|                      ROS SPACE / ASTRONOMY BBS LIST                      |
|                               January 1995                               |
To add BBSs to this list, please format an entry similarly to those you'll
find below and send it to me at: 
	      FidoNet  1:116/58 or 
	      InterNet Edward.Locke@nashville.com.  
This list is open to *any* space / astronomy BBS desiring to be listed.  
The list is updated every 2 months, more or less.  ;-)

If you are in Europe, you may want to send your entries to Veikko Makela
(the European Coordinator) at the Rainbow Forest BBS, Helsinki, Finland,
FidoNet 2:220/168 or at the Mizar BBS, also in Helsinki, FidoNet 2:220/861.
His InterNet address is Veikko.Makela@helsinki.fi.

Prior versions of this list were distributed with Veikko's list.  With
this version, the lists are now combined. 

FREQing the magic name ASTROBBS from 1:116/58 will get you this list.

Please circulate this list as you see fit.    

I would like to thank all the sysops of the boards listed here, without
whom there would be no need for such a list.  

"The sky is painted with unnumber'd sparks, ---
 They are all fire and every one doth shine ..."

 --- Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, act III, scene i

BBS Name:                  3LB (three little birds) BBS
Sysop:                     George A. Michalopoulos
Phone #:                   30-31-445352, 30-31-445495
Nodes:                     2
Locale:                    Thessaloniki, Macedonia, Greece
Hours:                     1st node 24 Hours, 2nd node 20:00-8:00 (gmt)
Modem Info:                300-14400 bps
Online Storage:            1.7 Gigs (2 CD-Roms on line)
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 2:410/5, 2:410/10
			   SBCNet 14:2100/1, 14:2100/2
FREQs:                     Accepted, 30 min. limit per day per site.
BBS Software:              RemoteAccess 2.01
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               Emphasis on astronomy & sound. Large
			   selection of shareware / PD programs for
			   the IBM & Compatible, no Mac or Amiga files.
			   All Greek echoes (30+), many international
			   and European, Sound Board Connection Network
			   (SBCNet) available. Blue Wave off line reader 

Information from George A. Michalopoulos, Sysop

BBS Name:                  ABBS - Astromail
Sysop:                     Peter Bluhm, Jost Jahn
			   sysop@abbs.heide.de (interNet)
Phone #:                   +49 5851 7896
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Dahlenburg, Germany
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                300-2800 bps (v.21-v.34, MNP 5/v.42bis)
Online Storage:             
Networks / Addresses       ZNETZ: ABBS.ZER
			   InterNet: abbs.heide.de
BBS Software:              Zerberus(tm) 4.0
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               TA, AAVSO, IAU, ESA and other organizations  
			   circulars and bulletins, ephemerids of comets
			   and asteroids, daily reports of the sun,     
			   reports of variable stars, comet observations,   
			   orbital elements of artificial satellites,
			   information about spaceflight.          
			   Images, finder maps, light curves, astronomical 
			   software and data compressing utilities. 

Information from Veikko Makela, Mizar BBS


BBS Name:                  Anti-Matter BBS
Sysop:                     Glenn Capuano
Phone #:                   61-3-752-1171
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Monbulk, Victoria  Australia
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                1200-14400 bps
Online Storage:            450 Megs
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 3:635/560
FREQs:                     Very Limited
BBS Software:              RemoteAccess 2.01
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               Large emphasis on Astronomy.  Latest astro 
			   software from around the world, NASA GIF images.
			   Range of Fidonet echomail areas, plus some 
			   Internet Areas via gateway. Observing Information 
			   on current astronomical phenomena updated monthly, 
			   plus daily planetary ephemeris.

Information from Glenn Capuano, Sysop


BBS Name:                  The Asterism BBS (unoffical name)
Sysop:                     Wayne Zuhl, Brian McGuinness
Phone #:                   1-908-709-0569
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Cranford, NJ
Hours:                     24 hours/day
Modem Info:                300-2400 (will be upgrading to 14,400 soon)
Online Storage:            30MB
Networks/Addresses:        None
FREQs:                     60 Minutes/day, 30 Minutes/call
BBS Software:              Spitfire 3.2
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               This is the BBS of Amateur Astronomers, Inc. the 
			   largest astronomy club in New Jersey (400 members 
			   approx.)  The board is primarily for messages 
			   with several forums dedicated to astronomical topics.
			   Some news updates and images will be made 
			   available in the near future for downloading.
			   There will also be some file utilities for DOS 
			   and Windows.  The board will always be WIP.

Information from Wayne Zuhl, co-sysop   

BBS Name:                  ASTRO BBS
Sysop:                     Mogens Winther, Kjeld Jensen, Thomas Kelvin
			   DK0179@applink.apple.com (Internet)  
Phone #:                   +45 7442 6307
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Sonderborg, Denmark
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                1200-14400 bps, v.32bis v.42 
Online Storage:            80 Mb, 600 MB CD-ROM 
Networks / Addresses       none
BBS Software:              Telefinder 3.0
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               CCD pictures, Lynxx, ST6, system serves both Mac 
			   and DOS, digital picture processing software for 
			   Mac and DOS, Astronomical Software for Mac and 
			   DOS. Astronomy Now, and discussions on User Groups, 
			   Aurora Alerts (Sysop operated Magnetometer), etc.               
			   The BBS is attached to an ST 6 CCD equipped  
			   Observatory, from April 1994 this observatory will 
			   recieve the long-awaited 16 Inch Meade Schmidt-
			   Cassegrain Camera.  Future Plans: Satellite Public 
			   domain images, extended harddisk, online 
			   magnetometer, etc.  Macintosh based User Access 
			   software together with some of our images may be 
			   found on Apple's International CD ROM Northern 
			   Light, 1993.                                        

Information from Veikko Makela, Mizar BBS

BBS Name:                  ASTROBASE
Sysop:                     Zoltan Jager, Istvan Tepliczky, Gabor Kondorosi
			   tepi@mcse.zpok.hu (Internet)
			   kondor@ludens.elte.hu (Internet)
Phone #:                   +36 79 324 600
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Baja, Hungary
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                1200-14400 bps, v.42, MNP 
Online Storage:            60 Mb 
Networks / Addresses       none
BBS Software:              Remote Access 1.11+
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               Astronomical programs, Ephemerides, NASA NSSDC 
			   catalogues, IAU and Minor Planet Electronical 
			   Circulars, HAA and BOF News, Sky & Telescope 
			   Weekly News Bulletins, Recent earthquakes, 
			   METEOSAT weather images for Europe, Variable 
			   star charts and observation results obtained 
			   by HAA members, Solar and auroral activity, 
			   NASA planetary missions and Space Shuttle status 
			   reports, Astronomical and weather animations.  
			   Only Hungarian at this moment, installation of 
			   English as an alternative language is in progress.  
			   Users can upload files to the file area no. 50.  
			   Summarized file list can be downloaded from all 
			   file areas (type "B" in the menu).  Maintained 
			   by the Hungarian Astronomical Association (HAA) 
			   and the Baja Observatory Foundation (BOF)

Information from Veikko Makela, Mizar BBS


BBS Name:                  Astrobasen (Electra)
Sysop:                     Anders Lindquist, Goran Hasse
			   andersl@saaf.se (InterNet)
			   gorhas@saaf.se (InterNet)
Phone #:                   +46 8 640 2479
			   +46 8 714 9872
Nodes:                     2
Locale:                    Stockholm, Sweden
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                300-2400 bps 
Online Storage:            5 Mb 
Networks / Addresses       InterNet: saaf.se
BBS Software:              Interactive Unix, with rn trn sbbs
Pay Rates:                 SAAF membership required, 300 SEK first year,
			   150 SEK following years.
Description:               General, Astronomy and space News, Ephemerides
			   Observations, texts to magazines, SAAF, Buy and 
			   sell, Books & magazines, comet texts, programs 
			   on Astrobasen, planets, occultations The Sun, 
			   Usenet news areas.  Message areas mainly in 
			   Swedish. Users can upload files, create new 
			   "file areas" (subdirectories).  No file list, 
			   instead the files are described in the message 
			   area "Programs on Astrobasen".  Maintained by 
			   the Swedish Amateur Astronomical Association
			   (Svenska AmatorAstronomisk Forening, SAAF)

Information from Veikko Makela, Mizar BBS

BBS Name:                  astro!nfo
Sysop:                     Matthias Cramer, Hans Martin Senn
			   astro_mgr@ezinfo.vmsmail.ethz.ch (InterNet)
			   Matthias Cramer @ 2:301/829 (Fidonet)
Phone #:                   +41 1632 4751
			   +41 1251 2002
Nodes:                     2
Locale:                    Zurich, Switzerland
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                300, 1200-9600 bps 
Online Storage:            
Networks / Addresses:      Internet: ezinfo.ethz.ch  
			   X.25: 0228-47931149412   
			   Decnet: ezinfo
BBS Software:              Custom menu system (requires VT100 or higher)
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
			   Maintained by the Astronomische Gesellschaft 
			   Zuercher Unterland (AGZU).
Description:               Database of Swiss observatories, calendar of
			   events, astronomical bibliography, list of Swiss 
			   astronomical societies and associations public 
			   discussion board, electronic circulars (as the 
			   AAVSO Alert Notices, The Astronomer Electronic 
			   Circular and others), sunspot data (from the 
			   Sunspot Index Data Centre at Brusells), science 
			   news, space news.  astro!nfo is part of ezInfo, 
			   the electronic information system of the Swiss 
			   Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ).
			   ezInfo offers a lot of other services besides     
			   astro!nfo. Menus are available in English, 
			   German, French and Italian.

Information from Veikko Makela, Mizar BBS


BBS Name:                  ASTROLABE
Sysop:                     Tom Graham
Phone #:                   1-405-769-6757
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Oklahoma City, OK  USA
Hours:                     All except Zone Mail Hour
Modem Info:                300-14400 bps
Online Storage:            155 Megs
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 1:147/1020
FREQs:                     Yes, between 10:00 - 16:00 UTC
BBS Software:              Maximus CBCS v2.00
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               Oklahoma City's finest Astronomy,
			   Science, and Space BBS.

Information from Tom Graham, Sysop


BBS Name:                  Astronomical Society of the Atlantic BBS
Sysop:                     Eric Greene
Phone #:                   1-404-321-5904
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Atlanta GA  USA 
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                300-9600 bps
Online Storage:            212 Meg
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 1:133/208
FREQs:                     Accepted     
BBS Software:              MAXIMUS 2.01wb
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               Emphasis on astronomy.  Large selection of 
			   astronomical shareware / PD programs for the 
			   IBM & Compatible. Almost no other software 
			   available except for a few MS-DOS utilities.  
			   Also area for Georgia Skeptics including file 
			   area and several Fidonet message bases.  No 
			   validation or registration required.  First time
			   callers have full BBS access on first call with 
			   60 minutes online time and 3 meg of downloads 

Information from Eric Greene, Sysop

BBS Name:                  The Cadre
Sysop:                     Jeff Rogers
Phone #:                   1-802-985-1448
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Shelburne VT  USA
Hours:                     23 Hours - Down daily for Z1ZMH
Modem Info:                1200 - 14400 v.32bis
Online Storage:            500meg plus CDROM
Networks /Addresses        FidoNet 1:325/134
FREQS:                     Accepted, no limit not during ZMH
BBS Software:              Frontdoor / Remote Access 2.01
Pay Rates:                 None, much to my wife's dismay
Description:               Emphasis on Astronomy, AutoCAD, Programming,
			   and Operating systems, (am I a geek or what?)
			   Lots of shareware programs, Apogee distribution
			   site.  Netware, OS/2, Windows and Linux
			   Slackware files.  Usenet on the way.
			   The astronomy file areas are small but growing
			   from active user uploads and frequent hunting
			   trips on the net.   Sysops may FREQ "files"
			   for a file listing.

Information from Jeff Rogers, Sysop


BBS Name:                  Computer Emporium BBS
Sysop:                     Rick Robertson
Phone#:                    1-601-992-5521
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Jackson MS  USA
Hours:                     24 Hours/7 Days
Modem Info:                1200-16800
Storage:                   300 Megs Harddisk  (including file area for local 
					       Astronomy Group)
			   6 CD (1 disc is for Space & Astronomy)
Networks / Addresses       1:3632/41
BBS Software:              Spitfire 3.4
Rates:                     No Charge
Description:               General Shareware.  Home for the local Astronomy 
			   Group.  Many Fidonet echoes and message area for 
			   local Astronomy Group.  CDRom contains NASA images 
			   and text files and press releases from JPL and 

Information from Rick Robertson, Sysop


BBS Name:                  Dallas Remote Imaging Group Information Services
Sysop:                     Jeff Wallach, Ph.D. 
Phone#:                    1-214-394-7438
Nodes:                     10
Locale:                    Carrollton, Texas
Hours:                     24 Hours 
Modem Info:                16.8K - 1200 bps
Storage:                   7.5 gigabytes
Networks / Addresses       1:124/6509  Internet: sysop@drig.com
BBS Software:              PCBoard 14.5a 
Description:               Dallas Remote Imaging Group BBS supports these
			   features:  Satellite tracking programs, real-time
			   weather satellite and other imaging, satellite
			   imagery. Latest keplerian elements (NORAD) for
			   over 200 satellites.  How-to Info on satellite
			   tracking and image reception.  INTERNET Space
			   UseNet Newsgroups (direct by KU band satellite!)
			   INTERNET Email, FTPMAIL, LISTSERV requests,
			   Mailing Newsgroups.  National RADAR and Weather
			   map summaries.  Latest intelligence reports from
			   the Geoff Perry Kettering Group.  Military
			   satellite/SHF/UHF/VHF/HF monitoring frequencies.
			   Database of over 5000+ objects launched into earth
			   orbit.  ECHOMAIL CONFERENCES on Space, Astronomy,
			   NASA, Satellite, Ham Radio.  On-line conferencing
			   for satellite intelligence and updates.  Official
			   AMSAT Bulletin Board Service for amateur radio
			   operators.  Astronomy and Space related programs
			   and information.  Latest JPL/NASA updates on
			   Hubble/Voyager/Magellan/Galileo/Space Probes.
			   Weather satellite systems and image capture
			   program listings.  USAToday, BOARDWATCH Magazines
			   Online!  10 USRobotics Dual Standard 14.4K and
			   16.6K v.32bis modems.  Hundreds of satellite
			   images on-line for multiple PC displays.  Image
			   Processing Programs, Digital Signal Processing.
			   TVRO satellite information.
			   Internet: sysop@drig.com.  FAX: 1-214-492-7747.

Information Provided by Jeff Wallach, Sysop


BBS Name:                  ENVIRO BBS
Sysop:                     Kurt Riegel
Phone #:                   1-703-524-1837
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Arlington VA USA
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                300-14400 bps
Online Storage:            210 Megs
Networks / Addresses       Riegel_Kurt@hq.navsea.navy.mil
FREQs:                     Unlimited for single file; 35 min/day otherwise
BBS Software:              RBBS 17.4
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               Environmental protection, ecology, wilderness,
			   endangered species; astronomy, science; DESQview.
Date information provided: 31 Jan 1994
Information provided by Kurt Riegel, Sysop


BBS Name:                  Eye's on the Sky's
Sysop:                     Mike Rushford
Phone #:                   1-510-443-6146
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Livermore CA  USA
Hours:                     24 Hours, Weekend we view the sun/develope system.
Modem Info:                300-14400 bps
Online Storage:            150 Megs
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet  1:161/708
			   Internet mike.rushford@eyes.prag.com
FREQs:                     Accepted, espicially 4 solar images, see fidonet
			   Astronomy echo for info 
BBS Software:              Frontdoor-Fidopcb-PCBoard 15.1  
Pay Rates:                 No Charge  
Description:               Emphasis on astronomy & robotic control of
			   telescopes by modem. See the sun "live" on 
			   weekends by viewing gifs as you download them. 
			   Telescope control should be on line this year.  
			   Local astronomy clubs bulitins and news letters.
			   We have a telescope 4u to use, by modem........!
			   Shareware / PD programs for the IBM & Compatible,
			   smaller selection for Macs, Apples and Amigas. 
			   Many space GIF images. Many FidoNet & Internet 
			   news groups.

Information from Mike Rushford, Sysop

BBS Name:                  The File Bank, Inc.
Sysop:                     Brian Bartee//Girard Westerberg
Phone #:                   1-303-534-4646
Nodes:                     16
Locale:                    Denver CO  USA
Hours:                     24 Hours, down 0300 - 0400 MST Dailey Maintenance
Modem Info:                300-14400 bps
Online Storage:            10 Gigs
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 1:104/899
FREQs:                     Accepted - Astronomy Files Only
BBS Software:              TBBS 2.2M[32]
Pay Rates:                 Astronomy Areas Free, Full Access $10.00/Month
Description:               Emphasis on Astronomy, Radio & Electronics,
			   Programming.  ASP Approved BBS with Vast IBM
			   & Compatible Shareware Programs.  Extensive
			   FIDONet Echos.  InterNet Access.
Information from Brian Bartee, Sysop

BBS Name:                  GEA BBS
Sysop:                     Josep M. Gomez Forrelad 
			   jmgomez@000.ics.sicyd.es (InterNet)
Phone#:                    +34 3 593 1772
Nodes:                     10
Locale:                    Mollet (Barcelona), Catalonia, Spain
Hours:                     24 Hours 
Modem Info:                1200-16800 bps v.32bis, v.42bis, HST
Storage:                   140 Mb
Networks / Addresses       Internet: gea@000.ics.sicyd.es
BBS Software:              RemoteAccess 1.11+/RAMail 3.2+/FrontDoor 2.10+ 
Pay Rates:                 No charge, 50 USD for GEA members
Description:               PC, databases, articles, news, observation advice, 
			   general info, GEA info, observational data, CCD 
			   imaging.  English area, GEA info, conversation 
			   areas, market, national astronomy echo, news 
			   areas, IAU and MPEC circulars, request of 
			   observations (giant planets, variables, asteroids, 
			   CCD imaging and photometry).  Money invested for 
			   GEA facilities.  GEA members have better 
			   privileges. An indirect connection through FONOCOM 
			   system.  Maintained by the GEA (Grup d'Estudis
			   Astronomics), IAPPP's Spanish Wing.
Information Provided by Veikko Makela, Mizar BBS


BBS Name:                  The Kopernik Astronomical Society's - KAS BBS
Sysop:                     Jay Edwards  
Phone #:                   1-607-754-9390
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Vestal NY  USA    
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                300-2400 bps (soon to be upgraded)
Online Storage:            60 Megs
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 1:260/405
FREQs:                     Not Yet Available                            
BBS Software:              Renegade         
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               Emphasis on astronomy & astronomical computer
			   imaging. Many astronomical GIF files are 
			   available (both from NASA, and those we 
			   create ourselves utilizing the $2+ million
			   facilities of our society's home, The Kopernik
			   Space Education Center, most of these are
			   created as 640x480x256). Also available are
			   many shareware / PD programs for the
			   IBM & Compatible. FIDOnet's Astronomy, &
			   Solar Bulletin echos, as well as many local
			   astronomically related newsgroups are 
			   available for online browsing or offline 
			   reading via QWK Express packets.  

Info. from Jay Edwards, Sysop - KAS BBS, Pres. - Kopernik Astronomical Soc. 

BBS Name:                  L'Ecole Virtuelle 
Sysop:                     Robert Brault 
Phone #:                   514-661-1625 
Nodes:                     1 
Locale:                    Laval, Quebec, Canada 
Hours:                     24 hours ; down : 00:00-00:30 (Maintenance) 
			   ZMH 04:00-06:00 
Supported Connect Speeds:  300-28800 bps 
Online Storage:            340 Meg 
Networks / Addresses:      FidoNet 1:167/130 
FREQs:                     Accepted (max 4, 30 min, 4 Meg, limit per site) 
BBS Software:              Maximus 2.01 
Pay Rates:                 25 $/year for full access 
Description:               Emphasis on astronomy, space science & CCD 
			   imaging.  Small selection of shareware / PD 
			   programs for the IBM & compatible, and Mac 
			   files.  At the end of 1994, there will be a 
			   large catalog of CCD images of NGC and Messier 
			   objects made by amateur astronomers. Many 
			   FidoNet and K12Net (education) echoes are 
			   available for online browsing or offline 
			   reading via QWK, Blue Wave or Silver Express 
			   packets.  BBS menus are bilingual, and most 
			   members are French-speaking canadians. 
Information from Robert Brault, Sysop 

BBS Name:                  Mizar
Sysop:                     Veikko Makela, Leo Wikholm
			   Veikko.Makela@helsinki.fi (Internet)
			   Veikko.Makela@ursa.fi (Internet)
			   Leo.Wikholm@compart.fi (Internet)
			   Leo.Wikholm@ursa.fi (Internet)
			   staff@ursa.fi (Internet)
Phone #:                   +358 0 174 341

Locale:                    Helsinki, Finland
Hours:                     24H 
Modem Info:                300-9600, v.21-v.32, MNP5
Online Storage:            80 Mb  
Networks / Addresses       Fidonet: 2:220/861
			   Astronet: 122:220/1
			   Internet: ursa.fi
FREQs:                     Accepted
BBS Software:              Maximus 2.01wb
Pay Rates:                 No charge, Internet mail and Usenet news 50 FIM 
			   for Ursa members, 100 FIM for others.
Description:               MSDOS, OS/2, Mac, Atari, Amiga, CP/M and HP48 
			   calculators, databases, articles, news, Spacelink 
			   texts, general info, Ursa info, Observational 
			   data,images.  Finnish news, Ursa info, 
			   Conversation areas, flee market, national, 
			   European and world astronomy echo areas, Usenet 
			   news areas, The Astronomer's circulars, Solar 
			   activity reviews, CCD tecnics, science, pseudo 
			   science, science fiction.  Ursa members have 
			   better privileges, large Finnish menu based info 
			   system.  Maintained by the Ursa Astronomical 

Information provided by Veikko Makela, Sysop


BBS Name:                  Moonlight Cascade
Sysop:                     Kim Hay
Phone #:                   1-613-353-7369
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    RR#2 Perth Road, Ontario, K0H 2L0
Hours:                     24 hours, 7 days
Modem Info:                1200-28800 bps, 32bis, 42bis, VFC
Online Storage:            500 megs HD
Networks/Addresses:        FidoNet 1:249/133, QuinteNet  20:613/118
FREQs:                     Accepted, 24 hours/7 days
BBS Software:              Maximus v2.02 
Pay Rates:                 No charge 
Description:               A multipurpose board with a large number of
			   Jpegs/Gifs of space related objects and topics. 
			   A good selection of Shareware Astronomy programs.
			   Many Fidonet, Quintenet, RASCnet and Usenet 
			   echoes on line dealing with many aspects of 
			   Astronomy.  These are available to read on line 
			   or to be downloaded into QWK packets.  Proud 
			   member and sponsor of the Royal Astronomical 
			   Soceity of Canada-Kingston Centre.

Information provided by Kim Hay, Sysop

BBS Name:                  Moonlight Cascade
Sysop:                     Kim Hay
Phone #:                   1-613-353-7369
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    RR#2 Perth Road, Ontario, K0H 2L0
Hours:                     24 hours, 7 days
Modem Info:                1200-14400 bps, 32bis, 42bis
Online Storage:            342 megs HD
Networks/Addresses:        FidoNet 1:249/133, QuinteNet 20:613/118
FREQs:                     Accepted, 24 hours/7 days
BBS Software:              Maximum v2.01wb
Pay Rates:                 No charge
Description:               A multipurpose board with a large number of
			   Jpegs/Gifs of space related objects and topics.
			   A fair selection of Shareware astronomy
			   Many Fidonet, Quintenet, and RASCnet echoes
			   on line. Proud member and sponsor of the
			   Royal Astronomical Soceity of Canada-
			   Kingston Centre.

Information provided by Kim Hay, Sysop


BBS Name:                  The NASA MLP BBS
Sysop:                     Jim Coleman
Phone #:                   1-206-871-3965
Nodes:                     2
Locale:                    Port Orchard, WA USA
Hours:                     Forever, Amen.
Supported Connect          1200-2400 Node One, 2400-14.4 Node Two
Online Storage:            1.9 Gig
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet being set up now/GeoInfo/MLPNET
BBS Software:              Pcboard 15.1
Pay Rates:                 No Charge for Node One use, limited file access.
			   No GIF access.
			   $20.00 year for High Speed node, unlimited file
			   access, Half GIG of NASA GIFS, etc.
Description:               Not a game/file/shareware run-of-the-mill BBS.
			   Active NASA file/message base with involved NASA
			   technicians and engineers.  One of the country's
			   foremost Earthquake Information centers, as well.
			   Home of MLPNET.  I encourage ANY system to pick 
			   up MLPNET to share in all this!  Too many science/
			   education systems leave the fun out.  Not this 
			   one.  That explains the Hammster conference.
			   NOTE:  High speed NODE TWO (206)871-8089 is public 
			   at this time as an experiment.  Long distance 
			   callers will usually have access to it upon 
			   request, even if private.  :)

Information from Jim Coleman, Sysop


BBS Name:                  New Jersey Astronomical Association BBS
Sysop:                     Stewart B. Rorer
Phone #:                   1-908-638-8593
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    High Bridge, NJ, USA
Hours:                     24 Hours, down 8:00 - 8:30am EST Daily
Modem Info:                1200-14400 bps
Online Storage:            245 Megabytes
Networks / Addresses       NONE
FREQs:                     NONE
BBS Software:              Spitfire v.3.4
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               Purely Astronomy BBS.  Members have a higher
			   access level to the BBS.  .GIF files, Astronomy
			   Shareware for Intel 80x86 based computers. 
			   Calendar of events at the NJAA observatory,
			   monthly sky reports. Question & Answer section.

Information from Stewart Rorer, Sysop


BBS Name:                  North STAR BBS
Sysop:                     John Bradley
Phone #:                   1-408-247-7827
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    San Jose, CA  USA
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                300-14400 bps, V32B and V42B
Online Storage:            250 Megs
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 1:143/219, MageNet 60:408/0
FREQs:                     Accepted.
BBS Software:              RemoteAccess 2.01
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               Science Fiction and Fact emphasized.  QWK and
			   Silver Express readers.  A few files for
			   IBM, Mac and Amiga.

Information from John Bradley, Sysop


BBS Name:                  The North Star
Sysop:                     David Hickey
Phone #:                   1-410-974-9305
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Annapolis MD  USA
Hours:                     24 Hours, 7days except ZMH (0:00 UT)
Modem Info:                1200 - 16800 USR Dual Standard
Online Storage:            297 megs
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 1:261/1108, SyndicateNet 151:410/12
FREQs:                     Accepted, 60 min. limit per day BBS
Software:                  RemoteAccess 2.01+
Pay Rates:                 No Charge, full access on first call
Description:               General interest BBS, although the Sysop's main
			   interest is in astronomy and spaceflight, both
			   manned and unmanned.

Information from David Hickey, Sysop

BBS Name:                  The Observatory BBS
Sysop:                     Mark Kaye
Phone #:                   1-613-353-6495
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Inverary ON  Canada
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                1200-v.32bis, 19200 ZyXel
Online Storage:            170 Megs
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 1:249/109  QuinteNet 20:613/122
FREQs:                     Accepted, 5 files 1.5 Megabyte limit.
BBS Software:              Maximus
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               Emphasis on astronomy & spaceflight.  Large
			   selection of shareware / PD programs for the
			   IBM & Compatible.
			   Many FidoNet and some UseNet newsgroups are         
			   available for online browsing or offline reading 
			   via QWK packets.

Information from Mark Kaye, Sysop


Bbs Name:                  The Opus Magnum BBS
Sysop:                     Jan Spooren
Phone #:                   +32 3 455 9766
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Hove (Antwerp), Belgium 
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                300-2400
Online Storage:
Networks / Addresses:      Fidonet: 2:292/852
			   Signet: 27:1332/820
BBS Software:              Opus-CBCS
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               Programs, catalogs, solar activity reports, IAU 
			   circulars, NASA prediction bulletins, national 
			   and European astronomy echo area.  Maintained by
			   the Belgian Astronomical Society (V.V.S)
Information from Veikko Makela, Mizar BBS


Bbs Name:                  Port de la Lune
Sysop:                     Robert Soubie
Phone #:                   +33 5689 5112
			   +33 5675 2069
Locale:                    Gradignan, France    
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                300-14400, 300-2400
Online Storage:
Networks / Addresses:      Fidonet: 2:324/1
BBS Software:              Remote Access
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               Star and Messier catalogs, planetarium programs, 
			   GIF images, CCD technology. Also non-astronomical 
			   files.  National, European and world astronomy 
			   echo areas. Non-astronomical topics.            

Information from Veikko Makela, Mizar BBS 


BBS Name:                  Pulsar
Sysop:                     Gregor Tee
			   Gregor.Tee@gdsnl.gds.nl (Internet)
Phone #:                   +31 50 133 623
Locale:                    Groningen, The Netherlands
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                300-14400, v.42bis, MNP1-5
Online Storage:   
Networks / Addresses:      Fidonet: 2:512/217
			   Signet: 27:4331/103
BBS Software:              Remote Access 2.01
Pay Rates:                 no charge
Description:               Astronomical and scientific info, GIF images.

Information from Veikko Makela, Mizar BBS


BBS Name:                  RAIN (Rochester Astronomical Information Net)
Sysop:                     Craig George                 
Phone #:                   1-716-442-6293               
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Rochester NY  USA
Hours:                     24 Hours
Supported Connect Speeds:  300-14400 bps
Online Storage:            50 Megs
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 1:2613/109
FREQs:                     Accepted
BBS Software:              Spitfire  v3.5
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               Run by the Astronomy Section, Rochester Academy 
			   of Sciences. 8 file areas include astronomy, 
			   space, GIF imagery, and graphic programs. 
			   36 message areas include Fido ASTRONOMY and 
Information from Craig George, Sysop


BBS Name:                  Rings of Saturn BBS
Sysop:                     Edward Locke
Phone #:                   1-615-831-1758
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Nashville TN  USA
Hours:                     24 Hours, down 17:00 - 22:00 Friday (Maintenance)
Modem Info:                300-28800 bps (v.34, fax-capable)
Online Storage:            500 Megs
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 1:116/58 
FREQs:                     Accepted, 30 min. limit per day per site.
BBS Software:              RemoteAccess 2.02
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               Emphasis on astronomy & spaceflight.  Large
			   selection of shareware / PD programs for the
			   IBM & Compatible, smaller selection for Macs,
			   Apples and Amigas.  Many space GIF images.
			   Many FidoNet echoes and several UseNet 
			   newsgroups are available for online browsing 
			   or offline reading via QWK or Blue Wave packets.  
			   Home of the ROS Space / Astro BBS List.           

Information from Edward Locke, Sysop


BBS Name:                  SkyWatch
Sysop:                     Ross Parker
Phone #:                   1-306-569-0581
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                300-14400 bps
Online Storage:            105 Megs hard drive
			   650 Megs CD-ROM, not available via file request.
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 1:140/118
FREQs:                     Accepted, 5 file limit per day per site.
BBS Software:              TriBBS 5.01
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               Dedicated to the FREE exchange of information.
			   Emphasis on Astronomy/Science/Space
			   Large selection of shareware / PD programs for
			   the IBM & Compatible, which include astronomy
			   programs and GIF files.  Large Fido net message
			   base, with QWK offline mail.  Large selection      
			   of online games.  RIPScrip/ANSI/ASCII graphics

Information from Ross Parker, Sysop


BBS Name:                  The Skywatch Network  ( ===Sky<>Net=== )
Sysop:                     Stephen Meeks
Phone #:                   1-904-731-8706
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Jacksonville, FL  USA
Hours:                     24hrs./ 7 days
Modem Info:                300 - 14.4k
Online Storage:            70 megs
Network Address:           Fidonet  1:112/12
FREQs:                     Accepted
BBS Software:              Telegard v2.7
Pay Rates:                 Free
Description:               Sky<>Net "Florida's Astronomical Connection!" 
			   is designed to allow communications between
			   Florida's astronomers.  Sky<>Net provides a 
			   forum and encourages the free exchange of                    
			   knowledge/experiences.  Education is a
			   primary focus.

Information from Stephen Meeks, Sysop


BBS Name:                  SpaceBase(tm)
Sysop:                     Hugh S. Gregory, Spaceflight Historian
Phone #:                   1-604-875-6259
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Vancouver B.C. Canada
Hours:                     24 Hours, down for ZMH
Modem Info:                1200-14400 V.32Bis,V.42Bis
Online Storage:            50 Megs
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 1:153/719
FREQs:                     Listed Nodes Only, 8 files &/or 45 min per call.
BBS Software:              RemoteAccess 1.11, Front Door 2.02NC, Imail 130
Pay Rates:                 30 Min Free Per Day, More for Donors
Description:               The BBS is part of The Astronomy & Space 
			   Sciences Educational Information Service.  Also 
			   presentations and lectures on Astronomy & Space 
			   Exploration, produce and sell videos on space 
			   exploration.  Origin of the 8 Fidonet 
			   SpaceBase(tm) space news echos: SB-NASA_NEWS, 
			   SB-NASA_TECH, SB-E/N/L and SB-WORLD_NWS are  
			   read-only; SB-SOLAR_RPT, SB-QUESTIONS and  
			   SB-SAT_TRACK are public; SB-SYSOPS is for
			   administrative puropses.  These are available 
			   on the FidoNet Zone 1 Backbone & in Europe 
			   and Australia.  Official Message Base BBS for 
			   the Royal Astromonical Society of Canada 
			   (Vancouver Centre), British Columbia Space 
			   Sciences Society - (Vancouver Planetarium),
			   Vancouver Space Society (NSS Chapter).  Daily NASA 
			   and world wide space news files and messages.  
			   Program & Info File Library covering satellite
			   tracking & astronomy shareware programs, and info 
			   files like SEI Report, X-15 pilots handbook, 
			   de-classified SR-71 Info, DC-X, Soviet Space 
			   Program info and much more. Also carries the 
			   Astronomy and Space Echos and ORIGINS 3 local 
			   Astronomy Echos.  Voice verification used.  
			   New users have full READ ONLY access for 20 
			   minutes daily until verified.

Information from Hugh S. Gregory, Spaceflight Historian, Sysop


BBS Name:                  The Space/Time Continuum
Sysop:                     Dana Booth
Phone #:                   1-206-536-1528
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Tacoma WA  USA
Hours:                     23 Hours, unavailable to BBS users from
			   0100 to 0200 PST for Zone Mail Hour
Modem Info:                300-14400 bps
Online Storage:            120 Megs
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 1:138/179 
			   DiscNet 72:625/0 1
			   Dacara Link 174:790/3 NWLink QWK Network
FREQs:                     Accepted, 30 min. limit per day per site.
BBS Software:              RemoteAccess 2.01+
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               Mainly an echomail exchange with emphisis
			   on science, physics, space, astronomy, and
			   yup, politics. Small generic filebase. (I
			   toss RADIST files, little else)

Information from Dana Booth, Sysop


BBS Name:                  Starbase * Bornholm
Sysop:                     Preben Kristensen
Phone #:                   +45 5699 0070
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Bornholm, Denmark
Hours:                     24 hours
Modem Info:                1200-14400
Online Storage:            90 MB
Networks/Addresses         Fidonet: 2:236/555
FREQs:                     Accepted
BBS Software:              Remote Access v2.01
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
PC, satellite elements
Description:               Local and Danish echo areas on astronomy and 
			   space.  Internetional astronomy and space echos 
			   and news.  PC, satellite elements.  Danish and 
			   English menus and help supported.

Information from Veikko Makela, Mizar BBS


BBS Name:                  Starbase One
Sysop:                     Nick Stevens, Robert Robinson
Phone #:                   +44 71 703 3593
			   +44 71 701 6914
Nodes:                     2
Locale:                    London, England, UK   
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                300-2400, v.21-v.22bis,MNP5 
			   300-9600, v.22-v.32, HST, MNP5
Online Storage:            5 GB
Networks / Addresses:      Fidonet: 2:254/407
FREQs:                     Accepted
BBS Software:              Remote Access 1.11+
Pay Rates:                 Charge for subscribers
Description:               IBM PC, Atari, Amiga, Mac and Archimedes, many 
			   text files (most of from NASA, with permission). 
			   Catalogue and Data area, with launch manifests, 
			   bibliographies, satellite elements, star and other 
			   object catalogues.  The system has a CDROM 
			   attached, and data from the many CDROM's is 
			   transferred on request for subscribers, if it's 
			   not already in the file areas.  European and world 
			   astronomy and space echo areas. Local areas: 
			   Astronomy Chat, Discovery news (provided by the 
			   BAA), Space Exploration Astronomy Societies, JAS 
			   news and discussion, and CCD Cameras.  Starbase 
			   One prides itself on the quality and quantity of 
			   up to date information which is obtained from a 
			   variety of sources, including The BAA, The JAS, 
			   NASA, and USENET.  Own line for subscribers.

Information from Veikko Makela, Mizar BBS


BBS Name:                  Starbase Four
Sysop:                     Pete Williamson, Sybil Williamson
Phone #:                   +44 691 671 900
Locale:                    Whittington Shropshire, England, UK
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                300-9600, v.21-v.42bis
Online Storage:
Networks / Addresses:      Fidonet: 2:2500/611
BBS Software:              RemoteAccess 2.01+ / FrontDoor 2.11
Pay Rates:                 No charge
Description:               General message area, observations, astro 
			   education society area, CCD Club and subscribers 
			   area.  Starbase Four is the European HUB for 
			   MUFON (Mutual UFO Network).  Maintained by the 
			   Whittington Astro Society.     

Information from Veikko Makela, Mizar BBS


BBS Name:                  Stargate BBS
Sysop:                     John W. Wagoner
Phone #:                   1-214-578-7618
Nodes:                     2
Locale:                    Plano, Tx. USA
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                300-14400 bps
Online Storage:            878 Megs
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 1:124/6512
			   Internet John.Wagoner@Stargate.Metronet.Com
FREQs:                     Not Accepted yet.
BBS Software:              Wildcat 3.90M
Pay Rates:                 No Charge for Node 1.
			   Subscription line available for greater access.
Description:               Official board of the Astronomical League,
			   and the Texas Astronomical Society of Dallas.
			   Astronomy files, information, and GIF's. IAU
			   Circulars. Sky and Telescope's "Skyline" and
			   "Sky at a Glance". Astronomy databases. Graphics
			   and Science Fiction areas. Fidonet astronomy,
			   space, and science echos. Internet Newsgroups
			   and a private Internet E-mail address available
			   to each subscriber.

Information from John Wagoner, Sysop


BBS Name:                  The Stargazer's BBS
Sysop:                     Steve Mullin
Phone #:                   1-713-550-9243
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Katy TX  USA
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                1200-14400 bps
Online Storage:            240 Megs
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 1:106/9243, PrideNet  156:3750/2
FREQs:                     Accepted
BBS Software:              Wildcat 3.90M
Pay Rates:                 $20/yr, for 2hrs/day and 5 MB/day D/L's
Description:               Currently carry an assortment of astronomy
			   and space programs/GIFS.  Also have So Much
			   Shareware 2 & 3, So Much Space and Adult files.
			   Also servicing the gay & lesbian community of
			   Houston with PrideNet and carry AEGIS (AIDS &
			   HIV information).  The board is a mixed group
			   of users and is open to all who want to call.

Information from Steve Mullin, Sysop


BBS Name:                  Starry Night BBS
Sysop:                     David Young
Phone #:                   1-913-631-0761
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Shawnee KS  USA
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                300-14400 bps
Online Storage:            250 Megs
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 1:280/305
FREQs:                     Accepted
BBS Software:              Maximus 2.01wb
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               Supporting the Astronomical Society of
			   Kansas City.  On-line since 1988.
			   Mail-in registration.
Information from Ken Tullis, Asst. Sysop.


BBS Name:                  StarStream BBS
Sysop:                     Kevin Kell
Phone #:                   1-613-546-6403
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Kingston, Ontario Canada 76.5W 44.25N
Hours:                     24 Hours, 7 days
Supported Connect Speeds:  2400-28800 bps V.FC. Zoom
Online Storage:            600 Megs HD, 660 Megs CDROM
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 1:249/112, ZyXELNet 18:163/998
			   OS2Net 81:930/20

FREQs:                     Accepted, 23hrs/7days
BBS Software:              Maximus v2.02
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               Emphasis on astronomy & spaceflight.  Large
			   selection of shareware / PD programs for the
			   IBM & Compatible, Many space GIF images.
			   Simtel Space & Astro CDROM
			   Many FidoNet & RASCNet echoes and some UseNet
			   newsgroups are available for online browsing
			   or offline reading via QWK, or Blue Wave.
			   Support board for Royal Astronomical Society
			   of Canada - Kingston Centre

Information from Kevin Kell, Sysop
BBS Name:                  STigma BBS
Sysop:                     Patrick Dobeson
Phone #:                   +34 1 588 8772
Nodes:                     2
Locale:                    Madrid, Spain
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                300-14400 bps
Online Storage:            750 Megs
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 2:341/15
FREQs:                     Accepted, 30 min. limit per day.
BBS Software:              RemoteAccess 1.10
Pay Rates:                 No Charge
Description:               Astronomy & spaceflight.  Large selection of
			   shareware / PD programs for the IBM & Compatible,
			   Many space GIF images. European and Spanish
			   astronomy echoes (Fidonet).

Information from Patrick Dobeson, Sysop

BBS Name:                  TechTips BBS
Sysop:                     Danny L. Lane
Phone#:                    1-615-662-5712
Nodes:                     2
Locale:                    Nashville TN  USA
Hours:                     24 hours
Baud:                      1200-14400 bps
Online Storage:            900megs
Networks:                  Fidonet 1:116/128
			   Internet techtips.com
			   HealthCareNet 60:3050/1
Freqs:                     Limited
BBS Software               PCBoard 15.2
Pay Rates:                 No Fee - Limited Access
			   $12 donation Full Access including Internet Mail
Description:               Biomedical/Space/Astronomy will message and file
			   areas dedicated to these Topics. Message areas
			   include echoes from Fidonet, and HealthCare Net,
			   Usenet Groups from the Internet. Daily file
			   uploads from Planet Connect.
			   Internet: sysop@techtips.com

Information Provided by Danny L. Lane, Sysop


BBS Name:                  Ursa Major BBS
Sysop:                     Scott Robb
Phone #:                   1-310-545-5611
Nodes:                     2
Locale:                    Manhattan Beach CA  USA
Hours:                     24 Hours
Supported Connect Speeds:  1200 - 28800
Online Storage:            3.80 Gigabytes (CD-ROM coming soon!)
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 1:102/128
			   Internet srobb@ursa.com
			   Numerous .QWK and Fido backbone Nets
BBS Software:              Wildcat! v4.0
Pay Rates:                 Free -or- Pay
Description:               Astronomy and Science / Technical.
			   Genealogy, Electronics, Electrical
			   CAD, Occult, UFO, IBM shareware.
			   3000+ UseNet areas, 800+ other networks
			   250 file areas and GROWING!

Information provided by Scott Robb, Sysop


BBS Name:                  Vulcan's World BBS
Sysop:                     Ralph Buttigieg
Phone #:                   61-2-635-1204
Nodes:                     1
Locale:                    Sydney NSW  Australia
Hours:                     24 Hours
Modem Info:                300-14400 bps
Storage:                   1.2 Gig plus CD-ROM
Networks / Addresses       FidoNet 3:713/635 TrekNet 87:6011/9205
FREQs:                     No
BBS Software:              Maximus 2.01
Rates:                     Free
Description:               Emphasis on Astronomy, Space Development and
			   Science Fiction. Has Australia's largest 
			   collection of PD/Shareware astronomy software. 
			   Plus many space related files. Also a member of 
			   the Trek File Distribution Network.  Sponsored 
			   by the British Astronomical Association NSW 
			   Branch, the National Space Society of Australia 
			   and Trek Australis.  FidoNet, TrekNet echos and 
			   UseNet newsgroups are available. Home of the 
			   Oz_Astro & Trek_Australis Fido echos.

Information from Ralph Buttigieg, Sysop
