Abstracts from files in info-mac/font as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     13b-micr-font.hqx   ****

From: Michel Bujardet <mb@matchfonts.com>
Subject: MICR E13B Type Typeface

Version:   01/29/2000
Shareware $39.95

The MICR E13B Match font emulates the special printers or printer cartridge 
used to print the special characters at the bottom of checks used in the US 
and Canada. It is provided in both TrueType and PostScript format.

With a laser printer it is possible to print checks without using 
pre-printed stock. This allows greater flexibility and the creation of 
custom applications for instance the printing of check fac-simile for 
payment over electronic transactions with checks.

The MICR E13B Match font has been successfully used by hundreds of US and 
Canadian companies. The later is very important since canadian standards 
are stricter than US ones and some cheap fonts available will not pass. The 
documentation also indicates how to test MICR printing.

The registered version comes with information about where to find magnetic 
toner how to implement the font and other valuable information about MICR 

This font has numbers and blocky check characters only.

#### LINK       _Postscript     ****

#### LINK       _TrueType     ****

#### LINK       _Utility     ****

#### BINHEX     acid-daze-two.hqx   ****

From: phil.long@ecm.emap.com
Subject: Acid Daze Two.sit

Acid Daze Two is a messed-up font: broken down, but still readable. A
bit 'Raygun' in feel, perhaps. Good for headlines, and quotes. Use big
and bold, scattered accross your document for maximum effect. Also
includes samples of other fonts available. Look through the archive for
freeware fonts Cropper, Fontastic-samples, Rennacs and Scratch, too.

#### BINHEX     amphiareocaps-font.hqx   ****

From: mshroud@znet.com
Subject: Amphiareo Caps Font

Amphiareo Caps � 1999 by Michael Schrauzer

A shareware font based upon an alphabet of Frate Vespasiano Amphiareo,
1572.. This font is useful for creating an elegant initial cap, and
includes two versions of the same forms, solid and open, as well a
couple alternates (viz: J, Y).

The shareware fee is US $5.00. 

Kindly send the fee in US dollars to:

Michael Schrauzer
175 Alameda Blvd.
Coronado, CA 92118

If you have any problems with this font, please let me know specifically
what's up  and I'll see what I can do. Thanks.

Permission is given to redistribute this font in commercial cds and
other sites as long as this readme file is included.

#### BINHEX     anonymous-121.hqx   ****

From: lesch@macvirus.com
Subject: Anonymous(tm) 1.2.1

Have you ever wondered what your font is missing? Line feeds, the Apple
characters like the Apple symbol and many more appear as blank boxes in lots of
fonts. Almost all of the Macintosh characters, including decimal 1-24 and
218-255, and many not in ProFont, are now visible in Anonymous(tm).

Anonymous is a nonproportional or monospaced 9 point bitmap font designed for
programming, and for distinguishing between characters that can easily be
confused in the Macintosh reserved ROM font Monaco 9. For example, in the Monaco
9 bitmap, an uppercase O looks like a zero, and a lowercase L looks like an
uppercase i. Anonymous has a beautiful overall color when set into text, and is
easy to read in long stretches. The font's name begins with A for easy access in
font menus.

Bitmap only, not for printing. Recommended for those who are looking for a
monospaced serif font and have found Monaco, ProFont and Courier wanting, and for
those who spend a lot of time typing and reading on a monitor.

New in 1.2.1: An email address change.

Susan G. Lesch <lesch@macvirus.com>

David B. Lamkins <dlamkins@teleport.com>

#### BINHEX     blockhead.hqx   ****

From: Dan Bailey <dan.bailey@fontosaurus.com>
Subject: Blockhead Font

This is a new font family from Fontosaurus Text
(http://www.fontosaurus.com), which includes three faces (Normal, Speedy,
and Insecure).  Think of it as 1970's Soviet Union meets early 80's U.S.
techno.  The archive file includes both TrueType and Postscript Type 1

The font is "giftware" -- I'm giving the gift of freely downloadable,
kick-butt fonts.  All I ask is that in return, you visit my webpage and
donate $2 to my PayPal account.  There's usually an ongoing contest on the
page, which you can enter by making a donation.

#### BINHEX     blue-mutant.hqx   ****

From: jeni@buffnet.net
Subject: Blue Mutant -- TT font

Blue Mutant double serif is a freeware font.

enjoy it.


#### BINHEX     bold-finger-10.hqx   ****

From: Weedhopper Press <contact@whpress.com>
Subject: BOLDfinger font 1.0 PS/TT

(Moderator: This archive contains updated contact information and 
should replace /font/tt/bold-finger-10.hqx.)

BOLDfinger is a no-nonsense font that's perfect for business.  It has 
impact and power without having to shout.

BOLDfinger version 1.0 is a preview release that includes letters, 
numbers, and some punctuation.  International characters or other 
symbols are not included in this version, and some of the heights are 
a bit off.  Macintosh PostScript and TrueType formats are included.

Weedhopper Press

#### BINHEX     charterbt-x11.hqx   ****

From: palopez@usa.net
Subject: CharterBT Fonts X11 Distribution

This is a copy of the Charter fonts which Bitstream contributed to the X
consortium, arranged for use in the MacOS.  Here is the copyright notice:

    (c) Copyright 1989-1992, Bitstream Inc., Cambridge, MA.

    You are hereby granted permission under all Bitstream propriety rights
    to use, copy, modify, sublicense, sell, and redistribute the 4 Bitstream
    Charter (r) Type 1 outline fonts and the 4 Courier Type 1 outline fonts
    for any purpose and without restriction; provided, that this notice is
    left intact on all copies of such fonts and that Bitstream's trademark
    is acknowledged as shown below on all unmodified copies of the 4 Charter
    Type 1 fonts.

    BITSTREAM CHARTER is a registered trademark of Bitstream Inc.

#### BINHEX     cianan-t1.hqx   ****

From: feorag@antipope.org
Subject: Cianan T1 - a font inspired by an old Irish manuscript

Cianan is a typeface inspired by a script in an old Irish manuscript which 
gives the legendary history of Ireland. It includes accented characters 
and the German 'double-s', as well as most of the useful characters and 

Freeware. This is the Postscript Type 1 version.


#### BINHEX     cianan-tt.hqx   ****

From: feorag@antipope.org
Subject: Cianan TT - a font inspired by an old Irish manuscript

Cianan is a typeface inspired by a script in an old Irish manuscript which 
gives the legendary history of Ireland. It includes accented characters 
and the German 'double-s', as well as most of the useful characters and 

Freeware. This is the TrueType version.


#### BINHEX     citizen-dick.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     classical-mongolian.hqx   ****

From: moseshll@umich.edu
Subject: ClassicalMongolianFont

New version of my Classical Mongolian font. New characters and ligatures, 
metrics cleaned up, new name, other fixes and improvements. Shareware $5 
if you find it useful. Readme file enclosed.

This replaces an older version in the archive.
Permission granted to distribute via physical media.

Thanks for your attention.

Brian 'Moses' Hall

#### BINHEX     compmod-demo.hqx   ****

From: shollis@peachnet.campus.mci.net
Subject: ComputerModern

This is an update (and consolidation) of two files that are currently in
the archive, ComputerModern.TT and ComputerModern.PS.  


#### BINHEX     cropper.hqx   ****

From: phil.long@ecm.emap.com
Subject: Cropper

This is a font called "Cropper". It's a sans-serif black face, in which
each letter has had two sides cropped off. Hence the name... It was
meant to have a full alternative character set, but I got a bit bored
with it, so here it is for free. Also included are examples of other
faces. Why not search the archive for "FONTASTIC! samples", or "Rennacs"
font, to get some more of my free stuff...

#### BINHEX     cuzco-regular-font.hqx   ****

From: mshroud@znet.com
Subject: Cuzco Regular

Cuzco Regular � 1999 by Michael Schrauzer

A shareware font based upon the calligraphy found in the 16th Century
Chronicle of Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala which describes the customs of
the Incas. The original writing is rather crude and definitely quirky:
note in particular the reversed "N". Think of it as 16th Century grunge.

The shareware fee is US $5.00. As an incentive to pay, those who do send
the fee and include their e-mail address will the receive the very
useful companion Cuzco Small Caps font and some eps ornaments. 

Kindly send the fee in US dollars to:

 Michael Schrauzer
175 Alameda Blvd.
Coronado, CA 92118

If you have any problems with this font, please let me know specifically
what's up  and I'll see what I can do. Thanks.

Permission is given to redistribute this font in commercial cds and
other sites as long as this readme file is included.

#### BINHEX     danwriting.hqx   ****

From: Dan Bailey <dan.bailey@fontosaurus.com>
Subject: Danwriting Font

This is a new font from Fontosaurus Text (http://www.fontosaurus.com).
Perhaps I am the only person on the planet arrogant enough to think that
they could sell their handwriting as a font.  I certainly tried, I must
admit.  It's a free download now!  The archive file includes both TrueType
and Postscript Type 1 fonts.

The font is "giftware" -- I'm giving the gift of freely downloadable,
kick-butt fonts.  All I ask is that in return, you visit my webpage and
donate $2 to my PayPal account.  There's usually an ongoing contest on the
page, which you can enter by making a donation.

#### BINHEX     dkc-forever-10.hqx   ****

From: Weedhopper Press <contact@whpress.com>
Subject: DKC Forever font 1.0 PS/TT

DKC Forever was created for the upcoming new version of the Dark 
Knight Companion, an encyclopedia of all things Batman.  DKC Forever 
does look remarkably like a font used in a few movies recently, but 
was not intended to infringe on any copyrights.

DKC Forever version 1.0 includes all 26 letters (upper- and lowercase 
are identical), numerals, and most common symbols.  International 
characters are not included in this version.  Macintosh PostScript 
and TrueType formats are included.

Weedhopper Press

#### BINHEX     drow-runes.hqx   ****

From: Nitehawk Jarrett <macnation@softhome.net>
Subject: Drow Runes Font

Drow Runes is a font based on the Dark Elven Runes created by TSR for use 
with AD&D.


#### BINHEX     egglien-10.hqx   ****

From: Weedhopper Press <contact@whpress.com>
Subject: Egglien font 1.0 PS/TT

Egglien was created for Tulane University's TECHS for promotional 
posters.  Combining science fiction and eggs may not seem like the 
most natural thing to do, but then engineers do some strange things 

Egglien version 1.0 is monospaced and includes uppercase and 
lowercase letters, numerals, and the period.  International 
characters or other symbols are not included in this version. 
Macintosh PostScript and TrueType formats are included.

Weedhopper Press

#### BINHEX     electrickle.hqx   ****

From: phil.long@ecm.emap.com
Subject: Electrickle.sit

Electrickle is a freeware, broken-up display font designed for headings and
quotes. Use big and enjoy! Also included are sample images of other fonts
available. The info-mac archive also contains some of my other free fonts:
Acid Daze One, Cropper, Fontastic samples, Rennacs and Scratch. Or you
could visit www.fontastic.co.uk

#### BINHEX     euro-classicmac-10.hqx   ****

From: arno@scarabee.com
Subject: EuroClassic 1.0

Here is the EuroClassic font for Mac, a shareware font containing 31
variations of the Euro money symbol. This archive contains the TrueType and
PostScript versions of the font, an Acrobat PDF file explaining how to use
it, and the usual Kagi registration program.

This file can be freely distributed by any way, commercial or non-commercial.

Thank you,


#### BINHEX     euro-font.hqx   ****

From: mkahlert@kagi.com
Subject: euro-font

euro-font is a new font for your Mac, which contains the new European
currency symbol, the "Euro". After you installed the font, you can use the
new symbol in nearly every application on the Mac.

euro-font is a US$5 shareware font. You can register it using the enclosed
utility or online via http://order.kagi.com/?HK

Matthias Kahlert

#### BINHEX     fallen.hqx   ****

From: Dan Bailey <dan.bailey@fontosaurus.com>
Subject: SUBMISSION: Fallen Font Family

Fallen is a "grungy" font that I put together back in 1997 and then never
did anything with it.  I lost the original source files and the generated
fonts from it somewhere along the way, which was a kind of a drag...so I
recreated it over the course of a weekend.  One of my personal favorites,
this one.  The archive includes Fallen and Fallen Dirty faces, both in
Postscript Type 1 and TrueType format.

Fallen is a production of Fontosaurus Text, and is available there as a
free download, in Macintosh and Windows formats.  All my fonts are
donationware -- if you download them and use them/link them, please donate
$2.00 (U.S.) to me.  There's usually a contest going on, related to what
I'm trying to save up the money for.

You may include this font on CDs or in online archives, but it MUST include
all the contents of the original archive file, including the readme file
and the web link files.  Should you include it on a CD for publication
purposes, I would appreciate a contributor's copy.  Please email me at
dan.bailey@fontosaurus.com for my snail-mail address.

#### BINHEX     font-view.hqx   ****

From: Simon Brown <sibr@sibr.com>
Subject: fontview159nr.sit

FontView 1.59 (fontview159nr.sit)

Utility for viewing fonts and their resources

This is a new version of the utility voted one of the "12
essential desktop publishing utilities" by MacUser Magazine.

Use it to:
    examine all characters in a font
    display character information (width, ascent, HTML entities, etc.)
    display kerning values
    list values from sfnt (TrueType), FOND, and FONT resources

System Requirements:
   System 7.5 (System 8 preferred)
   68020+ or PPC processor

For more information about FontView, see <http://www.sibr.com/fontview.html>. File requires StuffIt Expander 5 to extract from archive.

This is a minor revision from the version submitted on 08/1999, but does include a new Char List report.

Simon Brown

#### BINHEX     fontastic-samples.hqx   ****

From: phil.long@ecm.emap.com
Subject: FONTASTIC! samples.sit

Please find attached a shareware submission for your archive.
Two display fonts and accompanying info contained in the file.
The display fonts are:


hope they are suitable

#### BINHEX     frangia-four.hqx   ****

From: Phil Long <phil.long@ecm.emap.com>
Subject: Font submission

Frangia Four is a freeware hybrid outline font, with sans and serif
features, yet still legible. Also included within the download are examples
of other fonts available, including the seventh and newest FONTASTIC!
collection, which contains Frangia One, Two and Three. Also try our
web-site at www.fontastic.co.uk

#### BINHEX     gemypt-10.hqx   ****

From:"Any colour you like (Ale Volz)" <shine@ticino.edu>
Subject:Gemypt 1.0

A pretty nice new font. After a hard work, it's been finished (first
announced on january 98). Check this out!
 Ale Volz, Switzerland, GEMJM!

#### BINHEX     hierarc-10.hqx   ****

From: Weedhopper Press <contact@whpress.com>
Subject: HierArc font 1.0 PS/TT

HierArc was created for no good reason.  I just thought it might look 
interesting on posters and other places where attention is more 
important than readability.  It was a quick hack, but I figured 
someone might like it.

HierArc version 1.0 includes uppercase and lowercase letters. 
International characters, numerals, or other symbols are not included 
in this version.  Macintosh PostScript and TrueType formats are 

Weedhopper Press

#### BINHEX     hisky.hqx   ****

From: shine@ticino.edu
Subject: Another FONT by GemJm - HiSky

And... another font!
This is the third font released by Gemjm for free... joal and pinkPixel
have had a really good success: these two fonts have been downloaded
more than 700 times in less than two weeks from download.com... but we
didn't get any feedback at all :P

But... this time there's an adventage if you contact us by email or in other ways: We've already designed another font, that will not be released on FTPs until April '98, but that will be distributed only via email, to the ones that will ask us for it... so PLEASE come on and write us NOW! you'll get he other font FOR FREE!!!
  Different isn't always better, but better is always different! 

#### BINHEX     jcdux.hqx   ****

From: mgaines@proaxis.com
Subject: JCdux.sit

This font is freeware and was created in appreciation of the subject
matter; since I have no association with the subject matter I do not
claim copyright, and, therefore, do not take responsibility for misuse
of the images.

This font, as well as others, may be found on my Website at:


Michael Gaines

#### BINHEX     joblot.hqx   ****

From: Phil Long <phil.long@ecm.emap.com>
Subject: Joblot font

Joblot is a free display font, withe a lumpy outline appearance, almost as
though the letters are formed from amoebas! It's odd, but it's free! The
file also includes images of other fonts in the FONTASTIC! shareware range.
Further information can be found at our web-site: www.fontastic.co.uk

#### BINHEX     kaffeine-psychosis.hqx   ****

From: Dan Bailey <dan.bailey@fontosaurus.com>
Subject: Kaffeine Psychosis Font

This is a new font family from Fontosaurus Text
(http://www.fontosaurus.com), which includes two faces (Normal and Heavy).
Think of it as a caffeine withdrawl fit.  It was fun.  After I scribbled it
out, I drank some more coffee to tide me over through the conversion
process.  The archive file includes both TrueType and Postscript Type 1

The font is "giftware" -- I'm giving the gift of freely downloadable,
kick-butt fonts.  All I ask is that in return, you visit my webpage and
donate $2 to my PayPal account.  There's usually an ongoing contest on the
page, which you can enter by making a donation.

#### BINHEX     key-graphics.hqx   ****

From: Jonathyn Bet'nct <jonrelay@napanet.net>
Subject: !KeyGraphics! Bitmap Font

!KeyGraphics! is a bitmap font originally created to be used with 
ResEdit's KCHR editor, but it didn't work very well, so now it's just 
for fun. It can still be used with the KCHR editor if you want, but it 
doesn't look as nice as it was meant to. If anybody wants to hack the 
KCHR editor to display the font correctly, feel free to do so and send 
me the hacked editor, please.

The control characters are actually pictures of the keys that generate 
them, which is what would have made it perfect for ResEdit.

Available in point size 14 only.

(C) 2003 Kreative Software.

#### BINHEX     kx-10.hqx   ****

From:"Any colour you like (Ale Volz)" <shine@ticino.edu>
Subject:kX 1.0

another new font. i can't explain.. trendy, anyways. shareware 0 $ to pay
through karawari, worth it! bye
 ALE, Gemjm, Switzerland

#### BINHEX     letter-gothic-egg-0.hqx   ****

From: Mark <markt@mickey.mo-net.com>
Subject: Minor Update to LetterGothic-EGG Fonts

Attached are two files to replace those of the exact same names within the
Info-Mac Archives.  The version numbers have been left the same, because
the *only* change is to the e-mail addresses for user responses.

Best regards,

Mark & Traci Ingram

#### BINHEX     letter-gothic-egg.hqx   ****

From: Mark <markt@mickey.mo-net.com>
Subject: Minor Update to LetterGothic-EGG Fonts

Attached are two files to replace those of the exact same names within the
Info-Mac Archives.  The version numbers have been left the same, because
the *only* change is to the e-mail addresses for user responses.

Best regards,

Mark & Traci Ingram

#### BINHEX     lucidity.hqx   ****

From: Dan Bailey <dan.bailey@fontosaurus.com>
Subject: Lucidity Font

This is a new font family from Fontosaurus Text
(http://www.fontosaurus.com), which includes two faces (Normal and
Slasher).  Think of it as bad techno meets The Price is Right.  The archive
file includes both TrueType and Postscript Type 1 fonts.

The font is "giftware" -- I'm giving the gift of freely downloadable,
kick-butt fonts.  All I ask is that in return, you visit my webpage and
donate $2 to my PayPal account.  There's usually an ongoing contest on the
page, which you can enter by making a donation.

#### BINHEX     mankato-halfwit.hqx   ****

From: Dan Bailey <dan.bailey@mindwired.com>
Subject: Mankato Halfwit Font

This font from Fontosaurus Text (http://www.fontosaurus.com), is a minor
update to the older version previously found on the HyperArchive.  The
archive file includes both TrueType and Postscript Type 1 fonts and updated

The font is "giftware" -- I'm giving the gift of freely downloadable,
kick-butt fonts.  All I ask is that in return, you visit my webpage and
donate $2 to my PayPal account.  There's usually an ongoing contest on the
page, which you can enter by making a donation.

#### BINHEX     mighty-mite-10.hqx   ****

From: contact@whpress.com
Subject: Mighty Mite font 1.0 PS/TT

Mighty Mite is a spunky little font from Weedhopper Press.  Our 
latest hand-drawn alphabet is bold and eyecatching, but not 
overbearing; it's perfect for advertising or anywhere else you'd like 
to catch someone's attention.

Mighty Mite version 1.0 is a preview release that includes uppercase 
and lowercase letters only.  International characters, numerals, or 
other symbols are not included in this version.  Macintosh PostScript 
and TrueType formats are included.

Weedhopper Press

#### BINHEX     miranda.hqx   ****

From: jonrelay@napanet.net
Subject: Miranda Bitmap Fonts
Miranda is a replacement system font. It supports every character in the
Macintosh character set, as well as all the keyboard shortcut symbols.

Available in point size 12 only. Point sizes 9 and 10 were planned but
never created. Includes Plain, Bold, Extended, and Bold Extended.

(C) 2003 Kreative Software.

#### BINHEX     monster-party.hqx   ****

From: mgaines@proaxis.com
Subject: MonsterParty.sit

The attatched font, Sankavyn, is a dingbat containing images of horror
movie characters. The name, should anyone be curious, is from the
Rankin-Bass pupput animation of the same name (similar in style to their
Rudolph the rednose reindeer Christmas specials).

This font is freeware and was created in appreciation of the subject
matter; since I have no association with the subject matter I do not
claim copyright, and, therefore, do not take responsibility for misuse
of the images.

This font, as well as others, may be found on my Website at:


Michael Gaines

#### BINHEX     mykonos-101.hqx   ****

From: astalder@webshuttle.ch
Subject: mykonos101

Mykonos is a screen font that comes (so far) only in two sizes:
9 point and 13 point.

Mykonos 13 is intended as a system font for menus, buttons, etc.
It is designed to be easier to read than Chicago at high screen
resolutions. To set Mykonos 13 as your system font, use,
for example, Kaleidoscope (www.kaleidoscope.net).

Mykonos 9 is intended as a matching font for viewing file names
in the Finder. To set it as your view font, choose "Preferences..."
from the "Edit" menu in the Finder (System 8.0 or later), resp.
use the "Views" control panel (older System).

Hope you like it,

Alain Stalder (astalder@webshuttle.ch)

-- Copyright and License

Distribution of the Mykonos font with any kind of System Software
requires permission by the author. Otherwise the Mykonos font is
freeware and may be distributed free of charge with any other commercial

or non-commercial software, provided the following copyright message
is displayed in the product:

Mykonos Screen Font �1998 by Alain Stalder. All Rights Reserved.

-- Version History
1.01 Added "non-printable" characters for menus to Mykonos 13.
     Added 'vers' resource.
1.0  Initial release (9 pt and 13 pt).

#### BINHEX     phonemic-font-package-113.hqx   ****

From: Horst Prillinger <h.prill@magnet.at>
Subject: Phonemic Font Pack 1.1.3

This is a new version of my fonts for phonemic transcriptions, Phonemic 
Font Package 1.1.3 (PFP). It contains two fonts with a full set of 
phonetic symbols (IPA compatible) for phonemic transcriptions of 

The font is provided in PostScript Type 1 format. A TrueType version
can be downloaded from my web site.

Starting with this version, PFP is freeware. 
There is no more shareware fee!

#### BINHEX     praktise-10.hqx   ****

From: contact@whpress.com
Subject: Praktise font 1.0 PS/TT

Praktise makes perfect...most of the time.  The first hand-drawn font 
from WHPress is a whimsical, childlike printed alphabet.  It's very 
readable, but decidedly informal and playful.  If you like Comic 
Sans, you'll love Praktise.

Praktise version 1.0 is a preview release that includes uppercase and 
lowercase letters only.  International characters, numerals, or other 
symbols are not included in this version.  Macintosh PostScript and 
TrueType formats are included.

Weedhopper Press

#### BINHEX     preternatural.hqx   ****

From: Dan Bailey <dan.bailey@mindwired.com>
Subject: Preternatural Font

Preternatural is a cool sorta-techno font that I put together long ago.  I
had developed a sans serif font, which wasn't all that great, but I was
playing with it in Photoshop one day, got a really cool effect out of it,
and said, "Hey!  That's gotta be a font!"  And so it is.  It rocks.  This
archive contains the font in both TrueType and PostScript Type 1 formats.

Preternatural is a production of Fontosaurus Text, and is available there
as a free download, in Macintosh and Windows formats.  All my fonts are
donationware -- if you download them and use them/link them, please donate
$2.00 (U.S.) to me.  There's usually a contest going on, related to what
I'm trying to save up the money for.

You may include this font on CDs or in online archives, but it MUST include
all the contents of the original archive file, including the readme file
and the web link files.  Should you include it on a CD for publication
purposes, I would appreciate a contributor's copy.  Please email me at
dan.bailey@fontosaurus.com for my snail-mail address.

#### BINHEX     pro-font-22.hqx   ****

From: josh@postjosh.com
Subject: ProFont 2.2

I was surprised to find that the freely distributable ProFont wasn't in the
archive. It's a great improvement over the Monaco typeface. It can also be
found on Steve's site <http://members.aol.com/squeegee/>. From the release

    "ProFont was originally released as shareware by Andrew Welch.  At that
time, it was distributed inside an installer application which could
replace Apple's Monaco 9 with ProFont 9.  This made using ProFont as a
substitute for Monaco 9 very easy.  When the Mac II and SE came out, the
magic used by the original installer became ineffective.  Over the years I
(Steve Gilardi) have figured out how to install ProFont 9 in place of
Monaco 9 through the various releases of the System Software.  After a time
I asked Andrew for permission to distribute ProFont along with my
instructions and he agreed and also decided to change ProFont's status from
shareware to freeware".

#### DIRECTORY  ps   ****

#### BINHEX     relay-fonts-2001-31.hqx   ****

From: jonrelay@napanet.net
Subject: Relay Fonts 2001 [v3.1]
Relay Fonts is a collection of unique TrueType fonts. A few can be used 
as text fonts. All make excellent headline fonts.

Included with this collection: Administrator Password, Alisha, 
Berkelium Bitmap, Berkelium Type, C Colon Backslash, Copyright Renewed, 
Cosmic Spam, Ditch the Logical, Dot Com, dwt, Eighteen, Endcurled, 
Felicia, Fluorine, Fluorine System, Fluorochloric System, Fonteri, 
Glass, Glathen Girl, Hydrogenfluoride, I Make Lots of Graphs, Infinite, 
Infinity, Jon's New Roman, Jon's Supercondensed, Kaileen, Kelly, 
Lauren, Metal, Mikkav, Miranda 27, Modern Grease, Nineteen, OpenDoc 
Rocks, Plastic, Renee, Return of RelayScript, SCSI Port, Sexy Sara, 
Signatures, Sixth Kristen Squirt, Sunflower's Illegible Writing, Teen 
Dreem Magazeen, Tenbitesch, and Unmodified Fax.

A ReadMe file is included pertaining to the use of these fonts.

This version should replace all previous versions.

(C) 2001-2004 Kreative Software.

#### BINHEX     rennacs.hqx   ****

From: phil.long@ecm.emap.com
Subject: Rennacs font

This is a 'distressed' display TrueType font, that looks like an outline
letterform that's been badly scanned using a 'line' screen. Best used at
quite a large size for legibility.

Also included are files showing other fonts available

#### BINHEX     rondelle-10.hqx   ****

From: contact@whpress.com
Subject: Rondelle font 1.0 PS/TT

Rondelle can be described as "Chicago with personality".  It's a 
legible, but distinctive font good for a variety of uses.  Use it to 
spruce up a block of regular text, for image captions, or anywhere a 
bit of flair is needed.

Rondelle version 1.0 is a preview release that includes uppercase and 
lowercase letters only.  International characters, numerals, or other 
symbols are not included in this version.  Macintosh PostScript and 
TrueType formats are included.

Weedhopper Press

#### BINHEX     rzal-shii-font.hqx   ****

From: n8hawk <n8hawk@nospam.intergrafix.net>
Subject: R'zal'Shii Font

a font by Nitehawk Jarrett
(c) 1999 Nitehawk Grafix
R'zal'Shii is a  of The Drakmarian Alliance International Fan Club

R'zal'Shii is based on the Drakmarian language which was created by 
Nitehawk Jarrett back in 1989.  It also contains tons of Alliance-based 
dingbats. It is shareware ($10) and current or former DAI members as well 
as current members of the Association of Computer Graphics Professionals 
organization may gain it at a discounted price ($5).

Enclosed are both Mac and PC truetype formats of the font. I wanted to 
add a Type 1 version but when converted most of the characters were 
deleted. Maybe for the next release.

Mac Users may use the enclosed register program to pay for the font. PC 
users must send a money order (no checks and in US $$) to:
Nitehawk Jarrett
409 W 7th Street
Hazleton, PA 18201

If you have any comments or suggestions about this font you may contact 
me at

UFF #0032
"Life would be much less complicated if we kept a little madness"
-Robin Williams
Visit the Hawk's Nest and sign the guestbook. Couldn't hurt ya.

#### BINHEX     sabine-doscbthm.hqx   ****

From: jonrelay@napanet.net
Subject: Sabine Doscbthm Bitmap Fonts
Sabine Doscbthm is a font made from the font for the Sabine 9-Bit Text
System on the Apple II and SabineOS on MS-DOS. I liked how this font
looked, especially on my Apple II emulator, so I decided to recreate it.

"Doscbthm" is pronounced "dos-ki-bi-thum" and stands for Dead Operating
System Coming Back To Haunt Me, referring of course to SabineOS.

SabineOS was a graphical operating system written in Microsoft
QuickBasic. That's right. There were a few programs written (Applicat,
Character Map, Screen Saver, Icon Editor, and the Color control panel)
but nothing else. It proved to be insanely complex and impossible to
program. You couldn't even have more than one window. And because it was
written in QuickBasic, it was painfully slow. Learn my lesson now: Don't
try making a graphical OS in QuickBasic. It won't happen. And I have
pages and pages of incomplete GUI code to prove it.

(C) 2003 Kreative Software

#### BINHEX     sankavyn.hqx   ****

From: mgaines@proaxis.com
Subject: Sankavyn.sit

The attatched font, Sankavyn, is a dingbat containing images of some
famous women -- and some not so famous. The name, should anyone be
curious, parodies the Maurice Chevalier song "Thank Heaven for little
girls." (Hey, it's not my fault he had an accent.)

This font is freeware and was created in appreciation of the subject
matter; since I have no association with the subject matter I do not
claim copyright, and, therefore, do not take responsibility for misuse
of the images.

This font, as well as others, may be found on my Website at:


Michael Gaines

#### BINHEX     scratch.hqx   ****

From: phil.long@ecm.emap.com
Subject: Scratch.sit

Scratch is a hand-drawn font, a bit grungy, like it was done by someone
a little angry, going over the letters several times. Also included are
samples of other fonts available. Why not look through the archive for
Cropper, Fontastic-samples and Rennacs? Coming soon is
www.fontastic.co.uk, where there will be more free downloads.

#### BINHEX     seachel.hqx   ****

From: jonrelay@napanet.net
Subject: SeaChel Bitmap Fonts
SeaChel is a collection of tiny fonts. There are four versions of
SeaChel. The first is a full proportional text font. SeaChel Mono is a
monospaced version, with some characters tweaked to fit into smaller
space. SeaChel PW is consisted entirely of bullets, so it's useful for
passwords. SeaChel Symbol contains file icons, Greek letters, keyboard
symbols, and other miscellaneous symbols. SeaChel and SeaChel Mono
contain checkbox and radio button icons as well.

(C) 2003 Kreative Software.

#### BINHEX     seasons-greetings.hqx   ****

From: bobs@saintjoe.edu
Subject: SeasonsGreetings font

Enclosed is a novelty font for use at Christmas. It is very limited because
it does not have all the letters, but it does make a nice "Merry Christmas"
or "Seasons Greetings" headline or insert. (The letters are in little
Christmas tree ornaments).

The font is free but not public domain. It may not be included on CDs
without the author's permission.

Robert Schenk
visit me on the web at <>

#### BINHEX     smitholution-font-096b.hqx   ****

From: asr <andi@smithz.org>
Subject: Smitholution Font 0.96b

This is an update of the smithz bitmap-font-family.  Main Feature:
Optimized Pixels!

Styles: Classic, Classic Plus, Capitals, Bold, Bold Caps, Fixedwidth,
Ultra Cond, Ultra Cond Caps, Menu Cond, Menu Black, Menu Caps, Menu
Lite, Mini, Mini Ultra, Quad 5, Quad7, Quad 9... (17 pcs)

These fonts are small, but 100% readable. They save screen-space if used
for anything. You get more information in one row than before. On the
other hand they look crisp, because of the optimized spacings. 

Recommended for: Screen-Design, GUI-Design, for Finder-Use and any other
area which demands maximum result from an amount of screen-space.


System Requirements: Mac with Finder.

#### BINHEX     soviet-2002.hqx   ****

From: Dan Bailey <dan.bailey@mindwired.com>
Subject: Soviet 2002 Font

Soviet 2002 is a font that I put together back in 1997 or 1998 and then
promptly forgot about as the demands of school, job-hunting, etc.,
pulled me away from font design.� Anyway, I'm back designing fonts
again, and Soviet 2002 is finally going to see the light of day.� This
archive contains the font both in Postscript Type 1 and TrueType format.

Soviet 2002 is a production of Fontosaurus Text, and is available there
as a free download, in Macintosh and Windows formats.� All my fonts are
donationware -- if you download them and use them/link them, please
donate $2.00 (U.S.) to me.� There's usually a contest going on, related
to what I'm trying to save up the money for.

You may include this font on CDs or in online archives, but it MUST
include all the contents of the original archive file, including the
readme file and the web link files.� Should you include it on a CD for
publication purposes, I would appreciate a contributor's copy.� Please
email me at dan.bailey@fontosaurus.com for my snail-mail address.

#### DIRECTORY  tt   ****

#### BINHEX     typotapps-111.hqx   ****

From: service@dasauge.de
Subject: typotapps-1-11.hqx

German DTP keyboard layout for the system suitcase. Makes it easier to access
special signs, such as typographically correct quotes and corrects some common
typographic mistakes automatically.

#### BINHEX     typotapps-plustapps-20.hqx   ****

From: service@dasauge.de
Subject: typotapps-plustapps.hqx

TypoTapps/PlusTapps - German keyboard layouts. PlusTapps enables easier 
access to euro-sign, at-sign and other special characters, TypoTapps 
additionally simplifies the access to typographically correct quotes and 
corrects some common typographic mistakes automatically.
Deutsche Tastaturbelegungen. PlusTapps vereinfacht den Zugriff auf Euro-, 
at- und andere Sonderzeichen, TypoTapps bietet zusaetzlich einfacheren 
Zugriff auf korrekte Anfuehrungen und korrigiert einige verbreitete 
Typofehler automatsich.

#### DIRECTORY  util   ****

#### BINHEX     ypatia.hqx   ****

From: grammati@paris7.jussieu.fr
Subject: Ypatia and Ismini greek fonts

Ypatia, a greek scientific font

Ypatia is a font for the typesetting of scientific documents in greek using
It is thus complementing  Knuth's Computer Modern fonts.

Ypatia is based on the Ismini-Clio family of fonts developed by one of us

The name has been chosen in honour of Hypatia of Alexandria, the greatest
woman mathematician of the ancient era. (Read "A brief history of Ypatia"
included in this package.)
The spelling of the font name was chosen so as to give the correct greek
spelling when displayed in the same font.

This package includes the font in both bitmat and postscript versions and
the Ypatia keyboard. Snapshots of the four possible keyboards are also
included as a � Word document, against the objections of one of us (VG).
We include also AFM data as well as the metric files to be used with the
TeX typesetting program Textures� (BlueSky research,

Ypatia is meant as a typesetting font. It is not meant as a screen font for
the source text. Textures' editor uses the Monaco font for this task. While
Ypatia can be used and at a size of 14 points can even be readable enough
what is really needed is a greek non-proportional font. This will be
addressed in some, hopefully, non-remote future.

Paris, February 1999

Nikos Goulandris (nicolas.goulandris@wanadoo.fr)
Vasilis Grammaticos (grammati@paris7.jussieu.fr)

PS. Ypatia is (obviously) a Macintosh font. If somebody is interested in
(God forbid!) a Wintel version of Ypatia he/she can contact the authors at
the above e-addresses. (The results are NOT guaranteed).