NR #1995-114: For Immediate Release Text of Calvin Seminary Faculty Letter on Homosexuality Editors' Note: The following is the complete text, printed without any form of emendation or editorial comment, of the November 28, 1995 letter sent by Calvin Seminary professors to Classis Grand Rapids East stated clerk Philip Lucasse. The notes following the signatures are in the original text of the letter. Dear Delegates to Classis Grand Rapids East, Because of widespread misunderstanding in the churches, created by media reporting and a lack of clarity in Classis' own handling of the report "Ministry with Persons who are Homosexual," we send you this communication. The undersigned are professors of theology at Calvin Seminary and associate ministers of churches in Classis Grand Rapids East. We affirm the importance of ministry to homosexual persons and commend Classis for its initiatives in providing guidelines to our churches, particularly because the Christian Reformed Church has not adequately lived up to the pastoral summons of the 1973 Synodical Report on Homosexuality. Classis' report is helpful in reminding the church of that pastoral obligation. However, we are concerned that Classis' decision has been widely perceived - locally and denominationally - as ambivalent with respect to the CRC's official statement on homosexuality. From the Classis minutes of January 20, 1994, we understand that the 1973 Report was to be the framework for these ministry guidelines. The classical report is not controlled by the synodical stance, fails explicitly to affirm 1973's theological and ethical guidelines, and in several places raises fundamental questions about the CRC position. Furthermore, when in its deliberations on October 19, 1995 Classis had an opportunity to affirm the 1973 stance by adopting the minority report, it failed to do so. Instead of the clear statement in the minority report that homosexuality is a distortion of God's plan for sexuality and that sexual activity outside of marriage is disobedience, Classis chose to substitute in its place the ambiguous wording "to discern what it means to be faithful to Jesus Christ." This combination of the report's silence with respect to the 1973 framework and classical action on the minority report left a strong impression that Classis was unwilling to affirm the theological and ethical principles of the 1973 report. Though the perception may be wrong and far from Classis' intention, this impression has been the occasion of much unrest in the church. For the sake of truth and the well-being of the church we request that classis at its January 1996 meeting clearly affirm that all ministries to homosexual persons should follow the theological, ethical, and pastoral guidelines of the 1973 Synodical Report on Homosexuality. With you in our Lord's service, /s/ John Bolt, Plymouth Heights CRC /s/ John W. Cooper, Eastern Avenue CRC /s/ James A. De Jong, Plymouth Heights CRC /s/ Henry De Moor, Woodlawn CRC /s/ Ronald J. Feenstra, Neland Ave. CRC /s/ Sidney Greidanus, First CRC /s/ David E. Holwerda, First CRC /s/ Melvin D. Hugen, Eastern Avenue CRC /s/ Arie C. Leder, Plymouth Heights CRC /s/ Richard A. Muller, Woodlawn CRC /s/ Cornelius Plantinga Jr., Woodlawn CRC /s/ Calvin Van Reken, Shawnee Park CRC * Jeffrey A.D. Weima, Shawnee Park CRC /s/ Henry Zwaanstra, Woodlawn CRC All signatories are faculty members of Calvin Theological Seminary and Associate Ministers of churches in Classis Grand Rapids East. Copies sent to the councils of the churches of which the signatories are Associate Ministers. * Jeffrey Weima is out of the country but requested that his name be included on this letter. Cross-References to Related Articles: #1995-113: Calvin Seminary Professors Urge Classis Grand Rapids East to Affirm CRC Synod's Ruling that Homosexual Practice is Sin [See related articles and contact list at crossreference] file: /pub/resources/text/reformed: nr95-114.txt .