patch-2.3.34 linux/drivers/i2c/i2c-algo-pcf.c
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- Date:
Thu Dec 16 13:59:38 1999
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.33/linux/drivers/i2c/i2c-algo-pcf.c linux/drivers/i2c/i2c-algo-pcf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* i2c-algo-pcf.c i2c driver algorithms for PCF8584 adapters */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Copyright (C) 1995-97 Simon G. Vogl
+ 1998-99 Hans Berglund
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* With some changes from Ky�sti M�lkki <> and even
+ Frodo Looijaard <> */
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/malloc.h>
+#include <linux/version.h>
+#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x020135
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#define __init
+#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x020100
+# include <asm/uaccess.h>
+# include <asm/segment.h>
+#include <linux/ioport.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+/* 2.0.0 kernel compatibility */
+#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 0x020100
+#define MODULE_AUTHOR(noone)
+#define MODULE_PARM(no,param)
+#define MODULE_PARM_DESC(no,description)
+#define EXPORT_SYMBOL(noexport)
+#include <linux/i2c.h>
+#include <linux/i2c-algo-pcf.h>
+#include "i2c-pcf8584.h"
+/* ----- global defines ----------------------------------------------- */
+#define DEB(x) if (i2c_debug>=1) x
+#define DEB2(x) if (i2c_debug>=2) x
+#define DEB3(x) if (i2c_debug>=3) x /* print several statistical values*/
+#define DEBPROTO(x) if (i2c_debug>=9) x;
+ /* debug the protocol by showing transferred bits */
+#define DEF_TIMEOUT 16
+/* debugging - slow down transfer to have a look at the data .. */
+/* I use this with two leds&resistors, each one connected to sda,scl */
+/* respectively. This makes sure that the algorithm works. Some chips */
+/* might not like this, as they have an internal timeout of some mils */
+#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x02016e
+#define SLO_IO jif=jiffies;while(jiffies<=jif+i2c_table[minor].veryslow)\
+ if (need_resched) schedule();
+#define SLO_IO jif=jiffies;while(jiffies<=jif+i2c_table[minor].veryslow)\
+ if (need_resched) schedule();
+/* ----- global variables --------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef SLO_IO
+ int jif;
+/* module parameters:
+ */
+static int i2c_debug=1;
+static int pcf_test=0; /* see if the line-setting functions work */
+static int pcf_scan=0; /* have a look at what's hanging 'round */
+/* --- setting states on the bus with the right timing: --------------- */
+#define set_pcf(adap, ctl, val) adap->setpcf(adap->data, ctl, val)
+#define get_pcf(adap, ctl) adap->getpcf(adap->data, ctl)
+#define get_own(adap) adap->getown(adap->data)
+#define get_clock(adap) adap->getclock(adap->data)
+#define i2c_outb(adap, val) adap->setpcf(adap->data, 0, val)
+#define i2c_inb(adap) adap->getpcf(adap->data, 0)
+/* --- other auxiliary functions -------------------------------------- */
+#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 0x02017f
+static void schedule_timeout(int j)
+ current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
+ current->timeout = jiffies + j;
+ schedule();
+static void i2c_start(struct i2c_algo_pcf_data *adap)
+ DEBPROTO(printk("S "));
+ set_pcf(adap, 1, I2C_PCF_START);
+static void i2c_repstart(struct i2c_algo_pcf_data *adap)
+ DEBPROTO(printk(" Sr "));
+ set_pcf(adap, 1, I2C_PCF_REPSTART);
+static void i2c_stop(struct i2c_algo_pcf_data *adap)
+ DEBPROTO(printk("P\n"));
+ set_pcf(adap, 1, I2C_PCF_STOP);
+static int wait_for_bb(struct i2c_algo_pcf_data *adap) {
+ int timeout = DEF_TIMEOUT;
+ int status;
+ status = get_pcf(adap, 1);
+ while (timeout-- && !(status & I2C_PCF_BB)) {
+ udelay(1000); /* How much is this? */
+ status = get_pcf(adap, 1);
+ }
+ if (timeout<=0)
+ printk("Timeout waiting for Bus Busy\n");
+ /*
+ set_pcf(adap, 1, I2C_PCF_STOP);
+ */
+ return(timeout<=0);
+static inline void pcf_sleep(unsigned long timeout)
+ schedule_timeout( timeout * HZ);
+static int wait_for_pin(struct i2c_algo_pcf_data *adap, int *status) {
+ int timeout = DEF_TIMEOUT;
+ *status = get_pcf(adap, 1);
+ while (timeout-- && (*status & I2C_PCF_PIN)) {
+ adap->waitforpin();
+ *status = get_pcf(adap, 1);
+ }
+ if (timeout <= 0)
+ return(-1);
+ else
+ return(0);
+ * This should perform the 'PCF8584 initialization sequence' as described
+ * in the Philips IC12 data book (1995, Aug 29).
+ * There should be a 30 clock cycle wait after reset, I assume this
+ * has been fulfilled.
+ * There should be a delay at the end equal to the longest I2C message
+ * to synchronize the BB-bit (in multimaster systems). How long is
+ * this? I assume 1 second is always long enough.
+ */
+static int pcf_init_8584 (struct i2c_algo_pcf_data *adap)
+ /* S1=0x80: S0 selected, serial interface off */
+ set_pcf(adap, 1, I2C_PCF_PIN);
+ /* load own address in S0, effective address is (own << 1) */
+ i2c_outb(adap, get_own(adap));
+ /* S1=0xA0, next byte in S2 */
+ set_pcf(adap, 1, I2C_PCF_PIN | I2C_PCF_ES1);
+ /* load clock register S2 */
+ i2c_outb(adap, get_clock(adap));
+ /* Enable serial interface, idle, S0 selected */
+ set_pcf(adap, 1, I2C_PCF_IDLE);
+ DEB2(printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: irq: Initialized 8584.\n"));
+ return 0;
+ * Sanity check for the adapter hardware - check the reaction of
+ * the bus lines only if it seems to be idle.
+ */
+static int test_bus(struct i2c_algo_pcf_data *adap, char *name) {
+#if 0
+ int scl,sda;
+ sda=getsda(adap);
+ if (adap->getscl==NULL) {
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: Warning: Adapter can't read from clock line - skipping test.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ scl=getscl(adap);
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: Adapter: %s scl: %d sda: %d -- testing...\n",
+ name,getscl(adap),getsda(adap));
+ if (!scl || !sda ) {
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: %s seems to be busy.\n",adap->name);
+ goto bailout;
+ }
+ sdalo(adap);
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o:1 scl: %d sda: %d \n",getscl(adap),getsda(adap));
+ if ( 0 != getsda(adap) ) {
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: %s SDA stuck high!\n",name);
+ sdahi(adap);
+ goto bailout;
+ }
+ if ( 0 == getscl(adap) ) {
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: %s SCL unexpected low while pulling SDA low!\n",
+ name);
+ goto bailout;
+ }
+ sdahi(adap);
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o:2 scl: %d sda: %d \n",getscl(adap),getsda(adap));
+ if ( 0 == getsda(adap) ) {
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: %s SDA stuck low!\n",name);
+ sdahi(adap);
+ goto bailout;
+ }
+ if ( 0 == getscl(adap) ) {
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: %s SCL unexpected low while SDA high!\n",adap->name);
+ goto bailout;
+ }
+ scllo(adap);
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o:3 scl: %d sda: %d \n",getscl(adap),getsda(adap));
+ if ( 0 != getscl(adap) ) {
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: %s SCL stuck high!\n",name);
+ sclhi(adap);
+ goto bailout;
+ }
+ if ( 0 == getsda(adap) ) {
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: %s SDA unexpected low while pulling SCL low!\n",
+ name);
+ goto bailout;
+ }
+ sclhi(adap);
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o:4 scl: %d sda: %d \n",getscl(adap),getsda(adap));
+ if ( 0 == getscl(adap) ) {
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: %s SCL stuck low!\n",name);
+ sclhi(adap);
+ goto bailout;
+ }
+ if ( 0 == getsda(adap) ) {
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: %s SDA unexpected low while SCL high!\n",
+ name);
+ goto bailout;
+ }
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: %s passed test.\n",name);
+ return 0;
+ sdahi(adap);
+ sclhi(adap);
+ return -ENODEV;
+ return (0);
+/* ----- Utility functions
+ */
+static inline int try_address(struct i2c_algo_pcf_data *adap,
+ unsigned char addr, int retries)
+ int i, status, ret = -1;
+ for (i=0;i<retries;i++) {
+ i2c_outb(adap, addr);
+ i2c_start(adap);
+ status = get_pcf(adap, 1);
+ if (wait_for_pin(adap, &status) >= 0) {
+ if ((status && I2C_PCF_LRB) == 0) {
+ i2c_stop(adap);
+ break; /* success! */
+ }
+ }
+ i2c_stop(adap);
+ udelay(adap->udelay);
+ }
+ DEB2(if (i) printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: needed %d retries for %d\n",i,addr));
+ return ret;
+static int pcf_sendbytes(struct i2c_adapter *i2c_adap,const char *buf, int count)
+ struct i2c_algo_pcf_data *adap = i2c_adap->algo_data;
+ int wrcount, status, timeout;
+ for (wrcount=0; wrcount<count; ++wrcount) {
+ DEB2(printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: %s i2c_write: writing %2.2X\n",
+ i2c_adap->name, buf[wrcount]&0xff));
+ i2c_outb(adap, buf[wrcount]);
+ timeout = wait_for_pin(adap, &status);
+ if (timeout) {
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: %s i2c_write: error - timeout.\n",
+ i2c_adap->name);
+ i2c_stop(adap);
+ return -EREMOTEIO; /* got a better one ?? */
+ }
+ if (status & I2C_PCF_LRB) {
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: %s i2c_write: error - no ack.\n",
+ i2c_adap->name);
+ i2c_stop(adap);
+ return -EREMOTEIO; /* got a better one ?? */
+ }
+ }
+ return (wrcount);
+static int pcf_readbytes(struct i2c_adapter *i2c_adap, char *buf, int count)
+ int rdcount=0, i, status, timeout, dummy=1;
+ struct i2c_algo_pcf_data *adap = i2c_adap->algo_data;
+ for (i=0; i<count-1; ++i) {
+ buf[rdcount] = i2c_inb(adap);
+ if (dummy) {
+ dummy = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ rdcount++;
+ timeout = wait_for_pin(adap, &status);
+ if (timeout) {
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: i2c_read: i2c_inb timed out.\n");
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ if (status & I2C_PCF_LRB) {
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: i2c_read: i2c_inb, No ack.\n");
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ }
+ set_pcf(adap, 1, I2C_PCF_ESO);
+ buf[rdcount] = i2c_inb(adap);
+ if (dummy) {
+ dummy = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ rdcount++;
+ timeout = wait_for_pin(adap, &status);
+ if (timeout) {
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: i2c_read: i2c_inb timed out.\n");
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ return (rdcount);
+static inline int pcf_doAddress(struct i2c_algo_pcf_data *adap, struct i2c_msg *msg,
+ int retries)
+ unsigned short flags = msg->flags;
+ unsigned char addr;
+ int ret;
+ if ( (flags & I2C_M_TEN) ) {
+ /* a ten bit address */
+ addr = 0xf0 | (( msg->addr >> 7) & 0x03);
+ DEB2(printk("addr0: %d\n",addr));
+ /* try extended address code...*/
+ ret = try_address(adap, addr, retries);
+ if (ret!=1) {
+ printk("died at extended address code.\n");
+ return -EREMOTEIO;
+ }
+ /* the remaining 8 bit address */
+ i2c_outb(adap,msg->addr & 0x7f);
+/* Status check comes here */
+ if (ret != 1) {
+ printk("died at 2nd address code.\n");
+ return -EREMOTEIO;
+ }
+ if ( flags & I2C_M_RD ) {
+ i2c_repstart(adap);
+ /* okay, now switch into reading mode */
+ addr |= 0x01;
+ ret = try_address(adap, addr, retries);
+ if (ret!=1) {
+ printk("died at extended address code.\n");
+ return -EREMOTEIO;
+ }
+ }
+ } else { /* normal 7bit address */
+ addr = ( msg->addr << 1 );
+ if (flags & I2C_M_RD )
+ addr |= 1;
+ i2c_outb(adap, addr);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int pcf_xfer(struct i2c_adapter *i2c_adap,
+ struct i2c_msg msgs[],
+ int num)
+ struct i2c_algo_pcf_data *adap = i2c_adap->algo_data;
+ struct i2c_msg *pmsg;
+ int i, ret, timeout, status;
+ timeout = wait_for_bb(adap);
+ if (timeout) {
+ DEB2(printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: Timeout waiting for BB in pcf_xfer\n");)
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ pmsg = &msgs[0];
+ ret = pcf_doAddress(adap, pmsg, i2c_adap->retries);
+ i2c_start(adap);
+ for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
+ DEB3(printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: Msg %d, addr=0x%x, flags=0x%x, len=%d\n",
+ i, msgs[i].addr, msgs[i].flags, msgs[i].len);)
+ timeout = wait_for_pin(adap, &status);
+ if (timeout) {
+ DEB2(printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: Timeout waiting for PIN(1) in pcf_xfer\n");)
+ i2c_stop(adap);
+ return (-EREMOTEIO);
+ }
+ if (status & I2C_PCF_LRB) {
+ i2c_stop(adap);
+ DEB2(printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: NAK from device adr %#2x msg #%d\n"
+ ,msgs[i].addr,i));
+ return -EREMOTEIO;
+ }
+ if (pmsg->flags & I2C_M_RD ) {
+ /* read bytes into buffer*/
+ ret = pcf_readbytes(i2c_adap, pmsg->buf, pmsg->len);
+ DEB2(printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: read %d bytes.\n",ret));
+ } else {
+ /* write bytes from buffer */
+ ret = pcf_sendbytes(i2c_adap, pmsg->buf, pmsg->len);
+ DEB2(printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: wrote %d bytes.\n",ret));
+ }
+ if (i == (num-1)) {
+ i2c_stop(adap);
+ }
+ else {
+ i2c_repstart(adap);
+ }
+ if (pmsg->flags & I2C_M_RD ) {
+ pmsg->buf[pmsg->len-1] = i2c_inb(adap);
+ }
+ if (i != (num-1)) {
+ pmsg = &msgs[0];
+ ret = pcf_doAddress(adap, pmsg, i2c_adap->retries);
+ timeout = wait_for_pin(adap, &status);
+ if (timeout) {
+ DEB2(printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: Timeout waiting for PIN(2) in pcf_xfer\n");)
+ return (-EREMOTEIO);
+ }
+ if (status & I2C_PCF_LRB) {
+ i2c_stop(adap);
+ DEB2(printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: No LRB(2) in pcf_xfer\n");)
+ return (-EREMOTEIO);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (num);
+static int algo_control(struct i2c_adapter *adapter,
+ unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
+ return 0;
+static u32 pcf_func(struct i2c_adapter *adap)
+/* -----exported algorithm data: ------------------------------------- */
+static struct i2c_algorithm pcf_algo = {
+ "PCF8584 algorithm",
+ pcf_xfer,
+ NULL, /* slave_xmit */
+ NULL, /* slave_recv */
+ algo_control, /* ioctl */
+ pcf_func, /* functionality */
+ * registering functions to load algorithms at runtime
+ */
+int i2c_pcf_add_bus(struct i2c_adapter *adap)
+ int i, status;
+ struct i2c_algo_pcf_data *pcf_adap = adap->algo_data;
+ if (pcf_test) {
+ int ret = test_bus(pcf_adap, adap->name);
+ if (ret<0)
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ DEB2(printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: hw routines for %s registered.\n",adap->name));
+ /* register new adapter to i2c module... */
+ adap->id |=;
+ adap->algo = &pcf_algo;
+ adap->timeout = 100; /* default values, should */
+ adap->retries = 3; /* be replaced by defines */
+#ifdef MODULE
+ i2c_add_adapter(adap);
+ pcf_init_8584(pcf_adap);
+ /* scan bus */
+ if (pcf_scan) {
+ printk(KERN_INFO " i2c-algo-pcf.o: scanning bus %s.\n", adap->name);
+ for (i = 0x00; i < 0xff; i+=2) {
+ i2c_outb(pcf_adap, i);
+ i2c_start(pcf_adap);
+ if ((wait_for_pin(pcf_adap, &status) >= 0) &&
+ ((status && I2C_PCF_LRB) == 0)) {
+ printk("(%02x)",i>>1);
+ } else {
+ printk(".");
+ }
+ i2c_stop(pcf_adap);
+ udelay(pcf_adap->udelay);
+ }
+ printk("\n");
+ }
+ return 0;
+int i2c_pcf_del_bus(struct i2c_adapter *adap)
+ i2c_del_adapter(adap);
+ DEB2(printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: adapter unregistered: %s\n",adap->name));
+#ifdef MODULE
+ return 0;
+int __init i2c_algo_pcf_init (void)
+ printk("i2c-algo-pcf.o: i2c pcf8584 algorithm module\n");
+ return 0;
+#ifdef MODULE
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Hans Berglund <>");
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("I2C-Bus PCF8584 algorithm");
+MODULE_PARM(pcf_test, "i");
+MODULE_PARM(pcf_scan, "i");
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(pcf_test, "Test if the I2C bus is available");
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(pcf_scan, "Scan for active chips on the bus");
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(i2c_debug,"debug level - 0 off; 1 normal; 2,3 more verbose; 9 pcf-protocol");
+int init_module(void)
+ return i2c_algo_pcf_init();
+void cleanup_module(void)
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: