file: /pub/resources.text/announce: wvlc.txt

Date: Mon, 18 Jul 1994 11:02:02 -0400
Reply-To: <EHersh@MU2.MILLERSV.EDU>
Subject: Who Values LIfe? Conference

 Who Values Life? Conference

 September 24, 1994

 To be held at Millersville University, Millersville (Lancaster), PA

 Sponsored by The Who Values Life? Committee (chaired by Pastor Chip Toews)
   (this conference is _not_ sponsored by the University)

 The Who Values Life? Conference has a three-fold
purpose:  1) to present the truth of the pro-life/ pro-family
issue from a Scriptural perspective, 2) to further unify the
pro-life/ pro-family ministries and efforts already underway, 3)
to educate and promote further personal responsibility in
stopping the American abortion holocaust.

 The Who Values Life? Conference will feature two
keynote speakers:

 - Dr. John C. Willke: President of Life Issues
Institute... widely recognized physician and speaker, former
president of the National Right to Life Committee and the
International Right to Life Federation... host of daily pro-life
radio program carried on over 300 radio stations

 - Patricia Funderburk Ware:  Currently serving as
Director of Educational Services with ASAP (Americans for Sound
HIV/AIDS Policy)... served as director of the Office of
Adolescent Pregnancy Programs in the Bush Administration...
works on the front lines in DC's urban neighborhoods with the
message of abstinence and real family values

 In between the two speakers, several seminars will
be offered... topics will include abortion malpractice, setting
up a crisis pregnancy ministry within your church, how to make a
difference in the pro-life/ pro-family movement with only a
little time, a political forum with Pennsylvania incumbents and
candidates, and many more.

 Representatives will also be on hand from several
local pro-life/ pro-family ministries and organizations.

 If you would like more information on the Who Values
Life? Conference or would like to receive registration
materials, please call 717/872-9775.

Committe Member,
Edward Hersh                  - Systems Analyst,  Millersville University
email:  EHersh@MU2.Millersv.Edu    phone:(717)872-3341   Millersville, PA