Jehovah's Witnesses - Organization
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AWAKEN transcripts

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Various Monographs

The Black Hole of History: Did a Great Apostacy Occur in the Early Church? The Jehovah's Witnesses and the Apostacy, anon. (undated) [apost.txt]

'Cognitive Consistency', by Henry Glietman. 1993, from Basic Psychology [cogdiss.txt]

It Hurts, by Jan Groenveld. (undated). Posted 1994:Dec.09. [culthurt.txt]

[Charles T. Russell], by Walter Martin. From Kingdom of the Cults. [jehwit34.txt]

Organization - The Keystone of JW Belief. (undated) [keystone.txt]

Sheol - Is it Merely the Grave, anon. (undated) [sheol.txt]

Social Psychology and Group Dynamics, Jan Groenveld, (undated). Totalism. Includes sections on cognitive dissonance, control of behavior, thoughts, and emotions, control of information, thought control, emotional control, brain-washing, mystical manipulation, demand of purity, loading the language, doctrine over person, dispensing of existence. [totalism.txt]

Testimony Labels, (undated) [jwlabel.txt]

Yearbook of the Jehovah's Witnesses, 1934. [Online scanned pages]

The Watchtower Trinity, 1993. Natalie Pappas. [wtrinity.txt]

Watchtowers in Wicca? [wt-witch.txt]

WTS and the Worship of Jesus, anon. [jesuswsh.txt]

1995 Project JW - Nazi Germany Connections

A Compressed .zip file of all documents noted in this section []

Dossier/ Index of the Complete Project JW - Nazi Germany Commections [jw-nazis.idx]

An English translation of the tract, "Declaration of Facts", distributed in Germany in 1933 [declfact.txt]

The text of a declaration carried in the Trost magazine, from the Swiss branch of the WTS [decl1943.ger]

An English translation of the above [decl1943.txt]

An English translation by James Penton of the letter to Adolf Hitler which accompanied his personal copy of the Declaration of Facts [hitllett.txt]

Letter to Hitler, text version (German) [jwhitler.let]

Letter to Hitler, translation into English by Stephan Wolf [jwhitler.eng]

A Tale of Two Yearbooks - JWs in 30s Germany as told in the yb34 and yb74 [jw-nazis.txt]

JWs & wavering Americanism, appeasement of Nazis, and support of the Pinochet coup. An extract from the jesus-witnesses FAQ [jw-polit.txt]

The testimony of senior JW Konrad Franke (in German and English translation) regarding the 1933 Berlin convention [frankes.txt]

An open letter from Canadian historian, Prof. MJ Penton, to the Watchtower Society, re: the cover-up of the 1930s [pentonlt.txt]

Excerpts from a 1995 Awake! article which not only covers up the WTS past, but attempts to garner credit for their sole anti-Nazi stan [hubr1995.txt]

Erich Frost - an individual tale of cover-up [frost.txt]

Miscellaneous. Including secret agreement between WT & Nazis in Norway; recent inflation of figures [misc.txt]

Related Internet Links:
  • jesus' witnesses & FAQ archive home
  • Scanned Hitler Letter
  • Scanned Year Book 1934
  • Scans of Year Book 1934, Trost, and Hitler Letter

    Further References:
    Der Spiegel, 19 July 1961, p38-39
    Die Falschspieler Gottes, Nobel
    Christian Quest articles, Prof M J Penton
    Apocalypse Delayed, Prof M J Penton
  • General Text

    [Anonymous Excerpt], Watchtower, (1952:Oct.01), pp.596 to 604. [jw-004.txt]

    Anointed Too Old Watchtower Prepares To Change Channels?, by James Walker. Watchman Expositor. (undated). This month's Watchman Expositor contains a documented cross-referenced history of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society from 1870 to the present. This historical outline is a greatly expanded version of the one first published in the Expositor in 1990 (Vol. 7, no. 6) and is intended to be a helpful overview and witnessing tool that reveals many of the mistakes, false prophecies, and doctrinal changes of the Watchtower Society. [jw-064.txt]

    Crisis of Authority? Watchtower President Franz, Dead at 99. Watchman Expositor, (undated). [jw-089.txt]

    Glossary of American English Hacker Theocrates, by Lynn D. Newton, 1995 (zip file format: appx. 180 k.) []

    The History of the Jehovahs Witnesses, by Computers for Christ. (undated) [jw-006.txt]

    Is Your Hope Bible-Based? Questions and Reflections for Jehovah's Witnesses, [jw-013.txt]

    Jehovah's Witnesses: A Survey, Craig Branch. Watchman Expositor (undated). Updated and expanded by Craig Branch, from Edmond Gruss' Jehovah's Witnesses: A Survey. [jw-083.txt]

    Jehovah's Witnesses, the Watchtower and Hatred, by Thomas Carl McCaskey [jw-044.txt]

    The Lies of the Serpent: False Witnessing of "Jehovah's Witnesses", by Rev. Nelson Parkenson, Jr. (compiler) [jw-052.txt]

    Light, New Light, Old Light, by Chris Barhorst. Watchman Expositor, (undated) [jw-085.txt]

    Some Watchtower Doctrine to be Noted, by David Powell. (undated) [jw-010.txt]

    Watchtower Authority and the Bible, Christian Research Journal. (1988:fall) [jw-028.txt]

    Watchtower Dodges, Craig Branch. Watchman Expositor, (undated). [jw-075.txt]

    Watchtower New York, Inc. Managed Salvation Plan - The Smart Way to Plan Your Future (1995). [mangsalv.txt]

    What Happened at the World Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Spring of 1980?, by Randall Watters. (undated) [jw-059.txt]

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    Jesus' Witnesses

    Document prepared by permission, ICLnet.

    NJB, 1996:Nov.17