DDG Books

Books mentioning the DDG site

Tim Harding: Four Gambits To Beat The French, 1998.
Contains a brief introduction to the DDG and the DDG site in pages 31-33.

Sarah Hurst, FM Richard Palliser, Graham Brown: Chess on the Web, New Edition, 2000, 176 pages.
Contains a glowing review on the DDG site.

Eric Schiller: Gambit Chess Openings, 2002.
Covers the DDG in two pages, somewhat updated from Unorthodox Openings.

Eric Schiller: Unorthodox Openings, 1998.
Contains new analysis on the Keres Variation.
Review by British Chess Magazine: "Schiller seems more comfortable sifting through the garbage of the more weird and wonderful opening-mutations than appreciating the best of contemporary theory."

Books containg DDG games or analysis

Kaj Bj�rkqvist: Romantic D-Openings, 2003, 51 pages. Three pages about the DDG, including a few games.

Emil Josef Diemer: Blackmar Gemeinde, 1955-1956.

Emil Josef Diemer: Vom Ersten Zug an auf Matt, 1957.

Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings (ECO), Volume C, Sahovski Informator, 1981. The French Defence section by Keres and Minev.

Julio Ganzo, La defensa francesa, editor R. Aguilera, 2nd edition, Madrid, 1957, 98 pages, A6 size.
Contains unique DDG analysis.

Tim Harding, W. Heidenfeld: French: Classical Lines, 1979.

M. H. Horton: French Defense I, 1977. Mentions the Keres Variation.

Paul Keres: Spanisch bis Franz�sisch, 1974.

Adam Kuligowski, Harry Wienigk: Encyclopaedia of Chess Games, French Defence, 1997.

Nikolay Minev: French Defense: New and Forgotten Ideas, 1988.

Nikolay Minev: French Defense 2, 1998.
Contains new ideas to the DDG.

Schwarz: Die Franz�sische Verteidigung, 1967.

Bill Wall: 500 French Minatures: Volume 2, Chess Enterprises, 1995, 117 pages.
Games: Maier - Branewski, 1974.

John Watson: Play the French, 1996 (2nd ed.).

David E. Welsh: Computer Chess, 1984.
Games: Wita - Tyro, 1977.

Books containing games transposed to the DDG

Raymond Keene: The Complete Book of Gambits, 1992.
Games: Marshall - Duras, 1911 (QGD Tarrasch Defence, Marshall Gambit).

Anatoli Mazukewitsch: Seltene Gambits, 1988, 334 pages.
Games: Junejew - Shimarjow.

Tim Sawyer: Alapin French, Tactics for White, 1995, 86 pages, 275 games.

Tim Sawyer: The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Keybook II, 1999.
Games: Purser - guest, ICC, 1997.

Bill Wall: 500 French Miniatures, 1984, 126 pages. Collections of quick kills in the French.
Games: Meyers - Blaine, 1974.

John Watson & Eric Schiller: The Big Book of Busts, 1995.

Thomas Winckelmann: Winckelmann-Reimer Gambit (in German), 1995, 186 pages. 514 games.