Thermocyclops Kiefer, 1927
Thermocyclops dybowskii (Lande, 1890)
Thermocyclops dybowskii dalmatica ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops dybowskii dybowskii ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops dybowskii fortii ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops dybowskii ; [CruL]
Thermocyclops dybowskii Lande, 1890;
Thermocyclops crassus (Fischer, 1853)
Thermocyclops crassus byzantinus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops crassus crassus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops crassus kivuensis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops crassus macrolasius ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops crassus ndalaganus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops crassus ; [CruL] ; [iNaturalist ]
Thermocyclops crassus Fischer, 1853;
Thermocyclops hyalinus byzantinus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops hyalinus consimilis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops hyalinus hyalinus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops hyalinus kivuensis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops hyalinus macrolasius ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops hyalinus ndalaganus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops hyalinus persicus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops oithonoides (Sars, 1863)
Thermocyclops oithonoides ; [CruL] ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops oithonoides Sars, 1863;
Unmatched external taxa
Thermocyclops aberrans ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops africae ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops analogus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops brehmi ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops byzantinus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops consimilis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops consimilis pusillus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops conspicuus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops crenulatus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops crucis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops dalmaticus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops decipiens ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops decoratus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops dumonti ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops emini ; [CoL ] ; [iNaturalist ]
Thermocyclops ethiopiensis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops hastatus antillensis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops hastatus hastatus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops hooki ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops ianthinus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops iguapensis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops incisus speluncus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops incisus circusi ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops incisus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops incisus tchadensis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops infrequens eduardensis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops infrequens ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops inopinus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops inversus ; [CoL ] ; [iNaturalist ]
Thermocyclops iwoyiensis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops kawamurai ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops kivuensis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops macracanthus ; [CoL ] ; [iNaturalist ]
Thermocyclops macrolasius ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops maheensis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops microspinulosus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops minutus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops mongolicus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops ndalaganus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops neglectus major ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops neglectus neglectus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops neglectus decipiens ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops neglectus prolatus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops nigerianus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops oblongatus ; [CoL ] ; [iNaturalist ]
Thermocyclops operculifer ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops orghidani ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops orientalis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops ouadanei ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops pachysetosus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops parahastatus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops parvus ; [CoL ] ; [iNaturalist ]
Thermocyclops philippinensis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops pseudoperculifer ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops rectus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops retroversus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops rylovi vermifer ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops rylovi rylovi ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops schmeili schmeili ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops schmeili crenulatus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops schmeili marmagoensis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops schuurmanae ; [CoL ] ; [iNaturalist ]
Thermocyclops stephanidesi ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops taihokuensis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops tchadensis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops tenuis tenuis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops tenuis longifurcatus ; [CoL ] ; [iNaturalist ]
Thermocyclops tenuis ; [iNaturalist ]
Thermocyclops thailandensis ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops tinctus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops trichophorus ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops uenoi ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops vermifer ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops vizarae ; [CoL ]
Thermocyclops wolterecki ; [CoL ]
12.2.2002 (3)
[CoL] Catalogue of Life
Bánki, O., Roskov, Y., Döring, M., Ower, G., Hernández Robles, D. R., Plata Corredor, C. A., Stjernegaard Jeppesen, T., Örn, A., Vandepitte, L., Hobern, D., Schalk, P., DeWalt, R. E., Ma, K., Miller, J., Orrell, T., Aalbu, R., Abbott, J., Adlard, R., Aedo, C., et al. (2024). Catalogue of Life Checklist (Version 2024-03-26);
Some related literature:
[CruL]; Silfverberg, 1999
A provisional list of Finnish Crustacea
Mem. Soc. F. F. Fenn. 75
: 15-37
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.