Abstracts from files in info-mac/text as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### LINK       _BBEdit     ****

#### LINK       _HTML     ****

#### LINK       _QuarkXPress     ****

#### LINK       _Tex_&_LaTex     ****

#### LINK       _WordPerfect     ****

#### BINHEX     acrobat-fill-in.hqx   ****

From: jmatheny@Adobe.COM
Subject: Acrobat Fill-in

Acrobat Fill-in - Adobe Acrobat Forms Update is two plug-ins, Forms
Author and Forms Fill-in. These plug-ins make it faster and easier to
exchange information - either in familiar paper forms converted to PDF,
or as dynamic interactive database publishing. The Forms Update allows
you to bring the rich capabilities of PDF to the data collection process
that comprises an online information transaction. As expected, PDF forms
retain the rich look and feel of their paper equivalents. The following
example illustrates how the Adobe Acrobat Forms Update can be used to
replace a traditional paper form for ordering business stationery.                                                                                

#### BINHEX     acrobat-forms.hqx   ****

From: jmatheny@Adobe.COM
Subject: Acrobat Forms

Acrobat Forms - Adobe Acrobat Forms Update plug-ins add dynamic features
to Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) that enable familiar corporate
documents to function even more effectively in the online intranet
environment. Because PDF forms retain the appearance of traditional
business forms, all users on the system can easily request and receive
information without having to learn new ways of doing things - because
people already know how to use forms.

#### BINHEX     add-strip-34.hqx   ****

From: Bas Meijer <datasmid@xs4all.nl>
Subject: Add-Strip 3.4: Superior Text processing utility

Add-Strip 3.4 - TEXT documents created on a PC or a mainframe are 
invariably formatted inappropriately for use on a Macintosh. They 
often contain
unnecessary control characters, carriage returns, the wrong kind of 
quotation and apostrophe marks, and so forth.  Manually reformatting 
these documents can be a tedious and time-consuming task. Add/Strip 
(A/S) has been designed to automatically perform much of the work of 
cleaning up TEXT files destined for import to page layout, word 
processing, database, or spreadsheet programs, as well as export from 
these programs to a PC or mainframe computer. All in a fraction of 
the time needed to manually reformat using a word processor. It can 
also batch-search-and-replace a folder of textfiles with up to 250 
replacements, begin-of-file & end-of-file inclusions.

#### BINHEX     alpha-72.hqx   ****

From: keleher@cs.umd.edu
Subject: Alpha Text Editor 7.2

This is version 7.2 of Alpha, a completely customizable and programmable
text editor especially tuned to handle source code, LaTeX, and HTML files.
Alpha is:

New features:
o new Latex, HTML, and Java modes
o expanded syntax coloring
o new modular reorganization of Tcl code
o One or two other enhancements and fixes.

And the standard blurb:

o Powerful. Alpha uses Dr. Ousterhout's Tool Command Language (Tcl) as a 
  scripting language. Tcl is rapidly becoming a popular extension language
  over many different hardware platforms. 
o Customizable. Any function or keystroke sequence can be bound to any key, 
  menus are completely user-specified and modifiable. 
o Emacs-ish. Alpha supports many of the key bindings and central concepts
  of GNU Emacs. It is not a port, however, and uses a Tcl instead of LISP
  as an extension language. 
o Multi-modal. Alpha supports mode-specific: 
         keyword colorizing 
  Alpha currently has over 20 different modes, including modes for the 
  following languages: Ada, C, C++, Fortran, HTML, Java, Pascal, Perl, 
  Postscript, Scheme, SQL, Tcl, and TeX (including both LaTeX and LaTeX2e).
o Interoperable. Alpha allows user scripts to build and send arbitrary 
  AppleEvents. Currently, the default configuration of Alpha inter-operates
  with several different compilers, including CodeWarrior and Symantec C/C++, 
  several LaTeX implementations, including OzTeX, DirectTeX, and Textures
  (although Textures' AppleEvent support is currently very weak), and several 
  other applications, such as MacPerl, BibTeX, Excalibur, the ToolServer, and
o Native on the PowerMac. 
o Uses the latest Apple technologies, such as Drag and Drop, and AEGizmos. 
o Uses Ramon Felciano's Mercutio menu definition routines. 
o Internet Config-aware. 

Alpha is ShareWare, $30.

#### BINHEX     anarcho-16.hqx   ****

From: proclus@iname.com
Subject: Anarcho 1.6

Anarcho is a text editor, nothing more.  It is smart enough to do most of the
jobs that all the word processor posers out there are doing.  Anarcho uses
150K of RAM and 35K of disk space.  In these days of huge expensive
applications, and limited hardware, it is nice to have something free that
will fit in a small space.  Anarcho will format text files from lesser
computers including PC text files and QWK mail bundles.  In version 1.6 all of
the features have been implemented.  This may be the final version.  The 68040
compatibility problems and graceless exiting have been eliminated.  Enjoy!


#### BINHEX     ascme.hqx   ****

From: cooperh@bvsd.k12.co.us
Subject: ASCME

ASCME is a simple program that converts ASCII values to characters and vice versa. It also allows you to view the character in multiple fonts and to view the ASCII value in different bases.
It is known to run on System 7.6 and up on both 68K and PPC machines, but most likely runs in system 7.5 and maybe 7.1.

#### BINHEX     atari-writer-convert-hc.hqx   ****

From: mile23@ix.netcom.com
Subject: AtariWriter Convert

An AtariWriter conversion utility in HyperCard. (snazzy title, no?)

This is a Macintosh HyperCard stack I wrote a while back to convert
AtariWriter documents into Rich Text Format (RTF) files which could be
imported into MS Word.

You'll need:

  - A Macintosh (duh <g>). Any system that will run HyperCard will

  - HyperCard or HyperCard Player. I wrote this thing under HC2.1,
    but I just ran it under HCPlayer 2.3 and everything seems to be
    working fine.

How it works:

  Run it by double clicking on it or opening it into HyperCard.

  Click on the big 'Convert A File...' button. You'll see the standard
    file selector box. Pick an atariwriter file.

  Wait. Wait some more. Wait even longer. Wait an eternity.

  The atariwriter file will be converted into a mishmash of {}s and
    /pards in the scrollable field. Select the text in the field,
    copy or cut it, and then paste it into a text/word processor.
    Save this text. This step is necessary because the utility doesn't
    output a file of its own. I'm a lazy programmer. :-)

  Load the saved RTF file into your word processor of choice. You might
    need to tell the word processor that the file is a Rich Text Format

  If you have a set of chained atariwriter files, you will need to
    convert them one at a time. I made another version of this utility,
    one that handles chained files, but alas it is nowhere to be found.
    Also, due to the way RTF works, you can't just paste the RTF code
    from the different chained files into one big text file, and then
    load that into a word processor. You'll have to treat each one

#### DIRECTORY  bbe   ****

#### TEXT       bib-ref-pro-10-fm.txt   ****

From:        Dr. Michael Kranz, Michael_Kranz@compuserve.com
Subject:     BibRef Pro 1.0 Additional Information

BibRef Pro is a FileMaker Pro 2.1 database for bibliographic references.
It operates on a scheme derived from the BiBTeX standard. BibRef Pro
was developed during my thesis work, where I need a database for my
bibliographic references that fit scientific requirements and is capable
of exporting formatted entries for use with FrameMaker. BibRef Pro is

The postal and email addresses in the documentation are no longer valid.
They have changed to

	Michael Kranz
	Im Gruen 34
	D-77815 Buehl

Email: Michael_Kranz@compuserve.com

#### BINHEX     bible-dictionary-5.hqx   ****

From: ronrhodes@earthlink.net
Subject: Bible Dictionary(5Versions)

Bible User Dictionary Modules for Common Word Processors:

Enclosed in this file are a series of Bible User Dictionary modules for
use with common word processors.

Modules are enclosed for Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Nisus, all Claris
programs, and a generic module (text-only) that can be imported into any
other program.

Five different Bible version modules are available for each of the above
word processors:

� The New American Standard Bible (NASB)
� The New International Version (NIV)
� The Revised Standard Version (RSV)
� The King James Version (KJV)
� The New King James Version (NKJV)

These different modules are needed because different Bible versions spell certain words differently, especially in regard to proper names and geographical locations. You can use the module (or modules) of the version(s) you regularly use.

The NIV module has some 3300 unique words (that is, words that are not found in normal spell checking programs). The KJV module has well over 5500 unique words. In each case, the modules should make spell-checking your documents much simpler! 

Consult your program manual for instructions on installing and/or activating these modules.

PLEASE NOTE that there is a $5 shareware fee to cover the many, many hours it took to construct these modules. 

Please send your fee to:

Ron Rhodes
P.O. Box 80087
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688


I can be reached at the following e-mail address: <ronrhodes@earthlink.net>.

#### BINHEX     bookends-plus-41.hqx   ****

From: rkr@dino.nci.nih.gov
Subject: Bookends Plus 4.1 Demo

Bookends Plus is the leading reference management/bibliography generation
application created exclusively for the Macintosh. As a Mac-first and
Mac-only product, Bookends has long been a leader in adopting MacOS
technologies, including AppleEvents, QuickTime, and Apple Guide on-line
help. Bookends is also the only Macintosh product of its kind that can
serve its contents on the Web in real-time, allowing multiple users to
share, and even add or edit, information with users around the world on any

The latest version of Bookends is even more tightly integrated with the Web
than its predecessors, and will take advantage of the latest in Apple's
QuickTime technology to expand the boundaries of reference management. The
ability of Bookends to display any QuickTime-compatible graphic and to open
any document for viewing or editing in the application that created it
makes it a powerful tool for virtually any kind of information management.

 Among the recent improvements to Bookends Plus are:

* Bookmark web sites in Bookends and go to them directly from a Bookends

* Import references directly from the clipboard (makes importing references
from the web a snap).

* The ability to format a footnote differently depending on whether it is
being cited for the first time or after an initial citation. This is
particularly useful for footnotes or bibliographies using styles for the

* Expanded graphics support. You can view any type of document supported by
QuickTime 3 (available at no cost from Apple Computer). In conjunction with
the Attach feature, this means that you can examine virtually any kind of
graphic (diagram, picture, plasmid map, chemical structure, even video)
from within Bookends.

* Web users can edit references in a Bookends database via the web (with a
password protection option).

This is a free evaluation copy of Bookends Plus which can also be
downloaded from the Sonny Software web site (www.sonnysoftware.com). All
features are enabled in the evaluation copy except that databases are
limited to a maximum of 15 references. Once purchased, Sonny Software will
supply a registration number that will "unlock" the evaluation version and
remove this restriction.

This new release of Bookends Plus supersedes all other versions of Bookends.

Visit our web site to learn more about Bookends and download an evaluation
copy and complete electronic manual.

Sonny Software

Contact: support@sonnysoftware.com

Randall K. Ribaudo, Ph.D.
Laboratory of Immune Cell Biology
Tel:  (301) 402-4849
FAX: (301) 402-4844

e-mail: rkr@pop.nci.nih.gov

#### BINHEX     cassette-label-pro-11.hqx   ****

From: dpayne@hotcity.com
Subject: Cassette Label Pro 1.1

Cassette Label Pro 1.1 - helps you print out labels for your cassette tapes.

#### BINHEX     chemindefer.hqx   ****

From: cdubuit@netsurf.fr
Subject: CheminDeFer-fr.hqx

Voici une application, gratuite, pour creer et gerer un chemin de fer.

Elle s'adresse aux secretaires de redaction, editeurs, redacteurs en chef,
chefs de rubrique et chefs de publicite travaillant dans des publications
magazines, a pagination importante et en dos colle.

Ella a ete con�ue pour :
-favoriser le placement le plus rapide possible des pages
-automatiser certaines taches

Toutes les suggestions sont les bienvenues.

Christophe Dubuit
47 rue Claude Bernard
75005 Paris France
email : cdubuit@planete.net

#### BINHEX     chunk-joiner-22.hqx   ****

From: jegues@iol.it
Subject: ChunkJoiner 2.2; concatenates files

ChunkJoiner lets you join (concatenate) a group of documents into a single
piece. To use it, simply select the documents you want to join, and
drag&drop the entire group on top of the ChunkJoiner icon.

The purpose of the software is to concatenate:
- binary files previously split, perhaps on a non-Macintosh computer;
- plain text documents (the options mostly apply to this case);
- HTML documents;
- RTF files (this works only sometimes).

For more info, check out the ChunkJoiner web page:

ChunkJoiner works on any Macintosh, but it **requires** System 7 or later.

New since version 2.1.x:

- Reorganized the File menu
- Can insert the source documents' names into the joined document
- Added Ignore Case option for searching
- Can use the InternetConfig extensions mapping database
  to appropriately set the icon of the joined doc
- Linked with MoreFiles 1.4.6 & InternetConfig 1.4 glue
- Minor tweaks and fixes
- Updated the docs

#### BINHEX     clip-clap-10.hqx   ****

From: "James C. Lin" <jamesclin@home.com>
Subject: ClipClap-General purpose text input utility+internet research helper

ClipClap is an integrated text input/internet research helper with
the following features:
1.Provide a hybrid text/internet location web clipping that works with your
favourite web browser, so that you can save text clippings from your
browser for instant access while at the same time remembers the url so
that you can instantly visit the web page the clipping originates from.
2.A convienent text clipping browser that allows quick viewing of text
clipping and text files, and instantly insert the text or url into the word
processing document you are working on.
3.Set up a group of frequently used prefix/postfix combos that is
automatically attached to the clipping in use, so you don't have to type
them over and over again.
4.It can browse text clippings in multiple text style of your choice. You
will never again be caught with text clipping with fonts too small for
comfortable viewing.
5.Address the problem where non-english clipping does not always show
up correctly on a system with language kits.
6.Flexible archiving into a single text file.

If you do any typing at all on a Mac and/or do any research on the
internet, ClipClap will save you hours of frustration dealing with
cryptic bookmarks, cumbersome copy and past between applications.

More info at: http://homepage.mac.com/jameslin/clipclap.html

#### BINHEX     clipfiler-24.hqx   ****

From: caseyf@mindspring.com
Subject: ClipFiler v2.4

ClipFiler allows you grab highlited text from any application using a 
simple key combination. This text is saved in a file that you define for 
later retrieval. With ClipFiler you can quickly store text from any 
document and look over the information later. This is great when scanning 
digests, eMail, reports, surfing the web, etc. 

Version 2.4 corrects a problem with the "Set Path..." dialog box which 
occurs with MacOS 8.

System Requirements: Any Macintosh running System 7.1 or later.

Cost: ClipFiler is shareware US$10.

-- http://www.glw.com/casey/

#### BINHEX     clipping-converter-10.hqx   ****

From: juggy@kagi.com
Subject: ClippingConverter 1.0

Clipping Converter - directly convert ordinary text and image clipping to SimpleText readable format. You can also convert Netscape, Internet Explorer and MacOS 8.5 Bookmarks without pain! You can edit text before converting them and you can merge multiples files by drag&dropping them on the application! Simple and fast.

#### BINHEX     clipping-namer-103.hqx   ****

From: pauls101@mindspring.com
Subject: ClippingNamer 1.0.3

Finder clippings are a wonderful idea that most people don't use because 
they're such a pain to deal with. Ever tried to find the right clipping 
among a bunch of "Text Clipping 1", "Text Clipping 2", etc? It's not too 
bad with one clipping, but more than a couple leads to long sessions in 
the Finder assigning useful names, wasting the time you saved.

ClippingNamer helps you manage clippings. Without leaving your current 
program, you can: 
*	Automatically assign a new name based on the (text) clipping contents. 
*	Automatically create a thumbnail image (icon) for picture clippings. 
*	Popup a dialog that lets you see both ClippingNamer's and the Finder's 
suggested names, and use either one or a new name you type. 

You can set any of these modes (or none) as the default, and invoke any 
of the others with modifier keys (completely customizable). There are 
several other convenience options as well.

UPDATE: Version 1.0.2 fixes a small bug that could cause the dialog to 
appear when dragging data within the same program (not to the Finder).  
Also, invented file names that contain return characters are now handled 
correctly, dragging stuff to the Trash works, and various cosmetic 
improvements to the dialogs are in place.

ClippingNamer is $10 shareware.  See 
<http://www.patchdance.com/shareware.html> for this and other shareware 
products.  Contact the author at <shareware@patchdance.com>

#### BINHEX     clp-convert-10.hqx   ****

From: Michael.C.Tilstra-1@tc.umn.edu (Mike Tilstra)
Subject: Clp Convert 1.0

Clp Convert 1.0
By Mike Tilstra
& TaDPoL Tech

This application converts both picture and text clipping files to text files and
picture files.  The reason for making this is so you can edit and modify the
contents of clipping files.  You then use this app again to convert them back
into clipping files.

To use Clp Convert, you can drag files over its icon, run it and use the open
command, or script it with applescript. Easy huh? :)

Clp Convert is free, but it is not in the public domain.
Eventhough Clp Convert is free, I'm going to remind you to register other
shareware you may use.

Parts of Clp Convert are �1997 Mike Tilstra
Other Parts Based on DropShell 2.0

#### BINHEX     compara-docs-lite.hqx   ****

From: comparadocs@ahaweb.com
Subject: ComparaDocs Lite Demo

        ComparaDocs compares documents with each other and generates a
comparison report in web browser format (HTML) showing all changes made to
the selected documents.  ComparaDocs reports not only all phrases inserted
or deleted but also any phrases that were moved.  ComparaDocs is useful
both for redlining the revisions to drafts of a single document, and for
extracting the similarities between different documents.

        ComparaDocs Lite is a disabled version of ComparaDocs Pro.
ComparaDocs Pro features advanced and customizable report viewing, support
for all major word processing and document formats, native execution and
integration, plus speed enhancements and additional intelligent-components
in the comparison algorithm.

        For information on obtaining ComparaDocs Pro or a registered copy
of ComparaDocs Lite, visit our website http://www.ahaweb.com/comparadocs/
or email us at <comparadocs@ahaweb.com>.

        ComparaDocs Lite requires the MacOS Runtime for Java (MRJ) 2.0.  A
color display and at least 16 MB of RAM are recommended.

Author: Michael D Kim

#### BINHEX     concordance-211.hqx   ****

From: pompamagna@geocities.com
Subject: Concordance 2.1

Concordance 2.1.1 - Concordance maker.

Concordance is freeware. � 1995-1998 by Giovanni Giusti

Concordance picks a TEXT file, reads it, then displays some information
about the original file, such as size, number of words, number of different
words, etc.

It also creates an index containing a list (the "concordance") of all the
words, together with how many times each word appeared in the original.
Thus it is useful for statistical purposes ("How many times did I mention
"barracuda" in my article?"). This list can be sorted prior to saving.

Starting from version 2, you can also output a list (the "wordlist") of all
the words with the "pages" they have appeared in - a sort of very basic
indexing. The problem is obviously that plain-text files don't have any
page breaks, so the "page" is calculated on a n-characters-per-page basis.
This list, unfortunately, cannot be sorted, because it is created on the
fly while saving it. But you can sort it through your favourite word
processor, can't you?

Changes since v. 2.1

Thanks to the feedback of a German friend, I lengthened the maximum word
length from 25 to 35 (I hadn't mentioned this before, I thought there was
no need).

Also, I am implementing Drag&Drop - in the hope it'll work.

Pompamagna home page:


#### BINHEX     convert-ce-rtf-26.hqx   ****

From: Andreas.Prilop@altavista.net
Subject: Convert Central European & Romanian RTF files Mac <-> Windows

This package contains mapping ("translation") tables for both
Add/Strip (info-mac/text/add-strip-322.hqx) and
PowerReplace (info-mac/text/power-replace-63.hqx).

These tables enable you to convert RTF files with Central European
characters between MacOS and MS Windows. Every self-respecting word
processor should be able to read and write RTF (Rich Text Format).
Thereby you can transfer documents in Central European characters
(Croatian, Czech, English, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian,
Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Sorbian)
*with complete formatting* between Macintosh and MS Windows.

This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     convert-celtic-rtf.hqx   ****

From: Andreas.Prilop@altavista.net
Subject: Convert Celtic (Welsh) RTF files Mac <-> Windows 95

This package contains mapping ("translation") tables for both
Add/Strip (info-mac/text/add-strip-322.hqx) and
PowerReplace (info-mac/text/power-replace-63.hqx).

These tables enable you to convert RTF files with Celtic (Welsh)
characters between MacOS and Windows 95. Every self-respecting word
processor should be able to read and write RTF (Rich Text Format).
Thereby you can transfer documents in Celtic and other West European
characters *with complete formatting* between Macintosh and Windows.
The MacCeltic character set includes the letters 'w' and 'y' with
various accents (� ` ^ �) in addition to the regular West European
characters. Under Windows 95, you need a Unicode-savvy application
like Word 97.

This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     convert-cyrillic-rtf-21.hqx   ****

From: Andreas.Prilop@altavista.net
Subject: Convert Cyrillic RTF files Mac <-> Windows

This package contains mapping ("translation") tables for both
Add/Strip (info-mac/text/add-strip-322.hqx) and
PowerReplace (info-mac/text/power-replace-63.hqx).

These tables enable you to convert RTF files with Cyrillic and English
characters between MacOS and MS Windows. Every self-respecting word
processor should be able to read and write RTF (Rich Text Format).
Thereby you can transfer documents in Cyrillic and English characters
*with complete formatting* between Macintosh and MS Windows.

This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     convert-esperanto-rtf-11.hqx   ****

From: Andreas.Prilop@altavista.net
Subject: Convert Latin-3 (Esperanto & Maltese) RTF files Mac <-> Windows

This package contains mapping ("translation") tables for both
Add/Strip (info-mac/text/add-strip-322.hqx) and
PowerReplace (info-mac/text/power-replace-63.hqx).

These tables enable you to convert RTF and text files with special
Esperanto and Maltese characters between MacOS and MS Windows.
Every self-respecting word processor should be able to read and
write RTF (Rich Text Format). Thereby you can transfer documents
in Latin-3 characters (Albanian, Catalan, Dutch, Esperanto,
Finnish, French, German, Italian, Maltese, Spanish, Turkish)
*with complete formatting* between Macintosh and MS Windows.

This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     convert-greek-rtf-21.hqx   ****

From: Andreas.Prilop@altavista.net
Subject: Convert Greek RTF files Mac <-> Windows

This package contains mapping ("translation") tables for both
Add/Strip (info-mac/text/add-strip-322.hqx) and
PowerReplace (info-mac/text/power-replace-63.hqx).

These tables enable you to convert RTF files with Greek and English
characters between MacOS and MS Windows. Every self-respecting word
processor should be able to read and write RTF (Rich Text Format).
Thereby you can transfer documents in Greek and English characters
*with complete formatting* between Macintosh and MS Windows.

This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     convert-office-97.hqx   ****

From: mthooker@indiana.edu
Subject: Convert Office97 to MacCyrillic

This filter is for use with PowerReplace to convert Cyrillic Office 97
files to MacCyrillic. It has only been tested on text-only conversions.

#### BINHEX     convert-turkish-rtf-11.hqx   ****

From: Andreas.Prilop@altavista.net
Subject: Convert Turkish RTF files Mac <-> Windows

This package contains mapping ("translation") tables for both
Add/Strip (info-mac/text/add-strip-322.hqx) and
PowerReplace (info-mac/text/power-replace-63.hqx).

These tables enable you to convert RTF files with Turkish
characters between MacOS and MS Windows. Every self-respecting word
processor should be able to read and write RTF (Rich Text Format).
Thereby you can transfer documents in Turkish and West European
characters *with complete formatting* between Macintosh and Windows.

This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     cr-marks-102-cz.hqx   ****

From: HOnza Koudelka <honza@24u.cz>
Subject: 24U Crop & Registration Marks 1.0.2 CZ

The "CZ" suffix means it is a Czech localized version of the product.

Crop & Registration Marks is an XTensions software that will help
Quark XPress users to effectively organize film space when exposing
small objects, saving you a significant money on film material.

Crop & Registration Marks will let you easily and quickly generate
crop and registration marks as well as color and black&white gamuts
around selected object, so that you can mix  several objects in a
single RIP job. Besides generation of marks, this XTension offers
also creating guides for cutting or folding.

Since the year 2000, 24U s.r.o. is committed to software development,
modification and distribution, creating custom software solutions,
and providing training and consultations for users of Mac OS and

We offer solutions for people, not for computers.

#### BINHEX     cr-marks-102.hqx   ****

From: HOnza Koudelka <honza@24u.cz>
Subject: 24U C&R Marks

Crop & Registration Marks is an XTensions software that will help
Quark XPress users to effectively organize film space when exposing
small objects, saving you a significant money on film material.

Crop & Registration Marks will let you easily and quickly generate
crop and registration marks as well as color and black&white gamuts
around selected object, so that you can mix  several objects in a
single RIP job. Besides generation of marks, this XTension offers
also creating guides for cutting or folding.

Since the year 2000, 24U s.r.o. is committed to software development,
modification and distribution, creating custom software solutions,
and providing training and consultations for users of Mac OS and

We offer solutions for people, not for computers.

#### BINHEX     cyclone-141-cb.hqx   ****

From: Tomasz Kukielka <tkukiel@mac.com>
Subject: Cyclone 1.4.1 Carbon

Cyclone is an application for text conversions.
It is based on Apple's Text Encoding Converter engine, which is a part of
recent Mac OSes.
 - Power Macintosh and
 - Text Encoding Converter 1.3 or later and
 - Mac OS 8.1 - 9.x with CarbonLib or
 - Mac OS X.


Highlights include:
   - Macintosh, Unicode, ISO, DOS, Windows, and other encodings
   - unlimited size of converted files
   - multiple file conversions
   - clipboard conversion
   - scripting via AppleScript
   - Carbon build runs natively in Mac OS X

Changes in version 1.4.1:
   - Fixed a bug preventing proper conversion of little-endian Unicode files
(coming from PC).

Tomasz Kukielka

#### BINHEX     cyclone-141.hqx   ****

From: Tomasz Kukielka <tkukiel@mac.com>
Subject: Cyclone 1.4.1 Classic

Cyclone is an application for text conversions.
It is based on Apple's Text Encoding Converter engine, which is a part of
recent Mac OSes.

 - Power Macintosh and
 - Text Encoding Converter 1.3 or later and
 - Mac OS 8.1 - 9.x


Highlights include:
   - Macintosh, Unicode, ISO, DOS, Windows, and other encodings
   - unlimited size of converted files
   - multiple file conversions
   - clipboard conversion
   - scripting via AppleScript

Changes in version 1.4.1:
   - Fixed a bug preventing proper conversion of little-endian Unicode files
(coming from PC).

#### BINHEX     dd-label-maker.hqx   ****

From: bkelley1@nycap.rr.com
Subject: DDLabelMaker

DDLabelMaker is a quick, no-frills solution for making labels for 
audiotapes.  (DD stands for Down and Dirty.)

Brian Kelley

CompleatMac Software

#### BINHEX     dev-edit-20.hqx   ****

From: louisxiv@istar.ca
Subject: DevEdit 2.0

What is DevEdit?
DevEdit is a text-editor for programmers. It makes easier and faster to create
source code without having to open to big applications.

-Asci chart
-Advanced rect maker util
-Smarts tabs
-Smarts new lines
-Code library
-Clippings manager

-MacOS 7.0 or greater (OS 8 compatible)
-68020 or greater processor, including PowerPC
-3.6 MB of application RAM
Shareware Fees:
Since DevEdit wasn't done first for money, but because I need some, I only charge
5$ US (7$ CAN) of shareware fees.

Legal Stuff:
Take a look the "About DevEdit�" in the apple menu.

To contact me:
e-mail: louisXIV@istar.ca
Louis Chartrand

#### BINHEX     devalipi-pro-32.hqx   ****

From: jayadevan.V.Krishnan
Subject: Devalipi 3.2

Multy language E-Mail client and word processor, text exporter.
Compose styled text on ARABIC, MALAYALAM, TAMIL,URDU and E-mail or copy
and paste or export (for other fonts) into to your favourite
applications like Macromedia Freehand, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe
Photoshop, Quark XPress, CorelDraw, PageMaker, Word and Internet
applications like Netscape Communicator, Microsoft Outlook Express and
others ... 

#### BINHEX     devon-note-10b.hqx   ****

From: Christian Grunenberg <cgrunenberg@devon-technologies.com>
Subject: DEVONnote 1.0b

Short description:
Easy-to-use, intelligent note pad, bookmark manager and webcam browser

Long description:
DEVONnote is a note pad capable of intelligently storing and organising 
plain or rich texts and file aliases. Store your bookmarks in DEVONnote 
too, browse the Web using the integrated browser based on Apples's 
WebKit, capture interesting notes immediately, organise webcams or 
create cross and Wiki-style links.

Key features:

- Stores plain and rich texts, text clippings, iChat log files and 
- Supports dynamic Wiki-style links and static cross links
- Easy-to-use interface
- Integrated browser based on Apple's WebKit (�Safari Engine�)
- Helps you to sort in new stuff (�Classify�, �See Also�)
- Advanced text editing including rulers, highlighting and realtime 
word count
- Lightning-fast, intelligent search function
- Supports services (like CalcService, WordService or BlueService)
- Provides multiple services and a Dock menu
- Supports drag 'n drop in both directions

What's unique:

- Im- and exports Finder comments
- Imports MS Word documents using Panther or AntiWordService
- Stores aliases to local files
- Captures contents from the built-in browser and organises webcams
- Groups or ungroups contents, organises them in hierarchies
- Batch im- and exports data extremely fast
- Works flawlessly with huge databases (>100 MB)
- Does not need indexing but searches the data faster than the 
- Uses all major features of the operating system


NEW Discounts for students available
NEW Default toolbar item to choose the browser view

Improved Search popup menu and field of browser toolbar combined
Improved Faster verification before flushing contents back to disk (up 
to two times faster)
Improved Faster toolbar search
Improved "Destroy" command renamed to "Delete All Instances"
Improved Shortcut of "Launch" command changed to Command-O
Improved Stability of kernel and user interface

Fixed Import of plain text clipping files (.textClipping extension or 
'clpt' HFS type) didn't recognize unicode text. In addition, the 
default plain text encoding (see preferences) is used for all other 
plain text clippings.
Fixed Preview of linked plain text documents sometimes used the rich 
instead of the plain text font
Fixed Number of words displayed in the info panel was sometimes not 
identical to the one displayed in windows
Fixed Changing the "Check spelling as you type" preference wasn't 
applied to already opened browser windows
Fixed After toggling between note pad/outliner views, "See 
Also"/"Classify" did not work if   there was a document selected
Fixed Sorting by kind was not always updated after modifying the 
path/URL of an item
Fixed The relevance of search results was sometimes not correct if 
"Phrase"/"Wildcards" and   "Content" options were active
Fixed Ungrouped groups were not removed from search/classify results
Fixed Rebuilding was not possible if the verification found some 
errors. Now it's possible to   continue or cancel.
Fixed It was possible to add a useless "Classify" command to the toolbar
Fixed "Append To Rich Note" service did not work
Fixed Crash after dragging unsupported files to icon view
Fixed Crash after deleting the last search result

Commercial/Trial (US $20, Special introductory price US $15 until 


System Requirements:
Mac OS X 10.2.x and Safari 1.x or Mac OS X 10.3.x


Product Page:

Download: 2.4 MB, 2469 KB, 2528536 bytes

#### BINHEX     dictionary-search-11.hqx   ****

Subject: Dictionary Search 1.1
From: (Martin Mamo) 101641.317@compuserve.com

You currently have DictionarySeach1.0 on your archives. Florin Neumann 
has recently reported a bug in the included application Dictionary 
Genesis, which caused a crash every time an accented character was read 
in. This made Dictionary Genesis useless for the construction of 
non-English dictionaries. This problem has now been corrected.

As before a large English dictionary has been included in the package 
along with a crossword and wild card search program. Dictionary Genesis 
is an aid to word-list or dictionary construction.

Martin Mamo

#### BINHEX     diom-master-102.hqx   ****

From: EdBuehler@aol.com
Subject: DIOM Master 1.0.2

DIOM Master is a Bibliography-Database for your textfiles.

If you have found textparts with the included search-engine, you can
collect these textparts with one mouse-click in a record. The program
add automatically the references of the text-document from the
bibliography-database to the record.

System requirements: * System 7.5.1 * Power Macintosh with at least 16
MB of RAM * Color Monitor

Edwin Buehler http://members.aol.com/smFactory/

#### BINHEX     doc-saver-10.hqx   ****

From: Andrew Merenbach <owner@techietalk.org>
Subject: DocSaver 1.0

It will save all open AppleWorks documents, after two seconds of idle-time.
That is, after any two seconds in which you haven't moved the mouse, clicked
the mouse button, or typed anything on the keyboard, it will save your
currently-open AppleWorks documents.

This program is $2.00 shareware, but if you register one other program of
mine, you get a half-off discount; more than one, and you get this for
free--it's my way of saying, "Thank you!"

By the way: If anybody happens to find any bugs, report them to me; the
first reporter of any one bug will receive a free copy of this program!

#### BINHEX     docmaker-484.hqx   ****

From: greenmtn@Traveller.COM
Subject: DOCMaker v4.8.4

Release of DOCMaker version 4.8.4 - Mac OS 8.5 compatible.

DOCMaker gives you the Macintosh user powerful tools for  creating 
self-contained and self executing multi-media documents containing 
graphics, information, and links to other software and information.  By 
incorporating QuickTime Video, sound, AppleEvents, "Hot Picture Buttons" 
and more, documents that you create can become an exciting multi-media 
experience for your readers.  No other software is needed by the reader 
to open, print, and fully experience your documents.  The "viewer engine" 
is embedded into the documents to make distribution and use a simple and 
easy process.  Depending on the optional capabilities you save with your 
documents, the actual size of the documents can be very small.

Fee schedule for educational, non-commercial, and commercial use.  Order 
form attached.

#### BINHEX     docmaker-doc-patch.hqx   ****

From: greenmtn@Traveller.COM
Subject: DOCMaker Document Patcher for 8.5

The DOCMaker Document Patch for Mac OS 8.5 will quickly update existing 
DOCMaker documents for use under Mac OS 8.5.  After patching, the 
documents will still work under older Mac OS versions.  The patcher 
replaces the horizontal navagation scrollbar in those documents that have 
more than one chapter.  This scrollbar needs updating for use under Mac 
OS 8.5.  The symptoms that are fixed by this patch are long pauses in the 
Macintosh after using the popup menu in the navagation scrollbar.  This 
patch is only needed for DOCMaker documents whose version number is 4.8.3 
or earlier.

#### BINHEX     document-maker-stack.hqx   ****

From: TeachTec1@aol.com
Subject: DocumentMaker 1.0

DocumentMaker is a very helpful feature pulled from the popular 
Organizer. It provides a quick and easy way of producing fax covers, 
memos, letters, etc. It stores your personal and business addresses and 
inserts them with one click into your documents. Leave it running in the 
background for fast document printing. If you don't like to have your 
word processor running all day, this is the one for you.  DocumentMaker 
requires HyperCard or HyperCard Player 2.x. The cost is $5.00.

DocumentMaker is also available as a standalone application.

Steve Gandy

#### BINHEX     drop-text-printer-15.hqx   ****

From: hide@soon.com
Subject: DropTextPrinter 1.5

DropTextPrinter is an easy-to-use text file printing utility. You can
get a beautiful print-out by just drag and drop normal text files.

* You can set various optional settings in advance for printing such as
border type, border width, margin, adding line number, two up mode, text
font, font size, font style, wrap mode, header string, footer string,
and much much more.

* DropTextPrinter can detect and use the different font for HTML TAGs
and C/C++/JAVA language source code comments.

* DropTextPrinter can handle text files for Macintosh, MD-DOS and UNIX
platform. It automatically detects the file type and handle CR/LF codes

* There are many other usuful features such as double-side printing,
clipboard print mode, etc...

System Requirements: * Any system and any Macintosh * System 7.0 or

For more information, please read the documents enclosed.

Thank you, Hideki Itoh E-mail: hide@kagi.com

#### BINHEX     easy-view-262.hqx   ****

��From: eyler@trbilun.bitnet
Subject: Easy View 2.62

Easy View 2.62 - Easy View is a program for browsing collections of
structured (but otherwise plain) text files, large or small. It allows
very fast access by recognizing the internal structure. All of the
following text formats can be viewed using Easy View - setext, including
TidBITS and similar publications, Info-Mac, c.s.m.p, or similar digests,
Mail collections - Internet, Navigator, Notebook, etc., Dictionaries and
Plain text. New - An extension menu is added for using external code
(Compatible with BBEdit). Font and Size menus are made hierarchical.
Fixed - Cancel key does not crash after "Do you want to save?" dialog.

#### BINHEX     edoc-21.hqx   ****

From michel.touchot@wanadoo.fr
Subject: eDOC 2.1

Here is the new 2.1 release of eDOC.

#### BINHEX     egg-mcs-file-converter-11.hqx   ****

From: haddock@lifesci.lscf.ucsb.edu
Subject: EG&G/MCS file converter 1.1

This is a sci-tech related utility program to easily convert data files
from an EG&G multi-channel scaler to a mac text format which can be
opened in a spreadsheet.

The MCS format is supposed to be pretty general for spectrum files, but
I don't know what kinds of other programs generate them.

The program is a fat binary which automatically converts files which are
dropped onto its icon. It has been tested on various PowerMacs and 68k
desktop machines and a powerbook. Version 1.1 fixes a bug which caused
messed up X-values when converting several files at once.

Please let me know if you find it useful, or have any problems.

    Steven Haddock         <http://lifesci.ucsb.edu/~haddock>

#### BINHEX     email-cleaner.hqx   ****

From: Theo <delete@softhome.net>
Subject: emailcleaner.sit.hqx Convenient text cleaning on Emails and NewsGroup posts

   Email Cleaner 1.84
   Convenient line re-wrapping on emails and NewsGroup posts.

Email Cleaner does line re-wrapping on badly wrapped emails and
NewsGroup-posts. Badly wrapped lines is a problem every Internet User
comes across, Email Cleaner solves it! Email Cleaner has other features:
Wrapping to any width, adding / removing quotes, adding spaces before
each line, turning HTML to text, extensive AppleScriptability.

� Why Email Cleaner is good

Email Cleaner has a "floater", that floats above all of your other
windows, making it easily accessible anytime you are using your Mac
Put the insertion point anywhere inside the text that you want cleaned,
press "Clean" on the floater, and the whole text is cleaned.

Overall it is an intuitive, useful and flexible program.
� Also features HTML file shrinking

Email Cleaner batch shrinks folders of HTML files, removing un-needed
lines and spaces. It knows to avoid pictures, programs and other non-text

� Who else thinks Email Cleaner is good

Email Cleaner got a 5 out of 5 rating from Tucows, a large shareware

Email Cleaner has a lot of support for AppleScript.

It needs any PowerMac at all, and MacOS 7.5 or later.

An example of Email Cleaner at work, it converts text from this:

> >> Something to think about. In 1993, the CFA did some braking tests,
> >comparing a
> >> tanker (used for bushfires) with an EA Falcon. At 60km/h, the tanker
> >> 19.5m, the Falcon 12m. At 80km/h, the tanker took 30m, the Falcon 18m.
> >the
> >> wet at 60, the tanker took 25m, the Falcon 18m. So, where do you set
> >speed
> >> limit, and does one speed limit do all?

to this:

>>> Something to think about. In 1993, the CFA did some braking tests,
>>> comparing a tanker (used for bushfires) with an EA Falcon. At 60km/h,
>>> the tanker took 19.5m, the Falcon 12m. At 80km/h, the tanker took 30m,
>>> the Falcon 18m. In the wet at 60, the tanker took 25m, the Falcon 18m.
>>> So, where do you set the speed limit, and does one speed limit do all?


#### BINHEX     enveloper-10b3.hqx   ****

From: mtschofen@Carlson.com
Subject: Enveloper 1.0b3 - BRMs and CRMs for QuarkXPress update

Enveloper 1.0b3
(�1995-1998 Martin Tschofen - tscho001@maroon.tc.umn.edu)

Enveloper allows you to Create Business Reply Mail and Courtesy Reply
Mail including barcodes, Fims... all with AppleScript and QuarkXPress.
All mail pieces are generated within QuarkXPress and can be edited at
will. Any piece generated with Enveloper 1.0 will follow the postal
regulations as of 12/12/97. 

This is Shareware. If you like it please send in the $15 to register.
The unregistered version will expire after 10 uses.
I consider it Promotionware. If you need help automating work let me know
(using AppleScript, HyperCard, JavaScript).

I will email documentation to registered users. Paying the shareware fee
will give me an incentive to develop and upgrade it further.

Changes since 1.0b2
Some user reported that the Facespan Extension was necessary.


Martin Tschofen
Carlson Marketing Group

#### BINHEX     ezindex-101.hqx   ****

From: jvholder@mail.northcoast.com
Subject: EZIndex 1.01

Announcing the release of the Mac-only utility for authors -- EZIndex!

File name......: EZIndex 1.01
Date of release: 4/10/99

What is EZIndex and EZIndex Maker?

In the olden days, when creating an index for a book, you'd read each 
page of the manuscript. Each time you encountered a term or an idea that 
you wanted to appear in the index, you'd write it down along with the 
page number. When this process was finished, you'd painstakingly re-sort 
your list into alphabetical order. Problem: Life is too short.

Today, many indexes are prepared by software, which generates an index 
automatically from your word-processing file. Problem: This system 
creates index entries only when the actual indexed word appears in the 
text. If there are 5 pages on the history of the Macintosh, but the 
actual words "Macintosh history" don't appear on each page, no entry is 

Solution: Use EZIndex! This pair of software tools gives you the 
efficiency of a software-indexing robot, but the quality and control of a 
by-hand indexer. If you, like many book authors, are charged for indexing 
by your publisher, volunteer to do the index yourself. Using EZIndex can 
save you thousands of dollars on a typical book!

"My publishers charge me thousands of dollars to create indexes for my 
books," says David Pogue, author of the bestselling "The iMac for 
Dummies" and "PalmPilot: The Ultimate Guide." "And their indexes aren't 
always very good. With EZIndex, I can create my own absolutely terrific 
indexes myself in an incredibly short time."

EZIndex is two software tools, corresponding to the two steps of creating 
a high-quality index:

Step 1: EZIndex. This control panel lets you generate a list of terms as 
you read your electronic manuscript. The touch of a hotkey grabs pieces 
of text for indexing. As you go, you can define entries or sub-entries 
for terms that don't necessarily appear in the text, too.  EZIindex then 
saves this information, with page numbers, to a file.

If you're working from printed pages, you may prefer to use EZIndex 
Databaser, which lets you create index entries with as little typing as 

Step 2: EZIndex Maker. Just drag the resulting EZIndex file onto this 
application. In seconds, your fully formatted index - complete with 
indented sub-entries, collated page numbers ("34-40"), and commas - is 
ready to publish!

Bug fix in version 1.01:
Bug fix in control panel (crashed on certain computers when changing 
hotkeys) and a change in the manual in the installation section.

System Requirements.
Min. System..: 7 on up (Works great with OS8.x!)
Min. Hardware: Mac SE or better (Works great on PowerMacs!)
Shareware....: $30
Author.......: John V. Holder
email address: johnholder@aol.com
Home Page....: http://www.northcoast.com/~jvholder

#### BINHEX     filips-word-macros-16.hqx   ****

From: bo.svernstrom@swipnet.se
Subject: Filip's Word Macros 1.6

Filip's Word Macros 1.6 is a collection of Word macros, adding
functions to Microsoft Word 6.0. Includes HTMLmaker, which converts your
documents to html.

New in 1.6
    � SaveAndCount: displays number of characters as you save a document.
    As in the old 5.1.
    � CountAllOpenDocs: gathers the length of all open docs and presents
    them in i new window.
    � PreviewWithBrowser: lets you preview the open HTML-document in the
     browser you prefere.

Also, Quoter, and other macros, has been improved.

There were a misconfiguration of Word's menus in previous versions. This
should not be the case any more.

Bo Filip Svernstr�m

#### BINHEX     filtertop-11-pb-developer.hqx   ****

From: "TopSoft, Inc." <topsoft@mail.mac.com>
Subject: FilterTop 1.1 Public Beta Developer

TopSoft, Inc., a NON-PROFIT organization made up of Macintosh developers
from all around the world, has been working on a collaborative endeavor
called "FilterTop," a new breed of Macintosh utility.

FilterTop is an application that allows files to be processed through a
series of "filtering" operations. These operations are provided via
plug-in modules and are configured by the user via a graphical

This is the "promotional" public beta version of FilterTop 1.1, a free
product of TopSoft, Inc. This version is fully functional. However, it
may not be the latest version.

For more information on FilterTop and details on how to obtain the most
current version, visit TopSoft's web site at <http://www.topsoft.org>,
or email <mailto:info@topsoft.org>.

System Requirements:

Any Macintosh computer (except Macintosh 128K, Macintosh 512Ke,
Macintosh Plus, Macintosh SE, Macintosh Portable, PowerBook 100, Macintosh
Classic) running System 7.0 or later. The A/UX and Mac OS X "Classic"
environments are also supported.

FilterTop uses the Thread Manager, which is built-in for System 7.5 and
later, but requires a separate installation for older Systems.

FilterTop does not require the Appearance Manager (built-in for Mac OS
8.0 and later), nor does it require Navigation Services (built-in for
Mac OS 8.5 and later), but will take advantage of these features if
available (separate installations are required for older Systems).

The accompanying FTWindow Carbon application requires CarbonLib (which
requires Mac OS 8.6 or later). Older versions of FTWindow that support
older Systems are available separately in the "FilterTop 1.1 PB Extras"
package. Debug versions of FilterTop require System 7.5 and later.

Disk space required for FilterTop is approximately 2 to 4 MB; available
free memory required is 1 MB minimum, 2 MB or more memory is

#### BINHEX     filtertop-11-pb-extras.hqx   ****

From: "TopSoft, Inc." <topsoft@mail.mac.com>
Subject: FilterTop 1.1 Public Beta Extras

TopSoft, Inc., a NON-PROFIT organization made up of Macintosh developers
from all around the world, has been working on a collaborative endeavor
called "FilterTop," a new breed of Macintosh utility.

FilterTop is an application that allows files to be processed through a
series of "filtering" operations. These operations are provided via
plug-in modules and are configured by the user via a graphical

This is the "promotional" public beta version of FilterTop 1.1, a free
product of TopSoft, Inc. This version is fully functional. However, it
may not be the latest version.

For more information on FilterTop and details on how to obtain the most
current version, visit TopSoft's web site at <http://www.topsoft.org>,
or email <mailto:info@topsoft.org>.

System Requirements:

Any Macintosh computer (except Macintosh 128K, Macintosh 512Ke,
Macintosh Plus, Macintosh SE, Macintosh Portable, PowerBook 100, Macintosh
Classic) running System 7.0 or later. The A/UX and Mac OS X "Classic"
environments are also supported.

FilterTop uses the Thread Manager, which is built-in for System 7.5 and
later, but requires a separate installation for older Systems.

FilterTop does not require the Appearance Manager (built-in for Mac OS
8.0 and later), nor does it require Navigation Services (built-in for
Mac OS 8.5 and later), but will take advantage of these features if
available (separate installations are required for older Systems).

The accompanying FTWindow Carbon application requires CarbonLib (which
requires Mac OS 8.6 or later). Older versions of FTWindow that support
older Systems are available separately in the "FilterTop 1.1 PB Extras"
package. Debug versions of FilterTop require System 7.5 and later.

Disk space required for FilterTop is approximately 2 to 4 MB; available
free memory required is 1 MB minimum, 2 MB or more memory is

#### BINHEX     filtertop-11-pb.hqx   ****

From: "TopSoft, Inc." <topsoft@mail.mac.com>
Subject: FilterTop 1.1 Public Beta

TopSoft, Inc., a NON-PROFIT organization made up of Macintosh developers
from all around the world, has been working on a collaborative endeavor
called "FilterTop," a new breed of Macintosh utility.

FilterTop is an application that allows files to be processed through a
series of "filtering" operations. These operations are provided via
plug-in modules and are configured by the user via a graphical

This is the "promotional" public beta version of FilterTop 1.1, a free
product of TopSoft, Inc. This version is fully functional. However, it
may not be the latest version.

For more information on FilterTop and details on how to obtain the most
current version, visit TopSoft's web site at <http://www.topsoft.org>,
or email <mailto:info@topsoft.org>.

System Requirements:

Any Macintosh computer (except Macintosh 128K, Macintosh 512Ke,
Macintosh Plus, Macintosh SE, Macintosh Portable, PowerBook 100, Macintosh
Classic) running System 7.0 or later. The A/UX and Mac OS X "Classic"
environments are also supported.

FilterTop uses the Thread Manager, which is built-in for System 7.5 and
later, but requires a separate installation for older Systems.

FilterTop does not require the Appearance Manager (built-in for Mac OS
8.0 and later), nor does it require Navigation Services (built-in for
Mac OS 8.5 and later), but will take advantage of these features if
available (separate installations are required for older Systems).

The accompanying FTWindow Carbon application requires CarbonLib (which
requires Mac OS 8.6 or later). Older versions of FTWindow that support
older Systems are available separately in the "FilterTop 1.1 PB Extras"
package. Debug versions of FilterTop require System 7.5 and later.

Disk space required for FilterTop is approximately 2 to 4 MB; available
free memory required is 1 MB minimum, 2 MB or more memory is

#### BINHEX     find-in-files-20.hqx   ****

From: sales@mauisoftware.com
Subject: Find In Files 2.0

Find In Files 2.0 searches a set of files (or all files) for some text.

Why would you use Find In Files?  Here's an example: Suppose you have a
bunch of HTML documents, and one or more of them has some information you
need.  You could open every one of the files and search them by hand, or
use Find In Files to search for you.  Simply enter some key words in the
"Search For" text area, optionally enter a creator and file type (or click
the Select File button, and open any file to get the file's creator and
file type), select the folder where the search begins, and click on Search.

M A U I    S O F T W A R E
189 Auoli Dr.
Makawao, Maui, HI 96768-9313


#### BINHEX     finder-note-20.hqx   ****

From: jaeho@xs4all.nl
Subject: FinderNote 2.0 - The amazing note utility!

Subject : FinderNote 2.0 - The amazing note utility!

  FinderNote is a simple text editor whose documents can be read in the Finder (on the Desktop) without needing to run any application. This means that these notes open up as quickly as any other Finder window. This is possible because a FinderNote document is a particular type of file that Apple call a �clipping�.
  Clippings are very handy for keeping memos, to-do lists, notes about other files or folders, �boilerplate� text (like letterheads) that you can insert into other documents - the list is almost endless.

* System Requirements

Basic requirements
  System 7.1 or later
  Finder 7.1.3 or later

MacOS 8 users need no additional extensions

Additional extensions requirements for System 7.5 to 7.6.x users
  Clipping Extension
  Finder Scripting Extension

Additional extensions requirements for System 7.1 to under 7.5 users
  Macintosh Drag and Drop
  Dragging Enabler
  Clipping Extension
  Finder Scripting Extension


Jae Ho Chang :-)


Institute of Sonology
Royal Conservatory, The Hague

#### BINHEX     findtext-135.hqx   ****

From: p-maes@village.uunet.be
Subject: FindText 1.3.5 (FAT)

FindText 1.3.5

FindText is a utility that can search the files on your harddisk for that
specific text you know is hiding somewhere. Simply type in the text, tell
it what folder(s) or disk(s) to search, and it will find all files
containing that text. This saves you having to open ten or more files to
get hold of the one you're after, and FindText can work in the background,
which means you can get on with something else rather than watching the
progress bar crawl across the screen. If speed is important, try FindText.

FindText can search the data- and/or resource-fork of your files.

FindText needs System 7 or better and runs native both on the PowerMac and
the 68020/030/040 Macs. FindText is fully compatible with Mac OS 8.

Version 1.3.5 is a minor update.

FindText is shareware (USD 20). You can also register via Kagi (creditcard,
cash, check, ...).

Best regards,

Patrick Maes

#### BINHEX     findtext-136.hqx   ****

From: maes@macbel.be
Subject: FindText

FindText 1.3.6

FindText is a utility that can search the files on your harddisk for that
specific text you know is hiding somewhere. Simply type in the text, tell
it what folder(s) or disk(s) to search, and it will find all files
containing that text.

FindText it very useful as an adjunct to Sherlock under MacOS 8.5 which
only indexes the data fork of files. It is also one of the few tools that
can search the files of popular utilities (that put their data in the
resource fork) like eDOC, ScrapIt Pro and NotePad deluxe!
Although FindText is fast, it is not as fast as Apple's Sherlock but
Sherlock works only after a time and space consuming indexing of your
So, if you don't loose track of your files on an hourly basis, you will
prefer FindText.

FindText can search the data- and/or resource-fork of your files.

FindText needs System 7 or better and runs native both on the PowerMac,
iMac and the 68020/030/040 Macs. FindText is fully compatible with Mac OS 8.

Every user of FindText is advised to update to version 1.3.6.

FindText is shareware (USD 20). You can register via Kagi (creditcard,
cash, check, ...).

FindText Homepage : http://gallery.uunet.be/p-maes/index.html

Best regards,

Patrick Maes

#### BINHEX     fix-word-system-memory-21.hqx   ****

From: lsr@wco.com
Subject: FixWordSystemMemory 2.1

FixWordSystemMemory is a system extension that works around a problem with
Microsoft Word version 5.1.  Occasionally Word refuses to launch, claiming
there is a lack of system memory.  This is usually an intermittent problem
and often launching Word again will succeed.

FixWordSystemMemory "fools" Word in to believing there's enough space in
the system heap, which bypasses the test and allows it to launch every time.

Version 2.1 fixes a bug which caused printing to fail for some people.  It
also limit the scope of the patches so that the chance for
incompatibilities is reduced.  I suggest that everyone who was using an
older version of the extension upgrade to this version.  This program is
totally free.

Larry Rosenstein

Larry Rosenstein


#### BINHEX     flatplan.hqx   ****

From: cdubuit@netsurf.fr
Subject: FlatPlan

FlatPlan is a free application designed to create quickly and manage easily
flat plan.
FlatPlan is designed for press : editor in chief, managing editor or even
advertising manager.
FlatPlan is usefull for magazines, staple stich, with large pagination.
FlatPlan managing section, advertising, articles. You can insert or delete
If you have to modify the structure of your flat plan (for exemple, remove
or add a new section), you can "export" to a file the content of the
current flat plan, then create another one with the new structure, and
"import" the previous file into it.

All suggestions are welcome.

Christophe Dubuit
47 rue Claude Bernard
75005 Paris - France

#### BINHEX     glossary-10.hqx   ****

From: David Lawrence <library@mindless.com>
Subject: Glossary 1.0 for Macintosh

Glossary 1.0 is a stand alone application that glosses words used in
Shakespeare's works. It includes a find function, print capability,
and is useful to find the meanings of word that have changed meaning or
are not used anymore.

What You Need to Make It Work

It will just sit there and do nothing unless you have:

A Mac
Mac OS from the last five to ten years
It needs little and does its job

#### BINHEX     gs-wordproc.hqx   ****

From: jonrelay@napanet.net
Subject: Gammasoft WordProc

Here is a small word processor. Features are (yes, ARE) word count and
spell checking. Word list for spell checking is not included. Now that
spell check is done by XFCN, it shouldn't be the horribly slow one from
Gammasoft Office.

This file requires the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the
Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you
have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead.

When you decompress this file, be sure to put it in the same folder as the
Main Menu file. Also put an alias of the Gammasoft WordProc file in the
`Data folder. Make sure the alias doesn't have an " alias" suffix or a
space after it's name.

#### BINHEX     gst-caesura.hqx   ****

From: gswann@primenet.com
Subject: Caesura.sit

Caesura is a freeware utility that cuts files of type 'TEXT'
into chunks that are more manageable or more useful. I'd like to say
that it's the most useful of my utilities, but I know this is untrue.
Caesura exists to fulfill a need you will have infrequently. But when
you _do_ have that need, it will do the job quickly and cleanly,
without a lot of painful hacking away in a text editor.

#### BINHEX     gst-shawberry.hqx   ****

From: gswann@primenet.com
Subject: ShawBerry.sit

ShawBerry does this: it merges text from one file into another at
the insertion points you specify. You tell it which file to amend
and which file to take the amendments from. In other words: the
Amend file is _almost_ the way you want it. The Amendments file
contains correction lines that, when "pasted" into the Amend file,
will fix it in the way that you want. ShawBerry is freeware.

#### BINHEX     gst-smartclip.hqx   ****

From: gswann@primenet.com
Subject: GST-SmartClip �.sit

SmartClip a very small app that will do case conversion off of the
clipboard and return the converted text to the clipboard. This gives you
case conversion everywhere you can copy and paste. The conversions are
very smart, using the same logic used by my Torquemada the Inquisitor.
We don't clobber <Quark XPress tags> or <html> (or anything within angle

Included in the archive is a set of QuickKeys shortcuts called
"SmartClip Universal Shortcuts". These give you instant access to
SmartClip from any application.

SmartClip is AppleEvent-aware, so you should be able to AppleScript
to it, should you want to.

#### BINHEX     gst-text-html-javascript.hqx   ****

From: gswann@primenet.com
Subject: GST-TEXT->HTML->Javascript.sit

Torquemada the Inquisitor search and replace sets to faciliate the
gross conversion of raw text to typographic-quality HTML or Javascript
functions or files. Conversion are included for XPress Tagged text,
for the ISO 'entities', and to make anchors from common URL types.
The final search and replace set will convert any standing HTML file
to an encapsulated Javascript function, which can be used as is or
edited into another script or function or converted into a *.js file.

These search and replace sets are freeware, but they require
Torquemada the Inquisitor (GST-TorqueDemo.sit) or Torquemada's
Ghost (GST-TGhostDemo.sit) to run. They can also make beneficial
use of XP8 (GST-XP8Demo.sit), a text file reformatter, and Mark
My Words (GST-MMWDemo.sit), which converts Miscrosoft Word 5.x
files to Quark XPress-Tagged text. All of this software can be
found on InfoMac ftp sites, on the AMUG ftp site, or on my web page:


#### BINHEX     gst-tghostdemo.hqx   ****

From: gswann@primenet.com
Subject: TGhostDemo.sit

Demoware version of Torquemada's Ghost, a scriptable, backgroundable
batch global search and replace engine with wildcards, pattern matching,
string substitution, et very cetera. With Drag & Drop under Systems 7 or 8,
you can run an infinite number of searches on up to 256 files in one
batch. Features the most intelligent case-conversion we know of.
Version 1.3.1 offers a great many enhancements, including new
"wildthings" and a _lot_ of new User Interface power. The commercial
version ships with Torquemada the Inquisitor, which is available in
the Info-Mac archives as GST-TorqueDemo.sit.

#### BINHEX     gst-torquedemo.hqx   ****

From: gswann@primenet.com
Subject: TorqueDemo.sit

Demoware version of Torquemada The Inquisitor, batch global search
and replace software with wildcards, pattern matching, string
substitution, et very cetera. With Drag & Drop under Systems 7 or 8,
you can run an infinite number of searches on up to 256 files in one
batch. Features the most intelligent case-conversion we know of.
Version 1.3.1 offers a great many enhancements, including new
"wildthings" and a _lot_ of new User Interface power. The commercial
version ships with Torquemada's Ghost, a scriptable, backgroundable
Torquemada. A DemoWare version of Torquemada's Ghost is available in
the Info-Mac archives as GST-TGhostDemo.sit.

#### BINHEX     gst-xp8-demo.hqx   ****

From: gswann@primenet.com
Subject: GST-XP8Demo.sit

XP8 - a very intelligent file filter that cleans up and makes the
filthiest text QuarkXPress-ready. Among many other features, it offers
DOS-file reformatting, financial-text clean-up, garbage disposal,
typographic quality enhancement, and the best quote conversion we know
of. Used with Mark My Words (GST-MMWDemo.sit) and Torquemada the
Inquisitor (GST-TorqueDemo.sit), XP8 provides a highly-automated,
highly-configurable way to produce quality typography from the worst
source files. This demo of version 1.0.8 permits 32 launches.

This archive replaces earlier versions GST-XP8Demo.sit.

#### BINHEX     hanmac-word-j-204.hqx   ****

From: jmseo@hanmac.com
Subject: hanmac-word-j-204

About HanMac Word-J

HanMac Word-J is a full featured Macintosh wordprocessor to handle 
English and also Japanese if you have KanjiTalk installed.

Key features of HanMac Word-J are as follow:
- Support character spacing and scaling in 1/1000 of measurement unit
- Multiple non-contiguous text selection
- Powerful find/replace
- Multiple sections with independent page number and header/footer
- User definable footnote mark and position
- Support frames such as text box, picture box, graphic, memo, and table
- Easy and powerful table handling
- Drag & Drop within a document, between documents, from/to desktop
- Document database to view or search documents
- HTML document conversion with preview
- Internet mail using Eudora

HanMac Word-J is now distributed as a shareware at US$35.00 for each copy.
This program can be included in commercially distributed CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     haxial-textedit-141.hqx   ****

From: Haxial <support2@haxial.com>
Subject: Haxial TextEdit 1.41

Haxial TextEdit is a simple, fast and free text editor that edits plain 
text files. It can edit text files in Mac, DOS/Windows, and Unix formats. 
It also includes a Find/Replace function, and a menu for quick access to 
your favorite documents. 

* The program loads very quickly. 
* Fast scrolling of very large files. 
* Appearance of the user interface is highly customizable. Supports 
"skins" / "schemes". 
* Supports both soft and hard wrapping of text. 
* Find and Replace features. 
* Edit text files in Mac, DOS/Windows, and Unix formats. 
* Can count the number of occurrences of a piece of text in a file. 
* Can alphabetically sort lines of text. 
* "Favorites" menu allows quick access to your favorite documents. 
* Rename a document from within TextEdit. 

Haxial TextEdit is available for:
  MacOS 9 or better (with CarbonLib 1.3.1+, 1.6 preferred).
  MacOS X (10).
  Windows 95 or better.

The Product Page is here:


And the company website is:


#### BINHEX     hebrew-font-converter-104.hqx   ****

From: ben_s@arch.apana.org.au
Subject: Hebrew FontConverter 1.0.4a.

This program is a support utility for my RosettaStone application, which is
a free Java application to tutor the Hebrew language containing around 2500
Hebrew words, and an online tutorial. It can also be used for any non Asian
The full download can be found at
If you don't have java setup, you will need to visit the site for Java
download links.

Thank You

Ben Stitz

#### BINHEX     hmw-k-205.hqx   ****

From: jmseo@hanmac.com
Subject: hanmac-word-k-205.hqx

About HanMac Word-K

HanMac Word-K is a full featured Macintosh wordprocessor to handle 
English and also Korean if you have HangulTalk installed.

Key features of HanMac Word-K are as follow:
- Support character spacing and scaling in 1/1000 of measurement unit
- Multiple non-contiguous text selection
- Powerful find/replace
- Multiple sections with independent page number and header/footer
- User definable footnote mark and position
- Support frames such as text box, picture box, graphic, memo, and table
- Easy and powerful table handling
- Drag & Drop within a document, between documents, from/to desktop
- Document database to view or search documents
- HTML document conversion with preview
- Internet mail using Eudora

HanMac Word-K is now distributed as a shareware at US$35.00 for each copy.
This program can be included in commercially distributed CD-ROM.

Best Regards,


#### DIRECTORY  html   ****

#### BINHEX     html-layout-15.hqx   ****

From: Brian_Rellinger@wbgu.bgsu.edu
Subject: HTML Layout 1.5

HTML Layout 1.5 is a keyboard layout that makes it easier to program in HTML.

Brian Rellinger

#### BINHEX     i-liner-10.hqx   ****

From: Ian <shortreed@mercury-soft.com>
Subject: iLiner 1.0 submission

We have uploaded iLiner 1.0.sit. to the 
ftp://macgifts:macgifts@info-mac.org/ archive today.

Product Abstract

iLiner 1.0  lets you:

1) summarize text in any application
2) brainstorm ideas in a powerful outline processor
3) export outlines directly to QuickTime slide presentations.

The trial version is 1.5 MB in size and will run for 14 days.

#### BINHEX     icword-31-jp-osx.hqx   ****

From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com
Subject: icWord 3.1J  for Mac OS X - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the icWord package for Mac OS X. 
A version for Mac OS Classic is also available.

Do you have trouble viewing Microsoft Word, Appleworks and ClarisWorks files?

Are you constantly frustrated by email attachments that cannot be opened?

Don't spend hundreds of dollars on expensive software or upgrade. . .

. . . Just have a look at icWord today!

icWord enables you to work with Microsoft Word and AppleWorks files
created on both PCs and Macs - without the original application! icWord
lets you open, view, print, convert and use Word or AppleWorks files.
icWord works with systems Mac OS 7.1 through Mac OS X version 10.3.X.

icWord is now available in 5 languages: English, Japanese, French,
German and Italian. Any customer can use any of these versions at any

With icWord you can:

* View Microsoft Word, AppleWorks or ClarisWorks files with their
original formatting intact.
* Instantly view downloaded documents from the Internet
* Easily "save as" a file or "copy/paste" a selection so that you can
work within your favorite application
* No more retyping of faxed documents just to recreate a workable text
* Install and use whichever version you want: English, Japanese, French,
German or Italian.
* Enjoy Full OS Support (from Mac OS 7.1 and up to Mac OS X version


#### BINHEX     icword-31-jp.hqx   ****

From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com
Subject: icWord 3.1J  for Mac Classic - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the icWord package for Mac OS Classic. 
A version for Mac OS X is also available.

Do you have trouble viewing Microsoft Word, Appleworks and ClarisWorks files?

Are you constantly frustrated by email attachments that cannot be opened?

Don't spend hundreds of dollars on expensive software or upgrade. . .

. . . Just have a look at icWord today!

icWord enables you to work with Microsoft Word and AppleWorks files
created on both PCs and Macs - without the original application! icWord
lets you open, view, print, convert and use Word or AppleWorks files.
icWord works with systems Mac OS 7.1 through Mac OS X version 10.3.X.

icWord is now available in 5 languages: English, Japanese, French,
German and Italian. Any customer can use any of these versions at any

With icWord you can:

* View Microsoft Word, AppleWorks or ClarisWorks files with their
original formatting intact.
* Instantly view downloaded documents from the Internet
* Easily "save as" a file or "copy/paste" a selection so that you can
work within your favorite application
* No more retyping of faxed documents just to recreate a workable text
* Install and use whichever version you want: English, Japanese, French,
German or Italian.
* Enjoy Full OS Support (from Mac OS 7.1 and up to Mac OS X version


#### BINHEX     indexing-macros.hqx   ****

From: gmaschke@ucla.edu
Subject: Nisus Indexing Macros

Nisus Indexing Macros

Nisus Writer is a superb word processor with powerful capabilities,

I have been bothered by the way that Nisus Writer generates indexes. It
lists every single page on which a marked item occurs. This leads to the
creation of indexes with entries such as:


I have written a macro to collapse such entries according to the method
prescribed by the 13th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, section
8.67. For example, the entry above would be rendered:


(The full method is actually more complex than this, and I have fully
implemented it).

Along with that macro, I've developed some others to facilitate creating
indexes. Perhaps the most useful ones are for marking proper names for
indexing. If, for example, you have the names "Alfred E. Neuman," "Billy
Bob Smith," and "Wild Bill Hickock," simply select all these names and
run a macro to mark each for the index as follows:

Neuman, Alfred E. Smith, Billy Bob Hickock, Wild Bill

#### BINHEX     isearch.hqx   ****

From: julian@sierra.net
Subject: iSearch 1.2

This is a very handy utility for anyone who works with text.

iSearch lets you do boolean and literal text searches thru
files, folders disks, and CD's. iSearch has an accelerated
search engine, that can work equally fast in the
background while you carry on your work. iSearch uses drag
& drop to define search locations and remembers the most
frequent locations used in a �search in:� drop down menu

Changes & additions in 1.2:
	� Corrected conflict with contextual menu extension.
	� Added Drag & Drop finder folders (to add to folder menu)
	� Added Boolean searches to:
 		 - find all of several space delimited words 
 		 - find at least one of several space delimited words 
 		 - find text literaly (same as before)

#### BINHEX     itext-304-x.hqx   ****

From: Michiaki Yamashita <lightway.yamashita@nifty.com>
Subject: iText 3.0.4 for Mac OS X - iMac's Text Editor

iText is a cute text editor with simple word processing, fitting the
charming iMac's colorful-design. It has stability and lots of nice
features selected from LightWayText. iText is very popular and is loved
by many Japanese, because it has High Speed, is Cool, Fantastic, and
Simple ! It will definitely let you recall 'the Macintosh mind of the
early days' - The original Mac's concept. Editing operations are
intuitive. There are many ways to change the appearance of your
document; besides styles, there are decoration lines, the ability to
change all paragraph indents or margins, and to paste in PICT images.
Also, you can work with big text documents of even more than 32 kbytes
at very high speed. You will find that iText is widely used, from
programming to the writing of various documents, in any language not
only English and Japanese. With Key-registration, iText can be upgraded
to iTextPro, besides.

This Version Changes:
* Improved some of names of the Menu items, dialogs, and the documents
* Also, fixed some bugs to make more stability.

iText Environment
It can be used under Mac OS X 10.0 or later

(Author:) Michiaki Yamashita
(E-Mail:) lightway@mac.com
(HomePage:) http://members.aol.com/iText/

#### BINHEX     itext-304.hqx   ****

From: Michiaki Yamashita <lightway.yamashita@nifty.com>
Subject: iText 3.0.4 for Mac OS 7-9 - iMac's Text Editor

iText is a cute text editor with simple word processing, fitting the
charming iMac's colorful-design. It has stability and lots of nice
features selected from LightWayText. iText is very popular and is loved
by many Japanese, because it has High Speed, is Cool, Fantastic, and
Simple ! It will definitely let you recall 'the Macintosh mind of the
early days' - The original Mac's concept. Editing operations are
intuitive. There are many ways to change the appearance of your
document; besides styles, there are decoration lines, the ability to
change all paragraph indents or margins, and to paste in PICT images.
Also, you can work with big text documents of even more than 32 kbytes
at very high speed. You will find that iText is widely used, from
programming to the writing of various documents, in any language not
only English and Japanese. With Key-registration, iText can be upgraded
to iTextPro, besides.

This Version Changes:
* Improved some of names of the Menu items, dialogs, and the documents
* Also, fixed some bugs to make more stability.

iText Environment
It can be used under Mac OS from System 7.1 to Mac OS 9.2.2

(Author:) Michiaki Yamashita
(E-Mail:) lightway@mac.com
(HomePage:) http://members.aol.com/iText/

#### BINHEX     janusnode-111.hqx   ****

From: Chris Westbury <cwestbury@JanusNode.com>
Subject: JanusNode 1.11

A JanusNode is a software robot that is designed for text generation and text morphing: that is, for writing computer-generated and computer-assisted poetry and prose. JanusNodes use their own simple language to allow the text-generation rules (called 'TextDNA') to be completely user-configurable. It is easy for users to write their own TextDNA even if they know nothing about programming the Mac. Users can also use the large set of built-in rules, or the automatic TextDNA-generating function which can turn ordinary text into TextDNA. The text morphing features include an automatic version of Tristan Tzara's original Dadaist formula for creating poetry from text (and many variations on it), an eecummingsfication feature for imitating the style of the great poet ee cummings, multiple forms of Markov chaining and much more. JanusNodes are highly user-configurable, and can be massively expanded by the end-user.

JanusNodes are uncopyrighted and free. They may be freely redistributed. They require at least 25 megabytes of free disk space, at least 5 megabytes of available RAM, and a PowerPC processor. They do not currently run native under OS X, but will run under OS X through OS 9.X.

#### BINHEX     jedit-409-x.hqx   ****

From: MATSUMOTO Satoshi <satoshi@matsumoto.co.jp>
Subject: Jedit4.0.9 For Mac OS X - Powerful Text Editor

[File "Jedit409EX.dmg.gz.hqx" uploaded to <ftp://info-mac.org/>]

The English version of the popular text editor in Japan.
Supports AppleScript, Multi-Style, Split Editing Window, Multiple
Undo, HTML Coloring,  Book Marking, Paragraph Formatting,
Object Embedding (image, sound, Quicktime Movie and alias),
Macro Menus, Read out and Recording, Unicode, Print Preview,
Sorting etc. Jedit is shareware: 2500 Japanese Yen (about $25)

Carbon application. This package supports SavePanel, 128x128dot Icon,
and multi-language (English and Japanese).

In Rev.4.0.9, the alignment "Justify" has been supported and several bugs
were fixed.

System Requirement:
+ Mac OS X Product Version (10.0.0) or later
+ Power Macintosh

For more, visit our Web site:

#### BINHEX     jedit-409.hqx   ****

From: MATSUMOTO Satoshi <satoshi@matsumoto.co.jp>
Subject: Jedit4.0.9 For Classic OS - Powerful Text Editor

[File "Jedit409E.sea.hqx" uploaded to <ftp://info-mac.org/>]

The English version of the popular text editor in Japan.
Supports  AppleScript, Multi-Style, Split Editing Window, Multiple
Undo, HTML Coloring, Sherlock FCB Search, Book Marking, Paragraph
Formatting, Object Embedding (image, sound, Quicktime Movie and
alias), Macro Menus, Read out and Recording, Summarizing, Unicode,
Print preview, Sorting etc. Jedit is shareware: 2500 Japanese Yen
(about $25)

In Rev4.0.9, added the support for the External Editor Protocol.  You can
directly edit a remote file in the Jedit window working with a ftp client
such as Interarchy 4.1.

System Requirement:
+ Mac OS 8.5 or later
+ Power Macintosh

For more, visit our Web site:

#### BINHEX     jolly-good-tables-4-68k.hqx   ****

From: "Yoshiko Bando" <QVA00103@nifty.ne.jp>
Subject: JollyGoodTables4 for 68K

Good table tools for the Macintosh are relatively rare.
JollyGoodTables is a the US localization of the Japanese word processor
RakuRakuKeisen which specializes in creating and editing tables.
To put it simply, with JollyGoodTables you create a table skeleton as you
would in a drawing application, and fill the cells of the table with text.
In contrast to a spreadsheet application, however, in JollyGoodTables cell
sizes and styles, as well as text styles, font, size, and horizontal or
vertical text justification, etc. are freely configurable. You can copy and
paste across multiple cells, set individual text margins for each cell, and
even nest cells or graphic objects and pictures created in JollyGoodTables
or other software inside cells.

One of JollyGoodTables' most exciting features is the option to adapt the
printing resolution to your printer's to achieve jaggy-free high quality

Since JollyGoodTables supports publish and subscribe you can use it to
include tables in documents of applications that do not provide a table
editing feature.

JollyGoodTables also handles data copied from spreadsheets or tab delimited

If you are frequently dealing with tables, JollyGoodTables should come in
quite handy.

Yoshiko Bando

#### BINHEX     jolly-good-tables-4-ppc.hqx   ****

From: "Yoshiko Bando" <QVA00103@nifty.ne.jp>
Subject: JollyGoodTables4 for PPC

Good table tools for the Macintosh are relatively rare.
JollyGoodTables is a the US localization of the Japanese word processor
RakuRakuKeisen which specializes in creating and editing tables.
To put it simply, with JollyGoodTables you create a table skeleton as you
would in a drawing application, and fill the cells of the table with text.
In contrast to a spreadsheet application, however, in JollyGoodTables cell
sizes and styles, as well as text styles, font, size, and horizontal or
vertical text justification, etc. are freely configurable. You can copy and
paste across multiple cells, set individual text margins for each cell, and
even nest cells or graphic objects and pictures created in JollyGoodTables
or other software inside cells.

One of JollyGoodTables' most exciting features is the option to adapt the
printing resolution to your printer's to achieve jaggy-free high quality

Since JollyGoodTables supports publish and subscribe you can use it to
include tables in documents of applications that do not provide a table
editing feature.

JollyGoodTables also handles data copied from spreadsheets or tab delimited

If you are frequently dealing with tables, JollyGoodTables should come in
quite handy.

Yoshiko Bando

#### BINHEX     kampraths-text-utilities-10.hqx   ****

From: kamprath@kagi.com
Subject: Kamprath's Text Utilities OSAX v1.0.0

Kamprath's Text Utilities (KTU) OSAX is a small Apple Script extension 
that implements some useful text manipulation commmands. Commands include 
parsing, token replacement, and capitalization utilities. Freeware.

                      Michael F. Kamprath
 mailto:kamprath@kagi.com | http://www.leonardo.net/kamprath/
 mailto:kamprath@bunt.com |

#### BINHEX     kings-edit-12b.hqx   ****

From: PXI02743@niftyserve.or.
Subject: KingsEdit(E)120b


King's Edit is the most populer single font text editor in Japan.
It is optimized for editing Japanese until now.
This release is the first release of English version for the world.
It is most exiting and fascinating editor than ever.
It must revolutionally change your own world about text editor.

Special Feature
 1.edit some files on one window
    (comfortable especially for Power Book)
 2.most high-speed string search in multi-files
    (especially reglar expression)
 3.many other fantastic functions

King's Edit needs more than MacOS7.1 system.
King's Edit is freeware.
You can use and distibute it freely.

Authors are Naoki Hirata & Akito Fujiwara.
King's Edit home is

#### BINHEX     lf-2-crlf.hqx   ****

From: pompamagna@geocities.com
Subject: LF2CRLF 1.0 AS

LF2CRLF 1.0 by Giovanni Giusti (<pompamagna@geocities.com>)
Required OSAXen: String Commands, Read/Write commands

This drag-and-drop applet adds linefeeds to your text files to make them
compatible with (ugh!) DOS text file formats. Each paragraph will thus end
with (CR-LF) instead than just CR.

OK, it's slow. I'm going to write another version in FutureBasic as soon as
I'll tackle Drag&drop there.

Duel S.p.A.
Via G. Dandini, 15
00154 Roma (ITALY)
Tel. ++39-6-5743826
Fax  ++39-6-5759368
e-mail <duel.spa@iol.it>

#### BINHEX     lightway-text-404.hqx   ****

From: Michiaki Yamashita <lightway.yamashita@nifty.com>
Subject: LightWayText 4.0.4 for Mac OS 7-9 - Writer's Workshop

LightWayText (Shareware price US$25) is a powerful Text Editor
having lots of nice features !
With LightWayText, you have all the power you expect from a full-featured
word processing program - writing, editing, printing, and saving the text
document in other formats including Kanji/PICT/JPEG. We have changed the
idea of a 'Writer's Workshop' into a reality. We are glad if it lets you
recall 'Macintosh mind of the early days' - The original Mac's concept was
to keep it pure and simple and this we have done with LightWayText.
We sincerely hope LightWayText will serve you well, being a good friend
for your Mac...

In Japan, LightWayText is a popular text editor. In LightWayText 4, we
included all the Japanese and English word processor functions, because
so many of you asked for this.
Editing operations are intuitive. There are many ways to change the
appearance of your document; besides styles, there are decoration lines,
the ability to change all paragraph indents or margins, to paste in PICT
or JPEG images, and to create spreadsheet-like tables.

LightWayText can also provide many different layouts. Especially unusual
is the Vertical Writing format of 'Tategaki' as in Japanese books, the
basic Paper of Japanese Manuscript paper 'Genkou-Yousi'. With a variety of
Custom papers including Notepaper and Greeting card, you can start your
original pages in your Westerners's style easily, also let LightWayText
create back-up files automatically. In other words, as you would expect
from a 'Writer's Workshop', much of your editing can be left entirely to

In addition, LightWayText provides many special menus and macro-functions
to stimulate the creative mind of a professional. You will increase your
efficiency with customized menus and keyboard commands. You can also use a
spelling checker or a translation program as if it were a built-in function.
LightWayText even allows you to complex search with the 'Regular Expression'
or the 'SEd script' in addition to the normal expression's search.
Besides, there are other useful little goodies to play with, including a
scheduler function for your day-to-day time management.

You will find that LightWayText is widely used, from programming to the
writing of various documents, in any language not only English and Japanese.

- LightWayText is aiming to be the No1-shareware program, loved around the
world !   We are pleased if you Westerners also find LightWayText useful...

 (LightWayText is a hybrid, usable with both Macs & PC.
  In addition, they are compatible with each other's documents.)

We are improving LightWayText all the time, with your suggestions ...

LightWayText Environment
It can be used under Mac OS from System 7.1 to Mac OS 9.2.2

(Author:) Michiaki Yamashita
(Author E-Mail:) lightway@mac.com
(User Support:) Yumi
(User Support E-Mail:) raphael@ya2.so-net.ne.jp
(HomePage:) http://members.aol.com/LightWayText/

#### BINHEX     lightway-text-x-404.hqx   ****

From: Michiaki Yamashita <lightway.yamashita@nifty.com>
Subject: LightWayText 4.0.4 for Mac OS X - Writer's Workshop

LightWayText (Shareware price US$25) is a powerful Text Editor
having lots of nice features !
With LightWayText, you have all the power you expect from a full-featured
word processing program - writing, editing, printing, and saving the text
document in other formats including Kanji/PICT/JPEG. We have changed the
idea of a 'Writer's Workshop' into a reality. We are glad if it lets you
recall 'Macintosh mind of the early days' - The original Mac's concept was
to keep it pure and simple and this we have done with LightWayText.
We sincerely hope LightWayText will serve you well, being a good friend
for your Mac...

In Japan, LightWayText is a popular text editor. In LightWayText 4, we
included all the Japanese and English word processor functions, because
so many of you asked for this.
Editing operations are intuitive. There are many ways to change the
appearance of your document; besides styles, there are decoration lines,
the ability to change all paragraph indents or margins, to paste in PICT
or JPEG images, and to create spreadsheet-like tables.

LightWayText can also provide many different layouts. Especially unusual
is the Vertical Writing format of 'Tategaki' as in Japanese books, the
basic Paper of Japanese Manuscript paper 'Genkou-Yousi'. With a variety of
Custom papers including Notepaper and Greeting card, you can start your
original pages in your Westerners's style easily, also let LightWayText
create back-up files automatically. In other words, as you would expect
from a 'Writer's Workshop', much of your editing can be left entirely to

In addition, LightWayText provides many special menus and macro-functions
to stimulate the creative mind of a professional. You will increase your
efficiency with customized menus and keyboard commands. You can also use a
spelling checker or a translation program as if it were a built-in function.
LightWayText even allows you to complex search with the 'Regular Expression'
or the 'SEd script' in addition to the normal expression's search.
Besides, there are other useful little goodies to play with, including a
scheduler function for your day-to-day time management.

You will find that LightWayText is widely used, from programming to the
writing of various documents, in any language not only English and Japanese.

- LightWayText is aiming to be the No1-shareware program, loved around the
world !   We are pleased if you Westerners also find LightWayText useful...

 (LightWayText is a hybrid, usable with both Macs & PC.
  In addition, they are compatible with each other's documents.)

We are improving LightWayText all the time, with your suggestions ...

LightWayText Environment
It can be used under Mac OS X 10.0 or later

(Author:) Michiaki Yamashita
(Author E-Mail:) lightway@mac.com
(User Support:) Yumi
(User Support E-Mail:) raphael@ya2.so-net.ne.jp
(HomePage:) http://members.aol.com/LightWayText/

#### BINHEX     mac-learn-word-11-se.hqx   ****

From: feelgood@ramona.nu
Subject: MacLearnWord_11-SE

Dr. Feelgood <http://www.feelgood.se> sl�pper nu det svenskproducerade
programmet MacLearnWord 1.1 SE. Programmet finns �ven i engelsk version.
Programmet �r ett litet praktiskt och pedagogiskt mycket bra program f�r
inl�rning av glosor. Det �r mycket praktiskt n�r du ska l�ra dig nya ord.
Programmet har ingen inbyggd ordbok utan man skriver sj�lv in de ord man
vill l�ra sig.
Upphovsman: Andr� Tegewall  mailto:webmaster@felia.nu

Pris: 100:-

Som alla Dr. Feelgoods program �r det l�tt att registrera via postgirot
eller ett vanligt inbetalningskort p� posten.

L�s mer ock ladda ner p� v�r hemsida: <http://www.feelgood.se>.

Ladda ner direkt: <http://www.ramona.nu/release/MacLearnWord_11-SE.sit.hqx>

Bes�k upphovsmannens sajt http://felia.nu l�s om support mm. och och ladda ner.

	P� < http://www.idg.se/online > hittar du info. om IDG/Online och
d�r finns
�ven alla v�ra program f�r nedladdning.

Dr. Feelgood�
http://www.feelgood.se (in Swedish)
- Shareware translated into Swedish
- Register shareware through the Swedish Postgirot!
- Internet FAQ

http://www.ramona.nu/develop/ (in English)
- Localization service
- Translations
- Registrations
- Promotion
- Support

Dr. Feelgood, G�rdsmark 273    S- 931 95 Skelleftea, SWEDEN
Attn: Mats-Ola Jonsson

Dr. Feelgood� is a registered trademark

#### BINHEX     mac-scribe-205.hqx   ****

From: Eric Aubourg <Eric.Aubourg@cea.fr>
Subject: MacScribe 205

MacScribe 2 is a hieroglyphic text processor for Macintosh.

It comes with a basic font set of about 800 hieroglyphs. An extended font
set of +6000 signs can be purchased separately.

See the readme in the archive for installation instructions. A PDF
manual is included. The software runs in demo mode until you purchase
a license from www.kagi.com.

Eric Aubourg

#### BINHEX     mac-travesty-111.hqx   ****

From: Bertil Holmberg <bertil.holmberg@anestesi.mas.lu.se>
Subject: MacTravesty 1.1.1

MacTravesty tabulates the frequencies of character sequences in a text.
The cryptologist will find it a handy tool for finding the number of
characters, bigrams and trigrams in a text. Students of language will
enjoy the random prose created from the analysis. This tiny program will
run on any Macintosh.

#### BINHEX     macnetic-contaxt-freeware.hqx   ****

From:  macnetic_software@csi.com
Subject: contaxt-Freeware-de.hqx

Archiv: contaxt-Freeware-de.hqx
Downloaded to: ftp://macgifts:macgifts@info-mac.org/

macnetic contaxt, word processing, address management
(for Macintosh, available in german language only)

German description:
macnetic contaxt ist die Loesung f�r das komfortable Arbeiten mit Adressen und
Briefen in einem Programm. Die schnelle, vielseitige Adre�verwaltung von
macnetic contaxt ist die solide Basis zur kinderleichten Erstellung von
Serienbriefen und zum unkomplizierten Drucken Ihrer Adressen auf Umschlaege,
Etiketten als Adre�buch oder in Listenform.

Neben den Standardfunktionen einer Adre�verwaltung bietet macnetic contaxt u.a.
eine Textverarbeitung die �ber saemtliche Grundfunktionen f�r den taeglichen
Gebrauch verfuegt.
Benoetigt: System 7 oder neuer. 
Freeware von macnetic software (http://www.macnetic.de).

#### BINHEX     macscribe-light-206.hqx   ****

From: �ric Aubourg <Eric.Aubourg@cea.fr>
Subject: FTP (Update) MacScribe-206.sit, (New) MacScribeLight-206.sit

All those programs can be included on CD-ROMs.

MacScribe 2 is a hieroglyphic text processor for Macintosh.

It comes with a basic font set of about 800 hieroglyphs. An extended font
set of +6000 signs can be purchased separately.

See the readme in the archive for installation instructions. A PDF
manual is included. The software runs in demo mode until you purchase
a license from www.kagi.com.

Eric Aubourg

***** MacScribeLight-206 ******

MacScribeLight 2 is a low-price version of my hieroglyphic text 
processor for Macintosh. It is targeted to amateur egyptologists, and 
only has the core features of MacScribe.

It comes with a basic font set of about 800 hieroglyphs.

See the readme in the archive for installation instructions. A PDF
manual is included. The software runs in demo mode until you purchase
a license from www.kagi.com.

The price is US$45.

Eric Aubourg

#### BINHEX     macwintext-10-fr.hqx   ****

From: G�rard Sebbah <sebbah@club-internet.fr>
Subject: MacWinText 1.0

MacWinText 1.0 - this program allows you to convert text and RTF files from
Windows to Macintosh format and vice versa. Drag and drop the files and folders
you want to convert onto the program icon: the program will do the work for you.
You can, at one go, convert Macintosh and Windows files.

G�rard Sebbah

BTW: if you need any information, please, e-mail to <gerard.sebbah@wanadoo.fr>

#### BINHEX     macwintext-10.hqx   ****

From: G�rard Sebbah <sebbah@club-internet.fr>
Subject: MacWinText 1.0

MacWinText 1.0 - this program allows you to convert text and RTF files from
Windows to Macintosh format and vice versa. Drag and drop the files and folders
you want to convert onto the program icon: the program will do the work for you.
You can, at one go, convert Macintosh and Windows files.

G�rard Sebbah

BTW: if you need any information, please, e-mail to <gerard.sebbah@wanadoo.fr>

#### BINHEX     magicards-10.hqx   ****

From: u7x11af@mailin.lrz-muenchen.de
Subject: MagiCards 1.0

This Hypercard stack is a connectivity tool for the Sony MagicLink.
I made it in an attempt to simplify the painful process of transferring
textfiles from my Mac into my Sony MagicLink PIC1000. It turned out really
useful ! It probably works for all Magic Cap devices, but I have no way of
testing it...

Until now, transferring text into the notebook on my PIC1000 was really
really slow and complicated. The problem: The notebook in Magic Cap (at
least v1.0) wants textfiles in a special format.
This stack simply converts regular textfiles to a notebookfriendly format.

Requirements: Magic XChange, Hypercard (Player) 2.2 or newer.


#### BINHEX     manual-maker-23-jp.hqx   ****

From: jwwalker@kagi.com

Subject: Manual Maker 2.3J (a standalone document maker)

This is the Japanese localized version of Manual Maker, a simple

application that converts a collection of SimpleText files into a

low-overhead standalone document called a Manual Reader.  Besides

displaying styled text and embedded pictures, a Manual Reader provides

chapter and section menus and a Find command.  Manual Maker is free for

personal, nonprofit, and educational use, and Manual Reader documents

may also be distributed under those conditions.

Version 2.3 adds dynamic scrolling.  Also, pictures are positioned more

precisely like the way SimpleText does it.

-- James W. Walker  <http://members.aol.com/jwwalker/>

#### BINHEX     manual-maker-23.hqx   ****

From: jwwalker@kagi.com

Subject: Manual Maker 2.3 (a standalone document maker)

Manual Maker is a simple application that converts a collection of

SimpleText files into a low-overhead standalone document called a Manual

Reader.  Besides displaying styled text and embedded pictures, a Manual

Reader provides chapter and section menus and a Find command.  Manual

Maker is free for personal, nonprofit, and educational use, and Manual

Reader documents may also be distributed under those conditions.

Version 2.3 adds dynamic scrolling.  Also, pictures are positioned more

precisely like the way SimpleText does it.

James W. Walker  <http://members.aol.com/jwwalker/>

#### BINHEX     merge-pdf-15.hqx   ****

From: Tetsuro KURITA <tkurita@werc.or.jp>
Subject: MergePDF 1.5

MergePDF is a powerful AppleScript droplet to merge many PDF files into one 
PDF file. The main feature of MergePDF is that MergePDF determines the order 
of binding PDF files by view order of them in Finder. PDF files will bound 
with order as you see.Additionally, MergePDF make bookmarks which named 
according to their original file names and thumbnails. 

home page : http://www.macos.com/scriptfactory
email address : tkuri@macos.com

	MacOS 8.5 or later
	Adobe Acrobat 5
Scripting Additions
	TextInfo OSAX
	Akua Sweets

#### BINHEX     ms-borg-patchers.hqx   ****

From: dale@sports-spectrum.com
Subject: M$ Borg Patch 0.9

Since many people are still using M$ Word 5.1, here's a ResCompare patch that
gives it a Borg-like feel (a la Star Trek). Rather ominous, yet not so intrusive
as to disrupt its use.

Bought with a price,
Live forever: http://members.xoom.com/InfinityLtd/
Jesus took your place so you can go to His place.

#### BINHEX     ms-word-51a-patch.hqx   ****

Subject: Word 5.1a patch

This patch for Microsoft Word 5.1a removes the 'System memory too low' 
problem that the program may exhibit when running on system software 
versions 7.5.3 and greater.  Because of the way new system software 
allocates system memory, the application erroneously believes there will 
not be enough system memory for it to function properly. This patch 
cancels that check. There should be no adverse effects from applying 
this patch.

The patched file version will be changed to 5.1A (uppercase 'a') as a 
visual clue for future reference. This patcher application will not make 
a copy of the Microsoft Word file that it patches, so you should already 
have made any necessary copies.

This patch is not official nor in any way sanctioned by Microsoft 
Corporation. Responsibility for results of using this patch rests solely 
with the person applying the patch.

Ron Crans

#### BINHEX     multi-find-replace-15.hqx   ****

From: (Gaspard Gendreau) Gaspard@valhall.esrin.esa.it
Subject: Multi Find-Replace 1.5

Multi Find-Replace (MFR) is a free FKEY that rapidly performs a
succession of "Find and Replace" operations on the current Clipboard
contents. As shipped, MFR will operate on the Clipboard if it contains

The package contains pre-defined MFR definition files:
                "DOS <-> Mac text conversion"
                "Softwrap / ASCIIfy"
                "UPPERcase / lowercase"
                "Quote / UnQuote email"

Currently, you use ResEdit to create or modify MFR definition files.

Version 1.5 mainly fixes problems found in 1.4. It has been tested on
various systems versions up to 7.5.5.


#### BINHEX     my-secret-10-cbn.hqx   ****

From: Erich.Rast@t-online.de (Erich Rast)
Subject: My Secret 1.0 Carbon - encryption program for Macintosh

My Secret 1.0 is a tool to encrypt and decrypt text messages. It 
supports strong 448 bit Blowfish encryption as well as support for 
custom external encryption schemes. Beside other plugins, it comes 
with a free Rijndael plugin. For secure hashing, it uses a 
combination of SHA1 and MD5. My Secret supports drag & drop, uses 
built-in compression and can securely wipe out files. It has an 
easy-to-use user interface while offering a fair amount of security. 
Encrypted data is in 7-bit plaintext ASCII format and suitable to be 
sent in emails without further modification.

My Secret is $10 shareware and can be tried out without any limitations.

Requirements: PPC Macintosh, 2 MB RAM, OS 8.0 or higher (OS X for 
Carbon version)
Author: Erich H. Rast
Email:  erich@snafu.de
Web:    http://home.snafu.de/erich/shareware/mysecret.html
Order:  http://order.kagi.com/?UCV

#### BINHEX     my-secret-10-ppc.hqx   ****

From: Erich.Rast@t-online.de (Erich Rast)
Subject: My Secret 1.0 PPC - encryption program for Macintosh

My Secret 1.0 is a tool to encrypt and decrypt text messages. It 
supports strong 448 bit Blowfish encryption as well as support for 
custom external encryption schemes. Beside other plugins, it comes 
with a free Rijndael plugin. For secure hashing, it uses a 
combination of SHA1 and MD5. My Secret supports drag & drop, uses 
built-in compression and can securely wipe out files. It has an 
easy-to-use user interface while offering a fair amount of security. 
Encrypted data is in 7-bit plaintext ASCII format and suitable to be 
sent in emails without further modification.

My Secret is $10 shareware and can be tried out without any limitations.

Requirements: PPC Macintosh, 2 MB RAM, OS 8.0 or higher (OS X for 
Carbon version)
Author: Erich H. Rast
Email:  erich@snafu.de
Web:    http://home.snafu.de/erich/shareware/mysecret.html
Order:  http://order.kagi.com/?UCV

#### BINHEX     net-print-81.hqx   ****

From: johnmoe@kagi.com
Subject: Net-Print 8.1

Net-Print lets you print or save selected text(instead of the entire
document).  It even lets you put several chunks of text onto one page or in
one file.
It also lets you quickly print labels for Zip Disks.

#### BINHEX     net-stripper-40.hqx   ****

Subject: NetStripper v4.0
From: (Adam Lloyd) adam@park78.demon.co.uk

NetStripper v4.0 is the latest version of the NetStripper text converter
utility. Over 300 to 400% faster than any previous version, the new version
supports all the translation modes of the earlier versions. In addition, it
has enhanced AppleScript support, the ability to receive drops of folders
as well as files, a menu command to select a folder for conversion, and
also a new preference - the notification sound - that allows the user to
record a sound that can be played when all translations have finished.

NetStripper v4.0 supports the DOS/Unix to Mac, Mac to DOS, Mac to Unix and
CR Strip modes. As usual the carriage return strip can either remove single
carriage returns while converting double carriage returns to singles, or
can remove single carriage returns while leaving double carriage returns in

NetStripper v4.0 is a FAT binary, which means it runs at optimal speeds on
all MacOS computers, from Apple's Macintosh SE to the latest Power
Computing and similar clones. It has been tested with System software from
System 7.0 to 7.5.5 and works without problems on all versions, although
for versions earlier than System 7.5 you will need to install Apple's
Thread Manager extension (included in the package).

NetStripper v4.0 is shareware, priced at US$10 or �5 (5 UK pounds).
Payments are handled by Kagi Shareware (http://www.kagi.com).

More information on the v4.0 release of NetStripper is available at:


#### BINHEX     net-stripper-manual.hqx   ****

Subject: NetStripper v4.0 PDF manual
From: (Adam Lloyd) adam@park78.demon.co.uk

This package contains an Adobe Acrobat[tm] manual for NetStripper v4.0. It
covers pretty much all aspects of using NetStripper v4.0, including all the
translation modes, the AppleScript commands, how to register, and so on. To
view this manual you will need a copy of Adobe's Acrobat Reader.

More information on the v4.0 release of NetStripper is available at:


#### BINHEX     new-tricks-115-68k.hqx   ****

From: Karl Becker <karl@karlbecker.com>
Subject: New Tricks 1.1.5 68K

Teach that old Mac New Tricks!  New Tricks 1.1.5 is a multi-platform, 
extensible word processor.  It contains the following features:
	* support for Add-ons, which are very similar to web browser 
plug-ins.  Ships with the following Add-ons:
	   - Stats, for document information
	   - SortThat!, an easy way to sort through parts or all of 
your document
	   - Font-o-Matic, a utility to preview all installed fonts 
at multiple sizes, as well as "Bulk Formatting," which applies font 
faces and styles to user-defined instances throughout their document
	   - SpellChecker, a user-customizable spell checker
	* native HTML file format - also can save as ASCII text
	* customizable user interface - Apple-flavored colors, or 
pick your own!

	System requirements:
	- Mac OS 7.1 or higher
	- 3MB of hard disk space
	- 4MB RAM

official web site: http://www.karlbecker.com/newtricks/

#### BINHEX     new-tricks-115-ppc.hqx   ****

From: Karl Becker <karl@karlbecker.com>
Subject: New Tricks 1.1.5 PPC

Teach that old Mac New Tricks!  New Tricks 1.1.5 is a multi-platform, 
extensible word processor.  It contains the following features:
	* support for Add-ons, which are very similar to web browser 
plug-ins.  Ships with the following Add-ons:
	   - Stats, for document information
	   - SortThat!, an easy way to sort through parts or all of 
your document
	   - Font-o-Matic, a utility to preview all installed fonts 
at multiple sizes, as well as "Bulk Formatting," which applies font 
faces and styles to user-defined instances throughout their document
	   - SpellChecker, a user-customizable spell checker
	* native HTML file format - also can save as ASCII text
	* customizable user interface - Apple-flavored colors, or 
pick your own!

	System requirements:
	- Mac OS 7.1 or higher
	- 3MB of hard disk space
	- 4MB RAM

official web site: http://www.karlbecker.com/newtricks/

#### BINHEX     nihon-go-20.hqx   ****

From: hwood@iinet.net.au (James Devenish)
Subject: NihonGO_200.sit.hqx (Language Conversion) [/font or /text]

NihonGO! v2.0 for Macintosh. This freeware program performs simple 
character translation which will transform plain romaji files into ones 
containing hiragana, katakana and/or romaji. 

Hiragana and katakana are Japanese writing systems. If you do not know 
about these Japanese scripts, NihonGO! is probably not of much use to 
you. If you do know about such things then NihonGO! simplifies the 
process of getting Japanese onto your computer under non-Japanese systems.

NihonGO! comes with full documentation.

NihonGO! v2.0
(C) 1997 by James Devenish

#### BINHEX     nihon-go-deluxe-20.hqx   ****

From: hwood@iinet.net.au (James Devenish)
Subject: nihongo_deluxe_2.sit.hqx Lang. Conversion & Fonts /font or/text

NihonGO! v2.0 Deluxe for Macintosh. Includes Japanese Font Pack v1.3! 

NihonGO! performs simple character translation which will transform plain 
romaji files into ones containing hiragana, katakana and/or romaji. It 
requires the shareware JFP 1.3 by Mike McGee (included in this archive!).

Hiragana and katakana are Japanese script systems. If you do not know 
about these Japanese scripts, NihonGO! is probably not of much use to 
you. If you do know about such things then NihonGO! simplifies the 
process of getting Japanese onto your computer under non-Japanese systems.

NihonGO! and JFP come with full documentation.

NihonGO! v2.0                         Japanese Font Package v1.3
(C) 1997 by James Devenish            (C) 1997 by Mike McGee
<mailto:cyanocobalamin@hotmail.com>   <mailto:inaka@cap.or.jp>

#### BINHEX     nisus-indexing-macros-11.hqx   ****

From: gmaschke@ucla.edu
Subject: Nisus Indexing Macros 1.1

Nisus Indexing Macros 1.1

(This version is an update to my Indexing Macros 1.0 for Nisus Writer,
posted to info-mac in May 1997. This update fixes a bug in 1.0 in which an
extra space was inserted in index entries generated with the "Personal
Name, 2 Last" and "Personal Name, 3 Last" macros. Adds an "Unmark Selected
Text" macro).

Nisus Writer is a superb word processor with powerful capabilities, but...

I have been bothered by the way that Nisus Writer generates indexes. It
lists every single page on which a marked item occurs. This leads to the
creation of indexes with entries such as:


I have written a macro to collapse such entries according to the method
prescribed by the 13th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, section
8.67. For example, the entry above would be rendered:


(The full method is actually more complex than this, and I have fully
implemented it).

Along with that macro, I've developed some others to facilitate creating
indexes. Perhaps the most useful ones are for marking proper names for
indexing. If, for example, you have the names "Alfred E. Neuman," "Billy
Bob Smith," and "Wild Bill Hickock," simply select all these names and run
a macro to mark each for the index as follows:

Neuman, Alfred E.
Smith, Billy Bob
Hickock, Wild Bill

When you've downloaded the macro, double-click on the macro file to load
it, then run the "About Indexing Macros" macro for further details on what
these macros do and how to use them.

#### BINHEX     no-return-11.hqx   ****

From: t.grimwood@auckland.ac.nz
Subject: NoReturn 1.1

NoReturn is a droplet that converts unix return chars (0x0A) to Mac 
returns (0x0D). It's very useful for converting text files downloaded 
from Unix systems and it's much faster than large text processing 
applications for this purpose. The programme is designed for speed, the 
only concession to aesthetics being the provision of a progress bar. To 
use NoReturn, simply drop a file (or files) on the NoReturn icon. If you 
click the abort button, hit the escape key or command-dot while a file is 
being processed, the file will be left untouched. Double clicking the 
NoReturn icon gets you the Standard File open dialog, which you can use 
to select a file for processing.

NoReturn 1.1 is Freeware, must be distributed unaltered and must not be 
distributed for profit without prior arrangement with the author.

What's new in 1.1:

Fixed a bug which would prevent NoReturn from quitting in certain 
circumstances. <blush>

Provided an abort button and functionality to respond to escape key and 
command-dot hits. This costs about 2 seconds when processing a 1 meg file 
on my 7200/120.

(c) 1997 Tony Grimwood

#### BINHEX     note-pad-deluxe-213-cbn.hqx   ****

From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se>
Subject: NotePad Deluxe 2.1.3 Carbon - Exclusive notepad with many features

NotePad Deluxe 2.1.3 (Carbon version)

NotePad Deluxe is a fast, powerful, multi-purpose notepad for Macintosh.
Features include a page browser with extensive drag and drop, find with
replace, local/global text formats, quick-find, labels, lock, built-in
encryption (Blowfish), context menus, a useful tab ruler with real tabs,
a floating database palette, spell checking through the Word Services
system, and web links.

Yet the interface is user-friendly and carefully polished.

New in version 2.1.3:
- First release of OSX Carbon version
- New and improved background textures
- Printing bug (Error -192, resNotFound) fixed
- Exporting files with filenames starting with "." now works
- Watch cursor no longer flickers when exporting
- Minimize state conflict with window layer ordering fixed
- Now remembers texture setting when entering Preferences
- Open from context menu now displays content properly
- Filename length conflict with drag and drop fixed
- Now possible to drag notes to printer icon
- Topic movement bug fixed
- New modifier key for Smaller/Larger command

Distribution: Shareware $25

System Requirements:
MacOS X (public beta not supported)
System 7.5 or later for the PPC/68k versions


Copyright 1996-2001 Ibrium HB

#### BINHEX     note-pad-deluxe-22-se.hqx   ****

From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se>
Subject: NotePad Deluxe 2.2 Sv - Exclusive notepad (Swedish version)

NotePad Deluxe 2.2 (Swedish PPC version)

NotePad Deluxe is a fast, powerful, multi-purpose notepad for Macintosh.
Features include a page browser with extensive drag and drop, find with
replace, local/global text formats, quick-find, labels, lock, built-in
encryption (Blowfish), contextual menus, a useful tab ruler with real tabs,
a floating database palette, spell checking through the Word Services
system, and web links.

Yet the interface is user-friendly and carefully polished.

New in version 2.2:
- Now uses the WASTE text engine
- Notes are no longer limited to 32k
- More text features available (alignment, line spacing, baseline, 
bottom border, hilite color)
- Better world script support
- Unicode aware
- Multiple Undo/Redo
- OSX bugfixes (strange scrolling behaviour, drag and drop, inactive 
windows, reveal, �)
- Some other small bugs fixed

Distribution: Shareware $25

System Requirements:
System 7.5 or later (Carbon version requires OSX 10.0 or later)


Copyright  1996-2001 Ibrium HB

#### BINHEX     note-pad-deluxe-22.hqx   ****

From: "Andreas Rydh, Ibrium HB" <andreas@ibrium.se>
Subject: NotePad Deluxe 2.2 - Exclusive notepad with many features

NotePad Deluxe 2.2 (English PPC version)

NotePad Deluxe is a fast, powerful, multi-purpose notepad for Macintosh.
Features include a page browser with extensive drag and drop, find with
replace, local/global text formats, quick-find, labels, lock, built-in
encryption (Blowfish), contextual menus, a useful tab ruler with real tabs,
a floating database palette, spell checking through the Word Services
system, and web links.

Yet the interface is user-friendly and carefully polished.

New in version 2.2:
- Now uses the WASTE text engine
- Notes are no longer limited to 32k
- More text features available (alignment, line spacing, baseline, 
bottom border, hilite color)
- Better world script support
- Unicode aware
- Multiple Undo/Redo
- OSX bugfixes (strange scrolling behaviour, drag and drop, inactive 
windows, reveal, �)
- Some other small bugs fixed

Distribution: Shareware $25

System Requirements:
System 7.5 or later (Carbon version requires OSX 10.0 or later)


Copyright 1996-2001 Ibrium HB

#### BINHEX     nuclip-converter-12e.hqx   ****

From: misawa@da2.so-net.ne.jp
Subject: NuClipConverter

NuClipConverter - is Converter from finder's clipping file to general application's file. This available 'TEXT' and 'PICT' clipping file. NuClipConverter is 5$ or 500 yen shareware.

#### BINHEX     nuedit-132e.hqx   ****

From: misawa@da2.so-net.ne.jp
Subject: NuEdit1.3.2E.sit

NuEdit1.3.2 English version.
Copyright(c)1997-98, by Noriaki Misawa.

NuEdit is styled text editor. Interestingly, NuEdit has a color palette.  
Accordingly, you can color a text very easily.

System Requirements
        MacOS version 7.0.1 or later

What's New...
		Fixed 'Enter Find String'.
		Fixed Using Dictionary. If the Selected-text is large, It crashed NuEdit
before 1.3.1. Changed to max-size 255 characters.
		Fixed Auto-save. If  NuEdit is background, freezed. Change to view an
alert by Notification Manager.
		Available new File-open, save... dialog - 'Navigation Services'.
		Fixed preview-open dialog. If you press option-key, no-preview open
		Available Save to SimpleText-Japanese version format.
		Change to clear button with press option-key.
		Fixed file save preferences.

	Future 1.3
		Available Export HTML format with style.
		Added Color Menus in Contextual Menus.
		Add Preferences when Open File.
		Add Shortcut-key with MercutioMDEF.
		Available ContextualMenus.

        WASTE text engine is copyright (c)1993-1998 by Marco Piovanelli.
        NuEdit is Shareware ($10). Please use kagi software or read a

Japanese version
        Check out NuEdit's home site at: 


	<Enclosure: NuEdit1.3.2E.sit>

#### BINHEX     orniwell-310-68k.hqx   ****

From: mc5230@mclink.it
Subject: Orniwell 3.1.0 68k

Orniwell is a unusual text viewer which let users view very large text
file and navigate inside them using keywords. In a 'key field' in the
top of the window the user can insert a key string. Using the key,
Orniwell can indicize the text coloring the occurrences. All without
opening dialog and having to click around. Orniwell is fast and
effective. Who uses Orniwell loves it. For its flexibility and easy of
use, Orniwell is already the preferred text viewer for many Macintosh
users. Different 'wedgers' facilitate the work. Help provided using
Apple Guide. This is version 3.1 with improvements in text selection and

Further info at TENSION SOFTWARE shareware page:

Available both in 68k version and PPC
*Inclusion in CD-ROM permitted*

#### BINHEX     orniwell-310-ppc.hqx   ****

From: mc5230@mclink.it
Subject: Orniwell 3.1.0 ppc

Orniwell is a unusual text viewer which let users view very large text
file and navigate inside them using keywords. In a 'key field' in the
top of the window the user can insert a key string. Using the key,
Orniwell can indicize the text coloring the occurrences. All without
opening dialog and having to click around. Orniwell is fast and
effective. Who uses Orniwell loves it. For its flexibility and easy of
use, Orniwell is already the preferred text viewer for many Macintosh
users. Different 'wedgers' facilitate the work. Help provided using
Apple Guide. This is version 3.1 with improvements in text selection and

Further info at TENSION SOFTWARE shareware page:

Available both in 68k version and PPC
*Inclusion in CD-ROM permitted*

#### BINHEX     otx-to-text.hqx   ****

From: pompamagna@geocities.com
Subject: OTX-to-TEXT 1.0

OTX-to-TEXT � 1994-98 by Giovanni Giusti <pompamagna@geocities.com>

OTX-to-TEXT converts into useable Macintosh TEXT files documents written
with an obscure DOS word processor of the Eighties, called "OTX". I only
ever met one person using that thing, so I wrote this software for him.

Now if there is a second person around the Net with old OTX files lying
around, this may be of help. In fact, OTX files, if opened as they are,
look even more scrambled than WordStar� files -- virtually unuseable.

Pompamagna home page:


#### BINHEX     palimpsest-2-demo-68k.hqx   ****

From: western@westciv.com.au
Subject: Palimpsest2(1)Demo68k.sit.hqx

Palimpsest 2(1) Demo is a fully functional demonstration version of 
Palimpsest, available from Western Civilisation pty. ltd. 

Palimpsest 2(1) is a major upgrade to this powerful Macintosh hypertext 
application for working with electronic documents. Latest improvements 
include MacOS 8 appearance, contextual menus everywhere and much more.
Palimpsest is ideal for anyone whose work involves documents, including 
secondary and higher education students of literature, history, law or 
any subject which involves working with written material. Teachers, 
academics, researchers, lawyers, religious scholars and others can all 
benefit from this complete system.

Palimpsest * provides a space for organizing collections of related 
documents * incorporates powerful, unique hypertext features to help you 
annotate, cross reference, and give outline structures to your own work, 
and the documents you work with. * features sophisticated but easy to use 
searching, as well as novel hypertext reporting features.

Palimpsest is available for US$50 for a one year subscription entitling 
you to all upgrades, technical support and more. 
See <http://www.westciv.com/>

System Requirements Any Macintosh (68030, 68040 or PowerPC Mac 
recommended, PowerMac native) MacOS 7 or greater (including MacOS 8) 4 MB 
of RAM available for Palimpsest.

John Allsopp                                      Western Civilisation

#### BINHEX     palimpsest-2-demo-ppc.hqx   ****

From: western@westciv.com.au
Subject: Palimpsest2(1)DemoPPC.sit.hqx

Palimpsest 2(1) Demo is a fully functional PowerMac native demonstration 
version of Palimpsest, available from Western Civilisation pty. ltd. 

Palimpsest 2(1) is a major upgrade to this powerful Macintosh hypertext 
application for working with electronic documents. Latest improvements 
include MacOS 8 appearance, contextual menus everywhere and much more.
Palimpsest is ideal for anyone whose work involves documents, including 
secondary and higher education students of literature, history, law or 
any subject which involves working with written material. Teachers, 
academics, researchers, lawyers, religious scholars and others can all 
benefit from this complete system.

Palimpsest * provides a space for organizing collections of related 
documents * incorporates powerful, unique hypertext features to help you 
annotate, cross reference, and give outline structures to your own work, 
and the documents you work with. * features sophisticated but easy to use 
searching, as well as novel hypertext reporting features.

Palimpsest is available for US$50 for a one year subscription entitling 
you to all upgrades, technical support and more. 
See <http://www.westciv.com/>

System Requirements Any Macintosh (68030, 68040 or PowerPC Mac 
recommended, PowerMac native) MacOS 7 or greater (including MacOS 8) 4 MB 
of RAM available for Palimpsest.

John Allsopp                                      Western Civilisation
                   http://www.westciv.com info@westciv.com

#### BINHEX     paramind-131.hqx   ****

From: ParaMind@aol.com
Subject: ParaMind Brainstorming Software for Mac 1.3

Sending ParaMind 1.3 for Mac, no special requirements.

ParaMind is a program that cures writer's block and stress-causing delays due
to lack of direction.  ParaMind works differently than any other writer's
helper on the market. ParaMind was built on the idea of getting every idea
that can be expressed in language by "meaningfully exhausting the
interactions of words." 

ParaMind was created to help businesses, technical specialists, and writers
of all kinds. ParaMind is a serious brainstorming program that is totally
configurable and can be used to logically expand any idea. It comes with a
database of 450 related word chains, and you can add as many of your own as
you like. ParaMind copies any text you type or paste onto its screen and
systematically merges your text with new related words.

In a few minutes or less of key clicks one sentence or paragraph is turned
into up to 100 pages of related sentences. It's a great creativity tool.
 ParaMind copies any text you type or paste into its screen and systematically
 merges your text with new words. The words are all related, such as
adjectives related to sight, or adverbs related to walking. I n the text that
you type or paste in, a word or two is selected where these new words will
fit in, in the way that you want. The result is a new listing of your idea
changed in several fascinating ways.

ParaMind is great for parents and  educators.  It teaches children about
grammar concepts while helping them develop their own  ideas.  It works with
related word chains that are broken down into the parts of speech.  The
students pick their own words from their own sentences and replace and merge
them for up to a hundred pages of new ideas.

>From Inc. Magazine "ParaMind Brainstorming Program. A great way to brainstorm
ideas on almost any topic."

Robert Pearson
ParaMind Software

#### BINHEX     pc-converter-20-ppc.hqx   ****

From: Marco Bambini <marco@spiderlink.it>
Subject: PcConverter 2.0 (PowerPC version)

PcConverter offers you all kinds of tools you need to convert files from or
to many different formats.
You can use PcConverter to convert text files (also RTF files) from Windows
or Unix to MacOS, or you can use it to process your custom database files
or to automate the conversion of text files to html.

Different Operating Systems use different ASCII tables (a way to represent
characters) so, for example, when you try to open a Windows text files
with a MacOS application all the special characters are misinterpreted 
and the result is a series of garbage characters.

To fix this drawback PcConverter comes with six different tables that
enable you to convert text files (Dos, Unix and Windows) and correctly use
them in your MacOS. This is only an example of what you can do with
PcConverter because you have also the ability to write your own conversion
tables to expand the PcConverter capabilities.

#### BINHEX     pc-text.hqx   ****

From: ed@ecdg.com
Subject: PCText 1.0

PCText 1.0

PCText 1.0 is an application program for translating PC text onto the
Macintosh.  It only supports 'text' files and DOS text, but will support
more file-formats as newer versions are released.
-System 7 or higher

This software can be included in  any commercially available CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     pepper-35.hqx   ****

From: Maarten Hekkelman <maarten@hekkelman.com>
Subject: Pepper 3.5.1

Pepper 3.5.1 has been released, this is a bug fix release, fixing a few
small problems introduced with Pepper 3.5. One new feature was added:
support for Anarchy's 'Edit with...' command.

Pepper is an editor targeted at programmers, script coders and HTML writers,
but since it is such a powerful and yet easy to use tool you can use it for
any task that involves working with plain text.

Among the unique features offered by Pepper are:

*intelligent and extendable language support through addons with syntax
styling as opposed to mere syntax coloring. Currently supported languages
are: HTML (with JavaScript and PHP embedded), C/C++, Pascal, Oberon-2, Perl,
Python, Rez, Shell, TeX
*identifier completion
*incremental search
*ToolServer integration with stderr parsing
*extensions and script extensions (apply a perl script to a selection e.g.)
*fully configurable keybindings
*rectangular selections
*FTP open/save

And of course Pepper offers all the features available in other major
commercial text editors currently known on MacOS.

Pepper is a descendant of the popular Pe for BeOS, an editor that has been
used extensively by many, not only to write code but also novels and other
books (Neal Stephenson and Scot Hacker e.g.). Pepper is more than a port, it
offers many new features and interface enhancements when compared to its

System requirements for Pepper are a PowerMac running MacOS 8.6.

Pepper is sold as shareware, single license fee is USD 45, site license is
USD 400 and upgrades from Pe for BeOS are available at USD 25.

Hekkelman Programmatuur b.v. is a privately held company founded in 1996 by
Maarten Hekkelman and specializing in writing software for MacOS and BeOS.
Other products developed by Hekkelman Programmatuur b.v. are Sum-It, a
spreadsheet for both MacOS and BeOS, Pe for BeOS and bdb, the source level
debugger bundled with BeOS.

#### BINHEX     persian-webfont-to-nisus.hqx   ****

From: gmaschke@ucla.edu (George Maschke)
Subject: Persian Webfont -> Nisus Macro

Persian Webfont to Nisus Writer Macro
For Nisus Writer 5.0
Version 1.0
4 November 1996


The Iranian daily newspaper Hamshahri is made available on the World Wide
Web by Neda Rayaneh at:


The newspaper is set in a freeware custom TrueType font called "Persian".
This Nisus Writer macro converts Persian text laid out in this font to the
standard format used by Nisus Writer and other Persian-capable Macintosh

This macro will also convert Persian web files in the shareware "NetNative"
webfont, which has the same character mapping as the "Persian" font
distributed by Hamshahri. For more information about this font, go to:


Known Problems

Roman text mixed with the Persian text will appear to be reversed. You can
resolve this by selecting the Roman text and applying the Reverse format to

Converted text will have a hard return at the end of each line. If you want
to remove these line breaks, select a block text from which you wish to
remove them and run the Form Paragraph macro that comes with Nisus Writer.

The "narrow space" is not used. Regular spaces are used throughout.

Additional Notes

For links to my other Nisus Writer macros, visit my World Wide Web home page:

This macro is free, and may be freely distributed, but not sold for profit.
Persian Webfont -> Nisus Macro and documentation (C) 1996, 1997 by George
Maschke.  All rights reserved. Your comments are welcome! Send e-mail to

#### BINHEX     personal-log-213-68k.hqx   ****

From: claireware@kamprath.net
Subject: Personal Log v2.1.3 68K

Personal Log is the premier note processor for the Macintosh, allowing
you keep multiple, text-based notes in one simple file.  Personal Log is
perfect for work logs, diaries, research notes, and light record
keeping.  Personal Log also utilizes PowerTalk��s Digital Signature
technology to allow you to electronically notarize each note to ensure
it�s authenticity (making it also perfect for patent notes, engineer
logs, and patient logs).  Personal Log is based on the advanced WASTE
Text Engine, which allows you to edit text greater than 32K in size and
insert embedded objects, such as pictures and sounds.  Furthermore,
Personal Log make full use of Apple�s latest MacOS� technologies, such
as the Drag Manager and the Speech Manager, and supports InternetConfig
by Peter N. Lewis (command-click the two URLs above).

#### BINHEX     personal-log-213-ppc.hqx   ****

From: claireware@kamprath.net
Subject: Personal Log v2.1.3 PPC

Personal Log is the premier note processor for the Macintosh, allowing
you keep multiple, text-based notes in one simple file.  Personal Log is
perfect for work logs, diaries, research notes, and light record
keeping.  Personal Log also utilizes PowerTalk��s Digital Signature
technology to allow you to electronically notarize each note to ensure
it�s authenticity (making it also perfect for patent notes, engineer
logs, and patient logs).  Personal Log is based on the advanced WASTE
Text Engine, which allows you to edit text greater than 32K in size and
insert embedded objects, such as pictures and sounds.  Furthermore,
Personal Log make full use of Apple�s latest MacOS� technologies, such
as the Drag Manager and the Speech Manager, and supports InternetConfig
by Peter N. Lewis (command-click the two URLs above).

#### BINHEX     perusal-text-browser-10b1.hqx   ****

From: Ken_Worley@phonedir.com
Subject: Perusal 1.0b1 text file browser

Perusal 1.0b1 a large text file browser

Perusal is a text file browser. You cannot (yet) edit a file with 
Perusal, just look at it. The big benefit of Perusal is that you don't 
need gobs and gobs of memory to look at large files. Perusal is a 
file-based editor that only reads small pieces of the file at a time. 
Perusal can display tabbed text in the same way most word processors do, 
or it can force the text to align in columns like a spreadsheet (this is 
useful for tab-delimited files of exported information). Tabs are 
user-settable. You can also copy text from the file onto the clipboard, 
or save selected lines into a new file.
Perusal requires a computer running MacOS 7.0 or later with either a 
68000 or higher CPU or any PowerPC.

Perusal is $10 shareware.

Perusal may be included on the Info-Mac CD.

Ken Worley

#### BINHEX     phrase-book-10.hqx   ****

From: halldorg@vortex.is
Subject: PhraseBook 1.0
PhraseBook is an application designed to create and maintain phrase 
dictionaries. It allows search for any number of words in either Phrase 
or Translation, sorting and printing or export of selected entries.
It is simple in use, fast and roburst tool for anyone that needs to 
maintain phrase dictionaries or lists.

Further Information, updates and demos  can be found at 

Halldor Gislason

#### BINHEX     pict-in-text.hqx   ****

From: shotwell@accessone.com
Subject: PICTInText

Written by DeForest Shotwell
13010 87th Ave. NE
Kirkland, WA

PICTInText is an utility that you can use to embed PICT files in your
SimpleText documents. PICTInText will use any PICT file to create,
number and install the necessary PICT resource into your text file
without the need for a graphics application (Photoshop,
GraphicConvertor, etc.) or the need to use ResEdit. Works wonderfully
with screen captures. It does it simply and effectively in 5 simple

#### BINHEX     polish-diacritics-light-10.hqx   ****

From: jaceki@kagi.com
Subject: Polish Diacritics Light 1.0 - text-conversion module

'Polish Diacritics Light' is a conversion module for the 'Restore
Diacritic' application. 7-bit ASCII texts often use the following
replacements for the Polish letters: � -> a, � -> e, � -> c, � -> l etc.
The problem arises if you want to reverse this operation. Simple
find-replace will not work as many words should remain unchanged. This
module partially solves this problem by using the conversion dictionary so
only the appropriate words will be converted. Restoring diacritical marks
is often ambiguous. Restore Diacritics will not address this problem. This
means that restoring diacritics operation is not 100% error free but the
converted text is better and easier to read than the original.

Polish Diacritics conversion module should be useful for people who are
learning Polish.

Please visit my home-page <http://users.netmatters.co.uk/dandaforbes> for
more information.

Jacek Iwanski

#### BINHEX     power-replace-66.hqx   ****

From: Han <guoniu@math.u-strasbg.fr>
Subject: PowerReplace 6.6;  powerful text conversion utility

Announcing the release of PowerReplace 6.6! PowerReplace is a powerful
text conversion utility. It does the conversion using a small file called
"Filter". The syntax of filter is very easy to understand. PowerReplace is
also an utility to build text conversion application. It can create small
stand-alone daughter-application called "SelfReplace", who makes your
favorite conversion more easily and efficiently.

PowerReplace can replace character (including NULL, CR, LF, TAB) or string
by any other string. By use of the asterisk-sign(*) representing any
indeterminate string, it can replace also a string only whose two
extremities are known. It supports all character set, hexadecimal string
and regular expression(pattern) for find/replace.

New features (ver. 6.5 -> 6.6):

- Developer version available. If you buy the developer version for US$500,
you can distribute your own SelfReplace as shareware. Developer version
a small program to generate user code for your SelfReplace.

- Fixed the long time wait bug when convert folder containing many files of
different types.

- Increase partition memory for SelfReplace. It seems that MacOS 8.5 or later
asks more memory.

For more information, please read the Readme file enclosed,
or visit my web page:


Guoniu Han

#### BINHEX     power-snip-10.hqx   ****

From: halldorg@vortex.is
Subject: PowerSnip 1.0
PowerSnip is an application designed to capture, store, search, print 
and export "Text Snippets". The main emphasis is on ease of use, fast 
search and flexible output options. Snippets of up to 32k(currently) 
plain text can easily be stored with a Description and Keywords, all of 
which can be searched for content.
Snippets can be added from within PowerSnip or through a supplied 
Contextual Menu module which allows text to be selected in applications 
such as Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word, BBEdit and other 
applications that support contextual menus and added directly to a 
selected Snippet Database.
Text documents can be imported and snippets exported as text.You can 
select which snippets to export based on search criteria or export all 
snippets from a database. PowerSnip supports multiple snippet databases.
The search feature searches all contents, Text, Keywords and 
description and displays the matching entries immediately in the list. 
Searching is simple, just type in the the search phrase and press return


Halldor Gislason

#### BINHEX     psassembler-10-68k.hqx   ****

From: trush@unoco.edu
Subject: PSAssembler 1.0/68K - A PostScript File Merging Utility

PSAssembler for 680x0 Macintosh
by Toby W. Rush

This is the 680x0 version of PSAssembler. A PowerPC version is also available.

PSAssembler is a utility that can merge PostScript files together. Several
pages can be merged into one page, and multiple-page documents can be created.
PSAssembler can be set to automatically launch Adobe Acrobat Distiller to
convert assembled documents into PDF files, and can be automated using a
script capability.

PSAssembler requires a Macintosh or Power Macintosh computer. To convert files
to PDF, Adobe Acrobat Distiller must be installed. However, Distiller is not
required for merging PostScript files.

#### BINHEX     psassembler-10-ppc.hqx   ****

From: trush@unoco.edu
Subject: PSAssembler 1.0/PPC - A PostScript File Merging Utility

PSAssembler for Power Macintosh
by Toby W. Rush

This is the PowerPC version of PSAssembler. A 680x0 version is also available.

PSAssembler is a utility that can merge PostScript files together. Several
pages can be merged into one page, and multiple-page documents can be created.
PSAssembler can be set to automatically launch Adobe Acrobat Distiller to
convert assembled documents into PDF files, and can be automated using a
script capability.

PSAssembler requires a Macintosh or Power Macintosh computer. To convert files
to PDF, Adobe Acrobat Distiller must be installed. However, Distiller is not
required for merging PostScript files.

PSAssembler is freeware and may be included on the Info-Mac CD Archive.

#### BINHEX     pub-med-converter-34.hqx   ****

From: Kinichi Yokota <kinda@wa2.so-net.ne.jp>
Subject: PubMedConverter 3.4

PubMedConverter is a text conversion program for PubMedMakerII 3.8. The
errors of PubMedConverter 3.3c, released at Feb 27 2001, are fixed in
this version.

What's new in PubMedConverter 3.4 (May 10, 2001)
1. Removal of type 2 error
---Type 2 error is removed when a downloaded file includes too long
2. Can convert downloaded file by "Text" button
---PubMed site has ,at present, serious bugs in retrieving data. We
often cannot download entire search results. For example, we get search
results of 250 papers, but can download only 110 papers by "Save"
button. "Save" button neglects all data after a record of retrieval
error. On the other hand, "Text" button can save all data except a
record of retrieval error. PubMedConverter 3.4 can convert downloaded
file by "Text" button.
---How to download by "Text" button
1) Select MEDLINE from pop-up menu next to "Display" button.
2) Select number more than search results at "Show:" pop-up menu.
3) Click "Text" button, then search data are displayed with MEDLINE
4) Perform "Save as..." from File menu of Web browser, save data as Text

System Requirements
PubMedMakerII 3.8, FileMakerPro 3.0 or later
PubMedMakerII 3.8 can be downloaded from;


#### BINHEX     pub-med-maker-725.hqx   ****

From: kinda@wa2.so-net.ne.jp
Subject: PubMedMaker 7 v2.5

What is PubMedMaker 7
PubMedMaker is bibliography software, which is designed for anyone who
wishes to manage medical literature data with a FileMaker Pro database.
PubMedMaker 7 is an exclusive version for FileMaker Pro 7. You perform a
search of the literature in PubMed, NLM gateway or TOXNET on the
Internet and save the search results as a text file. PubMedMaker
converts this text file into a FileMaker Pro database simply by dragging
& dropping. By using FileMaker Pro's function, you can search, select,
sort, and print literature references. Literature list can be formatted
and exported in simple text, rich text (Reference list for your paper)
or HTML (Reference Web Publishing) to conform to the style you desire.
PubMedMaker has an automatic management function of PDF files.

What's new in this version--PubMedMaker 7 v2.5 (Sep 22, 2004)
It is not a update version of PubMedMaker X, but a new version for
FileMaker Pro 7 users. If you are a user of FileMaker Pro 6 or before,
use PubMedMaker 2.4 for Mac OS 9 or PubMedMaker X 2.4 for Mac OS X.

Apple G3 or higher, Mac OS 10.2.8 or later, FileMaker Pro 7.0 or later.

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit
our Web site at:
Developer: MedFiles Integrated
Contact: kinda@wa2.so-net.ne.jp

#### DIRECTORY  qark   ****

#### BINHEX     quicknote-12.hqx   ****

From: jvholder@northcoast.com
Subject: QuickNote 1.2

File name......: QuickNote 1.2
Date of release: 10/24/97

Have you ever needed to jot down a note quickly and be able to easily 
find it later?  Ever wanted to copy a selection of text while web 
browsing for later reading without copying and pasting between 
applications or saving the text to a file?  QuickNote can do these things 
and more at the touch of a key (which will instantly bring up a text 
editor) without having to leave the application you are in!

Of course, you'll be able to hit another key at any time that will bring 
up a list of all your notes, which you can edit, delete, search, replace, 
print and move from category to category (create as many categories as 
you like) with ease!  QuickNote lets you do all standard text editing 
including changing fonts, styles, sizes, color, etc.  Another extremely 
handy feature allows you to select text from any note and have QuickNote 
automatically paste the text directly into any text document you are 
working on.

New features added in version 1.1:
Color Menu, support for Internet config & ICeTEe, smart quotes, fixed 
Kaleidoscope bug with scroll bar, replace all, can now drag over menu 
titles, several bug fixes and added many new PlugIns!

New features added in version 1.11:
Added ability to set printing margins, added new plugins (Add CRs & Email 
Reply), several Bug fixes (fixed conflict with TypeIt4Me, fixed problem 
where some characters were dropped while typing in certain applications, 
fixed alias problem).

New features added in version 1.2:
Added templates, added popup menu for template insertion into any 
editable text, added text form ability (option-tab from field to field 
within text if fields are within [] brackets), PlugIns now use folder 
hierarchy (for different PlugIn categories), added several new plugins, 
several Bug fixes (find next, zeros in dates bugs fixed).
System Requirements.
Min. System..: 7 on up
Min. Hardware: Mac SE or better (Works great on PowerMacs!)
Shareware....: $20
Author.......: John V. Holder
email address: johnholder@aol.com
Home Page....: http://www.northcoast.com/~jvholder

#### BINHEX     quo-edit-mini-11.hqx   ****

From: NDA02214@biglobe.ne.jp
Subject: QuoEdit mini 1.1
"QuoEdit mini", a small version of plain text editor "QuoEdit", is
supposed to be used on small system of System 7.1 or later. It's free.

This tiny application is still WorldScript savvy in editing and search,
supports four levels of undo and redo for each document, and has useful
shortcut keys.

Version 1.1:
    Added a startup option (implemented if control key is down at
    startup) not to create a new untitled window.
    Now reads and writes 'MPSR', 'EFNT' and 'ETAB' resources (font info
    etc. common to some mono-styled text editors).
    Changed some parts of icons (to be compatible with QuoEdit).

Lyomei Sakai

#### BINHEX     quoedit-11.hqx   ****

From: ski@occn.zaq.ne.jp
Subject: QuoEdit 1.1

QuoEdit is a text editor for plain (monostyled) text that runs on
Mac OS System 7.1 or higher.
The archive includes both PowerPC version and 68K version.

    Intended to provide quick operations with simple interface.
    Supports AppleScript powerfully;
        fully Scriptable, Recordable with/without the Script Editor
        and Attachable.
    Some menus are customizable and up to three menus can be added.
    Supports regular expression search and multi-file search.
    Supports rectangular selection.
    Supports multiple levels of undo/redo for each document.
    WorldScript savvy.

In version 1.1:
    Single menu definition file is multilingual now.
    The Search menu now can have additional menu items.
    Extended Apple event capability.
    Changed shortcut key of "Miscellaneous" command to Cmd+','
    (and changed shortcut key of "Jump to" command to Cmd+Option+',').
    Obsoleted open-the-first-file-in-the-first-unused-window feature.
    And got many improvements.

Lyomei Sakai

#### BINHEX     quote-of-the-day-as.hqx   ****

From: mwparker@inetnow.net
Subject: quotefortoday

An AppleScript script that contains 10 aphorisms/sage quotes.  It is a
demo for a similar script I have written containign 50 similar quotes
and aphorisms.  The full version costs 1 dollar, which can be mailed to
me (my address is in the file).

#### BINHEX     restore-diacritic-10.hqx   ****

From: jaceki@kagi.com
Subject: Restore Diacritics 1.0 - text-conversion utility

'Restore Diacritic' is a specialized find-replace engine for text-files.
The primary use is to restore diacritics in 7-bit pure ASCII texts. Many
older electronic texts use pure 7-bit ASCII without accented letters. This
program will attempt to restore the correct diacritics by using the
conversion dictionaries. The process of restoring diacritics is sometimes
ambiguous. 'Restore Diacritic' will not address this problem. Another use
of this program is performing a large number of the find-replace operations
on entire words (typically 1 000 - 100 0000 rules). For instance you can
use it to translate certain words in the text-file from one language to

Ready-made modules for restoring diacritics in Polish and German are
available. Other modules are in preparation. You can also set-up your own
conversion modules.

Please visit my home-page <http://users.netmatters.co.uk/dandaforbes> for
more information.

Jacek Iwanski

#### BINHEX     retro-spinner-10.hqx   ****

From: javed@research.nj.nec.com
Subject: RetroSpinner 1.0

RetroSpinner is a utility for converting Retrospect backup logs to HTML for
subsequent publishing over the intranet. (This should go into the
_Text_Processing or comm/_Internet (or even disk) section of the archive)

RetroSpinner may be included on commercially available CD-ROMs, I'd
appreciate e-mail notification and a copy of the CD. See readme first for

This is not crippled in any way, so you can use it right away.

Javed Ikbal

#### BINHEX     robert's-text-cleanup-10.hqx   ****

From: rholmesNO@SPAMtotal.net
Subject: Robert's Text Cleanup 1.0

Robert�s Text Cleanup Script!  v1.0
((c)1999 Robert A. Holmes, all rights reserved)

An AppleScript for the busy Graphic Designer.

(An individual may use this AppleScript free of charge!)

Say goodbye to repetitive search and replaces.

This AppleScript helps you clean up imported text  in Quark Xpress, fast
and easy.

It removes: extra spaces, tabs, returns, and converts occurrences of
three periods in a row to the ellipsis character.

It does all this without affecting applied paragraph styles, and
preserving specific local formatting, if present (bold, italics,
bold-italics, superscript, subscript, etc).

The script intentionally does not remove a single tab character at the
beginning of a paragraph.

-A Power Macintosh computer running OS 8.0 through 8.6.
-Quark Xpress 3.32r2 or 3.32r5 (PPC version)
-Quark XPress 4.04

(Shareware fee $20 US)

#### BINHEX     rtf-reader-10.hqx   ****

From: quadepub@dodgenet.com
Subject: rtf-reader-10.hqx:

RTF Reader 1.0 - Translates RTF (Rich Text Format) documents into styled
text SimpleText documents. Written by Quade Publishing.

#### BINHEX     rtf-viewer-121.hqx   ****

From: quadepub@dodgenet.com
Subject: rtf-viewer-121.hqx

RTF Viewer 1.2.1 - Displays RTF (Rich Text Format) documents including
files that exceed 32K in size. Requires System 7 or later. Written by Quade

#### BINHEX     rtf-word-edit-media-kit.hqx   ****

From: quadepub@dodgenet.com
Subject: RTF/WordEdit Multimedia Kit.hqx

RTF/WordEdit Multimedia Kit 1.1.1 - Translates RTF (Rich Text Format)
documents into text, perfect for CD ROM multimedia publishers. This program
is 30 day evualation package and may be distributed freely. However it may
not be sold for profit or included with software sold for profit without
written permission from the author. Written by Quade Publishing.

#### BINHEX     sgml-tool-15.hqx   ****

From: fwba0080@mb.infoweb.or.jp
Subject: SGMLTool

I am pleasure to introduce SGMLTool ; MacSgmls, SgmlForm and DicSGML.
SGMLTool are the freeware. I grant to any user an royalty-free,
worldwide, non-exclusive license to use, execute, reproduce, display,
perform and distribute copies of SGMLTool.
I do not warrant the result that issued from running SGMLTool.
Please see details in the help of each SGMLTool.
I wish you success in your documentation processing by SGML.
The English writing is my weak point.
If you will correct the document of SGMLTool, I am very glad.
Write me when you detected any error. Also write me when
you adapted to new version.


#### BINHEX     sidekick-12.hqx   ****

From: dmgillard@iinet.net.au
Subject: Sidekick 1.2
Coffs Harbour, Australia - 9 February 2005 - dmg software updates  
Sidekick to version 1.2. Sidekick is a Mac OS X menu bar item that  
interacts with AppleWorks 6, making it easier to use and increasing  
your productivity.

What's New
* Quickly launch Apple's iWork applications, Pages and Keynote.
* Reset AppleWorks preference files to their original state.
* Launch Sidekick automatically when starting your Mac or logging into  
your User account.
* Open Recent Items folder menu command.
* Performance improvements.

Sidekick 1.2 is a free upgrade for registered users. There is no need  
to re-enter a serial number. Simply quit Sidekick 1.1.1 and start using  
version 1.2. Sidekick 1.1.1 may then be deleted.

Sidekick provides immediate access to AppleWorks' features from a  
single point:
* Create a new document without first starting AppleWorks 6;
* Search Google, Britannica.com, Encarta, online dictionaries or an  
online thesaurus from a word processing document;
* Quickly access your most recently used documents;
* Quickly launch Apple's iWork applications, Pages�and�Keynote;
* Start Classic versions of AppleWorks 6 or AppleWorks 5 (if installed);
* Reset AppleWorks preference files to their original state;
* Find AppleWorks tips and help by opening popular Apple and  
third-party web sites; and
* Easily launch companion applications including Address Book,  
Calculator and Key Caps.

Pricing & Availability
Sidekick can be purchased for $10.00 (USD).
An evaluation version can be downloaded from:  
Direct link to download:  

Sidekick requires Mac OS X 10.2.8 or newer.
AppleWorks 6.2.4 or newer (English, International English or French  

#### BINHEX     simple-list-21.hqx   ****

From: braden@intell-agent.com
Subject: Simple List 2.1

Simple List is an application that is designed to keep notes, information and general to do memos all in one simple place. The information is in a Hierarchy structure for easy management.

This is totally Freeware so you will not be bugged by annoying dialogs and registration windows.
All I ask is for an E-Mail from you is to tell me if Simple List was useful to you and any future updates you may like to see by registering via the "Online" menu in Simple List.

As Simple List is freeware and I would like to keep adding features to Simple List - if you feel you would like to either buy a Book, Video/DVD or CD, please use the Purchase Item in the "Online" menu of Simple List (or Double Click a book, video or CD in one of your personal lists) as I make a small refferal fee that will help with development costs (and of course you get that Book you have been wanting to buy for ages).

#### BINHEX     simple-text-2-html.hqx   ****

From: danwr@kagi.com
Subject: SimpleText2Html 1.0.2

This is SimpleText2Html version 1.0.2, Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Dan Wright.
SimpleText2Html is shareware (US$16) - see enclosed "Read Me" for details.

SimpleText2Html requires any Macintosh, Power Macintosh, or clone with
at least a 68020 processor. SimpleText2Html is accelerated for Power Macintosh.

SimpleText2Html converts SimpleText (and other text documents) into HTML
format for display in web browsers. SimpleText2Html also converts embedded
pictures into a suitable format.

Version 1.0.2 adds support for Mac OS 8.5, fixes a bug in picture
conversion, produces better-formatted HTML, and fixes other minor bugs
converting larger files.

#### BINHEX     simpletext-color-menu-34.hqx   ****

From: alm@montalcini.com
Subject: SimpleText Color Menu 3.4 - greatly enhances SimpleText

Program:   SimpleText Color Menu Installer 3.4
Author:    Alessandro Levi Montalcini <alm@montalcini.com>
Price:     $10 (shareware)
Register:  http://order.kagi.com/?67
Download:  http://www.montalcini.com

SimpleText Color Menu is a drag & drop utility that
installs an extra cool Color menu and an extra useful
Goodies menu inside Apple's SimpleText text editor
(all versions from 1.1 to 1.4 are supported).

New in 3.4:

- A new option allows you to remove all duplicate lines when
  sorting the selected text.
- Fixed an incompatibility that prevented the Options and
  Windows submenus from showing up on some systems.

Previous features include:

- A Color menu.
- A Windows menu.
- Default style settings.
- Faster Find and Replace commands.
- Document statistics.
- Custom print margins, don't print page numbers.
- Open Internet URLs through Internet Config.
- Open the current document with an external viewer.
- Use extended editing keys to do keyboard selections,
  word-by-word cursor movement, forward delete, etc.
- Choose any non-standard font size.
- Automatically open large documents with a word processor.
- Optionally open read-only documents as editable text.
- Smart quotes.
- Line sorting.

#### BINHEX     smart-view-21.hqx   ****

From: Sascha Bigalke <sascha.bigalke@gmx.net>
Subject: SmartView 2.1

SmartView 2.1 - With SmartView you are able to display and organize 
setext files like TidBITS for example. Hyperlinks in the setext 
document are clickable and dragging of selected text is also possible.

New in Version 2.1 is spacebar reading (pressing the spacebar shows 
the next screen of text). Balloon help is supported and 
double-clicking functionality has been added to the document archive.

SmartView is freeware and requires a PowerPC based Macintosh with Mac 
OS 8.5 - Mac OS 9.1.

#### BINHEX     smart-wrap-21-jp.hqx   ****

From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com
Subject: SmartWrap 2.1J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the SmartWrap package.

SmartWrap (tm) analyzes your text, detects paragraphs and lists within your
text, and rewraps your text so it wraps naturally within your document
or message. SmartWrap (tm) comes in many varieties so it's always available
where you need it most. The following SmartWrap (tm) programs and plug-ins
are available:


*SmartWrap (tm) Text Services Plug-in for MacOS X apps like TextEdit
and Mail. (MacOS X)
*SmartWrap (tm) Plug-in For Eudora (tm) and Eudora (tm) Light. (MacOS 8, 9 and
*SmartWrap (tm) the Clipboard Application. (MacOS 8, 9 and X)
*SmartWrap (tm) Plug-in For BBEdit (tm) , MailSmith (tm) , and CodeWarrior.
(MacOS 8, 9 and X)
*SmartWrap (tm) AppleScript Scripting Addition. (MacOS 8, 9 and X)
*SmartWrap (tm) Extension for the Preditor Editor. (MacOS 8 and 9)
*AppleScripts for use with Outlook Express, Claris E-Mailer, and
PowerMail. (MacOS 8, 9 and X)

New to 2.1:

*Added an all new plug-in for RealBasic.
*Incredible new icons for SmartWrap the Clipboard and the MacOS X
Text Service (for MacOS X Only.)
*Fixed problems with wrapping of some text art.
*Where applicable, all resources made MacOS X compatible.
*Added AppleScript support to the SmartWrap Preferences
*Added advanced Smiley Detection and Protection Technology. :-)
*Completely rewrote SmartWrap Text Service for MacOS X 10.1.
*Cleaned up SmartWrap the Clipboard's interface.
*SmartWrap the Clipboard can now handle more than 32,000 characters
of text.
*Maintaining trailing line break if there is one.
*Removed all old 68K Macintosh support.

#### BINHEX     softdock-journal-demo.hqx   ****

From: SoftDock@aol.com
Subject: SoftDock Journal Demo

Journaling offers you the opportunity to capture your thoughts in writing.
SoftDock Journal provides a unique and creative program for recording and
storing those thoughts on your computer.  

This personal journal has four graphic background options all included in the
program.  Designed for elegance and simplicity.  Includes, password option,
export text, search feature for key words or date.

Demo limitations--2 background options and a five day journal entry limit.

System Requirements:
Macintosh Computer, System 7.1 or higher       
2.5 MB of free RAM       
4 MB of free disk space       
Color monitor capable of thousands of colors (16 bit color) 

(demo only requires 2MB of free disk space)

To learn more about this journal or to order the full version, visit my


Thank you,

Tina Brand

#### BINHEX     spellswell-7-to-21.hqx   ****

From: (Dave Johnson, Working Software) davej@working.com
Subject: Updater for Eudora's Speller

The enclosed updater application will update your older Spellswell 7 2.0.x
to version 2.1.  It will not update Spellswell 7 versions older than 2.0 or
Spellswell 7s that have been somehow modified.  (Please contact us at
update@working.com if the updater has trouble - we'll send you a Spellswell
7 2.1.)

If you received an older Spellswell 7 with Eudora Pro 2.x you must contact
Qualcomm, Inc. at http://www.eudora.com to upgrade your Eudora Pro to 3.0,
or purchase Spellswell Plus from Working Software for $14.95 at

This updater will not work to update Spellswell Plus.  (A free Spellswell
Plus 2.1 updater is located on our "How To Upgrade" web page at

Dave Johnson                                             davej@working.com
Working Software, Inc.                    Web page: http://www.working.com
PO Box 1844,  Santa Cruz, CA 95061-1844 (408) 423-5696  FAX (408) 423-5699

#### BINHEX     spellswell-plus-to-21.hqx   ****

From: (Dave Johnson, Working Software) davej@working.com
Subject: Updater for Spellswell Plus

The enclosed updater application will convert your older Spellswell Plus to
version 2.1.  It will not update Spellswell 7.

Working Software

Dave Johnson                                             davej@working.com
Working Software, Inc.                    Web page: http://www.working.com
PO Box 1844,  Santa Cruz, CA 95061-1844 (408) 423-5696  FAX (408) 423-5699

#### BINHEX     string-generator-pro-10.hqx   ****

From: Robert Lach <robert_lach@robs-world.de>
Subject: String Generator Pro 1.0

What is String Generator Pro (SGP) ?

SGP is a tool for all you boys & girls who have to handle with 
structurated text, e.g. programming source code like Pascal, C, C++, 
Basic, JavaScript, Java, HTML. SGP is also very useful when you want fast 
and simply to build a table or a report or when you want to numerize 
The big diffrent between SGP and an normal text-editor, that SGP is not 
able to edit any text, instead of this you are generating the text you 

SGP has a lot of features to do things like that very fast and easy. It 
has great drag&drop support, which includes dropping of files & folders 
(e.g. drop hunderts of picture files on SGP to create the img-tags for 
your webpage). 

SGP has great features:
- 'Generate on drop' (autogenerate strings by simply dropping text or 
files on SGP)
- multiclipboard (you can drop more then one thing at the same time and 
don't care if you just need this text later)
- save your string commands if you need them often without any 
- minimize-button to keep your screen free 
and a lot of more things...

Just visit the SGP-Website to learn more about SGP, to see great examples 
and Gif-animations which shows best the work with SGP.

Have fun generating string!p://www.robs-world.de/software/sgp/

#### BINHEX     style-161.hqx   ****

From: Merzwaren Technical Support <support@merzwaren.com>
Subject: Style 1.6.1; a scriptable styled text editor

Style is a scriptable text editor for the Macintosh that
picks up where SimpleText leaves off, adding some powerful
formatting capabilities that make it an ideal mini-word
processor. Style handles formatted text, in which each
character can have its own font, size, style and color, and
each paragraph can have its own alignment, line spacing and
margins. It also lets you embed pictures and sounds within
the text. Unlike SimpleText, Style documents aren't limited
to 32K but only to available memory.

Features include:

 * Outstanding AppleScript support.
 * Built-in hierarchical Script menu.
 * XTND technology to import and export documents in
   several different formats.
 * Ability to create stand-alone, "AutoViewer" documents.
 * Drag-and-drop text editing with translucent drags.
 * Unlimited multiple undo/redo.
 * Word Services support for interfacing to spell checkers.
 * A rich set of sample scripts, including one for creating
   UTF-8 (Unicode) encoded, multi-lingual web pages.

New in version 1.6.1:

 * Simple Internet Version Control (SIVC).
 * Support for reading and writing Unicode text files.
 * A bunch of bug fixes and minor enhancements.

Minimum System Requirements: System 7.1.
Style is distributed as shareware (US$10) through Kagi.

#### BINHEX     super-replace-22.hqx   ****

From: guoniu@math.u-strasbg.fr
Subject: SuperReplace 2.2;  a text conversion utility

Announcing the release of SuperReplace 2.2 !
SuperReplace is a powerful text conversion utility.

[What's it?] SuperReplace is a powerful application for
creating text conversion utility, called "Filter". To use
filter to do the conversion, just drag and drop input text
files onto the filter icon under Finder.The syntax of filter
is very easy to understand.

[Easy to use] Using a bi-style editor, it doesn't use any
special character unlike classical system. You can
write " \ CR and TAB directly in your filter.
An assistant helps you to edit filter. Non programmers as
well as programmers can use it very easily.

[Powerful] Very fast. Replace strings. Search regular
expression(pattern). Insert variables in the output text
files. Preferences for selecting input files.

[Examples] SuperReplace can be used for reformating HTML file.
You have saved a web page from Netscape as TEXT or as
HTML, but you don't like the file format: The accents are
missing for french accent letters, the format isn't compatible
with your database or your text editor, you need to extract
only a few lines, or any PC/Mac/Unix file format problem,
multi-columns problem, tabulation and space problems...

[What's New?]
- Save font in global preference and filter preference.  If you don't like
SuperReplace font, this is for you!
- Compatible with MacOS 8.6. Changed the 'FOND' resources in SuperReplace
font and SuperReplace application.
- Fixed a bug in input window. Needn't click on the textbox to edit input text.
- Check syntax more fast. Remove Checking syntax dialog.
- Drag text files onto Filter application: much more fast if no sub-filter.
Like PowerReplace.
- Added "Replace Report". After the conversion, a file named "Replace
Report" will be created automatically in the SuperReplace application
folder. You can check this file for more information about the conversion.

#### BINHEX     superwriter-11.hqx   ****

From: shell@netvision.net.il
Subject: Sup�rWrit�r 1.1.sit

Hi, this file is a very handy note taker-downer, it;s small, easy to
open and close, and It's freeware. Please consider adding it to your

Matthew Nachom

#### BINHEX     supra-find-68k.hqx   ****

From: jeanpe@club-internet.fr
Subject: ScanKeeper68K

There is two versions of SupraFind, a 68k version and a PPC version. I don't want
SupraFind to be Hard Disk space eater ;-)

[this is the 68K version.--Mike]

About the author: Jean Penicaud 23, Allee de la Serfouette 78310 COIGNIERES
FRANCE Version: 1.0b2 Email: jeanpe@club-internet.fr Shareware: This program is a
shaware, if you like this utility and you use it frequently, and you want the
author improve functionalities please send $20.

#### BINHEX     supra-find-ppc.hqx   ****

From: jeanpe@club-internet.fr
Subject: ScanKeeper-ppc

SupraFind� is a �full text� search utility. It allow you to search in content of
documents or applications for specific word(s) or sentence. When you search for
words, you can specify the distance allowed between each word.

Example of a search by words:

* You're looking for documents speaking about "Bill GATES". Enter in the edit
zone Search for:


specify allowed distance 3.

* You're looking for documents speaking about "President Boris Eltsine". Enter in
the edit zone Search for:

president Eltsine

specify allowed distance 50.

SupraFind will find document containing sentenses like: president Boris Eltsine
president Eltsine president of russia, Eltsine

Once you obtain the result list of matching files, just select a file and double
click to open it with the application which creted it, or just drag it the
application you want to use to display it.

There is two versions of SupraFind, a 68k version and a PPC version. I don't want
SupraFind to be Hard Disk space eater ;-)

About the author: Jean Penicaud 23, Allee de la Serfouette 78310 COIGNIERES
FRANCE Version: 1.0b2 Email: jeanpe@club-internet.fr Shareware: This program is a
shaware, if you like this utility and you use it frequently, and you want the
author improve functionalities please send $20.

#### BINHEX     table-text-102.hqx   ****

From: Gideon Greenspan <gdg@sigsoftware.com>
Subject: TableText 1.0.2 - Table to text and back

TableText is a program for the Mac OS which allows tabular information to 
be represented, manipulated and scanned as plain text. With it, you can 
convert spreadsheets and tables to ASCII text with ease.

TableText can be used for email messages, source code comments and 
cross-platform documentation. It also allows text to be converted back 
into tabular form, for importing into a spreadsheet, word processor or 

Version 1.0.2 adds support for Microsoft Entourage. TableText continues 
to also work directly with Eudora, Emailer, Outlook Express, Mailsmith or 

Sig Software - http://www.sigsoftware.com/

#### BINHEX     te-233.hqx   ****

From: TomBB@aol.com
Subject: TE+ 2.3.3

Thursday, August 6, 1998

NEW -- Tex-Edit Plus 2.3.3 includes an Apple Guide help file and fixes several
bugs associated with printing, scripting and the Auto-Indent function. See the
Revision History for all the other improvements and fixes.

Version 2.3.x documents retain page setup and print options when saved. Print
options are now part of the page setup dialog. There are several improvements
to the printing routines, including the ability to print odd or even pages.
Search backwards with the Find Previous command. Many more keyboard shortcuts
have been added and scriptability has been greatly expanded!

Tex-Edit Plus is a scriptable, styled text editor that is especially adept at
formatting text for transfer over the Internet.  It is fast, efficient and
uses little memory.  Keep a copy in your Apple menu and an alias on the
desktop for drag-and-drop operations.  System 7 or better required.

There are many more features.  Please notify me (TomBB@aol.com) if you find
any bugs or have suggestions for improvements.  Tex-Edit Plus is ShareWare
($10) and the source code is available to registered users.  (See the enclosed
documentation or the 'About...' dialog box.)

#### BINHEX     teks-master.hqx   ****

From: rbarrus@ix.netcom.com
Subject: TEKS Master 1.0 Demo

From: Roger A. Barrus rbarrus@ix.netcom.com
Subject: TEKS Master 1.0 Demo

Announcing the release of TEKS Master 1.0. This software has been developed to expedite the distribution of the TEKS information to the educational community. The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) was developed by the Texas Education Agency as a result of legislation contained in Senate Bill 1. TEKS were developed for sixteen content areas. This is the first significant revision of curriculum for public education since the Essential Elements were implemented in 1984.

The most important features of TEKS Master Software are :

� Works on most Macintosh� computers. 
� TEKS information can be retrieved quickly.
� Specific text can be found using the find feature.
�  TEKS Master Software is a stand-alone application. 
   (This means that you can install it on your Mac and
     use this software regardless of the word processor 
     that you are using.) 
� You can export text to be used in other applications.
� Does not require a lot of memory to run.
� Can be distributed via intranet networks.
� Each grade level has a seperate chapter for easy
� Does not weigh 80 pounds and use three feet of
   shelf space like the paper version does. ( Measurements
   are approximations based on previous versions of the
   TEKS. :-)  )
� Copies can be distributed at a fraction of the cost of 
   printing, distributing and storing paper copies.

For more information, please read the file enclosed, or contact me at rbarrus@ix.netcom.com. 
You can also visit WestKey Solutions web page at http://pw2.netcom.com/~rbarrus/WestKey.html .


Roger A. Barrus
WestKey Solutions

#### DIRECTORY  tex   ****

#### BINHEX     tex-edit-plus-28-de.hqx   ****

From: Peter Hartmann <hphartmann@arcormail.de>
Subject: Tex-Edit Plus 2.8, German version

This is the German version of Tom Bender's <mailto:tombb@aol.com> 
renowned styled text editor Tex-Edit Plus 2.8.
Docs are translated to German since version 2.7, version history is 
translated from this version on. There are also some minor 
localization bug fixes.

#### BINHEX     tex-finder-16.hqx   ****

From: Thierry - iXoft <infos@ixoft.com>
Subject: TexFinder 1.6

TexFinder is an accurate tool to search and replace text inside entire 
disks or folders.
Originally designed for HTML developers, TexFinder is able to meet 
everybody's need with its friendly interface and its powerful Replacement 
No more uncontrolable replacements! For easier file management, TexFinder 
displays several printable tapes of all the found or modified files in 
order to let you know what exactly have been replaced.
TexFinder also offers the ability to search and replaces files names or 
files MacCreator code and its main features are AppleScriptable.

Requirements : PCC OS 7.6.1

#### BINHEX     texeditplus-413-jp.hqx   ****

From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com
Subject: Tex-Edit Plus Classic 4.1.3J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Tex-Edit Plus package for classic Mac OS.

Tex-Edit Plus is a scriptable, styled text editor that fills the gap
between Apple's bare-bones SimpleText and a full-featured word
processor. It's fast, efficient, and has a clean, uncluttered interface.
It's also great for cleaning up text which is transmitted over the

Tex-Edit Plus features: PowerPC native (fat), extensive munging
abilities, unlimited file size, Drag&Drop support, AppleScript support,
Word Services support, Speech Manager support, picture handling, sound
handling, movie handling, ability to create SimpleText Read-Only
documents, and much more. System 7.0 or better required.

Tex-Edit Plus can read and write UTF-16 (unicode) text. The new file
format is fully backward compatible with previous versions.

Tex-Edit Plus supports unlimited undo and redo.

Each paragraph can be formatted individually. These new paragraph
settings include text justification (left, center, right, full), space
above, space below, left indent, right indent, first line indent (or
hanging outdent), and bottom border (in one of several line styles).
Each paragraph can also have its own line spacing (in one point
increments) and dominant text direction (useful for right-to-left

NEW IN 4.1.3:

Fixed several small bugs including one involving the Paste Style command.
Page numbers are no longer printed when you print a single page document.

#### BINHEX     texeditplus-441b2-jp.hqx   ****

From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com
Subject: Tex-Edit Plus for OS X 4.4.1b2J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Tex-Edit Plus package.

Tex-Edit Plus is a scriptable, styled text editor that fills the gap
between Apple's bare-bones SimpleText and a full-featured word
processor. It's fast, efficient, and has a clean, uncluttered interface.
It's also great for cleaning up text which is transmitted over the

Tex-Edit Plus features: Extensive munging abilities, unlimited file size, 
Drag&Drop support, AppleScript support, Word Services support, 
Speech Manager support, picture handling, sound handling, movie handling, 
ability to create SimpleText Read-Only documents, unlimited undo and redo,
and much more. 

Tex-Edit Plus can read and write UTF-16 (unicode) text and RTF files.

Each paragraph can be formatted individually. These new paragraph
settings include text justification (left, center, right, full), space
above, space below, left indent, right indent, first line indent (or
hanging outdent), and bottom border (in one of several line styles).
Each paragraph can also have its own line spacing (in one point
increments) and dominant text direction (useful for right-to-left

Version 4.4.1b2:
* Improved handling of irregular RTF files.
* Fixed bug that sometimes mounted offline volumes automatically if they contained
previously-opened documents.
* Launches faster (in OS 10.2.x).
* Horizontal scrolling with scroll wheel now supported. (Hold down the shift key.)

Version 4.4:
* Spell checking added.
* Hold down the option key to check the spelling of the current text selection.
* Added support for system Fonts Panel (requires OS 10.2 or greater).
* Drag and drop desktop files onto document windows to insert text.
* Option-return overrides the "Auto Indent" feature.
* Faster application launch when Scripts folder is large.
* Removed the limitation on font size.
* Added "tell selection" shortcut to Quick Script dialog.
* Fixed Jaguar printing bug involving certain unusual configurations.
* Fixed Scripts menu bug that prevented use of scripts created by the new
Jaguar version of Script Editor.
* Fixed bug involving sound playback on systems without sound capability.

#### BINHEX     text-2-clip-10.hqx   ****

From: banek@ballistic.com
Subject: Text2Clip 1.0 - initial post

Text2Clip is a simple program that will convert any text file (< 32k)
dropped on it into a text clipping file and vice versa. Great for
converting those "unknown type" document files for instant access on the
Finder Desktop.

Text2Clip requires any version of the Mac OS that supports Drag and Drop
and the Clipping Manager. It works best when used under Mac OS 8 in
conjuction with a contextual menu plug-ins such as CMTools or Open With
(part of Trygve's CMM Plug-Ins). I have only tested Text2Clip under System
7.5.5, MacOS 7.6, and MacOS 8, so if you have trouble with an earlier
version please inform me so that I can fix it. You will also need a
computer, text files, and/or clipping files.

Nathan Banek

Nathan Banek
banekn@letu.edu - Alternate #1

Buy Mac OS 8 Now!!
*** Apple's Official Mac OS 8 Web Site

#### BINHEX     text-broom-11b.hqx   ****

From: sales@blueline-studios.com
Subject: TextBroom 1.1b

System requirements are any PowerMac, 4 MB of available RAM, and system 7
or above.

#### BINHEX     text-cleaner-lite-152.hqx   ****

From: support@studio405.com
Subject: Text Cleaner Lite 1.5

Why use Text Cleaner?
Text Cleaner was created with the design professional in mind, and is now a valuable tool for Webmasters as well. Clients frequently supply design studios with text that in most instances contains incorrect typographical characters and other input errors, while Webmasters receive text from designers that contains characters that need to be changed to their simpler, HTML compatible counterparts. Traditionally, these items would have to be changed one at a time using a layout or word processing application. With Text Cleaner, conversions are done all at once and in as many iterations as needed.

Text Cleaner will quickly �nd typical entry errors and replace inappropriate characters with correct ones, bringing your text up to traditional typesetting or Web standards. Fi and � ligatures, curly quotes, ellipses, em and en dashes are set or removed. Multiple instances of spaces, tabs and returns are eliminated in one fell swoop.

Without Text Cleaner, repeated �nd-and-replace searches would be required. For example, if there were four tabs together in a document, a search-and-replace would change the �rst two to one, then the next two to one. The result would be another two tabs, but this wouldn�t be found until scanning through the entire document then starting again from the beginning. Imagine how many searches would be required if there were a lot of tabs together! Text Cleaner does all the repetitive work
for you.

Text Cleaner removes other famous blunder combinations too�like spaces around tabs, returns and dashes. Curly quotes can be set while retaining inch and foot measurement markings and correct apostrophes for years like �90 and 90�s. Text from an email message that has returns after every line can be converted to �wrapped� text and greater-than symbols used for email quotations cleaned out instantly. These conversions are all performed in the best possible sequence to avoid creating the same or worse conditions.

#### BINHEX     text-converter-101.hqx   ****

From: cadili@skylink.it
Subject: TextConverter

TextConverter 1.0.1- $10

	TextConverter is a usefull tool to convert text files from the DOS
or Unix platform into the macintosh one. TextConverter works on folder, so
you can convert all the 'TEXT' file in a  folder  in a single selection.
The program is safe because only the file with type 'TEXT' and with not
special suffix are converted.
This first version is a 68K application.

Future release will have:
 *  FAT version of TextConverter.
 *  New select dialog (so you can convert one file too).
 *  The support of drag&drop.

#### BINHEX     text-editor-dlx-15-68k.hqx   ****

From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net>
Subject: Text Editor Deluxe 1.5 68K

Text Editor Deluxe is a word processor originally written by the Apple II
legend, Glen Bredon. Enhancements in color, functionality, menus, features,
and balloon help were made by me.
This is a public domain program. You can make whatever modifications you
find necessary to the source code (a separate archive).

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

#### BINHEX     text-editor-dlx-15-cbn.hqx   ****

From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net>
Subject: Text Editor Deluxe 1.5 Carbon

Text Editor Deluxe is a word processor originally written by the Apple II
legend, Glen Bredon. Enhancements in color, functionality, menus, features,
and balloon help were made by me.
This is a public domain program. You can make whatever modifications you
find necessary to the source code (a separate archive).

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

#### BINHEX     text-editor-dlx-15-ppc.hqx   ****

From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net>
Subject: Text Editor Deluxe 1.5 PPC

Text Editor Deluxe is a word processor originally written by the Apple II
legend, Glen Bredon. Enhancements in color, functionality, menus, features,
and balloon help were made by me.
This is a public domain program. You can make whatever modifications you
find necessary to the source code (a separate archive).

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

#### BINHEX     text-editor-sample.hqx   ****

From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net>
Subject: Text Editor Deluxe 1.5 Sample Documents

Here are some sample documents for the Text Editor Deluxe word processor.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

#### BINHEX     text-inspector-11-hc.hqx   ****

From: u7x11af@sparcserver.lrz-muenchen.de
Subject: TextInspector 1.1

TextInspector 1.1

This Hypercard stack is a textreader with an easy-to-use point-and-click
hierarchical interface. You can look at all your textfiles/textclippings
just with a few mouseclicks !
Attention: TextInspector ONLY displays textfiles and textclippings. It does
not even attempt to display other files !

TextInspector has some other nice features (e.g. quick renaming of text
clippings to something more meaningful than "text clipping").

If you primarily rely on a texteditor or Nisus Writer to compose text, or
if you store a lot of textfiles/textclippings on your harddrive, this stack
could be very useful to you.
If you use any other Wordprocessor, you will not even SEE your files in
TextInspector. In this case you (probably) do not need this stack.

TextInspector makes extensive use of many great Freeware XCMDs and XFCNs.
Credits to their authors inside the documentation.

What is new:
1) TextInspector now comes in two different versions, one for 14 inch
screens (640 x 480) an one for bigger screens (832 x 640).
2) Option-click on the "Print" button now prints the text with the creator
3) Some minor enhancements.

Hypercard(Player) 2.2 or newer.
A 13 inch screen (640 x 480) or larger.

#### BINHEX     text-konverter-de.hqx   ****

From: Frank_Olschewski@magicVillage.de
Subject: TEXT-Konverter [de].sit

These are GERMAN applications!
In diesem Paket sind vier Textkonverter enthalten:
- Mac2Win
Konvertiert Texte von Macintosh zu Windows.
- Win2Mac
Konvertiert Texte von Windows zu Macintosh.
- Mac2DOS
Konvertiert Texte von Macintosh zu DOS (unterstuetzt die Codepages: 437,850,860,862,863,865).
- DOS2Mac
Konvertiert Texte von DOS zu Macintosh (Codepages wie bei Mac2DOS).

Alle Programme:

Version 0.5
C 1995-98 Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Frank Olschewski

#### BINHEX     text-over.hqx   ****

From: hugh@email.menet.net
Subject: TextOver: new text search/replace for multiple text files

The Global Ideas Bank, part of a non-profit educational charity, offers the 
TextOver program (demo version available free; full version for a minimum 
donation of 15 UK pounds, payable by credit card) for altering text and 
other files on an Apple Mac machine or website.
(1) The Global TextOver program finds and replaces text in one or more text 
files or folders at a time. The user specifies the text to be found and the 
text with which it is to be replaced. An individual file can be selected or 
all the files in a folder, and, optionally, the selected folder's 
(2) The UK BT Big Number ChangeText Over program is an additional bonus. It 
can automatically in one run alter UK phone numbers throughout a website 
for the Big Number Change which started its parallel running on June 1st 
1999. Thus, for instance, the phone number 0181 234 5678 would be 
automatically altered to the new number which is 020 8234 5678. All the 
Northern Ireland phone number changes are also included.

System requirements:
An Apple Mac Power PC or 68000 with system 7.5 or above.

File types that can be changed in the current release:
Plain text: .asc; .ascii; .text; .txt; .c; .h;. ini
Rich text: .rtx
HTML text: .htm; .html; .asp
A number of other file types seem to change OK too on our machines but this 
would be a matter for careful testing on your machine.
This is a beta release - please give feedback on other types of file you 
would like to be able to change and any other improvements, to the e-mail 
address below.

Download the free demo Apple Mac version of TextOver (the demo changes only 
the first 10 lines of a file). The demo version is compressed using Stuffit 
For the full version, please send your minimum 15 UK pounds donation by 
credit card only. Please send, fax, phone or e-mail the Mastercard or Visa 
number and expiry date and the registered name and address of the card 
holder to the Global Ideas Bank at rhino.dial.pipex.com. The UK pound 
translates to about 1.6 US dollars - the Global Ideas Bank charges your 
credit card in UK pounds and the credit card company translates it on your 
bill into your local currency. The bill will be from 'The Institute for 
Social Inventions', which administers the Global Ideas Bank.
As soon as your donation has cleared, you will be e-mailed details of how 
to utilise the full features of TextOver.

#### BINHEX     text-spresso-68k.hqx   ****

From: support@taylor-design.com
Subject: TextSpresso 1.0 68K - text cleaning/filtering utility

TextSpresso is an intuitive, professional level text filtering 
application with over 80 filters. TextSpresso can:

* Clean up E-mails, Web pages, and other text from the Internet.
* Prepare text for the Internet to insure that it is readable regardless 
of end destination.
* Convert text files between Mac and PC.
* Prepare documents for HTML publishing .
* Prepare documents for print publishing.
* Whatever you need with 7 user editable filter types.

TextSpresso is ideal for both professional and casual use. With features 
like Hot Filter (i.e. filter the selected text in any Mac application), 
multi-threading, 100 levels of undo, and batch processing, TextSpresso is 
the premier Mac OS text cleaning application.

TextSpresso requires the following:

* A Macintosh or 100% compatible clone with a 68020 or higher processor. 
TextSpresso is optimized for PowerPC. 
* Mac OS 7.x or 8.x, including Mac OS 8.5.
* A minimum of 2.5 MB of hard disk space for the complete install 
(including manuals, sample files, etc).
* A minimum of 2 MB of free RAM for the PPC version, and 2.5 MB for the 
68K version.

#### BINHEX     text-spresso-ppc.hqx   ****

From: support@taylor-design.com
Subject: TextSpresso 1.0 PPC - text cleaning/filtering utility

TextSpresso is an intuitive, professional level text filtering 
application with over 80 filters. TextSpresso can:

* Clean up E-mails, Web pages, and other text from the Internet.
* Prepare text for the Internet to insure that it is readable regardless 
of end destination.
* Convert text files between Mac and PC.
* Prepare documents for HTML publishing .
* Prepare documents for print publishing.
* Whatever you need with 7 user editable filter types.

TextSpresso is ideal for both professional and casual use. With features 
like Hot Filter (i.e. filter the selected text in any Mac application), 
multi-threading, 100 levels of undo, and batch processing, TextSpresso is 
the premier Mac OS text cleaning application.

TextSpresso requires the following:

* A Macintosh or 100% compatible clone with a 68020 or higher processor. 
TextSpresso is optimized for PowerPC. 
* Mac OS 7.x or 8.x, including Mac OS 8.5.
* A minimum of 2.5 MB of hard disk space for the complete install 
(including manuals, sample files, etc).
* A minimum of 2 MB of free RAM for the PPC version, and 2.5 MB for the 
68K version.

#### BINHEX     text-ta-see-20.hqx   ****

From: kdvail@exploremaine.com
Subject: Text ta' See

Text ta' See - is a text searching program that can search text files for up to 8 different words/phrases at a time. Once located Text ta' See arranges files found in descending order by the number of matches each file had and reports the full path to the file plus other pertinent information ie, creator, size, date modified and date created. Text ta' See will also display snippets of text showing the context in which the search string was used. To further narrow the search Text ta' See allows one to search the found set of files by a new set of words/phrases.

#### BINHEX     text-to-mac-132.hqx   ****

From: sumi@cuby.mis.hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Subject: TextToMac 1.32

[TextToMac 1.32]

TextToMac converts the end-of-line code of text files between
Macintosh, MS-DOS/Windows, and UNIX formats.

** Please replace older version of TextToMac with this version. **
There was a bug that the conversion is incorrect when the last byte of
internal I/O buffer of TextToMac is EOL code.  In that case the EOL
code is skipped, that is, the two lines are merged into one line.  You
may happen to meet this bug with the files larger than 128k and the
probability is 1/(average length of lines).

	Add "Convert Folder" option.
	Fix bug mentioned above.

Required System 7 or later. Freeware.

Takahiro Sumiya
 <mailto: sumi@cuby.mis.hiroshima-u.ac.jp>


#### BINHEX     textlock-10.hqx   ****

From: xenix@earthlink.net
Subject: TextLock 1.0; [TEXT->ttro]

Are you tired of opening ResEdit or any other file editor program just to
change a SimpleText document's file type to read-only?  Or do you want to be
able to copy text from a read-only SimpleText document, only to find that
you can't select any text?  Do you simply want to distribute a document in
read-only format, yet don't know how to go about doing so?  TextLock will do
it all!  It will convert SimpleText documents to and from read-only format,
convert text documents created with other programs to SimpleText documents,
and is drag-and-droppable!

For those familiar with file types, TextLock simply changes documents with a
file type of 'TEXT' to 'ttro', and documents with a file type of 'ttro' to

Evan Scarisbrick
Xenix Software

#### BINHEX     the-indexer-20.hqx   ****

From: Todd_Clements@hmc.edu
Subject: The Indexer 2.0 - an automated indexing program for yearbooks

The Indexer is a program which is designed to work with PageMaker to index
yearbooks in a fully-automated manner. In most cases, an index can be
created for a yearbook with no previous preparation. The program takes a
list of names that you give it and looks for those names within your
yearbook. When it ifnds one, it indexes that person to that page. Every
page of your yearbook can be done at once, as fast as 5 seconds per page!
Try to find a staff member who is that fast, I know I never was!! I've done
the entire index for a 272 page yearbook in less than a half an hour
without any previous preparation.

The Indexer includes many features which are specialized for yearbooks.
Nicknames are fully supported and you can use the supplied list, add to it,
or create your own. Class levels can be included in the yearbook as can
titles for professors and staff members. The Indexer can also be easily
integrated with your existing yearbook templates for PageMaker.

Technical Support

Technical support is absolutely free and is directly from the author of the
program. I can be reached via e-mail at todd@kagi.com, or you can go to my
web page for 'The Indexer' at
<http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~tclement/programming/indexer.html> for more

Technical support is available for both registered and unregistered users.


#### BINHEX     thicker-cursors-word5-pim.hqx   ****

From: e.j.nijhof@fys.ruu.nl
Subject: Thicker Cursors Word5 PIM

Ticker Cursors is a plugin module (PIM) for Word 5. It thickens the insertion
caret and the I-beam cursor, features particularly handy for PowerBook users.
It does not interfere with other plugin modules.

Evert-Jan Nijhof
Helmholtz Institute, Utrecht University

#### BINHEX     todds-text-edit-10.hqx   ****

From: stensbergt@hotmail.com
Subject: Todd's TextEdit 1.0 Freeware

Todd's TextEdit 1.0 Freeware by Todd R. Stensberg - 1999

Todd�s TextEdit 1.0 is a free ware text editor program designed to open
plain text files. So please don�t ask it to take out your trash, wash
the dog or paint your house, because it can�t.

Requirements and Trouble shooting

68k or Power Mac that works. If you have a problem with the application,
just send me an email at stensbergt@hotmail.com

The fine print

Email it, delete it, call it Johnny, but please don't steal it and sell
it for one million dollars.

Have fun, Todd stensbergt@hotmail.com

#### BINHEX     trans-cryptor-22.hqx   ****

From: Paul Bondarovski <bonda@worldnet.fr>
Subject: TransCryptor 2.2 F - shareware

TransCryptor 2.2 F Lite is a drag-and-drop text conversion utility designed to convert text files, including diactitical characters, from Windows (ISOLatin1) to Macintosh (MacRoman) encoding and vice versa.
To convert a text file, simply drag and drop it on TransCryptor's icon.

Hardware and system requirements:
* Any Macintosh supporting drag-and-drop.
* 1,2 Mb of RAM

For more information, please read the enclosed ReadMe or Lisez-moi files.

Paul Bondarovski

#### BINHEX     trans-ende-10.hqx   ****

From: Dierk Seeburg <Dierk.Seeburg@kagi.com>
Subject: TransENDE 1.0

NAME: TransENDE(c)
DATE:  01-AUG-2000
KEYWORDS: Apple Data Detector contextual menu translation English German
URL: http://transende.homepage.com/
MAILTO: dierk.seeburg@kagi.com
1-LINER: TransENDE(c) - Apple Data Detector package for translating
English and German words from the contextual menu
32 WORDS/209 CHARACTERS: TransENDE(c) is a bilingual freeware software
package for translating English and German words.  Using TransENDE(c)
you can translate words from English to German and German to English
from the contextual menu.

34 WORDS/217 CHARACTERS: TransENDE(c) is a bilingual freeware software
package for translating English and German words.  Using TransENDE(c)
you can translate words from English to German and German to English
from the contextual menu.  The system requirements are:
- PowerPC processor
- MacOS 7.6 (US English version) with Contextual Menu Extension and Text
Encoding Converter Extension OR
- MacOS 8.0 or later (US English version)
- Apple Data Detectors 1.0.2 (which requires Applescript)
- Dictionary Lookup DB (included as part of Word Lookups ADD)
- Internet Connection

#### BINHEX     ttflipper-10.hqx   ****

From: drbenway@texas.net
Subject: TeachText Flipper 1.0

TeachText Flipper 1.0 is an AppleScript droplet that converts editable 
TeachText files into read-only files, or vice versa. Just drop the files 
you want to change onto TeachText Flipper and they will be automatically 
converted to either editable or read-only files. Non-TeachText files are 
ignored by the script.

This script can come in handy if you distribute or receive documentation 
in the form of read-only TeachText documents.

Simple but useful.

Jack Browning

#### BINHEX     txt-2-pdf-50.hqx   ****

From: SANFACE Software <anface@yahoo.com>
Subject: txt2pdf 5.0

We would like to announce txt2pdf 5.0 version. 
txt2pdf is shareware; it is a very flexible and
powerful PERL5 script that converts text files to PDF
format files, so you can use it in every operating
systems supported by PERL5, including Mac OS (sing
MacPERL) and Mac OS X.

What's new in this version
We've deleted the print in the first line of title or
text file name.
It's possible to re-run infinitely (every configured
second, sleep feature) txt2pdf on a specific directory
(and also its recursice subdirectories) moving the
produced PDFs in a specific directory and the original
text in a specific directory.
-current the program version

Test txt2pdf 5.0!

#### BINHEX     umlau-tkonverter.hqx   ****

From: BjoernBojahr@t-online.de
Subject: Umlautkonverter

Umlautkonverter ===============

Very small Freeware-Program to convert some german characters (�/�/�/�) into
their international characters (Ae/Ue/Oe/ss). It's very useful for eMails.

#### BINHEX     unquote-15.hqx   ****

From: godot@astarte.de
Subject: Unquote V1.5

Unquote V1.5
(C)1992-1997 AKUA interactive media AG
by Gregory Lemperle-Kerr

Unquote displays a quote chosen from many thousands at startup. There is 
nothing to configure (unless you want to use ResEdit - see below), so 
just toss it on your system folder and see something useful during that 
startup delay - not to say that startup screens can not be tasty.

If you can use ResEdit, here are some tips:

There are ca. 1000 German quotes you may want to remove if you don't 
speak the Kraut language - most of you probably don't. To do so, just 
remove the "STR#" resources whose names begin with "D" (for Deutsch).

Check out the QPOS resource. It determines where the quote is displayed 
and how the text grows. There are comments in the resource itself on how 
to use it. There are only three fields, so you can not muck much up.

V1.3: You can now set the sequential flag in the QPOS resource to have GQ 
display quotes sequentially instead of randomly. Although the randomness 
has improved in V1.3 as well.

V1.4: GQ now searches your System Folder for "StartupScreen N" where in 
is a digit 0 to 9. If it finds a PICT or PICT resource in these files, 
they will be drawn on the respective monitors.

V1.5 Unquote now has a 'QFNT' resource that allows you to set the text 
font, style and size of the quote.

Unquote is FreeWare and may be distributed any how and anywhere as long 
as this document accompanies it.

#### BINHEX     win-2-mac-rus-le-101.hqx   ****

From: Paul Bondarovski <bonda@worldnet.fr>
Subject: Win2MacRusLE

Win2MacRusLE is a drag-and-drop text conversion utility designed to
convert Cyrillic text files from Windows 1251 to Macintosh (Apple
Standard Cyrillic) encoding. 
To convert a text file, simply drag and drop it on Win2MacRus's icon.

Hardware and system requirements:
* Any Macintosh supporting drag-and-drop.

For more information, please read the enclosed ReadMe or Lisez-moi files.

Paul Bondarovski

#### BINHEX     word-list-maker-223.hqx   ****

From: Jacek Iwanski <jaceki@use.pl>
Subject: Word List Maker 2.2.3 - text utility

Word List Maker is a powerful and easy-to-use program, for generating
sorted word-lists of several kinds from one or more text files. It can
generate word-frequency lists, present the words in the reverse order of
letters, indicate the number of letters contained in each word, or sort
letters. You can use it to analyze texts, to make anagrams, word-frequency
lists, various indexes, spelling lists, to analyze words by their endings

The spelling filter is included. The spelling dictionaries are available
separately. The built-in grammar filter allows you to extract verbs, nouns,
adjectives etc. from any text file.

For more information about my software please visit:


Jacek Iwanski.

#### BINHEX     word-lookups-add.hqx   ****

From: m@usa.net
Subject: Dictionary Lookup 1.0 - Apple Data Detector

Dictionary Lookup is a set of data detectors and actions, which
together allow the user to find the definition or synonyms of
words. This is copyrighted under the GNU General Public License.

In any ADD enabled application simply select a word, several
words, or a line of text.  Control-click the text.  Words 4
characters and longer will appear in the menu, with an option to
look the word in the Dictionary or Thesaurus.  The results of
any lookup will appear in your browser.  Dictionary Lookup is
Internet Config aware.

In order to run Dictionary Lookup, the user will need:

MacOS 7.6 (US English version) with:
 Contextual Menu Extension
 Text Encoding Converter Extension      OR

MacOS 8.0 or later (US English version)
Apple Data Detectors 1.0.2 (which requires AppleScript)
Matthew C. Miller               M Consulting
m @ usa . net

#### BINHEX     wordhunter-201.hqx   ****

From: TakahashiM@aol.com
Subject: WordHunter 2.01

WordHunter 2.01

Will be a good solution when your file is missing somewhere in your disk.
WordHunter finds a specified text string searching every file under selected
target folder (directory) and lists up all the files containing the string.
Either data fork or resource fork can be a target and this is your choice.
>From OS8.5 Sherlock does this, but you have to make an index file first, which
will take a long time and lots of space. WordHunter does not require any
preparation, and is easy and pretty fast.

#### DIRECTORY  wp   ****

#### BINHEX     write-away-hc.hqx   ****

From: emagic@geocities.com
Subject: WriteAway 2.0-A Hypercard Word Processor

WriteAway is a word processor for Hypercard. It lets you open text 
files, write text, save your writings as text files, print text, and 
have your computer speak it (if you have Speech Manager installed). 
When you write text, it gets saved inside WriteAway automatically (so 
if your computer crashes, most of your text will still be there). To 
share it with other Macs, just save it. The toolbar lets you easily 
navigate around WriteAway and perform other functions like saving, 
printing, and opening. WriteAway has a word count, character count, 
and a "Set Text to Plain" menu item which makes all your text plain. 
Version 2.0 has some bug fixes too (2 bugs have been fixed from 1.1). 
One more thing is the "WriteAway Typing Goodies." Want to know what 
they are? Download WriteAway and you'll see.
WriteAway requires Hypercard or Hypercard Player and a 512x384 or 
larger monitor.

#### BINHEX     writenow-40-402-updater.hqx   ****

From: nagata@kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Subject: WriteNow 4.0 -> 4.02 Updater

> From: levidow@aristotle.ils.nwu.edu (Bjorn Levidow)
> Subject: WriteNow 4.0 to 4.0.2 update package
> Date: Mon, 2 May 1994 17:47:54 -0500
> Enclosed is a WriteNow 4.0 to 4.0.2 update package.  The self-extracting
> archive includes an updater for the WriteNow program and a new version of
> the WriteNow to RTF filter.  This update fixes some printing bugs, problems
> with large tables and problems with RTF exports.  NOTE:  The enclosed
> updater will not work on WriteNow 4.0.1.  There is a separate program to
> update 4.0.1 to 4.0.2.

I have re-packaged this to the StuffIt 4 format, and attach the .sit.hqx 
file below.  Thank you, Info-Mac, for continuing to re-package everything
(especially the recent-and-evil StuffIt 5 format) into the more universally 
accepted StuffIt 4 format!

Mark Nagata

#### BINHEX     ws-iran-system-html.hqx   ****

From: gmaschke@ucla.edu
Subject: Nisus WorldScript to Iran System HTML Macros

Required Software:

* Nisus Writer

* Arabic Language Kit or Persian version of MacOS

* Free Iran System-compatible font

These macros for Nisus Writer help you to prepare Persian (or Arabic) text
for presentation on the World Wide Web using the Iran System encoding
scheme. Just type up your Persian text and run the WorldScript to Iran
System HTML macro. I copy of your document will be generated in Iran System
format. Additional macros are provided to help with formatting your Persian
web pages.

Iran System is the encoding scheme used by many Persian newspapers to
present their contents on the Web. Using Iran System, your readers need not
have a Persian operating system to read your pages. Free Iran
System-compatible fonts are available on the Internet for Macintosh,
Windows 3.1, and Windows 95. You can download a free MacOS version of an
Iran System font at:


After you have downloaded this macro and installed the Persian font, run
the "About These Macros" macro for full instructions.

George Maschke <gmaschke@ucla.edu>
Graduate Student, Near Eastern Languages & Cultures, UCLA
Translator, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, The Hague
Home Page: <http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/people/maschke/>
PGP Public Key: <http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/people/maschke/pubkey.html>

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
- Thomas Jefferson

#### BINHEX     ya-text-editor-pro-102.hqx   ****

From: moritz.grund@mannheim-netz.de
Subject: ya text editor PRO 1.02

Welcome to 'ya text editor PRO'. The most powerful text editor with an
additional draw function. Have fun! $7 Shareware. � 1997 Moritz Grund

#### BINHEX     yellow-edit-10.hqx   ****

From: yellowsoft@iol.it
Subject: YellowEdit 1.0.0

YellowEdit is a powerful styled text editor based on WASTE text editing
library. It's SHAREWARE. After a trial period of one week it switches
itself to Lite version. The Lite version has some special features
disabled, but it's FREEWARE.  You may register at any time the version
you're using.

All WASTE based applications have some common feature:
No 32K text size limit. Built-in undo. Full WorldScript support.
Double-byte/bidirectional scripts support. Built-in inline input support.
Multi-styled text.  Drag-and-drop text editing. Translucent Drag-and-Drop.
Embedded objects. Real tabs. Fully justified text.  Command-clicking of
URLs (by using Internet Config).

YellowEdit offers a lot of additional features like:
Support of files of  type 'TEXT', 'ttro', 'PICT', 'JPEG', 'JFIF','TIFF',
'PNTG' (MacPaint), '3DMF' (QuickDraw3D), 'sfil', 'MooV' (QuickTime).
Support of SimpleText documents also with PICT and Sound resources.
Insertion of supported files inside existing texts, also by drag-and-drop
of desktop icons onto open windows. Date-time insertion.  On the fly sound
creation-insertion. Advanced text selection. Ability to keep several
clipboard instance.  Dos/mac/unix text conversion. Support of dos/mac/unix
line break. Bookmarks for any individual document. Documents statistics.
Directory popup. Live scrolling. SmartScroll support. Occurrences counting.
Text manipolation: uppercase, lowercase, word-caps, sentence-caps,  smart
quote, strip diacrictics, Rot13. Individual documents preferences. Auto
indent.  Showing/hiding colors.  Mono styled text option.  Set/unset, on
the fly, "ReadOnly" file. Searching and opening of text selection (simple
hypertext feature). Advanced Search/Replace features (also  across
windows). Advanced windows management. Support for external extensions
(Plug-Ins 1) to increase its capacity (a SDK for writing extension is
included). Creation (and usage) of 3 kind of external module ( Plug-Ins 2):
1) predefined styled texts insertion; 2) styled HTML tags insertion; 3)
opening of the front window by using different applications (i.e. if you're
using YellowEdit for HTML programming you should easily view your page by
using your preferred browser or check the html code by using your preferred
html validator). Ability to cooperate with ThinkReference and
ToolboxAssistant. Ability to cooperate with CodeWarrior. SpeechManager
support.  Catalogs creation: you may create catalogs of  disks and folders
by using the proper menu or by dragging disks and folders on the YellowEdit
icon (Catalogs + Search/Replace + Open selection + Count occurrences + Doc
statistics = useful catalog utility) .
Last, but not least, YellowEdit may create YellowView 2.0 application.
YellowView is a multi-page, stand-alone document viewer having all of
YellowEdit features (but don't allow writing or changing).

And much more�

YellowEdit is Appearance Savvy and requires at least System 7 to run

Author: Rocco Moliterno

#### BINHEX     yellow-extension-toolkit.hqx   ****

From: yellowsoft@iol.it
Subject: Yellow Extensions Toolkit 1.0

Yellow Extensions Toolkit allows you to write extensions used by YellowEdit
and other applications supporting this kind of extension. The project
example is for CodeWarrior Pro 3. Inside its sources you may find all
explaining notes you want.

Author: Rocco Moliterno

#### BINHEX     yellow-view-212.hqx   ****

From: yellowsoft@kagi.com
Subject: YellowView 2.1.2; creator of stand-alone documentations.

Need you a fast way to build stand-alone multi page documentation? or a
Reference system? or a Help System? Should have, the program you need, a
very low cost? Should be, the applications created, under free distribution?
YellowView is what you want!
You may build a YellowView's stand-alone documentation by dragging text
files onto its icon or onto its window or by means of menus. You may create
68k, PPC or FAT binary YellowView's applications.
YellowView's stand-alone documentations are WASTE based applications having
some special features:
Any individual page has no 32K text size limit. Full WorldScript support.
Double-byte/bidirectional scripts support. Multi-styled text.  Drag Manager
support. Translucent Drag-and-Drop. Embedded objects (images, sounds,
QuickDraw3D,  QuickTime). Real tabs. Fully justified text.
Command-clicking of URLs (by using Internet Config). Text selection.
Bookmarks.  Live scrolling. SmartScroll support. Searching and opening of
text selection (simple hypertext feature). Search features (also  across
the whole application). SpeechManager support. Custom icon for any
individual page. Full support od SimpleText text documents.
Last, but not least, YellowView's stand-alone documentations support five
kind of AppleEvents, with related AppleScript commands,  for searching
words or pages. This feature allows to configure YellowView's applications
as Help or Reference System.

YellowView Builder is SHAREWARE. All YellowView's stand-alone
documentations can be freely distributed.

YellowView is Appearance Savvy, Internet Config, Icon Service and
Navigation Manager aware. It requires at least System 7 to run

Author: Rocco Moliterno
mailto: feedback.yellowsoft@iol.it
YellowView page:

What's new in 2.1.2 version
SimpleText's 'PICT' and 'snd ' resources support. 'icns' resources support.
Windows position saving. Improved Modal Dialog filters. Better error
checking. Better error infos. Addresses update. Code optimized for better
performances. Improved Internet menu. Navigation Manager aware. Removed
registration form from About Box.  Added Registrations folder. Added
Support folder.

#### BINHEX     z-write-11.hqx   ****

From: dwrite <sts@designwrite.com>
Subject: Uploaded: Z-Write 1.1

----------------------------In Brief----------------------------
Name:       Z-Write
Version:    1.1
Type:       Application
Requires:   A PowerMac running System 7.5 or better, QuickTime,
            and 10MB of free memory.
Purpose:    A unique word processor for writers which allows you
            to store multiple documents within one file.
Cost:       $20 -- fully functional for two-week preview period
Author:     Marc Zeedar
Company:    Stone Table Software
Address:    P.O. Box 66831, Scotts Valley, CA 95067
E-mail:     sts@designwrite.com
Website:    http://www.designwrite.com/sts/

Full Description:

Traditional word processors work in a linear fashion. Text follows text 
which follows text. While this is great for a long research paper or a 
novel, it makes the process of writing awkward, as notes and 
organizational materials are easily lost or must be kept in separate 
documents. Z-Write represents an innovative idea in word processing 
technology: it allows you to store multiple documents within a single 
file! Now you can create separate categories for notes, outlines, quotes, 
ideas, character bios, rewrites, etc. Everything's easily available and 
convenient, yet you aren't overwhelmed with details. With Z-Write, there 
are no limits!

 * ScanCalc 1.6 * TimeSaver 1.0 available! * Z-Write 1.1 released! *
    Stone Table Software * <http://designwrite.com/sts/index.html>

#### BINHEX     zafir-21.hqx   ****

From: hao.li@maxm.se
Subject: Zafir21

Zafir is a shareware text editor with built-in support to Chinese,
Japanese and
Korean. Althogh Zafir shows text with style  and color, it's not a word
processor. Zafir is aimed to these who do not have a language kit from
Apple but
want to to edit these two-byte languages, or to these who want faster
and better
input support.

� Appearance manager savvy.
� Apple Guide support.
� Multiple styled and colored text.
� Undo support.
� Drag-and-Drop support.
� Embedded objects (currently: files, pics and sounds).
� Memory dependent file size limit (greater than 32K).
� Searching and replacing text.
� Multiple Monitor Support.
� Code convertion between GB and BIG5.
� HZ code support via import/export.
� Built-in support to Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages.
� Background color.
� Line wrap option.
� etc.

System Requirements:

System 7.0 or greater. 68020 or greater/PowerPC 601 or greater.

Hao Li