From Fri Jul 15 15:59:47 1994
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From: Peter Wemm <>
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Subject: odd (recurring) problems with an old pidentd
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 1994 19:54:12 +0800 (WST)
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Hi.. It's been a while since we were last in contact...

I have about a dozen machines running pidentd-2.1.2..  Every so often,
we get a pidentd that's gone off the rails.  I killed one today that
had consumed around 5800 minutes of cpu time.. :-(

Anyway, I'm wondering if you have seen anything like this before, and
if a newer version is likely to fix it.. :-)

I suspect that pidentd is running off the end of the inode linked list
and looping (this is on a seriously modified Dell 2.2 SVR4.0.4/386
machine...  in fact, now that I think about it, It's _so_ seriously
modified, that I'm now in a position to add a credentials field to the
tcb array.. :-) Hmmmmm..).  When I do a truss on the process, it shows
that it's doing lseek(), read(), lseek(), read(), lseek(), read(),

Other than that, we've had faithful service from pidentd - thanks VERY
much for doing it!
