Web Server Statistics for NIC.Funet.fi

Program started at Thu-13-Jun-2002 17:37.
Analysed requests from Thu-06-Jun-2002 08:52 to Tue-11-Jun-2002 23:51 (5.62

General Summary
This report contains overall statistics.

Successful requests: 96
Average successful requests per day: 16
Distinct files requested: 10
Distinct hosts served: 54
Unwanted logfile entries: 10
Data transferred: 1.223 gigabytes
Average data transferred per day: 222.720 megabytes

Weekly Report
This report lists the activity in each week.

Each unit (+) represents 25 megabytes or part thereof.

week beg.:  Mbytes: %bytes: reqs:  %reqs: 
---------: -------: ------: ----: ------: 
 2/Jun/02: 517.337: 41.30%:   39: 40.63%: +++++++++++++++++++++
 9/Jun/02: 735.308: 58.70%:   57: 59.38%: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Busiest week: week beginning  9/Jun/02 (735.308 megabytes).

Domain Report
This report lists the countries of the computers which requested files.

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 Mbytes: %bytes: reqs:  %reqs: domain
-------: ------: ----: ------: ------
895.638: 71.50%:   37: 38.54%: .fi (Finland)
288.544: 23.03%:    5:  5.21%:   inet.fi
226.895: 18.11%:    3:  3.13%:   abb.fi
153.264: 12.24%:    2:  2.08%:   vtt.fi
 73.687:  5.88%:    2:  2.08%:   joensuu.fi
 66.640:  5.32%:    1:  1.04%:   mil.fi
 54.136:  4.32%:    6:  6.25%:   weppi.fi
 15.259:  1.22%:    2:  2.08%:   surfeu.fi
 11.069:  0.88%:   14: 14.58%:   suomen2g.fi
107.518:  8.58%:   23: 23.96%: [unknown domain]
 70.201:  5.60%:    6:  6.25%: .se (Sweden)
 39.757:  3.17%:    4:  4.17%:   chello.se
 30.443:  2.43%:    2:  2.08%:   bonet.se
 52.609:  4.20%:    6:  6.25%: .com (Commercial)
 21.546:  1.72%:    1:  1.04%:   nextgentel.com
 18.828:  1.50%:    1:  1.04%:   omgroup.com
 12.234:  0.98%:    4:  4.17%:   aol.com
 30.203:  2.41%:    4:  4.17%: .es (Spain)
 27.187:  2.17%:    3:  3.13%: .fr (France)
 19.328:  1.54%:    4:  4.17%: .no (Norway)
 13.613:  1.09%:    2:  2.08%: .br (Brazil)
 11.398:  0.91%:    1:  1.04%: .za (South Africa)
 10.093:  0.81%:    1:  1.04%: .nz (New Zealand)
  7.210:  0.58%:    1:  1.04%: .dk (Denmark)
  6.182:  0.49%:    1:  1.04%: .ar (Argentina)
  0.703:  0.06%:    4:  4.17%: .ua (Ukraine)
  0.570:  0.05%:    2:  2.08%: .it (Italy)
  0.187:  0.01%:    1:  1.04%: .net (Networks)

Organisation Report
This report lists the organisations of the computers which requested files.

Listing the top 20 organisations by the number of requests, sorted by the
  number of requests.

reqs: %bytes: organisation
----: ------: ------------
  23:  8.58%: [unknown domain]
  14:  0.88%: suomen2g.fi
   6:  4.32%: weppi.fi
   5: 23.03%: inet.fi
   4:  0.98%: aol.com
   4:  2.41%: ttd.es
   4:  0.06%: mplus.dp.ua
   4:  3.17%: chello.se
   3: 18.11%: abb.fi
   3:  2.17%: wanadoo.fr
   2:  5.88%: joensuu.fi
   2:  1.47%: telecomputing.no
   2:  0.07%: online.no
   2:  1.22%: surfeu.fi
   2:  0.05%: uniroma2.it
   2: 12.24%: vtt.fi
   2:  2.43%: bonet.se
   1:  0.91%: absamail.co.za
   1:  0.51%: telesp.net.br
   1:  0.58%: brdterra.com.br
   9: 10.92%: [not listed: 9 organisations]

Directory Report
This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The
  figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)

Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount
  of traffic.

reqs: %bytes: directory
----: ------: ---------
  79: 97.61%: /1.0.0/
  16:  2.39%: /642/
   1:       : [not listed: 1 directory]

Request Report
This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs: %bytes:       last time: file
----: ------: ---------------: ----
  50: 31.20%: 11/Jun/02 23:51: /1.0.0/OOo_1.0.0_Win32Intel_install.zip
  21: 29.33%: 11/Jun/02 22:09: /1.0.0/OOo_1.0.0_LinuxIntel_install.tar.gz
  25: 39.47%: 11/Jun/02 14:09: [not listed: 8 files]

This analysis was produced by analog 5.23.
Running time: 2 minutes, 50 seconds.