le Satellitaire "Le Satellitaire" is a pegged solitaire game made with HyperCard. Enjoy! Permission is granted to redistribute this demo file, on CD-ROM compilations or otherwise. -Claude Claude Vanolst, Luxembourg claudevo@hotmail.com #### BINHEX line-up-202.hqx **** Date: Thu, 21 Jul 94 20:28:28 +0100 From: Berrie.Kremers@kub.nl (Berrie Kremers) Subject: Line Up This is version 2.0.2 of Line Up!. This replaces Connect Four 2.0.1 from your game/board directory. Line Up! is a board game for one or two persons. This new version has great new features, including printing, better color support, cooler sounds, and as the best part the possibility to play games on two different computers over the AppleTalk network. #### BINHEX lose-your-marbles-10.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com Subject: Lose Your Marbles! 1.0 Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 03:33:31 -0400 (EDT) Lose Your Marbles! 1.0 is an infuriating board game in which you must fill a board (as small as 5 x 5, as large as 8 x 8) with marbles such that so row, column, or diagonal contains two of the same marble. Not as easy as it sounds... C source code also available; check ftp sites or e-mail f8dy@netaxs.com. Finger f8dy@netaxs.com for complete program list. Copyright (C) 1994, Mark Pilgrim. Please read enclosed file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. 384K memory, 140K disk, B/W or color monitors, system 4.1 or later. Sounds require system 6.0.7 or later. #### BINHEX luminous-chess.hqx **** From: (Joseph Strout) jstrout@ucsd.edu Subject: Luminous Chess v1.0 Luminous Chess is a Macintosh application which implements an unusual Chess board. Every piece on the board casts light onto the squares which it may attack; one player's pieces cast red light, and the other's cast blue. These lights overlap and combine, showing you instantly the influence exerted over any square on the board. Luminous Chess is strictly a two-player game; there is no computer opponent. However, it has several advantages over a normal Chess board: 1.The luminous squares are both beautiful and informative. 2.Luminous Chess implements both standard and Grand Chess (which requires a 10x10 board). 3.The pieces in Luminous Chess are not easily knocked over by the cat while you're trying to play. (Grand Chess mostly follows standard Chess Rules, but uses a larger board, adds two extra pieces, and eliminates the "castle" move.) Joseph J. Strout Department of Neuroscience, UCSD http://www-acs.ucsd.edu/~jstrout/ #### BINHEX mac-checkers.hqx **** Date: Sun, 22 Jan 1995 14:08:31 -0700 (MST) From: Dejal Userware <dejal@amug.org> Subject: MacCheckers; a Freeware game A game of checkers, including a board editor, playing against the computer, scoring, descriptions of the computer's play analysis, and the ability to save games. Freeware. David Sinclair Dejal Userware |\ ._ . _ . Dejal Userware | dejal@iconz.co.nz (preferred) | | |_ | |_| | PO Box 33-1011 | dejal@deepthnk.kiwi.gen.nz |/ |_ \_| | | |_ Takapuna | dejal@amug.org ----------------- Auckland 1309 | 100033.2435@compuserve.com U S E R W A R E New Zealand ----------------- Author of SndConverter Pro, SndPlayer, QuickEncrypt, TextMerge, TextSplitter and other Shareware and Freeware products for the Macintosh. #### BINHEX mac-chess-251-68k.hqx **** From: "Richard A. Fowell" <fowell@netcom.com> Subject: MacChess 2.5.1 68K - Free chess program for older Macs. MacChess 2.5.1 is the final version for 680X0 based Macintoshes. PowerMac owners should use MacChess 5.01. MacChess is FREE!, master strength, and loaded with features. Prints nice diagrams for chess club newsletters/instructional materials. Use MacChess as a sparring partner, and to store, review, print and analyze games. Web page: http://members.aol.com/macchess/ (c) 1996 by Wim van Beusekom, beusekom@knoware.nl Requires System 7, 2.5 Mb RAM, and a 68020 or better (PowerMac fine) Do not distribute for profit or on CD-ROM without permission. Key Features: ( + = new since 2.0) + Strong play, choice of short/long notation, click or drag movement + Reads/Writes PGN/EPD formats (used by chess archives and databases) + Print diagrams with any of five styles of piece sets + Added "American Style" piece set - most popular U.S. piece style. + Move list has VCR style controls, click to go to any move, animation + Preferences window for set choice, color, sound, etc. + Batch position analysis feature, with detailed log files + iconic position setup, separate windows menu - Black or White can be played by human or machine - Program strength set by limiting time taken or search depth - Take back as many moves as you like - Turn off its opening book or thinking on your time - Ask for a hint, or force the computer to move now - Displays: - current opening - what it thinks the best line is - the move it is currently examining - time taken by each player (on current move, and total) #### BINHEX mac-chess-501-de.hqx **** From: "Richard A. Fowell" <rafowell@mediaone.net> Subject: MacChess 5.0.1D - German Version Free master-strength chess (German version). #### BINHEX mac-chess-501.hqx **** Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 23:26:04 -0700 (PDT) From: "Richard A. Fowell" <fowell@netcom.com> Subject: MacChess 5.01 PPC - free master-strength chess program FREE! master strength chess program. Many features, very polished. Includes "Easy" levels and "Learning chess" file for learners. Very popular: MacChess 2.5 is the most frequently downloaded file of the 350+ files in the AOL Mac "Board Games" area, with over 25,000 downloads. (5.0.1 is PowerMac-only - MacChess 2.5.1 is the current 68K version) (5.0.1 is Not ExaChess compatible - see the MacChess web site for such) MacChess web site: http://members.aol.com/macchess/ MacChess competed in the 1997 Aegon Computer-Human tournament, defeating one master and one near-master while running on a low-end Mac. More than 18 New Features added since MacChess 4.0, including. - New large board option, with large-size "Classic" and "American" sets - "Learning Chess" file added - Reworked chess engine finds forced mates faster, is more compact. - Expanded opening book - nearly 12,000 new positions added. - Improved endgame knowledge - nearly doubled its score on one endgame test - Many new level settings: sudden death, increment, distinct black/white times - Added quick level setting options to Level menu - Setup window now movable, eases copying diagrams from the Web - PGN "result" tag now automatically generated, popup Old features: Copy/Paste EPD/PGN to/from MacChess, analyze your games, or have continual analysis running while you move pieces manually, displays ECO codes, PowerPC native, "Easy" levels, logs analysis, analyzes problem tests, 5 piece sets, hint, move takeback, pause, save/load games, print graphical diagram, print game score, animated game playback with "VCR" controls, read/write EPD/PGN formats, many strength settings, etc. (c) 1998 by Wim van Beusekom, beusekom@knoware.nl Requires Power Macintosh, 5.4Mb free RAM, and System 7 or higher. Do not distribute for profit or on CD-ROM without permission. #### BINHEX mac-fibs-20.hqx **** Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 18:25:02 -0800 From: fergy@best.com (Paul Ferguson) Subject: MacFIBS 2.0.3 MacFIBS is an application to play backgammon across the Internet. On FIBS (the First Internet Backgammon Server) you can match your skills with some of the best players in the world, watch other matches, or just chat about general backgammon topics. MacFIBS provides an easy to use, Mac-like interface to FIBS; it is virtual backgammon the Macintosh way! This file replaces MacFIBS 1.0, which was posted to sumex last September. Thanks! --fergy Paul Ferguson fergy@best.com #### BINHEX mac-life-20.hqx **** From: (Nancy J Giguere) gigue001@gold.tc.umn.edu Subject: MacLife 2.0 MacLife 2.0 is an implementation of Conway's game of Life for the macintosh. Conway's game of life is a simple cellular automation, wherein cells live or die depending on the quantity of naboring cells. Right now (version 2.0) this program is still VERY simple and bare bones, although version 2.0 is a complete rewrite, and the speed and interface have improved. It now uses an 9 x 9 non-wrapping grid. Future updates will include these features: 1) A torus based board. The board will wrap right-left and top-bottom. 2) Variable board sizes, or at least a larger board. 3) Coloration of cells determined by age. 4) Death of cells after a certain age. (Not in the original Conway idea, yet still interesting.) 5) Possiblely a creature palate. Any input on interesting patterns that you find would be appreciated. ng #### BINHEX mac-master-mind.hqx **** Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 17:24:29 -0500 From: pierre@galaxy.ph.tn.tudelft.nl (Pierre Ermes) Subject: MacMasterMind; a game --========================_12660853==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" MacMasterMind can be played in two ways; either the computer makes a hidden code and you take a guess at it, or you make a hidden code and the computer guesses it. I have paid special attention to the graphics, hope you notice it... The game is compacted with Compact Pro and BinHex'ed, Have fun! pierre@ph.tn.tudelft.nl (Pierre Ermes) --========================_12660853==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="MacMasterMind.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="MacMasterMind.sit" #### BINHEX mac-pgn-30.hqx **** From: ake.sjogren@mailbox.swipnet.se (Ake Sjogren) Subject: MacPGN 3.0 With this program you can view pgn-textfiles (chess games). #### BINHEX mac-qubic-32.hqx **** Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 14:34:37 -0400 (EDT) From: "DAVID A. BELSLEY" <BELSLEY@bcvms.bc.edu> Subject: MacQubic 3.2 Here is MacQubic 3.2, an upgraded and moderized version of what continues to be the undisputed king of the 3D tic-tac-toe games. This version is fat code and is able to run on Power Macs as well as, we hope, all the older machines. This file must be unbinhexed and unstuffed. Eric D. Belsley <belsley@cs.cs.miami.edu> and David A. Belsley <belsley@bcvms.bc.edu> #### BINHEX mac-turnover-122.hqx **** Date: Mon, 5 Oct 92 19:57:40 PDT From: jafl@Alice.Wonderland.Caltech.EDU (John Lindal) Subject: MacTurnover 1.2.2 MacTurnover 1.2.2 A version of Othello. Play against the computer or a friend or have the computer play itself. Now Quadra 040 cache compatible. John Lindal jafl@alice.wonderland.caltech.edu #### BINHEX macchess-30e-ppc.hqx **** From: fowell@netcom.com Subject: MacChess 3.0.e PPC - Superb free chess program FREE! chess software. Master strength, loads of features, very polished. (For PowerMacs only - MacChess 2.5.1 is still the current 68K version). Very popular: Over 40,000 downloads of MacChess 2.x on AOL. (If you have MacChess 3.0, download 3.0.e only if you want to have MacChess play automatically against other Mac chess programs). The MacChess Web Page is at: http://members.aol.com/Macchess/ This version is from the 1996 Dutch Computer Chess Championship. Scored 2480 USCF on the "One-Hour Computer Chess Reports Test" (6100/66) Much, much stronger than MacChess 2.5 due to increased speed - over 13 times faster than MacChess 2.5 on a 6100/66 without Speed Doubler. New in 3.0.e Now MacChess can play against GNUChess, Crafty or ZZZZZZ automatically using the freeware utility ExaChess Lite (or the commercial ExaChess). New Features since v2.5: - PowerPC native - MUCH stronger on Power Macintoshes. - Special "Easy" levels for learners to play against. - Expanded opening book - "Next Best Move" option for getting the second best move. - "Log" option records MacChess's analysis during a game. - Can a set of EPD test positions in "batch" analysis mode. - Updates the nodes/sec information more frequently. Old features: 5 piece sets, hint, move takeback, pause, save/load games, print position as PICT, print game score, animated game playbaback with "VCR" controls, read/write EPD/PGN formats, many strength settings, etc. (c) 1997 by Wim van Beusekom, beusekom@knoware.nl Requires System 7, 3.5 Mb RAM, and a Power Macintosh. Do not distribute for profit or on CD-ROM without permission. (Permission granted for Pacific Hitech Info-Mac CD-ROMS) #### BINHEX maciagox-35.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: MacIago X 3.5 *The Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Catalan, and English versions are included in the single application package. MacIago is a strategic computer game based on the Othello/Reversi board game and inspired on the 1984 mac game "Iago" made by David Reed (hence the similar name). MacIago 3 requires Mac OS X to run, if you want to play on Mac OS 9 or lower then you can use MacIago 2.5. This game is freeware. How to play The game is played with a board on which you have to enclose the opponent pieces between your own. All the enclosed pieces will be converted to your own in the eight possible directions. Each move must result in at least one conversion. When such move is not possible the turn is forfeited. The game ends when none of the players is able to make a move. The player with the most pieces at the end of the game wins. Features - Version 3 has been completely rewritten for Mac OS X using the Cocoa frameworks. Compared to the previous version it has improved graphics, better artificial intelligence, a revamped user interface, and the ability to show available moves. - Version 3.5 introduces appearance plugins, a smarter and faster artificial intelligence and a resizable window. #### BINHEX mancala-10.hqx **** From: Todd Clements <tclement@osiris.ac.hmc.edu> Subject: Mancala 1.0 - a logic game Date: Sun, 22 May 1994 10:42:31 -0700 (PDT) Mancala is a logic game that is based on an old African Stone game. It's a very simple game to learn - you simply move stones around a board - but the logic is interesting, and it can become very addicting. This is the first public release of the program. The file Mancala_Sounds.sit can be used with Mancala, but is not necessary. It is included separately due to its size. For fan-mail, hate-mail and bug reports, I can be reached at tclement@hmc.edu #### BINHEX mancala-sounds.hqx **** From: Todd Clements <tclement@osiris.ac.hmc.edu> Subject: Mancala Sounds - for use with Mancala Date: Sun, 22 May 1994 10:43:03 -0700 (PDT) These are sounds to be used with Mancala (same sounds will probably be used for all versions, first version is archived as Mancala1.0.sit.hqx). They are not necessary, but make the game more fun. They are included separately due to their comparative size to the game. I am the author and can be reached at: tclement@hmc.edu #### BINHEX marienbad-42.hqx **** Date: Tue, 11 Jul 1995 15:56:27 -0400 (EDT) From: "DAVID A. BELSLEY" <BELSLEY@bcvms.bc.edu> Subject: Marienbad 4.2 Here is "Marienbad," version 4.2, a Nim-like game for the Mac. This version has had a face lift and has been modernized to be more accommodating and eye appealing on today's machines and color monitors. It is also fat code, via CodeWarrior, and should run native on all Macs. For those of you who already have an older version of Marienbad in place, be sure to rebuild the desktop after replacing it with this new version if you want to gain the new color icons. #### BINHEX master-mind-261.hqx **** From: rich@brome.com Subject: Master Mind 2.6.1 - A Game of Strategy and Logic This is a HyperCard stack that simulates the classic board game Master Mind. The graphics are superb and the gameplay is addictive. The interface is straightforward and elegant. It comes complete with balloon help, online help and documentation. Master Mind is a simple game of logic. The object is to guess a secret code consisting of a series of 4 colored pegs. With each guess, you gain more information about the secret code. Illustrated instructions are included. Unlike the board game, this game is designed as a one-player game. Requirements: * HyperCard Player 2.0 or better * 2.3 MB free RAM * 256 colors (8-bit) or better display Tech Note: This game uses an XCMD for color, and thus does not require HyperCard 2.2 or 2.3. Rich Brome brome software www.brome.com (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) :&deKFh4PFL"0D@jN)$)Z0Lia)-3ZFfPd!&0*9%46593K!*!$!Tc5!*!%Ab46593 K!!%!!Tc5FNaKG3*6!*!$&J!!)#!66@&cG'9b)%eTEQ3J-Lif,M%Ja!#3$'D4!*! $,`!0!,%"03#3!`)!N!q'!!!"$[q3"!-!X"*JFE!5B18!N!8'iUX!N!8#R%crj2r m!*!'6(30$4&0BA0dCA)J6@PZC#!b,MBZ-3#3$KZq!*!4&J!#M6J!N!-@!"!!(90 838YA58a%!3#S2Sk,X"*JaJ!')2F!!+!!!!*I@3!!,1NTrB5$!*!'[V`'!1XeF&" jeY(21RTqPfN[MmNclE`@1V$VpESZ+PZi&q@f(+H$1Thdd@XcZ`BVGk$XkV6bTHf i$PSmQ[fQQedADcPDTj1f1QPlEPVPV@`Idlld[(kVHHhcl++qAEj!!&d0ZVjCP`e k#Bk!&`%*lJQ))6KX'MPXj($NGJ42KrQpA@Cf1D#EEEE0A2RC0E3FQ%h-j6RPN!" rG&qA[YHChmAc)DHmI,VY2-UlM$G)Dp#1Ap$S(R4Xd3ZbaFajRPRYC(Z3!(BjX)Y rGKQIC-Ckee'H&1Lkl"Td$C)E!KUB6E[-U`f2iSkH!(Qq15"%3)Mr2@H*rpeR#I& ,*%&j8N8*#Iab#3NK`X`F4HkJL`4Q'M1c@*Gfe%Fmrj'0C6[bYbXH+5lCT,KrbB0 ,[L`N3V*ZIFVUap2AV"6FrMEP)EmJRrrpc[G1*Rhl(`LT3p9$GM,AU&QZ*X,lPT! !1FDdCH9Vc)%GY1B$G&c&PfY(ja&dSrHq'#+X+#&c%pAX4pch3A`G`0H0'5AX4ip hi,6amFjb3D&[(L($pbeK2pSXA+PqQ1$,4[VP`55e-29%XPqblmRLNcp1NYmRdRB 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M300G$ce(LZPk-pmff'4)k3@X'C!!+'-MkZ8DI)h+e8dB0c"!9Q6Pj3mkNK`a+2& kU)`R&9*j0(,-!S&"f4RSK5$QN5h)M9I&3)PZ'KjiV3--)f6KrMJRr+p!berdf-6 mjSNKmaYl)0PXh4'Z(Lp8jpQ"ikPD!*K0f@!9e),$pZQ9+R&L!*CY0dd`LP`KNr+ !MKU"XJ'mRijbGDTj"I)p[R'pdiS)5$IB[LiH)k!J-8iq@8("0P$DTE)HGpdeKm4 `a+QXP$m1r,bHZ5d18'"'da5i5YaF8I3`JXlTVP,fB'%RhrCffTj2d0@U1Nhcpr% 3*X`8j&*Z*MbK+Fm!,$US##[I00XK2i&f#2#jlHGDTf34-Tl1lBPEFBXQjJQJNdJ #### BINHEX memo-plus.hqx **** From: sarnaud@cybercable.fr Subject: Memo+ Memo+ is a cards game in wich you must refind couples of cards. There is two sort of games: a classic game in which you must find all the couples, and a game in wich one card is missing, and the winner is the one who find the lonely card. In addition, you can organize tournament from 5 to 64 peoples, keeping track of statistics, and add all plug-in you want. a little tool has been added too help you creating some. It runs on PPC, system 7.1 or later, 256 colours. #### BINHEX mr-mind-game-11.hqx **** From: (Mr Chan Kwok Wing) wingchan@HK.Super.NET Subject: Mr.Mind Game I would like to upload a freeware that I wrote. Mr.Mind is a game like MasterMind. wing chan #### BINHEX naughts-crosses.hqx **** From: mboxall@whitley.unimelb.edu.au Subject: Naughts & Crosses 4.0 Naughts & Crosses is a simple application, allowing you to play Naughts & Crosses (also known as Tic-tac-toe) against a friend or computer. There is also a Zero player option, so the computer can play against itself. System Requirements: 68020 CPU or better System 7 or later #### BINHEX net-othello-10b2.hqx **** From macmod Sat Aug 28 11:50:17 1993 From: geech@cs.bu.edu (Andrew McGeachie) Date: Sat, 28 Aug 93 14:41:19 -0400 Subject: Net Othello 1.1b2 Network Othello 1.1b2 This is the second version of Net Othello, which allows several users to play othello over an AppleTalk network. It allows users to play several games against different opponents simultaneously and is fully MultiFinder compatible. It can run on system 6, or system 7. Improvements over first version: Net Othello now works across AppleTalk zones. There are also some internal changes which make it communicate more reliably over the network. There is also a known bug: If you try and register yourself with a name that someone else is using, you get a dialog prompting you to enter a new one. After doing this, it bombs :( I will work on fixing this one. Please let me know of other bugs you find, or suggestions you have. - Andrew McGeachie geech@cs.bu.edu 1/29/92 ---------------------------------------------------------------- #### BINHEX net-risk-11.hqx **** Subject: NetRisk 1.1 update From: rrwood@uuisis.isis.org (Roy Wood) Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1992 12:02:34 -0400 Organization: International Shared Information Service (Ottawa) Lots of people complained that NetRisk 1.0 didn't support multiple zones, and had a bunch of other annoying problems. Well, here's version 1.1, which supports multiple zones, and fixes those other problems. The on-line help is a little unconfident about the multiple-zone stuff, but it's worked well so far. Watch for Communications Toolbox support in version 1.2, but don't hold your breath-- I do have a job and a life. -Roy Wood #### BINHEX net-tac-toe-10.hqx **** From: setht@gtii.com (Seth Tabberer) Subject: Net-Tac-Toe V1.0 Net-Tac-Toe is a tic-tac-toe game that lets two players play against each other across a network, modem, serial cable, etc. Net-Tac-Toe v1.0 features: 1) Communication Toolbox support. Use any comm tool to establish a two player game of tic-tac-toe. 2) Built in chat room. 3) Text-2-Speech. If Text-2-Speech is installed. --Seth Tabberer #### BINHEX nubb.hqx **** Subject: [*] Nubb An interesting and original strategy board game. The author says to play the game before reading the docs and try to figure it out for yourself. I agree with him NOT! Color support. Freeware. Part of the June 1993 Home & School Mac collection. StuffIt 3.0 archive. [Archived as /info-mac/game/nubb.hqx; 27K] #### BINHEX online-tic-tac-toe-20.hqx **** From: charles.delauder@his.com Organization: Heller Information Services, Inc. Date: Sun, 06 Nov 94 13:51:21 Subject: ONLINE TIC-T Once again comes another release of Online Tic-Tac-Toe, this being version 2.0, by Kitty - Kat Software. Online Tic-Tac-Toe is a game for use with the FirstClass� Bulletin Board System. The files in the stuffed archive include everything needed to update both the Client's settings file, and instructions to set up the game for the server. Version 2.0 brings an entirely colorized interface, some extra online icons, and other things here and there. This version is $2.00 shareware... it is asked that the Administrator of the board running the program pay the fee, while the users don't have to (but are welcomed to) Enjoy! Kitty - Kat Software kitty.kat@his.com ___________ | | | ________| | | ___________ | | | \ | | | _____ \ | |_| |__ | | | | | | | | Sincerely, |_____| |__| | | Charles DeLauder | |_____| | cd@his.com | / _____________________ |___________/ #### BINHEX ortograf-10-fr.hqx **** From: ortograf@teamsoft.com (Gilles Blanchette) Subject: Ortograf 1.0 (FR) Avec Ortograf vous pouvez jouer au Scrabble� sur votre Mac. 4 niveaux de difficult�, 5 types de parties. Simple � utiliser, tr�s belle interface. English Home Page: http://teamsoft.com/ortograf.english/ French Home Page: http://teamsoft.com/ortograf Thank you, Gilles Blanchette Logiciels Ortograf #### BINHEX ortograf-10.hqx **** From: ortograf@teamsoft.com (Gilles Blanchette) Subject: Ortograf 1.0 With Ortograf you can play Scrabble� with your Macintosh. 4 levels of difficulty. Easy to use, with a very nice interface. English Home Page: http://teamsoft.com/ortograf.english/ French Home Page: http://teamsoft.com/ortograf Thank you, Gilles Blanchette Logiciels Ortograf #### BINHEX ot-chess-152.hqx **** From: syd@netmanage.com Subject: OTChess1.5.2 OTChess is a two player peer to peer Internet chess game for use on OpenTransport-based Macintosh (essentially, any Mac running System 7.5.3 or greater). - Requires Open Transport 1.1 or greater. Also requires System 7.1.2 or greater. System 7.5.3 or greater recommended. - If you select "Cancel" in the dialog which queries for you name and the hostname of your opponent, you will be placed in a single-user (non-network mode). - Moves are now displayed as they occur in a scrolling window added to the right side of the main dialog. - You can now chat among players. The messages are displayed in the same scrolling window used to display piece moves. - OTChess has been tested under System 7.5.3 on an LC 475, a PowerMac 7500/100, and a Powerbook 520C. It also has been tested on a PowerComputing PowerBase 240, running System 8. Fixes/Changes since 1.5, 11/10/97 + Reversed black and white positions on the board, and the color of board positions. It was reported that I had the board colors wrong. Fixes/Changes since 1.5.1 (not released to info-mac), 11/23/97 + Alert dialog to indicate if host specified could not be resolved. After user dismisses the alert, the connection dialog is redisplayed allowing the user to respecify the host name or IP address and try again. + Dialog is now displayed while connection to host is in process. User can cancel and this will cause the game to revert to local mode. + Support for AppleEvents was broken. Added the necessary resources to allow it to work. Now, when the application is started, a board is displayed. #### BINHEX otello-20.hqx **** Date: Sat, 12 Sep 92 16:28:23 PDT From: lyson@mprgate.mpr.ca (Angela Lyson) Subject: [*] Otello 2.0 I am submitting this contribution for a friend who does not have access to the net. Thanks. ---- Angela Lyson lyson@mprgate.mpr.ca ...uunet!ubc-cs!mprgate!lyson MPR Teltech Ltd. 8999 Nelson Way In the standards game, as in penmanship, Burnaby, B.C. the best grades often go to the least interesting people. Canada V5A 4B5 Robert X. Cringely, Accidental Empires ---- Otello 2.0 Copyright (C) 1990-1992 by Ron Hayter. All rights reserved. Non-commercial distribution only. Otello is a strategy board game named after an opera. It is not named after a certain commercial strategy board game, although there is a vague resemblance between the two. :-) Otello can play at three skill levels, or it can be used by two people as an electronic game board. If you like, it can suggest what it thinks is the best move available at any time. Please send me a postcard if you enjoy this game. Revision history: v1.0 First release. v2.0 Added colour. Made the board resizable. Improved the algorithm for evaluating moves. #### BINHEX ouvrez-le-ban-11-hc.hqx **** From: bill@quadra220.humana.univ-nantes.fr (Cyril Moulard) Subject: Ouvrez le Ban !!! v.1.0; a strategy game Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 11:11:27 +1100 *** Ouvrez le Ban !!! v.1.0 *** *** � "Ouvrez le Ban !!! v.1.0" is an HyperCard stack in 256 colors written by a french student, Cyril Moulard, with hyperCard 2.2 on a Macintosh LC II. It is a game that we can play by net with two Macs linked with hyperCard 2.* and the stack "Color Tools" (Outils Couleurs) on their hard disk. The "application share" must be active too. � This strategic game is famous by the name of "L'Attaque" or "Strat�go". I have done here a by net game. Two armies try to capture the ennemy flag. � For more details, report you to the (french) help which the stack contains � � In this version 1.1, moves in diagonal are now forbidden. Bads-buttons were erased too. � If you registered the stack with your name, you must send me a mail (like this one) (you can copy-paste it) to "�bill@quadra220.humana.univ-nantes.fr�". */ Register Ouvrez le Ban�!!! + Name : ****** + Forename : ****** + Society : ******* + Mac : ****** + My E-Mail adress : ****** + the server where I obtained stack (or how I found it) : ****** /* � If you have criticisms, suggestions or remarks, please, send a mail to "�bill@quadra220.humana.univ-nantes.fr�" � I will enjoy all mail from users. #### BINHEX pegged-213.hqx **** From: Ken Hancock <kenh@vgi.com> Subject: [*] Pegged 2.1.3 Date: Thu, 5 May 94 10:57:24 -0400 The classic game of Peg Solitaire, but more! Try to clear all the pegs but one from the board. Choose from many different boards and dozens of puzzles. Solved them all? Create your own puzzles with the built-in puzzle editor. Part of the Home & School Mac Cary Torkelson's Greatest 3.0 collection. StuffIt 3.0 archive. #### BINHEX pente.hqx **** Date: Wed, 2 Dec 92 13:40:28 -0500 From: blackm@ecn.purdue.edu (Michael A Black) Subject: Archive submission This is a shareware version of the classic board game Pente ('pen-tay). Win by lining up five of your stones or capturing five of your opponents pairs. Features three modes of play, and three difficulty levels. #### BINHEX pentominoes-20.hqx **** From: Mark Pilgrim <f8dy@netaxs.com> Subject: Pentominoes 2.0; a piece-placing game Date: Sun, 30 Jul 1995 03:43:55 -0400 (EDT) Pentominoes 2.0 is a game where you must place 12 pentomino pieces on a game board without any overlap. You may rotate and/or flip each piece, but the you may not place a piece more than once. New version includes 3-D graphics, a board editor, and over 90 boards. Color or B/W. Requires system 7.0 or later. Copyright (c) 1993-5, Mark Pilgrim; please read the enclosed file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. #### BINHEX pgn-viewer-13.hqx **** Date: Fri, 3 Mar 1995 14:29:07 -0500 From: dca1@postoffice.mail.cornell.edu (Dave Airey) Subject: PGN Viewer 1.3 Here is the latest incarnation of my chess viewing program. I have added some useful alerts and have made it possible to reverse the board position (view the game from black's perspective as well!). Please post to the recent or games directory. Thank you. Dave Airey Department of Psychology Uris Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 e-mail: dca1@cornell.edu phone: 607-255-6396 fax: 607-255-8433 #### BINHEX pm-chess-clock.hqx **** From: deblois@medphys.mgh.mcgill.ca (Francois Deblois) Subject: PMChess-Clock (freeware) This program does what it is called: a chess clock ! It is a fat application tested on both 68K and PPC. Documentation and application in attachment thank you, Francois DeBlois deblois@medphys.mgh.mcgill.ca #### BINHEX poly-dol-109.hqx **** From: STH@ecl.psu.edu Subject: Poly-Dol 1.09 Poly-Dol is another board game with color pieces on hexagonal or square grid. The object of the game is to match the pieces on the board to the given shape. You can slide pieces on a line horizontally, vertically or diagonally, or rotate pieces. #### BINHEX poly-off-102.hqx **** From: STH@ecl.psu.edu Subject: Poly-Off Poly-Off is another solitare board game. The objective is to turn all the pieces into grey. If you click on a piece, the color will be changed, so are some of its neighbors. The changing neighbors will be decided depending on the shape of the switch. This simple game is not that easy as it looks. There are more than 1 million possible states for the easiest board. #### BINHEX poly-peg-109.hqx **** From: STH@ecl.psu.edu Subject: Poly-Peg 1.09 Poly-Peg is a classic board game on hexagonal or square grid. It is easy to learn, but hard to master. The object of the game is to remove all the pieces except one. Pieces can be removed by jumping one piece over another piece and landing on a blank space. #### BINHEX poly-tile-109.hqx **** From: STH@ecl.psu.edu Subject: Poly-Tile 1.09 Poly-Tile is a board game with color pieces on hexagonal or square grid. It is easy to learn, but hard to master. The object of the game is to remove all the pieces except one in as few moves as possible. A move is a piece jumping over another piece and landing on a blank space or another piece. #### BINHEX polymine-109.hqx **** From: STH@ecl.psu.edu Subject: PolyMine 1.09 PolyMine is a game with special grid and mines. The objective is find all the safe place without stepping on a mine. You can adjust the difficulty of the game by selecting the number of mines, holes and the shape of grid. #### BINHEX polyominoes-60.hqx **** From: kevin@apple.com (Kevin Gong) Subject: Polyominoes 6.0 68K Polyominoes 6.0 is an addicting game based on polyominoes. A polyomino is a piece made up entirely of squares connected edge-to-edge. For example, a domino is a polyomino with 2 squares. In Polyominoes, you can use pentominoes, tetrominoes, trominoes, hexominoes, or create a set of your own pieces using the Piece Editor. Polyominoes is really three games in one. In game mode, you have a very interesting strategy game in which you try to put the last piece on the board. The pieces can be flipped or rotated in any manner. You can use any of the 90 different boards, or create one of your own using the Board Editor. In puzzle mode, you can try to place all the pieces on any of the boards. In spanning puzzle mode, you try to "span" the board with the fewest number of pieces. The program keeps track of all of your best efforts. Polyominoes is Shareware, $8.00 registration fee. Please visit the Polyominoes Web Site at http://members.aol.com/KevinGong3/poly/polyhome.html Major changes since version 5.0: * a better user interface * PowerPC Native version * translucent dragging of pieces on Power Macintoshes * improved graphics * balloon help for menus * 28 new Pentomino boards, bringing the total to 90 * the ability to print boards and pieces * support for larger monitors * More piece sets * The ability to play with 1-sided pieces * Bug fixes and more! #### BINHEX property.hqx **** From: (Graham Loader) readingfc@patrol.i-way.co.uk Subject: Property Version 1.0 eh? Yep, this is the first version so there may be the occasional bug floating around that I still haven't spotted. Please let me know if you find any! There's also less options than there may be on future versions. Any System Requirements? Yep, you'll need something at least as good as an LCIII. You'll need at least a 68030 processor really and a monitor that can display 256 colours at 480x640 resolution. ie. a 13" monitor should do the job. What is it? Property is a version of a familiar property board game simulation. This version is based on the Reading area and has been created using THINK C by Graham Loader. How do I play it? It's all pretty straight forward how to play the game. If not there's a user manual available from myself, or you can try the help option within the game. Is this game totally free or what? This game is not free! If you like the game and play it more than a couple of times then please show your gratitude. This game is BEERWARE which means you can become a registered user by sending me a can of beer (export lager perfered!). If you prefer you can send a cheque or cash to the value of �5 which will give you the benefit of receiving the latest version of the game, and the knowledge that I'll still be able to afford a pint from the money! How do I get in touch with the author? Please send anything by snail mail to me at: Graham Loader 5 Boldrewood Burghfield Common Reading RG7 3LR UK If you're on the old Internet then you can email me: GLoader@patrol.i-way.co.uk Hows about an advert the READING FC INTERNET FANZINE? In fact if you're on the 'net you should check out my home page which is all about the greatest football team in England: http://www.i-way.co.uk/~readingfc ENJOY THE GAME! Graham Loader (13 May 1996) #### BINHEX quarto-101r.hqx **** From: apdoo@research.att.com Subject: Quarto 1.01r board game Quarto! is a strategy game I copied from a board game of the same name. The object of this game is to be the first person (or computer) to correctly declare that there is a line of four pieces, each of which shares at least one attribute. There are four attributes: shape (round or rectangular), height (tall or squat), color (white or grey), and plain or dotted. Version 1.01r released April 1996. This version fixes two bugs that were introduced in the features above: after opening a game, you could put pieces down over pieces that were already on the board. Similarly, after "undoing" a previously won game, you could put pieces down over pieces that were previously part of the winning line. More info is available by choosing "Help" from the Quarto menu in the game. Quarto! is freeware. Source code is freely available. Like it? Comments? Want the source? Write to Alan Weiss APDoo@aol.com #### BINHEX r-chess-222.hqx **** From: (Richard A. Fowell) fowell@netcom.com Subject: RChess 2.2.2: Free humorous, beatable chess program Fills a market gap, by being easily beaten at its lower levels. Unkind people have suggested that this feature applies at the higher levels too. Usually beats its programmer on level 4, often on level 3, and occasionally on level 2. Is given away free, gratis, without charge, and for nothing. Nor are you required to pay for it. Examines up to 1500 moves per second on LCIII; up to 3600 per second on Quadra 650. The natural awe with which naive people regard these numbers should be tempered by the fact that most of the moves examined are stupid ones that no human player would contemplate at all. Author contact info: robert.purves@stonebow.otago.ac.nz #### BINHEX risk-ii-improver.hqx **** From: schreib1@MARSHALL.EDU Subject: Risk II Improver Risk II Improver is a simple patch for Risk II, the colorized version of Risk. It allows backgrounding and fixes a dialog box error. This patch was created by me, not by the author of the original Risk, or the person who colorized it, and they have nothing to do with it. I hope this can be of some use to the Mac community... #### BINHEX risk-ii.hqx **** From: wiromero@NMSU.Edu Date: Wed, 16 Dec 92 10:05:36 MST Dear Moderator, This is a repost of a recent submission of the file Risk_II.sit.hqx. Please submit this into your info-mac/game directory this last time. This is a colorized version (modified using ResEdit) of the old black/white Risk! This makes excellent use of the 256-color mode of any color Macintosh with a color display. This has been corrected of a minor flaw where the OK button in the victory dialog window did not work. It now works. The color background was modified slightly for better display on black/white Macs, as well as the Risk! card backface. This game still works on the old black/white Macs, since the modifications are only resources, that is, the actual game code is still original and unchanged in this colorized version. Therefore, this is not an unauthorized "hack". It should be noted that though this game does not explicitly announce anywhere within itself whether or not it is either share- ware or freeware, one can assume freeware since it has been available for downloading on ftp sites for quite some time now. Hence all credit (c) rightfully belongs to the author of the game: Antonie J. Engel 60 Pinewood Rd. Bolton, MA 01740 Since this game now works for both black/white and color Macs, it is certainly worth it to download. Enjoy! A note to the moderators: I had a friend submit this game on her own account about 4 days ago in the process of showing her how to find the submissions addresses of some of the sites, and how to submit the files for archiving, but this time I am just doing it myself, so as not to involve her a second time. #### BINHEX roll-the-bones-320.hqx **** From: Mikael Sheikh <sheikh@server.Stanford.EDU> Subject: rollthebones_v3.2.0 A rather simple Macintosh implementation of games resembling the classic American dice games Yahtzee! and Triple Yahtzee! - Requires System 6.0.2 or higher - System 7, 7.1, 7.5 compatible #### BINHEX sargo-noidz.hqx **** Date: Sun, 18 Sep 1994 13:13:14 -0700 (PDT) From: Akira <pizor@lclark.edu> Subject: SargoNoidz This is a puzzle game based on a chessboard. You control a little face with the keypad, and have to move that face across every sqaure of the board at least once within a limited amount of time. This is complicated by an army of chess pieces that get more advanced with each level, trying to capture you before you complete your mission. You can, of course, capture them by moving atop them before thy move atop you. This is a fast-paced action/strategy game with support for both black-and-white and color, up to 256. Rich "Akira" Pizor, pizor@lclark.edu |"Only a fool refuses to follow, when Lewis and Clark College | Pan comes prancing through the forest." LC Box 663 | Portland, OR 97219 | -- Armistead Maupin #### BINHEX screamer-book.hqx **** From: William Bryant <wbryant@ix.netcom.com> Subject: Screamer Chess Opening Book File Screamer is a FREE! master strength, ExaChess compatible chess program. This is a larger replacement opening book. This opening book file replaces the standard book distributed with Screamer Chess. (c) 2000 William Bryant <wbryant@ix.netcom.com> #### BINHEX screamer-chess-57.hqx **** From: William Bryant <wbryant@ix.netcom.com> Subject: Screamer Chess Build 57 This is the latest release of the Screamer Chess Engine for PowerPC Macintosh Computers. The distribution includes the Chess Program, An opening book, elementary end-game-tablebases, and complete instructions. A MacOS X compatible version will be coming soon. This is from the _Read_Me_First_ file. What's New - build 57 Screamer has a new log option, "Log to PGN File". This option allows all games played to be send to a file in PGN format. The PGN file can be used a a game database and directly inported into Exachess or any chess database program. What's Better Rewrote the evaluation function. This increases Screamer's score on test suites as follows: Correct ELO USCF Rating CCR 19 / 25 2350 2530 LCT II 23 / 35 2415 2595 BT2630 23 / 30 2376 2556 Average: 2380 2560 WAC 292/300 @ 1 minute Note: This is on my G3 Tower 266mhz (66mhz system bus). What's Fixed A number of minor bug fixes were made. #### BINHEX sgf-file-helper-12.hqx **** Date: Sat, 3 Jun 1995 20:31:58 +0200 From: x <Peter.Berck@kub.nl> Subject: SGFFileHelper1.2 (smart go file utility) This is for Go players who have lots of games in the smart-go or Ishi format lying around. This is to make life a little bit easier. You can throw a directory containing games on the application, which will show a window with a listing with all the games in the directory, together with some extra information like players' names and rankings', outcome of the game &c. Double clicking on a game will launch the associated viewer application. It has options to apply filters to the listing to select only games you want and (new in version 1.2) to sort the list. -Peter #### BINHEX showwit-10.hqx **** From: Patrick C Hew <phew@tartarus.uwa.edu.au> Subject: Showwit! Version 1.0 Copyright (C) 1996 by Patrick C Hew. All Rights Reserved. This program is freeware. For comments, complaints and questions (how's that for alliteration!), I can be contacted at - <mailto:phew@ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au> A 4x4 grid of tiles conceals a picture. Clicking on the tiles will �flip them back and forth between showing and hiding the picture. When you flip a tile, other tiles may flip in response. Your goal is to reveal the picture by flipping the correct tiles. With each level, the tiles which flip in response to your clicks will change. There are over 100 levels to challenge and annoy you (and if you get really put out, there is a program included to generate solutions). #### BINHEX side-minder-11.hqx **** From: (John V. Holder) jvholder@northcoast.com Subject: SideMinder! (1.1) SideMinder! is a challenging game played against the computer. Your mission is to place 3D game pieces on the board, matching as many sides as you can. The more sides you match, the higher the score! Many different options are available, such as various playing boards, tournament mode, rotating pieces, number of colors (or patterns for B&W), and level of difficulty! Try it, you won't be disappointed! I take no responsibility for time or sleep lost due to the habit forming effects of this game! System Requirements. Min. System...: 6.0.5 on up Min. Hardware.: Mac Plus or better (Works great on PowerMacs!) Shareware.....: $10 Author........: John V. Holder email address.: johnholder@aol.com Home Page.....: http://www.northcoast.com/~jvholder/ #### BINHEX sigma-chess-51.hqx **** From: "Richard A. Fowell" <fowell@netcom.com> Subject: Sigma Chess 5.1 - free PowerMac chess program with 3D board SigmaChess is a free master-strength chess program for PowerMacs (Those with 68K Macs, or System 7.0/7.1, should use SigmaChess 4.02 Lite) SigmaChess has won many awards (see www.sigmachess.com). It has a 3D rendered piece set, and will annotate your games and print them out in two-column format in figurine notation with embedded diagrams. Some of the many new features in 5.0: - Now PowerMac (only) - SigmaChess 4.02 is 68K code - 3-4 times faster - should be 100 rating points stronger now - Now defeats Crafty & Screamer 3:1 in matches by umpired by ExaChess - Now compatible with ExaChess chess umpire for computer-computer play - More piece sets - More levels and time controls - Multiple chess engines - can play chess against you while analyzing other games in the background - More robust PGN/EPD import for loading chess games from the Internet - Faster, more capable chess database features for organizing your games #### BINHEX simpsons-gunshy.hqx **** From: x1foshee@exnet.iastate.edu (Jeanette Foshee) Subject: Simpsons Gunshy game Date: Thu, 13 Jan 1994 07:48:37 -0500 --========================_7176946==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" January 13, 1993 To the Info-Mac Moderators: Here is a revision of a pd game. The creator of this game put it out with the invitation that other folks add to it, which is what's happened. One person in California revised it to use the Simpson icons that I made (you have volumes 1 and 2, and I'm working on a 3rd collection, due by June of this year), and he sent a copy to me. I promptly revised it some more, and am sending you the result. This game involves matching tiles, which then disappear. The object is to match all the tiles, to uncover the picture beneath. I think it would be a worthy addition to your Mac archives. Thanks much! Jeanette --========================_7176946==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Simpsons_Gunshy.sea" #### BINHEX smashing-pumpkins-13-gunshy.hqx **** From: Chris Carman <CECARMAN@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu> Subject: smashing-pumpkins-gunshy I just uploaded a Smashing Pumpkins version of Gunshy 1.3. Click on album covers, singles covers, and different band members to uncover a picture taken from teh cover of the July 1993 issue of Alternative Press (at least I think it's July). Also, visit the Smashing Pumpkins Web Site at: http://www.muohio.edu/~carmance/sp.html Images, sound clips, software, lyrics, interviews/articles, guitar tablature, and links to other Pumpkin-related web pages. Loads of fun! Anyway, I would greatly appreciate it if you could add this to info-mac/game/ so that I can clear it off my disk quota and move some new things onto the page. Thanks a lot! Later, -Chris Carman -carmance@muohio.edu -http://www.muohio.edu/~carmance #### BINHEX snack-attack.hqx **** From: gepetto@tjmw.com Subject: Snack Attack 1.0.0 - Board Game Snack Attack 1.0.0 is a game for 1 to 4 players, ages 3-7. It is a classic "roll and move" game, the winner being the one who reaches the top of the screen before the other players do. Any or all of the players may be run by the computer. All the important action is handled by clicking the mouse on pictures on the screen or by pushing the Space bar on the keyboard. All dialog boxes are read aloud, so no reading is necessary. The Story Thus Far... Five friends are out for a picnic. They are Hot Dog Harry (a hot dog), Sweet Chips (a pickle slice), Cheeseman (a piece of cheese), Gidget Grape (a grape), and Bugaloo (a bug). Just before they get to eat, however, The Evil Burger Kong (who has a thing for pickles) swings by and kidnaps Sweet Chips. The objective, then, is to rescue poor Sweet Chips from The Evil Burger Kong. Snack Attack runs on 68040 or better Macintoshes with System 7 or later. We recommend a resolution of 640x480 pixels, but larger sizes are supported. You should have at least 5M of free RAM available. Snack Attack runs in 256 color mode; it will adjust your monitor for you if you desire. Snack Attack is distributed as shareware. You have 30 days to try it and see if you like it before purchasing a license for it. The cost of a license for Snack Attack is US $12. Please visit our Website (or read the Read Me) for more info: http://www.tjmw.com Jean M. Wakefield TJMW Enterprises, LLC http://www.tjmw.com #### BINHEX snakes-and-ladders-ppc.hqx **** From: Jacem Tissaoui <tissaoui@mac.com> Subject: S&L (Snakes & Ladders) Board game for kids Snakes and Ladders is a classic board game also known as Shoots and Ladders in the US. The game has its origins in India. To play, the first player tosses a dice and advances his or her piece by as many squares as indicated by the dice. The it's the second player's turn. If you land on a ladder then up you go to the top, however, if you land on a sanke's head then down you go! Two players can play against each other or you can challenge your Mac. This game is mainly intended for kids and should help with counting and adding numbers This game will run on PPC computers OS7+, a 68k version can be made available upon request To contact the author: Jacem Tissaoui BP 30 3060 Mahares TUNISIA Tissaoui@mac.com http://homepage.mac.com/tissaoui #### BINHEX snow-col-boxes.hqx **** Date: Wed, 7 Jun 1995 13:40:39 -0700 From: gard9525@badger.snow.edu (Mark Gardner) Subject: Class projects for Computer Science 112 at Snow College These are some class projects that students did in computer science 112 at Snow College -- Russell Baird is the instructor e-mail russellb@cc.snow.edu #### BINHEX snow-col-pseudo-checkers.hqx **** Date: Wed, 7 Jun 1995 13:40:39 -0700 From: gard9525@badger.snow.edu (Mark Gardner) Subject: Class projects for Computer Science 112 at Snow College These are some class projects that students did in computer science 112 at Snow College -- Russell Baird is the instructor e-mail russellb@cc.snow.edu #### BINHEX snow-col-tic-tac-toe.hqx **** Date: Wed, 7 Jun 1995 13:40:39 -0700 From: gard9525@badger.snow.edu (Mark Gardner) Subject: Class projects for Computer Science 112 at Snow College These are some class projects that students did in computer science 112 at Snow College -- Russell Baird is the instructor e-mail russellb@cc.snow.edu #### BINHEX square-wars-plus-11.hqx **** From: /G=Goldberg-ESG001/S=Steve/OU2=T2MGW/OU=ILBH/P=MOT/A=MOT/C=US/@email.mot.com Date: 1 Aug 95 12:48:08 -0500 Subject: Square Wars Plus 1.1.0 The game board is made up of an arbitrary number of evenly spaced rows and columns of dots. Players take turns creating borders by connecting adjacent dots in either the vertical or horizontal orientation. If a player's border completes the four sides of a square, its claimed by the player's mark in the square. Completing a square also gives the player another turn. The goal is to end up with the most squares. Two people can play, or you can play against the computer. #### BINHEX stones-11.hqx **** Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 10:34:49 -0400 (EDT) From: Nathaniel Tagg <ntagg@uoguelph.ca> Subject: Stones 1.1 This is an ancient African or Mesopotamian game. I have heard it referred to as Awele, Ouare, Kalah, and Mancala. I couldn't choose, so I went for something simple. It is played by moving stones around a board. The AI isn't bad, and it's a fun little game to kill a few minutes here and there. Stones is freeware. Version 1.1 now saves user preferences automatically, and has new sounds, this time not so blatently ripped off. Nathaniel Tagg ntagg@uoguelph.ca University of Guelph #### BINHEX strategic-overrun-10.hqx **** From: dblmint@rescomp.Stanford.EDU Subject: Strategic Overrun 1.0 Here's a strategic war game for the archive. It's played like a lot of board war games with pieces on a mapped hexboard. Have fun! - Erik (dblmint@leland.stanford.edu) #### BINHEX strategram-10-demo.hqx **** From: tomer@spacelab.net (tomer sidis) Subject: Strategram� Demo version 1.0 for Macintosh E-mail: ts@artishock.com Artishock, Inc. 520 Madison Ave., 38th Floor New York, NY 10022 212-843-0040 212-843-1485 / fax * License: Free Demo * Type: Application * Requires: CPU >= 68020, System >= 7.0, 256 Colors * Download Size: 878 KB Strategram is here! Artishock, Inc. proudly invites you to preview this exciting new game. Strategram is an amazing strategy board game that�s fun for all ages. Packed with features to satisfy even the most ardent gamer, it�s easy to learn, challenging to play, and as addictive as Solitaire or Tetris. And like its name suggests, strategy is the key. So try Strategram now. You never know...it might just be exactly what you�re looking for! This demo allows game play of up to 50 moves, after which you are unable to continue. It includes multiple skill levels, and many colorful layouts to choose from. For more information check out our website at: http://www.artishock.com Download: strategram-demo-1.hqx #### BINHEX super-mind-22.hqx **** From: cgi@aplcomm.jhuapl.edu (Chris Innanen) Subject: SuperMind v2.2 - Strategy Game like Mastermind Date: Thu, 9 Jun 1994 14:36:54 -0500 --========================_13547616==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Based on the board game that has been marketed by Milton Bradley as Mastermind, SuperMind expands the puzzle concept and adds new challenge. In the board game version you need two people, one to play and one to "referee". In this game, the computer takes over the job of grading your guesses so you can play it like solitare. The object is to guess a secret pattern of colors (2 to 10 "pegs" with colors selected randomly from 8) in as few guesses as possible. The computer grades each guess, and you use the grades as a guide. You are only allowed 15 guesses, and with a 10-peg pattern this is just barely enough. ;) The game includes on-line help on how to play. Requires at least 256 colors, 4 megs of memory, system 7... ...and good logic skills! Chris Innanen cgi@aplcomm.jhuapl.edu --========================_13547616==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="SuperMind2.2.sea" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="SuperMind2.2.sea" #### BINHEX super-othello-23.hqx **** From: stoedle@online.no Subject: Super-Othello-23-FAT Super Othello is an implementation of the classic board game Othello, or Reversi. It is distributed as a fat binary application and supports eight different levels of intelligence. You can play against a human opponent, your Mac or just simply watch your Mac play against itself. This brand new version of Super Othello utilizes completely new, 3D rendered 16- & 8-bit graphics, a completely new, less cluttered interface and some new features. Among the new features is the ability to undo moves, autoskip moves, invert the board and switch places with your opponent. The application also supports a larger degree of threading, making it feel overall much faster and more responsive. Super Othello 2.3 requires any relatively fast Mac or compatible (an 030 processor is recommended), 1800kb of RAM and a display capable of showing atleast 256 colors. Super Othello is fully compatible with MacOS 8. Super Othello is shareware $15. Please register it if you like it and continue to use it -- more information regarding registration is included with the program. For more information and other shareware/freeware products from Yellow Lemon Software, check out the YLS homepage, located at <http://home.sol.no/~stoedle/YLS/>, or send e-mail to <stoedle@online.no>. -- Daniel St�dle Yellow Lemon Software E-mail: <stoedle@online.no> WWW: <http://home.sol.no/~stoedle/YLS/> #### BINHEX susan-25-complete.hqx **** From: trodrigu@kirk.ecs.umass.edu (Tao Rodriguez-Seeger) Subject: SUSAN Pack - v2.5 plus color art files & manual Date: Thu, 28 Apr 94 23:19:27 -0400 SUSAN 2.5 Pack Everything for the board game SUSAN stephen123@aol.com StuffIt Lite format SUSAN is a quick and subtle game for two players. This file has everything for SUSAN, including version 2.5 for the Macintosh, two sets of add-on color art, a manual with strategy tips, and an advanced intelligence file. This is the original board game with a computer opponent that LEARNS by playing, so it's always near your skill level. Now even faster, and it learns better too. SUSAN 2.5 Pack is Copyright 1994 by Stephen Linhart, and is Freeware. It runs in color or B&W with 6.0.2 or newer, including System 7. #### BINHEX susan-25.hqx **** From: trodrigu@kirk.ecs.umass.edu (Tao Rodriguez-Seeger) Subject: SUSAN 2.5 - board game Date: Thu, 28 Apr 94 23:17:37 -0400 SUSAN 2.5.sit Board game with AI that LEARNS! stephen123@aol.com Stuffit Lite format SUSAN is a quick and subtle game for two players. This is the original board game with a computer opponent that LEARNS by playing, so it's always near your skill level. Version 2.5 is even faster, and it learns better too. SUSAN 2.5 is Copyright 1994 by Stephen Linhart, and is Freeware. It runs in color or B&W, and will use SUSAN Colors or SUSAN Colors #2 if you have them. Needs System 6.0.2 or newer, including System 7. #### BINHEX susan-manual-and-tips.hqx **** From: trodrigu@kirk.ecs.umass.edu (Tao Rodriguez-Seeger) Subject: SUSAN Manual - strategy tips Date: Thu, 28 Apr 94 23:18:28 -0400 SUSAN Manual.sit Strategy and tips for the board game stephen123@aol.com StuffIt Lite format SUSAN is a quick and subtle game for two players. The Macintosh version has a computer opponent that LEARNS by playing. This manual includes an introduction to the game of SUSAN, plus basic and intermediate strategy tips. I created it in ASCII (plain text), including diagrams, so that it can travel freely in the electronic world. Please pass this manual along to your friends!. Copyright 1994 by Stephen Linhart, and is Freeware. #### BINHEX swap-em-over-15.hqx **** From: claes@sevensquare.com Subject: Swap 'em Over 1.5 Swap 'em Over, the latest release from Sevensquare, is a puzzle game, featuring the thing many other puzzle games lack - nice graphics, theme music, and best of all - a real original game, not just another clone of something released 10 years ago. More info at our homepage, <http://www.sevensquare.com/> System requirements: * Power Macintosh with at least 2 MB of free RAM * Display capable of showing 256 colors in 640x480 pixels or larger * 1 MB of free hard drive space Claes Jacobsson, Sevensquare claes@sevensquare.com http://www.sevensquare.com/ <-- end snip --> Greetings, Claes Jacobsson, Sevensquare claes@sevensquare.com http://www.sevensquare.com #### BINHEX tac-tickle-105.hqx **** From: jafl@Alice.Wonderland.Caltech.EDU (John Lindal) Subject: TacTickle 1.0.5 TacTickle 1.0.5 Strategy board game where two players move their pieces around on a grid. The first player to align the correct number of pieces wins. There is usually a severe space shortage, however, so you keep getting in each other's way! Now the program will run correctly on 68040 machines. John Lindal jafl@alice.wonderland.caltech.edu #### BINHEX tempest-chess-first-class.hqx **** Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 23:16:56 -0500 From: johnb@tempest.net.hk (John W. Blackburne) Subject: Tempest Chess; a game for First Class BBSs --========================_17791710==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Tempest Chess is an online Chess game for FirstClass BBSes. It works via FirstClass forms, so does not require the BBS to be configured for its use. Full documentation included. It requires FirstClass 2.5 or later for Macintosh, and is distributed as freeware. John Tempest, a FirstClass BBS, Hong Kong 802-7395/ John W. Blackburne, administrator / http://www.hk.super.net/~johnb/home.html / --========================_17791710==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Tempest_Chess.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Tempest_Chess.sit" #### BINHEX tic-remote-10.hqx **** From: Eelco van Beek, douzep@knoware.nl Subject: TicRemote 1.0 Play Tic-tac-toe over the Internet! (And lots of other games in the future) Greetings, Eelco van Beek. http://www.knoware.nl/users/evbeek/Follow.html #### BINHEX tic-tac-toe-25.hqx **** From: (Jeff Quade) jquade@bigfoot.com Subject: TicTacToe 2.5 TicTacToe - A fun game for 1 or 2 players. Has animated graphics. Program written by Quade Publishing (Jeff Quade). #### BINHEX tic-tac-toe-3d-106.hqx **** Date: Mon, 5 Oct 92 20:00:39 PDT From: jafl@Alice.Wonderland.Caltech.EDU (John Lindal) Subject: 3D Tic-Tac-Toe 1.0.6 3D Tic-Tac-Toe 1.0.6 Tic-Tac-Toe in 3 dimensional perspective. Play against the computer or a friend or have the computer play itself. Now Quadra 040 cache compatible. John Lindal jafl@alice.wonderland.caltech.edu #### BINHEX traffic-101.hqx **** From: reddlew <reddlew@hotmail.com> Subject: Traffic 1.0.1 Traffic 1.0.1 is a great shareware board game. Move cars and trucks around to get the silver car out on the road. Please download, it is very fun, come on! Requires: 68K or PowerPC system 7.5 or later 5MB of Free Ram #### BINHEX trampchess-10-hc.hqx **** From: (Carl Backstrom) c-e.backstrom@mailbox.swipnet.se Subject: Trampchess 1.0 Artificial intelligence by Carl B�ckstr�m (Nisseb softwares)! Are you sure if you really are smarter than your pot of cables and chips? The goal in this game is to get three markers in one line... well, I guess you already know the rules. Trampchess is freeware, requires HyperCard or HyperCard Player. *** c-e.backstrom@mailbox.swipnet.se *** *** www.geocities.com/colosseum/2662 *** *** I am Carl B�ckstr�m, you're not. *** #### BINHEX tri-tact-toe-10.hqx **** Date: Sat, 5 Nov 94 02:32 EST From: scooter@umcc.umich.edu (Scott Feneley) Subject: Tri-Tac-ToeV1.0.sit I am mailing this on behalf of Seth Tabberer (ac644@leo.nmc.edu) and he would like this to be included in the next sumex cd-rom. Tri-Tac-Toe is a simple Tic Tac Toe game that combines a distinct board perspective with 3 Dimensional shapes to produce a 3D effect. #### BINHEX trist.hqx **** From: Tom Gooding <tgooding@iastate.edu> Subject: Trist Submission Date: Mon, 09 May 1994 12:00:37 CDT Please put this in /info-mac/game/brd/ Trist is a 2 player board game in which you move stones around a board and try to land on a square with either 2 or 3 stones in it, thus capturing the stones and scoring points. Play against another person or your computers. Up to 8 levels of difficulty! A $5 shareware fee is requested. Tom Gooding tgooding@iastate.edu #### BINHEX unite-20.hqx **** Date: Mon, 6 Mar 1995 19:18:10 -0800 From: Kevin Gong <keving@bugs-bunny.CS.Berkeley.EDU> Subject: unite-20.cpt.hqx Unite 2.0 is a strategy game based on the game "Lines of Action." The object is to unite all your pieces. If you like Reversi and Pente, you'll probably like "Unite." Unite 2.0 is shareware, $7.00 registration fee. Compatibility: Unite 2.0 works in both color and black/white. It has been tested on many different Macintoshes, including LC, LC 475, IIci, Centris 650, Quadra 700 and 840AV, Power Mac 6100/66AV and 8100/80AV. It works under MacOS System 6, 7, and 7.5. Unite 2.0 requires 500K of RAM and slightly more than 200K of disk space. Major changes since version 1.1: % color % more sounds % more boards to play on % keeps track of statistics for many players % harder "Master" level #### BINHEX vampire-chess.hqx **** From: jimburtn@leland.stanford.edu (James Burton) Subject: Vampire Chess (no longer a demo!) A James Burton game, no longer a demo! Requires a Macintosh capable of displaying at least 256 colors on at least a 640 x 480 pixel monitor. Something like a cross between Chess and Checkers; of course, all the pieces look like Vampires. Features great graphics and lots of sounds. #### BINHEX vanessa-chess-201.hqx **** From: Schubert it Support <info@schubert-it.de> Subject: Vanessa Chess 2.0.1 Vanessa�Chess is the first multi-document, multithreading chess program for Macintosh with an intuitive interface and a strong chess engine. Features: * Completely customizable 2D�chessboard with 3 piece sets and several chessboards, resizable to virtually any size * Multiple documents * Multithreading * Support for variations * Annotation editor with text styles, move annotations, and diagrams * Several levels - from easy to pretty hard, including Blitz and tournament chess * Game analysis * Position editor * ExaChess compatibility * PGN import and export * HTML export including diagrams for web publishing * Speech * Multiple undo and redo * Extensive HTML help including rules of chess #### BINHEX vier-gewinnt.hqx **** From: Paul Gronemeyer <franz@hdk-berlin.de> Subject: Vier gewinnt This game needs HyperCard or the player Vers 2.4 prefered, it�s much faster with it. Objective This is a nice variant of "four in a row" The objective of the game is to get four pieces in a row. That can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal. Pieces are dropped on the board from the upper side and fall down. IRL I know this game as a blue plastic construction, where you drop in red and yellow pieces from the top. Menu Description Menu File: New game: Cancel the current game Open game... : Open saved game Save game... : Save game as a text file Menu Edit: Undo: Undo of all moves, but you will collect no scores, Redo not possible jet High Scores: The faster you win, the better. Sound: ON or OFF, Option-Select this menu, to set the sound level from zero to seven. Two-Player: Enable games with two players Black Background: Hides the Finder with a black frame Fill screen: Fills the screen with the board, random monochrom colors on larger screens Board... : Set the size manually. Smalest board is 96x72 pixel, largest 1280x960 pixel. Color images only for three standart sizes. Englisch or German: Choose language Apple-Speech: Try this with Speech Manager installed Invert: Inverts the board #### BINHEX waste-of-time-11.hqx **** From: ALONSO <calonso@odin.cair.du.edu> Subject: Waste of Time 1.1 A classic puzzle game where balls are pushed in an effort to "clear" levels. Just try it. :) This program is Shareware. Money is appreciated, but not expected. Chris Alonso calonso@du.edu #### BINHEX world-championship-checkers-lite.hqx **** From: InfiniteLS@aol.com Subject: Checkers (WCC Lite) Description The graphic in this program are amazing, the play is superior to every other checkes program on the market, and the program is free. The download is defintely worth it! World Championship Checkers (WCC) describes a suite of products. They are the most advanced software programs to play the game of checkers (or "draughts" to our friends across the Atlantic) that you can obtain. This "lite" version is bundled with: * An Opening Book containing more than 200,000 positions. * A RAM-resident database containing more than 148 million positions. * A disk-based "Perfect Play" database with over 7 million positions. * An engine that searches 12-18 plies ahead (you set the depth.) This version is "visit-ware". If you like it, all that we ask is that you stop by our website at http://www.InfiniteLoop.org sometime and take a look around. We have much stronger versions for sale; one that has beaten the human world champion many times. Opening Book The Opening Book contains an abundance of the strongest moves ever made by some of the most brilliant players ever to have lived. In this sense, you are playing not just WCC� Lite, but every one of those considered to be the Greatest Masters of All-Time! Some of our book play predates the birth of the United States of America, taken from a volume published in 1756! If you play a move that is in the book, aggressively counterplay and deadly traps are instantly available. Sometimes WCC� will make a move that intentionally throws away a checker, or maybe even two checkers, but a few moves later, you find yourself being triple-jumped as a piece lands in the King row! If you play a move that is not in the book, WCC� will seach every position between 12-18 plies into the future in order to determine its best move. RAM Database of 148 Million Positions+ WCC� has two kinds of endgame database. One exists in RAM, and is probed as the look-ahead search encounters positions. This one has every position involving 5 or fewer pieces mapped to a win, loss, or draw. Since pieces come off the board "no matter what", WCC� can probe ahead and avoid the losses in its database, play for wins, and if it is in any kind of trouble, it will head for a draw. It takes a very strong player to defeat this version of WCC� Lite. Disk Database of 7 Million Positions+ The RAM Database is great for avoiding losses and finding wins from a great distance as the program conducts it search. However, once there are 5 or fewer pieces on the board, this database does not provide any information about what "THE best" move is. The program would have to continue searching, since only the bland result "win, loss, draw" is stored in the database.This is where the disk-based "Perfect Play" database becomes a dominating factor. WCC� Lite has every position with 4 or fewer pieces resolved, and it only needs to look into this database to find out the optimal move, without ever needing to search! The longest win with 4 pieces features 2 checkers against 2 checkers and it requires 109 plies (55 moves for the winner, 54 moves for the loser) in order to complete the win! It would be impossible for a program to search to such a depth! There are versions of WCC� on our website that have even larger Perfect Play Databases. For example, the 5 Piece Perfect Play Database allows WCC� Platinum Series 1 (there are 10 total Platinum versions) to announce a win in 157 plies! In fact, some older checkers literature thought a very similar position was a draw, but WCC� proved the books wrong. So, whether you are a casual checker player looking for a challenge, or you want to defeat your "internet rival" in online checkers, you will defintely enjoy the program. #### BINHEX xiola-25.hqx **** From: "Caesar B. Vielmas" <caesar@krypton.netropolis.net> Subject: Xiola� 2.5 This is the newest version of Xiola� fully compatible with PowerMacs and all 68k Macs with system 7.0 or higher. Xiola� requres 2MB RAM and 256 colors. This is a board game. to test your memory skills. Caesar B Vielmas Houston, TX #### BINHEX ya-mancala-101.hqx **** From: Keith Rose <krose@mips2.phy.queensu.ca> Subject: YA-Mancala v1.0.1 - a classic board game - upgrade/bug fix This is a maintenance release of YA-Mancala that (hopefully) addresses the proverbial post-release bugs in YA-Mancala v1.0. Attention all board game lovers: here is YA-Mancala v1.0.1 (Yet-Another Mancala). This program is, as the name suggests, an implementation of the classic board game Mancala. For those who don't know the game, it is one of the oldest known board games. It is traditionally played with stones on a carved wooden board, or with a set of cups. The game has very simple rules, so it is easy to learn. But like all good games, there are subtlties of strategy lurking beneath the simplicity. This game is suitable for children of all ages. There are a few other implemenations of Mancala floating around the Net and some of them are cheaper than this one (Shareware Can$10), so you may be asking yourself why you should bother downloading YA-Mancala. Well, quite simply, this program is better (IMHO, of course). Here's why: -It supports multiple colour depths. The graphics are optimised for either black and white or 256 colours or grays, but it runs fine at other depths. Please note that in order to run the game in Thousands or Millions of colours you will have to double or triple the default partition size. The default (620K) should be fine at 256 colours or less. In fact, users with lower colour depths can reduce this even further. In b/w, the game only requires about 100K. In 24 bit colour it should run in 1800K. -It should support all Macintosh models that support Colour Quickdraw, under any version of the operating system since 6.0.5. (It is now know not to work on pre-colour quickdraw machines like the Mac Plus. A b/w only version that will support those machines should appear soon. (Contact krose@mips2.phy.queensu.ca for details.) -It is perfectly happy on all monitors, including 9" displays. It should be great on your PowerBooks too. -It features a multi-level artifical opponent that is fairly kind to the novice, but is pretty competitive for advanced players. -It has an (IMHO) attractive, uncluttered interface. It is pretty nice to look at, and tries to conform to the principle of least annoyance. Anyway, I think it's a good program, and a great game. Try it and I think you'll like it. This version is a 68k binary. I haven't forked out the bucks for a PowerMac yet. A native version will be released as soon as possible. If you pay the shareware fee, I might be able to afford one sooner. :) But you richer folks shouldn't worry, the program shouldn't even hiccup under emulation. Note to the Moderators: This program should be placed in the game/brd directory. It supercedes (and hence should replace) all previous versions of the program. Permission is hereby granted to include this program on the Info-Mac cd-roms. #### BINHEX yacht-3d-11-ppc.hqx **** From: Kodak999@aol.com Subject: Yacht-3D 1.1 (PPC) Be a part of history! Download Yacht-3D (Yahtzee) and check out the very FIRST computer dice game in the known universe to use actual PHYSICS in its calculations. Other games just use random number generators. With Yacht-3D you can see the dice roll and bounce just as they would on a real table! Or, for a unique and safe way to let out your pent up aggressions, switch to blaster mode and blast away at the dice before the timer runs out. It's fun! It's addicting! And it's only available on the Macintosh! (Power Macintosh required) (PowerPC). Yahtzee is a registered trademark of the Milton Bradley Company. Roger Eastman Kodak999@aol.com #### BINHEX zonez.hqx **** From: andreww@farallon.com Subject: Zonez! a new boardgame Requires 8-bit color A grid is divided into zones by two lines which intersect at a particular point. When you click on a point the computer will draw a dot, the color red, blue, yellow, or green indicating which zone that dot is in. If the point is on or very close to a line, you'll get a white dot. The goal is to find the blackk dot, the one at the intersetion of the two lines. The number of guesses in the current game is displayed in the lower left hand corner. Your running totals are displayed in the lower right. Obviously fewer guesses is better, and if you're half-way paying attention you should be able to get down to twelve or ten guesses. If you can get consistently below ten, that's pretty good! #### BINHEX tri-tac-toe-11.hqx **** From: setht@gtii.com Subject: Tri-Tac-Toe V1.1 Submission About this game: Tri-Tac-Toe is a simple Tic Tac Toe game that combines a distinct board perspective with 3D rendered shapes to produce a 3D effect. Game Play: To play this game, simply click on the section where you want to place your piece. Different style pieces can be found in the options menu. Game requirements: This game requires at least System 6.0.8 (though I haven't tested yet on System 6) and a minimum of 16 color (4 bit) graphics. 256 colors (8 bit), or more is highly recommended. Shareware Notice: This game follows the "Postcard-ware" principle. If you enjoy this game, or just want to make a suggestion, please write and tell me. See addresses below. Legal Notice: This game is provided as-is. I except no responsibilities for damages caused by the use, or misuse of this game. Use at your own risk. Addresses: Seth Tabberer PO Box 616 Kingsley, MI. USA 49649 or ac644@traverse.lib.mi.us setht@gtii.com or check out my website at: http://www.snowday.com/tabberer History: V1.0 First Release. V1.1 Added more shapes and touched up some of the graphics.