CALL FOR PAPERS JOINT CONFERENCE PERFORMANCE TOOLS '95 MMB '95 and 8th International Conference on 8th Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools Measuring, Modelling and Evaluating for Computer Performance Evaluation Computing and Communication Systems 20th-22nd September, 1995 Heidelberg, Germany Design, development and operations of computing and communication systems ought to be accompanied by assessments of their quantitative non-functional properties. QUANTITATIVE PROPERTIES include, in particular, system PERFORMANCE, increasingly in conjunction with system RELIABILITY and PERFORMABILITY. Assessing quantitative properties involves system MODELLING, wherever possible supported by system MEASUREMENT. In view of the large variety and technical complexity of existing modelling paradigms, model analysis techniques and measurement options, quantitative system assessment will only become standard practice if supported by widely applicable TECHNIQUES and easily usable TOOLS. The conference will focus on - modelling paradigms and model analysis techniques for quantitative system assessment, with an emphasis on their broad applicability; - software tools for the specification and analysis of quantitative models; - measurement approaches and tools, with an emphasis on their combination with modelling options; - case studies for and applications of measurement and modelling techniques and tools. Contributions are kindly invited on these and related issues. Practitioners in the field are particularly encouraged to share their needs and experience in quantitative system assessment with the professional community. The conference will be accompanied by - a day of tutorials (19th September, 1995) devoted to basic aspects, new developments, and major applications of quantitative techniques and tools; - demonstrations of tools for quantitative system assessment, and of major applications of such tools. IMPORTANT DATES (all submissions to the Programme Chair, please) FEBRUARY 17, 1995 Conference Papers: 5 copies, in English, up to 20 double-spaced pages (including Figures, Tables and References); Conference Papers are intended to be published in the Springer LNCS series APRIL 7, 1995 Tutorial Proposals (e-mail submission preferred): 2 pages of tutorial objectives and outline APRIL 7, 1995 Tool Presentation Suggestions (e-mail preferred): 2 pages, with an indication of HW- and SW-requirements MAY 5, 1995 Notification of acceptance JUNE 9, 1995 Camera-ready copy due The conference is sponsored by the Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (GI) and organized by the GI/ITG Special Interest Group on Measuring, Modelling and Evaluating Computing Systems, in cooperation with the European Networking Center of IBM Germany. It will take place at, and will be supported by, the Universitaet Heidelberg. Additional supporting organizations include, at present: AICA/WGPE, ATI, BCS/PESG, IFIP WG 7.3, ITG FG 1.2.1, OCG. PROGRAMME COMMITTEE (preliminary status) Gianfranco Balbo, Italy Heinz Beilner, Germany Reinh. Bordewisch, Germany Onno J. Boxma, Netherlands Maria Calzarossa, Italy Larry Dowdy, USA Erol Gelenbe, France Wolfgang Guerich, Germany Guenter Haring, Austria Peter Harrison, UK Ulrich Herzog, Germany Peter Hughes, UK Raj Jain, USA Hisashi Kobayashi, USA Pieter Kritzinger, S.Africa Paul Kuehn, Germany Axel Lehmann, Germany Raymond Marie, France Martin Paterok, Germany Brigitte Plateau, France Rob Pooley, UK Ramon Puigjaner, Spain Daniel A. Reed, USA William Sanders, USA Herb Schwetman, USA Giuseppe Serazzi, Italy Connie Smith, USA Arne Solvberg, Norway Otto Spaniol, Germany Peter P. Spies, Germany William Stewart, USA Hideaki Takagi, Japan Satish Tripathi, USA Kishor S. Trivedi, USA Bernhard Walke, Germany PROGRAMME CHAIR: ORGANIZATION CHAIR: Heinz Beilner Martin Paterok Universitaet Dortmund IBM Deutschland Informationssysteme Fachbereich Informatik European Networking Center (no street address necessary) Vangerowstr. 18 D-44221 Dortmund D-69115 Heidelberg Germany Germany Tel.: (+49)231-755/2570 Tel.: (+49)6221-59/4312 Fax: (+49)231-755/4730 Fax: (+49)6221-59/3300 e-mail: e-mail: