/* mSQLUpd_rt.txt (Contains VB 4.0 and MSVC++ 4.0 runtimes) ** ** mSQLUpdate1.0b A Visual Basic 4.0 (Windows95) frontend client ** for updating an mSQL database via the network. ** ** ** Copyright (c) 1996 David L. White 07/15/96 ** ** ** ( mSQL ** Copyright (c) 1993-95 David J. Hughes ** Copyright (c) 1995 Hughes Technologies Pty Ltd ** ** Permission to use, copy, and distribute for non-commercial purposes, ** is hereby granted without fee, providing that the above copyright ** notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and this ** permission notice appear in supporting documentation. ** ** This software is provided "as is" without any expressed or implied warranty. ** ** ID = "$Id:" ) ** */ This frontend program was produced with Microsoft Visual Basic 4.0. It calls a 32 bit dynamic link library (msqldll1.dll) of the mSQL API that I produced with Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0. The source code for the dll (msqldll.zip) can be obtained from http://hughes.com.au/product/msql under user contributed software or via ftp from Bond.edu.au/pub/Minerva/msql/ Contrib/msqldll.zip. If setup does not install msqldll1.dll properly you can copy it manually to c:\Windows\System\msqldll1.dll. The client allows a user to easily update an mSQL database over the network. Installation: To install the software, run a:/setup. The setup program places msqldll1.dll in the Windows/system directory, and installs the mSQLUpdate1.0b.exe under Program Files/mSQLUpdate1 with an appropriate icon. The program can be removed via Windows95 uninstall. Directions: To use the software: 1) Enter IP address, username, and port. For testing purposes this can be (tinuviel.cs.wcu.edu), test, 4333 respectively. 2) click connect. 3) click on database. 4) click on table. This sends a select * from table query to the server, and the results come up in a data grid on another form module. 5) click on the primary key column of the tuple to be updated. 6) click update form button. This brings up the tuple in a text box on another form module. 7) change text in text box(s). 8) click on update button. This brings up a dynamically generated SQL update query in the bottom text box. 9) When you are satisfied with the query click commit. This sends the SQL update query to the server. 10) To test the update click on part of the previous form (to bring it into the foreground.) You may need to re-click the primary key of the updated tuple (check text in bottom text box.) Then click on send query button. This sends a select query for the tuple to the server. It comes up in the second grid. 11) To close click close or to exit click exit. 12) ...that's about it...have fun with it! Thanks for trying mSQLUpdate1.0b, David L. White dwhite@tinuviel.cs.wcu.edu