patch-2.1.101 linux/arch/ppc/boot/head.S
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- Lines: 51
- Date:
Fri May 8 00:18:13 1998
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Sat Apr 25 18:13:10 1998
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.100/linux/arch/ppc/boot/head.S linux/arch/ppc/boot/head.S
@@ -43,6 +43,28 @@
ori r4,r4,MSR_EE
andc r3,r3,r4
mtmsr r3
+/* check if we need to relocate ourselves to the link addr or were we
+ loaded there to begin with -- Cort */
+ lis r4,start@h
+ ori r4,r4,start@l
+ mflr r3
+ subi r3,r3,4 /* we get the nip, not the ip of the branch */
+ mr r8,r3
+ cmp 0,r3,r4
+ bne 1010f
+/* compute size of whole image in words. this should be moved to
+ * start_ldr() -- Cort
+ */
+ lis r4,start@h
+ ori r4,r4,start@l
+ lis r5,end@h
+ ori r5,r5,end@l
+ addi r5,r5,3 /* round up */
+ sub r5,r5,r4
+ srwi r5,r5,2
+ mr r7,r5
+ b start_ldr
/* Copy relocation code down to location 0x0100 (where we hope it's safe!) */
mflr r3
addi r5,r3,start_ldr-start_
@@ -115,13 +137,18 @@
andc r1,r1,r2
/* Run loader */
+ mr r21, r11
bl serial_init /* Init MBX serial port */
-#define ILAP_ADDRESS 0xfa000020
- lis r8, ILAP_ADDRESS@h
- lwz r8, ILAP_ADDRESS@l(r8)
+ mr r11, r21
+ lis r8,start@h
+ ori r8,r8,start@l
li r9,end@h
ori r9,r9,end@l
sub r7,r8,r9
+ srwi r7,r7,2
+#define ILAP_ADDRESS 0xfa000020
+ lis r8, ILAP_ADDRESS@h
+ lwz r8, ILAP_ADDRESS@l(r8)
addis r8, r8, 1 /* Add 64K */
mr r3,r8 /* Load point */
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,