patch-2.1.128 linux/Documentation/sysctl/kernel.txt
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- Lines: 32
- Date:
Wed Nov 11 11:49:59 1998
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Wed Jun 24 22:54:02 1998
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.127/linux/Documentation/sysctl/kernel.txt linux/Documentation/sysctl/kernel.txt
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
before actually making adjustments.
Currently, these files are in /proc/sys/kernel:
+- acct
- ctrl-alt-del
- dentry-state
- domainname
@@ -33,6 +34,23 @@
- reboot-cmd ==> SPARC specific
- securelevel
- version
+highwater lowwater frequency
+If BSD-style process accounting is enabled these values control
+its behaviour. If free space on filesystem where the log lives
+goes below <lowwater>% accounting suspends. If free space gets
+above <highwater>% accounting resumes. <Frequency> determines
+how often do we check the amount of free space (value is in
+seconds). Default:
+4 2 30
+That is, suspend accounting if there left <= 2% free; resume it
+if we got >=4%; consider information about amount of free space
+valid for 30 seconds.
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,