Object: Open cluster NGC663                     Constell: CAS

RA: 01h 46.0m           Decl: +61� 15'          Epoch: 2000
Mag: 7.1m               Size: 16'               Type: III 2 m

Observer: Jere Kahanp��
Obs. place: Jyv�skyl�, Finland
Date/Time: 19./20.3.1993, 21.45

Telescope: R 150/2063
Magn: 52x               Filter:
Field: 50'              NE Lim.mag: 5.2
Background sky: 3-4     Seeing: 2

Brightness: 1          Alt: 45�
Description: A beautiful cluster. Elliptical, major axis
oriented W-E. The brightest stars forms several pairs. Quite
rich and even in this weather plotting all fainter stars was
quite diffcult. About 40 stars was seen.