RELEASE: 91-45

        NASA  today  delivered  the  "restructuring"  report  to  the
  Congress,  outlining  an  extensive  redesign  of the Freedom space
  station. The new design is cheaper, smaller, easier to assemble  in
  orbit and will require fewer Shuttle flights to build.

        Major  new features of the redesigned space station - shorter
  U.S. laboratory and habitat  modules  that  can  be  outfitted  and
  verified  on  the  ground  and  a  pre-integrated truss that can be
  assembled on the ground and  tested  with  all  of  its  subsystems
  intact  -  will  significantly reduce intravehicular activity (IVA)
  and on-orbit extravehicular activity  (EVA)  needed  to  build  and
  maintain Freedom.

        "This new design for Space Station Freedom accomplishes every
  major goal we set for ourselves when we kicked off this effort last
  November,"  said  William  B.  Lenoir,  Associate Administrator for
  Space Flight.  "We  took  the  directions  from  Congress  and  the
  Augustine  Commission  recommendations to heart, and the program we
  are  announcing  today  addresses  each  and  every  one  of  their

        "We've  cut  costs,  simplified  the  design  and reduced the
  complexity of the project.  At the same time,  Freedom  will  be  a
  quality  facility,  providing  a research laboratory unsurpassed in
  the world for  life  sciences  and  microgravity  research,  and  a
  stepping  stone  into  the  future,  enabling  NASA  to conduct the
  research and planning necessary for human exploration of the  solar
  system.  And, we have maintained our international commitments," he

        A  1991  fiscal  year  budget  shortfall  of  more  than $550
  million,  along  with  Congressional  directions  to  significantly
  reduce  out-year spending, prompted NASA to begin the restructuring
  of Freedom. Congress told NASA to expect  no  more  than  8  to  10
  percent  growth  over  the  next  5 years (FY 1992-1996), with peak
  spending for Freedom not to exceed $2.5-2.6 billion.  The budgetary
  ground rules, including the cut  for  FY  1991,  represent  a  $5.7
  billion  shortfall  from what NASA had planned to spend for Freedom
  over that same time period.

        NASA directed the review in November 1990  with  instructions
  to  the  Freedom  project  team  to: develop a phased approach with
  quasi-independent  phases;  protect  life  and  materials  science;
  maintain  international  agreements  and capability; limit assembly
  flights to no more than four annually; and  achieve  first  element
  launch,  man-tended capability and permanently manned capability as
  early as possible.

        The restructured program calls for the first  element  launch
  of  the  space  station to be made in the second quarter of FY 1996
  (January - March 1996), and man-tended capability to be achieved in
  the third quarter of FY 1997 (April-June 1997).

        In the man-tended phase, astronauts brought up to Freedom  by
  the  Space  Shuttle will be able to work inside the U.S. laboratory
  for periods of 2  weeks.   They  will  return  to  Earth  with  the
  Shuttle.  At  this  stage,  one  set of Freedom's solar arrays will
  generate about 22 kw of power with a minimum of 11 kw available  to
  users.   Six  Shuttle  flights  will  be  required  to  achieve the
  man-tended configuration.

        Freedom will achieve a permanently  manned  configuration  in
  Fiscal Year 2000.  This configuration  will  consist  of  the  U.S.
  laboratory  and  habitat,  as  well  as  the  European and Japanese
  laboratories; the Canadian Mobile Servicing System;  accommodations
  for  a  live-in  crew  of  four;  and  three  sets  of solar arrays
  furnishing 65 kw of electrical power, with a minimum of 30 kw going
  to the users and the remainder to housekeeping chores.

        A new requirement before permanently  occupying  the  station
  will  be  the  availability  of  an  Assured Crew Return Vehicle to
  return space station crew members to the  Earth  in  an  emergency.
  Seventeen  Shuttle  flights will be needed to build the permanently
  manned configuration.

        Provisions to expand the space station have been  maintained.
  The  follow-on  phase  of  the Freedom program will include another
  solar array to achieve 75 kw,  provisions  for  4  additional  crew
  members  and could include additional capabilities such as a second
  preintegrated laboratory and additional nodes.   This  phase  would
  use  the  new  launch  system for launch and assembly if the launch
  system is available.

        The redesigned U.S. lab and hab modules are 27 feet long  and
  14.5  feet  in diameter, about 40 percent shorter than the previous
  design.  The smaller size allows the modules to be fully  outfitted
  and  tested  on the ground prior to being launched into orbit.  The
  U.S. lab module will hold a total of 24 8-foot wide  racks,  15  of
  which  initially  are  devoted  to scientific work.  At permanently
  manned capability, 28 experiment racks will be  available  to  U.S.
  investigators:  12  in the U.S. lab, 11 in the ESA lab and 5 in the
  Japanese lab.

        The redesigned truss segments will be built, preassembled and
  checked out on the ground.  Formerly, the truss was  to  have  been
  assembled,  like  a  massive  erector set, by astronauts performing
  space walks.  NASA estimates  the  pre-integrated  truss  will  cut
  assembly EVA by more than 50 percent.

        While  work  on the Attached Payload Accommodations Equipment
  (APAE) suitable for  large  external  payloads  has  been  stopped,
  utility  ports for small external payloads will be placed along the
  truss.  The overall width of the station has been reduced from  493
  feet to 353 feet.

        Complexity of other station systems also has been reduced and
  where  possible,  hardware already flying on the Space Shuttle will
  be used in place of developing new hardware for the station.   Also
  called  for  in  the plan is the transfer of the Flight Telerobotic
  Servicer  to  NASA's  Office  of   Aeronautics,   Exploration   and
  Technology.  This,  together  with  the  deferral  of the APAE, has
  eliminated the Goddard Space Flight Center's Work  Package  3  from
  the Freedom program.

        In  addition  to  changes to the flight hardware, a number of
  changes to  ground  facilities  are  planned.   The  Space  Station
  Processing  Facility  to  be built at the Kennedy Space Center will
  not be fully outfitted, and a  new  hazardous  processing  facility
  has  been deleted in favor of using an existing facility.  The size
  of planned facilities at the Johnson Space  Center  -  the  control
  center  and  crew  training  facilities  -  have  been scaled back.
  Payload facilities  at  Marshall  Space  Flight  Center  are  being
  deferred and existing facilities will be used in the interim.

        Due  to funding cutbacks and hardware changes in the program,
  some layoffs of prime and subcontractor personal have already taken
  place, and more are expected.  At Work Package 1, no layoffs at the
  prime contractor, Boeing, are expected, but more  than  500  people
  will be reduced from the subcontractor roles, some of which will be
  accommodated through transfers and attrition.

        At  Work  Package  2,  prime contractor McDonnell Douglas has
  already reduced its work force by about 160, with half that  number
  being  layoffs.   Major subcontractors to McDonnell Douglas will be
  reduced by about 470, with  layoffs  accounting  for  approximately
  half  of  that,  and  another  200  will be reduced from supporting
  development, with about 65 of that total coming from  terminations.
  At  Work  Package  4,  no  layoffs  are expected, but as many as 40
  people in support jobs at Lewis Research Center will be reassigned.
  Layoffs of about 30 percent of the work force at the Space  Station
  Engineering  and  Integration  Contractor,  Grumman, were announced
  earlier this month.



        NASA's  Marshall  Space  Flight  Center  (Work Package 1) has
  responsibility for: the design and construction  of  Space  Station
  Freedom's   pressurized  laboratory  and  habitation  modules,  the
  working area and living quarters for Freedom's  crew  members;  the
  logistics  modules, used for resupply and storage; node structures,
  which connect the laboratory and habitation  modules;  and  certain
  subsystems  internal  to  the  pressurized  modules,  including the
  environmental control and life support, thermal control, electrical
  distribution, communcations and audio/video systems.


        The U.S. Laboratory Module and Habitation Module will each be
  14.5 feet in diameter and 27  feet  in  length.   These  dimensions
  allow  the modules to be built, outfitted, integrated and tested on
  the ground and then transported  into  Earth  orbit  in  the  Space
  Shuttle  cargo  bay  and  connected  to  the  nodes and other space
  station structures.

        The U.S. Lab will include 15 experiment racks and 13  systems
  racks.   During  the  station's  Man-Tended Capability (MTC) phase,
  this orbiting laboratory will serve as the  site  for  microgravity
  research  and  will be capable of conducting that science in both a
  manned mode, when astronauts are visiting the station via the Space
  Shuttle, and  in  an  unmanned  mode.   When  station  construction
  reaches  Permanently  Manned  Capability  (PMC) and four astronauts
  remain onboard for extended periods, life sciences research will be
  conducted to learn more about the affects of living in space and to
  help prepare mankind for returning to the Moon  and  exploring  the

        With   the  addition  of  the  Habitation  and  International
  Laboratory modules, the station's module racks will  expand  to  as
  many as 45.

        When  station  construction reaches PMC and the Hab Module is
  added, Freedom's environmental control and  lifes  support  systems
  will  provide  closed-loop  water recycling capability.  The crew's
  food and other supplies will  be  carried  to  the  station  via  a
  logistics  module which is transported in the Space Shuttle's cargo
  bay.  During the Man-Tended Capability phase,  astronauts  visiting
  Freedom will live on the Shuttle.


        NASA's  Johnson  Space  Center (Work Package 2) Space Station
  Freedom  Program  Office  (SSPO)  is  responsible  for  the design,
  development,  verification,  assembly  and  delivery  of  the  Work
  Package  2  flight  elements  and  systems,  which   include:   the
  pre-integrated   truss   assembly;   propulsion   assembly;  Mobile
  Servicing System transporter; resource node design and  outfitting;
  external   thermal  control;  data  management;  communication  and
  tracking;  extravehicular  systems  and  guidance;  navigation  and
  control systems, and the airlock.

        JSC  SSPO  is  also  responsible  for  the attachment systems
  required by the Space Shuttle for periodic  visits.   In  addition,
  JSC  SSPO  provides  technical  direction  to  the  Work  Package 1
  contractor via the Marshall Space Flight Center for the design  and
  development of all manned space subsystems.


        The  pre-integrated  truss  assembly  is  the  Space  Station
  Freedom structural framework to  which  the  modules,  solar  power
  arrays and mobile transporter will be attached.


        The  propulsion  assembly  will be used to adjust or maintain
  the orbit of Space Station Freedom to  ensure  it  remains  at  the
  required  altitude.   Work  Package  2  has  responsibility for the
  overall propulsion system.


        The Mobile Servicing System will be a multi-purpose mechanism
  equipped with a transportable robotic arm used to help assemble and
  maintain Space Station Freedom. The Work Package 2 contractor  will
  build  the  mobile transporter; Canada will provide the robotic arm
  and a special-purpose dexterous manipulator.


        The resource nodes house most  of  the  command  and  control
  systems  for  the  Space  Station  as  well as being the connecting
  passageways  for  the  habitation  and  laboratory  modules.   Work
  Package  2 will outfit the node structures provided by Work Package
  1 to accomplish the objectives of each node.


        Extravehicular activity (EVA) systems includes equipment such
  as the extravehicular mobility unit (EMU) or spacesuit;  provisions
  for  communication; physiological monitoring and data transmission;
  EVA  crew  rescue  and  equipment  retrieval  provision   and   EVA
  procedures.  An airlock for use by crew members performing EVA will
  also be designed as part of Work Package 2.


        The external thermal system provides primary cooling and heat
  rejection to control temperatures of electronics  and  other  Space
  Station hardware located throughout the facility.


        In  concert  with the Orbiter Projects Office, Work Package 2
  is responsible for the development of  systems  which  will  permit
  Space Shuttle mating with the Space Station.


        The  GN&C  system  is  composed  of  core  system and traffic
  management functions.  The core system function  provides  attitude
  and  orbital  state maintenance; supports the pointing of the power
  system  and  thermal  radiators;  accomplishes   periodic   reboost
  maneuvers, and provides Space Station attitude information to other
  systems  and  users.   The traffic management function provides for
  controlling all traffic in  the  area  around  the  Space  Station,
  including  orbiter mating operations and trajectories determination
  of vehicles and objects which may intersect the orbit of the  Space


        The  communications  and tracking (C&T) system is composed of
  six subsystems: space-to-space  communications  with  crew  members
  during  space  walks  (EVA);  aboard  the  Space  Shuttle, and with
  visiting vehicles such as  the  European  Space  Agency  man-tended
  free-flyer;  space-to-ground  communications  through  the Tracking
  and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) to  ground  data  networks;
  internal   and  external  voice  communication  through  the  audio
  subsystem; internal and external  video  requirements  through  the
  video   subsystem;   management   of   communication  and  tracking
  resources and data distribution through  the  control  and  monitor
  subsystem; and navigation data through the tracking subsystem.


        The  data  management  system (DMS) provides the hardware and
  software resources that interconnect onboard systems, payloads, and
  operations to perform data and information management.   Functional
  services  provided by DMS include data processing, data acquisition
  and distribution, data storage, and the user  interface  to  permit
  control and monitoring of systems and experiments.


        Crew  safety is an essential consideration in the development
  of the Space Station to the  permanently-manned  configuration.   A
  major  system failure aboard the Space Station, injuries or illness
  may require the return of crew members to  Earth  during  a  period
  when  the  Space  Shuttle  is  unavailable.   NASA's  Johnson Space
  Center has responsibility for conducting  definition-phase  studies
  of  an  Assured  Crew  Return Vehicle (ACRV) which would be used to
  supplement the Space Shuttle in such circumstances.


        McDonnell  Douglas  Space  Systems  Company's  Space  Station
  Division  heads  a  team  completing  the  work for Work Package 2.
  Major subcontractors include GE Aerospace Government Communications
  Systems Division, Honeywell Space Systems Group, IBM Federal Sector
  Division, Lockheed Missiles and Space Company and Astro  Aerospace.
  GE  is  producing communications and tracking, Honeywell is working
  on stabilization and controls, IBM is designing the data management
  systems, Lockheed is developing thermal control,  power  management
  and distribution, and extravehicular activity systems, and Astro is
  responsible for the mobile transporter system.


        NASAUs Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, is responsible
  for  the  end-to-  end  electric power system for the Freedom space
  station.   This  includes  defining  the  system  architecture  and
  providing  the  solar  arrays,  batteries, and power management and
  distribution hardware and  software.   The  power  system  includes
  power  generation  and storage, and the management and distribution
  of power to the final user interface.  The electric power system is
  required to have the capability to deliver 22 kW of electric  power
  for  a man-tended configuration, and 65 kW for a permanently manned
  configuration with growth to 75.0 kW.


        Initially, power for Freedom will be  provided  by  flexible,
  deployable  solar  array  wings.   This configuration minimizes the
  complexity of the assembly  process  by  taking  advantage  of  the
  technology  previously demonstrated on Space Shuttle flights.  Each
  39-by-122 foot wing consists of two blanket assemblies covered with
  solar cells.  These are stowed in blanket boxes which are  attached
  to  a deployment canister.  Each pair of blankets is to be deployed
  and supported on a  deployable  mast.   A  tension  mechanism  will
  supply tension to the blanket as it reaches complete extension. The
  entire  wing  will be tied structurally to the pre-integrated truss
  by means of the beta gimbal assembly.

        In order to provide the power needed  during  the  period  of
  space  station assembly, two solar wings, the energy storage system
  and electronics  components  are  assembled  into  a  power  module
  scheduled  to  be  carried  up  on  the first space staion assembly
  flight. These two wings along with engergy storage will provide  22
  kW  of  power.   The  remaining  power modules with two solar array
  wings per module will be delivered on oribit after  the  man-tended
  configuration is reached.


        Nickel  Hydrogen  (Ni-H2)  batteries  will  store  the energy
  produced by the solar arrays.  A battery pack  is  made  up  of  76
  Ni-H2   cells,  wiring  harness,  and  mechanical/thermal.  support
  components.  On  discharge,  the  battery  provides  power  to  the
  primary bus for eclipse periods.  Ni-H2 batteries were selected for
  low weight and high reliability.


        The  160/120  volt DC PMAD system is designed specifically to
  meet the high electric  power  system  requirements  of  the  space
  station.  It is user friendly and can accommodate a wide variety of
  user  loads  delivering  controlled  power to many scattered loads.
  The high voltage DC power  system  was  selected  to  provide  high
  efficiency, low cost, and safe operations.