Web Server Statistics for NIC.Funet.fi

Program started at Tue-29-Oct-2002 22:00.
Analysed requests from Tue-22-Oct-2002 00:07 to Sun-27-Oct-2002 23:59 (5.99

General Summary
This report contains overall statistics.

Successful requests: 3,399
Average successful requests per day: 566
Successful requests for pages: 23
Average successful requests for pages per day: 3
Distinct files requested: 136
Distinct hosts served: 1,327
Unwanted logfile entries: 627
Data transferred: 63.625 gigabytes
Average data transferred per day: 10.613 gigabytes

Domain Report
This report lists the countries of the computers which requested files.

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 Gbytes: %bytes: reqs:  %reqs: domain
-------: ------: ----: ------: ------
 35.712: 56.13%: 2010: 59.14%: .fi (Finland)
  7.288: 11.46%:  498: 14.65%:   inet.fi
  2.786:  4.38%:  120:  3.53%:   htv.fi
  1.843:  2.90%:  128:  3.77%:   omakaista.fi
  1.739:  2.73%:  159:  4.68%:   kolumbus.fi
  1.343:  2.11%:   53:  1.56%:   tpo.fi
  1.018:  1.60%:   67:  1.97%:   oulu.fi
  0.922:  1.45%:   19:  0.56%:   hut.fi
  0.872:  1.37%:   39:  1.15%:   tut.fi
  0.850:  1.34%:   69:  2.03%:   soneraliving.fi
  0.838:  1.32%:   35:  1.03%:   helsinki.fi
  0.838:  1.32%:   40:  1.18%:   phnet.fi
  0.706:  1.11%:   26:  0.76%:   jyu.fi
  0.651:  1.02%:   67:  1.97%:   saunalahti.fi
  0.535:  0.84%:   17:  0.50%:   telekarelia.fi
  0.530:  0.83%:   10:  0.29%:   utu.fi
  0.430:  0.68%:   20:  0.59%:   htk.fi
  0.427:  0.67%:   12:  0.35%:   netsonic.fi
  0.409:  0.64%:    8:  0.24%:   hepunet.fi
  0.407:  0.64%:    6:  0.18%:   ouka.fi
  0.355:  0.56%:    7:  0.21%:   lut.fi
  0.322:  0.51%:    7:  0.21%:   hel.fi
  7.138: 11.22%:  434: 12.77%: [unknown domain]
  5.354:  8.42%:  195:  5.74%: .com (Commercial)
  1.009:  1.59%:   21:  0.62%:   nokia.com
  0.592:  0.93%:   13:  0.38%:   kanetti.com
  0.398:  0.63%:   12:  0.35%:   telia.com
  0.372:  0.58%:    6:  0.18%:   ntl.com
  4.780:  7.51%:  237:  6.97%: .net (Networks)
  1.250:  1.96%:   80:  2.35%:   internet5.net
  0.882:  1.39%:   53:  1.56%:   suomi.net
  3.212:  5.05%:  127:  3.74%: .ee (Estonia)
  1.501:  2.36%:   43:  1.27%: .dk (Denmark)
  0.844:  1.33%:   30:  0.88%: .no (Norway)
  0.813:  1.28%:   14:  0.41%: .it (Italy)
  0.499:  0.79%:   17:  0.50%: .ru (Russia)
  0.481:  0.76%:   49:  1.44%: .lt (Lithuania)
  0.399:  0.63%:   32:  0.94%: .fr (France)
  0.370:  0.58%:   22:  0.65%: .uk (United Kingdom)
  0.313:  0.49%:    6:  0.18%: .ch (Switzerland)
  0.257:  0.40%:   13:  0.38%: .se (Sweden)
  0.188:  0.30%:   34:  1.00%: .cz (Czech Republic)
  0.175:  0.28%:    9:  0.26%: .org (Non Profit Making Organisations)
  0.140:  0.22%:   18:  0.53%: .ro (Romania)
  0.140:  0.22%:   17:  0.50%: .pl (Poland)
  0.138:  0.22%:    3:  0.09%: .edu (USA Higher Education)
  0.137:  0.22%:   13:  0.38%: .nl (Netherlands)
  0.127:  0.20%:    6:  0.18%: .lv (Latvia)
  0.121:  0.19%:    3:  0.09%: .ca (Canada)
  0.118:  0.19%:    2:  0.06%: .sg (Singapore)
  0.108:  0.17%:    3:  0.09%: .hu (Hungary)
  0.072:  0.11%:    5:  0.15%: .be (Belgium)
  0.069:  0.11%:    1:  0.03%: .ua (Ukraine)
  0.059:  0.09%:   13:  0.38%: .gr (Greece)
  0.050:  0.08%:    3:  0.09%: .jp (Japan)
  0.049:  0.08%:    1:  0.03%: .bg (Bulgaria)
  0.049:  0.08%:    1:  0.03%: .arpa (Arpanet)
  0.049:  0.08%:    1:  0.03%: .pk (Pakistan)
  0.049:  0.08%:    1:  0.03%: .ie (Ireland)
  0.037:  0.06%:    4:  0.12%: .hk (Hong Kong)
  0.025:  0.04%:    4:  0.12%: .il (Israel)
  0.018:  0.03%:    6:  0.18%: .in (India)
  0.009:  0.01%:    4:  0.12%: .es (Spain)
  0.003:       :    1:  0.03%: .pt (Portugal)
  0.002:       :    2:  0.06%: .tw (Taiwan)
  0.001:       :    5:  0.15%: .mx (Mexico)
  0.000:       :    2:  0.06%: .ar (Argentina)
  0.000:       :    4:  0.12%: .at (Austria)
  0.000:       :    3:  0.09%: .za (South Africa)
  0.000:       :    1:  0.03%: .yu (Yugoslavia)

Directory Report
This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The
  figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)

Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount
  of traffic.

reqs: %bytes: directory
----: ------: ---------
1741: 69.43%: /stable/
1095: 29.49%: /localized/
 207:  0.73%: /contrib/
  29:  0.27%: /miscellaneous/
 172:  0.08%: HTTP/
 155:       : [not listed: 1 directory]

Request Report
This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files with at least 1 request in the last 7 days, sorted by the
  number of requests.

reqs: %bytes:       last time: file
----: ------: ---------------: ----
1205: 34.88%: 27/Oct/02 23:59: /stable/1.0.1/OOo_1.0.1_Win32Intel_install.zip
 627: 22.74%: 27/Oct/02 23:59: /localized/fi/1.0.0/win32/OOo-1.0.0-win32-fi.zip
 387: 24.24%: 27/Oct/02 23:59: /stable/1.0.1/OOo_1.0.1_LinuxIntel_install.tar.gz
 172:  0.08%: 27/Oct/02 23:37: HTTP/1.0
 111:  6.57%: 27/Oct/02 22:22: /localized/fi/1.0.0/linux/OOo-1.0.0-linux-fi.tar.gz
  78:       : 27/Oct/02 22:54: /localized/fi
  76:       : 27/Oct/02 22:54: /localized
  67:       : 27/Oct/02 23:40: /localized/fi/1.0.0/README
  65:       : 27/Oct/02 22:54: /localized/fi/1.0.0
  40:       : 27/Oct/02 19:21: /stable
  39:  0.08%: 27/Oct/02 22:54: /localized/fi/1.0.0/win32
  38:       : 27/Oct/02 22:16: /localized/fi/1.0.0/win32/OOo-1.0.0-win32-fi.zip.MD5SUM
  36:       : 27/Oct/02 19:21: /stable/1.0.1
  33:  5.16%: 27/Oct/02 23:56: /stable/1.0.1/OOo_1.0.1_Win32Intel_solver.zip
  26:  0.10%: 27/Oct/02 21:42: /localized/fi/1.0.0/linux
  24:       : 27/Oct/02 17:44: /contrib
  23:       : 27/Oct/02 23:38: /contrib/dictionaries/download_dictionary.html
  18:  0.57%: 27/Oct/02 23:41: /stable/1.0.1/OOo_1.0.1_SolarisIntel_install.tar.gz
  15:       : 27/Oct/02 16:32: /miscellaneous
  15:  0.06%: 26/Oct/02 21:54: /stable/1.0.0/OOo_1.0.0_Win32Intel_install.zip
  14:       : 27/Oct/02 21:42: /localized/fi/1.0.0/linux/redhat
  11:  0.65%: 27/Oct/02 19:10: /stable/1.0.1/OOo_1.0.1_SolarisSparc_install.tar.gz
  10:       : 27/Oct/02 19:51: /localized/fi/1.0.0/linux/OOo-1.0.0-linux-fi.tar.gz.MD5SUM
   9:       : 27/Oct/02 16:32: /miscellaneous/helpcontent
   9:  0.93%: 27/Oct/02 02:18: /stable/1.0.1/OOo_1.0.1_source.tar.bz2
   8:  1.25%: 27/Oct/02 13:06: /stable/1.0.1/OOo_1.0.1_LinuxIntel_solver.tar.gz
   8:       : 27/Oct/02 16:32: /contrib/dictionaries
   8:       : 27/Oct/02 21:43: /localized/fi/1.0.0/linux/suse
   7:       : 27/Oct/02 19:04: /contrib/deutsch/1.0.0/de_DE.zip
   6:  0.12%: 26/Oct/02 19:48: /contrib/freebsd/oo_1.0_freebsd_01.tgz
   6:       : 27/Oct/02 22:18: /contrib/dictionaries/en_US.zip
   6:       : 27/Oct/02 17:28: /stable/1.0.0
   6:       : 26/Oct/02 17:24: /contrib/dictionaries/nl_NL.zip
   5:  0.21%: 27/Oct/02 18:07: /stable/1.0.0/OOo_1.0.0_LinuxIntel_install.tar.gz
   5:       : 27/Oct/02 19:58: /contrib/dictionaries/README_en_US.txt
   5:       : 27/Oct/02 22:18: /contrib/dictionaries/de_CH.zip
   4:       : 27/Oct/02 22:18: /contrib/dictionaries/en_CA.zip
   4:       : 27/Oct/02 22:18: /contrib/dictionaries/en_GB.zip
   4:       : 27/Oct/02 22:17: /contrib/dictionaries/README_en_CA.txt
   4:       : 23/Oct/02 21:35: /contrib/dictionaries/da_DK.zip
   4:  0.04%: 24/Oct/02 21:59: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_01_wnt.zip
   4:  0.91%: 27/Oct/02 02:31: /stable/1.0.1/OOo_1.0.1_source.tar.gz
   4:       : 27/Oct/02 23:38: /contrib/deutsch/1.0.0/de_AT.README.txt
   4:       : 26/Oct/02 16:41: /localized/swedish
   4:       : 27/Oct/02 22:18: /contrib/dictionaries/de_DE.zip
   4:       : 27/Oct/02 23:40: /contrib/freebsd/oo_1.0_freebsd_01.md5
   4:  0.33%: 24/Oct/02 13:53: /contrib/MacOSX/ooo102darwinbeta.dmg.gz
   4:       : 27/Oct/02 22:19: /contrib/dictionaries/hyph_en.zip
   3:  0.31%: 26/Oct/02 22:50: /stable/1.0.1/OOo_1.0.1_SolarisIntel_solver.tar.gz
   3:       : 23/Oct/02 14:43: /contrib/dictionaries/sv_SE.zip
   3:       : 27/Oct/02 23:39: /contrib/dictionaries/README_sv_SE.txt
   3:       : 26/Oct/02 11:37: /contrib/dictionaries/README_bg_BG.txt
   3:  0.05%: 27/Oct/02 19:55: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_81_wnt.zip
   3:       : 27/Oct/02 23:39: /contrib/dictionaries/README_sl_SI.txt
   3:  0.04%: 25/Oct/02 16:27: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_33_unix.tgz
   3:  0.02%: 25/Oct/02 16:09: /contrib/linuxppc/OOo_1.0.0_LinuxPPC_install_en-US.tar.gz
   3:  0.03%: 26/Oct/02 11:40: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_33_wnt.zip
   3:       : 27/Oct/02 22:18: /contrib/dictionaries/README_de_CH.txt
   3:       : 25/Oct/02 16:10: /contrib/linuxppc/OOo_1.0.0_LinuxPPC_odk.tar.gz
   3:       : 25/Oct/02 00:30: /contrib/deutsch/1.0.1/de_AT.README
   2:       : 25/Oct/02 08:13: /localized/swedish/1.0.0/linux
   2:       : 23/Oct/02 18:21: /contrib/dictionaries/cs_CZ.zip
   2:       : 27/Oct/02 19:55: /contrib/dictionaries/README_ca_ES.txt
   2:       : 24/Oct/02 11:51: /contrib/deutsch/1.0.0/installations_handbuch.pdf
   2:       : 24/Oct/02 17:09: /contrib/deutsch/1.0.0/de_CH.zip
   2:       : 25/Oct/02 16:06: /contrib/linuxppc
   2:       : 27/Oct/02 22:17: /contrib/dictionaries/README_fr_FR.txt
   2:       : 24/Oct/02 13:13: /contrib/dictionaries/README_cs_CZ.txt
   2:       : 23/Oct/02 14:38: /contrib/dictionaries/README_en_GB.txt
   2:       : 23/Oct/02 18:20: /contrib/dictionaries/bg_BG.zip
   2:       : 23/Oct/02 18:22: /contrib/dictionaries/el_GR.zip
   2:       : 25/Oct/02 08:13: /localized/swedish/1.0.0/linux/redhat
   2:       : 27/Oct/02 22:17: /contrib/dictionaries/README_ga_IE.txt
   2:       : 25/Oct/02 00:31: /contrib/dictionaries/README_hu_HU.txt
   2:       : 23/Oct/02 16:31: /contrib/dictionaries/it_IT.zip
   2:  0.02%: 24/Oct/02 21:57: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_34_wnt.zip
   2:       : 25/Oct/02 08:13: /localized/swedish/1.0.0
   2:       : 23/Oct/02 14:41: /contrib/dictionaries/hyph_pt.zip
   2:       : 23/Oct/02 14:38: /contrib/dictionaries/README_de_DE.txt
   2:       : 23/Oct/02 18:23: /contrib/dictionaries/el_GR-enhanced.zip
   2:       : 23/Oct/02 18:20: /contrib/dictionaries/ca_ES.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:39: /contrib/dictionaries/README_la.txt
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:40: /contrib/dictionaries/fr_FR.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:42: /contrib/dictionaries/pl_PL.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:42: /contrib/dictionaries/nn_NO.zip
   1:       : 26/Oct/02 22:44: /contrib/linuxppc/OOo_1.0.0_README
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:42: /contrib/dictionaries/pt_PT.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:39: /contrib/dictionaries/README_pl_PL.txt
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:39: /contrib/dictionaries/README_nn_NO.txt
   1:  0.11%: 23/Oct/02 18:20: /contrib/deutsch/1.0.1/OOo_1.0.1_SolarisSparc_install_de.tar.gz
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:39: /contrib/dictionaries/README_pt_PT.txt
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:41: /contrib/dictionaries/hr_HR.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:42: /contrib/dictionaries/pt_BR.zip
   1:  0.11%: 23/Oct/02 17:34: /contrib/deutsch/1.0.1/OOo_1.0.1_SolarisIntel_install_de.tar.gz
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 16:47: /contrib/deutsch/1.0.1/de_CH.zip
   1:  0.26%: 23/Oct/02 11:53: /stable/1.0.1/OOo_1.0.1_SolarisSparc_solver.tar.gz
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:38: /contrib/dictionaries/README_hr_HR.txt
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:38: /contrib/dictionaries/README_da_DK.txt
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:41: /contrib/dictionaries/hyph_es.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:39: /contrib/dictionaries/README_pt_BR.txt
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:41: /contrib/dictionaries/hyph_it.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:40: /contrib/dictionaries/ga_IE.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:41: /contrib/dictionaries/hu_HU.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:42: /contrib/dictionaries/sl_SI.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 10:16: /contrib/linuxppc/OpenOffice.README_ppclinux
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 16:47: /contrib/deutsch/1.0.1/de_DE.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:38: /contrib/dictionaries/README_el_GR.txt
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:42: /contrib/dictionaries/nb_NO.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:41: /contrib/dictionaries/hyph_fr.zip
   1:  0.02%: 24/Oct/02 22:01: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_01_unix.tgz
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:41: /contrib/dictionaries/hyph_nl.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:42: /contrib/dictionaries/sk_SK.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:41: /contrib/dictionaries/lt_LT.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:41: /contrib/dictionaries/hyph_ru.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:38: /contrib/dictionaries/README_el_GR-enhanced.txt
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:39: /contrib/dictionaries/README_nb_NO.txt
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:41: /contrib/dictionaries/gl_ES.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:39: /contrib/dictionaries/README_sk_SK.txt
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:41: /contrib/dictionaries/hyph_sl.zip
   1:  0.02%: 24/Oct/02 22:01: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_34_unix.tgz
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:39: /contrib/dictionaries/README_lt_LT.txt
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:41: /contrib/dictionaries/hyph_da.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:41: /contrib/dictionaries/hyph_de.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:38: /contrib/dictionaries/README_gl_ES.txt
   1:       : 25/Oct/02 08:13: /localized/swedish/1.0.0/win32
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:41: /contrib/dictionaries/la.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:40: /contrib/dictionaries/es_ES.zip
   1:  0.02%: 24/Oct/02 21:58: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_39_wnt.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:39: /contrib/dictionaries/README_it_IT.txt
   1:       : 22/Oct/02 14:23: /localized/fi/1.0.0/macosx
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:38: /contrib/dictionaries/README_es_ES.txt
   1:       : 25/Oct/02 16:42: /contrib/linuxppc/OOo_install_guide.pdf
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:39: /contrib/dictionaries/README_nl_NL.txt
   1:  0.02%: 24/Oct/02 21:58: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_46_wnt.zip
   1:  0.02%: 24/Oct/02 21:58: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_49_wnt.zip
   1:       : 23/Oct/02 14:42: /contrib/dictionaries/sl_SL.zip

This analysis was produced by analog 5.23.
Running time: 8 minutes, 12 seconds.