NASA/Spacelink File Name:6_6_9_3.TXT                   STS-48/UARS




        NASA'S  Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) is designed to
  monitor  the  vertical  distributions  of  ozone  and   key   upper
  atmosphere trace gases that affect the global ozone distribution by
  measuring  the  attenuation  (reduction  in intensity) of the Sun's
  energy in selected spectral bands as it passes through the  Earth's

        One of the 10 highly-instrumented experiments on NASA's Upper
  Atmosphere  Research  Satellite  (UARS),  HALOE  is scheduled to be
  launched in September  aboard  the  Space  Shuttle  Discovery.  The
  instrument has a planned lifetime of at least 18 months.

        UARS   is  the  first  comprehensive  space  experiment  ever
  mounted to study the chemistry,  dynamics  and  energetics  of  the
  Earth's  upper  atmosphere.   It  will  provide valuable scientific
  input to critical policy decisions aimed at  protecting  the  thin,
  fragile ozone layer which blocks harmful ultraviolet radiation from
  reaching the Earth's surface.

        The  UARS  spacecraft  will be delivered into a 348-mile (560
  km) circular Earth orbit.  After deployment by the  Shuttle  remote
  manipulator  system, UARS will be boosted by a propulsion system on
  the spacecraft to a 363-mile (600 km) circular orbit,  inclined  57
  degrees to the equator.

        Goddard  Space  Flight  Center  manages  and directs the UARS
  mission for the Office of Space  Sciences  and  Applications,  NASA
  Headquarters,  Washington, D.C. The spacecraft was designed, built,
  integrated and tested by GE Astrospace, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania,
  and East Windsor, New Jersey.

  HALOE Science Objectives

        Scientific objectives of the HALOE mission are to:

        % Improve understanding of stratospheric ozone  depletion  by
  collecting  and  analyzing  global  vertical  profiles of ozone and
  gases important in its  destruction:  hydrogen  chloride,  methane,
  water vapor, nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide.

        %  Study the chlorofluoromethane impact on ozone by measuring
  hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride in addition  to  the  other
  key  chemical  species,  and  using  data on Freon 11, Freon 12 and
  chlorine nitrate obtained from other UARS experiments.

        The science investigations will include studies of trace  gas
  sources  and  depositories,  transport  mechanisms,  dynamics,  and
  validation of atmospheric and photochemical dynamics models.

        The experiment uses  gas  filter  correlation  radiometry  to
  measure  hydrogen  chloride,  hydrogen fluoride, methane and nitric
  oxide, and broadband filter  radiometry  to  measure  water  vapor,
  nitrogen  dioxide,  ozone  and  carbon dioxide.  The carbon dioxide
  data will be used to obtain atmospheric temperature versus pressure

  HALOE Instrument Description

        The HALOE instrument hardware is contained  in  two  separate
  packages,  the  Platform  Electronics Assembly (PEA) and the Sensor
  Assembly. The PEA links the instrument with  the  spacecraft.   The
  Sensor  Assembly  makes  the  science  measurements and consists of
  eight science detectors and radiometers, a Cassegrain telescope,  a
  two-axis  gimbal assembly, a Sun sensor, the spacecraft adapter and
  supporting electronics.

        The  operating   principles   of   gas   filter   correlation
  radiometry   and   conventional  broadband  filter  radiometry  are
  described below:

        Gas Filter Correlation Radiometry Principle  -  Solar  energy
  enters  the gas correlation section of the instrument optics and is
  divided for each channel  (hydrogen  chloride,  hydrogen  fluoride,
  nitric oxide and methane) into two paths.  Each channel has its own
  broadband  optical  filter  and detector. The first path contains a
  cell filled with the gas to be  measured;  the  second  path  is  a
  vacuum  path  without gas.  By electronically comparing the outputs
  of the  gas  and  vacuum  path  detectors,  scientists  can  derive
  chemical measurements.

        Broadband  Filter  Radiometry  Principle  -  The water vapor,
  nitrogen  dioxide,  ozone   and   carbon   dioxide   channels   are
  conventional  broadband  filter  radiometers.  In this case, energy
  from the Sun comes in through only one path for each channel. After
  passing through a broadband optical filter, the energy  is  focused
  on  a  detector.  By tracking the Sun, a signal is recorded outside
  the atmosphere and  during  occultation  after  absorption  by  the
  atmosphere.   The  ratio  of  the  attenuated  signal to the signal
  outside  the  atmosphere  can  be   used   to   measure   the   gas

        The  Cassegrain  telescope  reflects  solar  energy through a
  series of beamsplitters and spectral filters  to  the  photovoltaic
  detectors  for  the  gas  filter  correlation  channels  and to the
  broadband filter radiometer channels. The atmospheric target  gases
  are  detected  at  specific  wavelengths between 2.5 microns and 11

        The instrument  size  is  approximately  36  in.  (spacecraft
  adapter  to  frame  radiometer)  by  24  in.  (elevation  gimbal to
  telescope) by 32 in. (telescope to Gimbal Electronics Sssembly)  or
  (92   x  62  x  81  cm).   The  Platform  Electronics  Assembly  is
  approximately 9 x 10 x 6.6 inches (23.5 x 24.3  x  22.1  cm).   The
  total  mass  of  the  instrument  (Sensor  Assembly and PEA) is 222
  pounds (101 kg).

        The initial design phase  for  HALOE  was  conducted  by  TRW
  Defense  and  Space Systems Group in Redondo Beach, California. The
  final design,  fabrication,  assembly  and  testing  was  completed
  in-house at Langley Research Center.

  Instrument Operation

        The  HALOE  instrument operates autonomously once powered and
  initialized.  Commands are  sent  to  the  spacecraft  computer  to
  operate  the  instrument  for  one  day  to perform the sunrise and
  sunset data observations. When the spacecraft sends  a  command  to
  perform  a sunrise or sunset sequence, the instrument automatically
  performs  a  solar  acquisition,  a  balance  of  all  gas   filter
  correlation  radiometer  channels,  limb to limb scans of the solar
  disk, a calibration activity, the science data  measurement  during
  occultation and then slews back to the stow position.

        The  Sun pointer/tracker subsystem consists of two coarse and
  one fine Sun sensors, a two-axis gimbal assembly, a  microprocessor
  and drive electronics for gimbal motor control.  Its function is to
  acquire the Sun, scan the solar disk and track a specified location
  on  the  solar  disk  during balance, calibration, and science data
  measurement  activities  for  orbital  sunrise  or  sunset  events.
  Acquisition  and  tracking  control  signals  for  the  gimbals are
  derived from the Sun sensors.

        During a typical event, measurements will begin at a  tangent
  height  of  93  miles  (150  km),  where  there  is  no atmospheric
  interference, down to the Earth's  surface  or  until  the  Sun  is
  obscured  by clouds.  HALOE will view approximately 15 sunrises and
  sunsets  each  day  collecting   data   on   vertical   trace   gas
  concentrations.   Each event will occur at a different latitude and
  longitude, and global coverage is repeated every 3 to 4 weeks.

  Data Processing

        Data from the HALOE instrument will be stored in one  of  two
  tape  recorders  aboard  the  UARS  observatory.   The data will be
  transmitted  to  the  White  Sands  receiving  system  through  the
  Tracking  Data  Relay Satellite System (TDRSS).  Routine processing
  of the data will occur at the Central Data Handling Facility (CDHF)
  at the Goddard Space Flight Center with software  provided  by  the
  Langley  science team.  Interaction with the CDHF will be through a
  direct data link between the  HALOE  Remote  Analysis  Computer  at
  Langley Research Center and the CDHF.

        Processed  data  will  contain species concentration profiles
  as a function of global location and time.  The  profiles  will  be
  mapped  out  on a global and seasonal basis as the data accumulates
  during the mission.

        All UARS data will be archived at the  Goddard  Space  Flight

  Scientific Value

        Ozone  in  the  Earth's  atmosphere reaches concentrations of
  only about 12 parts ozone to one million air molecules, yet it  has
  profound effects on Earth life.  If the ozone level is changed, the
  solar ultraviolet level at the Earth's surface is altered.  Serious
  biological  and economical impacts can occur in areas such as human
  health, crop and plant growth, perturbations to micro-organisms  in
  the  soil and oceans, weathering of materials, and possible climate
  and weather alterations.  A 1 percent decline in ozone levels,  for
  example,  can lead to a 2 percent rise in human skin cancer.  Also,
  if ozone is depleted, the stratospheric temperature  rise  will  be
  altered  leading  to  changes  in  atmospheric stability due to the
  weakened temperature inversion.

        A growing body of evidence has led  to  a  consensus  in  the
  scientific  community  that  man-made activities are perturbing the
  ozone layer.   The  recent  Antarctic  ozone  "hole"  finding,  for
  example,  can  only be explained by considering reactions involving
  aerosol particles and chlorine compounds formed after  dissociation
  of the man-made chlorofluoromethanes (CFM's).  These CFM's are used
  as  refrigerants  and  in  various  industrial  applications.   The
  extent to which such effects occur outside the Antarctic region  is
  unknown. Consequently, it is very important that the ozone layer be
  monitored globally and over a long time period.

        The  overall goal of HALOE is to provide global-scale data on
  temperature, ozone and other key trace gases needed  to  study  and
  to   better   understand  the  chemistry,  dynamics  and  radiative
  processes of the middle atmosphere (6-74 miles or 10-120 km) and to
  study  the  impact  of  CFM's  on  ozone  using  hydrogen  fluoride
  observations,  in  combination  with  other  HALOE data. The figure
  shows  the  major  chlorine  source  species  entering  the  middle

  They  interact  with  ozone,  the nitrogen and hydrogen oxides, and
  with solar radiation  to  form  the  reservoir  molecules  hydrogen
  chloride  and hydrogen fluoride.  For every chlorine atom formed in
  the  middle  atmosphere  by  dissociation  of  the  CFM  molecules,
  approximately  1,000  ozone molecules are destroyed.  HALOE studies
  will be aimed at evaluating the relative importance of man-made and
  natural chlorine sources in ozone destruction.  Since  the  primary
  man-made  chlorine  sources (i.e., the CFM's) contain both chlorine
  and fluorine in the molecule, while natural  sources  (e.g.  methyl
  chloride  and carbon tetrachloride) contain only chlorine, hydrogen
  fluoride becomes an indicator of man-made  chlorine  input  to  the
  middle  atmosphere.  Hydrogen chloride is an indicator of the total
  chlorine input.  The relative importance of these two  sources  can
  be  inferred  by studying changes in hydrogen chloride and hydrogen
  fluoride with time.

  HALOE Implementation

        The Langley Research Center is responsible for providing  the
  scientific  instrument  for the HALOE investigation, the instrument
  flight operations, the science data  products  through  HALOE  data
  processing  and  data  management systems, and managing the Science
  Team and its investigations.

  HALOE Science Team

Dr. James M. Russell III, HALOE Principal Investigator, Langley Research
Dr. Ralph J. Cicerone, University of California/Irvine
Prof. S. Roland Drayson, University of Michigan
Prof. John E. Frederick, University of Chicago
Dr. Adrian F. Tuck, Aeronomy Lab/NOAA/ERL, Boulder, Colorado
Prof. Dr. Paul J. Crutzen, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Federal
Republic of Germany
Dr. John E. Harries, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, United Kingdom
Dr. Jae H. Park, NASA Langley Research Center
Larry L. Gordley, Gats Inc., Hampton,Va.
W. Donald Hesketh, SpaceTec Ventures Inc., Hampton, Va.

HALOE Project Management

Dewey M. Smith, Project Manager
Thomas C. Jones, Deputy Project Manager
Dr. James M. Russell III, Principal Investigator
John G. Wells, Flight Operations and Science Manager
Kenneth V. Haggard, Science Software and Data Processing Manager


  NASA/Spacelink File Name:6_2_2_32_9.TXT                     STS-48



        In 1987, the National Aeronautics  and  Space  Administration
  (NASA)  initiated  an  outreach program, called In-Space Technology
  Experiment Program (IN-STEP), which allows  universities,  industry
  and  the government to develop small, inexpensive technology flight
  experiments.   Five  flight  experiments  have  been  selected  for
  IN-STEP,   which   is  funded  by  NASA's  Office  of  Aeronautics,
  Exploration and Technology, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

        The first university experiment to  fly  in  the  program  is
  called  MODE- -for Middeck 0-gravity Dynamics Experiment--developed
  by  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology   (MIT).    The   MODE
  experiment  will  study mechanical and fluid behavior of components
  for Space Station Freedom and other future spacecraft.

        Testing space structures in the  normal  1-g  environment  of
  Earth  poses  problems  because  gravity  significantly  influences
  their dynamic response. Also, the  suspension  systems  needed  for
  tests  in  1-g  further  complicate the gravity effects.  Models of
  space structures intended for use in  microgravity  can  be  tested
  more realistically in the weightlessness of space.

        The  MODE  experiment consists of electronically-instrumented
  hardware  that  Shuttle  astronauts  will  test  in   the   craft's
  pressurized middeck section. MODE will study the sloshing of fluids
  in partially-filled containers and the vibration characteristics of
  jointed truss structures.

        MODE  occupies  3  1/2 standard Shuttle middeck lockers.  One
  locker contains the experiment support module (ESM)  that  controls
  the  experiment.   The  other middeck lockers accommodate the fluid
  test articles (FTAs), a partially-assembled structural test article
  (STA), optical data  storage  disks  and  shakers  needed  for  the
  experiment.   The  FTAs and shaker attach to the support module for
  testing; the STA floats free in the weightlessness of the  middeck,
  but  connects to the support module with an umbilical through which
  excitation and sensor signals travel.


        The experiment support  module  contains  a  special  purpose
  computer,  high  speed  input/output  data and control lines to the
  test articles,  a  power  conditioning  system,  signal  generator,
  signal  conditioning  amplifiers,  and a high-capacity optical disk
  data recording system.

        Experiment Support Module.

        In orbit, the astronauts command the computer  via  a  keypad
  to  execute  test  routines  stored  on the optical recorder before
  launch.  Once a test routine begins, the  computer  and  associated
  control  circuits excite the containers or the truss with precisely
  controlled forces and then measure the response.  The Shuttle  crew
  members  use  an  alpha-numeric  display  to monitor the status and
  progress of each test.


        The study of fluid dynamics  and  spacecraft  interaction  in
  microgravity  is an integral part of NASA's research and technology
  base.  It is a research area  that  has  influenced  space  vehicle
  design   since  the  Apollo  program  of  the  1960s.   A  detailed
  understanding of such fluid/spacecraft interactions  is  needed  to
  design  a  broad  spectrum  of  future  spacecraft  that will carry
  liquids for fuel and life support, including an Earth-orbiting fuel
  depot for Mars missions.

        The behavior of fluids depends on the gravity level  present.
  In  addition to experiments in normal gravity, researchers obtained
  a large database on fluid dynamics in microgravity  by  flying  the
  MODE-type hardware on NASA's KC-135 aircraft.

        The  aircraft repeatedly flew a special parabolic flight path
  that produced short periods of weightlessness.  Although the KC-135
  studies provided useful data, they were too brief to understand the
  behavior of fluids in space.  The  MODE  flight  experiment  aboard
  STS-48  gives  researchers  access to a much longer duration micro-
  gravity environment.

        The four  fluid  test  articles  are  Lexan  cylinders  --two
  containing  silicon  oil and two containing water.  Silicon oil has
  dynamic properties that approximate  those  of  typical  spacecraft
  fluid  propellants.   Water  is more likely than the silicon oil to
  stay together  at  one  end  of  the  cylinder--an  important  test
  condition.  The same basic dynamic information will be obtained for
  both fluids.

        The  cylinders  mount  one  at a time to a force balance that
  connects to a shaker on  the  support  module.   The  balance  will
  measure  the forces arising from the motion of the fluid inside the
  tanks.  These forces, with other data  such  as  the  test  article
  acceleration  and  the  ambient  acceleration  levels of the entire
  assembly, will be recorded in digital form on an optical disk.


        The structural test article is a truss model  of  part  of  a
  large  space  structure.   It  includes  4  strain  gauges  and  11
  accelerometers and is vibrated by an actuator.   When  deployed  in
  the  Shuttle  orbiter's middeck, the test device is about 72 inches
  long with an 8-inch square cross section.

        There are two types of  trusses:  deployable  and  erectable.
  The  deployable  structures  are stored folded and are unhinged and
  snapped into place for the tests.  The  erectable  structure  is  a
  collection  of  individual  truss  elements  that  screw into round
  joints or "nodes."

        Four different truss configurations are slated  for  testing.
  First,  the  basic  truss  will  be  evaluated.   It  is an in-line
  combination of truss sections, with an erectable module flanked  by
  deployable  modules  mounted  on  either end. Next, a rotary joint,
  similar to the Space Station Freedom "alpha joint" that will govern
  the orientation fo the station's solar  arrays,  will  replace  the
  erectable section.

        The  third  configuration  will  be L-shaped combination of a
  deployable truss, rotary joint and erectable  module  (all  mounted
  in-line)  and  another  deployable  section  mounted at a 90-degree
  angle to the end of the erectable  truss.   The  final  arrangement
  will mount a flexible appendage simulating a solar panel or a solar
  dynamic module to the elbow of the L- shaped third configuration.

        Both  test  articles  will  be tested using vibrations over a
  specified frequency range.   On-orbit  experiment  operations  with
  both  devices  will  include  assembly, calibration, performance of
  test routines and stowage.

        MODE  requires  two  eight-hour  test   periods   in   orbit.
  Researchers expect to obtain more than four million bits of digital
  data,  about  4 hours of video tape, and more than 100 photographs.
  The space-based data will be analyzed and detailed comparisons made
  with pre- and post-flight measurements done on the flight  hardware
  using  laboratory suspension systems.  The results also will refine
  numerical models used to predict the dynamic behavior of  the  test

        This  low-cost  experiment  will provide better understanding
  of the capabilities  and  limitations  of  ground-based  suspension
  systems used to measure the dynamic response of complex structures.
  It  should  lead  to  more  sophisticated computer models that more
  accurately predict the performance of future large space structures
  and the impact of moving liquids in future spacecraft.

        In response to the 1987  IN-STEP  program  solicitation,  the
  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology Space Engineering Research
  Center developed MODE and received a NASA contract that same  year.
  MIT  selected  Payload Systems Inc., Cambridge, Mass., as the prime
  subcontractor responsible for hardware  fabrication,  certification
  and  mission  support.   McDonnell  Douglas  Space Systems Company,
  Huntington Beach, Calif., joined the program in 1989 using its  own
  funds  to  support  design  and construction of the structural test

        NASA's Langley Research Center,  Hampton,  Va.,  manages  the
  contract.  With  NASA Headquarters, Langley also provides technical
  and administrative assistance to integrate  the  payload  into  the
  Space Shuttle.

        Sherwin  M.  Beck is the NASA MODE project manager and Robert
  N. Buchan is the NASA MODE experiment manager, both at Langley. MIT
  Professor  Edward  F.  Crawley  is   the   experiment's   principal
  investigator.   Edward  Bokhour is hardware development manager and
  Dr. Javier de Luis is experiment support scientist, both at Payload
  Systems, Inc. Dr. Andrew S.  Bicos  is  the  project  scientist  at
  McDonnell Douglas Space Systems Company.