Macros WinWord-to-LaTeX 

German version 

Note: There are different sets of files for 
WinWord version 2 and 6: 
Identical files: 
readmede.txt = this file = same for both versions
ww2ltxde.doc = ww6ltxde.doc     user description

The other files are different for
WinWord 2  and  WinWord 6       contents:    style file & macro container
sock2de.doc     sock6de.doc     working file to be started with
sampl2de.doc    sampl6de.doc    sample file to be converted

The macros were adapted to the German version of WinWord. 
That required: 
Replace all ^p by ^a (paragraph signs) 
Replace style names "heading n" by "Gliederung n" 

Additional changes are: 
Start with \documentstyle [a4,german,11pt]{article}
Replace style name "title" by "Titel" 
Replace style name "author" by "Autor" 
Add conversion for 
- Umlauts \"a, \"o, \"u, \"A, \"O, \"U, \ss{}, 
- German quotation marks, 
- Boldface. 

The order of the conversions was changed: 
italic and boldface now come after conversion of all other 
text elements, but before conversion of special characters. 
Reason: The headings are possibly boldface or italic, 
but should not be marked as such, 
because LaTeX has its own heading styles. 

The characters with special meaning in LaTeX
 i.e. $ & % # _ { }
are converted in first place, i.e. after loading the
WinWord doc, but before adding any LaTeX command.

In main macro WinWordToLaTeX some instructions were added 
to ensure that already processed elements (headings, author, title) 
get the style "normal" (in german version "Standard")
to avoid marking them bold or italic. 

In macro SaveAsText the file extension .TEX is now 
automatically added if the user did not specify an 
extension at all (i.e. if filename contains no ".") Reason: 
File extension would otherwise be .TXT on Save, but .DOC on
Load and InsertFile, so the macro would not Insert the 
previously saved .TXT file, but the unconverted .DOC file. 

Macro WinQuotesDE added to convert standard quotation marks 
into German curly ones. 

In WinWord 6, AutoCorrect for quotation marks is switched off,
because LaTeX needs standard quotation marks.

Author of original macros: 
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics, Box 7505, Wake Forest University, 
Winston-Salem, NC 27109, USA
Phone: (910) 759-5762 - email: 

Adaption to German version:
Wilfried Hennings 
Forschungszentrum J�lich GmbH, ISR-1, D-52425 J�lich, Germany
Phone: (49) 2461 61 5570 - email: