patch-2.1.126 linux/include/linux/lp.h
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- Lines: 15
- Date:
Fri Oct 9 12:20:27 1998
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Sun Jun 7 11:16:39 1998
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.125/linux/include/linux/lp.h linux/include/linux/lp.h
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@
/* The parallel port specs apparently say that there needs to be
* a .5usec wait before and after the strobe. Since there are wildly
* different computers running linux, I can't come up with a perfect
- * value, but since it worked well on most printers before without,
- * I'll initialize it to 0.
+ * value so if 20 is not good for you use `tunelp /dev/lp? -w ?`.
+ * You can also set it to 0 if your printer handle that.
-#define LP_INIT_WAIT 0
+#define LP_INIT_WAIT 20
/* This is the amount of time that the driver waits for the printer to
* catch up when the printer's buffer appears to be filled. If you
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,