The IESG adopted the following policy on the scheduling of BOFs during IETF Plenary meetings. This policy goes into effect following the Columbus, Ohio meeting in March, 1993. 1. All BOFs wishing to meet during an IETF Plenary must have the approval of the appropriate Area Director. The Secretariat will NOT schedule or allocate time slots without the explicit approval of the Area Director. Please cc Megan <> and ask the Director to copy her upon approval. 2. The purpose of a BOF is to conduct a single, brief discussion or to ascertain interest and establish goals for a working group. All BOF organizers are required to submit a brief written report of what transpired during the BOF meeting together with a roster of attendees to the IETF Secretariat for inclusion in the proceedings. 3. A BOF can only be held once (ONE slot at one IETF Plenary meeting). 4. Under unusual circumstances an Area Director can, at his/her discretion, allow a BOF to meet for a second time. Typically, though not a requirement, this is to develop a charter to be submitted to the IESG. 5. BOFs are not permitted to meet three times. 6. Non-IETF groups wishing to participate in IETF meetings may hold a BOF, for single-event discussion, or may pursue creation of normal IETF working groups, for on-going interactions and disussions. The rules governing such BOFs are the same as for all other IETF BOFs and working groups. 7. When necessary, IETF WGs will be given priority for meeting space over IETF BOFs. 8. Once scheduled, BOF's are handled like Working Groups with regard to the Meeting and Proceedings. We require Minutes and an Attendee Roster for the Proceedings. 9. Provide IETF mailing list with a brief announcement and description of the BOF. ~ Applications "Erik Huizer" <> "John Klensin" <> Internet "Stev Knowles" <> "David Piscitello" <> Management "Marshall Rose" <> Operations "Scott Bradner" <> Routing "Robert Hinden" <> Service Appl. "David Crocker" <> Security "Stephen Crocker" <> Transport "Allison Mankin" <> User Services "Joyce K. Reynolds" <>