Web Server Statistics for NIC.Funet.fi

Program started at Tue-09-Jul-2002 22:00.
Analysed requests from Tue-02-Jul-2002 00:37 to Sun-07-Jul-2002 23:54 (5.97

General Summary
This report contains overall statistics.

Successful requests: 1,221
Average successful requests per day: 204
Distinct files requested: 64
Distinct hosts served: 446
Unwanted logfile entries: 148
Data transferred: 20.356 gigabytes
Average data transferred per day: 3.409 gigabytes

Domain Report
This report lists the countries of the computers which requested files.

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 Gbytes: %bytes: reqs:  %reqs: domain
-------: ------: ----: ------: ------
  9.400: 46.18%:  448: 36.69%: .fi (Finland)
  1.009:  4.96%:   42:  3.44%:   htv.fi
  0.910:  4.47%:   45:  3.69%:   inet.fi
  0.646:  3.18%:   29:  2.38%:   omakaista.fi
  0.496:  2.44%:   37:  3.03%:   kolumbus.fi
  0.483:  2.38%:   11:  0.90%:   mikropc.fi
  0.435:  2.14%:   18:  1.47%:   jyu.fi
  0.372:  1.83%:   13:  1.06%:   hut.fi
  0.310:  1.52%:    5:  0.41%:   tpo.fi
  0.291:  1.43%:   34:  2.78%:   saunalahti.fi
  0.286:  1.41%:    8:  0.66%:   pspt.fi
  0.273:  1.34%:    7:  0.57%:   helsinki.fi
  0.265:  1.30%:   10:  0.82%:   sonera.fi
  0.265:  1.30%:   12:  0.98%:   pkshp.fi
  0.202:  0.99%:    4:  0.33%:   wwnet.fi
  0.173:  0.85%:    3:  0.25%:   netikka.fi
  0.162:  0.80%:    4:  0.33%:   kpnqwest.fi
  0.160:  0.79%:    6:  0.49%:   netsonic.fi
  0.131:  0.65%:    2:  0.16%:   joensuu.fi
  0.130:  0.64%:    3:  0.25%:   utu.fi
  0.114:  0.56%:    4:  0.33%:   mtv3.fi
  0.114:  0.56%:    7:  0.57%:   suomen4g.fi
  0.114:  0.56%:    3:  0.25%:   turkuamk.fi
  0.113:  0.56%:    3:  0.25%:   adulta.fi
  0.112:  0.55%:    4:  0.33%:   soneraliving.fi
  0.112:  0.55%:    2:  0.16%:   microteam.fi
  0.112:  0.55%:    2:  0.16%:   amiedu.fi
  3.168: 15.57%:   58:  4.75%: .cz (Czech Republic)
  2.508: 12.32%:  261: 21.38%: [unknown domain]
  1.378:  6.77%:  115:  9.42%: .net (Networks)
  0.245:  1.20%:    9:  0.74%:   komeetta.net
  0.227:  1.12%:    8:  0.66%:   suomi.net
  0.197:  0.97%:    9:  0.74%:   hinet.net
  0.112:  0.55%:    2:  0.16%:   ameritech.net
  1.162:  5.71%:   49:  4.01%: .com (Commercial)
  0.340:  1.67%:   13:  1.06%:   telia.com
  0.131:  0.65%:    2:  0.16%:   nokia.com
  0.114:  0.56%:    2:  0.16%:   fortum.com
  0.112:  0.56%:    3:  0.25%:   cisco.com
  0.715:  3.51%:   25:  2.05%: .se (Sweden)
  0.227:  1.12%:    8:  0.66%:   bonet.se
  0.321:  1.58%:    9:  0.74%: .ee (Estonia)
  0.255:  1.25%:   18:  1.47%: .be (Belgium)
  0.208:  1.02%:   17:  1.39%: .ru (Russia)
  0.166:  0.82%:   11:  0.90%: .gr (Greece)
  0.136:  0.67%:   19:  1.56%: .fr (France)
  0.128:  0.63%:    4:  0.33%: .it (Italy)
  0.123:  0.61%:    5:  0.41%: .uk (United Kingdom)
  0.075:  0.37%:   14:  1.15%: .nl (Netherlands)
  0.074:  0.37%:    7:  0.57%: .br (Brazil)
  0.068:  0.33%:    4:  0.33%: .sk (Slovakia)
  0.065:  0.32%:   16:  1.31%: .pt (Portugal)
  0.065:  0.32%:    1:  0.08%: .uy (Uruguay)
  0.051:  0.25%:   11:  0.90%: .mx (Mexico)
  0.048:  0.24%:   15:  1.23%: .by (Belarus)
  0.047:  0.24%:   18:  1.47%: .lt (Lithuania)
  0.044:  0.22%:    1:  0.08%: .org (Non Profit Making Organisations)
  0.038:  0.19%:    5:  0.41%: .jp (Japan)
  0.031:  0.16%:    5:  0.41%: .ie (Ireland)
  0.021:  0.10%:    5:  0.41%: .ro (Romania)
  0.010:  0.05%:   34:  2.78%: .ua (Ukraine)
  0.007:  0.04%:    9:  0.74%: .ca (Canada)
  0.006:  0.03%:    2:  0.16%: .au (Australia)
  0.005:  0.02%:    7:  0.57%: .tw (Taiwan)
  0.004:  0.02%:    2:  0.16%: .es (Spain)
  0.004:  0.02%:    3:  0.25%: .sg (Singapore)
  0.002:  0.01%:    3:  0.25%: .pl (Poland)
  0.002:  0.01%:    5:  0.41%: .cl (Chile)
  0.002:  0.01%:    7:  0.57%: .dk (Denmark)
  0.001:  0.01%:    3:  0.25%: .hk (Hong Kong)
  0.000:       :    3:  0.25%: .my (Malaysia)
  0.000:       :    2:  0.16%: .bg (Bulgaria)

Directory Report
This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The
  figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)

Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount
  of traffic.

reqs: %bytes: directory
----: ------: ---------
 798: 67.94%: /1.0.0/
 127: 14.04%: /finnish/
  37:  6.32%: /642/
  41:  5.76%: /swedish/
  15:  3.85%: /641c/
   3:  1.16%: /638c_MacOSX/
  13:  0.72%: /miscellaneous/
 116:  0.20%: [root directory]
  71:       : [not listed: 2 directories]

Request Report
This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files with at least 1 request in the last 7 days, sorted by the
  number of requests.

reqs: %bytes:       last time: file
----: ------: ---------------: ----
 539: 28.83%:  7/Jul/02 23:54: /1.0.0/OOo_1.0.0_Win32Intel_install.zip
 207: 27.74%:  7/Jul/02 21:59: /1.0.0/OOo_1.0.0_LinuxIntel_install.tar.gz
  69:       :  7/Jul/02 20:59: HTTP/1.0
  66: 14.04%:  7/Jul/02 20:34: /finnish/OOo1.0_linuxintel_finnish.tgz
  46:       :  7/Jul/02 20:59: /1.0.0
  37:       :  7/Jul/02 01:56: /finnish/1.0.0-is-coming-soon
  37:       :  7/Jul/02 20:59: /finnish
  30:  3.89%:  7/Jul/02 13:01: /swedish/OOo_1.0.0_Win32Intel_install_sv.zip
  24:       :  7/Jul/02 20:51: /finnish/test
  14:  1.11%:  7/Jul/02 13:46: /642/install642_win32intel.zip
  13:  1.67%:  6/Jul/02 22:27: /1.0.0/OOo_1.0.0_Win32Intel_solver.zip
  12:  0.20%:  7/Jul/02 15:08: /helpcontent
  11:  1.00%:  6/Jul/02 22:23: /1.0.0/OOo_1.0.0_SolarisIntel_solver.tar.gz
  11:  1.87%:  6/Jul/02 22:54: /swedish/OOo_1.0.0_LinuxIntel_install_sv.tar.gz
  10:  3.51%:  6/Jul/02 22:20: /1.0.0/OOo_1.0.0_LinuxIntel_solver.tar.gz
   8:       :  6/Jul/02 02:20: /swedish
   8:  1.89%:  6/Jul/02 22:30: /1.0.0/OOo_1.0.0_source.tar.gz
   6:  0.74%:  6/Jul/02 22:46: /642/oo_642_src.tar.gz
   5:  0.62%:  6/Jul/02 22:51: /642/solver642_win32intel.zip
   5:  1.04%:  6/Jul/02 22:42: /642/install642_linux_intel.tar.gz
   5:       :  7/Jul/02 20:54: /642
   4:       :  6/Jul/02 02:20: /miscellaneous
   4:  0.75%:  6/Jul/02 22:21: /1.0.0/OOo_1.0.0_LinuxPPC_install_en-US.tar.gz
   3:  0.23%:  6/Jul/02 22:35: /641c/install641C_win32intel.zip
   2:  1.07%:  6/Jul/02 22:28: /1.0.0/OOo_1.0.0_source.tar.bz2
   2:       :  2/Jul/02 12:46: /local/test/something
   2:       :  5/Jul/02 00:11: /641c
   2:  0.68%:  6/Jul/02 22:22: /1.0.0/OOo_1.0.0_SolarisIntel_install.tar.gz
   2:  0.03%:  6/Jul/02 22:35: /641c/odk641C_linux_intel.tar.gz
   2:  0.63%:  6/Jul/02 22:33: /641c/install641C_linux_intel.tar.gz
   2:  0.47%:  6/Jul/02 22:43: /642/install642_win32intel.tar.gz
   1:  0.60%:  6/Jul/02 22:38: /641c/oo_641c_src.tar.gz
   1:  0.06%:  6/Jul/02 22:52: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_33_wnt.zip
   1:  0.06%:  6/Jul/02 22:53: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_34_wnt.zip
   1:  0.33%:  6/Jul/02 22:31: /638c_MacOSX/OOO638CInstall.dmg.gz
   1:  0.51%:  6/Jul/02 22:49: /642/solver642_solaris_sparc.tar.gz
   1:  0.33%:  6/Jul/02 22:34: /641c/install641C_solaris_sparc.tar.gz
   1:  0.06%:  6/Jul/02 22:53: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_39_wnt.zip
   1:  0.06%:  6/Jul/02 22:52: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_01_unix.tgz
   1:  0.38%:  6/Jul/02 22:32: /638c_MacOSX/oo_638c_macosx_src.tar.bz2
   1:  0.33%:  6/Jul/02 22:24: /1.0.0/OOo_1.0.0_SolarisSparc_install.tar.gz
   1:  0.06%:  6/Jul/02 22:52: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_33_unix.tgz
   1:       :  5/Jul/02 00:11: /miscellaneous/helpcontent
   1:  0.06%:  6/Jul/02 22:53: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_39_unix.tgz
   1:       :  2/Jul/02 11:59: /local
   1:  0.07%:  6/Jul/02 22:53: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_49_unix.tgz
   1:  0.46%:  6/Jul/02 22:33: /638c_MacOSX/oo_638c_macosx_src.tar.gz
   1:       :  6/Jul/02 22:19: /.message
   1:  0.06%:  6/Jul/02 22:52: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_01_wnt.zip
   1:  0.47%:  6/Jul/02 22:50: /642/solver642_win32intel.tar.gz
   1:  0.47%:  6/Jul/02 22:39: /641c/solver641C_linux_intel.tar.gz
   1:  0.49%:  6/Jul/02 22:41: /641c/solver641C_win32intel.zip
   1:  0.33%:  6/Jul/02 22:42: /642/install642_solaris_sparc.tar.gz
   1:  0.04%:  6/Jul/02 22:35: /641c/odk641C_win32intel.zip
   1:  0.53%:  6/Jul/02 22:45: /642/oo_642_src.tar.bz2
   1:  0.06%:  6/Jul/02 22:53: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_46_wnt.zip
   1:  0.49%:  6/Jul/02 22:40: /641c/solver641C_solaris_sparc.tar.gz
   1:  0.07%:  6/Jul/02 22:53: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_49_wnt.zip
   1:  0.52%:  6/Jul/02 22:36: /641c/oo_641c_src.tar.bz2
   1:  0.03%:  6/Jul/02 22:35: /641c/odk641C_solaris_sparc.tar.gz
   1:  0.06%:  6/Jul/02 22:52: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_34_unix.tgz
   1:  0.49%:  6/Jul/02 22:25: /1.0.0/OOo_1.0.0_SolarisSparc_solver.tar.gz
   1:  0.06%:  6/Jul/02 22:53: /miscellaneous/helpcontent/helpcontent_46_unix.tgz
   1:  0.49%:  6/Jul/02 22:47: /642/solver642_linux_intel.tar.gz

This analysis was produced by analog 5.23.
Running time: 6 minutes, 20 seconds.