S E N T I N E L S     I N     T H E     S K Y :

                W E A T H E R     S A T E L L I T E S

                              (PART I)

                          By Robert Haynes

When we talk about the weather, we often  find  ourselves  fascinated
with  its  complexity  and capriciousness.  We are as curious as were
our ancient ancestors, who were acutely aware of how weather affected
their food supply and survival.  Some  tribes  and  cultures  erected
permanent  structures,  with  which  they could continually chart the
course of the Sun and monitor seasonal changes.

Today we are no less relenting in our interest  in  the  weather.  We
have  built  and  launched  into space a family of weather satellites
that watch the weather from high above us. These  "sentinels  in  the
Sky"  are  constantly  on  guard  for  those  inevitable moments when
friendly weather turns to foe. They are tireless  observers,  telling
us  when  a distant low-pressure system over the Atlantic may develop
into a hurricane and threaten our lives  with  damaging  winds.  They
monitor  the  warming  ocean  currents  of an El Nino that may affect
crops  in  the  United  States  or  Europe   by   changing   expected
precipitation  patterns. They allow us to understand the weather with
some degree of certainty, and not be victims of nature's whims.

Benjamin Franklin was the first American to suggest weather could  be
predicted.  From  newspaper  articles,  Franklin  deduced that severe
storms generally move across the nation from west to east. He further
deduced that if this were so, observers  could  follow  a  storm  and
notify those ahead of its path that it was coming.

Franklin's ideas were finally put to practical use shortly after  the
telegraph   was   invented  in  1837.   This  revolutionary  form  of
communication soon spanned the country. It wasn't long until  it  was
used  to  link  a  network  of  weather  watchers,  who clicked their
observations along telegraph  lines  to  a  central  office  where  a
national weather map was created.

Today,   satellites  are  those  observers,  beeping  messages  to  a
receiving antenna connected to  a  computer.  Meteorologists  analyze
the  messages and use the data to predict how the weather will behave
and how it will affect us.

                     A V I E W   F R O M   A B O V E

Weather  watchers  along  the  telegraph  lines  had  to  base  their
understanding about the weather solely on what they  could  see  from
the  ground.  Well  into the 20th century, meteorologists still based
most of their knowledge on ground  observations.  Having  no  way  to
observe  or  study  weather patterns over long periods, and no way to
monitor cloudtops, meteorologists had little  notion  of  large-scale
weather  behavior.  If  aerial  views were made, they were taken from
airplanes or weather balloons, but were of too short  a  duration  to
provide  the  kind  of  information needed. Some progress was made in
1959 when the U.S. Army Signal Corps launched VANGUARD II, but it was
also short lived.

Then, in 1960, the  National  Aeronautics  and  Space  Administration
(NASA)   placed   in  orbit  the  first  TIROS  (Television  Infrared
Observational Satellite). With its tiny TV cameras, TIROS  flew  over
more  than  two-thirds  of the Earth's surface. Its pictures revealed
global weather patterns of clouds, and provided meteorologists with a
new tool--a nephanalysis, or cloud chart. These  high-altitude  views
sharpened meteorologists' scrutiny of weather and of the environment,
and promised even greater benefits to come.

NASA  built  and launched bigger and better TIROS satellites. By 1965
nine more TIROS satellites had been launched. They had  progressively
longer  operational  times  and carried infrared radiometers to study
Earth's heat distribution. Several satellites were  placed  in  polar
orbits  rather  than near-equatorial ones so they could take pictures
over more of the Earth's surface.

TIROS 8 had the first Automatic Picture Transmission (APT) equipment.
This instrument allowed pictures to be sent back to Earth right after
they had  been  taken  instead  of  stored  for  later  transmission.
Eventually  APT  pictures  could  be received on fairly simple ground

TIROS 9 and 10 were test satellites of  improved  configurations  for
the  TIROS  Operational  Satellite  (TOS) system. TOS satellites were
often called ESSA after  the  government  agency  that  financed  and
operated  them,  the  Environmental Sciences Services Administration.
ESSA satellites were placed in Sun-synchronous orbits, so they  would
pass  over  the  same  positions  on the Earth at the same time every
day. This would  allow  meteorologists  to  view  local  cloud  cover
changes on a 24-hour basis.

With  the success of TIROS, NASA created a second-generation research
satellite called NIBUS. More complex than  TIROS,  NIMBUS  satellites
carried  an  APT  system, an advanced TV cloud-mapping camera system,
and an infrared radiometer that allowed pictures  at  night  for  the
first time.

Seven  NIMBUS  satellites were placed in orbit between 1964 and 1978.
NIMBUS satellites tested space-borne  meteorological  equipment  that
led   to   a   fully   operational  weather  observing  service  with
24-hour-a-day coverage.

Today, weather satellites scan the Earth. With their vigilance, not a
single tropical storm anywhere on Earth goes  undetected.  The  early
detection and warnings they provide have saved thousands of lives.

When  Mt.  St.  Helens  erupted  on  May 18, 1980, weather satellites
looked on as tons of volcanic ash were spewed  into  the  atmosphere.
They  photographed  hourly  the eastwardly spread of the massive dust
clouds, allowing meteorologists to warn aircraft pilots of the danger
and to study the effects such an explosion might have on the  world's
climate. Fortunately, those effects in this instance were slight.

Satellites  are  the  workhorses  of  a  complete  weather monitoring
system. They scan the globe day and night, transmitting back  weather
information  such  as  temperatures, cloud formations, wind patterns,
sea currents, etc. For years, the swirling cloud patterns  have  been
standard  props  for  TV  weathercasters. Hardly anyone can tune in a
weathercast without seeing a "satellite view."

          A C R O S S     G O V E R N M E N T     L I N E S

Our understanding of the weather  has  multiplied  during  the  years
weather  satellites have operated. The service these weather watchers
provide span many governmental lines both  here  and  overseas.  NASA
contributes  the  research and development, and over sees procurement
of these spacecraft, and evaluates their performance in flight.  Once
NASA  launches  the  satellites  into  their  appropriate orbits, the
responsibility for operating them falls to another government agency;
however, NASA continues its research role even after  the  spacecraft
become  operational.  NASA's  broad  space program generates advanced
technologies that are tested and applied to produce  new  generations
of satellites.

The   Department  of  Commerce's  National  Oceanic  and  Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) is  the  government  agency  that  directs  the
nation's  system  of  weather satellites. NOAA manages the processing
and distribution of the millions of bits of  data  and  images  these
satellites  produce  daily.   The  prime  consumer  is NOAA's Weather
Service,  which  employs  satellite  data  to  create  forecasts  for
television,   radio,   and   weather  advisory  services.   Satellite
information  is  also  shared  by  government  departments  such   as
Agriculture, Interior, Defense, Transportation, and Energy.

Weather  satellites  create  an international network. Information is
routinely shared among the member nations of the World Meteorological
Organization as well as with nations that operate their  own  weather
satellites such as Japan, India, the Soviet Union, and members of the
European Space Agency.

            N O A A     S A T E L L I T E     S Y S T E M

NOAA  was  established in 1970 inside the U.S. Department of Commerce
with the mission to ensure the safety  of  the  general  public  from
atmospheric phenomena and to provide the public with an understanding
of  the  Earth's  environment  and resources. NOAA was also given the
responsibility to chart the airways, oceans, and waters of the United
States, and to guide the development of marine fisheries. One of  the
ways NOAA does this is by operating its system of weather satellites.
Command  and  Data Acquisition Stations in Wallops, VA and Fairbanks,
AK  send  commands  to  the  orbiting  satellites  and  receive  data
transmissions.   A  fully  staffed  weather  satellite processing and
distribution  facility  is  located  in  Suitland,  MD  just  outside
Washington DC.

Besides   looking  down  on  weather  conditions  around  the  world,
satellites perform a host of other services. They assess crop  growth
and other agricultural conditions, sense shifting ocean currents, and
measure surface temperatures of oceans and land. They relay data from
surface  instruments that sense tide conditions, Earth tremors, river
levels, and precipitation.

Weather satellites also broadcast the correct time as it is precisely
measured  by  the  Department  of  Commerce's  National   Bureau   of
Standards.  They  receive  weather  data  from  ocean  buoys, weather
balloons, and aircraft in flight, relaying  this  data  to  the  Data
Acquisition   Stations.   Using  a  facsimile  technique,  they  also
broadcast cloud cover pictures and charts. [See "The Value of Weather

The TIROS-N series of satellites broadcast pictures and data so  that
any properly equipped receiving station on the ground can receive the
pictures  without  needing  to  link with an expensive computer. This
capability has prompted many schools across the  country  to  install
antennas and to build their own weather receiving systems. [Secondary
school teachers may obtain a copy of TEACHER'S GUIDE FOR BUILDING AND
Programs Officer, NASA Goddard Space  Flight  Center,  Greenbelt,  MD

NOAA's  operational  weather  satellite system comprises two types of
satellites: Polar Orbiters and Geostationary Satellites (GOES).   The
polar orbiters constantly circle the globe, providing coverage of the
globe  every  day.   They  circle  in low orbits (850 km) and support
large-scale, multiday forecasts. The GOES satellites circle in a much
higher orbit (35,000 km) so that their orbital rate  exactly  matches
the  rotation  of  the Earth's surface. This keeps them above a fixed
spot on the surface, providing a constant vigil  for  severe  weather
conditions  that  may spawn tornadoes, flash floods, hail storms, and
hurricanes. Both kinds of  satellites  are  necessary  to  provide  a
complete global weather monitoring system.

 T H E   V A L U E   O F   W E A T H E R   S A T E L L I T E S

The value of weather satellites to save lives has been known from the
beginning.  Their  ability  to track storms and permit early warnings
has been their greatest contribution. However, their benefits do  not
end with observing the tops of clouds and storm systems.

Satellites can pinpoint different  temperature  boundaries  in  ocean
surface  areas,  and  give  commercial  fishermen  vital clues to the
whereabouts of commercial fish such as tuna, herring  and  swordfish.
They  can  provide  early  frost warnings, which can save millions of
dollars a day for citrus growers who must then heat their groves.  In
Hawaii,  rain  warnings  are provided, giving crucial information for
sugarcane  harvesting.   Satellites  also  play  a  role  in   forest
management and fire control.

NOAA's   polar-orbiting  satellites  observe  snow  and  ice  melting
conditions, enabling water supply managers  to  plan  irrigation  and
flood  control.  This  is  especially  important to the multi-billion
dollar agricultural economies of our western states,  where  mountain
runoff  provides  an  estimated  70  percent  of  the  water  supply.
Satellite ice monitoring helps extend  the  shipping  season  on  the
Great  Lakes  into  the  winter  months,  generating  extra  economic
activity for middle America and neighboring Canadian provinces.

             S E V E R E     S T O R M     S U P P O R T

Geostationary satellites continuously  watch  atmospheric  conditions
that  breed  tornadoes,  squall  lines,  and other severe storms. The
"triggers" for such events often can be detected by satellites before
the actual storms develop.  When  they  do  develop,  the  satellites
monitor  storm  life  cycles,  and track movements. The value of this
information is increasing steadily  as  new  applications  and  small
interactive  computer  systems  are developed from the partnership of
government, industry, and our high schools and universities.

                         R A I N F A L L

Imagery   from  space  is  also  used  to  estimate  rainfall  during
thunderstorms and hurricanes for flash  flood  warnings.  Using  GEOS
satellite   data,  interactive  computer  technologies  estimate  the
precipitation  amounts  associated  with  severe   weather.    During
Hurricane Diana, for example, calculations indicated nearly 20 inches
of  rainfall  over  North Carolina in a 2-day period. Actual rainfall
reached 18 inches. Interactive computer technology is  also  used  to
estimate  snowfall  accumulations  and  overall extent of snow cover.
Such data help meteorologists issue winter storm warnings and  spring
snow  melt advisories.  Satellite sensors also detect ice fields, and
map the movements of  sea  and  lake  ice.  By  also  monitoring  the
southward  progression  of  freezing seasonal temperatures, satellite
imagery has often  allowed  forecasters  enough  time  to  warn  crop
growers  to light smudge pots or take other measures to protect crops
from damage.

             V O L C A N I C  M O N I T O R I N G

Far  above  the  surface,  satellites  provide  remarkable  views  of
volcanic  eruptions.  Both  the  polar  orbiting  and GOES satellites
monitor eruptions when they occur, allowing scientists to analyze and
track dust clouds.

So far, numerous volcanic eruptions have been detected  with  sensors
on  polar-orbiting  satellites.  The satellites send this data to the
Smithsonian Scientific Event Alert Network where it  is  disseminated
to  the scientific community, federal and state agencies, and foreign

                  F I R E     D E T E C T I O N

Blazes can be located by their smoke plumes and the  heat  registered
on  infrared sensors. Sensors on both the polar orbiters and the GOES
have located wilderness fires in remote and difficult-to-reach areas,
enabling emergency forces to better contain the flames.

                     O C E A N O G R A P H Y

Large-scale  weather  patterns  are  affected  by  temperatures   and
currents  in  the  oceans.  Polar-orbiting sensors compute some 20-40
thousand global sea temperatures daily.  In areas around  the  United
States, these readings reveal ocean currents and features such as the
Gulf  Stream, its wall and associated eddies, upwellings off the West
Coast, and the Gulf of Mexico loop currents.

Ocean surface temperatures help meteorologists study ocean influences
on climate. Such an influence is El Nino, a widespread warming of the
waters off the west coast of South America. In 1982-83, El  Nino  and
its  associated  weather-pattern  reversal  over  the  coast of South
America brought severe flooding to Ecuador and northern  Peru,  while
it left a drought in other areas of the world.

        V E G E T A T I O N  I N D E X  M A P P I N G

Since 1982, NOAA has used satellites to look at the progress of crops
and  to  study  vegetation  growth. Since 1984, vegetation index maps
have been sent to the Weather Service field offices to  help  farmers
monitor   the   growing  season.  The  multispectral  images  of  the
polar-orbiting satellites make this possible.

By measuring  the  greenness  of  plant  chlorophyl,  scientists  can
determine  not  only the health of crops, but can also pinpoint areas
of drought, desert creep, or deforestation the  world  over.  Weather
scientists  of  many  developing  nations  have  been trained in this
technique under a program  conducted  by  NOAA  for  the  Agency  for
International Development.

                         F I S H E R I E S

Commercial  fishery  operations  have  also  benefited  from the data
supplied by weather satellites.  Determining  the  currents  and  sea
temperatures can help locate schools of tuna or salmon and can assist
in  tracking the movement of fish eggs and larvae. Satellite data can
be used to study hypoxia, a severe lack of oxygen at deep sea  levels
that can completely block the growth and development of sea life.

                                * * *


N E W     S A T E L L I T E S ,     S E N S O R S ,     S Y S T E M S

In  the near future, satellite research and applications will resolve
a global view of the atmosphere,  ocean  and  land  in  unprecedented
breadth  and  depth.  This  will mean a big shift in emphasis for the
weather satellite system. Originally driven by  space  hardware,  the
system  is  increasingly being driven by information. Data processing
and distribution will get more emphasis as this information explosion

Three new polar-orbiting satellites are to be launched  beginning  in
1992,  carrying  a new, eagerly awaited instrument called an Advanced
Microwave Sounding Unit. For the first time, it will give forecasters
global profiles of temperature and  moisture  inside  cloudy  regions
over  the world's oceans and continents. The instruments will provide
new data every six hours, so that when the satellite passes  over  an
area  of  severe  storms, local forecasters will, for the first time,
have information about atmospheric stability close to, and inside,  a
storm system. This is important in predicting storms because air mass
instability  feeds  tornadoes,  hurricanes,  and other severe weather

Five new geostationary satellites of an entirely new design, carrying
improved instruments, are to appear at intervals beginning  in  1989.
For  two  generations all the GOES spacecraft have been spinning like
tops  as  they  move  along  their  orbits.  The  new  GOES  will  be
non-spinning  and  their  instruments  will be able to view the Earth
continuously, rather than "eyeing" a scene once with each revolution.
Both the satellite and its solar photovoltaic-panel  powerplant  will
be larger.

This  new  design is expected to improve dramatically the performance
of both imagers and sounders. When this new satellite appears it will
no longer be necessary to turn off  a  sounder  while  an  imager  is
operating. An unusual new sensor will constantly take pictures of the
Sun,  detecting  solar  X-rays.  This  will enable scientists to peer
deeper into the Sun's surface to spot energy flares that  can  affect
Earth's weather.

Another  new  sensor  will  observe  lightning  flashes  on Earth. By
counting these flashes, scientists  hope  to  learn  more  about  how
electrical exchange affects weather.

For  the  period  into  the  21st century and beyond, plans are being
drawn  by  NASA  and  NOAA   for   astronaut-tended,   polar-orbiting
meteorological platforms. These will function as part of NASA's Space
Station. Whereas present weather satellites have life expectancies of
only  a  few years, the repairable platforms are expected to last for
many years.

NASA plans a serviceable geostationary platform for early in the 21st
century. Discussion of a project to develop a microwave  sounder  for
geostationary flight is already in progress. Planners anticipate that
many  "active"  instruments  will join the array of existing sensors.
Active instruments, such as radar, send out  a  pulse  or  series  of
pulses to "illuminate an area of interest." A wind sensor using laser
pulses is another potential gain for forecasters.

Already   weather   satellites   present   an  excellent  example  of
international cooperation in space. In the  years  ahead,  many  more
nations are expected to participate in weather satellite programs.


                    I N S T R U M E N T A T I O N

                        C A R R I E D     B Y

                 W E A T H E R     S A T E L L I T E S

Both  the  polar-orbiting  and  GOES  satellites carry instruments to
measure and monitor activities other than weather. For example,  they
monitor  solar winds and flares, and collect and relay data picked up
by river and tide gages, seismometers, buoys, ships,  airplanes,  and
automatic  weather  stations.  GOES satellites transmit their data to
the National Weather Service as  well  as  directly  to  amateur  and
professional users.

Future GOES satellites will carry improved instruments for concurrent
imaging  and  atmospheric sounding and provide additional information
on atmospheric movements of water vapor and the remapping of  picture
elements to permit better calculation of winds based on cloud motion.


clouds over both ocean and land, using the visible and infrared parts
of the spectrum. It stores measurements on tape, and later plays them
back to NOAA's command and data acquisition stations. The  satellites
also  broadcast  in  "real  time"  (this  means   transmissions   are
simultaneous  with  the  observations  of  the  instruments).   These
real-time  broadcasts  are  available  in  both  high-resolution  and
low-resolution  picture  images  and can be received by anyone in the
world equipped with  a  receiving  station.   Over  the  years,  such
receiving  stations  have  been built and operated by foreign weather
services, commercial American weather services, and high schools  and
colleges throughout the world.

TIROS  OPERATIONAL  VERTICAL  SOUNDER.  This instrument combines data
from three complementary instrument units to provide temperature  and
moisture data from the Earth's surface up through the atmosphere.

in this French-provided system collect data from  sensors  placed  on
fixed  and  moving  platforms,  including  ships,  buoys, and weather
balloons, and transmits data to a  ground  station  antenna.  Because
ARGOS  also  determines the precise location of these moving sensors,
it can serve wildlife managers by  monitoring  and  tracking  sensors
placed on birds and animals.

SPACE   ENVIRONMENT   MONITOR.   This  equipment  measures  energetic
particles emitted by the Sun  over  essentially  the  full  range  of
energies  and  magnetic  field  variations  in the Earth's near-space
environment. Readings made by these  instruments  are  invaluable  in
measuring the Sun's radiation activity.

proven  invaluable  in  saving  human   life.   Search   and   rescue
transmission equipment on board weather satellites receives emergency
signals  from  persons  in  distress.  The  satellites transmit these
signals to ground  receiving  stations  in  the  U.S.  and  overseas.
Signals  are  forwarded  to  the  nearest rescue coordination center.
These centers compute the location of the signals and give  a  rescue
team  (usually  within  a few miles) the coordinates of the emergency
site. Both the U.S. and Soviet Union  cooperate  in  the  Search  and
Rescue  Tracking  system:  SARSAT is the American acronym for "Search
and  Rescue  Satellite  Assisted  Tracking";  COSPAS  is  the  Soviet

EARTH  RADIATION  BUDGET EXPERIMENT. This instrument is a radiometer.
It is designed to measure all radiation striking the  Earth  as  well
as  all  radiation  leaving  .  Such monitoring enables scientists to
measure the loss or gain of terrestrial energy to  space.  Shifts  in
this  energy  "budget"  affect  the  Earth's average temperatures, in
which even slight changes can affect climatic patterns.


radiometer provides visible infrared and sounding measurements of the
Earth.    These  images,  together  with  images  received  from  the
polar-orbiting satellites, are  processed  on  the  ground  and  then
radioed  back  up  to  the  GOES  for  broadcast in graphic form as a
"Weather Facsimile," or WEFAX. WEFAX images are  received  by  ground
stations  on  land  as  well  as on ships.  Currently, the GOES WEFAX
transmissions are received from western Europe to eastern Australia.

GOES satellites transmit their data to the National  Weather  Service
as  well  as  to  the  amateur  and professional users as far away as
Australia.  There  are  over  1,000  known  WEFAX  users  who   avail
themselves to this free service.

SPACE ENVIRONMENT MONITOR. This instrument is almost identical to the
sensors  aboard the polar orbiters. They measure the condition of the
Earth's magnetic field, the solar activity and radiation  around  the
spacecraft, and transmit these data to a central processing facility.

THE  DATA  COLLECTION  SYSTEM.  Similar  to  the  Data Collection and
Platform Location System on the  polar  orbiters,  this  system  also
gathers and relays readings made by sensors placed on various objects
(both mobile and stationary) at various locations.

SEARCH  AND  RESCUE  TRANSPONDERS. This instrument is carried on GOES
East, orbiting at 75 degrees west longitude, and on GOES West,  which
is  located  at  135  degrees west longitude. The GOES satellites can
relay distress signals at all times, but cannot locate them. Only the
low  altitude  polar-orbiting  satellites  can  compute  a   signal's
location.  The  two  satellites  work together to create a search and
rescue system, allowing a message to be intercepted  by  a  GOES  and
relayed  even though a polar orbiter may be temporarily outside radio
"line of sight." [See "Search and Rescue"]


S E A R C H   A N D   R E S C U E

The concept for a satellite-aided search and rescue project  (SARSAT)
began  almost  as  soon  as the first satellites were placed in Earth
orbit. Experimental equipment had been  placed  on  the  early  Nibus
satellites,  and  the first operational system was on TIROS. In 1976,
the effort became an international project, with the  United  States,
Canada, and France participating.

In  1980,  the  Soviet  Union  agreed to equip COSMOS satellites with
COSPAS  repeaters.  Other  nations  have   since   joined   in.   The
COSPAS/SARSAT  satellites  monitor  the  entire surface of the Earth,
listening for distress signals from downed airplanes, capsized boats,
and persons in other emergencies.

These signals are transmitted to special ground receiving stations in
the United States  and  overseas.  The  location  of  the  signal  is
computed and the nearest rescue coordination center is notified. When
an air or sea rescue team goes out, it has a "fix" within a few miles
of  the actual emergency. Satellite search has cut recovery time from
days to a few hours.

The program has been instrumental not  only  in  saving  hundreds  of
lives  but  also in saving millions of dollars in search efforts. The
system is proving increasingly valuable  as  additional  enhancements
and improvements are made.


       P O L A R  -  O R B I T I N G     S A T E L L I T E S

For   normal  weather  coverage,  NOAA  operates  two  polar-orbiting
satellites. They circle the globe in  a  north-south  orbit,  passing
over  both  the North and South poles. One crosses the equator in the
morning  and  the  other  in  the  afternoon.  They   circle   in   a
"Sun-synchronous"  orbit  of  approximately 810 - 850 kilometers, and
each observes  the  entire  Earth  twice  a  day.  Because  they  are
Sun-synchronous, these satellites circle the Earth so that they cross
the  equator  at  the  same time daily. The morning satellite crosses
southward over the equator at 7:30 am  and  the  afternoon  satellite
crosses  northward  at  about  2:30 pm. Operating together as a pair,
these satellites assure that  measurements  for  any  region  of  the
Earth are no more than six hours old.

These  polar  orbiters  provide  visible and infrared radiometer data
that are used  for  imaging  purposes,  radiation  measurements,  and
vertical  temperature  profiles,  and  can help calculate water vapor
content at several atmospheric levels. They send some  16,000  global
measurements  daily  to  NOAA's  Weather  Service  computers,  adding
valuable information to forecasting  models,  especially  for  remote
ocean areas, where conventional data are lacking.


                  G O E S     S A T E L L I T E S

The  current Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)
system consists of GOES East and West, which orbit at 75 degrees west
and 135 degrees west longitude. Each views  almost  a  third  of  the
Earth's  surface: GOES East monitors North and South America and most
of the Atlantic Ocean, while GOES West looks down  at  North  America
and  the  Pacific  Ocean  basin.  The  two operate together to send a
full-face picture of the Earth  every  30  minutes,  day  and  night.
Pictures  of smaller areas can be sent more often should a storm need
monitoring. These satellites give  meteorologists  nearly  continuous
viewing of storms and cloud patterns, as well as measurements of wind
fields at cloud altitudes.

The  GOES  satellites  circle  the Earth in a "geosynchronous" orbit.
This means they orbit the equatorial plane of the Earth  at  a  speed
and  altitude  that  allows  them  to  hover  continuously  over  one
position on the surface. The geosynchronous  plane  is  about  35,800
kilometers  above the Earth, high enough to allow satellites orbiting
there to have a full-disc view of the Earth.

NASA launched the first geostationary weather satellite in  1966  and
followed it with another the next year. So far, NASA has placed eight
of  NOAA's  GOES  satellites  into orbit. Two of these, GOES East and
GOES West, are fully operational.

These GOES satellites complement the TIROS polar-orbiting satellites.
Both view remote areas and relay their data to instruments at  NOAA's
ground stations.

By  remaining  stationed  over  the same spot both day and night, the
GOES can provide the kind  of  continuous  monitoring  necessary  for
intensive  data  analysis and weather predictions. They look for such
catastrophic events as hurricanes, tornadoes, and other severe storms
and  relay  data  to  ground  receiving  antennas.  These  satellites
duplicate some of the functions on the polar-orbiting satellites, but
from  a  distant  broader  perspective,  they  add  the  advantage of
maintaining a constant vigil.


                        D E F I N I T I O N S

RADIOMETER  -  A  satellite  instrument   that   measures   radiation
              (reflected sunlight and heat, or thermal radiation).

SOUNDER    -  A special  kind of radiometer which measures changes of
              atmospheric  temperature  with  height,  and changes in
              water vapor content of the air at various levels.

IMAGER     -  A  satellite  instrument   that   measures   and   maps
              sea-surface  temperatures,  cloudtop  temperatures, and
              land  temperatures.   Imager  data  are  converted   by
              computer into pictures.

INFRARED-ONLY - A small part of the  electro-magnetic  "spectrum"  is
              visible  to  us  as light. The rest of it can be sensed
              as heat, or infrared radiation. Infrared sensors  serve
              as satellite "eyes" during periods of darkness.

REMAPPING  -  When the spherical Earth is photographed by satellites,
              areas lying near the outer  edge  of  the  picture  are
              distorted.  Remapping is done to flatten the Earth into
              a standard projection.

RESOLUTION  - The  value  of  a  telephoto  lens  is  permitting  the
              photographer  to  get  a  larger picture of the subject
              (sharper resolution)  but  less  of  the  surroundings.
              It's  the  same with satellites.  Resolution of today's
              satellite "picture elements" ("pixels") can  vary  from
              10  meters  (30  feet) for surveying uses to 1 km (3000
              feet) for weather satellites.

WEFAX       - Telegraphic  abbreviation  for  "weather  facsimile," a
              system for transmitting via radio visual  reproductions
              of weather forecast maps, temperature summaries, clouds
              analyses,  etc.   Most of these WEFAX transmissions are
              relayed by GOES spacecraft today.

PLATFORMS   - Weather  satellites  are often called "space platforms"
              because they serve as emplacements in space for various
              instrument   systems.  The  same  term  is  applied  to
              automatic weather data transmitters installed on buoys,
              balloons, ships, and  planes,  and  mounted  in  remote
              areas. Weather satellites collect this data and feed it
              into the daily world weather analysis.

EL NINO   -   A warming  of the surface waters of the eastern equato-
              rial Pacific that occurs at irregular intervals of 2 to
              7  years  and  lasts  for  1  to  2 years. The SOUTHERN
              OSCILLATION is a  global-scale  seesaw  in  atmospheric
              pressure  between  Indonesia-North  Australia,  and the
              southeast Pacific. Together, they are interacting parts
              of a  single  global  system  of  climate  fluctuations
              popularly   known   as   ENSO--The   El   Nino/Southern
              Oscillation, so named because it first  was  associated
              with Christmas, the time of the Christ Child.

NEPHANALYSIS  Using cloud pictures to study the relationship  between
              cloud  forms and storm centers.  In classical mythology
              Nephele was a woman Zeus formed from a cloud.
