Last update 11/28/94 The information below has been submitted to the IETF Secretariat as a means of notifying readers of future events. Readers are requested to send in dates of events that are appropriate for this calendar section. Please send submissions, corrections, etc., to: <> Please note: The Secretariat does not maintain on-line information for the events listed below. FYI - New Dates for U.S. APPC/APPN (AATC) Technical Conf. moved from July to May. - New Dates for ULPAA in 1995, was Dec. 4-8, NOW Dec. 11-15 ************************************************************************ 1994 ------------ Nov. 18-29 Nerdathon '94 - Windows into the Internet Lake Tahoe Nov. 28-29 ICT Standardization Pol. Wkshp Belgium Nov. 28-30 Ntwk. Svs. Conf. (NSC'94) London, UK Nov. 28-Dec. 1 GLOBECOM '94 San Francisco, CA Nov. 28-Dec. 2 Email World Boston, MA Nov. 28-Dec. 2 Windows Solutions Frankfurt, Germany Nov. 29-Dec. 2 ATM Forum Kyoto, Japan Nov. 29-Dec. 2 Cause Dec. 1-2 RARE Working Groups London, UK Dec. 1-2 Wkshp on European Reqs for Internationalisation of IT and Charset Technology Luxembourg Dec. 5-7 Australian Telecom Networks and Applications Conf. ATNAC 94 Melbourne, AU Dec. 5-9 31st IETF (Definite) San Jose, CA Dec. 5-9 ANSI X3T11 San Jose, CA Dec. 5-9 10th Comp. Sec. Applications Orlando, FL Dec. 7-9 Windows Solutions Tokyo, JP Dec. 7-9 IEEE R/T Systems Symposium San Juan, Puerto Rico Dec. 12-16 OIW (Firm) Dec. 30-Jan. 2 IFIP Intl. Conf. Networks Madras, India 1995 --------- Dec. 30-Jan. 2 IFIP Intl. Conf. Networks Madras, India Jan. 8-11 BROADBAND '95 Workshop Tucson, AZ Jan. 16-20 USENIX New Orleans, LA Feb. 5-10 ATM Forum San Francisco, CA Feb. 5-11 IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging San Jose, CA Feb. 6-10 ANSI X3T11 St. Petersburg Bch, FL Feb. 16-17 ISOC Symposium on Ntwk & Distribruted System Security San Diego, CA Feb. 20 Int'l Internet OGs Meetings San Diego Feb. 20-24 UniForum Dallas CC, Dallas, TX Feb. 21-22 Int'l Internet Ops Conference San Diego Feb. 22-24 ICODP '95 Brisbane Feb. 26-Mar. 3 SHARE (IBM) Los Angeles, CA Mar. 6-10 IEEE 802 Plenary (Firm) West Palm Beach, FL Mar. 6-10 SNMP Test Summit III Mar. 13-17 OIW (Firm) Mar. 13-24 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 Tokyo, JP Mar. 16-19 3rd Intntl Telecom. Systems Modelling & Analysis Nashville, TN Mar. 27-31 NetWorld+Interop Las Vegas, NV Mar. 28-31 Seybold Seminars Boston, MA Apr. 2-6 IEEE Infocom '95 Boston, MA Apr. 3-7 ANSI X3T11 Monterey, CA Apr. 3-7 32nd IETF (Definite) Danvers, MA Apr. 4-5 Federal Networking Council Advisory Committee Arlington, VA Apr. 9-14 ATM Forum Denver, CO Apr. 17-21 Email World (Firm) Santa Clara, CA Apr. 19-21 5th Network & Operating System Support (NOSSADV) Workshop Boston, MA Apr. 24-25 IFIP TC6 Wkshp Personal Wireless Commun. Prague, Czech Republic May 15-19 Joint European Ntwkg Conf. Tel Aviv, Israel May 18-19 RARE Council of Admin. Tel Aviv, Israel May 22-25 APPC/APPN Tech. Conf. (AATC) Chicago, IL May 28-Jun. 2 NetWorld+Interop '95 Frankfurt, Germany Jun. ATM Forum Europe Jun. 5-7 Digital World Los Angeles, CA Jun. 5-9 ANSI X3T11 Rochester, MN Jun. 12-16 OIW (Firm) Jun. 13-16 IFIP WG6.1 PSTV-XV Warsaw Jun. 16-17 CCIRN Singapore Jun. 18-22 ICC '95 Seattle, WA Jun. 18-24 ISOC Developing Country Wkshp Hawaii Jun. 25-27 ISOC K-12 Workshop Hawaii Jun. 26-27 ISOC Trustees & Council Hawaii Jun. 28-30 INET '95 Hawaii Jul. 4 Independence Day Jul. 10-13 IEEE 802 Plenary (Firm) Maui, HI JULY 14 BASTILLE DAY Jul. 17-21 33rd IETF Stockholm, Sweden Jul. 17-21 NetWorld+Interop Tokyo, Japan Jul. 17-Aug. 3 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 21 Ottawa, Ontario Aug. 6-11 ATM Forum Toronto, CA Aug. 7-11 ANSI X3T11 (Tentative) Denver area Aug. 14-18 ANSI X3T11 (Tentative) Denver area Aug. 29-Sep. 1 Windows Solutions San Fran. San Francisco, CA SEPTEMBER Windows Solutions Paris Paris, France Sep. 25-29 7th SDL Forum Oslo, Sweden FALL 1995 Seybold Europe Sep. 4-6 8th IFIP WG6.1 Intntl Wkshp on Protocol Test Systems Every, France Sep. 4-7 APPC/APPN Tech. Conf. (AATC) London, England Sep. 11-15 6th IFIP High Performance Networking, HPN'95 Palma de Mallorca, Spain Sep. 11-15 OIW (Firm) Sep. 25-29 NetWorld+Interop Atlanta, GA Sep. 26-29 Seybold San Francisco San Francisco, CA Oct. 1-6 ATM Forum Honolulu, HI Oct. 2-6 ANSI X3T11 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Oct. 3-11 Telecom '95 Geneva, Switzerland Oct. 10-11 ANSI X3T11 Oct. 16-19 APPC/APPN Tech. Conf. (AATC) Sydney, Australia Oct. 17-20 IFIP WG6.1 FORTE '95 Montreal, Quebec Nov. 6-9 IEEE 802 Plenary (Firm) Montreal, Quebec Nov. 6-10 NetWorld+Interop Paris, France Nov. 7-10 ICNP '95 Tokyo, Japan Nov. 13-17 GLOBECOM '95 Singapore Nov. 27-Dec. 1 Email World (Definite) Boston, MA Nov. 27-Dec. 1 Windows Solutions Germany Frankfurt, Germany Dec. 3-6 ACM SIGOPS Dec. 4-8 OIW (Firm) Dec. 4-8 34th IETF Dallas, TX Dec. 4-8 ANSI X3T11 (Possible) San Diego, CA Dec. 4-8 Supercomputing '95 (Firm) San Diego, CA Dec. 4-8 Windows Solutions Tokyo Tokyo, Japan Dec. 10-15 ATM Forum Orlando, FL Dec. 11-15 11th Comp. Sec. Applications New Orleans, LO Dec. 11-15 ULPAA (upper layers) Sydney, AU 1996 ----------- Feb. 5-9 ANSI X3T11 Mar. 11-14 UniForum San Francisco, CA Mar. 11-15 35th IETF (Under Consideration) Mar. 18-22 35th IETF (Under Consideration) Mar. 18-22 OIW (Firm) Apr. 8-13 ANSI X3T11 (Tentative) Irvine, CA Apr. 15-19 ANSI X3T11 (Tentative) Irvine, CA May. 13-29 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 21 WGs and Plenary (Firm) Kansas City, MO Jun. 10-14 OIW (Firm) Jun. 10-14 ANSI X3T11 Jun. 24-27 ICC '96 Dallas, TX Jul. 8-12 36th IETF (Under Consideration) Jul. 22-26 36th IETF (Under Consideration) Jul. 29-Aug. 2 36th IETF (Under Consideration) Aug. 5-9 ANSI X3T11 Sep. 2-6 14th IFIP Conf. Canberra, AU Sep. 9-13 OIW (Firm) Sep. 24-27 IFIP WG6.1 w/FORTE/PSTV (Under Consideration) Oct. 7-11 ANSI X3T11 St. Petersburg Bch, FL Nov. 11-15 37th IETF (Under Consideration) Nov. 18-22 37th IETF (Under Consideration) Nov. 18-22 Supercomputing '96 (Firm) Pittsburgh, PA Dec. 2-6 ANSI X3T11 Dec. 9-13 OIW (Firm) 1997 ----------- Mar. 10-13 UniForum San Francisco, CA Mar. 10-14 OIW (Firm) Jun. 8-12 ICC '97 Montreal Jun. 9-13 OIW (Firm) Sep. 8-12 OIW (Firm) Dec. 8-12 OIW (Firm) 1998 ----------- Aug. 23-29 15th IFIP World. Com. Conf. Vienna, Austria and Budapest, Hungary --------- Via ftp: /ietf/1events.calendar.imr.txt on ietf shadow directories Via gopher: "Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) / IETF Meetings / Scheduling Calendar" on