Abstracts from files in info-mac/text/qark as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     azalea-upc-ean-15-demo.hqx   ****

From: tim@azalea.com
Subject: The Azalea UPC-EAN Barcodes XTension Demo

Azalea UPC-EAN 1.5 Demo - the Azalea UPC-EAN Barcodes XTension Demo.

Azalea Software, Inc.		800-48.ASOFT
219 1st Ave. S. Suite 410	206-341.9500 PH
Seattle, WA 98104-2575	206-341.9881 FX
http://www.azalea.com	info@azalea.com

#### BINHEX     collect-html-135-quark.hqx   ****

From: 100025.2724@compuserve.com (Kris Coppieters)
Subject: Collect HTML 1.3.5 - XTension by Kris Coppieters.

Portions Copyrighted 1988-1994 Quark, Inc. All Rights reserved.

Change history, pricing, and complete contact info near the end of the Read me.

* What is it ? *

Collect HTML is an XTension for XPress 3.1 or higher that allows you to convert
text from Quark pages into HTML format. 

- Styles can be converted into HTML pre- and suffixes. 
- Collect creates interlaced GIF, JPEG or PICT previews from Quark pages or from
text or picture boxes.
- You can put links to local or remote URL's on selected text from within Quark;
these links are stored within the Quark document for subsequent collections.

Collect is not well suited to convert complete Quark pages; it better for
'clipping' articles from large pages (e.g. a newspaper) for Web publication.

HTML is not as rich in features as Quark is, so do not expect a WYSIWIG
behaviour in HTML. Collect just tries to help you to create good-looking HTML
documents from Quark pages.

The demo version time limited in a few ways: it is usable until December
31,1996, and each time disables itself 5 minutes after startup of Quark.  The
demo version also has the GIF support removed.

#### BINHEX     divide-by-43.hqx   ****

From: stulaw@inlink.com (Stuart Lawson)
Subject: DivideBy 4.3

DivideBy 4.3 takes the selected picture box of an open Quark Document
and uses its coordinates to lay down guides that divide the area into
equal columns or rows - w/ or w/out gutters.Set Columns creates master
column settings directly in the open Quark page. This application's
"flot" resource has been modified so that it will appear as a floating
tool palette in QuarkXpress 3.3. 
*requires AppleScript 1.1 and QuarkXpress


#### BINHEX     duplicaxt-101-demo.hqx   ****

From: info@badiasoftware.com
Subject: DuplicaXT1.01Demo.sit

Badia Duplica 1.01 is an XTension for Mac OS QuarkXPress 4 that expands the
functions of copying and pasting text and item attributes, and also offers
a powerful clone feature for duplicating boxes and lines.

Key features include:
- copy almost any kind of attribute applied not only to characters and
paragraphs, but pictures, boxes, lines and pages as well, and paste them
into other parts of the same or another document;
- copy unstyled text and paste it elsewhere, applying the text attributes
of the new insertion point;
- clone boxes and lines any number of times, and specify not only an
offset, but several of their attributes as well, including width, height,
angle, skew, corner radius, frame and shade;
- clone and rotate boxes and lines around a point within the page;
- the first contextual menu in the history of XTensions that pops up
anywhere in the document with just a click;
- full support for B�zier boxes and lines, text paths and other new XPress
4 features;
- complete undo/redo support;
- comes with an easy-to-read user's guide containing samples and tips.

Requires: QuarkXPress 4.03 or later for Power Mac; Mac OS 7.5 or later.
Contact: Badia Software, www.badiasoftware.com


Dario Badia

Badia Software

#### BINHEX     gst-mmw-demo.hqx   ****

From: gswann@primenet.com
Subject: GST-MMWDemo.sit

Mark My Words - a very elaborate MS-Word binary to QuarkXPress Tags
text filter. It eats Word 4.0, 5.0 or 5.1 files, interactively or by
Drag & Drop, and converts the binary to QuarkXPress tagged text. You
can elect to include or omit any feature of Word's styling, and many
features can be converted from their WP-like form to their DTP-like
form (e.g., underscoring to italic). With Em Software's Xtags
Xtension, picture and text boxes (including Word's tables) can be
retained. Because Word's styling features are tagged, you can search
and replace on Mark My Words files to produce html or any tagged
text format.

Fully-functional demoware version. Includes registration software.

#### BINHEX     pagination-pal-20.hqx   ****

From: dnshotwell@accessone.com (DeForest N. Shotwell)
Subject: PaginationPal 2.0 demo

PaginationPal is basically a three-fold application.

1) PaginationPal is a tool for building a single or two page layout for
ads, small books, and/or catalogs in QuarkXPress. Use to create a
configurable template for QuarkXPress to set up bleeds, trims, spine
widths, and shingling. PaginationPal can be used to produce templates for a
number of other projects such as envelopes, letterheads, posters, and etc.

2) You can use PaginationPal to create a form that can be used to keep
track of production stages, notes about production, create folding dummies,
etc. You can also export the form to Quark.

3) Use QuarkManipulator to:

* Zap RGB (remove red, green and blue from color palette)
* Remove Guides on Page
* Guides In Front (one click option to going into preferences)
* Guides in Back
* All Colors to CMYK (convert spot colors to CMYK)
* Make a 13 or 21 Step Grayscale
* Measurement Selector(change document ruler)
* Make Guide (accurate guide to nearest thousandth of ruler scale)
* Set New 0,0 (set 0,0 to nearest thousanth of ruler scale)
* Make custom colors (process or spot)
* Convert text box to picture box or vice versa.
* Get Font List (printable list of fonts used in document.
* Hide and Show all Palettes.

System Requirement.

*  Macintosh System 7.0 or greater (System 7.5 preferred).
*  QuarkXPress� 3.2 or greater (3.32 preferred).
*  AppleScript� 1.0 (1.1 preferred).
*  3.5M of RAM for PaginationPal 680x0 version.
*  Approximately 3M of free disk space.

Can be included on CD-ROM

#### BINHEX     paste-wo-style-10.hqx   ****

From: HOnza Koudelka <honza@24u.cz>
Subject: 24U Paste Without Style 1.0 US

Paste Without Style will simplify your text movements in QuarkXPress.
With this XTensions software, you can add a new item into the Edit
menu, with a shortcut Command+Option+V. This command will paste the
text from clipboard, adopting the text attributes from the current
insertion point, so that the text being pasted will be formatted
exactly with the same style as the text you are pasting it into.

#### BINHEX     photo-xpress-30.hqx   ****

From: miken@clinedavis.com
Subject: PhotoXpress 3.0

About PhotoXpress AppleScript

What it does:
PhotoXpress AppleScript can be used from any location on your computer,
It catalogs images from a folder of your choice. Builds pages in Quark
and imports your pictures into picture boxes.  When scanning a folder
recognize formats that Quark recognizes: EPSF, TIFF, JPEG, or PICT files


Version 2.0 now allows you to include all images in sub-folders.
Version 2.1 fixes a bug with the sub-folders feature.
Version 2.2 Remembers settings from previous use.
Version 3.0 Adds a number of user configurable settings

Requires: Quark 3.32 or 4.0, AppleScript, MacOS

#### BINHEX     photoxpress-30.hqx   ****

From: miken@clinedavis.com
Subject: PhotoXpress

About PhotoXpress AppleScript

What it does:
PhotoXpress AppleScript can be used from any location on your computer,
It catalogs images from a folder of your choice. Builds pages in Quark
imports your pictures into picture boxes.  When scanning a folder will
recognize formats that Quark recognizes: EPSF, TIFF, JPEG, or PICT files

Version 2.0 now allows you to include all images in sub-folders.
Version 2.1 fixes a bug with the sub-folders feature.
Version 2.2 Remembers settings from previous use.
Version 3.0 Adds a number of user configurable settings

Requires: Quark 3.32 or 4.0, AppleScript, MacOS

#### BINHEX     printools-xt-201.hqx   ****

From: Badia Software <l.revzin@badiaxt.com>
Subject: Printools XT 2.0

Printools is an XTension for QuarkXPress 4.1 that adds new features to the
Print dialog and enhances existing ones.

Printools is designed to make the printing process easier, more productive
and enjoyable -- whether if it's to a large imagesetter or an inkjet

Top features:

*    Interactive Live Preview: Printools adds a real preview pane to the
Print dialog, which stays always open and gives you immediate visual
feedback of the way your page/spread will look when printed. It displays
actual page contents, page marks, flipping, negative printing, scaling,
portrait or landscape orientation and more.

*    Optional full-screen print preview.

*    Interactive manual tiling: allows tiling by dragging the mouse right in
the preview pane.

*    Preflight: detects common problems (RGB images, text overflow, missing
fonts, low-res pictures, etc.).

*    Batch print any number of documents with the same output settings
(including PostScript files).

*    Print Styles: create and redefine print styles right from the Print

*    Rename output file without changing the name of the actual document.

*    Print selected items of the page or spread.

*    Print usage reports -- color, picture, font and style sheets.

*    Additional page slug tags, including owner and machine name, line
screen, emulsion, editing time, revision, and any custom text.

*    Can add a page border during the output stage.

*    The number of pages and page range values are *retained* after you
print or capture settings.

*    Selected Printer is displayed in the Print window

#### BINHEX     quark-31-pagemaker-filter.hqx   ****

Date: 12 Jul 92 19:49:00 EDT 
From: "BURGER,DAVE" <100682793@ucis.vill.edu>
Subject: PageMaker Filter for Quark 3.1 

Here (hopefully) is the Quark XTension that allows the import of Aldus
PageMaker documents (v. 4.0 and 4.2) into Quark XPress 3.1. I say
"hopefully" because I'm not sure if I mailed it correctly... :-(

To quote the documentation, "This beta copy of the Aldus PageMaker
XTension is provided for testing purposes only. No guarantee of any kind
is made regarding its fitness for any purpose other than testing. Not all
features planned ofr the final version of the XTension are implemented."

David Burger

P.S. - If there are mailing problems, drop me a line, and I'll try again...

#### BINHEX     quark-beyond-measure-11.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 03:08:28 -0700
From: Ralph Risch <risch@alumni.cs.colorado.edu>
Subject: Quark Beyond Measure 1.1


(v1.1) 30-day free trial XTension. Provides Floating Rulers in QuarkXPress that
snap to the elements of a page. Measure tool to find the distance and angle
between any two points in a document. Instant Dimensions display the location,
width and height of the current box, right at the cursor.

#### BINHEX     quark-beyond-menus-10.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 03:10:49 -0700
From: Ralph Risch <risch@alumni.cs.colorado.edu>
Subject: Quark Beyond Menus v1.0 (w/file this time!)


(v1.0) 30-day free trial XTension. Adds over 50 new key equivalents or hot keys
to QuarkXPress( menus. Instantly edit the new hot keys, or any QuarkXPress hot
keys. Create your own sets of hot keys, export and share.
Also adds a Scripts menu to QuarkXPress, for instant access to scripts. Sample
scripts allow you to quickly access documents, create frame and line templates,
rearrange windows and more.

#### BINHEX     quark-beyond-press-20.hqx   ****

From: Support@astrobyte.com
Subject: BeyondPress 2.0 Evaluation

This is an evaluation version of BeyondPress 2.0, the premier QuarkXPress
to HTML conversion and authoring tool (Macintosh only). BeyondPress gives
you the tools you need to turn your QuarkXPress documents into cutting edge
web pages. Here are a few of the things you can do with BeyondPress 2.0:

Content List
* List the content elements of a document
* Drag icons to arrange contents into web pages
* Use hot keys to position images and label text
* Select and operate on multiple items
Web Page Formatting
* Specify colored and tiled backgrounds
* Choose custom colors for text and links
* Include headers, footers and metatags
* Export for Windows, MacOS, or UNIX
Text Conversion
* Maintain paragraph alignment, bold and italic
* Convert accented and special characters
* Maintain superscript and subscript, underline, strike-thru and text color
* Apply HTML styles to text based on font size
Style Sheet Mapping
* Map Style Sheets to HTML styles, lists, and tables
* Create custom HTML styles
* Override style sheet mapping for any selection
Tables and Lists
* Convert tabular data to tables
* Set table border, width, alignment, and other attributes
* Create ordered, unordered, menu, directory, and definition lists
* Strip duplicate numbers and bullets
Image Creation
* Convert styled text to an image
* Convert any group of items to an image
* Antialias images
* Load custom color palettes
* Create optimal color palette for each image
* Share images between multiple documents
Image Formatting
* Export images to GIF format, with optional interlacing and transparency
* Export images to JPEG format, controlling image quality, and optionally
as Progressive JPEG
* Crop and scale images

Please contact Astrobyte at Support@astrobyte.com, or visit our web site,
at http://www.astrobyte.com for more information.

#### BINHEX     quark-cursorpos.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 7 Nov 93 18:41:56 MET 
From: Christian F. Buser <CBUSER@EZINFO.vmsmail.ethz.ch>
Subject: [*] QuarkXPress Xtension demo: CursorPos 

The enclosed demo of a Quark XPress Xtension was distributed by SWIP
Handels AG, the Swiss distributor of QuarkXPress. Please note that  SWIP
takes no responsibility for the demo - they just made it available to all
QuarkXPress users here.

I myself have no connection with SWIP, Quark, or the author(s) of the
enclosed Xtension. Following below is the part of the description from the
"Readme"-file. The archive is compressed using CompactPro 1.34.

The CursorPos extension to QuarkXPress provides a floating palette
to continuously display the position of the text cursor.

#### BINHEX     quark-doublesave.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 7 Nov 93 18:45:06 MET 
From: Christian F. Buser <CBUSER@EZINFO.vmsmail.ethz.ch>
Subject: [*] QuarkXPress Xtension demo: DoubleSave 

The enclosed demo of a Quark XPress Xtension was distributed by SWIP
Handels AG, the Swiss distributor of QuarkXPress. Please note that  SWIP
takes no responsibility for the demo - they just made it available to all
QuarkXPress users here.

I myself have no connection with SWIP, Quark, or the author(s) of the
enclosed Xtension. Following below is the part of the description from the
"Readme"-file. The archive is compressed using CompactPro 1.34.

The DoubleSave XTension automaticly creates an extra backup of your
document after a save command. This extra copy can be stored
everywhere, even on a fileserver. The DoubleSave XTension is
developed for those who store, from a savety point of view, their
documents first on a fileserver, and after that, they save the
document also on their local working station

#### BINHEX     quark-extension-collection.hqx   ****

From: "J. Rossi" <jr10@leicester.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 93 17:27:27 GMT

A few Xtensions from different authors and sources.

This is a short description of what they do.

Stamp 3.1	
QuarkXTension for date & time stamping.

Gives the ability to specify a default behaviour for the case of
different settings. The command Utilities:SpeedOpenI opens a
dialog, that offers three options.

Adds an item to the Utilities menu, appropriately enough called
PrintStatus. Selecting it will turn a check mark on or off.
If the check mark is turned on the the status box will be
displayed when printing.

PiXize 1.1
Adjusts the size of the selected picture box to match the bounds
of the picture within it.

ChangeCase XTension
Allows QuarkXPress users to change the case of characters in text
boxes to either uppercase or lowercase by choosing the appropriate
menu item from the Utilities menu.ASave 3.1

Adds a hierarchical auto-save menu to the Utilities menu. If one
of the time items is checked, Quark will automatically save the
current (frontmost) document after the elapsed (checked) time.
A "Save As..." option is also available.

Stars and Stripes
To work with underlines and starbursts. Many features.

Full docs included.

I'm not the author

#### BINHEX     quark-fcspress.hqx   ****

From: Christian F. Buser <CBUSER@EZINFO.vmsmail.ethz.ch>
Subject: [*] Quark XPress Xtension: fcsPress
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 00:15:18 MET

The enclosed demo of a Quark XPress Xtension was distributed by SWIP
Handels AG, the Swiss distributor of QuarkXPress. Please note that  SWIP
takes no responsibility for the demo - they just made it available to all
QuarkXPress users here.

I myself have no connection with SWIP, Quark, or the author(s) of the
enclosed Xtension. Following below is the part of the description from the
"Readme"-file. The archive is compressed using CompactPro 1.34.

fcsPress is a QuarkXpress XTension designed specifically for
newspapers and other large periodicals that require network
cooperation between workers.

When working with fcsPress the main editor will prepare a master page
in XPress, and he will assign an editor number to each box. Once this
master page is ready, the XTension will split this document in as
many documents as there are editors assigned to it. The splitted
files are placed in specified folders according to the group they
belong to. These files can be distributed on the network to each
editor, who will fill in the text and picture boxes that he has been
assigned. Once the splitted files are ready fcsPress will join them
into a new single document ready for final printing.

The main advantage of fcsPress over other systems is that each worker
uses XPress to type his text, so he can see exactly how the final
page will print, including hyphenation, colors, column placement,

#### BINHEX     quark-fsclock-20.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 7 Nov 93 18:47:27 MET 
From: Christian F. Buser <CBUSER@EZINFO.vmsmail.ethz.ch>
Subject: [*] QuarkXPress Xtension demo: fcsLock 2.0 

The enclosed demo of a Quark XPress Xtension was distributed by SWIP
Handels AG, the Swiss distributor of QuarkXPress. Please note that  SWIP
takes no responsibility for the demo - they just made it available to all
QuarkXPress users here.

I myself have no connection with SWIP, Quark, or the author(s) of the
enclosed Xtension. Following below is the part of the description from the
"Readme"-file. The archive is compressed using CompactPro 1.34.

fcsLock is a QuarkXpress XTension designed specifically for
newspapers and other large periodicals.  This XTension will allow a
boss to disable any feature of Xpress so that other users are not
able to modify certain aspects of Xpress documents. fcsLock can
disable any menu item of Xpress, the measurements palette, as well as
any creation tool.

This copy of fcsLock is a demo version, and as such it can't be
configured.  It will only disable the first menu item from every menu
of Xpress, as well as the measurements palette, the rotation tool and
the linking tools. 

#### BINHEX     quark-kerning-palette.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 7 Nov 93 18:42:59 MET 
From: Christian F. Buser <CBUSER@EZINFO.vmsmail.ethz.ch>
Subject: [*] QuarkXPress Xtension demo: Kerning Palette 

The enclosed demo of a Quark XPress Xtension was distributed by SWIP
Handels AG, the Swiss distributor of QuarkXPress. Please note that  SWIP
takes no responsibility for the demo - they just made it available to all
QuarkXPress users here.

I myself have no connection with SWIP, Quark, or the author(s) of the
enclosed Xtension. Following below is the part of the description from the
"Readme"-file. The archive is compressed using CompactPro 1.34.

The Kerning Palette is a kerning table editor, a professional tool
for modifying the kern pairs tables of Mac fonts. For those striving
to produce the absolute best type they can on their Macintosh, the
presence of a fast, convenient kerning table editor inside of
QuarkXPress is a terrific advantage. 

#### BINHEX     quark-limited-access.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 7 Nov 93 18:43:56 MET 
From: Christian F. Buser <CBUSER@EZINFO.vmsmail.ethz.ch>
Subject: [*] QuarkXPress Xtension demo: Limited Access 

The enclosed demo of a Quark XPress Xtension was distributed by SWIP
Handels AG, the Swiss distributor of QuarkXPress. Please note that  SWIP
takes no responsibility for the demo - they just made it available to all
QuarkXPress users here.

I myself have no connection with SWIP, Quark, or the author(s) of the
enclosed Xtension. Following below is the part of the description from the
"Readme"-file. The archive is compressed using CompactPro 1.34.

Demonstration version

�Ltd_XS� (for �Limited Access�) is a XTension for QuarkXPress
allowing customisation seat by seat of QuarkXPress page make up
software. For example, �Ltd_XS� allow you to set up a layout only
version of QuarkXPress where only box creation will be possible. In
this case, �Ltd_XS� will disable text editing fonctions as well as
style sheet manipulation.

�Ltd_XS� will also protect boxes from being deleted (Text boxes,
Picture boxes or Rules). As you may have noticed, it is possible to
delete locked boxes by using the backspace key in drag mode.

#### BINHEX     quark-mimic.hqx   ****

From: Christian F. Buser <CBUSER@EZINFO.vmsmail.ethz.ch>
Subject: [*] Quark XPress Xtension: Mimic
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 00:10:36 MET

The enclosed demo of a Quark XPress Xtension was distributed by SWIP
Handels AG, the Swiss distributor of QuarkXPress. Please note that 
SWIP takes no responsibility for the demo - they just made it
available to all QuarkXPress users here.

I myself have no connection with SWIP, Quark, or the author(s) of the
enclosed Xtension. Sorry, but I don�t knopw what this Xtension does -
I could not find a description in the readme-file. The archive is
compressed using CompactPro 1.34.

#### BINHEX     quark-nudger.hqx   ****

From: Christian F. Buser <CBUSER@EZINFO.vmsmail.ethz.ch>
Subject: [*] Quark XPress Xtension: Nudger
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 00:11:31 MET

The enclosed demo of a Quark XPress Xtension was distributed by SWIP
Handels AG, the Swiss distributor of QuarkXPress. Please note that  SWIP
takes no responsibility for the demo - they just made it available to all
QuarkXPress users here.

I myself have no connection with SWIP, Quark, or the author(s) of the
enclosed Xtension. Following below is the part of the description from the
"Readme"-file. The archive is compressed using CompactPro 1.34.

Nudger is a palette that can be used to set the nudge amount in
QuarkXPress 3.1. To use Nudger, open the palette from the View menu.
Enter the nudge amout in the palette and press enter. Optionally, you
can use the popup menu to set the nudge amount. That is all there is
to this. 

#### BINHEX     quark-paste-board-xt-14.hqx   ****

Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 15:21:43 -0500
From: flargh@tikkabik.com (Peter A. Cohen)
Subject: Pasteboard XT v1.4

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

This is the most recent version of Pasteboard XT, a free QuarkXpress
XTension from Markzware, a developer of custom XTension tools for
QuarkXpress from Quark, Inc. Among other things, this version fixes a
problem where the PasteBoard XT was necessary to be present in order for
the files edited with it to be opened in QuarkXpress.

I'm not affiliated with either Quark, Inc. or with Markzware; I'm uploading
this because some people in usenet newsgroups have asked for this.

The ReadMe file included with PasteBoard XT v1.4 is included below.

=A91994 Markzware. All rights reserved.
3337 S. Bristol Suite 87
Santa Ana, CA 92704 USA

AppleLink: Markzware
=46ax: 1-714-241-3874

Pasteboard XT 1.4 Release Notes:
        A problem with the ruler orgin in Quark 3.3 was discovered and

Pasteboard XT 1.3 Release Notes:
1. The default settings feature added in the previous version has been
removed as it was found to be causing some trouble.
2. A problem related to libraries was discoverd and corrected.
3. The "requirement" for having the Pasteboard XT present when reopening a
document that was altered by Pasteboard XT has been eliminated. (See the
warning at the bottom of this page). Documents saved with previous versions
of Pasteboard XT can have the "requirement" removed by simply resaving the
document with this new version.
4. When a document's pasteboard does not equal Quark's defaults, then
"Pasteboard XT" will be checked under the Utilities menu.

Pasteboard XT is a free XTension courtesy of Markzware which has been
extracted from the more advanced XTension SuperXState=81 as a means of
advertising some of its features. A full working demo of SuperXState=81 is
available upon request.

Pasteboard XT allows you to change the width and height of the pasteboard.
This is similar to changing the pasteboard width percentage using the
QuarkXPress application Preferences. Select "Pasteboard XT..." from the
Utilities menu and enter a percentage of a document page's width and height
to adjust the pasteboard. Note that resulting height will be applied to all
sides of the document page and will in fact widen a smaller pasteboard if
the height is greater than the width. Of course, the pasteboard plus the
spread dimensions are always limited to a maximum of 48".

Pasteboard XT will then automatically adjust the spread and page guidelines
according to the new dimensions so that they remain relative to the page.

WARNING: If you make a change to a document's pasteboard and run
QuarkXPress without Pasteboard XT (by removing it from the Quark folder
upon startup), the guidelines may not appear in their correct positions
when you reopen the document (because the dimensions will revert to Quark's
defaults). Also, if you are sending your document to someone else, you
should also send them a copy of Pasteboard XT.

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Pasteboard_XT_1.4"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Pasteboard_XT_1.4"

#### BINHEX     quark-shortline-eliminator.hqx   ****

From: Christian F. Buser <CBUSER@EZINFO.vmsmail.ethz.ch>
Subject: Quark XPress Xtension: Shortline Eliminator
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 00:13:23 MET

The enclosed demo of a Quark XPress Xtension was distributed by SWIP
Handels AG, the Swiss distributor of QuarkXPress. Please note that 
SWIP takes no responsibility for the demo - they just made it
available to all QuarkXPress users here.

I myself have no connection with SWIP, Quark, or the author(s) of the
enclosed Xtension. Following below is the part of the description
from the "Readme"-file. The archive is compressed using CompactPro

The Shortline Eliminator extension to QuarkXPress automates the task
of detecting and correcting paragraphs with a short last line. The
dialog at the right shows the Shortlline Eliminator interface.

When a paragraph with a short last line is detected the Shortline
Eliminator adjusts the paragraph tracking by the amount you indicate.

You specify what constitutes a short last line in terms of character
count and/or a hyphenated last word. You control how the tracking of
the paragraph may be altered to eliminate the short last line.  

#### BINHEX     quark-thing-a-ma-bob.hqx   ****

From: Alan King <alan@hecate.demon.co.uk>
Subject: thing-a-ma-bob FOR QUARKXPRESS 3.3
Date: Thu, 12 May 1994 19:28:48 +0100

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

This Quark Xtension is a freebee that replaces Features plus for Quark
Xpress in version 3.3

Content-Type: text/plain; name="TOMBOB.SEA.hqx"; charset=us-ascii
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#### BINHEX     quark-typesetting-marks.hqx   ****

From: Christian F. Buser <CBUSER@EZINFO.vmsmail.ethz.ch>
Subject: [*] Quark XPress Xtension: TypesettingMarks
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 00:09:47 MET

The enclosed demo of a Quark XPress Xtension was distributed by SWIP
Handels AG, the Swiss distributor of QuarkXPress. Please note that  SWIP
takes no responsibility for the demo - they just made it available to all
QuarkXPress users here.

I myself have no connection with SWIP, Quark, or the author(s) of the
enclosed Xtension. Following below is the part of the description from the
"Readme"-file. The archive is compressed using CompactPro 1.34.

When installed, TypesettingMarksXT adds a new entry to XPress�s Utilities
menu called Typesetting Marks. 

#### BINHEX     quark-xpress-331r5-updt.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 17:41:29 -0800
From: mross@antigone.com (Michael Ross)
Subject: Quark Express Updater 3.31r5

This updater updates Macintosh (68K) version of XPress versions 3.3x to the
current version 3.31r5, and works on US English versions ONLY.

See the READ-ME file for bug fixes.

Other update packages (native PPC, other languages) are available on
Compuserve and AOL.

#### BINHEX     qxp-4x-check.hqx   ****

From: bonda@worldnet.fr
Subject: QXP 3/4 check 1.1

This AppleScript applet will check a folder (and, eventually, its nested
subfolders) for XPress 4.xx documents. Just drag-and-drop a folder icon
on this applet's icon. The script will then display a total number of
XPress documents found, a number of XPress 4.xx documents and
(optionally) their list. It will also offer an option to reveal
corresponding files in the Finder.

System requirements:
* System 8.5.1
* AppleScript

For more information, please read the included "Readme QXP 3/4 check"

Paul Bondarovski

#### BINHEX     selection-palette-10.hqx   ****

From: dario@netcom.ca
Subject: SelectionPalette 1.0 for Mac OS QuarkXPress

SelectionPalette is a shareware utility for QuarkXPress that allows you to apply
character-based attributes every time you select a range of text. It features an
Interactive Mode in which changes are made immediately following the release of
the mouse button, without the need for any keystrokes or menu selections. A 
Multiple Mode records multiple non-contiguous selections in the same or different
text boxes; once you have finished recording selections, you can make all the
type attribute changes at once. Type attributes can be any combination of the
following: Font, Style, Size, Color, Shade, Horizontal/ Vertical Scale, Tracking
and Baseline Shift. Additionally, you can also control the word spacing by
adjusting the kerning before each word.

Requires: Mac OS 7.1 or later, QuarkXPress 3.31 or later, AppleScript.

Shareware: $10.

By Dario Badia, dario@netcom.ca 

#### BINHEX     short-words-10.hqx   ****

From: HOnza Koudelka <honza@24u.cz>
Subject: 24U Short Words 1.0 US

Short Words will save your time spent on composing documents in
QuarkXPress 3.3 or later. It automatically places unbreakable spaces
after the short words you don't want to stay alone at the end of
line. You can choose to handle one-letter words, two-letter words,
numbers and currency symbols, and you can apply Short Words to either
selected box only, or the whole document.

The Short Words XTensions software can be used for English, French,
Spanish, Czech, and several other languages. It's behavior is easily
configurable in a dedicated preferences dialog window. Installation
process is so simple that you can start using Short Words just a few
seconds after downloading it.

#### BINHEX     tab-palette-15.hqx   ****

From: dario@netcom.ca>
Subject: TabPalette 1.5 for Mac OS QuarkXPress

TabPalette is a shareware utility for placing and modifying tab stops in
QuarkXPress 3.31 or later for Mac OS. It consists of one window showing all the
tab stops applied to a paragraph or group of paragraphs. The position, type of
alignment and fill character of each tab can be modified directly in the
TabPalette window by overstriking the new values or by entering expressions like
2p3+14pt. Several operations can be done to a group of tabs: move, move and
repeat, sort and the ability to save up to 9 tab settings and retrieve them at
any time (good for copying tab settings between different text boxes or even
different documents). Additionally, tabs can be displayed in a relative mode, in
which each of them represents the distance or offset from the previous one.

Requires: Mac OS 7.1 or later, QuarkXPress 3.31 or later, AppleScript.

Shareware: $10.

By Dario Badia, dario@netcom.ca