What is Project Wittenberg? 

       Project Wittenberg is an ad hoc group of individuals dedicated to
       posting on the internet a cross-section of classic and historic
       texts written by Lutherans. The project arose from the frustration
       felt by these librarians, archivists, scholars, pastors and
       others. A thorough search of the internet yielded few works by
       even Martin Luther, founder of Lutheranism, translator of the
       Bible, shaper of the German language, and a catalyst in the events
       that shaped the formation of modern western civilization. 

       Project Wittenberg began with documents written by Luther himself.
       The documents are selected for their importance to the development
       of western civilization, their interest to a wide audience and
       their value in bringing Luther to life for those who have not had
       the opportunity to meet him in the pages of history.

       Project Wittenberg Documents are posted in their original
       languages, in English translation and other languages as they are
       available. Project Wittenberg selects texts that are in the public
       domain or whose translators are willing to yield rights to free
       distribution of their work on the internet. In all cases, full
       scholarly citation is made for the pieces converted and released
       by the Project. In some cases, excerpts from larger works are

       Keeping in Touch With Project Wittenberg 

       There are several ways to keep in touch with Project Wittenberg.
       The easiest way is to join list WITTENBERG, the discussion group
       on the subject of Lutheran History. 

       Send a message to: Mailserv@crf.cuis.edu  

       In the body of the note, say: subscribe WITTENBERG  

       All releases are first announced here. You may also find all our
       documents at:

       Gopher: Crf.Cuis.Edu     Select: /Concordia University System.../
                                         Each  School.../ 
                                         Concordia Theological  Seminary.../ 
                                         Library/ Electronic Texts.../ 
                                         Selected Documents.../

       World Wide Web URLs: 


       How to Volunteer For Project Wittenberg 

       Project Wittenberg is very informal. Simply select an item you
       wish to key in & contact Rev. Bob Smith at:
       smithre@mail.ctsfw.edu. Please specify the language you wish to
       work with. Please keep the documents or selections relatively
       small. We will want to break the files into sections less than 30K
       in length. Please locate a public domain text before sending your
       offer to do a document. Include in your message the full citation
       of the item so that we may confirm its status. Rev. Smith will
       verify that the selection isn't already assigned, send you the
       format for the document and wait for the finished product. When
       you are ready, send your file in plain ascii format to Rev. Smith
       for proof reading & posting. If you have any questions, please do
       not hesitate to ask.

       Rev. Robert E. Smith for Project Wittenberg
       Last Revised: 3/95