<img src=images/locations/openDanLot.gif width=100%>
When you were little, you made deliveries to your family and friends.
Small stuff, at first. Sticks, rocks, and clumps of grass — it didn't matter <i>what</i> you delivered, you just liked riding your tricycle from person to person, handing out "packages."
Growing up, your friends dreamed of things like backpacking across Europe or going to the United States to become Hollywood stars. You knew you wanted to stay here and start your own delivery service.
That's why you spend every afternoon at Smiling Dan's Steel Wheel Dealership. You look at their big rigs and imagine your future.
Someone behind you says, "[[I used to be like you, once->meetJoan]]."<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/inJoanTruck.gif width=100%>
<<set $currentLocation = "the cab of Joan's truck, behind the wheel.">>
<<set $displayState = "yes">>
Joan doesn't waste much time, on account of her doctor not knowing how long she has left.
She puts you behind the wheel of her truck. It's very comfortable — the vibe it gives off is more "grandma's living room on wheels" rather than "big rig," but you can work with that.
"I know people in the industrial district who need some deliveries," she says. "Which one do you want to start with?"
<<button [[Take Contract->firstChoice]]>><<set $load = "load of ping-pong tables">><<set $destination = "the hot tech startup">><<set $tripTime = 1>><</button>> A load of ping-pong tables, delivered to a hot tech startup operating in an abandoned factory.
<<button [[Take Contract->firstChoice]]>><<set $load = "shipment of Hollywood memorabilia">><<set $destination = "the recycling center">><<set $tripTime = 1>><</button>> A shipment of Hollywood memorabilia, delivered to a recycling center for processing.
<<button [[Take Contract->firstChoice]]>><<set $load = "leaking cooler full of recently-harvested organs">><<set $destination = "Doug at the busy loading dock">><<set $tripTime = 1>><</button>> A leaking cooler full of recently-harvested organs, delivered to a guy named Doug who can usually be found in a shady corner of a busy loading dock.<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/choosing.gif width=100%>
<p style="text-align:center"><b>Delivering a load of <<print $load>> to <<print $destination>></b></p><hr />
Are you feeling lucky?
<<if $failCount > 0>><<include goodButton>><<else>><<include $lowOptions[0]>><</if>> I could do this in my sleep.
<<if $failCount > 0>><<include goodButton>><<else>><<include $lowOptions[1]>><</if>> I'm going to stay alert. You never know what could happen.<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/choosing.gif width=100%>
<p style="text-align:center"><b>Delivering a load of <<print $load>> to <<print $destination>></b></p><hr />
How are you going to get there?
<<include $medOptions[0]>> Drive aggressively.
<<include $medOptions[1]>> Drive responsibly.
<<include $medOptions[2]>> Drive cautiously.<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/choosing.gif width=100%>
<p style="text-align:center"><b>Delivering a load of <<print $load>> to <<print $destination>></b></p><hr />
How are you going to get there?
<<include $highOptions[0]>> Take the highway and BRING THE HAMMER DOWN!
<<include $highOptions[1]>> Stay on the highway, but obey all traffic laws.
<<include $highOptions[2]>> Avoid the highway, but don't waste any time getting there.
<<include $highOptions[3]>> Take the scenic route while obeying the speed limit.<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/badTrucking.gif width=100%>
<<set $time += 1>>
<<set $loanClock -= 1>>
<<set $failCount = 3>>
<</nobr>><p style="text-align:center"><b>Failure.</b></p><hr />
<<print $failBecause[0]>>
<<print $targetSite.badDel>>
<<if $contractPenalty > 0>><<set $money -= $contractPenalty>>The trip ended up costing you $<<print $contractPenalty>> in expenses<<else>>You barely broke even after expenses<</if>>.<<if $money < 0>><<set $money = 0>>
<b>At this point, you're broke. You have zero dollars to your name, and your next trip had better be profitable.</b><</if>>
<<if $sideQuestActive == "no">><<button [[Let's see what's new.->newInTown]]>><<set $highOptions.shuffle()>><<set $medOptions.shuffle()>><<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>><<set $aPool.shuffle()>><<set $bPool.shuffle()>><<set $cPool.shuffle()>><<set $failBecause.shuffle()>><</button>><<else>><<include sideQuestInterrupt>><</if>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/goodTrucking.gif width=100%>
<<set $load = $savedLoad>>
<<set $money += $reward>>
<<set $time += 1>>
<<set $loanClock -= 1>>
<<set $failCount -= 1>>
<<set $wins += 1>>
<p style="text-align:center"><b>Successful Delivery!</b></p><hr />
<<print $targetSite.goodDel>>
<<if $sideQuestActive == "no">><<button [[Let's see what's new.->newInTown]]>><<set $highOptions.shuffle()>><<set $medOptions.shuffle()>><<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>><<set $aPool.shuffle()>><<set $bPool.shuffle()>><<set $cPool.shuffle()>><<set $failBecause.shuffle()>><</button>><<else>><<include sideQuestInterrupt>><</if>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/cityA.gif width=100%>
<<set _offerA = $aPool.pluck()>>
<<set _offerB = $bPool.pluck()>>
<<set _offerC = $cPool.pluck()>>
<<set _offerAalt = $aPool.pluck()>>
<<set _offerBalt = $bPool.pluck()>>
<<set _offerCalt = $cPool.pluck()>>
<p style="text-align:center"><b>Loan status:</b></p> <<if $loanClock < 1>><p style="text-align:center"><<include dueButton>></p><<else>><p style="text-align:center">You can make <<if $loanClock >1>><<print $loanClock>> deliveries<<else>>1 delivery<</if>> before your next loan payment of $<<print $minPayment>> is due.</p><hr />
This is <<print $targetSite.city>>. You are in <<print $siteDescription[0]>>.
You check the local news to see what's happening. <<print $newsPool[0]>>
<<include localStatusWidget>>
<<include easyWidget>>
<<include medWidget>>
<<include hardWidget>>
<img src=images/locations/cityC.gif width=100%>
<<set _offerA = $aPool.pluck()>>
<<set _offerB = $bPool.pluck()>>
<<set _offerC = $cPool.pluck()>>
<<set _offerAalt = $aPool.pluck()>>
<<set _offerBalt = $bPool.pluck()>>
<<set _offerCalt = $cPool.pluck()>>
<p style="text-align:center"><b>Loan status:</b></p> <<if $loanClock < 1>><p style="text-align:center"><<include dueButton>></p><<else>> <p style="text-align:center">You can make <<if $loanClock >1>><<print $loanClock>> deliveries <<else>>1 delivery<</if>> before your next loan payment of $<<print $minPayment>> is due.</p><hr />
This is <<print$targetSite.city>>. You are in <<print $siteDescription[2]>>.
You check the local news to see what's happening. <<print $newsPool[0]>>
<<include localStatusWidget>>
<<include easyWidget>>
<<include medWidget>>
<<include hardWidget>>
<img src=images/locations/cityB.gif width=100%>
<<set _offerA = $aPool.pluck()>>
<<set _offerB = $bPool.pluck()>>
<<set _offerC = $cPool.pluck()>>
<<set _offerAalt = $aPool.pluck()>>
<<set _offerBalt = $bPool.pluck()>>
<<set _offerCalt = $cPool.pluck()>>
<p style="text-align:center"><b>Loan status:</b></p> <<if $loanClock < 1>><p style="text-align:center"><<include dueButton>></p><<else>><p style="text-align:center">You can make <<if $loanClock >1>><<print $loanClock>> deliveries<<else>>1 delivery<</if>> before your next loan payment of $<<print $minPayment>> is due.</p><hr />
This is <<print$targetSite.city>>. You are in <<print $siteDescription[1]>>.
You check the local news to see what's happening. <<print $newsPool[0]>>
<<include localStatusWidget>>
<<include easyWidget>>
<<include altMedWidget>>
<<include medWidget>><</if>><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->pass]]>><</button>><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->fail]]>><</button>><<if $hasTruck == "yes">><<include truckPhoto>><</if>><hr /><span style="font-size:90%">Money: $<<print $money>></span><<if $loanStarted == "yes">>
<span style="font-size:90%">Current debt:</span> <span style="color:red;font-size:90%"><b>$<<print ($loanBalance).toFixed(2)>></b></span><</if>><hr /><<if $successRateShow == "yes">><<include successRateWidget>><hr /><</if>><<if $displayState == "yes">><<include nationalStatusWidget>><hr /><</if>><<nobr>>
<<button [[Your loan payment is due.->loanDue]]>>
<<if $targetCity == "CityC">>
<<set $cPool.push($destination)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerA)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerB)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerAalt)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerBalt)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerCalt)>>
<<elseif $targetCity == "CityB">>
<<set $bPool.push($destination)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerA)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerC)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerAalt)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerBalt)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerCalt)>>
<<set $aPool.push($destination)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerB)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerC)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerAalt)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerBalt)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerCalt)>>
<img src=images/locations/loanOffice.gif width=100%>
<<set $loanClock = 4>>
<p style="text-align:center"><b>This month's loan payment of $<<print $minPayment>> is due.</b></p><hr /><<if $money >= $minPayment>>You have enough money to make a payment.
<<button [[Make one payment->loanPaid]]>><<set $payment = ($minPayment*1)>><</button>><</if>><<if $money >= ($minPayment*2) and $loanBalance > ($minPayment*2)>>
Making more than one payment would pay off the loan faster:
<<button [[Make 2 payments->loanPaid]]>><<set $payment = ($minPayment*2)>><</button>><</if>><<if $money >= ($minPayment*3) and $loanBalance > ($minPayment*3)>><<button [[3 payments->loanPaid]]>><<set $payment = ($minPayment*3)>><</button>><</if>><<if $money >= ($minPayment*4) and $loanBalance > ($minPayment*4)>><<button [[4 payments->loanPaid]]>><<set $payment = ($minPayment*4)>><</button>><</if>><<if $money >= ($minPayment*5) and $loanBalance > ($minPayment*5)>><<button [[5 payments->loanPaid]]>><<set $payment = ($minPayment*5)>><</button>><</if>><<if $money >= ($minPayment*6) and $loanBalance > ($minPayment*6)>><<button [[6 payments->loanPaid]]>><<set $payment = ($minPayment*6)>><</button>><</if>><<if $money >= ($loanBalance*1.1)>>
Honestly, at this point you might as well pay off the loan completely. You've got the money for it.
<<button [[Total Payoff->loanPaid]]>><<set $payment = (1+ ($loanBalance*1.1))>><</button>><<elseif $money >= $loanBalance and $money < ($loanBalance*1.1)>>
Unfortunately, there's an obscure clause buried deep in your loan documents that prevents you from repaying it in full. You don't have enough money to pay off the outstanding balance <i>plus accrued interest</i>, so you aren't allowed to completely pay off the loan under the terms of the agreement.
In fact, you can only make a maximum of six payments.
Dan is a total ratbag, and this debt contract is an instrument of pure evil.<</if>><<if $money < $minPayment>>You don't have enough money to make your loan payment.
[[That's a problem.|$gameOver]]<</if>><<nobr>>
<<if $minPayment == 9 >><img src=images/trucks/pickupTow.gif width=100%><</if>>
<<if $minPayment == 90>><img src=images/trucks/vanTow.gif width=100%><</if>>
<<if $minPayment == 900>><img src=images/trucks/boxTruckTow.gif width=100%><</if>>
<<if $minPayment == 9000>><img src=images/trucks/bigRigTow.gif width=100%><</if>>
You are out of money.
Your truck gets repossessed, and you get roughed up and left for dead in a dumpster.
Your career as a trucker ends here.<<nobr>>
<<set $loanBalance *= (1.1)>>
<<set $loanBalance -= $payment>>
<<set $money -= ($payment).toFixed(0)>>
<<if $money < 0>><<set $money = 0>>
<</if>><</nobr>><<if $loanBalance < 0>><<set $loanBalance = 0>>
<img src=images/locations/gettingTitle.gif width=100%><hr />
<p style="text-align:center"><b>Triumph!</b></p><hr />Dan’s loan has hit you with interest fees, pre-payment fees, post-payment fees, success fees, failure fees, and even re-payment fees. However, you have paid off your entire loan balance.
[[You now own your truck free and clear.|$payoffLink]]
<img src=images/locations/loanOffice.gif width=100%>
<</nobr>><hr />
You successfully made a payment of $<<print $payment>> and your new outstanding balance is $<<print ($loanBalance).toFixed(2)>>.
<<if $loanExplain == "no">><<include challengeOption>>
<<else>><<include questOver>><</if>><</if>><img src=images/locations/danLot4.gif width=100%>
You're at Smiling Dan's dealership. He has completed your credit check, and he is no longer smiling.
Instead, Dan's expression is an impressive combination of apologetic and predatory. "I'm sorry," he says, "but it looks like most of our models are out of your price range. However, we do have an alternative."
Dan's "alternative" turns out to be a battered pickup truck that may date back to the first World War. There's a chalk outline of a body and some shreds of crime scene tape still in the truckbed.
The cab isn't much better. It smells like an animal died inside the upholstery, and the glove compartment still has some family photos in it. Red "X" marks cover a few of the faces — you optimistically hope that it's because things ended with an unpleasant divorce.
Dan starts talking about financing, and the complexity makes your head spin. However, he says "twelve easy payments" and "2.5% interest." It sounds affordable.
The cost of the truck is $63.
<<button [[ACCEPT HIS TERMS->arrivalB]]>>
<<set $destination = $bPool.pluck()>>
<<include firstLoanCode>>
<<include $destination>>
<<set $hasTruck = "yes">>
<<set $targetCity = "CityB">>
<img src=images/locations/meetJoan.gif width=100%>
The voice belongs to an older woman wearing a cardigan and a trucker’s cap. “There’s nothing like being behind the wheel,” she says. Then she takes a long look at the trucks before glancing back at you.
“But I gotta get used to that being in the past, on account of my doctor telling me I can’t drive no more.”
She casually launches an impressive amount of spit to punctuate her use of the word “doctor.” It conveys her opinion of his medical credentials and her frustration at being forced into early retirement.
It seems like it’s your turn to say something:
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">“[[Yeah, that’s a real shame.->joanSecond][$joanQ = "shame"]]”</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"[[So, what’s going to happen to your truck?->joanSecond][$joanQ = "whatTruck"]]"</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"[[Great chat, lady. We should do it again sometime.->joanSecond][$joanQ = "niceChat"]]"</li>
<li>"[[Save your breath. I've heard all this before.->skipAhead]]" (Not recommended for first-time playthroughs.)</li></ul><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/meetJoan.gif width=100%>
<<if $joanQ == "shame">><p style="text-align:center"><b>"Yeah, that’s a real shame."</b></p><hr />
“It is," she says. "And the saddest part is that I don’t know what’s going to happen to my rig, the Porkchop Express.”<<elseif $joanQ == "whatTruck">><p style="text-align:center"><b>"So, what’s going to happen to your truck?"</b></p><hr />
“I don’t know yet,” she says thoughtfully.<<elseif $joanQ == "niceChat">><p style="text-align:center"><b>"Great chat, lady. We should do it again sometime."</b></p><<set $jerkPoints += 1>><<set $jobtitle = "Mouthy Punk">><hr />
“Nah,” she fires back, “I’m trying to cut down on the amount of time I spend around mouthy punks.”<</if>>
"My <i>doctor</i> says that it won't matter anyway," she continues. "He says that if I wasn't sidelined due to medical issues, my job would eventually be replaced by one of those robot trucks that Regina Towers is building."
She takes a moment to look you over, which is when you notice how tall she is. It’s a bit like getting the once-over from a judgmental scarecrow. “Did you just come here to look, or were you gonna buy one of these rigs today?”
It seems like both of you know the answer.
“You're clearly not Gleaming Joe Brady," she says. "You don’t have either the money or the experience to handle one of those machines. But I'll tell ya, you can get both of them if you start driving for me.”
<<button [[You should get started on your apprenticeship.->firstMission]]>><<set $hasTruck = "yes">><<set $firstCargo.shuffle()>><<set $secondCargo.shuffle()>><<set $highOptions.shuffle()>><<set $medOptions.shuffle()>><<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>><<set $aPool.shuffle()>><<set $bPool.shuffle()>><<set $cPool.shuffle()>><<set $failBecause.shuffle()>><</button>><<nobr>>
<<button [[Take Contract->sideQuest]]>>
<<set $newsPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $load = "$firstCargo[0] $secondCargo[0]">>
<<if $targetCity == "CityC">>
<<set $cPool.push($destination)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerA)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerB)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerAalt)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerBalt)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerCalt)>>
<<elseif $targetCity == "CityB">>
<<set $bPool.push($destination)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerA)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerC)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerAalt)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerBalt)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerCalt)>>
<<set $aPool.push($destination)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerB)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerC)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerAalt)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerBalt)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerCalt)>>
<<set $destination = $easyDestination>>
<<set $reward = $rewardPool[0]>>
<<set $contractPenalty = $penaltyPool[0]>>
<<set $tripTime = 1>>
<<set $choice = "easy">>
<</button>><</nobr>> Drive a shipment of <<print $firstCargo[0]>> <<print $secondCargo[0]>> to <<if $targetCity == "CityC">><<set $easyDestination = _offerC>><<elseif $targetCity == "CityB">><<set $easyDestination = _offerB>><<else>><<set $easyDestination = _offerA>><</if>><<print $easyDestination>> for $<<print $rewardPool[0]>>. This will keep you in <<if $targetCity == "CityC">><<print $siteDescription[2]>><<elseif $targetCity == "CityB">><<print $siteDescription[1]>><<else>><<print $siteDescription[0]>><</if>>.<<nobr>>
<<button [[Take Contract->sideQuest]]>>
<<set $newsPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $medOptions.shuffle()>>
<<if $targetCity == "CityC">>
<<set $cPool.push($destination)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerC)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerA)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerAalt)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerBalt)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerCalt)>>
<<elseif $targetCity == "CityB">>
<<set $bPool.push($destination)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerB)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerC)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerAalt)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerBalt)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerCalt)>>
<<set $aPool.push($destination)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerA)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerC)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerAalt)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerBalt)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerCalt)>>
<<set $load = "$firstCargo[1] $secondCargo[1]">>
<<set $reward = $rewardPool[1]>>
<<set $contractPenalty = $penaltyPool[1]>>
<<set $tripTime = 1>>
<<set $choice = "medium">>
<<if $targetCity == "CityC">>
<<set $medTarget = "CityB">>
<<elseif $targetCity == "CityB">>
<<set $medTarget = "CityA">>
<<set $medTarget = "CityB">>
<</nobr>> Drive a shipment of <<print $firstCargo[1]>> <<print $secondCargo[1]>> to <<if $targetCity == "CityC">><<set $medDestination = _offerB>><<elseif $targetCity == "CityB">><<set $medDestination = _offerA>><<else>><<set $medDestination = _offerB>><</if>><<print $medDestination>> for $<<print $rewardPool[1]>>. This will take you to <<if $targetCity == "CityC">><<print $siteDescription[1]>><<elseif $targetCity == "CityB">><<print $siteDescription[0]>><<else>><<print $siteDescription[1]>><</if>>.<<nobr>>
<<button [[Take Contract->sideQuest]]>>
<<set $newsPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $highOptions.shuffle()>>
<<if $targetCity == "CityC">>
<<set $cPool.push($destination)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerB)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerC)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerAalt)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerBalt)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerCalt)>>
<<set $aPool.push($destination)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerA)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerB)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerAalt)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerBalt)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerCalt)>>
<<set $load = "$firstCargo[1] $secondCargo[1]">>
<<set $reward = $rewardPool[2]>>
<<set $contractPenalty = $penaltyPool[2]>>
<<set $tripTime = 1>>
<<set $choice = "hard">>
<<if $targetCity == "CityC">>
<<set $hardTarget = "CityA">>
<<set $hardTarget = "CityC">>
<</nobr>> Drive a shipment of <<print $firstCargo[2]>> <<print $secondCargo[2]>> to <<if $targetCity == "CityC">><<set $hardDestination = _offerA>><<else>><<set $hardDestination = _offerC>><</if>><<print $hardDestination>> for $<<print $rewardPool[2]>>. This will take you to <<if $targetCity == "CityC">><<print $siteDescription[0]>><<else>><<print $siteDescription[2]>><</if>>.<img src=images/locations/choosing.gif width=100%><hr />
<p style="text-align:center"><b>Delivering a load of <<print $load>> to <<print $destination>></b></p><hr />You're headed to the industrial district. Are you feeling lucky?
<<button [[CHOOSE THIS->firstPass]]>><</button>> I could do this in my sleep.
<<button [[CHOOSE THIS->firstFail]]>><</button>> I'm going to stay alert. You never know what could happen.<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/joanPass.gif width=100%>
<<set $time += 1>>
<<set $wins += 1>>
<<set $successRateShow = "yes">>
<p style="text-align:center"><b>Successful Delivery!</b></p><hr /><<set $money += 10>><<set $currentLocation = $destination>>The obvious choice is to take the main route across town to the industrial district.
You don't even waste time considering alternate routes. You just start rolling, encounter surprisingly little traffic, and successfully get <<print $load>> to <<print $destination>> without experiencing any notable problems.
(I mean, you can't find any decent music on the radio, but is that really a <i>notable</i> problem?)
Joan is happy to hear about your success. She tells you to meet her at the diner tomorrow morning.
<<button [[Well done.->outsideDiner]]<<set $highOptions.shuffle()>><<set $medOptions.shuffle()>><<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>><<set $aPool.shuffle()>><<set $bPool.shuffle()>><<set $cPool.shuffle()>><<set $failBecause.shuffle()>><</button>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/joanFail.gif width=100%>
<<set $time += 1>>
<<set $successRateShow = "yes">>
<p style="text-align:center"><b>Failure.</b></p><hr /><<set $firstFail = "yes">><<set $currentLocation = $destination>><<set $failCount = 3>>Joan gives you a sarcastic "thumbs up" gesture once it's clear that this delivery has been a failure.
The obvious choice would have been to take the main route across town, but you expected to encounter a ton of traffic at this time of day.
You took the side streets, which was a mistake. And then the police shut the roads down so they could catch a pair of runaway Emus.
You spent most of your time idling in heavy traffic, and when you finally got the <<print $load>> to <<print $destination>>, the client was pretty upset.
On the other hand, Joan is relatively calm. "Mistakes happen, kid."
"Sometimes a delivery just doesn't work out," she says. "The good news is that when you fail one of these easy runs, <b>you're practically guaranteed succeess on your next easy assignment.</b>"
Joan tells you to get a good night's sleep. She says you can talk more when you meet her at the diner tomorrow morning.
<<button [[That happened.->outsideDiner]]<<set $highOptions.shuffle()>><<set $medOptions.shuffle()>><<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>><<set $aPool.shuffle()>><<set $bPool.shuffle()>><<set $cPool.shuffle()>><<set $failBecause.shuffle()>><</button>><<nobr>>
<<set $harmonyReward = 25>>
<<set $samsonReward = 25>>
<<set $codyReward = 25>>
<img src=images/locations/choosing.gif width=100%>
<</nobr>><hr /><p style="text-align:center"><b>SECRET OPTION:</b></p>
You can [[start the game normally->meetJoan]] or skip ahead. Skipping ahead means that you will miss your initial meeting with Joan and her hints about selecting errands and choosing routes.
You can skip to the part where [[you are about to buy your first vehicle, the pickup->dealership][$displayState = "yes",$hasMetHarmony = "yes",$loanStarted = "yes",$successRateShow = "yes"]].
You can skip to the part where [[you can acquire your second truck, the van->secondAct][$displayState = "yes",$hasMetHarmony = "yes",$hasMetSamson = "yes",$loanStarted = "yes",$successRateShow = "yes"]].
You can skip to the part where [[you can acquire your third truck, the box truck->thirdAct][$displayState = "yes",$hasMetHarmony = "yes",$hasMetSamson = "yes",$loanStarted = "yes",$successRateShow = "yes"]].
You can skip to the part where [[you are about to acquire the final truck->fourthAct][$displayState = "yes",$hasMetHarmony = "yes",$hasMetSamson = "yes",$hasMetCody = "yes",$thirdLoad = "equipment",$loanStarted = "yes",$successRateShow = "yes"]].<img src=images/locations/dinerJoe.gif width=100%>
<<set $currentLocation = "the Good Eats Diner.">>Centerville's Good Eats Diner is one of those local institutions that has stubbornly kept a low profile for decades. Their food is as interesting as their interpretation of health code requirements
When you park outside, you notice something leaking from the engine of Joan's truck. It's probably nothing serious.
You encounter <<popup "Gleaming Joe Brady" "joePopup">>’s cloud of signature body spray moments before you see the man himself. He might have gone out of his way to bump you on his way out of the diner, but you’ll never be sure because of his mirrored, wraparound sunglasses.
“Sorry, kid. Didn’t see you there. Take this as an apology.” Brady takes a moment to autograph his trucker’s cap before handing it to you. “Keep it, I’ve got a hundred more just like ‘em.”
Joe's truck, a gleaming yellow behemoth, is parked nearby. As Joe vaults into the cab, you take a moment to wonder what kind of person carries a permanent marker around all day. Does he autograph a lot of hats?
You might be able to respond before he pulls away:
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Thank him->finishJoe][$joeQ = "thank"]].</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Threaten him->finishJoe][$joeQ = "threaten"]].</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Ignore it->finishJoe][$joeQ = "ignore"]].</li></ul><img src=images/locations/choosing.gif width=100%><hr /><p style="text-align:center"><b>Delivering a load of <<print $load>> to <<print $destination>></b></p><hr />
How are you going to get there?<<set $currentLocation = "the cab of Joan's truck, behind the wheel.">>
<<button [[CHOOSE THIS->secondPass]]>><</button>> Take the highway and BRING THE HAMMER DOWN!
<<button [[CHOOSE THIS->secondFail]]>><</button>> Stay on the highway, but obey all traffic laws.
<<button [[CHOOSE THIS->secondFail]]>><</button>> Avoid the highway, but don't waste any time getting there.
<<button [[CHOOSE THIS->secondPass]]>><</button>> Take the scenic route while obeying the speed limit.
<img src=images/locations/joanPass.gif width=100%>
<<set $time += 1>>
<<set $wins += 1>>
<p style="text-align:center"><b>Successful Delivery!</b></p><hr /><<set $money += 10>>Congratulations, you have successfully delivered <<print $load>> to <<print $destination>>.
<<button [[Well done.->meetHarmony]]<<set $highOptions.shuffle()>><<set $medOptions.shuffle()>><<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>><<set $aPool.shuffle()>><<set $bPool.shuffle()>><<set $cPool.shuffle()>><<set $failBecause.shuffle()>><</button>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/joanFail.gif width=100%>
<<set $time += 1>>
<p style="text-align:center"><b>Failure.</b></p><hr />Good news: Today's delivery provided a valuable learning experience. You learned how to change a truck tire.
The bad news is that you're tired and sweaty, and your delivery is late.
When you call Joan to give her an update, she takes it in stride.<<if $firstFail == "yes">>
"<b>This wasn't an easy delivery, so there was no guarantee that you'd succeed.</b>"<</if>>
"You never know what's going to happen," she says philosophically. "Some days you can break the speed limit without getting caught, and other days you end up with problems even when you follow all the traffic laws."
You're ready to get back on the road, and Joan didn't sound too mad, so you should finish your delivery.
<<button [[Wrap it up.->meetHarmony]]<<set $highOptions.shuffle()>><<set $medOptions.shuffle()>><<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>><<set $aPool.shuffle()>><<set $bPool.shuffle()>><<set $cPool.shuffle()>><<set $failBecause.shuffle()>><</button>><<nobr>>
<<set $medDestinationAlt = _offerCalt>>
<<button [[Take Contract->sideQuest]]>>
<<set $newsPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $medOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $medTargetAlt = "CityC">>
<<set $bPool.push($destination)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerA)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerB)>>
<<set $cPool.push(_offerC)>>
<<set $aPool.push(_offerAalt)>>
<<set $bPool.push(_offerBalt)>>
<<set $load = "$firstCargo[4] $secondCargo[4]">>
<<set $reward = $rewardPool[1]>>
<<set $contractPenalty = $penaltyPool[1]>>
<<set $tripTime = 1>>
<<set $choice = "mediumAlt">>
<</nobr>> Drive a shipment of <<print $firstCargo[4]>> <<print $secondCargo[4]>> to <<print $medDestinationAlt>> for $<<print $rewardPool[1]>>. This will take you to <<print $siteDescription[2]>>.<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/whatNext.gif width=100%>
<<set $currentLocation = $destination>>
<<print $targetSite.marketReact>>
<<print $targetSite.notable>>
<<include questOver>><<nobr>>
<<set $aPool = ["a warehouse", "a chemical plant", "a tire factory", "a wholesale outlet"]>>
<<set $bPool = ["Centerville College", "the public library", "Smith Middle School", "Centerville Hospital"]>>
<<set $cPool = ["Centerville Savings Bank", "a fancy restaurant", "an auction house", "an insurance company"]>>
<<set $aScore = 0>>
<<set $askedHarmony = "no">>
<<set $askedSamson = "no">>
<<set $askedCody = "no">>
<<set $bScore = 0>>
<<set $codyQuestCount = 0>>
<<set $cScore = 0>>
<<set $currentLocation = "a transitional phase at the start of your career.">>
<<set $displayState = "NO">>
<<set $failCount = 0>>
<<set $firstCargo = ["ordinary", "standard", "ordinary", "standard", "ordinary", "standard", "completely legal"]>>
<<set $gameOver = "joanBailout">>
<<set $harmonyQuestCount = 0>>
<<set $hasMetCody = "no">>
<<set $hasMetHarmony = "no">>
<<set $hasMetRegina = "no">>
<<set $hasMetSamson = "no">>
<<set $highOptions = ["goodButton", "badButton", "goodButton", "badButton"]>>
<<set $jerkPoints = 0>>
<<set $joanTalk = 0>>
<<set $jobtitle = "Student">>
<<set $loanBalance = 0>>
<<set $loanExplain = "no">>
<<set $loanHelp = "no">>
<<set $lowOptions = ["goodButton", "badButton", "goodButton", "goodButton", "goodButton"]>>
<<set $medOptions = ["goodButton", "badButton", "goodButton"]>>
<<set $minPayment = 0>>
<<set $money = 0>>
<<set $payoffLink = "dealership">>
<<set $penaltyPool = [0, 0, 0]>>
<<set $rewardPool = [3, 4, 5]>>
<<set $samsonQuestCount = 0>>
<<set $secondCargo = ["dirt", "gravel", "cement", "sand", "powder", "flour", "boxes", "wire", "paving stones", "turnips"]>>
<<set $sideQuestActive = "no">>
<<set $sideQuestReward = 0>>
<<set $siteDescription = ["the western part of town", "the center of town", "the eastern part of town"]>>
<<set $successRateShow = "no">>
<<set $time = 0>>
<<set $wins = 0>>
<<set $worldState = "S">>
<<include introSite>>
<<set $newsPool = ["Cody Beaker is giving a campaign speech. He’s earnestly promising to do more of the things you like and less of the things you don’t like.","MHB Capital is acquiring a struggling retail company. Most of the coverage describes the dollar amounts involved without discussing the people.","Gleaming Joe Brady is on TV advertising his custom floor mats. With a suggestive wink, he lets you know that they’re extra stain resistant.","You catch a commercial for Gleaming Joe Brady Aftershave — for those times when smelling like a truck stop is just not enough.","Regina Towers is being interviewed on television. The media regularly describes her as a reclusive genius, so it’s kind of weird that they’re always broadcasting new interviews with her.","You catch a few minutes of Cody Beaker in a televised debate. He’s insisting that the Open Government he proposes is not the Big Government that his opponents fear.","Regina Towers has published a new TED talk, but it’s just a rehash of her earlier presentation at SXSW.","An environmentalist is on television, complaining that lax pollution standards are allowing corporations to destroy the planet.","A small business owner is on television, complaining that excessive government regulation is holding back economic growth.","A local talk show host is interviewing a survival expert — they both agree that stockpiles of guns and precious metals are the best way to defend against government intrusion.", "Smilin' Dan is on TV, talking about the importance of financial literacy. He says that education is vitally important to prevent people from being abused by predatory lenders."]>>
<<set $failBecause = ["Freemasons run the country.", "You had a bathroom emergency that you'd prefer not to discuss.", "The police pulled you over. You totally deserved it.", "The police pulled you over. It was totally a setup.", "You stopped to pickup a hitchhiker and barely avoided having your kidneys stolen.", "You stopped to help a motorist in distress.", "You were delayed due to weather.", "You just weren't feeling it this week.", "You got baited into an illegal race with another trucker. You won, though.", "You got baited into an illegal race with another trucker. You lost, which was pretty embarrassing.", "Fred Willard was signing autographs, and you were determined to get one, by God.", "You got flat tires. Plural. It was awful.", "You experienced some mechanical issues. And issues with mechanics who took their time fixing the issues.", "Before starting your delivery, you made a brief stop at your congressman's office to share some concerns about the state of this country.", "The road was blocked due to fallen trees, and it took you a while to backtrack.", "Heavy storms ended up washing out an important bridge, and you had to wait for it to be fixed.", "You just didn't drink enough coffee to remain awake behind the wheel."]>>
<img src=images/locations/meetHarmony.gif width=100%>
<<set $hasMetHarmony = "yes">>
<</nobr>>When you arrive at your destination, Joan's truck makes a terrible grinding noise. It only lasts for a moment, but it also seems like the leak under the hood has gotten a little worse. She'd say something if it was serious, right?
Joan is out of the truck before you cut the engine, off to talk with a well-dressed woman who has been waiting for your delivery. The newcomer is wearing an expensive necklace and carrying a tPad, one of those custom electronic tablets produced by TowerCorp. Drawing closer, you catch the end of their conversation.
"...and that's when your father realized that transporting a live goat across state lines would be more complicated than he expected," Joan says. "Anyway, here's the kid I wanted you to meet. My doctor says I can't drive no more, so I'm training an apprentice."
Joan introduces the two of you. "Kid, this is <<popup "Harmony Locke" "harmonyPopup">>. Her father was a regular source of contracts for me, and she'd like to talk with you about taking on some work."
Harmony smiles politely. "I'm always in the market for information. As you travel to different destinations, I'd like you to report back some of your observations."
"Of course," she adds, "I'll pay you for your efforts."
It’s your turn to say something:
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">“[[It's nice to meet you. And that's a lovely necklace you're wearing->harmonySecond][$harmonyQ = "nice"]].”</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"[[Maybe. I'm not comfortable making any commitments right now->harmonySecond][$harmonyQ = "maybe"]]."</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"[[Ugh. You're one of the capitalist oppressors? Thanks, but no thanks->harmonySecond][$harmonyQ = "oppressor"]]."</li>
<img src=images/locations/meetHarmony.gif width=100%>
<<set $samsonReward = 25>>
<<set $codyReward = 25>>
<<if $harmonyQ == "nice">><p style="text-align:center"><b>"It's nice to meet you. And that's a lovely necklace you're wearing"</b></p><hr />
Harmony smiles and touches the gold pendant around her neck. "Thank you," she says. "I think it's worth spending money on things that make me happy."
She looks at Joan before continuing. "I'm also happy to have useful information. Joan was a valuable resource for my father, and I hope we can have a similarly productive relationship."<<set $harmonyReward = 50>><<elseif $harmonyQ == "maybe">><p style="text-align:center"><b>"Maybe. I'm not comfortable making any commitments right now."</b></p><hr />
“Fair enough,” Harmony responds. "Just keep me in mind."<<set $harmonyReward = 50>><<elseif $harmonyQ == "oppressor">><<set $jerkPoints += 1>><<set $jobtitle = "Principled Anti-Capitalist">><p style="text-align:center"><b>"Ugh. You're one of the capitalist oppressors? Thanks, but no thanks."</b></p><hr />
Joan grimaces. "Kid, you should really think this through. At this stage in your career, you shouldn't turn down money."
Harmony looks unimpressed. "I've been called worse. And I didn't become chief investment officer of MHB Capital Management by letting petty insults rattle me. I still meant what I said about paying for information."<<set $harmonyReward = 15>><</if>>
Harmony gives you her contact information. You'll be able to ask her about work later.
Joan asks you to [[give her a ride home->breakdown]].<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/joanBrokenTruck.gif width=100%>
<<set $hasTruck = "no">>
You get Joan home, but just barely. A terrible clanking roar announces the demise of Joan's truck shortly before a final spray of engine fluid blasts out from under the hood.
Joan takes a deep breath.
"I thought we'd have a little longer before things came to this, but we need to visit Smilin' Dan," she says.
[[It's time to go back to the dealership|$payoffLink]].<<nobr>>
<<set $loanClock = 4>>
<<set $loanBalance = 63>>
<<set $minPayment = 9>>
<<set $harmonyReward = 15>>
<<set $samsonReward = 15>>
<<set $codyReward = 15>>
<<set $loanStarted = "yes">>
<<set $payoffLink = "secondAct">>
<<set $jobtitle = "Recent Graduate">>
<img src=images/locations/dinerJoe.gif width=100%>
<<set $currentLocation = "the Old Town Deluxe Diner.">>
<<set $jobtitle = "Pickup Artist">><</nobr>>
<<if $worldState == "A">><b>Centerville has changed since you started making your deliveries. Everyone seems more mercenary. Willing to do anything for a dollar. Is this a result of the errands you’ve been doing for Harmony Locke?</b>
<</if>>Joan asks you to meet her at Centerville's Old Town Deluxe Diner to celebrate. You have some trouble finding a place to park — the gleaming yellow behemoth that belongs to <<popup "Joe Brady" "joePopup">> is taking up several spaces, including a spot that's for people with accessibility issues. You find space for your truck a few blocks away.
The inside of the diner is packed, and Luanne the hostess apologizes for the crowd.
Joe is hosting a launch party for his signature line of Gleaming Joe Brady Mudflaps. It's a bold choice of venue, but the man knows his audience. He's offering a toast to the crowd when you arrive.
Joe says, "I'd like to thank all the people who made this possible: Me, myself, and I. Seriously, I'm the greatest!" The guy is a total douche.
Then he smacks a waitress on the ass. It's the kind of behavior that would get anyone else kicked out of the diner, but the rules don't apply to Joe.
"My new contract with <<popup "Regina Towers" "reginaPopup">> is going to transform how trucking is done," he continues. "Cheers!"
Joan is disgusted by the display, but she's also worried. "He's not wrong," she says. "There are big changes coming. You need to be prepared, and that means buying a bigger truck."
It's your choice:
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"You're right. [[I should get a new truck so I can make bigger deliveries to more distant locations->continueChoice][$buySecond = "yes"]]."</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"No way, I just got my debt paid off. [[I want to play it safe and stick to local, low-value deliveries->continueChoice][$buySecond = "no"]]."</li></ul><<nobr>>
<<if $hasMetRegina == "yes">>
<img src=images/characters/reginaContactList.gif width=100%>
<<if $hasMetCody == "yes" and $hasMetRegina == "no">>
<img src=images/characters/codyContactList.gif width=100%>
<<if $hasMetSamson == "yes" and $hasMetCody == "no">>
<img src=images/characters/samsonContactList.gif width=100%>
<<if $hasMetHarmony == "yes" and $hasMetSamson == "no">>
<img src=images/characters/harmonyContactList.gif width=100%>
<<if $choice == "medium">>
<<set $targetCity = $medTarget>>
<<set $destination = $medDestination>>
<<elseif $choice == "mediumAlt">>
<<set $targetCity = $medTargetAlt>>
<<set $destination = $medDestinationAlt>>
<<elseif $choice == "hard">>
<<set $destination = $hardDestination>>
<<set $targetCity = $hardTarget>>
<<include $destination>>
<<set _tempLoad = $load>>
<<set $savedLoad = _tempLoad>>
<p style="text-align:center"><b>Contacts List</b></p><hr />
You can check with your contacts before starting the delivery to <<print $destination>>:
<<button [[INFO->joanAdvice]]>><</button>> Check in with your mentor, <<popup "Joan" "joanPopup">>.<<if $hasMetHarmony == "yes">>
<<button [[JOB->harmonyOffer]]>><</button>> See if any jobs are available from hedge fund manager <<popup "Harmony Locke" "harmonyPopup">>.<</if>><<if $hasMetSamson == "yes">>
<<button [[JOB->samsonOffer]]>><</button>> See if any jobs are available from pro-citizen privacy activist <<popup "Samson Fawkes" "samsonPopup">>.<</if>><<if $hasMetCody == "yes">>
<<button [[JOB->codyOffer]]>><</button>> See if any jobs are available from technocrat politician <<popup "Cody Beaker" "codyPopup">>.<</if>><<if $hasMetRegina == "yes">>
<<button [[TRANSFORMATION->endGameChoice]]>><</button>> contact influential visionary <<popup "Regina Towers" "reginaPopup">>.<</if>>
Or you can just start <<if $choice == "hard">><<button [[DRIVING->highRisk]]>><</button>><<elseif $choice == "easy">><<button [[DRIVING->lowRisk]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[DRIVING->medRisk]]>><</button>><</if>><<nobr>>
<<set $hasTruck = "yes">>
<<set $loanClock = 4>>
<<set $loanBalance = 639>>
<<set $minPayment = 90>>
<<set $rewardPool = [30, 40, 50]>>
<<set $penaltyPool = [0, 5, 10]>>
<<set $harmonyReward = 150>>
<<set $samsonReward = 150>>
<<set $codyReward = 150>>
<<set $jobtitle = "Transporter">>
<<set $firstCargo = ["ordinary", "standard", "collectible", "completely legal", "compound", "construction", "crude", "industrial grade", "irregular", "low-yield", "non-toxic", "recently harvested", "safety"]>>
<<set $secondCargo = ["dirt", "gravel", "cement", "sand", "powder", "flour", "boxes", "wire", "paving stones", "turnips", "ball bearings", "cable", "distillates", "enzymes", "furniture", "ketchup packets", "leaflets", "legumes", "nitrates", "pet food", "soil samples", "solvents", "widgets"]>>
<<set $aPool = ["the Cannonsburg Convention Center", "Cannonsburg's fencing school", "an accounting firm in Cannonsburg", "a bar in Cannonsburg"]>>
<<set $bPool = ["a shopping mall in Jefferson City", "Jefferson City Municipal Court", "the Jefferson City Aquarium", "a meat packing plant in Jefferson City"]>>
<<set $cPool = ["the Oakdale Landfill", "Oakdale Elementary School", "the Oakdale Farmers Market", "a furniture showroom in Oakdale"]>>
<<set $siteDescription = ["the western part of the district", "the center of the district", "the eastern part of the district"]>>
<<set $payoffLink = "thirdAct">>
<</nobr>><<button [[Wrap it up.|$finishSideQuest]]>><<set $firstCargo.shuffle()>><<set $secondCargo.shuffle()>><<set $highOptions.shuffle()>><<set $medOptions.shuffle()>><<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>><<set $aPool.shuffle()>><<set $bPool.shuffle()>><<set $cPool.shuffle()>><<set $failBecause.shuffle()>><</button>><<nobr>>
<<set $sideQuestReward = $harmonyReward>>
<<set $money += $sideQuestReward>>
<<set $sideQuestActive = "no">>
<<set $aScore += 1>>
<<if $aScore == 1 and $samsonQuestCount > 0>>
<<set $bScore = 1>>
<<if $aScore == 1 and $codyQuestCount > 0>>
<<set $cScore = 1>>
<<if $aScore == 1 and $bScore == 1 and $cScore == 1>>
<<set $worldState = "N">>
<<elseif $worldState == "AB" or $worldState == "CA" or $worldState == "N" >> <<set $worldState = "A">>
<<elseif $worldState == "B" and $aScore == $bScore>>
<<set $worldState = "AB">>
<<elseif $worldState == "C" and $aScore == $cScore>>
<<set $worldState = "CA">>
<<elseif $worldState == "BC" and $aScore == $bScore>>
<<set $worldState = "N">>
<<elseif $worldState == "S">>
<<set $worldState = "A">>
<<set $currentLocation = $destination>>
<</nobr>><<if $harmonyQuestCount > 3>><<set $harmonyQuestCount = 1>><img src=images/locations/harmonyMissionComplete4.gif width=100%>
<<print $targetSite.marketReact>>
After the delivery, you count some restaurants. Harmony had said "within walking distance," but you'd prefer to count them from the comfort of your truck. It turns out fine, and you get paid for it.
<<elseif $harmonyQuestCount > 2>><img src=images/locations/harmonyMissionComplete3.gif width=100%>
<<print $targetSite.marketReact>>
After the delivery, you head over to the airfield. It's not very busy.
Only three planes are on the ground, so it doesn't take much time to record their ID numbers and send them to Harmony.
<<elseif $harmonyQuestCount > 1>><img src=images/locations/harmonyMissionComplete2.gif width=100%>
<<print $targetSite.marketReact>>
After the delivery, you find the railroad crossing exactly where Harmony said it would be, and the train rolls through right on time. You let Harmony know that it was pulling a substantial number of boxcars.
<<else>><img src=images/locations/harmonyMissionComplete1.gif width=100%>
<<print $targetSite.marketReact>>
After the delivery, you complete your errand for Harmony. Counting cars is not terribly exciting, but every dollar is important if you're going to keep making payments to Dan.<</if>>
<<include questOver>>
<img src=images/characters/contactJoan.gif width=100%><<if $joanTalk < 1>><<set $joanTalk += 1>>Joan is her usual, gruff self. "Now that I'm retired, I've been looking for things to do in my free time. I've even started following politics."
"Although there's not much worth following," she continues. "The mayor's a crooked rat who'll do anything to stay in power, and this city's falling apart. How are things on the road?"
You give Joan a brief update and tell her that you'll talk later.<<else>>Joan gives you an honest opinion of the current climate.<<if $worldState == "A">>
“I’ve been trying to watch my spending lately,” she says. “I thought I had saved up enough money to get by, but now I’ve got doubts. Once you stop being able to pay for things, it’s all over.”
Joan wants you to keep an eye out for bargains in <<print$targetSite.city>>. Every penny counts.<<elseif $worldState == "B">>
“My neighbor’s been giving me some problems lately. He hosts real loud parties that keep me awake, and the trash ends up everywhere.”
Joan sighs and says that there’s nothing she can do. “Everyone’s telling me he’s free to do whatever he wants on his own property.”<<elseif $worldState == "C">>
“Things aren’t going too bad,” Joan says. “They’re just… kind of boring? It feels like I’m spending half my time filling out some kind of paperwork or complying with a nonsense rule that just makes extra busywork.”
“Maybe if I actually had a job, I’d be upset about all the time I’m wasting on following the rules.”<<elseif $worldState == "AB">>
“I’ve been trying to figure out the difference between armed thugs and ‘private security forces,’” Joan says. “Near as I can tell, it’s easier to figure out who’s paying the security forces.”
“Anyway, my neighbor had her hip broken the other day. They say she was trespassing on corporate property. Looks like she’ll have to find a new dog walking route, if she ever gets out of that wheelchair.”
She doesn't have much to say about <<print$targetSite.city>>.<<elseif $worldState == "CA">>
“Hey, are you gonna try and sell me something?” Joan seems wary. “I mean, we’ve gotten along pretty good, but it seems like I can’t go three minutes these days without somebody telling me that I should buy things.”
She doesn’t have any useful information that’s specific to <<print$targetSite.city>>.<<elseif $worldState == "BC">>
Joan looks tired. “One of the girls at bridge club says we’re living in a socialist paradise. From what I’ve heard about conditions in Venezuela, that sounds about right.”
Joan tells you to be careful in <<print$targetSite.city>>. It has acquired a rough reputation.<<else>>
“I reckon things are like a rickety three-legged stool right now,” Joan says. “There’s conflicts, but it’s better than having a single leg jammed into your backside.”<</if>><</if>>
[[Now you know what Joan's up to->sideQuest]].<<nobr>>
<img src=images/characters/contactHarmony.gif width=100%>
<</nobr>><hr />
<<if $harmonyQuestCount > 2>>"I'll pay you $<<print $harmonyReward>> to help me this time," Harmony says. "I need you to survey the dining options available in <<print$targetSite.city>>."
<<elseif $harmonyQuestCount > 1>>"There's a small airfield just outside of <<print$targetSite.city>>," she says. "I'd like you check a few of the planes there. It shouldn't take long, and I'll pay you $<<print $harmonyReward>>."<<elseif $harmonyQuestCount > 0>>Harmony doesn't waste any time before getting down to business.
"There's a railroad crossing in <<print$targetSite.city>>. I'll send you a train schedule, and I want you to observe one of the trains after your normal delivery."
She'll pay $<<print $harmonyReward>> for your assistance.<<else>>Harmony is happy to hear from you, but she makes it clear that she doesn't like repeating herself.
"I'd prefer to explain this only once," she says. "From time to time, I will ask you to verify some information. I may be scouting investment opportunities, probing competitors for weaknesses, or just performing due diligence."
Her tone shifts from polite to serious. "You will receive minimal information. If you don't have specific details, then you can't leak them to competitors. Remember that I'm paying you to get answers and to maintain confidentiality; I'm not paying you to ask questions."<</if>>
It's your choice:
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"Yes, [[I will do this->harmonyAccept][$sideQuestActive = "harmony", $finishSideQuest = "harmonyQuestComplete"]]."</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"No, [[I do not want to do this->sideQuest]]."</li></ul><<if $samsonQuestCount > 2>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/characters/contactSamson4.gif width=100%>
<</nobr>><hr />
Samson wants to know whether you've ever visited an internet cafe. Your trip to <<print$targetSite.city>> will give you a chance to visit one, and he's got a job for you to do there.
He's willing to pay $<<print $samsonReward>>.<<elseif $samsonQuestCount > 1>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/characters/contactSamson3.gif width=100%>
<</nobr>><hr />
"It's lucky that you're headed to <<print$targetSite.city>>," Samson says. "We're just about to launch a campaign to raise awareness of our work there." The errand is worth $<<print $samsonReward>>.<<elseif $samsonQuestCount > 0>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/characters/contactSamson2.gif width=100%>
<</nobr>><hr />
Samson has identified some allies in <<print$targetSite.city>>, and he needs you to bring them a special delivery. He'll pay you $<<print $samsonReward>>.<<else>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/characters/contactSamson1.gif width=100%>
<</nobr>><hr />
Samson is surprised to hear from you. He explains that he normally communicates on encrypted channels, but he'll make exceptions in your case.
"The Citizen Privacy Movement has an important outpost in <<print$targetSite.city>>. I need you to deliver a message to them."
He'll pay $<<print $samsonReward>> for your assistance.<</if>>
It's your choice:
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"Yes, [[I will do this->samsonAccept][$sideQuestActive = "samson", $finishSideQuest = "samsonQuestComplete"]]."</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"No, [[I do not want to do this->sideQuest]]."</li></ul><<nobr>>
<img src=images/characters/contactCody.gif width=100%>
<</nobr>><hr />
<<if $codyQuestCount > 2>>There's a planner in <<print$targetSite.city>> who is launching a pilot program to reduce traffic fatalities by optimizing crosswalk signals. Cody will pay you $<<print $codyReward>> to help upgrade a security camera network to share streaming, real-time data. You'll be installing some software from your USB stick.
<<elseif $codyQuestCount > 1>>Cody is all about the small talk. "How are you? Have things been going well?"
You eventually learn that he'd like you to collect some data from the <<print$targetSite.city>> archives. It's part of his effort to digitize property records for seamless transfers of ownership, and he'll pay $<<print $codyReward>>.
<<elseif $codyQuestCount > 0>>"I'm glad you called," Cody says. "A city engineer in <<print$targetSite.city>> wants a copy of our Public Open Governance software protocols. I'll pay you $<<print $codyReward>> to deliver them in person."
<<else>>You get in touch with Cody to discuss available jobs.
"This is an exciting moment,” he says. “The foundation of my campaign platform is open governance, enabled through technology, allowing citizens to take a more active role in managing their society. And we’re on the verge of launching the Public Open Governance Network!”
You’ve heard his speeches before, but Cody is getting excited as he imagines the possibilities. “One thing we've learned from the sharing economy is that people working together can unleash a tremendous amount of productivity just by making minor changes to their behavior.” Then he recognizes that he's overdoing it with the campaign rhetoric and gets to the point.
"I'd like you to help us make connections during your travels. I've got an idea of where you can start, and I'll pay you $<<print $codyReward>> to do it."
It's your choice:
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"Yes, [[I will do this->codyAccept][$sideQuestActive = "cody", $finishSideQuest = "codyQuestComplete"]]."</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"No, [[I do not want to do this->sideQuest]]."</li></ul><<nobr>>
<<if $minPayment == 0 >><img src=images/trucks/joanTruck.gif width=100%><</if>>
<<if $minPayment == 9 >><img src=images/trucks/firstTruck.gif width=100%><</if>>
<<if $minPayment == 90>><img src=images/trucks/secondTruck.gif width=100%><</if>>
<<if $minPayment == 900>><img src=images/trucks/thirdTruck.gif width=100%><</if>>
<<if $minPayment == 9000>><img src=images/trucks/fourthTruck.gif width=100%><</if>>
<span style="font-size:90%"><<print $jobtitle>></span><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Your delivery is met with much rejoicing. Dennis, the janitor who is in charge of keeping the storage closet locked, seems particularly excited.",
badDel: "You failed to make your delivery in time, but Dennis, the janitor who is in charge of keeping the storage closet locked, is used to living with disappointment.",
marketReact: "This shipment of $load will sit quietly in the Centerville warehouse until someone needs it.",
notable: "There is almost no traffic on the streets in this part of town. It's a very remote location.",
worldStateA: "Warehouses in Centerville's industrial district are largely unaffected by changes in government policy, economic conditions, or anything else, really.",
worldStateB: "Warehouses in Centerville's industrial district are largely unaffected by changes in government policy, economic conditions, or anything else, really.",
worldStateC: "Warehouses in Centerville's industrial district are largely unaffected by changes in government policy, economic conditions, or anything else, really.",
worldStateAB: "Warehouses in Centerville's industrial district are largely unaffected by changes in government policy, economic conditions, or anything else, really.",
worldStateCA: "Warehouses in Centerville's industrial district are largely unaffected by changes in government policy, economic conditions, or anything else, really.",
worldStateBC: "Warehouses in Centerville's industrial district are largely unaffected by changes in government policy, economic conditions, or anything else, really.",
worldStateN: "Warehouses in Centerville's industrial district are largely unaffected by changes in government policy, economic conditions, or anything else, really.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Centerville"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Dr. Johnson, the Dean of Student Life, makes sure that your delivery is quickly stored somewhere out of sight. His secretary thanks you for being prompt.",
badDel: "A mob of student protesters has surrounded the dean's office. Apparently, your delivery was pretty important. It should have gotten here sooner.",
marketReact: "Your shipment of $load seems a little unnecessary for a college, but you work in logistics, not academia.",
notable: "There's excitement in the air as Centerville College gets ready for an upcoming sporting event.",
worldStateA: "Students are protesting current actions being taken by the government. Or by large corporations. It's tough to tell which one is making them more upset.",
worldStateB: "Students are protesting current actions being taken by the government. Or by large corporations. It's tough to tell which one is making them more upset.",
worldStateC: "Students are protesting current actions being taken by the government. Or by large corporations. It's tough to tell which one is making them more upset.",
worldStateAB: "Students are protesting current actions being taken by the government. Or by large corporations. It's tough to tell which one is making them more upset.",
worldStateCA: "Students are protesting current actions being taken by the government. Or by large corporations. It's tough to tell which one is making them more upset.",
worldStateBC: "Students are protesting current actions being taken by the government. Or by large corporations. It's tough to tell which one is making them more upset.",
worldStateN: "Students at Centerville College are protesting current actions being taken by the government. Or by large corporations. It's tough to tell which one is making them more upset.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Centerville"
<img src=images/locations/diner.gif width=100%>
<<if $joeQ == "thank">>You call out to thank Gleaming Joe Brady, but your voice is drowned out by the noise of his truck engine. He doesn't give you a second glance as he pulls out of the parking lot.<<elseif $joeQ == "threaten">><<set $jerkPoints += 1>>Gleaming Joe Brady needs to know that he can't just push you around. You think up a savage remark about his mother, but your shouted insult is drowned out by the noise of his truck starting up.
Joe sees that you're saying something. Over the roar of his engine, he shouts "You're welcome!"
Then he pulls out of the parking lot and drives away.<<elseif $joeQ == "ignore">>You ignore that self-important moron and head into the diner.<</if>>
[[Joan is waiting for you inside.->secondMission]]<<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Carla, the high-strung personal assistant, gives you some very specific instructions for unloading your delivery, but you can tell she's happy that you made it in time.",
badDel: "Your delivery is late, and Carla, the high-strung personal assistant, is now in a lot of trouble.",
marketReact: "The shipment of $load has been securely stored inside the bank.",
notable: "Centerville doesn't have much of a business district, but you still feel a little underdressed. The financial center may be small, but it compensates for that with attitude.",
worldStateA: "Regardless of what's happening in the world at large, the financial institutions of Centerville are conducting business as usual.",
worldStateB: "Regardless of what's happening in the world at large, the financial institutions of Centerville are conducting business as usual.",
worldStateC: "Regardless of what's happening in the world at large, the financial institutions of Centerville are conducting business as usual.",
worldStateAB: "Regardless of what's happening in the world at large, the financial institutions of Centerville are conducting business as usual.",
worldStateCA: "Regardless of what's happening in the world at large, the financial institutions of Centerville are conducting business as usual.",
worldStateBC: "Regardless of what's happening in the world at large, the financial institutions of Centerville are conducting business as usual.",
worldStateN: "Regardless of what's happening in the world at large, the financial institutions of Centerville are conducting business as usual.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Centerville"
}>><span style="font-size:90%">The Nation's Priority:</span>
<<if $worldState == "A">>
<<popup "Profits" "nationPopup">>
<<elseif $worldState == "B">>
<<popup "Freedom" "nationPopup">>
<<elseif $worldState == "C">>
<<popup "Governance" "nationPopup">>
<<elseif $worldState == "AB">>
<<popup "Entrepreneurs" "nationPopup">>
<<elseif $worldState == "CA">>
<<popup "Brand Loyalty" "nationPopup">>
<<elseif $worldState == "BC">>
<<popup "Stewardship" "nationPopup">>
<<elseif $worldState == "N">>
<<popup "Struggle" "nationPopup">>
National values are <<popup "conflicted" "nationPopup">>.
<<if $worldState == "A">><<print $targetSite.worldStateA>>
<<elseif $worldState == "B">><<print $targetSite.worldStateB>>
<<elseif $worldState == "C">><<print $targetSite.worldStateC>>
<<elseif $worldState == "AB">><<print $targetSite.worldStateAB>>
<<elseif $worldState == "CA">><<print $targetSite.worldStateCA>>
<<elseif $worldState == "BC">><<print $targetSite.worldStateBC>>
<<elseif $worldState == "N">><<print $targetSite.worldStateN>>
<<else>><<print $targetSite.worldStateN>><</if>>
<</nobr>><<if $targetCity == "CityA">><<button [[Time to plan your next move.->arrivalA]]>><<set $firstCargo.shuffle()>><<set $secondCargo.shuffle()>><<set $highOptions.shuffle()>><<set $medOptions.shuffle()>><<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>><<set $aPool.shuffle()>><<set $bPool.shuffle()>><<set $cPool.shuffle()>><<set $failBecause.shuffle()>><</button>><<elseif $targetCity == "CityB">><<button [[Time to plan your next move.->arrivalB]]>><<set $firstCargo.shuffle()>><<set $secondCargo.shuffle()>><<set $highOptions.shuffle()>><<set $medOptions.shuffle()>><<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>><<set $aPool.shuffle()>><<set $bPool.shuffle()>><<set $cPool.shuffle()>><<set $failBecause.shuffle()>><</button>><<else>><<button [[Time to plan your next move.->arrivalC]]>><<set $firstCargo.shuffle()>><<set $secondCargo.shuffle()>><<set $highOptions.shuffle()>><<set $medOptions.shuffle()>><<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>><<set $aPool.shuffle()>><<set $bPool.shuffle()>><<set $cPool.shuffle()>><<set $failBecause.shuffle()>><</button>><</if>><<nobr>>
<<set $sideQuestReward = $samsonReward>>
<<set $money += $sideQuestReward>>
<<set $sideQuestActive = "no">>
<<set $bScore += 1>>
<<if $bScore == 1 and $harmonyQuestCount > 0>>
<<set $aScore = 1>>
<<if $bScore == 1 and $codyQuestCount > 0>>
<<set $cScore = 1>>
<<if $aScore == 1 and $bScore == 1 and $cScore == 1>>
<<set $worldState = "N">>
<<elseif $worldState == "AB" or $worldState == "BC" or $worldState == "N" >><<set $worldState = "B">>
<<elseif $worldState == "C" and $bScore == $cScore>><<set $worldState = "BC">>
<<elseif $worldState == "A" and $bScore == $aScore>><<set $worldState = "AB">>
<<elseif $worldState == "CA" and $bScore == $aScore>><<set $worldState = "N">>
<<elseif $worldState == "S">><<set $worldState = "B">>
<<set $currentLocation = $destination>>
<</nobr>><<if $samsonQuestCount > 3>><<set $samsonQuestCount = 1>><img src=images/locations/samsonMissionComplete4.gif width=100%>
<<print $targetSite.marketReact>>
After your delivery, you spend some time in the internet cafe that Samson asked you to visit.
You post some ALL CAPS messages on the facebook pages of major restaurant chains, you leave comments on the local news site challenging the accuracy of its weather report, and you publish a mix of good and bad reviews for some products that can be bought online. <<elseif $samsonQuestCount > 2>><img src=images/locations/samsonMissionComplete3.gif width=100%>
<<print $targetSite.marketReact>>
After your regular delivery, it only takes a quick trip to the mailbox for Samson's errand. Take that postal inspectors! <<elseif $samsonQuestCount > 1>><img src=images/locations/samsonMissionComplete2.gif width=100%>
<<print $targetSite.marketReact>>
Some days, working with Samson feels like you're LARPing through an episode of "Mission: Impossible." You meet up with Samson's contact after your regular delivery, and the whole exchange involves way too much drama for a simple delivery of fabric.
You wrap things up quickly, so the client can get started making an exceptionally ugly jacket and so that you can get out of there before they have second thoughts.<<else>><img src=images/locations/samsonMissionComplete1.gif width=100%>
<<print $targetSite.marketReact>>
When you run Samson's errand, you learn that the owner of the comic book store is younger and slimmer than stereotypes would suggest. She receives your secret handshake with bafflement and rolls her eyes when you give her the code phrase.
"Ugh, I <i>cannot believe</i> that he's using a Bradbury reference." She turns away from you to enter a message into her phone. "Thanks for the delivery, though. I'll make sure he knows it was successful."<</if>>
<<include questOver>><<nobr>>
<<set $sideQuestReward = $codyReward>>
<<set $money += $sideQuestReward>>
<<set $sideQuestActive = "no">>
<<set $cScore += 1>>
<<if $cScore == 1 and $harmonyQuestCount > 0>>
<<set $aScore = 1>>
<<if $cScore == 1 and $samsonQuestCount > 0>>
<<set $bScore = 1>>
<<if $aScore == 1 and $bScore == 1 and $cScore == 1>>
<<set $worldState = "N">>
<<elseif $worldState == "CA" or $worldState == "BC" or $worldState == "N" >> <<set $worldState = "C">>
<<elseif $worldState == "A" and $cScore == $aScore>>
<<set $worldState = "CA">>
<<elseif $worldState == "B" and $cScore == $bScore>>
<<set $worldState = "BC">>
<<elseif $worldState == "AB" and $cScore == $aScore>>
<<set $worldState = "N">>
<<elseif $worldState == "S">>
<<set $worldState = "C">>
<<set $currentLocation = $destination>>
<</nobr>><<if $codyQuestCount > 3>><<set $codyQuestCount = 1>><img src=images/locations/codyMissionComplete4.gif width=100%>
<<print $targetSite.marketReact>>
You follow Cody's instructions and head to one of the nicer office buildings in <<print$targetSite.city>>.
The office manager is expecting you, and you're led right to the security office. Installing Cody's software from the USB stick is quick and simple, but you have enough time to notice that their network of security cameras is quite extensive.
If the surveillance network is already in place, it might as well be shared with the public.<<elseif $codyQuestCount > 2>><img src=images/locations/codyMissionComplete3.gif width=100%>
<<print $targetSite.marketReact>>
After your delivery, you head to the <<print$targetSite.city>> records building. Their photocopy machine is old, but functional.
You spend some time making more paper copies of existing paper documents, and then you mail the copies to a sorting facility for Cody. Who knew that building open government data platforms would be so glamorous?<<elseif $codyQuestCount > 1>><img src=images/locations/codyMissionComplete2.gif width=100%>
<<print $targetSite.marketReact>>
It takes you less than an hour to finish your errand for Cody. The most time-consuming part of the process was wandering through city hall to find the city planner's office.
It was in the basement, next to the records room where they keep the punchcards that aren't being used to run their computer system. Luckily, the city planner has a laptop that can copy the files from your USB drive. She's optimistic that they'll be able to start working with the software protocols at the start of their next 5-year strategy plan.<<else>><img src=images/locations/codyMissionComplete1.gif width=100%>
<<print $targetSite.marketReact>>
Your passenger was clean-cut and insufferable. He spent a lot of time asking you for your opinions about issues like deforestation, gender representation, and income inequality.
He spent even more time explaining why his opinions on deforestation, gender representation, and income inequality were the <i>correct</i> ones. He wasn't rude about it, but he was relentless.
It was a relief to have some peace and quiet after you dropped him off at his destination in <<print$targetSite.city>>.
Your passenger has left you with a USB stick containing copies of the open-source software that Coding for the Country uses to build its government data programs. Cody was very clear that he wanted you to have it.<</if>>
<<include questOver>>
<<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Your delivery went well.",
badDel: "Your delivery went poorly.",
marketReact: "Regardless of how the delivery went, your $load arrived in exactly the right place.",
notable: "You are in a place that hasn't been implemented very well.",
worldStateA: "Large corporations have set up proprietary administrative districts that provide amenities for customers who can afford them.",
worldStateB: "Decentralized, permissionless systems have leveled the playing field so that every entity in society enjoys the same level of trust — not very much at all. You have complete authority over your own property, but things get a bit dicey whenver you have to negotiate for access to the property of others.",
worldStateC: "Government control is infiltrating every facet of life, and the country is inching ever closer towards an Orwellian nightmare.",
worldStateAB: "You know how Silicon Valley has tremendous inequality, with tech gazillionaires buying apocalypse bunkers in New Zealand while the cleaning staff has to sleep in cars because they can't afford to live near work? This is that kind of situation.",
worldStateCA: "The lines between business and government have blurred to the point where shopping has become part of your civic duty. Your brand loyalty, measured by third-party surveillance firms, determines where you can live and which jobs you can have.",
worldStateBC: "You're living in a socialist paradise that is, in many respects, exactly like Venezuela.",
worldStateN: "There's not much to say about the national tone at the moment.",
sitePulse: "You have arrived at the bland part of the game.",
city: "Unspecified City"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Test message. Should not display.",
badDel: "Test message. Should not display.",
marketReact: "Test message. Should not display.",
notable: "You are about to enter into your first delivery contract in your new truck.",
worldStateA: "It's kind of a big deal.",
worldStateB: "It's kind of a big deal.",
worldStateC: "It's kind of a big deal.",
worldStateAB: "It's kind of a big deal.",
worldStateCA: "It's kind of a big deal.",
worldStateBC: "It's kind of a big deal.",
worldStateN: "It's kind of a big deal.",
sitePulse: "You feel alive with excitement as you get ready to select your first contract.",
city: "Centerville"
<img src=images/locations/cityB.gif width=100%>
<<set $jobtitle = "Van Virtuoso">>
Be amazed! You have crawled out from under Smilin' Dan's mountain of debt for a second time.
You should take a victory lap. Choose one of these contracts to plan your triumphant return to Centerville:
<<button [[Take Contract->thirdDelivery]]>><<set $load = "load of custom plastic cases">><<set $thirdLoad = "cases">><<set $destination = "a warehouse">><<set $tripTime = 1>><</button>> A load of custom plastic cases, delivered to a loading dock in Centerville for $100.
<<button [[Take Contract->thirdDelivery]]>><<set $load = "shipment of Golden Frog electronics">><<set $thirdLoad = "electronics">><<set $destination = "a warehouse">><<set $tripTime = 1>><</button>> A shipment of Golden Frog electronics, delivered to a loading dock in Centerville for $100.
<<button [[Take Contract->thirdDelivery]]>><<set $load = "delivery of surgical equipment">><<set $thirdLoad = "equipment">><<set $destination = "a warehouse">><<set $tripTime = 1>><</button>> A delivery of surgical equipment, delivered to a loading dock in Centerville for $100.<p style="text-align:center">Right now, national priorities <<nobr>>
<<if $worldState == "A">>
emphasize business development over excessive government regulation. Harmony Locke is happy.
<<elseif $worldState == "B">>
respect an individual's right to privacy. Samson Fawkes is happy.
<<elseif $worldState == "C">>
favor strong government oversight that uses data collection to allocate resources and reward pro-social behavior. Cody Beaker is happy.
<<elseif $worldState == "AB">>
favor limited government and have minimal tolerance for regulatory interference. Harmony Locke and Samson Fawkes are happy.
<<elseif $worldState == "CA">>
encourage the use of smart data analytics that allow public and private interests to maximize consumer welfare. Cody Beaker and Harmony Locke are happy.
<<elseif $worldState == "BC">>
use strong regulation to put individual rights ahead of corporate welfare. Samson Fawkes and Cody Beaker are happy.
<<elseif $worldState == "N">>
are in a state of flux. It's a near-constant exchange of power between various interests within the country. It's messy, prone to failure, and not a very efficient way to get things done. It also keeps any one group from accumlating enough influence to become abusive. Harmony Locke, Samson Fawkes, and Cody Beaker are equally unhappy.
are conflicted. Excessive regulation stifles business innovation, while corporate wage suppression makes it difficult for most people to keep up with the cost of living. Meanwhile, organized groups of private citizens block government efforts to redistribute unfair concentrations of wealth.
<</nobr>></p><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Elaine, the chief administrator of the hospital, is all smiles when you arrive with your delivery. Well done!",
badDel: "Elaine, the chief administrator, has some strong words for you when you finally arrive with your delivery.",
marketReact: "Your $load shipment is in place and ready to be used by the hospital staff.",
notable: "It's a slow day at the hospital, which is a good thing. They're only busy when something terrible has happened.",
worldStateA: "The hospital is a bustling site of well-organized activity. The place is energetic and efficient enough to adapt to any situation, no matter how extreme.",
worldStateB: "The hospital is a bustling site of well-organized activity. The place is energetic and efficient enough to adapt to any situation, no matter how extreme.",
worldStateC: "The hospital is a bustling site of well-organized activity. The place is energetic and efficient enough to adapt to any situation, no matter how extreme.",
worldStateAB: "The hospital is a bustling site of well-organized activity. The place is energetic and efficient enough to adapt to any situation, no matter how extreme.",
worldStateCA: "The hospital is a bustling site of well-organized activity. The place is energetic and efficient enough to adapt to any situation, no matter how extreme.",
worldStateBC: "The hospital is a bustling site of well-organized activity. The place is energetic and efficient enough to adapt to any situation, no matter how extreme.",
worldStateN: "Centerville's hospital has launched a new public health campaign to raise awareness of early onset incontinence.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Centerville"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "The overworked custodian, Olga, lets you into the building so that you can complete your delivery. Good work!",
badDel: "You arrive late and spend some time waiting for Olga, the overworked custodian, to show up and unlock the building. ",
marketReact: "The middle school must have a very good reason for needing this shipment of $load.",
notable: "The school has a reputation for academic excellence. It's at least as good as the Smith Middle Schools you can find in any other town.",
worldStateA: "Smith Middle School has remained completely unchanged over the years, which is great if you're a fan of concrete work from the 1970's.",
worldStateB: "Smith Middle School has remained completely unchanged over the years, which is great if you're a fan of concrete work from the 1970's.",
worldStateC: "Smith Middle School has remained completely unchanged over the years, which is great if you're a fan of concrete work from the 1970's.",
worldStateAB: "Smith Middle School has remained completely unchanged over the years, which is great if you're a fan of concrete work from the 1970's.",
worldStateCA: "Smith Middle School has remained completely unchanged over the years, which is great if you're a fan of concrete work from the 1970's.",
worldStateBC: "Smith Middle School has remained completely unchanged over the years, which is great if you're a fan of concrete work from the 1970's.",
worldStateN: "Smith Middle School in Centerville has released the names of the students who made honor roll for this marking period. The school has remained unchanged over the years, which is great if you're a fan of concrete work from the 1970's.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Centerville"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Lauren, the deputy head librarian, has been plotting to take over the head librarian's job for a while now. Your delivery just made things easier for her.",
badDel: "Lauren, the deputy head librarian, is furious with you. This late delivery has ruined her scheming.",
marketReact: "The library has big plans to make this shipment of $load the centerpiece of their literacy campaign.",
notable: "Like most of Centerville's other public buildings, the library's architecture is not particularly inspiring.",
worldStateA: "Centerville's sleepy public library has resisted, and continues to resist, the tides of change. It's sort of comforting, really.",
worldStateB: "Centerville's sleepy public library has resisted, and continues to resist, the tides of change. It's sort of comforting, really.",
worldStateC: "Centerville's sleepy public library has resisted, and continues to resist, the tides of change. It's sort of comforting, really.",
worldStateAB: "Centerville's sleepy public library has resisted, and continues to resist, the tides of change. It's sort of comforting, really.",
worldStateCA: "Centerville's sleepy public library has resisted, and continues to resist, the tides of change. It's sort of comforting, really.",
worldStateBC: "Centerville's sleepy public library has resisted, and continues to resist, the tides of change. It's sort of comforting, really.",
worldStateN: "A local author is holding a book signing event at the Centerville public library. They are expecting an audience of at least five people.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Centerville"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Mike, the head chef, is happy that you arrived so quickly.",
badDel: "Mike, the head chef, is irritated by the amount of time it has taken you to complete this delivery.",
marketReact: "You're quite certain that the restaurant will find some way to sell this shipment of $load at an enormous markup.",
notable: "It'll be a while before you can afford to eat at any of the fancy restaurants in the eastern part of Centerville.",
worldStateA: "The Centerville Chamber of Commerce expects that more people will be going out to eat, which should help local restaurants.",
worldStateB: "The Centerville Chamber of Commerce expects that more people will be going out to eat, which should help local restaurants.",
worldStateC: "The Centerville Chamber of Commerce expects that more people will be going out to eat, which should help local restaurants.",
worldStateAB: "The Centerville Chamber of Commerce expects that more people will be going out to eat, which should help local restaurants.",
worldStateCA: "The Centerville Chamber of Commerce expects that more people will be going out to eat, which should help local restaurants.",
worldStateBC: "The Centerville Chamber of Commerce expects that more people will be going out to eat, which should help local restaurants.",
worldStateN: "The Centerville Chamber of Commerce expects that more people will be going out to eat, which should help local restaurants.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Centerville"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Wendy, the receptionist, looks up from her smartphone just long enough to sign for your delivery. Her lack of interest does nothing to diminish the warm glow of enthusiasm you get from another job well done.",
badDel: "Wendy, the receptionist, is unimpressed by your late arrival. She doesn't even look up from her smartphone.",
marketReact: "You can't tell whether the auction house will be selling this shipment of $load or using it to keep their own business running, but you're done here.",
notable: "You never had a reason to visit an auction house before you started your delivery business.",
worldStateA: "You were hoping to spot some glamorous, international jewel thieves planning a heist at the auction house. Either your hopes went unfulfilled, or they had very good disguises.",
worldStateB: "You were hoping to spot some glamorous, international jewel thieves planning a heist at the auction house. Either your hopes went unfulfilled, or they had very good disguises.",
worldStateC: "You were hoping to spot some glamorous, international jewel thieves planning a heist at the auction house. Either your hopes went unfulfilled, or they had very good disguises.",
worldStateAB: "You were hoping to spot some glamorous, international jewel thieves planning a heist at the auction house. Either your hopes went unfulfilled, or they had very good disguises.",
worldStateCA: "You were hoping to spot some glamorous, international jewel thieves planning a heist at the auction house. Either your hopes went unfulfilled, or they had very good disguises.",
worldStateBC: "You were hoping to spot some glamorous, international jewel thieves planning a heist at the auction house. Either your hopes went unfulfilled, or they had very good disguises.",
worldStateN: "You were hoping to spot some glamorous, international jewel thieves planning a heist at the auction house. Either your hopes went unfulfilled, or they had very good disguises.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Centerville"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Howard, the underperforming junior associate, can't figure out why his boss ordered this delivery, but he signed for it and you received praise for a job well done.",
badDel: "You feel a little bad for Howard, the underperforming junior associate. He would probably have screwed something up even if you were on time, but your late delivery hasn't done him any favors.",
marketReact: "This mysterious shipment of $load is a little unusual for an insurance company, but they must have their reasons.",
notable: "Apart from their delivery preferences, Centerville's general insurance companies all seem kind of similar.",
worldStateA: "Today is not a good day for observing the adrenaline-fueled, heart-stopping thrills and excitement that are common to the insurance industry.",
worldStateB: "Today is not a good day for observing the adrenaline-fueled, heart-stopping thrills and excitement that are common to the insurance industry.",
worldStateC: "Today is not a good day for observing the adrenaline-fueled, heart-stopping thrills and excitement that are common to the insurance industry.",
worldStateAB: "Today is not a good day for observing the adrenaline-fueled, heart-stopping thrills and excitement that are common to the insurance industry.",
worldStateCA: "Today is not a good day for observing the adrenaline-fueled, heart-stopping thrills and excitement that are common to the insurance industry.",
worldStateBC: "Today is not a good day for observing the adrenaline-fueled, heart-stopping thrills and excitement that are common to the insurance industry.",
worldStateN: "Today is not a good day for observing the adrenaline-fueled, heart-stopping thrills and excitement that are common to the insurance industry.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Centerville"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Robert, the logistics coordinator at the chemical plant, hates his job. He's very grateful that your prompt delivery hasn't made it worse.",
badDel: "Robert, the logistics coordinator at the chemical plant, already hated his job. Your screw-up has just given him another reason to be miserable.",
marketReact: "Your shipment of $load will be an important part of the chemical plant's ongoing operations.",
notable: "They're very excited about the fact that it has been more than five days since their last workplace incident.",
worldStateA: "Things are stable at the chemical plant. It has endured economic downturns, adapted to changing health and safety requirements, and employed a sizeable number of people.",
worldStateB: "Things are stable at the chemical plant. It has endured economic downturns, adapted to changing health and safety requirements, and employed a sizeable number of people.",
worldStateC: "Things are stable at the chemical plant. It has endured economic downturns, adapted to changing health and safety requirements, and employed a sizeable number of people.",
worldStateAB: "Things are stable at the chemical plant. It has endured economic downturns, adapted to changing health and safety requirements, and employed a sizeable number of people.",
worldStateCA: "Things are stable at the chemical plant. It has endured economic downturns, adapted to changing health and safety requirements, and employed a sizeable number of people.",
worldStateBC: "Things are stable at the chemical plant. It has endured economic downturns, adapted to changing health and safety requirements, and employed a sizeable number of people.",
worldStateN: "Things are stable at Centerville's chemical plant. It has endured economic downturns, adapted to changing health and safety requirements, and employed a sizeable number of people.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Centerville"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Chloe, the foreman at the tire factory, never smiles. You can still tell that she's happy your delivery arrived on time.",
badDel: "Chloe, the foreman at the tire factory, doesn't say a word when you show up late with your delivery. She doesn't need to.",
marketReact: "The tire factory moves your shipment of $load into storage. It was an important shipment, but it wasn't critically important.",
notable: "There's nothing glamorous about the work going on here, but glamor doesn't keep cars on the road.",
worldStateA: "It’s impossible to tell whether the tire factory is thriving or failing. The business is here today, but you're not sure what its prospects will be tomorrow.",
worldStateB: "It’s impossible to tell whether the tire factory is thriving or failing. The business is here today, but you're not sure what its prospects will be tomorrow.",
worldStateC: "It’s impossible to tell whether the tire factory is thriving or failing. The business is here today, but you're not sure what its prospects will be tomorrow.",
worldStateAB: "It’s impossible to tell whether the tire factory is thriving or failing. The business is here today, but you're not sure what its prospects will be tomorrow.",
worldStateCA: "It’s impossible to tell whether the tire factory is thriving or failing. The business is here today, but you're not sure what its prospects will be tomorrow.",
worldStateBC: "It’s impossible to tell whether the tire factory is thriving or failing. The business is here today, but you're not sure what its prospects will be tomorrow.",
worldStateN: "It’s impossible to tell whether the tire factory is thriving or failing. The business is here today, but you're not sure what its prospects will be tomorrow.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Centerville"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Earl, the sweating night manager, is relieved to get your delivery.",
badDel: "Things have been rough for Earl, the sweating night manager. He could have used your delivery a little sooner.",
marketReact: "The shipment of $load has made it to the wholesale outlet.",
notable: "This may be a great part of town for finding bargains, but it doesn't hold much aesthetic appeal.",
worldStateA: "This part of town is largely unaffected by changes in government policy, economic conditions, or anything else, really.",
worldStateB: "This part of town is largely unaffected by changes in government policy, economic conditions, or anything else, really.",
worldStateC: "This part of town is largely unaffected by changes in government policy, economic conditions, or anything else, really.",
worldStateAB: "This part of town is largely unaffected by changes in government policy, economic conditions, or anything else, really.",
worldStateCA: "This part of town is largely unaffected by changes in government policy, economic conditions, or anything else, really.",
worldStateBC: "This part of town is largely unaffected by changes in government policy, economic conditions, or anything else, really.",
worldStateN: "This part of town is largely unaffected by changes in government policy, economic conditions, or anything else, really.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Centerville"
}>><p style="text-align:center"><img src=images/characters/harmony.gif height="128" width="128">
<p style="text-align:center">Harmony Locke has left subtle traces everywhere, if you know where to look. Her investment firm, MHB Capital, has a web of subsidiaries, holding companies, and limited partnerships that are involved in almost every financial transaction in the country. Her success is built on acquiring information before anyone else, and she occasionally asks you to help with that.</p><<if $askedHarmony == "yes">>
<p style="text-align:center">Harmony is like most people working in financial services: warm, but inhuman at the same time. She's polite and observes the formalities of small talk when necessary, but otherwise you get the sense that she doesn't really care. Her conversations are always courteous and respectful, but it's impossible to get a sense of whether she's interested or bored out of her mind. One thing you do know is that she's unwilling to get you out of your contract with Smiling Dan.</p><</if>><<if $askedHarmony == "yes" and $harmonyQ == "oppressor">>
<p style="text-align:center">You may have been right about her being one of the capitalist oppressors.</p><</if>> <p style="text-align:center"><img src=images/characters/samson.gif height="128" width="128">
Samson Fawkes is tough to pin down. It’s difficult to determine which parts of his eclectic style are due to natural preference and which are just temporary affectations. He frequently adopts new accessories and overhauls his image to confound tracking algorithms. Sometimes, you think his suspicion and paranoia are excessive, and other times you worry that he’s right.</p><<if $askedSamson == "yes">>
<p style="text-align:center">Even though his appearance and whereabouts change frequently, Samson values the idea of contracts that are permanent and immutable. His belief in the sanctity of contracts has prevented him from helping you resolve your debt issues with Dan.</p><</if>><p style="text-align:center"><img src=images/characters/cody.gif height="128" width="128">
Cody Beaker is a politician who spends most of his time talking about what he’s doing to make the world a better place. His campaign slogan is “a government that works better for everyone.” His opponents challenge the idea that the government should be working at all; they'd prefer to see it doing almost nothing for anyone.</p><<if $askedCody == "yes">>
<p style="text-align:center">You have asked Cody if anything can be done to escape from Smilin’ Dan’s predatory clutches. Unfortunately, he is dedicated to seeing everyone sink or swim together, and he’s not going to take any action unless it will benefit everyone equally.</p><</if>>
<p style="text-align:center"><img src=images/characters/joan.gif height="128" width="128">
Joan has been driving trucks for a very long time, but she had hoped to drive for a while longer. She's gruff and cranky, but she's also responsible for starting you on your delivery career.</p><<if $joanTalk > 0>>
<p style="text-align:center">Joan has taken up bridge. It's a way of keeping busy, and it gives her some interesting stories to tell.</p><</if>><<if $loanHelp == "yes">>
<p style="text-align:center">Joan is sorry that let you get mixed up with Dan and his abusive contract terms. Things were different when she was starting out. </p><</if>><a data-passage="seeTruck"><img src=images/locations/startScreen.gif width=100%></a>
<p style="text-align:center"><b><<popup "CREDITS" "creditsPopup">></b></p>
<p style="text-align:center"><b>[[CLICK HERE TO START->seeTruck]]</b></p>
<<include startupCode>><img src=images/characters/popupLogo.gif width=100%>
<p style="text-align:center">
<i>Bitterly Indifferent Studios Presents:</i>
<b><u>TRUCK QUEST</u></b>
<b>Art Director:</b>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/pg/DonaldConradDraws/" target="_blank">Donald Conrad</a>
<a href="https://bitterlyindifferent.itch.io/" target="_blank">Peter M.J. Gross</a>
Jared Castiglione
Daniel Crane
Charlie Gross
Corey Johnson
Christy Marshall
Paul McCaffrey
Cate Smith</p><<nobr>>
<<set $hasTruck = "yes">>
<<set $loanClock = 4>>
<<set $loanBalance = 6392>>
<<set $minPayment = 900>>
<<set $rewardPool = [300, 400, 500]>>
<<set $penaltyPool = [150, 300, 600]>>
<<set $jobtitle = "Road Warrior">>
<<set $loanExplain = "yes">>
<<set $harmonyReward = 750>>
<<set $samsonReward = 750>>
<<set $codyReward = 750>>
<<set $firstCargo = ["collectible", "completely legal", "compound", "construction", "crude", "industrial grade", "irregular", "narcoleptic", "non-toxic", "recently harvested", "safety", "artisanal", "flammable", "full-stack", "genetically enhanced", "imported", "interchangeable", "lead-based", "mechanically separated", "organic", "petroleum", "scalable"]>>
<<set $secondCargo = ["ball bearings", "cable", "distillates", "enzymes", "furniture", "ketchup packets", "leaflets", "legumes", "nitrates", "pet food", "soil samples", "solvents", "widgets", "collectibles", "components", "equiment", "explosives", "invertebrates", "lampshades", "marmots", "memorabilia", "organs", "poultry", "training videos", "transistors"]>>
<<set $aPool = ["Fort Smith", "Kearney", "Plainview", "Warrensburg"]>>
<<set $bPool = ["Cannonsburg", "Jefferson City", "Oakdale"]>>
<<set $cPool = ["Bean Station", "Inverness", "Martins Ferry", "Sherwood"]>>
<<set $siteDescription = ["the western part of the state", "the center of the state", "the eastern part of the state"]>>
<<set $payoffLink = "fourthAct">>
<img src=images/locations/diner.gif width=100%>
<<set $jobtitle = "Box Truck Baron">><</nobr>>
Now that your loan is paid off, you race back to the Good Eats Diner for two reasons:
<ol><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">You're excited to celebrate your victory with Joan, and</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">She can help you figure out how to keep your newly debt-free truck from being destroyed by Dan's goons.</li></ol>But you may not need Joan's help after all, because Luanne the hostess stops you just inside the diner.
"I've done it!" She's squealing with excitement. "I've saved up enough money to buy my own truck, and I'm going to become a trucker! Just like you and Joe!"
You're nothing like Joe, but you let her remark go unchallenged.
You've never been particularly close with Luanne, so you can't figure out why she's sharing this news with you. Then she explains that she wants to buy <i>your</i> truck.
She's offering $500, which is much less than what you paid Dan. On the other hand, you're certain that Dan's crew is already on its way to destroy it.
If you take Luanne's money, you could use it to make a down payment on a new truck. You'd also be letting her worry about your old truck's risk of undergoing a spontaneous demolition.
What will you do?
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Tell Luanne that she should find herself a better truck, and warn her to stay clear of Dan's dealership.->fourthDelivery][$luanneChoice = "keep"]]</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Keep your mouth shut and take Luanne's money.->sellEarly][$luanneChoice = "sell", $money += 500]]</li></ul><<nobr>>
<<set $codyReward = 2000>>
<<set $harmonyReward = 2000>>
<<set $hasTruck = "yes">>
<<set $loanClock = 4>>
<<set $loanBalance = 63925>>
<<set $minPayment = 9000>>
<<set $payoffLink = "fifthAct">>
<<set $penaltyPool = [1500, 3000, 6000]>>
<<set $rewardPool = [3000, 4000, 5000]>>
<<set $samsonReward = 2000>>
<<set $jobtitle = "Highway Legend">>
<<set $firstCargo = ["artisanal", "flammable", "full-stack", "genetically enhanced", "imported", "interchangeable", "lead-based", "mechanically separated", "organic", "petroleum", "scalable", "high-performance", "high-value", "high-yield", "military grade", "self-lubricating", "stackable", "teflon-coated", "variable", "volatile"]>>
<<set $secondCargo = ["collectibles", "components", "equiment", "explosives", "invertebrates", "lampshades", "marmots", "memorabilia", "organs", "poultry", "training videos", "transistors", "artwork", "diet supplements", "figurines", "flatbreads", "goat tethers", "narcotics", "pharmaceuticals", "rejoinders", "weapons"]>>
<<set $siteDescription = ["the western part of the country", "the center of the country", "the eastern part of the country"]>>
<<set $aPool = ["Goldsboro", "Nampa", "Palmer Lake", "Wendover"]>>
<<set $bPool = ["Cannonsburg", "Jefferson City", "Oakdale", "Fort Smith", "Kearney", "Plainview", "Warrensburg", "Bean Station", "Inverness", "Martins Ferry", "Sherwood"]>>
<<set $cPool = ["Danville", "Thurmont", "Allentown", "Carbondale"]>>
<img src=images/characters/contactRegina.gif width=100%>
<<if $loanBalance == 0>>Regina contacts you almost immediately after your loan is paid off.
<<elseif $reginaApp == "yes">>Regina never followed up with details about the launch of her on-demand delivery app. It's still worth checking to see whether she has some work available.
<<elseif $reginaApp == "no">>You told Regina that you'd keep an open mind about her on-demand delivery app, but she never follows up. You decide that it's worth checking to see whether she has other work available.
<<else>>You had your doubts about Regina's projects. She might have noticed, but it's worth checking to see whether she has other work available.
<</if>>Although the T2 Headquarters still needs a <<if $remainingLoad == "equipment">>delivery of surgical equipment<<elseif $remainingLoad == "electronics">>shipment of Golden Frog electronics<<else>>load of custom plastic cases<</if>>, Regina has something else in mind.
"I need you to meet you in person," she says. "I'm on the verge of a major breakthrough with the self-driving tRuck project, and I need your help."
She sends a tUberX driver to pick you up in a custom black SUV.
[[It's not an invitation that you can refuse.->startTheEndgame]]<p style="text-align:center"><img src=images/characters/joe.gif height="128" width="128">
Nobody is sure how long Joe Brady has been in the trucking business. He's not telling, and he's had enough plastic surgery to keep people from successfully guessing his age. Joe is notorious around town for crass behavior, showy displays of wealth, and publicity stunts to promote his trucking lifestyle brand. He has completely embraced shipping as an identity, aiming to become the Ed Hardy of convoy couture.</p><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/truckFire.gif width=100%>
<</nobr>><hr />
<<if $buySecond == "yes">><b>"Yes, I should get a new truck so I can make bigger deliveries to more distant locations!"</b><hr />
Joan is happy to hear that, and you tell her that you'll start looking at new trucks tomorrow morning.<<elseif $buySecond == "no">><b>"No, I want to play it safe and stick to local, low-value deliveries."</b><hr />
Joan is dissappointed, but she respects your decision. She spends the rest of the night looking gloomy.<</if>><<set $hasTruck = "no">>
Eventually, it's time to leave the diner. You notice a pleasant orange glow illuminating the night sky outside. Moments later, you realize that it's a fire. Your truck is on fire.
You're no detective, but it's suspicious that your blazing truck is in the middle of a vacant lot. That's not where you had parked it. (It's both suspicious and considerate, since nothing else is in danger of catching fire.)
You'll be picking out a new truck tomorrow, whether you had planned on it or not.
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Go see Dan.->dealershipAgain]].</li><<if $aScore > 0>><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Unless you think it's worth asking Harmony Locke for help.->harmonyHelp]]</li><</if>></ul><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/danLot3.gif width=100%>
<<set $targetCity = "CityB">>
<<set $currentLocation = "Smiling Dan's Steel Wheel Dealership.">>
<</nobr>>It turns out that your original contract with Dan included fine print requiring you to purchase any new or replacement vehicles at his dealership.
"I heard about your truck, and it's a terrible shame," Dan says. He's not very convincing, but maybe that's why he's called Smilin' Dan, not Sincere Dan. "Unfortunately, I can't offer you any trade-in credit for a charred husk."
"It's just such a terrible coincidence that a mysterious fire destroyed your truck almost immediately after you finished paying for it," he continues. Dan seems to know a lot about the specific circumstances of your truck's demise.
The good news is that your successful repayment history means Dan is willing to extend more credit. You can afford a better truck. The bad news is that you'll be taking on more debt.
<<button [[ACCEPT HIS TERMS->meetSamson]]>><<set $destination = "Centerville">><<include secondLoanCode>><</button>><<nobr>>
<<set $hasMetSamson = "yes">>
<img src=images/locations/meetSamson.gif width=100%>
<<include $destination>>
<<set $jobtitle = "Van Planner">>
<</nobr>>As you leave the dealership, someone calls out to you. "I saw what he did!"
The speaker is a burly, wild-eyed man who moves erratically and introduces himself in a rush.
"I work very hard to stay off the grid," he says, "so you may not have heard of me. I'm <<popup "Samson Fawkes" "samsonPopup">>, an autodidactic polymath."
You don't seem suitably impressed, so he elaborates, "it means self-taught genius."
Whatever this man has been teaching himself does not include basic fasion sense. He's wearing goggles made from cardboard and cellophane.
Samson is a very intense individual. "Big corporations like Dan's organization wield too much influence in this country," he says. "Rich people write the rules so that they always win. You know what I'm talking about, because you've experienced it firsthand."
He's waiting for you to say something:
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">“[[You're absolutely right. But what can we do?->samsonSecond][$samsonQ = "warm"]]”</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"[[What do you know about my experience?->samsonSecond][$samsonQ = "neutral"]]"</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"[[I'm not saying anything until you explain what's on your face.->samsonSecond][$samsonQ = "cold"]]"</li>
<img src=images/characters/contactHarmony.gif width=100%>
<<set $askedHarmony = "yes">>
<</nobr>><hr />You explain your problem to Harmony. She listens patiently, and she makes supportive noises in all the right places.
"You know, Smiling Dan's organization is one of the few businesses that I haven't been able to invest in," she says. "Not only is it very closely held, but they're one of my major competitors in several markets."
There's a long pause while Harmony considers the situation.
"I'm sorry, I can't risk an open conflict right now. I can pay you more money for information that's harder to acquire, but there's nothing I can do besides that."
[[You must resign yourself to visiting Smiling Dan again->dealershipAgain]].<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/meetSamson.gif width=100%>
<<if $samsonQ == "warm">><b>"You're absolutely right. But what can we do?"</b><hr />
You can see some of the tension leave Samson when he hears your response. "I'm glad you asked! You can be an ally."<<elseif $samsonQ == "neutral">><b>"What do you know about my experience?"</b><hr />
"I know that you didn't lose your previous truck in an accident," Samson says.<<elseif $samsonQ == "cold">><b>"I'm not saying anything until you explain what's on your face."</b><<set $jerkPoints += 1>><hr />
Your response surprises Samson, and you see his eyes widen a little bit under the cardboard. "Don't you understand how often you're under video surveillance? Our country is second only to the United Kingdom when it comes to public and private spaces monitored by cameras," he explains.
Samson leans in close, as though he's afraid of outside observers reading his lips. "The special patterns on these goggles prevent me from being recognized by facial recognition algorithms. And as an added bonus, they make me completely inscrutable."
He's getting a bit worked up. "That's right, inscrutable! I resist all scrutation!" Now he's shaking his fist at an invisible security camera. "I completely defy any attempt to be scruted!"<</if>>
"I work with a group of citizen activists," Samson says. "You're on the move pretty often, and you can deliver messages for us without attracting suspicion." He hands you a piece of paper with some instructions on it.
"That's a way to get in touch with me," he continues. "I'd like you to let me know the next time you'll be on the road, and I'll pay you for your efforts."
He seems a little odd, but an extra source of cash would be useful.
<<button [[Time to plan your next move.->arrivalB]]>><<set $destination = $bPool.pluck()>><<set $targetCity = "CityB">><<set $firstCargo.shuffle()>><<set $secondCargo.shuffle()>><<set $highOptions.shuffle()>><<set $medOptions.shuffle()>><<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>><<set $aPool.shuffle()>><<set $bPool.shuffle()>><<set $cPool.shuffle()>><<set $failBecause.shuffle()>><</button>><p style="text-align:center"><img src=images/characters/regina.gif height="128" width="128">
Thought leaders have declared that every company is now a software company, but Regina Towers is inverting that paradigm. Her software company is taking on the role of every company, including medical diagnostics, heavy manufacturing, and on-demand ride hailing services. Her personal brand of disruptive innovation would be even more transformative if she wasn’t so busy giving presentations at Davos, the Aspen Ideas Festival, Concordia Summits, and other exclusive gatherings of status seekers who want to be associated with cutting-edge thinking.</p><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Your delivery was successful. Nice job!",
badDel: "This wasn't a complete failure, but you'll have to do better next time.",
marketReact: "The convention center tries to stay well stocked with $load to ensure a positive experience for visitors.",
notable: "It was built on top of an ancient cemetery, but the enduring curse of its vengeful occupants only causes problems some of the time.",
worldStateA: "There's a packed schedule of trade shows at the convention center this month.",
worldStateB: "Trade shows and business expos are out of favor at the moment. Nobody wants to admit that they're making a profit, and discussing ideas to make businesses more profitable is considered to be the height of poor taste.",
worldStateC: "Trade shows and business expos are out of favor at the moment. Nobody wants to admit that they're making a profit, and discussing ideas to make businesses more profitable is considered to be the height of poor taste.",
worldStateAB: "There's a packed schedule of trade shows at the convention center this month.",
worldStateCA: "There's a packed schedule of trade shows at the convention center this month.",
worldStateBC: "Trade shows and business expos are out of favor at the moment. Nobody wants to admit that they're making a profit, and discussing ideas to make businesses more profitable is considered to be the height of poor taste.",
worldStateN: "There's a mix of upcoming events at the convention center, including concerts, trade shows, and an off-season bridal fair.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Cannonsburg"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Good work! You got the delivery to its destination on time.",
badDel: "Your customer is irritated by the delay. This was not a successful delivery.",
marketReact: "It looks like the fencing school already has plenty of $load, but you aren't about to argue with them.",
notable: "It's a nice day to be in Cannonsburg. It's an even better day to be leaving Cannonsburg.",
worldStateA: "For all you know, there could be a future Olympic champion training at Cannonsburg's fencing school right this moment.",
worldStateB: "Right now, there's a long waiting list for enrollment at the fencing school. Self-defense classes, especially ones that involve sharp objects, are very popular at the moment.",
worldStateC: "The fencing school has been having some difficulty keeping its enrollment numbers up. All weapons are heavily regulated, making it difficult to find either instructors or students.",
worldStateAB: "Right now, there's a long waiting list for enrollment at the fencing school. Self-defense classes, especially ones that involve sharp objects, are very popular at the moment.",
worldStateCA: "The fencing school has been having some difficulty keeping its enrollment numbers up. All weapons are heavily regulated, making it difficult to find either instructors or students.",
worldStateBC: "Right now, there's a long waiting list for enrollment at the fencing school. Self-defense classes, especially ones that involve sharp objects, are very popular at the moment.",
worldStateN: "For all you know, there could be a future Olympic champion training at Cannonsburg's fencing school right this moment.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Cannonsburg"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Is there anything you can't deliver? You are crushing it!",
badDel: "These accountants measure their professional success by their ability to meet deadlines. They're disappointed that you can't do the same.",
marketReact: "It turns out that an accounting firm uses more $load than you'd expect.",
notable: "Although this firm insists that their unique value proposition makes them completely different from the competition, they're still accountants.",
worldStateA: "The government's complete lack of oversight has made people less concerned about accurate accounting. Cannonsburg's accounting firms have suffered as a result.",
worldStateB: "The government's complete lack of oversight has made people less concerned about accurate accounting. Cannonsburg's accounting firms have suffered as a result.",
worldStateC: "Business is booming for accounting firms across the country. The government has made changes to the tax code, again, and everyone is racing to comply.",
worldStateAB: "The government's complete lack of oversight has made people less concerned about accurate accounting. Cannonsburg's accounting firms have suffered as a result.",
worldStateCA: "Business is booming for accounting firms across the country. The government has made changes to the tax code, again, and everyone is racing to comply.",
worldStateBC: "Business is booming for accounting firms across the country. The government has made changes to the tax code, again, and everyone is racing to comply.",
worldStateN: "A fair number of people and businesses are complying with the national tax code. Accounting firms in Cannonsburg are keeping moderately busy.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Cannonsburg"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "You got your delivery to the bar with plenty of time to spare. Excellent!",
badDel: "You did not do a great job with this delivery. The owner of the bar is annoyed.",
marketReact: "This bar likes to keep a ready supply of $load on hand for dealing with rowdy customers.",
notable: "Bars in Cannonsburg are notorious for using an abnormally large amount of neon lighting, and this place is no exception.",
worldStateA: "Cannonsburg's bars have a reputation for watered-down drinks and crappy music. It's probably not a good idea to make yourself at home here.",
worldStateB: "Cannonsburg's bars have a reputation for watered-down drinks and crappy music. It's probably not a good idea to make yourself at home here.",
worldStateC: "Cannonsburg's bars have a reputation for watered-down drinks and crappy music. It's probably not a good idea to make yourself at home here.",
worldStateAB: "Cannonsburg's bars have a reputation for watered-down drinks and crappy music. It's probably not a good idea to make yourself at home here.",
worldStateCA: "Cannonsburg's bars have a reputation for watered-down drinks and crappy music. It's probably not a good idea to make yourself at home here.",
worldStateBC: "Cannonsburg's bars have a reputation for watered-down drinks and crappy music. It's probably not a good idea to make yourself at home here.",
worldStateN: "Cannonsburg's bars have a reputation for watered-down drinks and crappy music. It's probably not a good idea to make yourself at home here.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Cannonsburg"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "The shopping mall really needed this delivery. Well done!",
badDel: "You could have done a much better job with this one.",
marketReact: "The shopping mall has some kind of promotion planned that will use $load, but you don't understand the specific details.",
notable: "Let's be honest: this mall has the same energy as the ones you can find in Danville, Goldsboro, and Yelm.",
worldStateA: "The local mall has spared no expense on providing a first-rate customer experience for its affluent clientele.",
worldStateB: "Despite its generic offerings, the local mall is still the most convenient option for local shoppers. Its businesses appear to be healthy.",
worldStateC: "Retail sales have taken a beating across the country, and the local mall's energy is at an all-time low.",
worldStateAB: "The local mall has spared no expense on providing a first-rate customer experience for its affluent clientele.",
worldStateCA: "The local mall has spared no expense on providing a first-rate customer experience for its affluent clientele.",
worldStateBC: "Retail sales have taken a beating across the country, and the local mall's energy is at an all-time low.",
worldStateN: "Despite its generic offerings, the local mall is still the most convenient option for local shoppers. Its businesses appear to be healthy.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Jefferson City"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Congratulations! You have kept the wheels of government turning for a few more days.",
badDel: "Your performance was very disappointing.",
marketReact: "It turns out that the courthouse has a special storage facility for $load. Local government can be weird.",
notable: "Jefferson City's local government, in particular, is packed full of second-rate con artists who have been caught grifting. The local judges like to employ staff who display that kind of initiative.",
worldStateA: "After a formal review, the national government was found to be more effective and on-brand than its Jefferson City counterpart. Staff has been severely cut at local facilities, and there are barely enough employees to provide basic services.",
worldStateB: "Jefferson City supports itself through parking tickets and motor vehicle fines. Traffic court was packed when you made your delivery, and the local government doesn't seem to be in danger of losing funding for a very long time.",
worldStateC: "After a formal review, the national government was found to be more effective and on-brand than its Jefferson City counterpart. Staff has been severely cut at local facilities, and there are barely enough employees to provide basic services.",
worldStateAB: "Jefferson City supports itself through parking tickets and motor vehicle fines. Traffic court was packed when you made your delivery, and the local government doesn't seem to be in danger of losing funding for a very long time.",
worldStateCA: "After a formal review, the national government was found to be more effective and on-brand than its Jefferson City counterpart. Staff has been severely cut at local facilities, and there are barely enough employees to provide basic services.",
worldStateBC: "Jefferson City supports itself through parking tickets and motor vehicle fines. Traffic court was packed when you made your delivery, and the local government doesn't seem to be in danger of losing funding for a very long time.",
worldStateN: "It looks like a normal day for the Jefferson City court system. People are showing up to fight city hall, and their traffic tickets, with predictable results.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Jefferson City"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "The aquarium was counting on this shipment, and you delivered it safely. Good job!",
badDel: "Your failed delivery has resulted in disappointed children and neglected marine mammals. Good luck sleeping at night, you monster.",
marketReact: "The shipment of $load is going to be part of a new exhibit that the Jefferson City Aquarium is planning.",
notable: "It's internationally recognized for its extensive research on Paleolithic fish.",
worldStateA: "Due to budget cuts, the Jefferson City Aquarium has had to sell some of its fish to private collectors.",
worldStateB: "Due to budget cuts, the Jefferson City Aquarium has had to sell some of its fish to private collectors.",
worldStateC: "At the Jefferson City Aquarium, the building is well staffed and tour guides are maintaining order.",
worldStateAB: "Due to budget cuts, the Jefferson City Aquarium has had to sell some of its fish to private collectors.",
worldStateCA: "At the Jefferson City Aquarium, the building is well staffed and tour guides are maintaining order.",
worldStateBC: "Due to budget cuts, the Jefferson City Aquarium has had to sell some of its fish to private collectors.",
worldStateN: "Some of the research programs at the Jefferson City Aquarium have been suspended, but visiting hours for the public have remained unchanged.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Jefferson City"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "This was an absolute triumph for expedited, ground-based shipping services everywhere.",
badDel: "This was not a victory for expedited, ground-based shipping services.",
marketReact: "The Jefferson City meat packing plant has a lot of $load on site already, but they like stay well supplied.",
notable: "This place is much classier than that slaughterhouse over in Sherwood.",
worldStateA: "The meat packing plant has remained unaffected by changes in the national temperament. People will always need to eat.",
worldStateB: "The meat packing plant has remained unaffected by changes in the national temperament. People will always need to eat.",
worldStateC: "The meat packing plant has remained unaffected by changes in the national temperament. People will always need to eat.",
worldStateAB: "The meat packing plant has remained unaffected by changes in the national temperament. People will always need to eat.",
worldStateCA: "The meat packing plant has remained unaffected by changes in the national temperament. People will always need to eat.",
worldStateBC: "The meat packing plant has remained unaffected by changes in the national temperament. People will always need to eat.",
worldStateN: "The meat packing plant has remained unaffected by changes in the national temperament. People will always need to eat.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Jefferson City"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Way to go! Your important shipment was delivered without any problems.",
badDel: "The people who work at the landfill already had enough problems to deal with. Your failed delivery has added to their misery.",
marketReact: "Not enough people think about what it takes to keep a landfill operational, but this delivery of $load is a big part of it.",
notable: "It's the attention to detail that made Waste Management Monthly magazine list the Oakdale Landfill as one of the top 10 landfill destinations in the country.",
worldStateA: "The Oakdale Landfill is expanding rapidly. People are constantly buying new stuff, and nobody is interested in second-hand items. It's a profitable time to be in the waste management business.",
worldStateB: "There's almost no activity at the Oakdale landfill. For better or worse, people are reluctant to get rid of their belongings — mostly because replacements are hard to find.",
worldStateC: "There's almost no activity at the Oakdale landfill. For better or worse, people are reluctant to get rid of their belongings — mostly because replacements are hard to find.",
worldStateAB: "The Oakdale Landfill is expanding rapidly. People are constantly buying new stuff, and nobody is interested in second-hand items. It's a profitable time to be in the waste management business.",
worldStateCA: "The Oakdale Landfill is expanding rapidly. People are constantly buying new stuff, and nobody is interested in second-hand items. It's a profitable time to be in the waste management business.",
worldStateBC: "Nothing notable is happening at the Oakdale Landfill right now, and everyone is thankful for that.",
worldStateN: "Nothing notable is happening at the Oakdale Landfill right now, and everyone is thankful for that.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Oakdale"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "You got the shipment to Oakdale Elementary School in time. Great job!",
badDel: "Oakdale Elementary School was counting on you, and you failed them.",
marketReact: "The school principal assures you that this shipment of $load will be used strictly for educational purposes.",
notable: "The school is also proud to announce that none of their graduates have been convicted of major felonies. Accused, sure, but everybody knows that acquittals don't count.",
worldStateA: "Enrollment is down at the Oakdale Elementary School. Corporate learning centers are an important way for consumers to demonstrate brand loyalty, and parents are suspicious of generic options.",
worldStateB: "The Oakdale Elementary school has been converted to a multi-purpose space used by families that homeschool their children. Parents share in the maintenance of the facilities and meet here for socialization activities and team sports.",
worldStateC: "Classrooms at the Oakdale Elementary School are filled to capacity, and there's a high turnover rate as new teachers are hired to replace the ones who left for better jobs, but students are getting a basic education.",
worldStateAB: "The Oakdale Elementary school has been converted to a multi-purpose space used by families that homeschool their children. Parents share in the maintenance of the facilities and meet here for socialization activities and team sports.",
worldStateCA: "Enrollment is down at the Oakdale Elementary School. Corporate learning centers are an important way for consumers to demonstrate brand loyalty, and parents are suspicious of generic options.",
worldStateBC: "Classrooms at the Oakdale Elementary School are filled to capacity, and there's a high turnover rate as new teachers are hired to replace the ones who left for better jobs, but students are getting a basic education.",
worldStateN: "Classrooms at the Oakdale Elementary School are filled to capacity, and there's a high turnover rate as new teachers are hired to replace the ones who left for better jobs, but students are getting a basic education.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Oakdale"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "A successful delivery to the Oakdale Farmers Market! Spectacular!",
badDel: "You failed to get your delivery to the Oakdale Farmers Market on time. It is less than spectacular.",
marketReact: "It's totally normal for a Farmers Market to need regular supplies of $load, and this market is no exception.",
notable: "However, your delivery is inspected very carefully. Everyone is on edge because of the increasing amounts of watermelon fraud.",
worldStateA: "In all honesty, the Oakdale Farmers Market is like Thunderdome right now. It might have been Barter Town at one point, but if you don't know exactly what you're looking for and how much you should be paying for it, you will get ripped off.",
worldStateB: "In all honesty, the Oakdale Farmers Market is like Thunderdome right now. It might have been Barter Town at one point, but if you don't know exactly what you're looking for and how much you should be paying for it, you will get ripped off.",
worldStateC: "New government regulations ensure that visitors to the Oakdale Farmers Market have a positive experience. Buyers can be confident that they're purchasing fresh produce from farmers that use environmentally sustainable methods.",
worldStateAB: "In all honesty, the Oakdale Farmers Market is like Thunderdome right now. It might have been Barter Town at one point, but if you don't know exactly what you're looking for and how much you should be paying for it, you will get ripped off.",
worldStateCA: "New government regulations ensure that visitors to the Oakdale Farmers Market have a positive experience. Buyers can be confident that they're purchasing fresh produce from farmers that use environmentally sustainable methods.",
worldStateBC: "New government regulations ensure that visitors to the Oakdale Farmers Market have a positive experience. Buyers can be confident that they're purchasing fresh produce from farmers that use environmentally sustainable methods.",
worldStateN: "Shopping at the Oakdale Farmers Market is a gamble. Sometimes you find bargains, and sometimes you only find overpriced garbage.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Oakdale"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Fantastic! This counts as another win for your shipping service.",
badDel: "The owner of the furniture showroom tells you that he has a choice when it comes to shipping services, and he does not appreciate your failure.",
marketReact: "This furniture showroom is planning to diversify its customer offerings, and your delivery of $load is going to be an important part of that effort.",
notable: "You used to think that all furniture showrooms looked the same. Now that you've been to Oakdale, you're certain of it.",
worldStateA: "Oakdale furniture showrooms are advertising above-average prices for sub-standard furniture, so the wheels of commerce appear to be turning smoothly.",
worldStateB: "You are in town during a promotional sales event organized by one of Oakdale's furniture showrooms. You have seen some promotions that are louder and more obnoxious than this one, but not many.",
worldStateC: "You are in town during a promotional sales event organized by one of Oakdale's furniture showrooms. You have seen some promotions that are louder and more obnoxious than this one, but not many.",
worldStateAB: "Oakdale furniture showrooms are advertising above-average prices for sub-standard furniture, so the wheels of commerce appear to be turning smoothly.",
worldStateCA: "You are in town during a promotional sales event organized by one of Oakdale's furniture showrooms. You have seen some promotions that are louder and more obnoxious than this one, but not many.",
worldStateBC: "Oakdale’s furniture businesses operate in a delicate state of equilibrium. Showroom managers want to display more furniture, but it’s not allowed because that would create a fire hazard. Marketers want to use precision targeting to lure buyers, but it’s not allowed because it would violate consumer privacy laws. And customers are disappointed by a lack of variety and general supply shortages. The important thing is that everyone seems equally miserable.",
worldStateN: "Oakdale’s furniture businesses operate in a delicate state of equilibrium. Showroom managers want to display more furniture, but it’s not allowed because that would create a fire hazard. Marketers want to use precision targeting to lure buyers, but it’s not allowed because it would violate consumer privacy laws. And customers are disappointed by a lack of variety and general supply shortages. The important thing is that everyone seems equally miserable.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Oakdale"
<img src=images/locations/joeJacking.gif width=100%>
<</nobr>><p style="text-align:center"><b>Successful Delivery?</b></p><hr />
You might be getting better with practice. Making this shipment seems trivially easy until you get to the loading dock and see a gleaming yellow behemoth of a truck waiting there.
As soon as you cut your engine, large men in track suits swarm out of the loading dock and open up your van. They have the <<print $load>> stored in Joe's truck before you can process what's going on.
Joe leans out of his truck to smirk at you. "Thanks for the assist, buddy." He gives an envelope full of cash to the loading crew and hands you a scrap of paper.
"This contract was worth $100, right?" Joe doesn't wait for your response before he continues. "That's $100 worth of JoeBux right there, redeemable for any Gleaming Joe Brady brand merchandise while supplies last. Don't spend it all in one place!"
He laughs so loudly that you can hear it over the sound of his engine starting up, and he's still laughing when he pulls out of the loading dock and turns onto the street.
How are you going to handle this?
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Ignore it->centervilleParade][$joeTheft = "leaveIt"]]. You'll settle this later.</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Chase him down->centervilleParade][$joeTheft = "payBack"]]. You're going to make him pay.</li></ul><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/parade.gif width=100%>
<<if $joeTheft == "leaveIt">>There will be time to deal with Joe later. Your loan is still paid off, and Joan is waiting to meet you at the diner. Unfortunately, you aren't able to get there.<<elseif $joeTheft == "payBack">>It takes a moment to get clear of the loading dock, and Joe is already out of sight. You don't get very far before you have to call off your chase. Then you have to give up on the idea of driving completely.<</if>>
The streets are closed. Traffic is completely stopped, and people are getting out of their cars to watch some kind of procession. You might as well join them.
That's when you recognize Joe and his truck at the center of the festivities. They're giving that bastard his own parade!
You follow him on foot, which is easy enough because he's rolling along at a slow pace to absorb the crowd's adulation. He eventually comes to a stop in the middle of Lorenzen Park.
Centerville's mayor, Fiorello Stinkhole VI, is waiting in the park next to Regina Towers. They're on a special platform set up to address the crowd. "Finally," Mayor Stinkhole (VI) declares, "The man of the hour has arrived!"
The mayor is beaming, but Regina's expression is tough to read because she's wearing her augmented reality glasses. You can occasionally see information flickering across their lenses.
Gleaming Joe Brady struts across the stage, holding part of your <<print $load>>. He hands it to Regina Towers with a flourish as banners unfurl. A brass band starts playing.
It looks like Mayor Stinkhole (VI) is going to give a speech.
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Get ready to interrupt->stinkholeSpeech][$mayorSpeech = "wait"]]. The world needs to know that Joe is a fraud!</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Look around for something to throw->stinkholeSpeech][$mayorSpeech = "throw"]]. Actions speak louder than words.
</li><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Go find a hotdog cart or something->stinkholeSpeech][$mayorSpeech = "search"]]. You're feeling hungry, but vengeance is a dish best served cold.</li></ul><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/meetCody.gif width=100%>
<<if $codyQ == "fraud">><p style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold">"You don't know the half of it. That fraud is stealing credit for my delivery!"</p><hr />
The man gives you a sympathetic nod, frowing a little bit to show that he feels your pain. That's when you recognize him as <<popup "Cody Beaker" "codyPopup">>, the technocrat politician who is perpetually campaigning for office.
<<elseif $codyQ == "question">><p style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold">"You don't share his confidence?"</p><hr />
The man frowns thoughtfully, which is when you recognize him as <<popup "Cody Beaker" "codyPopup">>, the technocrat politician who is perpetually campaigning for office.
<<elseif $codyQ == "dismiss">><<set $jerkPoints += 1>><p style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold">"Are you another wingnut privacy activist? Because I already have enough of those in my life right now."</p><hr />
The man acts like he doesn't hear you. Instead, he adopts a thoughtful expression, which is when you recognize him as <<popup "Cody Beaker" "codyPopup">>, the technocrat politician who is perpetually campaigning for office.
<</if>>"These private corporations wield too much power," Beaker says. "The have the potential to do some serious damage to our country and everyone who lives in it." It's also possible that he's upset about not being on that stage with Joe and Regina.
Beaker doesn't give you a chance to comment before he continues. "We need an open, transparent government that can keep big companies like TowerCorp in check. I think you know exactly what I'm talking about, and I'd like your help to make it possible."
He hands you a business card before your conversation is cut off by an explosion. Fireworks are exploding in the sky — Mayor Stinkhole (VI) has pulled out all the stops to celebrate the T2 announcements, and the crowd is going wild.
In fact, the celebrations are getting so rowdy that it looks like things might get out of hand.
[[You'd better get back to your van before something happens to it->afterCody]].<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/choosing.gif width=100%>
<p style="text-align:center"><b>Delivering a <<print $load>> to Centerville</b></p><hr />
<<if $load == "load of custom plastic cases">>These custom plastic cases are normally used by people trying to make their handheld devices look a little more fancy.<<elseif $load == "shipment of Golden Frog electronics">>Golden Frog is an electronics company that's notorious for manufacturing cheap clones of high-end devices. They've been sued for copyright infringement by Apple more times than you can count.<<elseif $load == "delivery of surgical equipment">>You're not a connoisseur of surgical equipment, but this stuff is pretty expensive.<</if>>
Once you get the <<print $load>> back to Centerville, you can meet Joan at the diner to celebrate. How are you going to get there?
<<button [[CHOOSE THIS->joeJacking]]>><</button>> Drive aggressively.
<<button [[CHOOSE THIS->joeJacking]]>><</button>> Drive responsibly.
<<button [[CHOOSE THIS->joeJacking]]>><</button>> Drive cautiously.<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/parade.gif width=100%>
<<if $mayorSpeech == "wait">>You may have over-estimated your skill as a heckler. Or under-estimated the mayor's capacity for long-winded speeches. There's no hope of interrupting him.
<<elseif $mayorSpeech == "throw">>The only thing you can find is a discarded streamer from the parade. Your toss doesn't even get it near the stage, which is largely unsatisfying.
<<elseif $mayorSpeech == "search">>It's a smart idea to get comfortable. Once Mayor Stinkhole (VI) starts talking, nobody can get a word in edgewise. Unfortunately, you don't see any food stands around.
<</if>><<if $worldState == "A">><b>As you take in the parade atmosphere, you notice that Centerville has changed since you started making your deliveries. Everyone seems more mercenary. Willing to do anything for a dollar. Is this a result of the errands you’ve been doing for Harmony Locke?</b>
<<elseif $worldState == "B">><b>As you take in the parade atmosphere, you notice that people in Centerville seem a little more territorial these days. Everyone is concerned with defending their rights and protecting their privacy. Is this a result of the errands you’ve been doing for Samson Fawkes?</b>
<<elseif $worldState == "AB">><b>As you take in the parade atmosphere, you notice that people in Centerville are obsessively focused on startup culture, "moving fast and breaking things." You have a feeling that your errands for Harmony Locke and Samson Fawkes might be contributing to that atmosphere.</b>
<</if>>Mayor Stinkhole (VI) begins his speech. "My forefather came here in search of opportunity." He begins every speech that way, reminding everyone that he belongs to an important family. The name was less unusual in the days of Fiorello Stinkhole I, and his dynasty has gripped the reins of power ever since they took them from Augustus Center, the founder of Centerville.
At the beginning of the mayor's speech, Regina is sitting politely at one side of the stage. However, she keeps getting distracted by incoming messages and notifications on her tablet. Eventually, she takes one last look at her tPad before deciding that she has to leave.
Mayor Stinkhole (VI) explains that Centerville has won the competition to host TowerCorp's T2 headquarters, and Regina Towers just accepted Joe's 10,000th delivery. There's some blather about the symbolic union of Centerville's current and future industries before Joe steps up to the microphone.
"I can't take all the credit for this delivery," Joe says. He scans the crowd and ends up looking in your direction. "In fact, I wasn't behind the wheel for most of its trip here." Now it seems like Joe is smirking right at you.
"Regina Towers and her new self-driving truck technology is the real success story here today," Joe announces. "Her revolutionary fleet of self-driving vehicles have brought a genuine victory to this town! When her software transforms this country, we can say that it all started here in Centerville!"
A nearby man turns to address you. "He seems confident that this is going to be a positive transformation."
The man is waiting for a response:
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"[[You don't know the half of it. That fraud is stealing credit for my delivery!->meetCody][$codyQ = "fraud"]]"</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"[[You don't share his confidence?->meetCody][$codyQ = "question"]]"</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"[[Are you another wingnut privacy activist? Because I already have enough of those in my life right now.->meetCody][$codyQ = "dismiss"]]"</li></ul><<nobr>>
<img src=images/characters/contactHarmony.gif width=100%>
<</nobr>><hr />
<<if $harmonyQuestCount > 2>>"This request isn't too complicated," Harmony tells you. "When you're in <<print$targetSite.city>>, I want you to count all of the restaurants within walking distance of city hall. Ignore the food trucks and street vendors, but include fast food counters and sit-down restaurants."
It seems simple enough.<<elseif $harmonyQuestCount > 1>>Harmony explains that you'll be checking out a small, private airfield, and there shouldn't be more than a handful of planes on the ground. She wants you to record the identification numbers for each plane and report them back to her.
<<elseif $harmonyQuestCount > 0>>"Good, I'm glad to hear it," she says.
"Go to the railroad crossing and pay attention to the shipment that you see. Let me know whether the train is hauling rectangular boxcars or rounded tanker cars."
<<else>>"Excellent, I'm glad you're willing to move this forward," Harmony says.
"I'd like to know more about the parking situation at one of the retail outlets in <<print$targetSite.city>>," Harmony says. "Count all of the cars that are parked there in the afternoon, and then go back and take another count in the evening."
"I'll pay you $<<print $harmonyReward>> for your help," she adds.
<</if>><<if $choice == "hard">>[[You tell her that you'll be in touch->highRisk][$sideQuestActive = "harmony", $harmonyQuestCount += 1]].<<elseif $choice == "easy">>[[You tell her that you'll be in touch->lowRisk][$sideQuestActive = "harmony", $harmonyQuestCount += 1]].<<else>>[[You tell her that you'll be in touch->medRisk][$sideQuestActive = "harmony", $harmonyQuestCount += 1]].<</if>><<if $samsonQuestCount > 2>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/characters/contactSamson4.gif width=100%>
<</nobr>><hr />
"I've used some particularly sophisticated techniques to mask my IP address, and I regularly use anonymous VPNs," Samson tells you. "But it's important to keep the watchers guessing. That's why it's useful to run some operations in person. I want you to log into some accounts from the internet cafe and post some status updates."
He shares the login details with you and gives you some update text.<<elseif $samsonQuestCount > 1>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/characters/contactSamson3.gif width=100%>
<</nobr>><hr />
"Our government postal service is one of the most oppressive institutions in the country. Their system monitors each and every item it receives."
The alternative is a postal system that has no idea which messages it is supposed to deliver or where they should go, but it might be rude to point that out to Samson.
"I want you to mail some of our Citizens Privacy Movement pamphlets when you get to <<print$targetSite.city>>. The different postmark will throw postal inspectors off the scent."
You've handled some of these pamphlets before, and they already smell of basement mildew so strongly that disguising their scent is almost impossible. Still, you're getting paid just to put some stuff in the mail, which is pretty easy.<<elseif $samsonQuestCount > 0>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/characters/contactSamson2.gif width=100%>
<</nobr>><hr />
Samson is entrusting you with some of the ugliest fabric on the planet.
"It's guaranteed to foil any attempts at facial recognition. The algorithms are completely unable to recognize anyone while they're wearing clothing made from this material," he says.
It would be rude to point out the flaw in this plan — no software program will recognize people wearing this, but other humans will be compelled to notice someone decked out in such a fashion atrocity.
On the bright side, it's not like he's asking you to <i>wear</i> it.<<else>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/characters/contactSamson1.gif width=100%>
<</nobr>><hr />
You should have guessed that Samson would be sending you to a comic book store. He wants you to find the owner of this "important outpost," perform a very specific type of handshake, and then relay a coded message.
"Tell them it was a pleasure to burn," Samson tells you. "They'll know exactly what it means."<</if>>
<<if $choice == "hard">>[[You tell him that you'll be in touch->highRisk][$sideQuestActive = "samson", $samsonQuestCount += 1]].<<elseif $choice == "easy">>[[You tell him that you'll be in touch->lowRisk][$sideQuestActive = "samson", $samsonQuestCount += 1]].<<else>>[[You tell him that you'll be in touch->medRisk][$sideQuestActive = "samson", $samsonQuestCount += 1]].<</if>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/characters/contactCody.gif width=100%>
<<set $finishSideQuest = "codyQuestComplete">>
<</nobr>><hr />
<<if $codyQuestCount > 2>>Cody explains that this assignment is part of a larger effort to integrate security camera footage, traffic patterns, and gasoline usage rates into a comprehensive system that can help people identify and predict where resources should be allocated for the greatest public benefit.
You'll be meeting with an office manager in <<print$targetSite.city>> and installing some software on their security system.<<elseif $codyQuestCount > 1>>Cody gives you directions to the <<print$targetSite.city>> archives and tells you what he's looking for. You'll be making some photocopies and then putting them in the mail.<<elseif $codyQuestCount > 0>>You already have a copy of these software protocols; you got them from that kid who hitched a ride with you.
The key components of this job are looking presentable and acting polite while somebody copies some software, apparently.<<else>>Cody is excited. "Welcome to the cause!" He explains that there's a nonprofit initiative, Coding for the Country, that is trying to develop software programs making it easier and more efficient for small government to operate. "A lot of this work involves getting the people with the right expertise to work in the right places," he says
Cody's CfC program has given out assignments for its latest group of fellowship program participants, and he wants you to take one of them with you to <<print$targetSite.city>>. Smart money says giving this CfC kid a ride would be less dangerous than picking up some random hitchhiker, and you'll get paid for it.<</if>>
<<if $choice == "hard">>[[You tell him that you'll be in touch->highRisk][$sideQuestActive = "cody", $codyQuestCount += 1]].<<elseif $choice == "easy">>[[You tell him that you'll be in touch->lowRisk][$sideQuestActive = "cody", $codyQuestCount += 1]].<<else>>[[You tell him that you'll be in touch->medRisk][$sideQuestActive = "cody", $codyQuestCount += 1]].<</if>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/vanWrecked.gif width=100%>
<<set $hasTruck = "no">>
<<set $hasMetCody = "yes">>
<<set $destination = "Centerville">>
Your van is fine. In fact, you get clear of the festivities without any problems at all.
It's not until early the following morning when unknown vandals rip open the front of your van and tear out the engine.
You might as well get a bigger truck so you can deliver bigger shipments.
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Your agreement with Dan requires you to get a new vehicle from his dealership.->returnToDealership]]</li><<if $bScore > 0>><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Unless you think it's worth asking Samson for help->askSamson]]</li><</if>></ul><<nobr>>
<img src=images/characters/contactSamson.gif width=100%>
<<set $askedSamson = "yes">>
When you explain your predicament to Samson, he is horrified.
"You, like, entered into a <i>contract</i>, man! There's no way I'd help you violate an agreement after you accepted its terms and conditions." He gives you a look of disgust.
"Changing corporate tax rates and dismantling government bureaucracies is one thing," he rants, "but I'm not going to help you invalidate a <i>contract</i>. Our property rights are the very foundation of society, and if you were careless with those rights, you need to take personal responsibility for your actions."
[[So, that happened->returnToDealership]].<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/danLot2.gif width=100%>
<<set $targetCity = "CityB">>
<<include $destination>>
Dan sets you up with a larger vehicle, a well-worn box truck, before mentioning something about a national comma shortage.
He warns that it might make your outstanding balance look weird in some places. "It'd be <i>terrible</i> if you got confused and paid too much," he says. "Just be aware that you owe $6,392 and not $63.92, ha ha."
Smilin' Dan remains very much on brand. Nobody will be calling him empathetic Dan any time soon.
<<button [[ACCEPT HIS TERMS->arrivalB]]>><<include thirdLoanCode>><</button>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Well done. You have successfully made a delivery to one of the many nondescript warehouses in the western part of Centerville.",
badDel: "This was not your finest hour. It’s especially awkward when you can’t get things right in your own hometown.",
marketReact: "In most places, a delivery of $load wouldn’t be a big deal. For some reason, the warehouse staff here are acting like it’s exceptionally precious cargo.",
notable: "Once you’re done with your delivery, you take a moment to let nostalgia wash over you. Your whole career started right here in Centerville.",
worldStateA: "Mayor Stinkhole (VI) has announced that Centerville's largest companies will be establishing proprietary administrative districts to provide basic services for customers who can afford them.",
worldStateB: "Mayor Stinkhole (VI) issued a statement praising the way that decentralized, permissionless systems have leveled the playing field so that every person in society enjoys the same level of trust. The statement was issued from inside of his heavily fortified bunker.",
worldStateC: "Mayor Stinkhole (VI) would like to remind everyone that Big Brother — the government entity, not the reality show — is watching.",
worldStateAB: "Mayor Stinkhole (VI) recently gave a speech explaining that the tremendous inequality between Centerville's richest and poorest citizens is proof that we live in a true meritocracy where everyone has an equal chance to prove their value to society.",
worldStateCA: "Brand loyalty, measured by third-party surveillance firms, now determines where people can live in Centerville and and which jobs they can hold. Mayor Stinkhole (VI) would like to remind everyone that shopping is our civic duty.",
worldStateBC: "Mayor Stinkhole (VI) recently gave a speech explaining that the food and fuel shortages plaguing Centerville are temporary inconveniences on the road to becoming a socialist paradise.",
worldStateN: "Centerville’s current mayor, Fiorello Stinkhole VI, would like to remind everyone that he is actively campaigning for mayor.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Centerville"
<img src=images/locations/choosing.gif width=100%>
<</nobr>><p style="text-align:center"><b>Delivering a <<print $load>> to the T2 Headquarters outside of Centerville</b></p><hr />
<<if $load == "load of custom plastic cases">>Custom plastic cases like these are normally used by people trying to make their handheld devices look a little more fancy.<<elseif $load == "shipment of Golden Frog electronics">>Golden Frog is an electronics company that's notorious for manufacturing cheap clones of high-end devices. They've been sued for copyright infringement by Apple more times than you can count.<<elseif $load == "delivery of surgical equipment">>You're not a connoisseur of high-end surgical equipment, but this stuff is pretty expensive.<</if>>
How are you going to get the <<print $load>> to the T2 Headquarters?
<<button [[CHOOSE THIS->reginaDelivery]]>><</button>> Drive aggressively.
<<button [[CHOOSE THIS->reginaDelivery]]>><</button>> Drive responsibly.
<<button [[CHOOSE THIS->reginaDelivery]]>><</button>> Drive cautiously.<img src=images/locations/goodTrucking.gif width=100%><p style="text-align:center"><b>Successful Delivery!</b></p><hr />
It turns out that the T2 headquarters is a significant distance outside of Centerville. It takes you quite a while to get there.
If you remember your town history correctly, the compound dates back to when Mayor Stinkhole (V) tried to revitalize the local economy — although "local" is a bit of a stretch, considering its distance from town. The project, which had been thrown together in an attempt to cash in on the Beanie Baby craze of the late 1990's, was doomed from the start.
[[Now that Regina Towers is involved, it's a cutting-edge innovation center.->t2SiteIntro]]<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/diner.gif width=100%>
<<set $targetCity = "CityB">>
<<include $destination>>
<</nobr>><<if $reginaApp == "yes">>Regina is excited that you're on board. She sends you back to town and promises to forward information about the app once it's available.
<<elseif $reginaApp == "no">>Regina is disappointed, but she understands your decision. She sends you back to town with her contact information and says that she'd like to keep in touch.
<<else>>Regina winces visibly before putting a smile back on her face. "It's those kinds of perceptive observations that would make you such an asset for my organization," she says. She sends you back to town with her contact information and asks you to reconsider.
<</if>>Back at the diner, Joan demands a full report.<<if $luanneChoice == "keep">>
You bring her up to speed while your truck bursts into flames. It's an un-salveagable wreck by the time you're done talking.
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[It's time to see Dan again.->truckOffer]].</li><<if $cScore > 0>><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Unless you want to try appealing to Cody Beaker.->askCody]]</li><</if>></ul>
For now, you both agree that you should [[continue making deliveries->arrivalB]].<</if>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/danLot1.gif width=100%>
<<set $hasTruck = "no">>
<</nobr>>It turns that Dan has some pretty sweet trucks available at this level, now that you have a proven track record of paying off your loans.
Unfortunately, Dan explains that there's a national comma shortage, which means that neither your outstanding balance nor your loan payments will be able to use them. He earnestly hopes that you don't get confused, because it would be just <i>terrible</i> if you made a mistake and sent him too much money.
<<button [[ACCEPT HIS TERMS->arrivalB]]>><<set $destination = "Centerville">><<include $destination>><<include fourthLoanCode>><<set $targetCity = "CityB">><</button>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/reginaT2Site.gif width=100%>
<<if $reginaMeet == "announce">><p style="text-align:center"><b>"Hey, I've got this <<print $load>> for you."</b></p><hr />
"I know!" Regina says. "I'm very excited about it. This <<print $load>> will be an important part of our self-driving tRuck project."
<<elseif $reginaMeet == "wait">>You wait quitely for Regina to continue.
"This <<print $load>> will be an important part of our self-driving tRuck project," Regina says.
<<else>><<set$money += 500>><p style="text-align:center"><b>"Yo, am I gonna get paid for this?"</b></p><hr />
Regina doesn't hesitate for a second. "Of course! This <<print $load>> will be an important part of our self-driving tRuck project," she says.
<</if>>You've only spent a short amount of time with Regina, but you're beginning to see why she gets so much media coverage. Her excitement is contagious as she takes you by the arm and starts walking into the factory.
"Come with me. I want to show you what the future looks like."
It looks like you'll be inspecting the factory:
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Keep your eyes open.->t2Tour]] Joan will want a full report.</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Pay attention to Regina.->t2Tour]] This is starting to sound like a recruitment pitch.</li></ul><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/joanBooth.gif width=100%>
<<if $luanneChoice == "keep">>You have saved Luanne from making a terrible mistake, although the life expectancy of your truck has gotten a little bit shorter.
<<elseif $luanneChoice == "sell">><<set $jobtitle = "Repentant">>Well, it was worth a shot. You return Luanne's $500 and wish her luck finding another vehicle.
<<elseif $luanneChoice == "heartless">><<set $jobtitle = "Heartless Monster">>You ignore Luanne and enter the diner. You earned that $500 by teaching her a valuable lesson about the cutthroat world of trucking success.
<</if>>When you meet Joan at her booth, she seems agitated.
"Something's going on with that Towers lady," Joan says. "Joe has been strutting around town bragging, and he's even more obnoxious than usual. It sounds like they're almost ready to test their self-driving truck."
"They're also requesting more deliveries for their T2 headquarters," she continues. "I think you should use it as a chance to snoop around."
If you <i>don't</i> use it as a chance to snoop around, you can tell that Joan will keep badgering you about it.
This time, you might even get paid.<<if $thirdLoad == "electronics" or $thirdLoad == "equipment">>
<<button [[Take Contract->fourthChoice]]>><<set $load = "load of custom plastic cases">><<set $destination = "T2 Headquarters">><<set $tripTime = 1>><<if $thirdLoad == "electronics">><<set $remainingLoad = "equipment">><<else>><<set $remainingLoad = "electronics">><</if>><</button>> A load of custom plastic cases.<</if>><<if $thirdLoad == "cases" or $thirdLoad == "equipment">>
<<button [[Take Contract->fourthChoice]]>><<set $load = "shipment of Golden Frog electronics">><<set $destination = "T2 Headquarters">><<set $tripTime = 1>><<if $thirdLoad == "cases">><<set $remainingLoad = "equipment">><<else>><<set $remainingLoad = "cases">><</if>><</button>> A shipment of Golden Frog electronics.<</if>><<if $thirdLoad == "electronics" or $thirdLoad == "cases">>
<<button [[Take Contract->fourthChoice]]>><<set $load = "delivery of surgical equipment">><<set $destination = "T2 Headquarters">><<set $tripTime = 1>><<if $thirdLoad == "electronics">><<set $remainingLoad = "cases">><<else>><<set $remainingLoad = "electronics">><</if>><</button>> A delivery of surgical equipment.<</if>><p style="text-align:center">Dan is an utter ratbag.</p><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/fightIt.gif width=100%>
<<set $loanExplain = "yes">>
After spending most of a day on the phone with Smilin’ Dan’s Finance Company, you have learned a few things:<ol>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">The interest rate on your loan is indeed 2.5%.</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">But interest compounds four times between payments, so it’s more like you’re paying 10% interest.</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">You can only make payments during “designated payment periods.”</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">Failure to pay will result in dire physical consequences</li></ol>Nobody said that last part out loud, but it was heavily implied.
You kept a copy of your loan agreement, and it supports everything you were told on the phone — although the agreement uses bigger words and rarely states anything clearly. For all you know, there could be more unpleasant surprises to uncover.
<<if $targetCity == "CityA">>
<<button [[ACCEPT->arrivalA]]>>
<<set $firstCargo.shuffle()>>
<<set $secondCargo.shuffle()>>
<<set $highOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $medOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $aPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $bPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $cPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $failBecause.shuffle()>>
<</button>> Make the best of a bad situation.
<<elseif $targetCity == "CityB">>
<<button [[ACCEPT->arrivalB]]>>
<<set $firstCargo.shuffle()>>
<<set $secondCargo.shuffle()>>
<<set $highOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $medOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $aPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $bPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $cPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $failBecause.shuffle()>>
<</button>> Make the best of a bad situation.
<<button [[ACCEPT->arrivalC]]>>
<<set $firstCargo.shuffle()>>
<<set $secondCargo.shuffle()>>
<<set $highOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $medOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $aPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $bPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $cPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $failBecause.shuffle()>>
<</button>> Make the best of a bad situation.
<<nobr>><<button [[REJECT->stillFightingLoan]]>>
<<set $firstCargo.shuffle()>>
<<set $secondCargo.shuffle()>>
<<set $highOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $medOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $aPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $bPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $cPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $failBecause.shuffle()>>
<</button>> Find a lawyer and fight! (It could take a while)<</nobr>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/fightIt.gif width=100%>
<<set $loanClock -= 1>>
You have now talked with several lawyers, and almost all of them said the same thing: You’re hosed.
The last lawyer was the most helpful, not because he was willing to fight on your behalf, but because he explained the situation more clearly than the others.
Dan isn’t running a successful truck dealership. He's successfully issuing high-interest loans that use trucks as collateral. The loans make enormous piles of cash, and the dealership is more of an interest-adjacent hobby.
Over the years, he has issued enough loans, made enough money, and fended off enough lawsuits to craft an ironclad legal agreement. Continuing to fight this would be a tremendous waste of resources.
Dan was telling the truth when he said that you’d completely pay off your loan after 12 payments. And you can make more than one payment at a time, which would limit Dan’s ability to collect interest.
Unfortunately, you’ve spent so long trying to fight this that you can only make 3 deliveries before your next installment is due.
<<include questOver>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/danLot1.gif width=100%>
<<set $jerkPoints += 3>>
<<set $hasTruck = "no">>
<<set $jobtitle = "Savvy Capitalist">>
<</nobr>>After selling your truck to Luanne, you don't waste any time getting back to Dan's dealership for a new vehicle. Dan is surprised to see you, but he's always ready to take your money.
It turns out that he has some pretty sweet trucks available now that you have a proven track record of paying off your debt.
Unfortunately, Dan explains that there's a national comma shortage, which means that neither your outstanding balance nor your loan payments will be able to use them. He earnestly hopes that you don't get confused, because it would be just <i>terrible</i> if you made a mistake and sent him too much money.
<<button [[ACCEPT HIS TERMS->luanneWreck]]>><<set $destination = "Centerville">><<include $destination>><<include fourthLoanCode>><<set $targetCity = "CityB">><</button>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/boxTruckFire.gif width=100%>
<<include fourthLoanCode>>
When you return to the parking lot of the Good Eats Diner, Luanne is a complete mess. She's crumpled on the ground in a heap, sobbing in front of the flaming wreckage that used to be her truck.
What will you do?
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Return Luanne's money,->fourthDelivery][$luanneChoice = "sell", $money -= 500, $jerkPoints -= 3]] because she shouldn't give up on her dreams.</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Ignore her and enter the diner,->fourthDelivery][$luanneChoice = "heartless"]] because this is no longer your problem.</li></ul><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "There are a lot of medical research facilities in Fort Smith, but you find the right one and make your delivery on time.",
badDel: "Not every shipment of $load is especially time-sensitive, but the medical lab is quite upset about your delayed arrival.",
marketReact: "The medical research labs at Fort Smith have a reputation for conducting tests with a wide variety of materials. Your delivery of $load is certain to assist with their scientific inquiries.",
notable: "The rumors of escaped abominations haunting the sewers of Fort Smith and roaming its streets at night are almost certainly false.",
worldStateA: "Fort Smith has always been on the cutting edge of medical research. You learn about three new ailments during a single commercial break, but all of them are now treatable. And a variety of payment options are available.",
worldStateB: "Another one of Fort Smith’s pharmaceutical companies is announcing layoffs. All the big employers in the area have been cutting costs now that medical patents are less profitable.",
worldStateC: "Another one of Fort Smith’s pharmaceutical companies is announcing layoffs. All the big employers in the area have been cutting costs now that medical patents are less profitable.",
worldStateAB: "Fort Smith has always been on the cutting edge of medical research. You learn about three new ailments during a single commercial break, but all of them are now treatable. And a variety of payment options are available.",
worldStateCA: "A CEO from one of Fort Smith’s pharmaceutical companies is in the news. He’s very concerned about the amount of time that the government takes to approve new medical treatments.",
worldStateBC: "Another one of Fort Smith’s pharmaceutical companies is announcing layoffs. All the big employers in the area have been cutting costs now that medical patents are less profitable.",
worldStateN: "A CEO from one of Fort Smith’s pharmaceutical companies is in the news. He’s very concerned about the amount of time that the government takes to approve new medical treatments.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Fort Smith"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Your delivery has successfully made it to one of Kearney's many rural farmsteads. It's always best to wrap up these assignments quickly, because the town's farmers are notoriously paranoid.",
badDel: "First, you had to provide an explanation for why you failed to make your delivery on time. Then you had to prove that you weren't secretly working for tax collectors. The farmers in Kearney are notoriously paranoid, and it took a while to calm them down.",
marketReact: "Kearney's farms pride themselves on their self-reliance, but they can't make their own $load. Your delivery is received with excitement.",
notable: "There's not much to do once your delivery has been made. When the sun goes down, the farmers all retreat to their own heavily guarded compounds.",
worldStateA: "One of Kearney’s more paranoid residents has published an opinion piece warning about the government’s latest plots to seize land and overturn property rights.",
worldStateB: "Kearney’s sovereign citizen movement has become more influential recently, campaigning to lower the tax rate and close local government offices.",
worldStateC: "Kearney residents are outraged by high taxes, and they’d organize protests if they were the kind of people who believed in collective action.",
worldStateAB: "Kearney’s sovereign citizen movement has become more influential recently, campaigning to lower the tax rate and close local government offices.",
worldStateCA: "Kearney residents are outraged by high taxes, and they’d organize protests if they were the kind of people who believed in collective action.",
worldStateBC: "One of Kearney’s more paranoid residents has published an opinion piece warning about the government’s latest plots to seize land and overturn property rights.",
worldStateN: "One of Kearney’s more paranoid residents has published an opinion piece warning about the government’s latest plots to seize land and overturn property rights.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Kearney"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Nice work! This was an important delivery of $load for the Plainview Monastery, and you didn't let them down.",
badDel: "You're in a lot of trouble for failing this delivery. The Plainview Monastery needed this delivery of $load to continue their work without interruption, and you screwed it up. Your consequences in the afterlife may be dire.",
marketReact: "The Plainview Monastery never seems to have enough $load on hand. Your delivery was sorely needed.",
notable: "They say that the monastery is the country's oldest continually operating spiritual center. It has even been used in a few movies that needed background shots of exotic locales.",
worldStateA: "Several new businesses have sprung up to offer spiritual experiences for wealthy tourists. The Plainview Monastery has been under a lot of pressure to follow their example.",
worldStateB: "The Plainview Monastery is collecting funds for some much-needed repair and preservation work.",
worldStateC: "The Plainview Monastery will be offering public services later this week. Increased support from the government has allowed it to accommodate visitors without compromising its spiritual purpose.",
worldStateAB: "Several new businesses have sprung up to offer spiritual experiences for wealthy tourists. The Plainview Monastery has been under a lot of pressure to follow their example.",
worldStateCA: "The Plainview Monastery is collecting funds for some much-needed repair and preservation work.",
worldStateBC: "The Plainview Monastery will be offering public services later this week. Increased support from the government has allowed it to accommodate visitors without compromising its spiritual purpose.",
worldStateN: "The Plainview Monastery is collecting funds for some much-needed repair and preservation work.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Plainview"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "You coast into Warrensburg without any problems. That's a good thing, because they already have enough problems in Warrensburg.",
badDel: "The citizens of Warrensburg are used to tough breaks, but they're still pretty upset that you screwed up this delivery.",
marketReact: "Warrensburg's latest startup has requested this delivery of $load as part of their work revolutionizing the paradigm of modern thought leadership. Hopefully, they'll last longer than Warrensburg's previous startup.",
notable: "This scrappy mining town has refused to quit pivoting in in its persistent attempts to become the next big tech incubator. ",
worldStateA: "Warrensburg is excited about its new initiative to promote business interests.",
worldStateB: "Warrensburg is excited about its new initiative to promote local independence.",
worldStateC: "Warrensburg is excited about its new initiative to promote better governance.",
worldStateAB: "Warrensburg is excited about its new initiative to promote local, independent businesses.",
worldStateCA: "Warrensburg is excited about its new initiative to promote better governance in business.",
worldStateBC: "Warrensburg is excited about its new initiative to promote independent governments.",
worldStateN: "Warrensburg is excited. Just generally excited.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Warrensburg"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Nice job! The megachurches in Bean Station have a repuation for being demanding clients, so it was important to handle this without any problems.",
badDel: "The Bean Station megachurches all look the same to you, which made your failure even worse. These people don't like being let down, and they don't like to acknowledge the existence of other churches.",
marketReact: "All of the Bean Station megachurches stress that material possessions are unimportant, but they still demand regular shipments of $load.",
notable: "These churches are some of the most powerful faith-based organizations in the country. Some of the larger churches operate businesses, media companies, and even satellite communications networks for the greater glory of God. ",
worldStateA: "Two of Bean Station’s more substantial megachurches are announcing a mega-merger. Their combined assets will be worth several billion dollars. Pastors from both organizations have issued statements about how this will allow them to continue the Lord’s work by raising funds more efficiently.",
worldStateB: "The megachurches of Bean Station would like you to know that God loves everyone, but God makes sure to show that love to the people who make donations.",
worldStateC: "A high-profile pastor is currently being investigated for tax fraud. Prosecutors are questioning some of the operating expenses that were incurred by his non-profit organization.",
worldStateAB: "Two of Bean Station’s more substantial megachurches are announcing a mega-merger. Their combined assets will be worth several billion dollars. Pastors from both organizations have issued statements about how this will allow them to continue the Lord’s work by raising funds more efficiently.",
worldStateCA: "Two of Bean Station’s more substantial megachurches are announcing a mega-merger. Their combined assets will be worth several billion dollars. Pastors from both organizations have issued statements about how this will allow them to continue the Lord’s work by raising funds more efficiently.",
worldStateBC: "A high-profile pastor is currently being investigated for tax fraud. Prosecutors are questioning some of the operating expenses that were incurred by his non-profit organization.",
worldStateN: "The megachurches of Bean Station would like you to know that God loves everyone, but God makes sure to show that love to the people who make donations.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Bean Station"
<img src=images/locations/t2site.gif width=100%>
<<set $hasMetRegina = "yes">>
...eventually. The T2 site will <i>eventually</i> be a cutting-edge innovation center.
Right now, there's a crumbling factory, a huge empty warehouse, and a giant parking lot that has lost a lot of ground to invasive plant life. It's all surrounded by a neglected chain-link fence.
A gleaming yellow behemoth of a truck is sitting quietly inside the gates.
Regina Towers greets you warmly. "I've heard a lot about you," she says. "Joe tells me that you're the second greatest trucker alive today."
Her augmented reality glasses are flickering with information updates, and her tPad is buzzing with notifications, but all her attention is focused on you. It's flattering.
How are you going to handle this?
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Tell her that you're here with a delivery.->reginaChoice][$reginaMeet = "announce"]]</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[See if she has more to say.->reginaChoice][$reginaMeet = "wait"]]</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[Ask her whether you're going to get paid for this.->reginaChoice][$reginaMeet = "payment"]]</li></ul><<nobr>>
<<if $targetCity == "CityA">>
<<button [[ACCEPT->arrivalA]]>>
<<set $firstCargo.shuffle()>>
<<set $secondCargo.shuffle()>>
<<set $highOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $medOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $aPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $bPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $cPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $failBecause.shuffle()>>
<</button>> "Sounds great, let's keep rolling."
<<elseif $targetCity == "CityB">>
<<button [[ACCEPT->arrivalB]]>>
<<set $firstCargo.shuffle()>>
<<set $secondCargo.shuffle()>>
<<set $highOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $medOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $aPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $bPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $cPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $failBecause.shuffle()>>
<</button>> "Sounds great, let's keep rolling."
<<button [[ACCEPT->arrivalC]]>>
<<set $firstCargo.shuffle()>>
<<set $secondCargo.shuffle()>>
<<set $highOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $medOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $aPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $bPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $cPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $failBecause.shuffle()>>
<</button>> "Sounds great, let's keep rolling."
<<nobr>><<button [[REJECT->loanFight]]>>
<<set $firstCargo.shuffle()>>
<<set $secondCargo.shuffle()>>
<<set $highOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $medOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $lowOptions.shuffle()>>
<<set $aPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $bPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $cPool.shuffle()>>
<<set $failBecause.shuffle()>>
<</button>> "Wait, that math doesn't seem right."<</nobr>><img src=images/locations/lockedDoor.gif width=100%>Your tour of the building requires a very active imagination. Regina spends most of her time talking about what <i>will</i> be at the T2 site, and you see very little evidence of anything happening right now. The whole building looks unstable, and a few rooms are ready to collapse at any moment.
The least damaged part of the building is sealed off behind a locked door. "I'd love to show you how our self-driving tRuck project is coming along, but it's still in development," Regina says. Her gaze lingers on the door as she steers you in a different direction.
Occasionally, Regina pauses the tour to fidget with her glasses and check the notifications on her tPad. For the rest of the time, you are the sole focus of her attention.
There is one noteworthy exception — you startle a lizard in one of the back rooms, and Regina freezes in place. All of her muscles are tensed. In your head, you start slowly counting to ten, making it past six before she resumes her talk like nothing happened.
"And it's only a matter of time before our market capitalization is bigger than Facebook, Apple, and Google combined," she says. "But before we can get there, I'll need your help."
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[You already know that you want to be a part of this.->appRequest]]</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[[You want more details before you commit to anything.->appRequest]]</li></ul>
<img src=images/locations/reginaT2Site.gif width=100%>
<<set $destination = "Centerville">>
<</nobr>>"Towercorp is launching a new app for on-demand shipping services. It will transform supply chains, revolutionize shipping paradigms, and usher in a new age of rapid deliveries on demand." Regina studies your reaction, and you can tell that she's scanning you with her tech-enabled glasses as well as her eyes.
"You should become one of our drivers," she says. "It's a great opportunity."
She's waiting for a response:
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[["Yes."->dinerReturn][$reginaApp = "yes"]]</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[["No, but I'll think about it."->dinerReturn][$reginaApp = "no"]]</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">[["Why should drivers join an on-demand freight service run by a company that's trying to replace them with machines?"->dinerReturn][$reginaApp = "challenge"]]</li></ul><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/choosing.gif width=100%>
<</nobr>><p style="text-align:center"><b>Delivering yourself to safety</b></p><hr />
Are you feeling lucky?
<<button [[CHOOSE THIS->hasLaptopYes]]>><<set $hasTablet = "yes">><</button>> I could do this in my sleep — that lunatic will be kept busy by her lizard people hallucinations. I have enough time for some casual looting, and that tablet looks like a great place to start.
<<button [[CHOOSE THIS->hasLaptopNo]]>><<set $hasTablet = "no">><</button>> I'm going to stay alert — another encounter with Regina could be fatal. I don't want to waste any time getting to Dan's truck and making a run for it.<img src=images/locations/reginaJoeRoom.gif width=100%>
Your first thought is that part of the building must have collapsed.
Regina's first thought is something else.
Her tPad slips from her grasp, and she lets out a terrified shriek. "THE ILLUMINATI!"
She runs out of the room, and you can hear her yelling. "You may have found me, but I'm not letting you lizard people take me down without a fight!"
[[It's a good time to get the hell out of here.->finalEasyChoice]]<img src=images/locations/escape.gif width=100%>
Fortune may favor the bold, but you favor getting to safety before the deranged lunatic carves open your skull to copy your brain.
It might be a smart call.
Joe's truck is missing its engine cover, but it's still in working condition — the keys have even been left in the ignition.
You leave in a hurry. In the rear view mirror, it looks like the place has caught on fire.
[[Time to plan your next move.->noFinalFaction]]<<nobr>><img src=images/locations/choosing.gif width=100%><</nobr>>
<hr />
<p style="text-align:center"><b>Delivering your story to someone who can help</b></p><hr />
Now that you can expose Regina Towers as a fraud and a murderer, what will you do?
<<if $worldState == "BC">>
<<button [[CHOOSE THIS->bestPossibleEnding]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $worldState == "S">>
<<button [[CHOOSE THIS->aLoserWhoDidNotEngage]]>><</button>> <<else>>
<<button [[CHOOSE THIS->yesHarmony]]>>
<</button>><</if>><</nobr>> Bring this profitable information to hedge fund manager <<popup "Harmony Locke" "harmonyPopup">>, because market discipline will correct TowerCorp's excesses.
<<if $worldState == "CA">>
<<button [[CHOOSE THIS->bestPossibleEnding]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $worldState == "S">>
<<button [[CHOOSE THIS->aLoserWhoDidNotEngage]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->yesSamson]]>><</button>><</if>><</nobr>> Discuss Regina's immoral concentration of power with pro-citizen privacy activist <<popup "Samson Fawkes" "samsonPopup">>, because no single person should wield enough influence to get away with murder.
<<nobr>><<if $worldState == "AB">><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->bestPossibleEnding]]>><</button>><<elseif $worldState == "S">><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->aLoserWhoDidNotEngage]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->yesCody]]>><</button>><</if>><</nobr>> Share this data with technocrat politician <<popup "Cody Beaker" "codyPopup">>, because the public should be warned that Regina and her company are a threat to the entire country.
<<nobr>><</nobr>><<if $worldState == "N">><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->bestPossibleEnding]]>><</button>><<elseif $worldState == "S">><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->aLoserWhoDidNotEngage]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->yesMayor]]>><</button>><</if>> Dump this whole mess in the lap of Centerville's Mayor, Fiorello Stinkhole VI. None of this has anything to do with driving trucks.<<nobr>>
<img src=images/characters/reginaContactList.gif width=100%>
<p style="text-align:center"><b>Think carefully before you act.</b></p><hr />
Your other contacts asked you to perform tasks that changed the world you knew.
Regina is a high-profile figure who wields global influence. Working with her could introduce permanent changes — you should be sure that you're ready before proceeding.
On the other hand, she will seek you out herself once you become too successful to ignore. And she might help you escape Dan's influence.
It's your choice:
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"Yes, [[I am ready.->fifthAct]]"</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"No, [[I want to return to my comfortable routine.->sideQuest]]"</li></ul><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/tUberX.gif width=100%>
<</nobr>>tUberX drivers are notorious for being in a hurry to pick up their next fare, and this one is no exception. This driver does nothing to conceal his irritation over having to drive such a long way outside of town.
The tUberX car zooms out of sight, leaving you alone in the parking lot. Joe's gleaming yellow behemoth of a truck is here, but someone has been working on it. The engine covering has been removed.
[[Joe is normally too focused on his image to let something like this happen.->unraveling]]<img src=images/locations/escape.gif width=100%>
You pick up the tPad that Regina dropped. It may come in handy.
Everything else is encrusted with the remains of Gleaming Joe Brady. There's no way you're going to touch it.
Joe's truck is missing its engine cover, but it's still in working condition — the keys have even been left in the ignition.
You leave in a hurry. In the rear view mirror, it looks like the place has caught on fire.
[[Time to plan your next move.->yesFinalFaction]]<img src=images/locations/choosing.gif width=100%><hr /><p style="text-align:center"><b>Delivering your story to someone who can help</b></p><hr />
Now that you can expose Regina Towers as a fraud and a murderer, what will you do?
<<if $jerkPoints > 3>><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->worstEnding]]>><</button>><<elseif $worldState == "S">><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->aLoserWhoDidNotEngage]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->noHarmony]]>><</button>><</if>> Bring this profitable information to hedge fund manager <<popup "Harmony Locke" "harmonyPopup">>, because market discipline will correct TowerCorp's excesses.
<<if $jerkPoints > 3>><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->worstEnding]]>><</button>><<elseif $worldState == "S">><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->aLoserWhoDidNotEngage]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->noSamson]]>><</button>><</if>> Discuss Regina's immoral concentration of power with pro-citizen privacy activist <<popup "Samson Fawkes" "samsonPopup">>, because no single person should wield enough influence to get away with murder.
<<if $jerkPoints > 3>><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->worstEnding]]>><</button>><<elseif $worldState == "S">><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->aLoserWhoDidNotEngage]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->noCody]]>><</button>><</if>> Share this data with technocrat politician <<popup "Cody Beaker" "codyPopup">>, because the public should be warned that Regina and her company are a threat to the entire country.
<<if $jerkPoints > 3>><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->worstEnding]]>><</button>><<elseif $worldState == "S">><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->aLoserWhoDidNotEngage]]>><</button>><<else>><<button [[CHOOSE THIS->noMayor]]>><</button>><</if>> Dump this whole mess in the lap of Centerville's Mayor, Fiorello Stinkhole VI. None of this has anything to do with driving trucks.<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/credits.gif width=100%>
Joe is dead, the T2 site has burned to the ground, and Regina Towers is accusing you of being responsible for it all. It's a good thing that you have her tPad, because it proves your innocence.
Harmony knew enough about TowerCorp’s impending collapse to make a lot of smart investments that paid off handsomely. The data from Regina's tPad helped her make even more money that she uses to lobby for a more favorable business environment. Your country now offers a nice life for people who can afford it, but everyone else is left hustling to pay for basic necessities.
Joan eventually spends all the money she had saved for retirement. She starts a new business to make ends meet, opening up a trucking school.
Smilin’ Dan has been ruined. He made leveraged investments in TowerCorp, and Harmony scooped up his business at fire sale prices once it failed. With Harmony watching his every move, none of Dan's new business ventures manage to get off the ground.
The game is over. Now go out and set your own terms.<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/credits.gif width=100%>
Joe is dead, the T2 site has burned to the ground, and Regina Towers is accusing you of being responsible for it all. It's a good thing that you have her tPad, because it proves your innocence.
Samson Fawkes and his network think that nobody should ever become as powerful as Regina Towers, and they use the information from her tablet to do something about it.
Regina had close connections with influential people in business and government — a former Minister of Defense sits on TowerCorp’s board of directors. Everyone in her network learned valuable lessons about cybersecurity and the importance of safeguarding personal information.
One day, they may even rebuild their lives to the point where those lessons are useful.
Smilin' Dan was also driven out of business. Phishing attacks destroyed his credit, his reputation, and his ability to access the internet.
Samson and other concerned citizens make it difficult for large businesses to operate in the county, and the permanent opposition to big government has crippled any attempts to sustain federal infrastructure.
Joan eventually spends all the money she had saved for retirement. She starts a new business to make ends meet, opening up a trucking school.
Government and businesses remain small, and most people do things themselves or not at all. It’s a great life for people who have the skills necessary to flourish, but everyone else is pretty uncomfortable.
The game is over. Now go out and set your own terms.<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/credits.gif width=100%>
Joe is dead, the T2 site has burned to the ground, and Regina Towers is accusing you of being responsible for it all. It's a good thing that you have her tPad, because it proves your innocence.
Cody Beaker goes public with the details from Regina's tPad and her entire company collapses. He uses the incident as a case for open, transparent government. He is elected to office and enacts a sweeping series of reforms.
Joan is moved by the wave of civic responsibility that sweeps the nation, and she opens up a trucking school to train the next generation of drivers.
Dan's business suffers substantial losses due to leveraged investments that he had made in TowerCorp. Cody's new laws to curb predatory lending end up shutting down Dan's business completely.
The game is over. Now go out and set your own terms.<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/credits.gif width=100%>
Joe is dead, the T2 site has burned to the ground, and Regina Towers is accusing you of being responsible for it all. It's a good thing that you have her tPad, because it proves your innocence.
The thing about Mayor Stinkhole (VI) is that he backs whichever faction happens to be winning.
Harmony Locke makes investments that realize huge gains when Regina Towers is exposed as a fraud.
Cody Beaker uses the story of Regina Towers and TowerCorp as a case for open, transparent government. He is elected to office.
Samson Fawkes and his network think that nobody should ever become as powerful as Regina Towers, and they use the information from her tablet to do something about it, exploiting her contacts to sow distrust and dismantle power networks.
And Dan had made some highly leveraged investments in TowerCorp, so he goes bankrupt.
The game is over. Now go out and set your own terms.<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/credits.gif width=100%>
You left Regina’s tablet behind, which is a problem. She claims that you killed Gleaming Joe and set the fire at the T2 site.
Harmony Locke has access to satellite imagery that clears your name — it shows that Joe’s truck had been immobile at the T2 site for quite some time before your arrival.
<<if $loanBalance > 0>>Your involvement in the T2 site disaster keeps you off the road for a while. Dan ends up repossessing your truck by using <i>another</i> obscure clause buried in the loan agreement that required you to keep working. On the bright side, you're finally free of that contract.
<</if>>Dan takes a loss on the leveraged investments that he had made in TowerCorp, but he’s still in business.
So that's the end. [[Unless you want to rethink your decision at the T2 site?->finalEasyChoice]]<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/credits.gif width=100%>
You left Regina’s tablet behind, which is a problem. She claims that you killed Gleaming Joe and set the fire at the T2 site.
Samson Fawkes ends up doing the unthinkable — he shares information about his covert citizens’ network that clears your name. He proves that you weren’t at the T2 site.
<<if $loanBalance > 0>>Your involvement in the T2 site disaster keeps you off the road for a while. Dan ends up repossessing your truck by using <i>another</i> obscure clause buried in the loan agreement that required you to keep working. On the bright side, you're finally free of that contract.
<</if>>Dan takes a loss on the leveraged investments that he had made in TowerCorp, but he’s still in business.
So that's the end. [[Unless you want to rethink your decision at the T2 site?->finalEasyChoice]]<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/credits.gif width=100%>
You left Regina’s tablet behind, which is a problem. She claims that you killed Gleaming Joe and set the fire at the T2 site.
Cody Beaker has access to traffic camera footage that clears your name — it shows that Joe left town and never came back several days before you headed out to the T2 site.
<<if $loanBalance > 0>>Your involvement in the T2 site disaster keeps you off the road for a while. Dan ends up repossessing your truck by using <i>another</i> obscure clause buried in the loan agreement that required you to keep working. On the bright side, you're finally free of that contract.
<</if>>Dan takes a loss on the leveraged investments that he had made in TowerCorp, but he’s still in business.
So that's the end. [[Unless you want to rethink your decision at the T2 site?->finalEasyChoice]]<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/credits.gif width=100%>
You left Regina’s tablet behind, which is a problem. She claims that you killed Gleaming Joe and set the fire at the T2 site. And Mayor Stinkhole (VI) does absolutely nothing to help you; he's not willing to challenge Regina Towers directly.
Luckily, Harmony Locke has access to satellite imagery that clears your name — it shows that Joe’s truck had been immobile at the T2 site for quite some time before your arrival. And Cody Beaker has access to traffic camera footage showing that Joe left town and never came back several days before you headed out to the T2 site.
<<if $loanBalance > 0>>Your involvement in the T2 site disaster keeps you off the road for a while. Dan ends up repossessing your truck by using <i>another</i> obscure clause buried in the loan agreement that required you to keep working. On the bright side, you're finally free of that contract.
<</if>>Dan takes a loss on the leveraged investments that he had made in TowerCorp, but he’s still in business.
So that's the end. [[Unless you want to rethink your decision at the T2 site?->finalEasyChoice]] <<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/lockedDoor.gif width=100%>
<<if $endGameQuote == "plans">>Regina looks at you with disgust. "If you've made a backup plan, then <i>you have planned to fail</i>," she spits.<<else>>Regina checks her tablet, giving no indication that she heard you.<</if>>
Regina was intently focused on you during your last visit, and that focus is completely gone. The commanding presence that you knew from TED talks and inspirational speeches has been replaced by scattered bursts of thought.
"Can I trust...?" she starts. Then she looks at the tablet. "I need to..." then she looks at the locked door. After taking a deep breath and looking at her tablet again, she collects herself.
"This is important. I'm about to bring you into my most intimate circle of trust, and I need to know that I can rely on you." The tablet buzzes again, and her concentration is broken.
You don't have a chance to respond before she turns to unlock the door.
[[Then she's opening the door and dragging you inside.->anteroomSecondChoice]]<img src=images/locations/reginaJoeRoom.gif width=100%>
Something has gone very wrong.
It's the obvious message displayed on a computer screen in this room, and it's the more subtle message implied by the mutilated corpse of Gleaming Joe Brady, which is also in this room.
Joe's body is slumped in a chair. Something horrible has been done to his skull. Gory surgical equipment<<if $thirdLoad == "equipment">>, recognizable as part of the shipment that Joe presented to Regina at the parade,<</if>> has been discarded nearby. A small tank near the computer holds some gray matter.
<<if $joeTheft == "payBack">>You had wanted to get revenge after Joe stole credit for your delivery, but it looks like Regina got to him first. <</if>>Regina has been breathlessly trying to explain something to you.
"It's copying, see?" She grabs a Golden Frog tablet from a corner of the room. "This is just a cheap copy of an iPad, but what happens when we give it a new case?" She snaps one of the custom plastic cases over it and declares, "it's now a cutting-edge tPad. Everybody wants one!"
"And how do you think I started tUber? I copied the Uber platform!" Regina pulls her glasses off and fixes you in an unblinking gaze. "If I'm going to make a self-driving truck, I need to copy the brain of a trucker."
You have the distinct impression that her attempt to copy Joe's brain didn't go well.
[[The two of you are interrupted by a tremendous crash.->finalEasySetup]]<<nobr>>
<img src=images/characters/contactCody.gif width=100%>
<<set $askedCody = "yes">>
Cody is very sympathetic when you tell him about your problems with Dan, following the details closely as you explain the problem.
"Let me tell you a story," he says. "My parents came here from South America to start a better life. And do you know what they found? They found a community that welcomed them. In their new home, they were part of a society that made sure everyone's basic needs were met, no matter where they came from or what language they spoke."
Hopefully, he's going somewhere with this.
"I vowed that I would dedicate my life to strengthening that community, and to maintaining a society that supported everyone who was part of it." After sharing his origin story, Cody takes the deep breath of a man who has made an important decision.
"That's why I can't help you," he says. "It's important to implement far-reaching reforms that are going to improve commercial lending terms for everyone, not just to get a single person out of trouble. I'm sure you understand."
[[He wasn't much help.->truckOffer]]<<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Excellent! Inverness is known for its casinos, and none of them are known for tolerating failure.",
badDel: "You screwed up a delivery to one of the Inverness casinos. This is not a great long-term career strategy.",
marketReact: "Nobody raises an eyebrow when your delivery of $load is brought into the casino's vault for storage.",
notable: "Inverness has come a long way from its humble origins as a site for goat jousting.",
worldStateA: "Sure, there are some news reports discussing crime in connection with the Inverness casinos, but it's not like they're serious crimes.",
worldStateB: "Either the casinos of Inverness have done a great job of policing themselves, or they're doing a great job of keeping negative stories out of the press.",
worldStateC: "Everyone is complaining about the changing character of Inverness now that gambling is under strict government regulation. Many casinos have been also been bought by large hospitality conglomerates that have restricted some activities to appear more family friendly.",
worldStateAB: "Either the casinos of Inverness have done a great job of policing themselves, or they're doing a great job of keeping negative stories out of the press.",
worldStateCA: "Everyone is complaining about the changing character of Inverness now that gambling is under strict government regulation. Many casinos have been also been bought by large hospitality conglomerates that have restricted some activities to appear more family friendly.",
worldStateBC: "Sure, there are some news reports discussing crime in connection with the Inverness casinos, but it's not like they're serious crimes.",
worldStateN: "Sure, there are some news reports discussing crime in connection with the Inverness casinos, but it's not like they're serious crimes.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Inverness"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "If they ever made a movie about heroism in trucking, it would be based this delivery of $load that you brought to the medical community in Martins Ferry.",
badDel: "Dwelling on this failure may not be productive, but try to do better next time.",
marketReact: "Businesses in Martins Ferry generally take their lead from the hospital administrators — they’re efficient, organized, and actively addressing small problems before they become big ones. That’s why they requested this delivery of $load. It doesn’t seem terribly important now, but it will be necessary later.",
notable: "Martins Ferry is known for its advances in medical research and its active crochet enthusiast subculture.",
worldStateA: "The local news is running a series on the bleak state of healthcare in Martins Ferry. Doctors are leaving to take higher-paying jobs in Fort Smith, which is increases the number of patients for the overworked doctors who remain.",
worldStateB: "You notice a few public announcements asking for blood donors. It looks like local supplies are running low.",
worldStateC: "The Martins Ferry hospital system is receiving a generous amount of public funding, which has improved its capacity to treat patients and its ability to develop more effective treatments.",
worldStateAB: "The local news is running a series on the bleak state of healthcare in Martins Ferry. Doctors are leaving to take higher-paying jobs in Fort Smith, which is increases the number of patients for the overworked doctors who remain.",
worldStateCA: "The Martins Ferry hospital system is receiving a generous amount of public funding, which has improved its capacity to treat patients and its ability to develop more effective treatments.",
worldStateBC: "You notice a few public announcements asking for blood donors. It looks like local supplies are running low.",
worldStateN: "You notice a few public announcements asking for blood donors. It looks like local supplies are running low.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Martins Ferry"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Honestly, this delivery went so smoothly that the specific details of who you met and what they did with your delivery of $load are kind of a blur.",
badDel: "The stinging shame of failure makes it tough to focus on the specific details of who you met and what they did with your delivery of $load.",
marketReact: "It’s another day in Sherwood, and another delivery of $load for the local slaughterhouse. Best not to ask what they’ll use it for.",
notable: "Sherwood has been existing in the shadow of Jefferson City for quite some time. It’s not that the slaughterhouse in Sherwood is run-down or unclean, it’s just that the meat packing plant is a much classier facility.",
worldStateA: "The slaughterhouse has remained unaffected by changes in the national temperament. People will always need to eat.",
worldStateB: "The slaughterhouse has remained unaffected by changes in the national temperament. People will always need to eat.",
worldStateC: "The slaughterhouse has remained unaffected by changes in the national temperament. People will always need to eat.",
worldStateAB: "The slaughterhouse has remained unaffected by changes in the national temperament. People will always need to eat.",
worldStateCA: "The slaughterhouse has remained unaffected by changes in the national temperament. People will always need to eat.",
worldStateBC: "The slaughterhouse has remained unaffected by changes in the national temperament. People will always need to eat.",
worldStateN: "The slaughterhouse has remained unaffected by changes in the national temperament. People will always need to eat.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Sherwood"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Well done! The Cannonsburg Convention Center is now another satisfied client.",
badDel: "How does that saying go? If at first you don’t succeed, spend a few hours trying to soothe angry customers.",
marketReact: "You've delivered a shipment of $load to the convention center. It looks like they had enough already, but there's no point in arguing with them.",
notable: "The convention center was built on top of an ancient cemetery, but the enduring curse of its vengeful occupants only causes problems some of the time.",
worldStateA: "There's a packed schedule of business expos at the convention center this month.",
worldStateB: "There's a mix of upcoming events at the convention center, including concerts, trade shows, and an off-season bridal fair.",
worldStateC: "The Cannonsburg fencing school is in danger of closing. All weapons are heavily regulated, making it difficult to find either instructors or students.",
worldStateAB: "There's a packed schedule of business expos at the convention center this month.",
worldStateCA: "There's a packed schedule of business expos at the convention center this month.",
worldStateBC: "The Cannonsburg fencing school is in danger of closing. All weapons are heavily regulated, making it difficult to find either instructors or students.",
worldStateN: "There's a mix of upcoming events at the convention center, including concerts, trade shows, and an off-season bridal fair.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Cannonsburg"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Jefferson City's shopping mall really needed this delivery of $load. Well done!",
badDel: "If failure is the first step to success, then you’ve just gotten one hell of a head start.",
marketReact: "The shopping mall is planning some kind of advertising campaign that will use $load, but you don't understand the specific details.",
notable: "Let's be honest: this mall has the same energy as the ones you can find in Danville, Goldsboro, and Yelm.",
worldStateA: "The Federal government has opened another investigation into Jefferson City's local government. Some of their more unorthodox methods of collecting revenue may have crossed the line into illegal behavior.",
worldStateB: "Jefferson City's local government is having another round of budget planning. They're going to lower property taxes while raising traffic fines and license fees. The police department is funding itself almost entirely through civil asset forfeiture.",
worldStateC: "Jefferson City is in rough shape. The Federal government has restricted the local government's ability to collect fines, leaving many public services under-funded and operating on reduced schedules.",
worldStateAB: "Jefferson City's local government is having another round of budget planning. They're going to lower property taxes while raising traffic fines and license fees. The police department is funding itself almost entirely through civil asset forfeiture.",
worldStateCA: "Jefferson City is in rough shape. The Federal government has restricted the local government's ability to collect fines, leaving many public services under-funded and operating on reduced schedules.",
worldStateBC: "Jefferson City's local government is having another round of budget planning. They're going to lower property taxes while raising traffic fines and license fees. The police department is funding itself almost entirely through civil asset forfeiture.",
worldStateN: "The Federal government has opened another investigation into Jefferson City's local government. Some of their more unorthodox methods of collecting revenue may have crossed the line into illegal behavior.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Jefferson City"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "A successful delivery to the Oakdale Farmers Market! Spectacular!",
badDel: "Your client at the Oakdale Farmers Market isn’t angry with you, they’re just very disappointed.",
marketReact: "It's totally normal for a Farmers Market to need regular supplies of $load, and this market is no exception.",
notable: "However, your delivery is inspected very carefully. Everyone is on edge because of the increasing amounts of watermelon fraud.",
worldStateA: "Shopping at the Oakdale Farmers Market is a gamble. Sometimes you find bargains, and sometimes you only find overpriced garbage.",
worldStateB: "In all honesty, the Oakdale Farmers Market is like Thunderdome right now. It might have been Barter Town at one point, but if you don't know exactly what you're looking for and how much you should be paying for it, you will get ripped off.",
worldStateC: "New government regulations ensure that visitors to the Oakdale Farmers Market have a positive experience. Buyers can be confident that they're purchasing fresh produce from farmers that use environmentally sustainable methods.",
worldStateAB: "In all honesty, the Oakdale Farmers Market is like Thunderdome right now. It might have been Barter Town at one point, but if you don't know exactly what you're looking for and how much you should be paying for it, you will get ripped off.",
worldStateCA: "New government regulations ensure that visitors to the Oakdale Farmers Market have a positive experience. Buyers can be confident that they're purchasing fresh produce from farmers that use environmentally sustainable methods.",
worldStateBC: "Shopping at the Oakdale Farmers Market is a gamble. Sometimes you find bargains, and sometimes you only find overpriced garbage.",
worldStateN: "Shopping at the Oakdale Farmers Market is a gamble. Sometimes you find bargains, and sometimes you only find overpriced garbage.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Oakdale"
<img src=images/locations/joanBailout.gif width=100%>
<<set $gameOver = "badEnd">><<set $loanHelp = "yes">>Joan has tracked you down, and she is livid.
“Do you understand who you are dealing with?!”
Then her tone softens, and she looks regretful. “I wish I had known what kind of outfit Dan was running before I let you get your first truck. He used to issue student loans in the U.S. — he was deported because the terms of his loans were considered too abusive!”
You both pause while that sinks in. Even the issuers of student loans think that he’s too predatory.
“You have to make these payments, or else Dan will send people to find you.” Joan searches your eyes to see whether you understand what she’s saying. “Dan’s goons will be the last people who find you. After that, you’ll never be seen again!”
Joan has some money saved up to pay down the interest on your loan, and she thinks that she can cut a deal with Dan. It will give you four weeks to come up with the money for your next payment.
<b>"Stick to the easy missions for a while,"</b> Joan says. <b>"You'll be earning less money, but you'll make enough to keep up with your payments."</b>
<<include questOver>><<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/credits.gif width=100%>
<<if $worldState == "AB">>Delivering Regina's device to Cody allowed him to expose her as a fraud. He uses his popularity from the incident to build support for improved government oversight, and the movement rapidly evolves to become a key part of the political landscape.
Cody Beaker and his supporters become a counterweight that successfully blocks the worst excesses of unaccountable businesses run by charismatic founders.<<elseif $worldState == "CA">>Delivering Regina's device to Samson allowed his newtork of privacy activists to disrupt her operations and expose her as a fraud. The incident becomes a cautionary tale about allowing holding businesses and powerful political groups accountable.
Samson Fawkes and his allies continue to prevent governments and corporations from wielding too much power.<<elseif $worldState == "BC">>Delivering Regina's device to Harmony allowed her to make a second fortune during the market turmoil caused by TowerCorp's failure. She used that money to bail out towns, local governments, and pension plans that were in danger of insolvency, making a return on her investments while helping to repair the damage.
Harmony's actions showed how strategic business decisions can restore stability in a crisis, and she never missed an opportunity to remind people that money can serve a greater social purpose.<<elseif $worldState == "N">>Mayor Stinkhole (VI) immediately goes public with your information, and Regina Towers is ruined.<</if>>
The breakdown of Regina Towers and the collapse of TowerCorp has forced a lot of people to question their most closely held beliefs.
Harmony’s investigations had led her to avoid direct investments in Regina’s business. However, a lot of her partners were wiped out when TowerCorp was exposed as smoke and mirrors. She has realized that some information is too systemically important to remain with the highest bidder, and she took a job as manager of the country’s sovereign wealth fund. Now she funds new businesses and develops investment ideas in an environment of transparency and fairness.
Samson understood that Regina’s work at TowerCorp was suspect, but none of his contacts could work together long enough to expose her as a fraud. He has realized that some institutions are necessary to uphold the rights of individuals, and he agreed to serve as chair of the newly created Citizens Privacy Council. His work makes sure that corporations and government agencies have enough information to function while limiting their ability to grow too powerful.
Cody Beaker’s publicly available information could have stopped Regina in her tracks, but it was overlooked in favor of more pressing developmental goals. He has realized that a profit motive can be a useful way to prioritize activities, and his plans for government have been adapted to allow free markets to have greater influence.
Smilin’ Dan has been utterly ruined. He made leveraged investments in TowerCorp that have failed, and Harmony scooped up his business at fire sale prices. Samson’s connections were able to use the contact details stored on Regina’s tPad to conduct phishing attacks that have destroyed his credit, his reputation, and his ability to access the internet. And Cody has implemented predatory lending laws that will prevent similar abuses from happening in the future.
Once everything at the T2 site became public knowledge, a small army of women came forward to sue Regina Towers for Joe’s wrongful death. This was more than just a case of someone leading a double life with two families in two separate cities — Joe had visited practically every city in the country and fathered children in all of them.
Cody's universal childcare program makes sure that Joe’s kids receive assistance, and Harmony's investments make sure the program stays funded. They all grow up to become healthy, productive members of society, and one of them even invents the self-driving truck.
You've won. Now go out and set your own terms.<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/prison.gif width=100%>
There's a small problem with your plan: Nobody likes you.
It's fun to be a smartass once in a while, and sometimes you need to be a self-interested jerk to get what you want.
But what we're dealing with here is the murder of a prominent local businessman, a mysterious fire, and a prestigious thought leader accusing you of being responsible for it all.
Nobody is <i>convinced</i> that you're guilty, but everyone is left saying "Yeah, I suppose it's possible?"
You manage to avoid prison time, but so does Regina Towers. Her reputation has barely been dented, and she has a convenient excuse for not delivering her self-driving truck protype.
Dan's business continues making money as aggressively as ever.
(This was not a great ending. Did you want to [[rethink your decision at the T2 site?->finalEasyChoice]])<<nobr>>
<img src=images/locations/prison.gif width=100%>
Three different factions have been struggling for control in this country, and none of them trust each other. They were too busy squabbling to notice Regina's suspicious activity, and the certainly didn't pay any attention to you.
After your escape, Regina Towers accuses you of killing Joe and starting the fire. People are used to accepting her claims without question because she's a prestigious thought leader.
Maybe things would have been better if someone had interacted with the different groups, exposing them to new perspectives.
You spend the rest of your life in jail, and Dan's business continues making money as aggressively as ever.
THE END<<nobr>>
<<set $winpercent = $wins>>
<<if $wins < 1>>
<<set $winpercent = 0>>
<<set $winpercent /= $time>>
<</nobr>><span style="font-size:90%">Deliveries attempted: <<print $time>>
Deliveries failed: <<print ($time - $wins)>>
Success rate: <<print ($winpercent * 100).toFixed(0)>>%
<img src=images/locations/joanBooth.gif width=100%>
Inside, Luanne the hostess cannot believe your good luck. She's one of those people who says the indvidual letters in "OMG," and she saw you get the autographed cap from Joe. As she leads you to Joan's booth, Luanne won't stop talking about how exciting it is.
Sitting in front of Joan are two plates heaped with hash browns, scrambled eggs, and about two loaves' worth of toast. She encourages you to order something for yourself as she pours a fresh cup of coffee from the pot sitting on the table.
"Yesterday's delivery was easy," she says. "Today, we'll see how you do making <b>a hard delivery</b>."
"<b>They pay more, and you have more options, but they're easier to screw up.</b>"
<<button [[Take Contract->secondChoice]]>><<set $load = "$firstCargo[0] $secondCargo[0]">><<set $destination = $easyDestination>><<set $tripTime = 1>><</button>><<set $easyDestination = $aPool[0]>> Drive a shipment of <<print $firstCargo[0]>> <<print $secondCargo[0]>> to <<print $easyDestination>>.
<<button [[Take Contract->secondChoice]]>><<set $load = "$firstCargo[1] $secondCargo[1]">><<set $destination = $medDestination>><<set $tripTime = 1>><</button>><<set $medDestination = $bPool[0]>> Drive a shipment of <<print $firstCargo[1]>> <<print $secondCargo[1]>> to <<print $medDestination>>.
<<button [[Take Contract->secondChoice]]>><<set $load = "$firstCargo[2] $secondCargo[2]">><<set $destination = $hardDestination>><<set $tripTime = 1>><</button>><<set $hardDestination = $cPool[0]>> Drive a shipment of <<print $firstCargo[2]>> <<print $secondCargo[2]>> to <<print $hardDestination>>.<<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "You've done an excellent job getting this delivery of $load to the Danville shopping mall.",
badDel: "It's okay to fail, as long as you don't fail to make your next loan payment.",
marketReact: "The shopping mall has some kind of promotion planned that will use $load, but you don't understand the specific details.",
notable: "Let's be honest: the Danville mall has the same energy as the ones you can find in Goldsboro, Jefferson City, and Yelm.",
worldStateA: "The local mall has spared no expense on providing a first-rate customer experience for its affluent clientele.",
worldStateB: "Retail sales have taken a beating across the country, and the local mall's energy is at an all-time low.",
worldStateC: "Retail sales have taken a beating across the country, and the local mall's energy is at an all-time low.",
worldStateAB: "The local mall has spared no expense on providing a first-rate customer experience for its affluent clientele.",
worldStateCA: "The local mall has spared no expense on providing a first-rate customer experience for its affluent clientele.",
worldStateBC: "Retail sales have taken a beating across the country, and the local mall's energy is at an all-time low.",
worldStateN: "Despite its generic offerings, the local mall is still the most convenient option for local shoppers. Its businesses appear to be healthy.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Danville"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "You did a fantastic job with this delivery. You should be proud.",
badDel: "It's lucky that the people of Thurmont aren't the type to hold grudges. Otherwise, this failure could come back to haunt you.",
marketReact: "One of Thurmont's vineyards is expanding, and they plan to use this delivery of $load to diversify their offerings.",
notable: "After your delivery, you take some time to enjoy Thurmont's expansive public park system.",
worldStateA: "Sales and mergers are common among Thurmont’s family-owned vineyards right now. They have been struggling to compete with big corporations that have a global footprint.",
worldStateB: "Thurmont’s wine country is currently a popular tourist destination. There’s a large variety of options, from rustic farmhouse tours to high-end spa experiences.",
worldStateC: "The local business community is upset about new environmental protection regulations that prevent Thurmont’s vineyards from using cost-effective pesticides and fertilizers.",
worldStateAB: "Thurmont’s wine country is currently a popular tourist destination. There’s a large variety of options, from rustic farmhouse tours to high-end spa experiences.",
worldStateCA: "Sales and mergers are common among Thurmont’s family-owned vineyards right now. They have been struggling to compete with big corporations that have a global footprint.",
worldStateBC: "The local business community is upset about new environmental protection regulations that prevent Thurmont’s vineyards from using cost-effective pesticides and fertilizers.",
worldStateN: "Thurmont’s wine country is currently a popular tourist destination. There’s a large variety of options, from rustic farmhouse tours to high-end spa experiences.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Thurmont"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Nothing can diminish the warm glow of enthusiasm you feel from another flawless delivery.",
badDel: "Is it better to have failed in an attempt at greatness, or to have avoided failure by not attempting greatness at all? You now have some firsthand experience that may help answer this question.",
marketReact: "Your $load shipment is quickly stored within the national yak fiber reserve compound. It's not immediately clear why they wanted it.",
notable: "However, you're certain that the care and maintenance of Allentown's national yak fiber reserve is an important priority.",
worldStateA: "Government subsidies for the national yak insurance program may be cancelled, and the uncertainty has shaken the local economy. Some economists have said that market discipline is necessary to rein in yak fiber speculation, but others think that the move could harm small businesses.",
worldStateB: "Government subsidies for the national yak insurance program may be cancelled, and the uncertainty has shaken the local economy. Some economists have said that market discipline is necessary to rein in yak fiber speculation, but others think that the move could harm small businesses.",
worldStateC: "Government subsidies for yak farming and support for animal husbandry programs have built up the national yak fiber reserves to all-time highs.",
worldStateAB: "Government subsidies for the national yak insurance program may be cancelled, and the uncertainty has shaken the local economy. Some economists have said that market discipline is necessary to rein in yak fiber speculation, but others think that the move could harm small businesses.",
worldStateCA: "Government subsidies for yak farming and support for animal husbandry programs have built up the national yak fiber reserves to all-time highs.",
worldStateBC: "A debate is raging over the national yak fiber reserves and whether they should be opened to address current market shortages. Opponents want to keep the reserve untapped so that it can address more extreme price swings in the future.",
worldStateN: "A debate is raging over the national yak fiber reserves and whether they should be opened to address current market shortages. Opponents want to keep the reserve untapped so that it can address more extreme price swings in the future.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Allentown"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "You made your delivery with plenty of time to spare. Excellent!",
badDel: "Nobody is mad at you for the way this delivery turned out. Everyone's just very disappointed.",
marketReact: "One of Carbondale's auto manufacturing plants had requested this $load shipment because they were running low.",
notable: "The stereotype is that everyone in Carbondale has a drinking problem. The reality is that it's only 43% of the population, and even less than that if you don't count the kids in middle school.",
worldStateA: "The car manufacturing plants in Carbondale have recently been privatized, and local business leaders are convinced that the move will make their products more competitive.",
worldStateB: "The car manufacturing plants in Carbondale are proud of the fact that it has been at least three days since their last workplace fatality. It’s a sign that the effects of deregulation have mostly been positive.",
worldStateC: "The car manufacturing plants in Carbondale have recently been nationalized, and local business leaders are convinced that the move will make their products more affordable. ",
worldStateAB: "The car manufacturing plants in Carbondale have recently been privatized, and local business leaders are convinced that the move will make their products more competitive. ",
worldStateCA: "The car manufacturing plants in Carbondale have recently been nationalized, and local business leaders are convinced that the move will make their products more affordable. ",
worldStateBC: "The car manufacturing plants in Carbondale are proud of the fact that it has been at least three days since their last workplace fatality. It’s a sign that the effects of deregulation have mostly been positive.",
worldStateN: "The car manufacturing plants in Carbondale are proud of the fact that it has been at least three days since their last workplace fatality. It’s a sign that the effects of deregulation have mostly been positive.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Carbondale"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "The Goldsboro shopping mall really needed this delivery. Well done!",
badDel: "You could have done a much better job with this one.",
marketReact: "The shopping mall has some kind of promotion planned that will use $load, but you don't understand the specific details.",
notable: "Let's be honest: the Goldsboro mall has the same energy as the ones you can find in Danville, Jefferson City, and Yelm.",
worldStateA: "The local mall has spared no expense on providing a first-rate customer experience for its affluent clientele.",
worldStateB: "Retail sales have taken a beating across the country, and the local mall's energy is at an all-time low.",
worldStateC: "Despite its generic offerings, the local mall is still the most convenient option for local shoppers. Its businesses appear to be healthy.",
worldStateAB: "The local mall has spared no expense on providing a first-rate customer experience for its affluent clientele.",
worldStateCA: "The local mall has spared no expense on providing a first-rate customer experience for its affluent clientele.",
worldStateBC: "Retail sales have taken a beating across the country, and the local mall's energy is at an all-time low.",
worldStateN: "Despite its generic offerings, the local mall is still the most convenient option for local shoppers. Its businesses appear to be healthy.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Goldsboro"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Let's make a note about how this was a huge success.",
badDel: "This delivery would have been a flawless victory... on opposite day.",
marketReact: "This mysterious shipment of $load is a little unusual for a dairy farm, but Nampa's cheesemakers must have their reasons.",
notable: "You're pretty sure that somebody important was born in this area, but you can't remember who.",
worldStateA: "Nampa’s cheesemakers have launched a new advertising campaign, but it hasn’t done very well. People are happy buying lower-quality, mass produced cheese because it costs less.",
worldStateB: "Nampa’s cheesemakers recently won a major victory, successfully overturning government regulations that were unfairly restricting competition.",
worldStateC: "Times are hard for the independent cheesemakers of Nampa. Many of the smaller dairy farms have been forced to close because they can’t afford to comply with recent waves of government regulation.",
worldStateAB: "Nampa’s cheesemakers have launched a new advertising campaign, but it hasn’t done very well. People are happy buying lower-quality, mass produced cheese because it costs less.",
worldStateCA: "Times are hard for the independent cheesemakers of Nampa. Many of the smaller dairy farms have been forced to close because they can’t afford to comply with recent waves of government regulation.",
worldStateBC: "Nampa’s cheesemakers recently won a major victory, successfully overturning government regulations that were unfairly restricting competition.",
worldStateN: "Nampa is famous for offering a wide range of exotic cheeses, and several cheese-themed events are scheduled to take place here over the coming months.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Nampa"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Way to go! Your delivery is met with much rejoicing.",
badDel: "You'll have to do better next time, or else people might start to talk.",
marketReact: "Palmer Lake's national physics lab has a special storage facility for $load, and your delivery gives you a chance to examine it in detail. It's not very exciting.",
notable: "Palmer Lake also hosts an underground fight club, but we don't talk about that.",
worldStateA: "Palmer Lake’s national physics lab suffered a dramatic setback recently. Several high-profile scientists were lured away to private corporations that were willing to pay higher salaries.",
worldStateB: "Protesters demonstrating outside of Palmer Lake’s national physics lab are convinced that scientists should not be playing god.",
worldStateC: "Palmer Lake’s national physics lab held a press conference today to announce a discovery that should have several promising new applications.",
worldStateAB: "Palmer Lake’s national physics lab suffered a dramatic setback recently. Several high-profile scientists were lured away to private corporations that were willing to pay higher salaries.",
worldStateCA: "Palmer Lake’s national physics lab suffered a dramatic setback recently. Several high-profile scientists were lured away to private corporations that were willing to pay higher salaries.",
worldStateBC: "Palmer Lake’s national physics lab held a press conference today to announce a discovery that should have several promising new applications.",
worldStateN: "Protesters demonstrating outside of Palmer Lake’s national physics lab are convinced that scientists should not be playing god.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Palmer Lake"
}>><<set $targetSite= {
goodDel: "Good work! You got the delivery to its destination on time.",
badDel: "Look, nobody wants to visit Wendover. However, you'll need to be less obvious about it.",
marketReact: "The distilleries of Wendover need regular shipments of $load. You've done your part to keep them in business.",
notable: "The good people of Wendover would appreciate it if you would refrain from mocking the name of their town. They know what it rhymes with.",
worldStateA: "Wendover's distilleries have successfully passed legislation to prevent copycat businesses from diluting their brand.",
worldStateB: "The crafty operators of Wendover's distilleries have launched a new marketing campaign. They want you to know that not only will their product be useful in the event of complete societal collapse, it can also serve as a store of value.",
worldStateC: "Wendover's distilleries have successfully passed legislation to prevent copycat businesses from diluting their brand.",
worldStateAB: "The crafty operators of Wendover's distilleries have launched a new marketing campaign. They want you to know that not only will their product be useful in the event of complete societal collapse, it can also serve as a store of value.",
worldStateCA: "Wendover's distilleries have successfully passed legislation to prevent copycat businesses from diluting their brand.",
worldStateBC: "Wendover’s distilleries are making money hand over fist. There’s a large demand for alcohol at the moment.",
worldStateN: "Wendover’s distilleries are making money hand over fist. There’s a large demand for alcohol at the moment.",
sitePulse: "DISCONTINUED",
city: "Wendover"
<img src=images/locations/reginaFullCrazy.gif width=100%>
<<set $jobtitle = "World's Greatest Living Trucker">>
"Thank goodness," Regina's voice calls to you from just inside the factory. "The board is expecting me to report results just a few hours from now, and I've got a big problem."
When Regina she steps out into the parking lot, she looks stressed and tired. She jumps every time her tablet buzzes with a new notification, and she keeps tilting her head to check behind you.
"I've got a problem that can only be solved by the greatest trucker alive today," she says. You're practically dragged back to the locked door that has been protecting her tRuck project.
Maybe you should say something:
<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"[[Big problem? Someone like you must have a backup plan.->anteroomFirstChoice][$endGameQuote = "plans"]]"</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"[[Does helping you mean working on a machine that will take my job?->anteroomFirstChoice]]"</li>
<li style="padding-bottom: 3%;">"[[Joe's truck is here, but I haven't seen him for a while. Is he okay?->anteroomFirstChoice]]"</li></ul>