Abstracts from files in info-mac/dev as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     37th-resex-202.hqx   ****

From: yellowsoft@iol.it
Subject: 37thResEx 2.0.2; the resources extractor.

37thResEx is a useful application for seeing, extracting, copying and
transferring  resources from files.  By means of it you may:

- view all types of resources into files;
- view all resources of determined type;
- view resources contents;
- know resources attributes;
- gather resources infos;
- copy individual resources or whole types into already existing files or
into new ones;
- modify attributes of copied resources;
- modify attributes of original resources;
- remove from files individual resource or whole types;
- check the Resource Fork integrity.

37thResEx can also convert resources of type 'snd ', 'TEXT',  'PICT',  and
icon families into double-clickable files:
- converted Icon families show theirs own icon on the desktop;
- converted 'snd ' resources become sound files;
- converted 'TEXT' resources become styled text files
- converted 'PICT' resources become pict files.

Last, but not least: by means of hot key, you may achieve directly the
Conversion dialogs, without opening the file-related window. Moreover, if
you launch 37thResEx by using this feature, after completing its job it
quits itself automatically.
37thResEx is Internet Config, Drag Manager, Balloon Help and Navigation
Manager aware, moreover it's Appearance savvy.  It requires at least System
7 to run.

Author: Rocco Moliterno
37thResEx page: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Network/7162/resex.html

What's new in 2.0.2 version
- Code optimized for better performances.
- Improved Internet menu.
- Addresses update.
- Removed registration form from About Box.
- Added Registrations folder.
- Added Support folder.

#### BINHEX     3d-box.hqx   ****

From: busse@magnet.at
Subject: 3D-Box


* Requirements:
MacOS 7.55 and up, (8.0 and before also need the Appearance manager; info
at the website)

* Description:

3DBox is an application that creates boxes in OBJ format and matching
texture map templates as PICTs. You give the heigth, width and length of
the box and decide in which resolution you would like to get the texture
The created models can be used in any 3D program that supports OBJ import
and  parametric mapping of textures.
3DBox provides the option to leave gaps at certain edges in the texture
map, so you can create completely different designs for the different sides
of your box without getting the usual inaccuracies at the edges of the box.

* Further notices:

3D-Box may be included in commercially available CD-ROM of the archives.

#### LINK       _CodeWarrior     ****

#### LINK       _Data_Transformer     ****

#### LINK       _Database     ****

#### LINK       _HyperCard     ****

#### LINK       _Information     ****

#### LINK       _Library     ****

#### LINK       _Open_Scripting     ****

#### LINK       _Source_Code     ****

#### LINK       _Symantec     ****

#### BINHEX     aquatint-11.hqx   ****

From: Ben Haller <bhaller@sticksoftware.com>
Subject: Aquatint.dmg.gz 1.1

Aquatint gives you the ability to make glossy, "liquid" icons, buttons 
and logos more easily than you ever imagined possible.  Just make a 
black and white silhouette, or "stencil", of your desired image, and 
Aquatint will do the rest!  No artistic ability required!  Aquatint can 
also make a wide variety of other looks, all based on the same simple 

New in version 1.1:

     Vastly simplified stencil creation
     Added numeric fields for sliders, to allow input of exact values
     Added (optional) online version check code
     Added Preferences panel
     Added lots of configurable display parameters for easier workflow
     Added ability to save the final image on a black or white background
     Streamlined UI for more trouble-free operation
     Fixed issue with high-DPI stencil images

Aquatint's home page: 
Stick Software's home page: http://www.sticksoftware.com/
Stick Software email: support@sticksoftware.com

Aquatint may be included on CD-ROMs.
This is version 1.1 of Aquatint.

Ben Haller
Stick Software

#### BINHEX     ascii-translator.hqx   ****

From: nanouk@netrover.com
Subject: ASCII Translator

This little program will give you the ASCII number of any keyboard press,
including the non-printable characters. It will also produce an ASCII chart
at the press of a button.

System requirements:
* any

Roger Boire

#### BINHEX     asm-110.hqx   ****

From: kamprath@kagi.com
Subject: Application Switching Manager v1.1.0

This file should be put in your "Macintosh Development Tools" section.

The Application Switching Manager (ASM) is a public API installed by both 
ClaireWare Software's Program Switcher control panel 
(http://www.kamprath.net/claireware/program_switcher.html) and Binary 
Software's PowerSwitch control panel 
application with advanced process management and window management 
services, abiding by any settings that the user may have set in either 
Program Switcher or PowerSwitch.

#### BINHEX     async-keys-11.hqx   ****

From: Pecetta <pecetta@yahoo.com>
Subject: asynckeys press release

Version 1.1 of Febraury 2001 � by Stefano Ghielmi &
St�phane Madrau

What is AsyncKeys! ?
'AsyncKeys!' mean: 'Asynchronous keyboard reading',
that is when the computer reads the status of the key
pressed on the keyboard without waiting for them to
generate a keyDown event. AsyncKeys is a little
utility that shows you the exact keyboard reference
number and its ASCII equivalent to a keystroke or key
combination you can press.Note that if you change the
layout of your keyboard (I.E. from US keyboard to
French keyboard) some ASCII character changes but its
keyboard reference number doesn't.
AsyncKeys! contains the concept of the code of
SpeedApp INIT and SwitchRes Extension. It just comes
out from a simple discussion in between me and
St�phane Madrau, and it have been created just for fun
and for to be a little utility for programmers and for
to satisfy some curiosity of everyday people when
using a compter, it is our free tribute for to teach
and explain something to Macintosh users.

System Requirements:
AsyncKeys! have been tested on a Powermac with Mac os
7.6 and higher installed, actually it is at its first
release and no incompatibilities are known, AsyncKeys!
may work on 68k computers too, but we haven't tested.

- Press any key on your keyboard and see what result
is given.
- Modification key are Option, Shift and Control keys.
- The layout character you see is exactly the one
given in the Key Caps Apple menuItem.
- F1 to F4, Caps lock, Command, on/off key, and the
volume/eject CD (in the new USB extended keyboard)
keys, aren't showed
   because those keys are used by the System.

This software is Freeware and it is released "as is"
then no support is provided and no reference for it
too. Use it at your own risk. This software just reads
keyboard events, we refuse all liabilities about
damagements or malfunctions.
You can copy it, send it to a friend, put it on a CD,
etc. Just don�t modify it and alwais include in its
package all the files you find in its folder after the
download from its web site.

What's new in version 1.1:
Added two fields for to show the hexadeciamal value of
the integers keynumber and ASCII references numbers.
Added a new field which tells you if the pressed key
one choosed from the numeric pad.

#### BINHEX     bincalc.hqx   ****

From: stlogic@connectnet.com
Subject: Binary Calculator 1.0.3

Binary Calculator 1.0.3

Binary Calculator is a simple RPN-style calculator designed for programmers. It lets you manipulate numbers in a variety of formats and do binary operations on them that few other calculators allow. With BinCalc you can directly turn bits on and off just by clicking them.

#### BINHEX     bittwiddler.hqx   ****

From: Dan Lamet <dlamet@coho.net>
Subject: BitTwiddler

BitTwiddler is a value conversion program. It is very powerful and 
convenient way to prototype simple computer alorithms. 

BitTwiddler displays a 32-bit value in most of the ways that they might 
be interpreted by a computer, such as integer, ASCII characters, bytes or 
a color. A value may be changed in any format, and the other values are 
automatically updated.

The quickest way to understand what BitTwiddler can do for you is to see 
the demo at <http://www.coho.net/~dlamet/pt/bt/BitTwiddlerPage.html>.

(This program may be included in the CD-ROM)

#### BINHEX     black-and-bleu-121.hqx   ****

From: GC Rice <gcrice@bleurose.com>
Subject: blableu121.hqx

Black and Bleu(tm) is an application that lists 3,340 Macintosh OS error codes with Apple's cryptic explanation included. Detailed explanations and suggestions are included for what you can do about many of these errors. This is the most comprehensive list of Mac OS errors currently available anywhere.

Some features of the current version of Black & Bleu (v1.2.1) are:

     *  Error code listing by group, by number and by name. 
     *  Distinguish between error names with the same number. 
     *  Search the error database for words, phrases or numbers. 
     *  Sad Mac codes and explanations. 
     *  Free analysis of errors that don't have a detailed explanation.
     *  Simple to use interface. 
     *  Free demo; unlimited use electronic version $34.00 (USD); CDROM version, 
        $46.00 (USD)including shipping charges & applicable taxes. 1.2.1 is a 
	free upgrade for v1.2 customers. 

The Non-technical User explanation is presented in a way that someone without a programming background can understand. The Programmer explanation is written in VERY technical terms that usually includes source code that demonstrates the error. To fully  understand the Programmer explanation, the user should be familiar with Macintosh programming (in C or  C++).

System Requirements 
Any Mac or clone 
Mac OS 7.0 or later 
4.4 MB of disk space 
1.5 MB of RAM 
Black & Bleu(tm), and our other products Cap'n Midnight's VCR+, and TCalc are available from our web site at: http://www.bleurose.com as free fully functioning demos. These demos can  be launched for a limited number of times before they expire. Otherwise, each is an exact  copy of the commercial version. In fact, if you purchase the license key and apply it to your  demo copy, the demo is converted directly into the commercial version. 
Download size 
Black & Bleu(tm) 1 MB (about 6 minutes at 28000 baud) 
All explanations are in English. 
About Bleu Rose Ltd. 
Based in Hacienda Heights, California, Bleu Rose Ltd. develops and supports products to help people use their Macintosh in better ways. For further information or to purchase software, visit the Bleu Rose Ltd. web site at http://www.bleurose.com. Bleu Rose Ltd. is a privately held company. 
Copyright 1999, Bleu Rose Ltd. All rights reserved. Bleu Rose, the Bleu Rose logos, Black & Bleu(tm), Cap'n Midnight's VCR+ and TCalc are trademarks of Bleu Rose Ltd. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. All  other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.               

#### BINHEX     bundler-10-68k.hqx   ****

From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net>
Subject: Bundler 1.0 68K

Bundler is a program that creates BNDL and vers resources for your
application, without having to mess with any crashy resource editors. Within
Bundler icons can be copied from format to format and to the clipboard ready
to be pasted on a file or folder. Can also import and export BNDL resources
to and from any other file.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korp.

#### BINHEX     bundler-10-ppc.hqx   ****

From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net>
Subject: Bundler 1.0 PPC

Bundler is a program that creates BNDL and vers resources for your
application, without having to mess with any crashy resource editors. Within
Bundler icons can be copied from format to format and to the clipboard ready
to be pasted on a file or folder. Can also import and export BNDL resources
to and from any other file.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korp.

#### BINHEX     bundler-10-x.hqx   ****

From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net>
Subject: Bundler 1.0 Carbon

Bundler is a program that creates BNDL and vers resources for your
application, without having to mess with any crashy resource editors. Within
Bundler icons can be copied from format to format and to the clipboard ready
to be pasted on a file or folder. Can also import and export BNDL resources
to and from any other file.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korp.

#### BINHEX     cadviewer-light.hqx   ****

From: ariel@cadviewer.com
Subject: cadviewer-light

cadviewer-light - the ArNoNa CADViewer Light is a free CAD Viewing Java applet.
It can be used to view AutoCAD drawings saved using the DWF internet format. Once
placed on a Web site, anyone visiting will be able to view DWF drawings with no
installation. Works on Windows/Mac/Unix etc.

#### DIRECTORY  card   ****

#### BINHEX     ccs-ide-10.hqx   ****

From: "Justin Spahr-Summers" <compheaven@37.com>
Subject: CHCode Simple IDE 1.0

Utilizing a unique programming language created by us, this environment
makes for easy programming and development. Loaded with examples and a
quick tutorial guide, you can get started with CHCode Simple in no time!
Extensive documentation is included and any questions you might have we
can answer! All programs created using CHCode Simple run in a fast and
reliable environment, thus making it the choice program for developers.

- This file may be included in the Info-Mac Archives CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     chipmunk-basic-356.hqx   ****

From: rhn@nicholson.com
Subject: Chipmunk_Basic_3.5.6.hqx

Chipmunk Basic is a freeware old-fashioned Basic Interpreter, accelerated
for the PowerMac, yet still compatible with old 68k Macs running System 6.
Features include support for a simple sprite graphics engine, sound,
MacinTalk speech, MacTCP, AppleScript, Drag&Drop and OOP programming.

Every personal computer should come with a simple, easy to learn, programming
language.  Chipmunk Basic was my contribution for the very first PowerMacs.
Chipmunk Basic only comes with a man page and a quick reference to the
Mac specific functions.  The language is mostly compatible with books on
programming in BASIC that were written between around 1978 and 1990.
This version is a both bug fix and new feature release.  It is still free
for educational and non-commercial distribution and use (but only for those
who don't believe that using the BASIC language causes brain damage. :-)

Permission is granted to include this version of Chipmunk Basic on CD-ROM
compendiums of the Info-Mac and UMich archives.  Please replace older
versions of Chipmunk Basic that are in the archives with this version.
Please make sure that any redistribution includes the documentation.

Please send bug reports to <mailto:rhn@nicholson.com>.  Updates and docs
are at the Chipmunk Basic Home Page <http://www.nicholson.com/rhn/basic/>.

Shortened version history:
Version 3.3.2: fixed sprite turn bug, added Quicktime midi sound
Version 3.3.7: fixed integer rounding; added "COM3:" to use serial driver
Version 3.4.8: added matrix ops, changed precedence of "not" operator,
    fixed memory leaks, fixed nested if-then & select-case bugs
Version 3.5.2: fixed bbedit bbxt. fixed print using. fixed file save.
Version 3.5.3: fixed SFPutFile return name, file creator.
Version 3.5.6: fixed while/wend exit bug.  added PowerMac tcp.  msgbox.

 * Chipmunk Basic is Copyright 1998 by Ronald H. Nicholson, Jr.
 * Permission to use, copy and distribute this software without fee
 * for non-commercial or educational purposes is hereby granted,
 * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies,
 * and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice with
 * the following disclaimer appear in the supporting documentation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND; not even the implied warranty of

#### BINHEX     circular-slider.hqx   ****

From: bhaller@sticksoftware.com
Subject: CircularSlider.dmg.gz.hqx

Circular Slider is an open source Objective-C / Cocoa class that 
implements a circular angle/distance control.  It looks like a slider 
knob that can move freely on a circular base.  It has a nice Aqua 
appearance (courtesy of Aquatint), and is quite configurable, and fully 
documented.  Copyright terms, manual, screenshots, etc. are at 
   This is version 1.0 of Circular Slider.  Circular Slider is a Stick 
Software freeware product.  A web page describing Circular Slider may be 
found at http://www.sticksoftware.com/software/CircularSlider.html.  A 
company page for Stick Software may be found at 
   Circular Slider may be included on CD-ROM archives.

#### BINHEX     clut-maker-17.hqx   ****

From: sato@het02.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp
Subject: clut-maker-17.hqx

CLUT Maker  is an editor for the 8-bit 'clut' resource.
The 'clut' is Apple's 'Color Look Up Table' and is used generally in
graphics environment. For example, the palette animation is done by
rotating color entries in the CLUT attached to some image. CLUT Maker 
shows not only the color table, but also color components in some color
models: HSV, HSL, CMY, and RGB. 
As CLUT Maker  supports importing and exporting of Photoshop's 'CLUT',
you can use this application just as an clut converter.
It also supports 8-bit CLUT of NIH Image, MPW Rez, and TEXT.
CLUT Maker  can retrieve the color info from a PICT using color-picking
CLUT Maker  is for you: developers and creators.

#### BINHEX     clut-maker-171.hqx   ****

From: RoboDog <robodog@geocities.co.jp>
Subject: clut-maker-171.hqx

CLUT Maker is an editor for the 8-bit 'clut' resource. The 'clut' is
Apple's 'Color Look Up Table' and is used generally in graphics
environment. For example, the palette animation is done by rotating
color entries in the CLUT attached to some image. CLUT Maker shows not
only the color table, but also color components in some color models:
HSV, HSL, CMY, and RGB. As CLUT Maker supports importing and exporting
of Photoshop's 'CLUT', you can use this application just as an clut
converter. It also supports 8-bit CLUT of NIH Image, MPW Rez, and TEXT.
CLUT Maker can retrieve the color info from a PICT using color-picking
methods. CLUT Maker is for you: developers and creators.

#### BINHEX     cnav-services-10.hqx   ****

From: dair@dircon.co.uk
Subject: CNavServices 1.0

CNavServices is a utility class for PowerPlant applications.

It provides a straightforward mapping between Standard File API calls and 
Navigation Services, falling back to Standard File if Navigation Services 
are not available.

Navigation Services is Apple's new file navigation API which replaces 
Standard File under Carbon, and is also available for current Mac system 

It allows open/save dialogs to become movable and resizable, as well as 
allowing users to switch between applications while a dialog is open or 
to open several files at once.


(Work)  mailto:dair@lightwork.co.uk  http://www.lightwork.com/
(!Work) mailto:dair@kagi.com         http://www.kagi.com/dair/

#### BINHEX     codeperfect-20.hqx   ****

From: Nikita Zhuk <nikita@maczsoftware.com>
Subject: Abstract for CodePerfect 2.0 (uploaded to info-mac.org)

CodePerfect (formerly known as CodeWizard) is a powerful, easy-to-use 
tool, which converts and lists many types of codes needed in 
programming, web design and other forms of use of the Mac OS 
computing environment. While CodePerfect uses advanced conversion 
routines, the use of the program is very simple. All you need to do 
to convert a value to another is to click on the right conversion tab 
and you're ready to go. You can also combine the value searches by 
using MultiSearch. CodePerfect also converts text files from Mac 
format to Windows and vise versa

The user interface (UI) in CodePerfect is very self-explanatory. 
Application consist of only one window, where all functions are 
performed. The needed feature is chosen from 7 tabs. The last tab 
(MultiSearch) combines all CodePerfect's conversion methods in one 
function, but it's easier to use specific methods if you need only 
one type of conversion, because then you can build a list of several 
conversions (for example Hex code to character).

#### BINHEX     color-codes-10.hqx   ****

From: Jochen Pier <cyclon@kagi.com>
Subject: ColorCodes 1.0 (MacOS X) - Get the NSColor Code of any Color

ColorCodes 1.0 - by Jochen Pier from Cyclon Softworx

This small tool is for programmers, who need custom colors in their
applications. You can choose your color via the color chooser and ColorCodes
displays the codes, you have to enter for a new NSColor.

  hope you like it

    Jochen (cyclon@kagi.com - http://www.cyclon-softworx.de)

P.S: MacOS X rocks!

- Freeware!! -

#### BINHEX     cref-dyn-gen-str-array.hqx   ****

From: macgurutemple <andrei.verovski@bigfoot.com>
Subject: CRefDynGenStrArray JUL24_00.zip 

STL-vector-based dynamic array of generic strings. Supports storing 
of Pascal&C style strings, STL strings and vector.

All strings are kept in single storage buffer, so even very large number 
of items will not cause memory management overhead. Occupies StringLen[0] 
+ ... StringLen[n - 1] + 2*n*sizeof(size_t). In other words, 
CRefDynGenStrArray is really space efficient.

CRefDynGenStrArray maintains additional reference table of real indexes. 
Thus, many functions will involve only operations with reference table. 
For example, Insert() actually appends item (what is much faster) and 
inserts only entry into reference table; Swap(), Move() and sort will 
cause changes only in reference table.

Refer to http://homepage.mac.com/macgurutemple/ for more info.

#### BINHEX     crefdyngenstrarray.hqx   ****

From: macgurutemple <andrei.verovski@bigfoot.com>
Subject: CRefDynGenStrArray AUG26_00.sit  (into Development)

STL-vector<char>-based dynamic array of generic strings. Supports storing 
of Pascal&C style strings, STL strings and vector<char>.

All strings are kept in single storage buffer, so even very large number 
of items will not cause memory management overhead. Occupies StringLen[0] 
+ ... StringLen[n - 1] + 2*n*sizeof(size_t). In other words, 
CRefDynGenStrArray is really space efficient.

CRefDynGenStrArray maintains additional reference table of real indexes. 
Thus, many functions will involve only operations with reference table. 
For example, Insert() actually appends item (what is much faster) and 
inserts only entry into reference table; Swap(), Move() and sort will 
cause changes only in reference table.

Refer to http://homepage.mac.com/macgurutemple/ for more info.

With best regards

Andrei Verovski

#### BINHEX     cs-debugger-103.hqx   ****

From: daniel.muller@urbanet.ch
Subject: CSDebugger1.0.3

CS Debugger is a freeware Control Strip Module. You have to drag this item
into the "Control Strip Modules" folfer in the "System Folder" and restart.

When a low-level Debugger is installed, you can invoke it easily.
If you are familiar with Macsbug and ResEdit, you can customize the
behavior of the menu items. Look STR# ID=257 and MENU ID=256 for more

CS Debugger 1.0.3, �1994-98 Daniel Muller (opus.software@bluewin.ch)

Visit the Swiss Mac Shareware

#### DIRECTORY  cw   ****

#### DIRECTORY  db   ****

#### BINHEX     devedit.hqx   ****

From: louisxiv@istar.ca
Subject: DevEdit 2.0

DevEdit is a shareware which makes easier to program Basic, C, Pascal, 
etc. First done because I was tired of wasting time with chipmunk basic's 
button sizes, it include many, many features (so much that it took me six 
months to do it) which makes programming easier than ever.

Louis Chartrand

#### BINHEX     documentor.hqx   ****

From: Terry Findlay <terry_findlay@telus.net>
Subject: DocuMentor

DocuMentor is for creating online, illustrated, styled text documentation
for REALbasic� shareware applications. With the included DMDisplayWindow,
developers can easily display the documentation in their applications.

Use the DocuMentor application to create new documentation projects
(collections of topic documents and any cooresponding graphic files) or work
on previously created project topic documents. For each project create as
many topic documents as you wish (Introduction, Getting Started, Version
History, etc,). You can also include a graphic for any topic.

The DMDisplayWindow is used in your REALbasic� applications to display
documentation created with DocuMentor. To use DMDisplayWindow just drag it
onto your project window and add "DMDisplayWindow.show" somewhere in your
code to bring it up.

#### BINHEX     docuscript-demo-20.hqx   ****

From: Vince <vince@wmotion.com>


New version includes improved script reporting and automatic problem 


Vince Menanno
Phone: 602-956-7080
Fax: 602-956-6754

E-mail: info@wmotion.com
Web: http://www.wmotion.com

PHOENIX. December 17, 1999. Over the last few years, DocuScript has shown 
itself to be an invaluable tool for Filemaker developers looking to 
troubleshoot and document their projects. Now with improved script 
reporting and automatic problem detection, it has become even easier for 
developers to rediscover their scripts.

Aim DocuScript at a FileMaker project and it will extract every script in 
every file and quickly generate a series of reports -- starting with an 
overview of the files in the project, right down to the individual script 
steps. Click on a reference to an external script, and DocuScript 
instantly jumps to that script. Move through scripts step by step, or let 
DocuScript trace through an entire script for you and build a 
hierarchical report of every instruction, every external script, and 
every recursion. 

One of the new features in DocuScript 2.0, and one that will appeal to 
anyone responsible for large FileMaker projects, is the small, but 
powerful Problem Dot. DocuScript now automatically searches through all 
your scripts and marks any file containing an error, including such 
things as broken relationships, missing fields, and missing layouts. 
Click on a file name and you'll find another Problem Dot next to each 
problem script. Click on a script and continue to follow the dots 
straight to the bugs.

You can generate a Problem Report that summarizes all the problems found 
by DocuScript, or perform your own customized searches across all the 
files in your project. Search for a field name, a status function, or any 
of the standard FileMaker terms built into the DocuScript search engine.

With all this script information gathered together, DocuScript is also 
the perfect tool for documenting your projects. You can add comments 
anywhere in the project database generated by DocuScript or easily copy 
the information you need into your own reports.

DocuScript requires FileMaker 5.0 running under Mac OS 7.6.1 or better on 
a PowerPC-equipped Macintosh. You can purchase DocuScript for $79.00 US, 
online from the Waves In Motion website, or upgrade your current copy for 


For all their products, Waves In Motion offers a demo version you can try 
before you make your purchase. The demo version of DocuScript allows you 
to try out all the features in the application, but does not allow you to 
save your work.

Waves in Motion is the developer of a growing collection of FileMaker 
solutions and plug-ins, including Script Scheduler, the Analyzer, and The 
Dragon Web Surveys. They are active members of the FileMaker Solution 
Alliance and the Apple Developer Program, and have been consulting and 
developing FileMaker solutions since 1990.

      Waves in Motion  -  Imagine the things you can do!

#### DIRECTORY  dtt   ****

#### BINHEX     e-20-4-mac.hqx   ****

From: "Jack" <info@eventips.it>
Subject: e-20 4 Mac

"e-20 4 Mac" is a pretty nice freeware given by Eventi Progetti Speciali,
which has been developing CdRoms in Director using Macintosh for years, and
is quite depressed because so many products with the "Made with Macromedia"
logo are actually only for Windows! This is quite sad because we know that
creating the Macintosh version is really easy!

So, we've decided to develop in Director this small "engine" which allows
Mac users to see most of the onlyWindows-CdRoms - as long as they are
created with Director (you can recognize them as they have the "Made with
Macromedia" logo somewhere, usually in the booklet).

I hope you find it usefull!!

#### BINHEX     editcard.hqx   ****

From: t-hana@mh1.117.ne.jp
Subject: Editcard 1.2.0


    *  This is a stack that simulates information-card of 5x8 size or B6.
    *  With Hypertext function in it, you can create a mini database.
    *  With text editing functions,stack becomes word-processor like 
    *  In spite of its simple outlook,it has many features which will 
       you that it is worth made public. 
    *  With "Help card" in the body,you can solve questions concerning 
       this software easily.
    *  "About Hypercad" in it may help you who do not have "Hypercard 
    *  This is an English version of "Kyodaicard" in Japan.
    *  You could write Japanese with Japanese system by choosing 'Osaka' at
       the button 'System' in the 'Preference' card.
    *  For more information,read "Invitation to EditCard" in it first.
    *  System requirement: MacOS7.1 or later,Hypercard lite 2.2 or later.
    *  Palette items are alloted to funktion Keys.
    *  Making card title become more speedy by "Autotile".
new *  added printing procedure of 5*3 inch card form.

Tomokazu Hanafusa

#### BINHEX     find-error-lib-12.hqx   ****

From: fburnham@earthlink.net
Subject: FindErrorLib v1.2

A Macintosh development and debugging tool. (Freeware)

FindErrorLib is a small Power Macintosh native shared library that can be
used by C and C++ developers to obtain, at run-time, the name and
description, if available, of any of 1,307 Macintosh error codes for
display in error alerts or dialogs.

Since the shared library can be "weak-linked" to the application, the
developer has the option of using it during development and, if so desired,
not including it with the final software release, with no code
modifications required to remove it.

Minor updates to the shared library can be performed by simply replacing it
in the System folder, with no need to recompile any application that uses

FindErrorLib v1.2 contains a code fragment that accesses an internal
compilation of information derived from the Apple Universal Headers files,
Universal Interfaces 3.1, and is current as of Mac OS 8.1.

The FindErrorLib v1.2.sit archive includes the shared library, sample code
for accessing it, and about 4 pages of detailed information regarding its
installation and use.

FindErrorLib v1.2 is offered as Freeware by its author, Fred Burnham, who
originally created it as a development and debugging tool for his own
software development projects.

Fred Burnham

Thu, May 28, 1998

#### BINHEX     fm-style-maker-10.hqx   ****

From: <kinda@wa2.so-net.ne.jp>
Subject: FM Style Maker 1.0

File name: FM Style Maker 1.0

What is FM Style Maker
FM Style Maker, a FileMaker Pro template, exports styled textlist and
table with HTML and rich text format (RTF) using your data included in
FileMaker Pro, tab-separated text, CSV, Works. You can learn how to make
tagged text file by FileMaker Pro. FM Style Maker is a shareware. But
has no protection and no functional limitation. You can freely learn
Scripts, Field definitions, and technique used in FM Style Maker.
However, if you use these techniques in you freeware or shareware,
please register. License cost is US$ 8 per user.

Version: 1.0

System Requirements
FileMakerPro 3.0 or later.

For more information, please read the Read Me file and Manual enclosed,
or visit our Web site at:
Developer: MedFiles
Contact: kinda@wa2.so-net.ne.jp

#### BINHEX     fragmalyzer-112.hqx   ****

From: danwr@kagi.com
Subject: The Fragmalyzer 1.1.2

This is the Fragmalyzer version 1.1.2, Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Dan Wright.
The Fragmalyzer is shareware (US$25) - details enclosed.

The Fragmalyzer requires a Power Macintosh running System 7.5 or later, and
takes advantage of features of Mac OS 8.0, 8.5, and 8.6 if available.

The Fragmalyzer is an extendable code fragment browser and editor. It is a
development tool for examining all manner of code fragments, including:
 * PowerPC applications
 * shared libraries
 * custom plug-in modules (e.g. PhotoShop plug-ins, or converters)
 * native, accelerated, and fat code resources
 * fragments in any running process

#### BINHEX     g4-time-demo-032.hqx   ****

From: drees@altorsys.com (David Rees)
Subject: G4TimeDemo.032.sea - 3D demo for G4's and other Macs

G4TimeDemo is a test application which allows you to see how fast your Mac
is at playing next generation 3D games. As far as we know, it's the first
publicly available application designed from the ground up for the G4 and
Velocity Engine, and includes leading edge character animation.

G4TimeDemo works on G4's, G3's, and other PowerMacs. When you run the
application it will draw 1000 frames of a 3D game world, and show you how
fast your machine is. You can then compare your results with those at
comp.sys.mac.games.action or www.altorsys.com in the ProjectB pages.

Minimum system requirements:
        - 200 MHz or faster Power Macintosh�,
        - 640x480 screen in thousands of colors,
        - 24 Megabytes or more of free RAM,
        - 15 Megabytes hard disk space,
        - System 8.1 or later.
        - 3D hardware card with at least 6 Megabytes of VRAM.

The test requires QD3D 1.5 or greater, DrawSprocket 1.1.4, and
SoundSprocket 1.0. All of these are available from the Apple web site.

#### BINHEX     general-edit-lite-11.hqx   ****

From: info@quadrivio.com
Subject: general-edit-lite-11.hqx Hex/ASCII/Unicode editor

File: general-edit-lite-11.hqx
Directory: development tools
Type: Hex/ASCII file editor
Not for publication on CD-ROM

Quadrivio General Edit Lite 1.1

This is a free tool for programmers who need to edit data files. It is
based on the commercial version of General Edit; see
http://www.quadrivio.com for details.

General Edit Lite allows you to:
1) Open and edit disk files as hexadecimal bytes, ASCII characters, Unicode
characters (Roman encoding only), 16-bit decimal integers, or 32-bit
decimal integers. Files can be larger than RAM.
2) View and edit the Finder information (FInfo record) for disk files.
3) View RAM.

Program requirements
A PowerPC Macintosh or PowerPC Mac OS-compatible computer is required.
System 7.1 or later is required; System 7.6.1 or the latest version of OS 8
is recommended.

#### BINHEX     gest-lab-12-fr.hqx   ****

From: Jean-Pierre Curcio <gestlab@mac.com>
Subject: GestLab F-1.2 - L'outil ultime du Gestalt Manager

GestLab est un outil qui permet d'examiner tous les selecteurs Gestalt
postes par Mac OS ou n'importe quel autre logiciel. C'est aussi une base de
donnees qui inclut des informations sur votre environnement systeme. Vous
voyez non seulement des infos techniques mais aussi une interpretation
comprehensible de la plupart des codes (en francais).

Le but principal de GestLab est de maintenir une base de selecteurs Gestalt
la plus exhaustive possible. Si, lors de son utilisation, votre
configuration affiche des informations qui n'y sont pas encore (ce qui est
evident, puisque ces infos sont affichees en rouge), n'hesitez surtout pas a
me l'envoyer : je l'analyserai et mettrai la base a jour pour la version
suivante. Votre collaboration est essentielle dans ce domaine.

GestLab 1.2 requiert Mac OS 8.6 ou plus. Cette version est capable
d'installer automatiquement une nouvelle base telechargee a partir du site
Web de l'auteur (si Aladdin StuffIt Engine est present).

Avec la version 1.2 est inclus GestLabXCapt, un outil qui permet de capturer
une configuration GestLab sous Mac OS X, et la base #12 qui fonctionne avec

#### BINHEX     gest-lab-12.hqx   ****

From: Jean-Pierre Curcio <gestlab@mac.com>
Subject: GestLab 1.2 - The ultimate Gestalt Manager tool

GestLab is a tool that allows you to check all Gestalt selectors posted by
Mac OS or by any other piece of software. It is also a database including
information about your system environment. You see not only some technical
infos but also understandable interpretation of most codes (in English).

GestLab main goal is to maintain the more exhaustive Gestalt selector
database. When using it, if your configuration is displaying info not yet in
the database (what it is very easy to realize, this info is displayed in
red), don't hesitate to send it to me: I'll analyse it and update the
database for the next release. Your collaboration is essential in this

GestLab 1.2 works only on Mac OS 8.6 or more. This version is able to
install automatically a new database downloaded from the author's Web site
(if Aladdin's StuffIt Engine is present).

With version 1.2 is included GestLabXCapt, a tool that allows to capture a
GestLab configuration under Mac OS X, and the database #12 that works with

#### BINHEX     glue-factory.hqx   ****

From: Lawrence D�Q==Oliveiro <ldo@geek-central.gen.nz>
Subject: Glue Factory

The Glue Factory is a shareware collection of MPW tools for generating
object code. This code eases the construction of various kinds of
non-application objects, including Component Manager components.

This release includes an updated version of the ComponentGluePPC tool, which
generates new, faster component dispatch code and fixes a couple of bugs.

#### BINHEX     gs-basic-book.hqx   ****

From: jonrelay@napanet.net
Subject: Gammasoft BASIC Book

Here is a Microsoft Word 5.1 file containing the command reference for
Gammasoft BASIC. If you haven't used Gammasoft BASIC before, download this

#### BINHEX     gs-basic.hqx   ****

From: jonrelay@napanet.net 
Subject: Gammasoft BASIC

This is a version of BASIC. The commands are a little different than most
versions of BASIC. You may want to look at the file "Gammasoft BASIC Book"
for information.

This file requires the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the
Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you
have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead.

When you decompress this file, be sure to put it in the same folder as the
Main Menu file. Also put an alias of the Gammasoft BASIC file in the `Data
folder. Make sure the alias doesn't have an " alias" suffix or a space
after it's name.

#### BINHEX     gs-fabulogo.hqx   ****

From: jonrelay@napanet.net 
Subject: Gammasoft FabuLogo

Here is an implementation of the Logo programming language. There is no
documentation, so you may want to look at some books on Logo first.

This file requires the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the
Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you
have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead.

When you decompress this file, be sure to put it in the same folder as the
Main Menu file. Also put an alias of the Gammasoft FabuLogo file in the
`Data folder. Make sure the alias doesn't have an " alias" suffix or a
space after it's name.

#### BINHEX     gs-sdk.hqx   ****

From: jonrelay@napanet.net
Subject: Gammasoft SDK

This contains information about how to make Gammasoft programs, ItMotN
modules, and how to control the LEDDisplay program. It contains information
in MS Word 5.1 format, RTF format, and Text format. Also included are the
necessary programs needed to convert your applications and the LEDDisplay
demo program.

#### BINHEX     gsu-hexkey.hqx   ****

From: gswann@primenet.com
Subject: HexKey.sit

HexKey is a freeware number conversion tool. This is actually a
programmer's tool, but it may be useful to other power users. Converts
Decimal or Hexadecimal numbers to 10 other common Macintosh formats. If
you don't know a Fixed from a Fract, you don't need it.

This archive replaces earlier versions GSU-HexKey.sit.

#### BINHEX     h2c-16-sdk.hqx   ****

From: Antoine Beyeler <abeyeler@kagi.com>
Subject: H2C_SDK_16.hqx

H2C SDK 1.6
Shareware 15$


SDK for H2C 1.6 plug-in programming.

PowerMac - System 7.5

Antoine Beyeler

#### BINHEX     h2c-16.hqx   ****

From: Antoine Beyeler <abeyeler@kagi.com>
Subject: H2C_16.hqx - The must for every C++ programmer

H2C 1.6
Shareware 15$


Every C++ programmer spends hours writing function declarations twice, once
in the header file (.h), once in the source file (.cp). H2C greatly simplify
this process. Just drag a header file, and H2C will automatically create the
corresponding source file, with all the declarations. H2C features a plug-in
architecture, which provides the users a way to personalize H2C output
files and achieve other tasks like code documentation template generation or
object database filling.

PowerMac - System 7.5

Antoine Beyeler

#### BINHEX     hexedit-120.hqx   ****

From: shockley@zeus.jersey.net
Subject: HexEdit1.20

HexEdit v 1.2

Copyright � 1993 Jim Bumgardner <jbum@netcom.com>
Portions Copyright � 1996 Lane Roathe <lane@xtremeplanet.com>

Here is my modified version of HexEdit, which I have placed at version 1.2
(v1.0x is 
from Jim Bumgardner, v1.1x is from Dave Polaschek)

��� From Jim's original Docs:

HexEdit is a hexdump viewer and editor that works similarly to the hex
editor provided 
with Apple's ResEdit.  It allows you to edit either the data fork or the
resource fork of a 

I wrote HexEdit because I needed to be able to insert/delete bytes from
the data fork of 
files I was testing, and tools like FEdit don't have insert/deletion.

HexEdit is freeware.  The author retains the copyright, including the
right to alter or sell 
the program.  You may use and copy HexEdit only on a non-commercial basis.
may not sell this program without the author's permission.

��� New features added:

� Ability to compare two files, & preferences for this feature

� Ability to switch between forks of the same file with a menu command,
 even if the other fork has not been directly opened yet (ie, it

� Source code is now completely free of warnings (well, in CodeWarrior

� Source is now Universal Headers 2.x compatible
� Program is not "fat", with source modifications for Power PC compiles
The original idea for file comparison was made by Jeff Smith.

Please, feel free to distribute this version of HexEdit as you please, I'd
just ask for 
appropriate credit. I happen to use this program quite a bit, so if you
make any changes 
please let me know, and I will try to get them into a new version.

Thanks to Jim for releasing such a fine program, and even more so for the
source, as it's 
helped to make this program much more useful for myself and others! You
may wish to 
check out IFD's mac web site, as it has several utilities w/source.

<http://www.ifd.com/mac>      // mac site
<http://www.fix.net/~lroathe>   // my site (interlinks abound)
<http://www.genxsoftware.com> // we're working on cool stuff!

<lane@ricochet.net>  // wireless dude, what a rush!

Lane Roathe
115 Le Point St.
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

#### BINHEX     icepick-404-ppc.hqx   ****

From: s.graesser@computer.org
Subject: IcePick 4.0.4 - MacApp View Editor!

Announcing the release of IcePick 4.0.4! IcePick is a Power PC native
version of what was once the premier view editor for the MacApp
application framework. IcePick allows programmers and non programmers
alike to visually create their application windows. The resulting view
resources can be used with the MacApp application framework to easily
create a Macintosh program. Or the resources can run from with-in IcePick
to test the look and feel of the user interface.

This version replaces all previous commercial versions of IcePick from
Sierra Software, including the 3.0b12 version.

IcePick 4.0.4 is PPC only. IcePick supports 3.0 style views which are used
in MacApp 3.0-3.3 and R10-12.

IcePick is a shareware product. The $50 shareware fee can be paid via Kagi
Shareware. Details are in the documentation.

New features since version 4.0.3 :
* IcePick was not displaying all the text items in it's error dialogs.
* IcePick crashed when saving a file with Menu resources that referenced
an MDEF resource.
* IcePick was not showing the correct MacApp class name in the Owner field
of the Adorners window.
* IcePick crashed when closing the attributes window aftering changing the
window properties.

System requirements:
* System 7.5
* Power Macintosh with at least 16 MB of RAM
* 2 MB of hard drive space

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed.


Steve Graesser
White Lab Consulting

#### DIRECTORY  info   ****

#### BINHEX     installer-maker-65.hqx   ****

From: Aladdin Systems Public Relations <PR@aladdinsys.com>
Subject: InstallerMaker 6.5

Path:         ftp.aladdinsys.com/pub/mac/InstallerMaker/
Real Name:    InstallerMaker 6.5 Installer
Size:         8708178 bytes
Encoding:     BinHex
Release Date: 29-November-1999
Requirements: Mac OS 7.1 or higher, 8MB of RAM, 68020 or better processor
License:      Contact dev.sales@aladdinsys.com for licensing info

Why You Need the New InstallerMaker 6.5:

Create Complex Installers in a Snap.  InstallerMaker's time-saving features
build smart, complex installers in a flash. Version 6.5 includes a new Archive
Freshening feature to automatically update installer archive files, supports
multiple Gestalt conditions and up to 224 packages, adds 33 new Destinations
for Apple's new system defined folders, is PowerPC native and Mac OS 9
compatible, to help you be as productive and thorough as possible. 

Small Installers Save Time and Money. InstallerMaker builds the smallest
installers in the industry to give you added time and cost savings. Using
the StuffIt Engine, InstallerMaker creates installers faster and smaller
(up to 15% smaller) than any other software installation utility. Smaller
installers download faster and easier, give you more space on your CD or
diskette, increase hard disk space for fewer hardware upgrade needs, and
broaden network bandwidth. These time and cost savings go straight to your
bottom line! 

Nothing's Easier to Use. InstallerMaker's intuitive point-and-click
interface makes setting destinations and installation conditions
practically effortless. It's fully scriptable and recordable, allowing you
to automate the build process to save labor and improve quality through more
consistent and faster installer builds. Record actions as scripts, or build
your own, to automate future builds and reduce the workload of your
engineering staff. Install files from FTP or HTTP sites easily and create
demoware or trialware in minutes. 

InstallerMaker is designed to give you all the powerful features you need
in one easy-to-use package. 

InstallerMaker and its installers require a Macintosh with a 68020 or
better processor. The InstallerMaker application requires System 7.1 or
higher and 8 MB of allocated memory.

#### BINHEX     installers.hqx   ****

From: dwylfin@bloomington.in.us
Subject: Installers!.sit.hqx: Install new extensions/control panels in a

This upload is a set of two drag-and-drop AppleScript applications I have 
created. One is for installing a new control panel; the other installs a
new extension. Just leave them on your desktop; whenever you want to
install a new extension on your Mac, drag it to 'Install Extension'. To
install any new Control Panel, drag it to 'Install Control Panel.' Both
will automatically move (or copy) the file to the appropriate folder, then
automatically restart the computer with the new extension or control panel

These installers together are $5 US shareware. For an additional $15,
software developers can redistribute either or both of them with their
own extensions or control panels. The installers may be included in the
Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     jons-realbasic-classes.hqx   ****

From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net>
Subject: Jon's RealBasic Classes 1.0

Jon's RealBasic Classes is a set of custom classes for RealBasic. Examples
are included.

NumberField: Automatically filters out non-numeric characters from
EditFields while you're typing.
MultiCheckbox: Create a checkbox with up to 3 out of 12 possible states.
Change the colors, too.
FaderControl: Automatic fading boxes, buttons, and lines.
ScrollingText and ScrollingEdit: Those annoying scrollers that you see all
the time on web pages.
ComplexLib: Complex numbers for RealBasic! All the way from arithmetic to
trigonometry. Formulas are created using English-like syntax. Examples are
included in the ClassExamples.
SimFolderItem: Create a FolderItem-like object from any hierarchical list.
Combine with a file list box, and you have automatic hierarchical listboxes,
too. Supports AbsolutePath, Name, Parent, Child, Item, Count, Directory, and

#### BINHEX     key-values.hqx   ****

From: Andrew Merenbach <owner@techietalk.org>
Subject: Key Values 1.0

Key Values is an AppleScript program which will convert a keyboard character
into its ASCII equivalent, and vice-versa.

Until the registration fee of $3.00 is paid, the program will display a
dialog box every startup (that will go away after three seconds) requesting
you to register; clicking on the button labeled "Register" allows you to
enter your name and registration code.

Registration options include (1) US Cash; (2) a money order cashable in the
US; or (3) via PayPal.  I much prefer the last method, as it gets the money
to me more quickly, and gets the code to you quickly as well.  (If you're
interested in finding out about PayPal, go to <http://www.paypal.com/>.)
Sorry, but no C.O.D.'s!

#### BINHEX     leonardo-ide-341.hqx   ****

From: demetres@dis.uniroma1.it
Subject: Leonardo IDE 3.4.1

Announcing new version: Leonardo IDE 3.4.1

Leonardo is an integrated environment for development, reversible execution
and visual debugging of C programs (see
http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~demetres/Leonardo/). It is especially well
suitable for algorithm animation purposes and for learning the C language.

Leonardo's executable file includes:

- a text editor with syntax coloring (based on Marco Piovanelli's WASTE
text engine)
- a fully reversible virtual CPU for executing programs
- a compiler for the ANSI C language (generates code for Leonardo's virtual
- a compiler for the logic-based ALPHA visualization language
- built-in operating system facilities for process, I/O and memory management
- an integrated logic-based general-purpose 2D visualization system
- a simple graph editor

With Leonardo:

- you can execute the code in reverse, like for example, when you are
stepping through a program, you can step backwards, essentially undoing a
previous step

- you can embed in any C program special declarations written in the
graphic language Alpha that allow you to declare graphical objects and to
let their attributes (size, color, position etc.) depend on the content of
variables of the C program itself. When such variables change, all
graphical objects depending on them automatically change to reflect the new

Leonardo is distributed with a repository of C programs including several
implementations of classical algorithms and visualization/animation demos.

Leonardo's package for the Macintosh (1.6 MB, PPC, MacOS 7.5 or higher) is

Major news in Leonardo 3.4.1: popup menus in text windows for listing
defined C functions and  for changing the font size, UNIX-like argc/argv
support, fixed some bugs, added new programs to the repository.

#### DIRECTORY  lib   ****

#### BINHEX     lingo-library-15.hqx   ****

From: Kris <kris.heemvelt@whitemedia.com>
Subject: Lingo Library 1.5

Lingo Library 1.5

Product Description:

Lingo is the powerful object oriented scripting Macromedia Director uses.
The Lingo Library adds a diversity of useful Lingo functions to the basic
Lingo syntax and offers a variety of useful Behaviors and Parent Scripts.

What's new in this version:

As most important new feature, we are glad to offer you the XMLMUI parent
script, making MUI dialog implementation in Director easier than ever!
Several new functions added (in order of appearance):

*    wmMovieName() 
*    wmFrameName() 
*    wmGoMovieFrame()
*    wmSelectFile()
*    wmSelectFolder()
*    wmListFolder()
*    wmFolderExists()
*    wmSendMail() 
*    wmURLEncode() 
*    wmHTMLEncode()
*    wmHTMLEntityList()
*    wmSelectedMember()
*    wmSelectedCastLib()
*    wmSelectedMemberList()

New behaviors added:

*    SpriteToWindow

New parent scripts added:

*    Database Manager
*    Window Manager
*    XMLMUI class

A variety of small improvements to the existing functions and behaviors.
Consult the quoted remarks within the Lingo Library for further information.
A complete reference manual is now also available on-line. Please visit the
Whitemedia website for more info.

For more information, visit the Whitemedia website

Or send us an e-mail:

#### BINHEX     list-inspector-xtra-111.hqx   ****

From: Kris <kris.heemvelt@whitemedia.com>
Subject: List inspector Xtra

What's new in this version:

*    Extended Tree View functionality

Product Description:

Whitemedia's List Inspector is a special watcher window for Macromedia
Director. The plugin is intended to be used within the Director IDE (or so
called Authoring Mode).

The List Inspector will display lists (which are Lingo equivalent for array
and matrix implementation) in a more comprehensible way than the square
bracket littered list form. Linear and Property lists can be displayed, as
well as sprites and parent script instances.

The List Inspector has 3 visual modes: the first is the Record View, in
which the list is displayed on a record-per-record basis. The second, the
Table View, will display the list as a table, very similar as you would
expect to see in any spreadsheet application. The third is the Tree View,
making the inspection of nested lists easier than ever.

For more information, visit the Whitemedia website

Or send us an e-mail:

#### BINHEX     loafer-12.hqx   ****

From: misha@elegantsoft.com
Subject: Loafer 1.2

Loafer is a Macintosh software developer macro tool.
It provides quick access to macros utilize contextual
menu. The tool comes with C/C++, PowerPlant, Java and
HTML sets of macros.
More details could be found in documentation:

#### BINHEX     lsql-20-free-tds.hqx   ****

From: "Hao Li" <li_hao_@hotmail.com>
Subject: [FTP] LSQL20_FreeTDS.hqx

LSQL is a SQL query tool for Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server. It was started 
as a replacement of isql from Sybase in version 1. But now with version 2, 
LSQL has a version with FreeTDS support called "LSQL for FreeTDS", which 
means no need of Sybase OpenClient runtime for Macintosh. OpenClient is 
still supported in "LSQL for OpenClient".

System 8.5 or higher and PowerPC are required. LSQL is threaded, and a long 
query won't block other queries or other running softwares. It works on 
MacOS 8.6, which was the primary reason to develop the software, since isql 
can run due to the font bug on MacOS 8.6.

"LSQL for FreeTDS" has no other requirement but the one before.
"LSQL for OpenClient" requires Sybase OpenClient 10. OpenClient 11 works, 
but SYBASE has to be setup to point to the folder of the interface file.

LSQL is distributed as shareware. For lateste version, mount the public 
folder on my iDisk "li_hao_" using Apple's iTools at www.apple.com.

Hao Li

#### BINHEX     lsql-20-open-client.hqx   ****

From: "Hao Li" <li_hao_@hotmail.com>
Subject: [FTP] LSQL20_OpenClient.hqx

LSQL is a SQL query tool for Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server. It was started 
as a replacement of isql from Sybase in version 1. But now with version 2, 
LSQL has a version with FreeTDS support called "LSQL for FreeTDS", which 
means no need of Sybase OpenClient runtime for Macintosh. OpenClient is 
still supported in "LSQL for OpenClient".

System 8.5 or higher and PowerPC are required. LSQL is threaded, and a long 
query won't block other queries or other running softwares. It works on 
MacOS 8.6, which was the primary reason to develop the software, since isql 
can run due to the font bug on MacOS 8.6.

"LSQL for FreeTDS" has no other requirement but the one before.
"LSQL for OpenClient" requires Sybase OpenClient 10. OpenClient 11 works, 
but SYBASE has to be setup to point to the folder of the interface file.

LSQL is distributed as shareware. For lateste version, mount the public 
folder on my iDisk "li_hao_" using Apple's iTools at www.apple.com.

Hao Li

#### BINHEX     mac-06-basic-099.hqx   ****

From: hns@computer.org
Subject: Mac06 0.99

Dear Mac users,
a new beta preview release of Mac06, the POSIX system for MacOS, is available:
Release 0.99 for 680x0 Macs (and PPC of course through the emulator).

Mac06 features simple installation and runs in parallel with MacOS (7.x and 
later) - either 68k or PPC. The file system maps the MacOS HFS files to a 
POSIX namespace, provides device files for terminal windows, serial I/O and a 
/proc directory.  Mac06 has multitasking capability - even in parallel with 
the Finder. The command shell (sh) supports I/O redirection, pipes, 
and shell variable substitution. Many useful commands like ls, cat, more,
fgrep, find, test, expr, mkdir, rmdir, mv, cp, uuencode/decode, cal are provided.
C-Libraries to compile application programs with Symantec C or Code Warrior are provided.

Major new features of release mac06-0.99: 
* assembler, linker and executor for 680x0 code
* assembler for Power PC including AltiVec (but no execution yet)
* c89 preprocessor running (c89 -E)
* initd to initialize and control system activities 
* additional commands

The new C compiler already allows preprocessing but the parser and code generator
are disabled (as they have still too many bugs that will have to be fixed for
release 1.0).

The kernel and command line shell are part of the Mac06-Basic package provided
by info-mac.
The Mac06-Advanced package which includes the compiler, assembler and linker can be
downloaded directly from


Please do intensive testing and give me as much feedback as possible.

Thank you very much,
Nikolaus Schaller
DSITRI - hns@computer.org

#### BINHEX     mac-f2c-141.hqx   ****

From: mikolici@cna.org
Subject: Mac F2C v1.4.1

Mac F2C is a Fortran-to-C translator for the Macintosh.

It requires the following:

(1) a Macintosh with a 68020 (or better) or a PowerPC
(2) MacOS 7.1 or better
(3) 2.5 MB of available RAM
(4) A C/C++ compiler to actually compile the code produced
    by Mac F2C.

Version 1.4.1 is a minor upgrade to v1.4 to make Mac F2C fully
compatible with CodeWarrior Pro Release 3.  It also includes a
new installer and revised documentation.

Mac F2C is based on the f2c translator developed by AT&T.

Mac F2C is freeware.  It may be freely used and freely distributed
so long as all documentation and copyright notices are included.

The f2c engine is copyright 1990-1998 by AT&T Bell Laboratories
and Bellcore.  The Macintosh inteface of Mac F2C is copyright
1994-1998 by Igor Mikolic-Torreira.

Mac F2C v1.4.1 is distributed as a binhexed Installer VISE

 Igor Mikolic-Torreira

#### BINHEX     mac-os85-tmpls-102.hqx   ****

From: contact@whpress.com
Subject: Mac OS 8.5 TMPLs 1.02 - change alias style, system fonts

If you've hacked with ResEdit before, these template resources will 
help you expand your font selections.  It offers some of the 
functionality of AppearanceHopper, but the interface is true ResEdit 
obscurity.  If you are obsessed with system hacking, this one's for 
you.  On the other hand, if anything more geeky than icon editing is 
beyond your reach, just spring for the user-friendly and more capable 

Version 1.02 adds radio buttons to make setting the alias style easier.

Weedhopper Press

#### BINHEX     mac-python-20-src.hqx   ****

From: Jack Jansen <jack@oratrix.nl>
Subject: MacPython 2.0 Source

MacPython 2.0 is officially released as of now!

Python is a high-level programming language that is suitable for
simple scripting tasks as well as writing large
applications. MacPython offers a lot of Mac-specific extensions,
including access to all major MacOS Toolbox modules (QuickDraw,
QuickTime, AppleScript and many more), an Integrated Development
Environment (in Python!), frameworks for windowing applications,
unix-compatible cgi-scripting, image-manipulation libraries, numerical 
libraries, tk-based machine independent windowing and lots more. It
also uniquely among Pythons allows you to create fully selfcontained
(and, hence, distributable) applications without needing a C compiler
or anything. 

MacPython is completely free, and Open Source.

Go to http://www.cwi.nl/~jack/macpython.html to download the installer
or the full source distribution, and for more information on
MacPython. Go to http://www.python.org for general information on
Python on all platforms.

For those familiar with MacPython, here is the edited list of
highlights when comparing this version with MacPython 1.5.2 (see
www.python.org for machine-independent differences):
- Thread support
- Tkinter works again
- Appearance support
- Navigation support
- Offscreen QuickDraw
- Drag manager support
- Much better CGI support and examples

The bad news:
- This release is PPC only. 68K users should stick with 1.5.2.
- This release is not Carbonized yet. Expect a Carbon MacPython in a
  few months.

#### BINHEX     mac-python-20.hqx   ****

From: Jack Jansen <jack@oratrix.nl>
Subject: MacPython 2.0 distribution.

MacPython 2.0 is officially released as of now!

Python is a high-level programming language that is suitable for
simple scripting tasks as well as writing large
applications. MacPython offers a lot of Mac-specific extensions,
including access to all major MacOS Toolbox modules (QuickDraw,
QuickTime, AppleScript and many more), an Integrated Development
Environment (in Python!), frameworks for windowing applications,
unix-compatible cgi-scripting, image-manipulation libraries, numerical 
libraries, tk-based machine independent windowing and lots more. It
also uniquely among Pythons allows you to create fully selfcontained
(and, hence, distributable) applications without needing a C compiler
or anything. 

MacPython is completely free, and Open Source.

Go to http://www.cwi.nl/~jack/macpython.html to download the installer
or the full source distribution, and for more information on
MacPython. Go to http://www.python.org for general information on
Python on all platforms.

For those familiar with MacPython, here is the edited list of
highlights when comparing this version with MacPython 1.5.2 (see
www.python.org for machine-independent differences):
- Thread support
- Tkinter works again
- Appearance support
- Navigation support
- Offscreen QuickDraw
- Drag manager support
- Much better CGI support and examples

The bad news:
- This release is PPC only. 68K users should stick with 1.5.2.
- This release is not Carbonized yet. Expect a Carbon MacPython in a
  few months.

#### BINHEX     mac06-10-basic.hqx   ****

From: "H. Nikolaus Schaller" <hns@computer.org>
Subject: [*] Mac06-1.0-Basic.hqx

Dear Mac and Mac06 friend,
release 1.0 of Mac06 is available!

Mac06 is a POSIX (UNIX) emulation running on top of MacOS.

Mac06-1.0-Basic.hqx is the freeware kernel. For more sophisticated applications,
other shareware packages are required. Please have a look at

http://www.dsitri.de/news/20000521Mac06-1.0.html for a Press Release,
http://www.dsitri.de/projects/mac06/mac06.html for a Description, and
http://www.dsitri.de/projects/mac06/doc/documentation.pdf.hqx for Extended
Download and Installation Instructions.

Thank you very much for continued support of Mac06,
H. Nikolaus Schaller

#### BINHEX     macjikes-68k-100.hqx   ****

From: s-bytnar@uiuc.edu
Subject: MacJikes Java Compiler v1.0

Files uploaded:
These files should be stored under the dev/ hierarchy.

I would like to announce the availability of MacJikes. MacJikes is 
based on software developed by IBM Corp. as part of the IBM Research 
Jikes Compiler Project, http://www.ibm.com/research/jikes. MacJikes 
v1.0 contains parts of Jikes Version 0.41 (01 Dec 98).

MacJikes's core is a Java compiler that conforms strictly to the Java 
language specification. "javac" is written in java itself, so its 
speed is dependant on the speed of your Java virtual machine, as well 
as your hardware. MacJikes is completely written in C++, so by being 
compiled natively for PowerPC and 68k, it runs multiple times faster 
than "javac"!

The current version of MacJikes as a standalone application currently 
has only a command line interface. A GUI is on the way. This release 
is a working proof of concept and is being made available so you can 
experience it under MacOS.

Available versions:
    MPW Tool for 68k
    MPW Tool for PowerPC
    Standalone application for 68k
    Standalone application for PowerPC
    Command line builder applet

For further information, read the Frequently Asked Questions at:

Steven Bytnar (mailto:sbytnar@kagi.com)

#### BINHEX     macjikes-ppc-tool-100.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     macjikes68ktool-100.hqx   ****

From: s-bytnar@uiuc.edu
Subject: MacJikes Java Compiler v1.0

Files uploaded:
These files should be stored under the dev/ hierarchy.

I would like to announce the availability of MacJikes. MacJikes is 
based on software developed by IBM Corp. as part of the IBM Research 
Jikes Compiler Project, http://www.ibm.com/research/jikes. MacJikes 
v1.0 contains parts of Jikes Version 0.41 (01 Dec 98).

MacJikes's core is a Java compiler that conforms strictly to the Java 
language specification. "javac" is written in java itself, so its 
speed is dependant on the speed of your Java virtual machine, as well 
as your hardware. MacJikes is completely written in C++, so by being 
compiled natively for PowerPC and 68k, it runs multiple times faster 
than "javac"!

The current version of MacJikes as a standalone application currently 
has only a command line interface. A GUI is on the way. This release 
is a working proof of concept and is being made available so you can 
experience it under MacOS.

Available versions:
    MPW Tool for 68k
    MPW Tool for PowerPC
    Standalone application for 68k
    Standalone application for PowerPC
    Command line builder applet

For further information, read the Frequently Asked Questions at:

Steven Bytnar (mailto:sbytnar@kagi.com)

#### BINHEX     macjikesfe-100.hqx   ****

From: s-bytnar@uiuc.edu
Subject: MacJikes Java Compiler v1.0

Files uploaded:
These files should be stored under the dev/ hierarchy.

I would like to announce the availability of MacJikes. MacJikes is 
based on software developed by IBM Corp. as part of the IBM Research 
Jikes Compiler Project, http://www.ibm.com/research/jikes. MacJikes 
v1.0 contains parts of Jikes Version 0.41 (01 Dec 98).

MacJikes's core is a Java compiler that conforms strictly to the Java 
language specification. "javac" is written in java itself, so its 
speed is dependant on the speed of your Java virtual machine, as well 
as your hardware. MacJikes is completely written in C++, so by being 
compiled natively for PowerPC and 68k, it runs multiple times faster 
than "javac"!

The current version of MacJikes as a standalone application currently 
has only a command line interface. A GUI is on the way. This release 
is a working proof of concept and is being made available so you can 
experience it under MacOS.

Available versions:
    MPW Tool for 68k
    MPW Tool for PowerPC
    Standalone application for 68k
    Standalone application for PowerPC
    Command line builder applet

For further information, read the Frequently Asked Questions at:

Steven Bytnar (mailto:sbytnar@kagi.com)

#### BINHEX     metal-17a.hqx   ****

From: Marin Saric <sarimar@iit.edu>
Subject: METAL v1.7a

METAL v1.7a is a 100% free extended BASIC language metacompiler.
This is the newest version as of 03/31/2001.
Visit <http://galacticdreams.tsx.org/> for more information on METAL.

One of the fastest BASICs around, METAL (Meta Language) has a rich command
library that features:
 -    tight QuickTime(TM) integration
 -    amazingly fast Sprite System
 -    sound, graphics, speech, math, system and file I/O routines
 -    readily produces standalones
 -    extensive documentation (reference & on-line help)
 -    numerous examples for every type of use

METAL is used in scientific research around the globe (quick
calculations), in software development companies (for prototyping), in
K-12 and higher education and, of course, by the beginners who are trying
to enter the world of programming.

METAL v1.7a features vastly improved compiler stability, better editor, better help system, tremendously improved error reporting, new loop constructs, new constructs for other types of flow control, binary file I/O and 37 new commands.
Write to the author (Marin Saric) for any suggestions (there is a growing
wish-list), comments, bug-reports, questions, contact or anything else at:
Distribution: METAL is authorized for distribution on "free and public
software archives," computer magazines and Shareware/PD CDs priced at $15
or less. Everyone else, please contact the author for permission. Also,
the author recommends everyone planning the distribution to drop a note to
the author nevertheless.

#### BINHEX     more-files-149.hqx   ****

From: JumpLong@aol.com
Subject: MoreFiles 1.4.9

Attached is the latest version of MoreFiles - it replaces all earlier versions
of MoreFiles.

- Jim Luther

#### BINHEX     morphile-152.hqx   ****

From: kevharris@sperspect.com
Subject: Morphile 1.5.2

Morphile 1.5 is a simple, but powerful, way of taking files from foreign
computers, such as
UNIX or Windows machines, and making them into something your Macintosh
can use.
Not only that, it will transform a file from the Internet into whatever
kind of file you need it to be, should your Mac complain about not
knowing what kind of file it is. Just drag and drop and like magic, it's
done!  Version 1.5.2 contains Mac OS 8.6 compatibility fixes, minor bug
fixes and speed enhancements when converting 100+ files.

#### BINHEX     name-registry-10.hqx   ****

From: Pascal CARDON sur Club Internet <pcardon@club-internet.fr>
Subject: NameRegistry Inspector 1.0 US available

The Name Registry, is a data structure maintained by Mac OS that stores
hardware and software configuration information in the second generation of
Power Macintosh computers.

This Name Registry is only discribed in the developper documentation
"Designing PCI Cards and Drivers for Power Macintosh Computers".

NameRegistry Inspector  will show you these data. You will find very very
interesting things, mainly in the recent Macintosh : detailed hardware
configuration, memory sims characteristics, various internal speeds (CPU,
memory bus, backside cache, PCI bus, USB, IEE1394 ...), Mac serial number,
case color code, detailed USB configuration, various manufacturers names of
your USB devices (ie: Apple mouse and keyboard ...) etc...

NameRegistry Inspector  is able to save the results in a file or to print.

Shareware notice :
NameRegistry Inspector  is a 10$ US shareware.
It runs on a Power Macintosh or compatible.

Program installation and use :
+ Simply lauch NameRegistry Inspector
+ The programm will list the entire Name Registry which consist of a
hierarchy, inside which there are properties.
+ For a each property the program shows the name and if available the
associated value(s).
+ In case of big values (hundreds of bytes) the data is shown as a memory
dump : hex values, then ASCII representation if possible
+ In case of very big values (thousands of bytes), the memory dump is
limited to the first 608 bytes. This will be changed if future release,
where the user will have the choice to give a max dump size or not. The 608
Bytes limit was added to avoid a too big list...
+ For short values (below 5 bytes), data is also shown as decimal values.

Version history :
01/04/2000    : V1.0    first public version

Future releases :
Add user options like :
+ Choose the # of bytes to dump for big properties
+ A more detailed summary of the configuration
+ A more detailed user's manual with a commented Registry listing

#### BINHEX     object-plant-21.hqx   ****

From: Mikael Arctaedius <m-arc@algonet.se>
Subject: ObjectPlant 2.1.6, object-oriented analysis and design tool

The ObjectPlant is a shareware program for Object Oriented Analysis
and Design. It supports the OMT and UML notations and its main
features are:

+ Object Model Diagrams
+ Event Trace Diagrams
+ State Diagrams
+ Use Case Diagrams
+ Exporting diagrams in either PICT or EPS format
+ C++ and Java code generation
+ Only 25 USD for a single user license
+ For 10 USD extra you also get a Java and C++ parser
  to reverse engineer code

System 7.1 or higher
68020 or better

Info, updates etc can be found at

Mikael Arctaedius
Stockholm, Sweden

#### BINHEX     omikron-basic-demo-632.hqx   ****

From: info@berkhan.de
Subject: Omikron Basic 6.32

Omikron Basic 6.32  for Apple Power Mac (Demo Version, English)

- Omikron BASIC is a highspeed developing language  with large selection
of mathematical functions, fast operating string management, easy access
to all Mac OS functions and easy-to-build shared libraries/plug-ins.

- Omikron Basic is an efficient and powerful programming language for
sophisticated software development. Ideal for scientific /engineering

- The extremely fast compiler translates even lengthy programs into
highly optimized code in seconds. 

No runtime libraries necessary. 

- Remarkably fast operating string management without any previous

- Omikron Basic also allows you to build shared libraries and plug-ins. 

- Intelligent editor checks syntax during code input. 

- Modular programming using procedures/functions possible. 

- Global and local variables enable recursive programming. 

- All functions of the Macintosh operating system can be called from
Omikron Basic. 

- Multi-Window-Editing allows working at One Program in many different
windows. Anoying back and forth scrolling is no longer necessary. -
Changes made in one window are transmitted to all the others at once.

- EasyGem Library enables surfaces typically of the Mac. 

- Extensive documentation, discounts for academics.

System requirements:  Apple Power Macintosh with at least 6 MB of free
RAM, System 7.3 or higher

#### BINHEX     orgasm.hqx   ****

From: grh@hinton.demon.co.uk
Subject: OrgASM 3.1 (MPW Tool)

OrgASM abstract:
OrgASM is a set of files comprising a Universal Table driven Cross
Assembler for all MicroProcessors. The assembler is a port of the DOS TASM
with a graphic interface and EPROM downloading added. This suite runs under
Macintosh Programmers Workshop (now supplied free by Apple) and may also be
integrated into BBEdit using the ToolServer menu. All microprocessor tables
are in external text files and may extended or customised by the user.

Full information and the latest version is always available from:


#### DIRECTORY  osa   ****

#### BINHEX     otc-fm-68k-glue.hqx   ****

From: paull@cst.ca
Subject: OTCFM68KGlue

OTCFM68KGlue is a library/code resource combination that allows 
applications or shared libraries executing in the CFM68K runtime 
environment to call Open Transport. It is designed for projects 
with the following requirements:

  - The project calls Open Transport.
  - The project is a shared library or an application that uses 
    shared libraries, or must otherwise take advantage of the 
    CFM runtime environment.
  - The project requires 68K support.
  - The project must run under versions of MacOS prior to 8.1.

The library is designed for application-level code (i.e., 
applications or shared libraries). Also, note that it requires 
minor source code changes.

Full source is included.

#### BINHEX     patch-maker-10.hqx   ****

From: pbaxter@assistivetech.com
Subject: PatchMaker 1.0


Patching will never be same

What it does
PatchMaker will generate C source code for a PPC extension to patch a trap or traps.

1) Launch PatchMaker
2) Click on the traps which you want to patch
3) Use the File Do It Menu.
4) Name the output  file "Patches.c" and place it in the same folder as the Patch_INIT.� folder
5) Double Click on Patch_INIT.� to Launch CodeWarrior
6) Choose make to build your extension!


#### BINHEX     payware-register-system-12.hqx   ****

From: sfulton@auctionmac.com
Subject: PayWare Register v1.2

The PayWare Register system is a unique payment-processing system for
software publishers and shareware authors. It offers software authors the
ability to configure a unique registration utility to ship with their
software. Instead of wasting time building their own registration software,
authors can now create their own program within only minutes.  The PayWare
Register software gives your customers an easy, Mac-friendly way of finding
out exactly how they can pay you for your work. And it allows those
customers to do so via a smooth, attractive interface that enhances the look
and feel of your entire product. Better yet, the program is designed to look
like your own creation, not a all-purpose registration solution.  PayWare
Register comes complete with PayWare Setup, the configuration application
that allows you to configure your own ?Register1 applications quickly and
easily... No resource work or tricky toggles. Full discussion in the Read Me


Thank you much!

#### BINHEX     perl-idex.hqx   ****

From: Goldfish <goldfish1@mac.com>
Subject: PerlIDEX

	->Perlidex is a Perl IDE and front end for OS X. With Perlidex, you 
can open, save, execute, and debug Perl Scripts, save Perl scripts as 
double-clickable ".command" Terminal files, find and view Perl help 
topics, and find and install modules. Additionally, Perlidex includes a 
panel with commonly used Unicode character conversions. Perlidex 
includes extensive documentation. Perlidex is shareware (Single user: 
$25, Student: $20), and is compatible with OS 10.1.2 and up. More 
information can be found at: 

#### BINHEX     pict-compiler-2.hqx   ****

From: support@tribar.dabsol.co.uk
Subject: PICT Compiler 2

PICT Compiler 2.1
Matthew Dolan
�1999, Tri-Bar.


PICT Compiler is a small compiler plug-in for use with CodeWarrior. It
allows the adding of various picture formats to the project. It
automatically converts these to PICT resources whatever file type they are.

CodeWarrior 9 or better
QuickTime 2.0 or better

PICT Compiler is shareware, and as such if you continue to use it for more
than 30 days you should pay the $5 license fee (�2.50 UK).

#### BINHEX     player-pro-56-sdk.hqx   ****

From: ROSSET Antoine <rossetantoine@bluewin.ch>
Subject: PlayerPRO SDK 5.6

Player PRO 5.6 Dev.Kit.
for MacOS 9, MacOS X, BeOS, Win 95/98/NT
(c) Copyright 1994-2000 Antoine ROSSET (rossetantoine@bluewin.ch)

It's a 100% FREE USE (even in commercial products) library to incorporate
your musics in your software. It includes: Music drivers, Instruments plugs
dev.toolkit, Import/Export plugs dev.toolkit.

Complete source code in C is available in this package!

#### BINHEX     polyglot.hqx   ****

From: bhaller@sticksoftware.com
Subject: Polyglot 1.1
   This is version 1.1 of Polyglot.  Polyglot is an open-source 
command-line tool that helps with the development of Cocoa applications 
that have multiple localizations. Keeping localizations in synch is 
always a pain -- making sure everything has been localized properly, no 
files have been overlooked, etc. Polyglot can help. Localizations can 
take up a lot of disk, too, and with its ability to optimize your 
localization files, polyglot can help with that, too. Add it to your 
build so it checks and optimizes automatically each time you build.
   A web page describing Polyglot may be found at 
http://www.sticksoftware.com/software/Polyglot.html.  A company page 
for Stick Software is at http://www.sticksoftware.com/.
   Polyglot may be included on CD-ROM archives.

   Version 1.1 changes:

Added the ability to check and warn about the format of nib files
Added more intelligence to the checking for string equality, to exclude 
inconsequential hits

Ben Haller
Stick Software

#### BINHEX     ppdev-kit-5b1.hqx   ****

From: rossetantoine@bluewin.ch
Subject: PlayerPRO DevKit 5b1

Player PRO 5.0b1 Dev.Kit.
�Copyright 1994-1999 Antoine ROSSET (rossetantoine@bluewin.ch)

This beta version only includes the Mac DevKit.

Wait next releases for BeOS & Win95/NT versions.

What is it?
(It's a 100% FREE USE (even in commercial products) library to incorporate
your MOD, MADF, MADG, MADI in your software.) Available for CodeWarrior.
Actual version 5.0. It includes: Music drivers, Instruments plugs
dev.toolkit, Import/Export plugs dev.toolkit.

#### BINHEX     procdoc.hqx   ****

From: shak@icnetco.com
Subject: ProcDoc.hqx

ProcDoc is an application for Mac developers that assists in the 
disassembly and construction of the Mixed Mode Manager's ProcInfoType 
data structures. It provides a very easy to use and fully featured 
ProcInfo calculator, and can take existing ProcInfo values and convert 
them into the series of Apple standard C macros that more than likely 
created them which can then be pasted directly into your source files for 


Nathan Duran


#### BINHEX     raven-15-examples.hqx   ****

From: jesjones@halcyon.com
Subject: Raven 1.5 Examples.sit

This file contains some sample CodeWarrior projects for the Raven 1.5 C++ 
framework. The projects are:

BoxPaint - A rewrite of the QD3D BoxPaint+ sample app using Raven's QD3D 
wrapper classes.

DropCount - A drag and drop app that counts the number of source lines in 
C/C++ code.

IconEdit - A simple document oriented application similar to the MacApp 
example of the same name.

Quill - The Raven view editor.

Skeleton - A do nothing app for use as the base for new projects.

  -- Jesse (jesjones@halcyon.com)

#### BINHEX     raven-15.hqx   ****

From: jesjones@halcyon.com
Subject: Raven 1.5.sit

Raven is a C++ framework similar to PowerPlant and MacApp but takes full 
advantage of newer C++ features, has a more modular structure, and makes 
extensive use of programming by contract. Raven is freeware.

Version 1.5 adds support for the new system features in Mac OS 8.5 and 
includes numerous other changes and bug fixes (see 
<http://www.halcyon.com/www3/jesjones/Raven/Raven.html> for details).

Jesse Jones

#### BINHEX     rb-code-maker.hqx   ****

From: <delete@softhome.net>
Subject: Variable Creator

Variable Creator

This creates RealBasic variables out of strings. You enter a string
(including ones with spaces and returns in it) into a large field, press
the button on the window, and it turns it into RB Code for a variable!

#### BINHEX     rbdb-maker-10.hqx   ****

Subject: RE: RBDBM.sit.hqx
From: Rick <donagrandi@artscope.net>
Subject: RBdbMaker v.1.0 for Macintosh.

RBdbMaker is a REALbasic Database management tool. It was initially
created to overcome some of the bugs associated with trying to create
and edit REALdatabases from within the REALbasic environment. I found
that during development, inspecting the databases that I built  ran the
risk of corrupting the database, whereafter I was unable to open the
database. Besides the constant backup approach, I also needed a way to
manipulate the database after I built it and the REALbasic environment
is not that flexible with its own built-in database engine.

With RBdbMaker, it is possible to store your SQL in a text file, and to
call on RBdbMaker whenever one needs to recreate or change the database
-- entirely through SQL commands. This is particularly helpful for large

database constructs.

This distribution is fully functional shareware. A message box will
popup during certain functions reminding the user to register the

PowerPC Macintosh running Mac OS 8.6 or 9

REALbasic Programming Environment v.2.1.2

#### BINHEX     rec-check.hqx   ****

From: tburdick@clarityconnect.com
Subject: RecCheckv111.sit

RecCheck Version 1.1.1

RecCheck is a developer's utility for working with fixed-length flat ascii
text files.  It offers the following features:
� Reporting of record lengths to file, printer, or screen
� Strips Carrige returns out of a text file
� Attempts to repair corrupted records and bad record lengths
� If a character is used to indicate a deleted record, will allow user to
attempt the insertion of deletion character in bad records.

Shareware, $5 US.  READ ALL DOCS PRIOR TO USE.  Bug reports may be
addressed to either tburdick@clarityconnect.com *OR*


#### BINHEX     res-compare-26.hqx   ****

From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com
Subject: ResCompare 2.6

ResCompare is a programmer's utility that compares resource files and
their data forks. It can also update the resources that have changed,
show detailed differences between two resources, and generate a
self�applying patch application that will convert one or more old
versions of a file into a target version.

ResCompare requires System 7 or later, plus the Thread Manager. System
7.5 and later versions automatically include Thread Manager; older
systems require an Apple�provided extension. Self�applying patches made
with ResCompare will run on any system version. ResCompare is a fat
application, meaning it runs at native speed on the Power Macintosh.
Self�applying patches made with ResCompare are 68K�only, to conserve
space and preserve compatibility with older machines.

This software is FREE. ResCompare is Copyright (c) 1989�96 by Michael
Hecht. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and distribute it freely, so
long as you don�t make any money off of it. Please be sure to distribute
the ResCompare application and its documentation together.

#### BINHEX     resource-extractor.hqx   ****

From: red@macconnect.com
Subject: Resource Extractor v1.0

This is a fully functional, 30-day demo of Resource Extractor. Resource
Extractor is a shareware utility that makes it easy to extract any type and
number of resources from any file. Resource Extractor takes those resources,
and creates a folder of individual ResEdit files, each containing one of the
resources. These are then suitable to drop into a REALbasic project.

Developers may also want to collect resources used in their projects, like
cursors,icons, or sounds.  HyperCard or SuperCard developers may just want
to be able to collect resources in folders that make it easy to categorize
and organize them.

For developers who are working with SuperCard projects, Resource Extractor
can also extract resources from the data fork as well as the resource fork.
Now some of the fantastic externals developed by SuperCard developers,
distributed as SuperCard projects, can be used with other programming

Rick Downs
red designs

#### BINHEX     resource-tweezer-10.hqx   ****

From: Punkrock17@home.net
Subject: Resource Tweezer 1.0

 Resource Tweezer is a utility to allow you to extract any type of
resource from a file or application. Resource Tweezer places the
extracted resources(in the form of ResEdit files) in folders, each
containing all extracted resources of that type(For example, PICT�s go
in the PICTs folder). These resources are then suitable for use with any
REALbasic project, or other purposes. Resource Tweezer is designed
especially with REALbasic programmers in mind, but it may also be
helpful for individuals who wish to extract sounds or pictures for
personal use, such as new system alerts or desktop pictures. Check out
Resource Tweezer at http://www.PKIndustries.com/ResourceTweezer/

Please include this on any CD-Roms you desire.

#### BINHEX     resplendence-lite-10.hqx   ****

From: jonrelay@napanet.net
Subject: Resplendence Lite 1.0
Resplendence is a modern feature-rich resource editor by Kreative
Software. Unlike other resource editors, Resplendence can edit many file
and resource formats. It also includes many features and utilities that
other resource editors don't. The Lite version has fewer features than
the full version, but it is smaller and less likely to crash like other
resource editors do.

The Resplendence home page is at:

The home page includes a link to the online help, with more information
about Resplendence and what it can do.

MacOS Classic and Windows versions may be found at:

Resplendence and Resplendence Lite are (c) 2002-2003 Kreative Software.

#### BINHEX     respond-src.hqx   ****

From: wolftech@wto.com
Subject: respondsrc - preemptive multitasking w/source code

This package contains source code for Respond!

Respond! is a control panel that brings a limited form of preemptive
multitasking to the Macintosh right now.  And it runs on any Mac, 68k or
PowerPC, with System 7.0 or later.  No more waiting for MacOS X or
Rhapsody.  Even in Mac OS 8, if you hold down a menu in the Finder,
processes will not continue in the background.  With Respond!, you can be
holding down a menu (particularly useful with Sticky Menus in Mac OS 8), or
clicking in a the zoom or close boxes (or the WindowShade collapse box in
Mac OS 8), or dragging a window or the thumb of a scroll bar, and processes
will continue in the background.

Respond! includes the option to use Live Window drag.  When this option is
turned on, the full window, not just the outline, will be dragged, and both
foreground and background processing will continue, meaning the window
itself will be updated as its being dragged around!  For example, you can
drag around an mp3 player window and watch as it continues playing and
updating the time counter while moving.

Wolf Technologies, Inc.

#### BINHEX     rezexport-demo-10.hqx   ****

From: kluge@dreamscape.com
Subject: rezExport DEMO 1.0

rezExport was designed to allow a developer to extract duplicates of
certain resources in any file.   Additionally, multiple types as well as
specific resource id's can be selected, and output to the target file. 
If it is necessary to export more than a single resource type, simply
checking the convenient  "append" box permits the addition of multiple
types into a single export file.

#### BINHEX     rgb-colors-10.hqx   ****

From: shine@ticino.edu
Subject: RGBColor 1.0


"RGBColors is a small utility for mac developers. It gives you informations
about the color you're pointing with the cursor. Also runs in background.
If you're running it while it isn't in background, you can stop and restart
its detection pressing the space bar."

Pratically: you point somewhere on the screen, and the app tells you the
red, green and blue values so that you can know what to do with your

#### BINHEX     road-runner-10.hqx   ****

From: Clemens Wagner <clemens@informatik.uni-siegen.de>
Subject: Road Runner v1.0.0/Jikes v1.10.1

Road Runner v1.0.0/Jikes v1.10.1: A Java IDE for the Macintosh.

Author: Clemens Wagner, wagner@informatik.uni-siegen.de
Homepage: http://pi.informatik.uni-siegen.de/clemens/RoadRunner/
License: IBM parts see http://www.ibm.com/research/jikes,
	Macintosh specific parts are under GPL (Free Software Foundation)
	The top comment of a source file determines the valid license model. If no
	license comment is given in a file only rules which don't hurt the IBM
	license model are valid for this file.

Specific Macintosh Features:
+ OpenSource: the Macintosh specific part in the subdirectories 'mac' and
  'examples' is under GPL (please read also license.htm and README for IBM
+ Fully integrated into MacOS, use of dialogs and windows instead of command
  line arguments
+ Appearance compatible dialogs
+ Project files allow saving of application projects
+ the application may be controlled by AppleScript
+ full support of AppleScript recording

New features in (v 1.0.0/1.10.1)
+ Multiple projects per session
+ Better AppleScript support (e.g. classes for projects, setting application
  properties instead of execution special statements (like 'set classpath'))
+ free choice of external editor
+ Byte-code execution from Jikes directly (Applications only)

- Carbon compatibility
- AppleGuide and Ballon help support
- Better MacOS integration (e.g. drag'n drop)
- Byte-code execution from Jikes directly (Applets)
- more Examples and testing...

#### BINHEX     rt-debug-utilities-153.hqx   ****

From: Stephen <stephen@whitemedia.com>
Subject: runTime Debugging Utilities for Director 1.5.3

runTime Debugging Utilities for Director 1.5.3

The runTime Debugging Utilities  are a set of Macromedia Director MIAW Xtras
for debugging Projectors.

Minimum Requirements

The runTime Debugging Utilities  are suitable for Macromedia Director� 6, 7
and 8 on Mac and Windows systems.

License and Distribution

You are allowed to use runTime Xtras as debugging tools in your development,
alfa and beta releases. If you choose to include the runTime Debugging
Utilities  in your final product, you are required to register.

Shareware Notice

Witemedia's runTime Debugging Utilities  are distributed as shareware, they
are NOT free. See the "How to Register" file for further instructions.

For further documentation, visit our website: www.whitemedia.com.

MacroMedia Director and Lingo are registred trademarks of Macromedia, Inc.
Mac and MacOS are registred trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
Windows is a registred trademark of Microsoft, Inc. Microsoft, Inc.

#### BINHEX     run-time-frame-control-10.hqx   ****

From: Stephan <stephan@cygnus.be>
Subject: runTime Frame Controller 1.0

The runTime Frame Controller is a debugging tool which allows you to
control playback of closed and compiled Macromedia Director movies. More
importantly, it gives you a pull-down menu with an overview of all
marker labels, contained in the current movie, which will allow you to
navigate trough your movies during runtime fast and easy!

Pricing and availability

RunTime Frame Controller is priced at US$ 30. You receive a personal
registration code when you make the payment using the enclosed
"Register" application or trough our secure payments service at
http://www.whitemedia.com. Frame Controller is available from our
website, as well as several online archives. Occiasionally, you may find
our software included and distributed on third-party CD-ROMS. (No
special permission is needed for inclusion and distribution of this software.)

#### BINHEX     run-time-lingo-scriptor-10.hqx   ****

From: Stephan <stephan@cygnus.be>
Subject: runTime Lingo Scriptor 1.0

The runTime Lingo Scriptor is a utility which allows you to write Lingo
during runtime in Macromedia Director projectors! Ideal for testing and
debugging purposes, it even lets you open and save your new Lingo coded scripts!

Pricing and availability

RunTime Lingo Scriptor is priced at US$ 30. You receive a personal
registration code when you make the payment using the enclosed
"Register" application or trough our secure payments service at
http://www.whitemedia.com. Lingo Scriptor is available from our website,
as well as several online archives. Occiasionally, you may find our
software included and distributed on third-party CD-ROMS. (No special
permission is needed for inclusion and distribution of this software.)

#### BINHEX     run-time-memory-checker-10.hqx   ****

From: Stephan <stephan@cygnus.be>
Subject: runTime Memory Checker 1.0

The runTime Memory Checker is a utility which monitors memory usage in
MacroMedia Director 6 and 7. It allows you to locate and solve memory
problems during authoring and during runtime!

Pricing and availability

RunTime Memory Checker is priced at US$ 30. You receive a personal
registration code when you make the payment using the enclosed
"Register" application or trough our secure payments service at
http://www.whitemedia.com. Memory Checker is available from our website,
as well as several online archives. Occiasionally, you may find our
software included and distributed on third-party CD-ROMS. (No special
permission is needed for inclusion and distribution of this software.)

#### BINHEX     rwasm-202.hqx   ****

From: Bryant Brandon <thegoat4@mail.airmail.net>
Subject: RWAsm 2.0.2 -- An assembler for RoboWar

   RWAsm 2.0.2 -- An assembler for RoboWar, and a plugin for BBEdit.

     1)  BBEdit Lite 4.0 or better.
     2)  A Mac that can run BBEdit Lite 4.0 or better.

     Drop RWAsm into BBEdit's Plugin directory.  Open a Robowar robot file
     with BBEdit.  Edit the source, and press command-k to assemble it.

     This is distributed as public domain ware.  Use it however you like.

#### BINHEX     schedule-it-demo-10b7.hqx   ****

From: dickw@amsys.co.uk
Subject: Schedule-it Demo 1.0b7 - plug-in for FileMaker Pro 4

Schedule-it plug-in for FileMaker Pro 4 for Macintosh

The Schedule-it plug-in enables specific FileMaker Pro 4 scripts to be
executed at a specific time or to be triggered when a condition specified
in a calculation occurs. Up to 99 scripts in different databases can be
scheduled. Scripts can be scheduled to execute once only, repeat daily, run
at a specified time, run after a period of time has elapsed, or be
triggered from a calculation.

This demonstration version only runs for 6 hours at a time. The full
version has no time limit.


Single user license = US $39.00

Site license = US $250.00

Developer license (for FSA members only) = US $199.00

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit our
Web site at http://www.amsys.co.uk/scheduleit.html

Feedback concerning Schedule-it is welcomed via email to support@amsys.co.uk

Thank you

Dick Williams
Amsys plc

#### BINHEX     script-palette.hqx   ****

From: jeanph@vossnet.de
Subject: Script Palette (an AppleScript Utility)

Script Palette is an easy way to improve your script editor. But don't be 
misled: what it propose doesn't have the power of real scripting tools.

Listening to the complaints about Apple's Script Editor's shortcomings, I 
have written in AppleScript using Dialog Director and Akua Sweets (you'll 
also need Jon's Commands if you don't have OS 8.5) an applet to help fill 
in these shortcomings. Here's how it works: it is a floating palette 
(that can float above any application) with buttons, that are linked to 
script files actually. When a button is clicked, the corresponding script 
file is loaded as script object and executed. And this is why Script 
Palette's possibilities are without any limits: anyone can create his own 
script files and have Script Palette load them as buttons. In fact you 
can also use Script Palette with any other kind of work and create your 
appropriate buttons. You can customize the style, the width and the 
height of the buttons. A few basic buttons are povided with Script 
Palette; you can make use of them or delete them.

Script Palette is freeware. Don't forget to drop me a word 
(<mailto:jeanph@vossnet.de>) saying that you've downloaded it: you'll be 
informed about updates and receive them directly by email if you wish. 
And if you find it useful, recommend it to your friends!

#### BINHEX     showmodal-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: dennisb@halcyon.com
Subject: ShowModal XFCN 1.4

ShowModal XFCN 1.4
An external function that lets you enhance HyperCard stacks and SuperCard projects with customized modal and movable modal dialogs built from dialog resources. It lets you display dialogs with up to 31 interactive items, including a text list or popup menu, text entry boxes, "static" text prompts, checkboxes, radio buttons, pictures and regular or icon buttons, in nearly any combination.

ShowModal XFCN has several nice extra features:
*  For dialogs with text entry boxes, you can use 
    character filters to allow only certain text to be entered
*  You can create splash screens that automatically 
    close after a timeout value  you specify
*  You can use the "Special Key" feature to assign a 
     command-key to one  button in any dialog
*  You can specify locating the dialog at any location, 
     or  automatically center  dialogs in the screen or in 
     the current card window
*  You can cancel a dialog by typing Command-Period 
     or Escape

What's new in version 1.4
Version 1.4 includes support for colored dialogs,the capability to run in SuperCard projects, support for "Select All" in dialogs with text edit items, and many improvements to the ShowModal XFCN distribution stack, including a workshop for easily writing handlers to call ShowModal XFCN from your scripts, and support for converting the distribution stack to a SuperCard project.  

#### BINHEX     snd-compiler.hqx   ****

From: support@tribar.dabsol.co.uk
Subject: sndcompiler.sit.hqx

snd Compiler
Matthew Dolan
�1999, Tri-Bar.


snd Compiler is a small compiler plug-in for use with CodeWarrior. It allows
the adding of various sound formats to the project. It automatically
converts these to 'snd ' resources whatever file type they are.

CodeWarrior 9 or better
QuickTime 2.0 or better

snd Compiler is shareware, and as such if you continue to use it for more
than 30 days you should pay the $5 license fee (�2.50 UK). 

#### BINHEX     sorcerer-101.hqx   ****

From: Daniel Lewis <dano622@hotmail.com>
Subject: Sorcerer 1.1

  Sorcerer 1.1 is a resource finder. Simply drag an item onto Sorcerer
and it will find any find all resources. A person can then create a new file
with that object, copy to the clipboard, or create a new resource. A great
program with many options. Find hidden pictures, sounds and more in

System 7.5 or higher.
800x600 recommended

#### BINHEX     spinalot.hqx   ****

From: webmaster@ultralab.anglia.ac.uk
Subject: Spinalot CGI 3.4

Spinalot is CGI software to support building Online Learning Communities. 

Features include...
     web-based page authoring
     site newspaper
     resource sharing
     multimedia file-upload, such as asynchronous QuickTime Discussions.

...and for the webmaster, because Spinalot uses HTML templates,  embedded 
SQL queries and AppleScript triggers both the design AND functionality 
are completely editable. 

FileSize:           4281K
Requirements:  PPC, 20MB RAM and a webserver such as QuidProQuo or WebStar
Shareware:      $20
Web:                 http://www.ultralab.anglia.ac.uk/spinalot/
mail:                  webmaster@ultralab.anglia.ac.uk

#### BINHEX     spinda-watch.hqx   ****

From: stux@mactrix.com
Subject: SpinDaWatch - MacOS Busy Cursor Routines

SpinDaWatch is a MacOS Library (Provided in source form) to implement very easy yet elegant animated busy cursors in any MacOS Application.

FREEWARE, but do send me a note if you use this :)

The original source was written back in 1996 based on a CSMP pascal tidbit...

I recently uncovered it on an old zip and thort what the hell... I'll see if its still fine...

1996: Ran under System 7.5 on my LCIII
1998: Runs unmodified under MacOS 8.5 on a PowerMac compiled with CWPro 4

12/10/98 2:48am

�1998 Mactrix Corporation, Cinamin Software


#### BINHEX     spriteworld-22-extra-demos.hqx   ****

From: Jensen@loop.com
Subject: SpriteWorld 2.2 Extra Demos

The SpriteWorld 2.2 Extra Demos package is a companion to SpriteWorld 2.2 and
contains extra demos, such as:

- Circular Scrolling
- Button BreakOut
- Large Background Scrolling
- Maze Game
- Platform Scrolling
- Wrapping Illustration

There are also several programs which demonstrate the line blitting, scaling,
rotating, translucency, and lighting routines. 

This package should be distributed wherever SpriteWorld 2.2 is distributed.

#### BINHEX     spriteworld-22.hqx   ****

From: Jensen@loop.com
Subject: SpriteWorld 2.2

SpriteWorld is a free animation package for programmers that allows you to
easily add sprite-based animation to your program. SpriteWorld was designed
with game programmers in mind, and has many features that are very useful for
making games, such as smooth overlapping of sprites, custom blitters to speed
up the animation, pixel-precise collision detection, the ability to create an
unlimited number of sprites of any size, a fast scrolling engine, and much
more. SpriteWorld comes with complete source code, so you can modify it if
necessary to suit your needs.

Here are just some of the improvements in SpriteWorld 2.2:
- A dramatically improved circular scrolling engine.
- Support for multiple tile layers, as well as a background picture behind
your tiles!
- Assertions were added to SpriteWorld. Now, if you forget to do something
important (such as locking the SpriteWorld before starting the animation),
you will (hopefully) get a polite dialog box reporting the problem instead of
having your program crash.
- New routines for playing asynchronous sounds.
- New routines for quickly drawing and copying lines and framed rectangles in
both scrolling and non-scrolling SpriteWorlds.
- Many new functions, such as SWPauseSpriteLayer, SWDisposeAllSpritesInLayer,
SWCountNumSpritesInLayer, and SWCloneSpriteFromTile.
- Various bug fixes and speed improvements.
- Plus a whole lot more!

System 7.0 or later, 68020 or later Mac, CodeWarrior C or Think/Symantec C
programming environment.

Be sure to download the SpriteWorld 2.2 Extra Demos package as well!

#### BINHEX     spriteworld-221-update.hqx   ****

From: Jensen@loop.com
Subject: SpriteWorld 2.2 -> 2.2.1 Update

Use this update package to bring SpriteWorld 2.2 up to version 2.2.1. Only
two minor changes were made since 2.2 was released:

� Modified SWCollideSpriteLayer and SWCollideCircularSpriteLayer so it is now
safe to call SWRemoveSpriteFromAnimation (but not SWRemoveSprite) to remove
as many Sprites as you want from any SpriteLayer from within your
collideProc. Note that it is still unsafe to do this from a MoveProc or
FrameProc. For those routines, it is only safe to remove the srcSpriteP that
is passed to that function, or Sprites from Layers other than the one the
srcSpriteP is in. But your collideProc may remove any Sprite(s) it wishes
without any problems.

� Fixed a bug where SWCreateRegionFromGWorldAndRect wouldn't work correctly.
This bug wouldn't have affected you unless you called this function directly,
or called BlitPixie8BitFlipSprite on a Sprite with a maskRgn.

The flexibility that was added to SWCollideSpriteLayer was considered
important enough to warrant this update, even though little else has changed
since 2.2.


#### DIRECTORY  src   ****

#### BINHEX     srgp-x-10b1.hqx   ****

From: Nick Zitzmann <dreamless@attbi.com>
Subject: SRGP-X 1.0b1 Abstract

This is SRGP-X 1.0b1. It is a port of the SRGP framework from the Mac 
Toolbox to Carbon, so programs that use SRGP (Simple Raster Graphics 
Protocol) can be compiled and run on Mac OS X. It requires Mac System 
8.6 or later w/any version of CarbonLib, or any version of Mac OS X. It 
also requires either Apple's developer tools or CodeWarrior Pro 6 or 

SRGP is a raster graphics library described in the book Computer 
Graphics: Principles and Practice by James D. Foley, et al. (ISBN: 
0201848406 for the second edition). There was also a Mac-specific SRGP 
book in print at one time or another, Introduction to Computer Graphics 
Macintosh Version Software of SRGP and SPHIGS Software by James D. 
Foley, et al. (ISBN: 0201609568).

SRGP is mainly used to teach students about computer graphics, but for 
the purpose of this submission it belongs in the Developer tree.

Nick Zitzmann

#### BINHEX     stuffIt-sdk-512.hqx   ****

From: eric@aladdinsys.com
Subject: StuffIt Engine SDK 5.1.2

We've made it easy to add the latest StuffIt compression and
decompression technology to your applications. Plus you can add all
of the other file formats commonly found on the Internet. It's all
found in one application programming interface (API) to make it even
more convenient for you.

With version 5.1.2 of the SDK you get the very latest StuffIt Engine
technology plus a whole lot more:
*   Multi-Lingual. All strings are stored in Unicode, lending files
    to better cross-platform capabilities. 
*   Multi-Platform. All OS file information is saved, translated and
    restored, regardless of the source or target platform (Macintosh,
    Windows or Unix). 
*   Save and restore item comments on Macintosh files and folders. 
*   Choice of compression methods. Choose between Fastest and
    Maximum, Fastest allows 20% faster compression and Maximum
    compresses files up to 15-20% smaller. 
*   Updated MIME translation. 
*   Creates and decodes the new MacBinary III file format. 
*   Full HFS+ support on the Macintosh with correct translation of
    creation and modification dates. Macintosh file comments are also
    saved and restored. 
*   No limits. No archive file size or number limits 
*   ShrinkWrap. Ability to mount disk images using Aladdin's
    ShrinkWrap(tm) technology 
*   PrivateFile and Lha archives. Includes ability to decode Private
    File(tm) and Lha Archives 

One Application Programming Interface (API)
The single API makes it easy to include all of these file formats or
just the ones you really want. 
*   StuffIt compression and decompression 
*   ZIP decompression 
*   BinHex decoding 
*   MacBinary decoding 
*   UUcode decoding 
*   ARC decompression 
*   GZIP decompression 
*   Unix Compress decompression 
*   AppleLink Package decompression 
*   Compact Pro decompression 
*   Mounting ShrinkWrap disk images 
*   Private File and Lha decoding

#### BINHEX     super-hex-10b7.hqx   ****

From: yacine.ikhlef@wanadoo.fr
Subject: SuperHex 1.0b7

SuperHex is a Res/Data hex editor, featuring:
- drag and drop,
- contextual menus,
- multi-file and -resource search and replace.

Version 1.0b7 supports binary copy modes like in CopyBits routine, and 
DF/RF direct switching.

Yacine Ikhlef


#### BINHEX     sw-21-base.hqx   ****

From: trickys@doomhammer.com
Subject: SW++2.1-Base.sit

SpriteWorld++ 2.1 Released
(C++/OOP Version of SpriteWorld 2.1)

Following the recent announcement of SpriteWorld 2.1, I'm happy to announce
that its C++ counterpart, SpriteWorld++ 2.1, is now available.
SpriteWorld++ 2.1 is a major update to SW++, incorporating all of the new
enhancements and bug fixes of SW 2.1. Many new demos are included in the
package, and the HTML documentation has been completely overhauled. A C++
specific FAQ is now also included.

In addition to all of the features of SW 2.1, SW++ offers the following:
- object oriented / C++ class framework
- documentation provided in HTML format with hyperlinked function
- support for new C++ draft standard exception handling
- all demos come in both PowerPC and MC680x0 flavors

System Requirements:
System 7.0 or later, 68020 or later Mac, and CodeWarrior programming
environment with the newest version of the Mac Universal Headers.

contact: Stefan Sinclair
email: trickys@doomhammer.com
June 09, 1998

#### BINHEX     sw-21-extras.hqx   ****

From: trickys@doomhammer.com
Subject: SW++2.1-Extras.sit


This archive contains extra demos for SpriteWorld++ v2.1,
to accompany the SpriteWorld++v2.1 base archive.

System Requirements:
System 7.0 or later, 68020 or later Mac, and CodeWarrior programming
environment with the newest version of the Mac Universal Headers.

contact: Stefan Sinclair
email: trickys@doomhammer.com
June 09, 1998

#### DIRECTORY  sym   ****

#### BINHEX     text-to-str.hqx   ****

From: frch0188@waikato.ac.nz
Subject: Text to STR# 1.1 - create STR# data from a text file

Text to STR#

Version 1.1.0 by Richard Drysdall (2/9/98).

This script is a tool for programmers who wish to create a STR# resource
from a text file.

The software required to use this script is AppleScript (1.0 or higher), a
resource editor (any version of ResEdit or Resourcer) a data fork editor
(e.g. HexEdit 1.0.7 by Jim Bumgardner), and a word processor or text editor
(e.g. SimpleText 1.4).

This version fixes a major bug that prevented the script from working with
a line of text longer than 13 characters.

This file has been checked for viruses with Disinfectant version 3.7.1.

#### BINHEX     tiff-tool-68k-10.hqx   ****

From: Paul Kaiser <buddy@effingham.net>
Subject: TIFF tool 1.0 68K

TIFF tool is a Macintosh application for viewing the actual tags and their
contents in TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) graphic files. This tool is
helpful if you are developing an application that reads or writes TIFF
files, or if you are just trying to understand the TIFF specification in

#### BINHEX     translate-res5.hqx   ****

From: macman3@earthlink.net
Subject: TranslateRes5.sit.hqx

TranslateRes is a program for software developers to use to convert
resources from one type to another. In this new version you can also
view the different resources that a file contains. TranslateRes v5� is
shareware so after 15 days, if you continue to use the program, you must
pay the registration fee of $5.00

My home page is at:

If you have any questions, email me at:

#### BINHEX     uss.hqx   ****

From: amorose@earthlink.net
Subject: Un-SourceSafe Abstract

Un-SourceSafe 1.0
User's Guide

�1998 Michael Amorose
All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

What is it?

Un-SourceSafe is a Macintosh application which removes the info that Microsoft's Visual SourceSafe adds to any files you add to a SourceSafe database. On the Macintosh, Metrowerk's Visual SourceSafe Client usually adds a 'ckid' resource and sets the file's Finder label color to green or red. Un-SourceSafe strips this information.

How do I use it?

How many times have you wanted to open a file which has been added to a SourceSafe database, but not checked out, only to be told that "This file is read-only"? Pretty frustrating, isn't it? Well, just drop a file, group of files, or combination of files and folders onto Un-SourceSafe and it will remove all that nasty info any make any files dropped onto it "normal" again. But beware that if you do this, SourceSafe can no longer determine the file's checkout or revision status!

There are two versions of the app: one is named "Un-SourceSafe G3" - this version should only be run on G3-based Macs. The other version is simply named "Un-SourceSafe". This version is for all other non-G3-based PowerPC Macs.


Un-SourceSafe can only modify files nested 100 levels deep. If you have a folder with more than 100 sub folders, you will have to split the drop up into fewer levels, drop the individual folders onto Un-SourceSafe and then move the folders back. In addition, the maximum number of items that can be changed in any given folder in one drop is 1000.  Due to memory limitations, you cannot drop disks onto Un-SourceSafe.

How much is it?

Un-SourceSafe is free and you can freely distribute it as long as this document accompanies it and you do not sell it or include it in any product that you charge for.

Un-SourceSafe is a PowerPC-only and so runs only on PowerPC-based Macs.

Please send any problems, bugs, or suggestions to:

Michael C. Amorose
P.O. Box 610217
San Jose, CA 95161-0217
Email: amorose@earthlink.net

#### BINHEX     video-toolbox.hqx   ****

From: Denis Pelli <denis@xp.psych.nyu.edu>
Subject: video-toolbox-00-06-22-c.sit

The VideoToolbox <http://vision.nyu.edu/VideoToolbox/> is a collection of 
two hundred C subroutines and several demo and utility programs that I 
and others have written to do visual psychophysics with Macintosh 
computers. It's fully compatible with 68K and PowerPC Macs and with 
Metrowerks CodeWarrior and Symantec C compilers. It's free and may not be 
sold without permission. It should be useful to anyone who wants to 
present accurately specified visual stimuli or use the Mac for 
psychometric experiments. The Video�synch page discusses all the ways of 
synchronizing programs to video displays and the many pitfalls to avoid. 
The TimeVideo application checks out the timing of all video devices in 
anticipation of their use in critical real-time applications, e.g. movies 
or lookup table animation. Video�synch reports all known bugs uncovered 
by TimeVideo's testing of 56 video cards and drivers. Low-level routines 
control video timing and lookup tables, display real-time movies, and 
implement the luminance-control algorithms suggested by Pelli and Zhang 
(1991). In particular, CopyWindows (or CopyBitsQuickly) faithfully copies 
between on-screen and off-screen windows (or bit/pixmaps), WindowToEPS 
saves an image to disk as encapsulated PostScript, for later printing or 
incorporation into a document, and SetEntriesQuickly and GDSetEntries 
load the screen's color lookup table, all without any of QuickDraw's 
color translations. NoisePdfFill.c quickly generates visual noise images 
whose pixels are samples from a specified probability density function. 
High-level routines help analyze psychophysical experiments (e.g. 
maximum-likelihood fitting and graphing of psychometric data). Assign.c 
is a runtime C interpreter for C assignment statements, which is useful 
for controlling experiments and sharing calibration data. This collection 
has been continually updated since 1991. Nearly two hundred colleagues 
subscribe to the email distribution (see below), and have indicated that 
they are using the software in their labs. Documentation is in the source 
files themselves. Many of the routines are Mac-specific, but some very 
useful routines, e.g. the luminance-control, statistics, 
maximum-likelihood fitting algorithms, and the runtime interpreter are 
written in Standard C and will work on any computer. Those wishing to 
acknowledge use of the VideoToolbox software might cite:
Pelli, D.G. (1997) The VideoToolbox software for visual psychophysics: 
Transforming numbers into movies. Spatial Vision 10:437-442

Denis Pelli, Professor of Psycholoyg and Neural Science at NYU

#### BINHEX     visual-projector-20.hqx   ****

From: Caerwyn Pearce <caerwyn@bigfoot.com>
Subject: VisualProjector v2.0.0

"Visual Projector 2" gives Macintosh users a shareware alternative to
version control systems with an intuitive interface. With Version 2, VCS
databases can be created and manipulated, files can be checked in, out
and shaken about in a intuitive manner. Visual Projector is a user
interface for Apples SourceServer which is freely available from Apples
web site.

This release opens the world of source control via SourceServer to those
outside of the programming fraternity. VisualProjector can be used
easily for source management of web sites, word processor documents,
spreadsheets, applescripts,etc.

VisualProjector can be included on commercial CDs if required but must
be the complete installer with all documentation.

#### BINHEX     voodoo-181-3.hqx   ****

From: chrei@unisoft.co.at
Subject: VOODOO 1.81

VOODOO 1.81 - our popular version control tool VOODOO is available. The new version offers so many great new features that it should be called 2.0. However, since we did already reserve this version number for the next great step (the client server solution) this version is just called 1.8. Here is a list of the most important new features of version 1.8: Support of AppleEvents and AppleScript Smooth integration with Metrowerks CodeWarrior IDE. (compatible with CW IDE 1.7.4 as well as with the upcoming CW IDE 2.0). Essential parts PowerPC native. Fetch and Store operations are backgroundable. Show differences between versions (not only for text files!). Configurable local file locking (Finder flag or 'ckid' resource). Improved handling of local files including the creation of folder structures. Change local path prefix command allows to "move" whole subtrees.

#### BINHEX     vse-rb-utilities-plugin-102.hqx   ****

From: Andre@vse-online.com
Subject: VSE REALbasic Utilities Plugin - Freeware!

VSE REALbasic Utilities Plugin

The VSE REALbasic Utilities Plugin is an extension to the
popular REALbasic programming language. The plugin offers
50 functions and methods. For example, REALbasic
applications can now easily speak a text or set the sound

Formerly priced at $ 24.95 US, Voget Selbach Enterprises
has decided to release it now as freeware.


Thank you,

Andre Voget
Voget Selbach Enterprises

Andre Voget & Johannes Selbach Enterprises GbR mbH
VSE, Koenigsberger Str. 28, 56235 Ransbach-Baumbach, Germany

#### BINHEX     yaaf1-0a6-patch.hqx   ****

From: woody@alumni.caltech.edu
Subject: Uploaded: YAAF1_0a6_patch

Uploaded is a patch to the YAAF1_0a3.hqx which makes numerous
fixes and adds several new features.

YAAF is Yet Another Application Framework, a C++ framework which
allows you to write portable applications that run on the Macintosh,
Microsoft Windows, and X Windows on Unix.

This fixes a number of bugs, adds better Appearance Manager
support to the Macintosh, better Common Controls support on
Microsoft Windows, and adds Drag and Drop. The source files
have also been rewritten to support documentation extraction
using DOC++, not included.

You need to download YAAF 1.0a3 in order to use this patch.

YAAF is released under the LGPL, meaning you may redistribute
the YAAF library freely. You may also freely link YAAF into
your own non-GPL'ed applications.

- Bill Woody
  The PandaWave

#### BINHEX     yavs-rad-tools.hqx   ****

From: Christopher@yav.com
Subject: YAVsRADtools

YAV's RAD Tools adds a suite of nearly 300 powerful commands and functions
for SuperCard development which are just as easy to use as those provided
by the developers of SuperCard.

RAD stands for Rapid Application Development. And with the YAV's RAD Tools
commands and functions in place, most of the tedious programming tasks are
accounted for. Adopting a "why re-invent the wheel" approach, YAV's RAD
Tools take care of most of the things that every SuperCard project
requires: tasks such as document handling, file I/O, printing, window, and
menu management; string, list, and number manipulation, key-trapping,
dialogs and alerts, button and field control. Built-in help is provided.

YAV's RAD Tools also generates pre-configured project frameworks with all
the standard menus and windows working the way they should in advance.
Alternatively, YAV's RAD Tools offers one-click installation into existing

The downloadable version is fully functional but will not load in a
standalone unless registered ($59).

#### BINHEX     yellow-sweet-11.hqx   ****

From: feedback.yellowsoft@pop2.iol.it
Subject: YellowSweet 1.1.0 

YellowSweet 1.1.0 is a collection of utilities. Authors, developers,
distributors and final users may find them useful.
YellowSweet, currently, includes seven applications.

MiniSubstitute 1.7.2
YellowExtractor 1.3.1
YellowReg 2.0.1
YellowWebDown 1.1.0
YellowBookmarks 1.0.1
YellowLaunchURL 1.0.1
YellowURL 1.0b1

Author: Rocco Moliterno
YellowSweet page: http://www.geocities.com/yellowsoft/yellowsweet.html