<NIC.MERIT.EDU> /nsfnet/acceptable.use.policies/suranet.txt September 1992 SURAnet Acceptable Use Policy SURAnet is sponsored by the Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA), a not for profit corporation, formed by the association of colleges and universities in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and the District of Columbia. SURAnet has two Network Operation Centers (NOC), one at College Park, Maryland and the second at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta that provide direct access to the NSFNET backbone. SURAnet network exists for the primary purpose of transmitting and sharing information between academic and research organizations. Transmission of any material in violation of any U.S. or state laws or regulations is prohibited. A SURAnet connection shall not be used to access other machines without the permission of the owner. Users of SURAnet are expected to be responsible in their use of the network and avoid actions that cause interference to the network or cause interference with the work of others on the network. SURAnet communication traffic need not conform to the NSFNET Acceptable Use Agreement and there is no prohibition on commercial traffic. However, the Subscriber agrees to observe the acceptable use policy of any other network the Subscriber accesses through the SURAnet connection. The traffic over the Federally funded National Science Foundation network (NSFNET) is primarily for research, development, and education purposes. Use of NSFNET for commercial activities is generally not acceptable, unless it is in support of research, development, and education. Other networks may have special usage policies which can be obtained from the network provider. SURAnet also serves as the East Coast connection point for the Federal Interagency Exchange (FIX) consisting of the NASA Science Internet (NSI), DOE Energy Sciences Network (ESnet), and DOD Terrestrial Wide Band Network (TWB). Also, SURAnet has a connection to DOD MILnet. Through connections to other networks, SURAnet users can communicate with other network users throughout the U.S., South America, and overseas. SURAnet does not own or control all of the various facilities and communications lines through which it may provide access. Accordingly, SURAnet shall not be responsible for user/access security. However, SURAnet will assist in network security breach detection and identification and in establishing limited access when requested. Submitted, 9/14/92, by: Michael Taranto NIC Services SURAnet