patch-2.4.6 linux/drivers/acpi/debugger/dbstats.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.5/linux/drivers/acpi/debugger/dbstats.c linux/drivers/acpi/debugger/dbstats.c
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+ *
+ * Module Name: dbstats - Generation and display of ACPI table statistics
+ *              $Revision: 40 $
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *  Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 R. Byron Moore
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+#include <acpi.h>
+#include <acdebug.h>
+#include <amlcode.h>
+#include <acparser.h>
+#include <acnamesp.h>
+#define _COMPONENT          ACPI_DEBUGGER
+	 MODULE_NAME         ("dbstats")
+ * Statistics subcommands
+ */
+ARGUMENT_INFO               acpi_db_stat_types [] =
+	{"OBJECTS"},
+	{"MEMORY"},
+	{"MISC"},
+	{"TABLES"},
+	{"SIZES"},
+	{NULL}           /* Must be null terminated */
+#define CMD_ALLOCATIONS     0
+#define CMD_OBJECTS         1
+#define CMD_MEMORY          2
+#define CMD_MISC            3
+#define CMD_TABLES          4
+#define CMD_SIZES           5
+ * Statistic globals
+ */
+u16                         acpi_gbl_obj_type_count[INTERNAL_TYPE_NODE_MAX+1];
+u16                         acpi_gbl_node_type_count[INTERNAL_TYPE_NODE_MAX+1];
+u16                         acpi_gbl_obj_type_count_misc;
+u16                         acpi_gbl_node_type_count_misc;
+u32                         num_nodes;
+u32                         num_objects;
+u32                         size_of_parse_tree;
+u32                         size_of_method_trees;
+u32                         size_of_node_entries;
+u32                         size_of_acpi_objects;
+ *
+ * FUNCTION:    Acpi_db_enumerate_object
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS:  Obj_desc            - Object to be counted
+ *
+ * RETURN:      None
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Add this object to the global counts, by object type.
+ *              Recursively handles subobjects and packages.
+ *
+ *              [TBD] Restructure - remove recursion.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+acpi_db_enumerate_object (
+	ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT     *obj_desc)
+	u32                     type;
+	u32                     i;
+	if (!obj_desc)
+	{
+		return;
+	}
+	/* Enumerate this object first */
+	num_objects++;
+	type = obj_desc->common.type;
+	{
+		acpi_gbl_obj_type_count_misc++;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		acpi_gbl_obj_type_count [type]++;
+	}
+	/* Count the sub-objects */
+	switch (type)
+	{
+		for (i = 0; i< obj_desc->package.count; i++)
+		{
+			acpi_db_enumerate_object (obj_desc->package.elements[i]);
+		}
+		break;
+		acpi_db_enumerate_object (obj_desc->device.sys_handler);
+		acpi_db_enumerate_object (obj_desc->device.drv_handler);
+		acpi_db_enumerate_object (obj_desc->device.addr_handler);
+		break;
+		acpi_db_enumerate_object (obj_desc->region.addr_handler);
+		break;
+		acpi_db_enumerate_object (obj_desc->power_resource.sys_handler);
+		acpi_db_enumerate_object (obj_desc->power_resource.drv_handler);
+		break;
+		acpi_db_enumerate_object (obj_desc->processor.sys_handler);
+		acpi_db_enumerate_object (obj_desc->processor.drv_handler);
+		acpi_db_enumerate_object (obj_desc->processor.addr_handler);
+		break;
+		acpi_db_enumerate_object (obj_desc->thermal_zone.sys_handler);
+		acpi_db_enumerate_object (obj_desc->thermal_zone.drv_handler);
+		acpi_db_enumerate_object (obj_desc->thermal_zone.addr_handler);
+		break;
+	}
+#ifndef PARSER_ONLY
+ *
+ * FUNCTION:    Acpi_db_classify_one_object
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS:  Callback for Walk_namespace
+ *
+ * RETURN:      Status
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Enumerate both the object descriptor (including subobjects) and
+ *              the parent namespace node.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+acpi_db_classify_one_object (
+	ACPI_HANDLE             obj_handle,
+	u32                     nesting_level,
+	void                    *context,
+	void                    **return_value)
+	ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT     *obj_desc;
+	u32                     type;
+	num_nodes++;
+	node = (ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE *) obj_handle;
+	obj_desc = ((ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE *) obj_handle)->object;
+	acpi_db_enumerate_object (obj_desc);
+	type = node->type;
+	{
+		acpi_gbl_node_type_count_misc++;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		acpi_gbl_node_type_count [type]++;
+	}
+	return AE_OK;
+	/* TBD: These need to be counted during the initial parsing phase */
+	/*
+	if (Acpi_ps_is_named_op (Op->Opcode))
+	{
+		Num_nodes++;
+	}
+	if (Is_method)
+	{
+		Num_method_elements++;
+	}
+	Num_grammar_elements++;
+	Op = Acpi_ps_get_depth_next (Root, Op);
+	Size_of_parse_tree          = (Num_grammar_elements - Num_method_elements) * (u32) sizeof (ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT);
+	Size_of_method_trees        = Num_method_elements * (u32) sizeof (ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT);
+	Size_of_node_entries        = Num_nodes * (u32) sizeof (ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE);
+	Size_of_acpi_objects        = Num_nodes * (u32) sizeof (ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT);
+	*/
+ *
+ * FUNCTION:    Acpi_db_count_namespace_objects
+ *
+ *
+ * RETURN:      Status
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Count and classify the entire namespace, including all
+ *              namespace nodes and attached objects.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+acpi_db_count_namespace_objects (
+	void)
+	u32                     i;
+	num_nodes = 0;
+	num_objects = 0;
+	acpi_gbl_obj_type_count_misc = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < INTERNAL_TYPE_INVALID; i++)
+	{
+		acpi_gbl_obj_type_count [i] = 0;
+		acpi_gbl_node_type_count [i] = 0;
+	}
+	acpi_ns_walk_namespace (ACPI_TYPE_ANY, ACPI_ROOT_OBJECT, ACPI_UINT32_MAX,
+			   FALSE, acpi_db_classify_one_object, NULL, NULL);
+	return (AE_OK);
+ *
+ * FUNCTION:    Acpi_db_display_statistics
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS:  Type_arg        - Subcommand
+ *
+ * RETURN:      Status
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Display various statistics
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+acpi_db_display_statistics (
+	NATIVE_CHAR             *type_arg)
+	u32                     i;
+	u32                     type;
+	if (!acpi_gbl_DSDT)
+	{
+		acpi_os_printf ("*** Warning: There is no DSDT loaded\n");
+	}
+	if (!type_arg)
+	{
+		acpi_os_printf ("The following subcommands are available:\n  ALLOCATIONS, OBJECTS, MEMORY, MISC, SIZES, TABLES\n");
+		return (AE_OK);
+	}
+	STRUPR (type_arg);
+	type = acpi_db_match_argument (type_arg, acpi_db_stat_types);
+	if (type == (u32) -1)
+	{
+		acpi_os_printf ("Invalid or unsupported argument\n");
+		return (AE_OK);
+	}
+#ifndef PARSER_ONLY
+	acpi_db_count_namespace_objects ();
+	switch (type)
+	{
+#ifndef PARSER_ONLY
+		acpi_ut_dump_allocation_info ();
+		break;
+	case CMD_TABLES:
+		acpi_os_printf ("ACPI Table Information:\n\n");
+		if (acpi_gbl_DSDT)
+		{
+			acpi_os_printf ("DSDT Length:................% 7ld (%X)\n", acpi_gbl_DSDT->length, acpi_gbl_DSDT->length);
+		}
+		break;
+		acpi_os_printf ("\n_objects defined in the current namespace:\n\n");
+		acpi_os_printf ("%16.16s % 10.10s % 10.10s\n", "ACPI_TYPE", "NODES", "OBJECTS");
+		for (i = 0; i < INTERNAL_TYPE_NODE_MAX; i++)
+		{
+			acpi_os_printf ("%16.16s % 10ld% 10ld\n", acpi_ut_get_type_name (i),
+				acpi_gbl_node_type_count [i], acpi_gbl_obj_type_count [i]);
+		}
+		acpi_os_printf ("%16.16s % 10ld% 10ld\n", "Misc/Unknown",
+			acpi_gbl_node_type_count_misc, acpi_gbl_obj_type_count_misc);
+		acpi_os_printf ("%16.16s % 10ld% 10ld\n", "TOTALS:",
+			num_nodes, num_objects);
+		Acpi_os_printf ("\n");
+		Acpi_os_printf ("ASL/AML Grammar Usage:\n\n");
+		Acpi_os_printf ("Elements Inside Methods:....% 7ld\n", Num_method_elements);
+		Acpi_os_printf ("Elements Outside Methods:...% 7ld\n", Num_grammar_elements - Num_method_elements);
+		Acpi_os_printf ("Total Grammar Elements:.....% 7ld\n", Num_grammar_elements);
+		break;
+	case CMD_MEMORY:
+		acpi_os_printf ("\n_dynamic Memory Estimates:\n\n");
+		acpi_os_printf ("Parse Tree without Methods:.% 7ld\n", size_of_parse_tree);
+		acpi_os_printf ("Control Method Parse Trees:.% 7ld (If parsed simultaneously)\n", size_of_method_trees);
+		acpi_os_printf ("Namespace Nodes:............% 7ld (%d nodes)\n", sizeof (ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE) * num_nodes, num_nodes);
+		acpi_os_printf ("Named Internal Objects......% 7ld\n", size_of_acpi_objects);
+		acpi_os_printf ("State Cache size............% 7ld\n", acpi_gbl_generic_state_cache_depth * sizeof (ACPI_GENERIC_STATE));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Parse Cache size............% 7ld\n", acpi_gbl_parse_cache_depth * sizeof (ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Object Cache size...........% 7ld\n", acpi_gbl_object_cache_depth * sizeof (ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Walk_state Cache size........% 7ld\n", acpi_gbl_walk_state_cache_depth * sizeof (ACPI_WALK_STATE));
+		acpi_os_printf ("\n");
+		acpi_os_printf ("Cache Statistics:\n\n");
+		acpi_os_printf ("State Cache requests........% 7ld\n", acpi_gbl_state_cache_requests);
+		acpi_os_printf ("State Cache hits............% 7ld\n", acpi_gbl_state_cache_hits);
+		acpi_os_printf ("State Cache depth...........% 7ld (%d remaining entries)\n", acpi_gbl_generic_state_cache_depth,
+				  MAX_STATE_CACHE_DEPTH - acpi_gbl_generic_state_cache_depth);
+		acpi_os_printf ("Parse Cache requests........% 7ld\n", acpi_gbl_parse_cache_requests);
+		acpi_os_printf ("Parse Cache hits............% 7ld\n", acpi_gbl_parse_cache_hits);
+		acpi_os_printf ("Parse Cache depth...........% 7ld (%d remaining entries)\n", acpi_gbl_parse_cache_depth,
+				  MAX_PARSE_CACHE_DEPTH - acpi_gbl_parse_cache_depth);
+		acpi_os_printf ("Ext Parse Cache requests....% 7ld\n", acpi_gbl_ext_parse_cache_requests);
+		acpi_os_printf ("Ext Parse Cache hits........% 7ld\n", acpi_gbl_ext_parse_cache_hits);
+		acpi_os_printf ("Ext Parse Cache depth.......% 7ld (%d remaining entries)\n", acpi_gbl_ext_parse_cache_depth,
+				  MAX_EXTPARSE_CACHE_DEPTH - acpi_gbl_ext_parse_cache_depth);
+		acpi_os_printf ("Object Cache requests.......% 7ld\n", acpi_gbl_object_cache_requests);
+		acpi_os_printf ("Object Cache hits...........% 7ld\n", acpi_gbl_object_cache_hits);
+		acpi_os_printf ("Object Cache depth..........% 7ld (%d remaining entries)\n", acpi_gbl_object_cache_depth,
+				  MAX_OBJECT_CACHE_DEPTH - acpi_gbl_object_cache_depth);
+		acpi_os_printf ("Walk_state Cache requests....% 7ld\n", acpi_gbl_walk_state_cache_requests);
+		acpi_os_printf ("Walk_state Cache hits........% 7ld\n", acpi_gbl_walk_state_cache_hits);
+		acpi_os_printf ("Walk_state Cache depth.......% 7ld (%d remaining entries)\n", acpi_gbl_walk_state_cache_depth,
+				  MAX_WALK_CACHE_DEPTH - acpi_gbl_walk_state_cache_depth);
+		break;
+	case CMD_MISC:
+		acpi_os_printf ("\n_miscellaneous Statistics:\n\n");
+		acpi_os_printf ("Calls to Acpi_ps_find:.. ........% 7ld\n", acpi_gbl_ps_find_count);
+		acpi_os_printf ("Calls to Acpi_ns_lookup:..........% 7ld\n", acpi_gbl_ns_lookup_count);
+		acpi_os_printf ("\n");
+		acpi_os_printf ("Mutex usage:\n\n");
+		for (i = 0; i < NUM_MTX; i++)
+		{
+			acpi_os_printf ("%-28s:     % 7ld\n", acpi_ut_get_mutex_name (i), acpi_gbl_acpi_mutex_info[i].use_count);
+		}
+		break;
+	case CMD_SIZES:
+		acpi_os_printf ("\n_internal object sizes:\n\n");
+		acpi_os_printf ("Common         %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_COMMON));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Number         %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_INTEGER));
+		acpi_os_printf ("String         %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_STRING));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Buffer         %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_BUFFER));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Package        %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_PACKAGE));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Buffer_field   %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_BUFFER_FIELD));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Device         %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_DEVICE));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Event          %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_EVENT));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Method         %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_METHOD));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Mutex          %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_MUTEX));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Region         %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_REGION));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Power_resource %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_POWER_RESOURCE));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Processor      %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_PROCESSOR));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Thermal_zone   %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_THERMAL_ZONE));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Region_field   %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_REGION_FIELD));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Bank_field     %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_BANK_FIELD));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Index_field    %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_INDEX_FIELD));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Reference      %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_REFERENCE));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Notify_handler %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_NOTIFY_HANDLER));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Addr_handler   %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_ADDR_HANDLER));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Extra          %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_EXTRA));
+		acpi_os_printf ("\n");
+		acpi_os_printf ("Parse_object   %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Parse2_object  %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_PARSE2_OBJECT));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Operand_object %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT));
+		acpi_os_printf ("Namespace_node %3d\n", sizeof (ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE));
+		break;
+	}
+	acpi_os_printf ("\n");
+	return (AE_OK);
+#endif /* ENABLE_DEBUGGER  */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: