************** * BIOTECHNET * ************** Global computer network created specially for research biologists What is BioTechNET? BioTechNET is a new network similar to Compuserve or Protogy, with emphasis on BioTechnology. What services does BioTechNet offer? In addition to e-mail, BioTechNET also offers FAX, Telex, Translation Services (Spanish,French, German, Italian, and Portugese, to and from English), under the heading of Communications; Data/text file storage/editing; Conference and Forums; Bulletin Boards; a MarketPlace section for contacting advertisers in BioTechnique magazine, placeing orders for equipment, supplies, etc; requesting customer service; and a range of news and information services including BioTechniques articles on-line, BioTech Industry Newsletters, a Research Library which provides access to DIALOG, and a Professional Societies listing/forum section. For those who like Compuserve, etc, these may be useful services. What are the associated costs? The initial fee for an ID and password is $12 and the connect fee is 49 cents/ minute ($29/hour). Is there a gateway to the InterNet? Although one component of BioTechNET is the availability of e-mail, at present there is no gateway to the InterNet. Information abstracted from a message posted on the software BIOSCI bulletin board by: Bruce A. Roe Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of Oklahoma BROE@AARDVARK.UCS.UOKNOR.EDU